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Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1402601, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39011308


Forestry is facing an unprecedented challenging time. Due to climate change, major tree species, which until recently fulfilled major ecosystem services, are being lost and it is often unclear if forest conversion with other native or non-native tree species (NNT) are able to maintain or restore the endangered ecosystem services. Using data from the Austrian Forest Inventory, we analysed the current and future (2081-2100, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) productivity of forests, as well as their protective function (avalanches and rockfall). Five different species change scenarios were considered for the replacement of a tree species failing in the future. We used seven native tree species (Picea abies, Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris, Larix decidua, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Quercus petraea) and nine NNT (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Abies grandis, Thuja plicata, Pinus radiata, Pinus contorta, Robinia pseudoacacia, Quercus rubra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Juglans nigra). The results show that no adaptation would lead to a loss of productivity and a decrease in tree species richness. The combined use of native and NNT is more favorable than purely using native species in terms of productivity and tree species richness. The impact of the different species change scenarios can vary greatly between the different environmental zones of Austria (Alpine south, Continental and Pannonian). The Pannonian zone would benefit from the use of NNT in terms of timber production. For the protection against avalanches or rockfall in alpine regions, NNT would not be an advantage, and it is more important if broadleaved or coniferous trees are used. Depending on whether timber production, protective function or tree species richness are considered, different tree species or species change scenarios can be recommended. Especially in protective forests, other aspects are essential compared to commercial forests. Our results provide a basis for forest owners/managers in three European environmental zones to make decisions on a sustainable selection of tree species to plant in the face of climate change.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 9969, 2024 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38693220


This paper proposes a prediction method for the tension force of support ropes in flexible rockfall barriers. The method is based on two full-scale model tests with an impact energy of 3000 kJ, as well as 36 set numerical models featuring varying lengths and impact energies. From the results of full scale tests and numerical models, it is inferred that the tension force at the end of the support rope is significantly less than that at the point of impact, exhibiting an approximate Gaussian attenuation distribution with propagation distance. To account for the attenuation of tensile forces in support ropes, a tensile attenuation coefficient is defined. Through comparative analysis of data obtained from 36 models with varying impact energies and propagation distances, the average attenuation coefficient for the upper support rope is determined to be approximately 0.7, while the average coefficient for the lower support rope is around 0.8. Utilizing the least squares method, a prediction method for the tension force of support ropes in flexible rockfall barriers is established. This method takes into account both the propagation distance and impact energy, enabling accurate predictions of the tensile behavior of the ropes under different conditions. This prediction model provides valuable insights for engineers in the design and optimization of these flexible barriers for rockfall mitigation.

Risk Anal ; 2023 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37952939


Over large regions exposed to natural disasters, cascading effects resulting from complex or concatenated natural processes may represent a large portion of total risk. Populated high-mountain environments are a major concern, and methods for large-scale quantitative risk analyses are urgently required to improve risk mitigation. This article presents a comprehensive quantitative rockfall risk assessment over a large archetypal valley of the Andean mountains, in Central Chile, which integrates a wide spectrum of elements at risk. Risk is expressed as an expected damage both in monetary terms and casualties, at different scales relevant for decision making. Notably, total rockfall risk is divided into its main drivers, which allows quantifying seismically induced rockfall risk. For this purpose, the local seismic hazard is quantified and the yield acceleration, that is, acceleration required to initiate rockfall, is determined at the regional scale. The probability of failure is thereafter derived in terms of annual frequency of rockfall initiation and integrated in the quantitative risk assessment (QRA) process. Our results show the significant role of seismic activity as the triggering mechanism of rockfalls, and highlight elements at risk that have a major contribution to the total risk. Eventually a sensitivity analysis is conducted to (i) assess the robustness of obtained risk estimates to the data and modeling choices and (ii) identify the most influential assumptions. Our approach evidences the feasibility of large-scale QRAs in sensitive environments and opens perspectives for refining QRAs in similar territories significantly affected by cascading effects and multihazards.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(16)2023 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37631814


Rockfalls and landslide events are caused by different factors among which are included geomorphological and climatic factors and also human interaction. Therefore, the economic and social impacts can be significant and the remote monitoring of such hazards has become an essential topic in various applications. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are well suited for the deployment of monitoring systems, benefiting from the different technologies and topologies that are available and evolving nowadays. This review paper aims to summarize and overview the up-to-date state of the art of rockfall and landslide monitoring systems based on WSNs. The implementation and methods were analyzed for each solution, along with the system architecture and relevant hardware aspects. All the retrieved data were used to analyze the current trends and future possibilities in the field of WSN geohazard monitoring.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(3)2022 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35161760


Discrete particle dynamics is one of the least understood aspects of river bedload transport, but in situ measurement of stone movement during floods poses a significant technical challenge. A promising approach to address this knowledge gap is to use sensors embedded within stones. Sensors must be waterproof and recoverable after being transported downstream and potentially buried by other sediment. To address this challenge rugged sensors (Kinematic Loggers) were developed for deployment inside stones (ranging in size from cobbles to boulders) during floods. The sensors feature a 9-axis inertial measurement unit, 3-axis high-g accelerometer, 128 MB flash memory, and a 433 MHz LoRa radio transmission module for sensor recovery. The sensors are enclosed in rugged waterproof housings for deployment in extreme conditions (i.e., bedload transport during floods). Novel relay units and drone-based recovery systems were also developed for finding the sensors after field deployments. Firmware to control the sensors and relay units was developed, as well as software for configuring the sensors and an android application for communicating with the sensors via the LoRa radio transmission module. This paper covers the technical development of the sensors, mounting them inside stones, and field recovery tests. Although designed for measurement of coarse bedload transport and particle dynamics during floods, the sensors are equally applicable for deployment in other harsh environments, such as to study landslide and rockfall dynamics.

Inundaciones , Ríos , Aceleración , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Programas Informáticos
Landslides ; 18(3): 865-879, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33746675


A growing body of research indicates that rock slope failures, particularly from exfoliating cliffs, are promoted by rock deformations induced by daily temperature cycles. Although previous research has described how these deformations occur, full three-dimensional monitoring of both the deformations and the associated temperature changes has not yet been performed. Here we use integrated terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and infrared thermography (IRT) techniques to monitor daily deformations of two granitic exfoliating cliffs in Yosemite National Park (CA, USA). At one cliff, we employed TLS and IRT in conjunction with in situ instrumentation to confirm previously documented behavior of an exfoliated rock sheet, which experiences daily closing and opening of the exfoliation fracture during rock cooling and heating, respectively, with a few hours delay from the minimum and maximum temperatures. The most deformed portion of the sheet coincides with the area where both the fracture aperture and the temperature variations are greatest. With the general deformation and temperature relations established, we then employed IRT at a second cliff, where we remotely detected and identified 11 exfoliation sheets that displayed those general thermal relations. TLS measurements then subsequently confirmed the deformation patterns of these sheets showing that sheets with larger apertures are more likely to display larger thermal-related deformations. Our high-frequency monitoring shows how coupled TLS and IRT allows for remote detection of thermally induced deformations and, importantly, how IRT could potentially be used on its own to identify partially detached exfoliation sheets capable of large-scale deformation. These results offer a new and efficient approach for investigating potential rockfall sources on exfoliating cliffs.

Sci Total Environ ; 697: 134077, 2019 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31473550


Forests provide a series of ecosystem services, including the protection from natural hazards. Thanks to these forests, structural protection measures can be avoided in many places. A realistic long-term valuation of this ecosystem-based risk reduction provided by the forest is essential. The aim of this study is to assess the Net Present Value (NPV) of a protection forest using a risk-based approach and compare it to the NPV of rockfall nets. Costs to be included in the NPV calculation are forest management interventions, net construction, and benefits are the risk reduction and wood sales. The risk reduction is monetised as avoided costs, i.e. the difference between the yearly rockfall risk with and without measure. Uncertainties in the protection effect due to possible forest fires were simulated over a period of 100years using a Monte-Carlo approach. Both the protection forest and the nets effectively reduce rockfall risk at the study site. The NPV of the nets is highly negative (-124,100 CHF/ha), indicating that they are economically not worthwhile at the study site. The NPV of the protection forest is highly positive (162,400 CHF/ha). The variation of the NPV due to fires is very low and the influence of this disturbance on the long-term efficiency of the protection forest is small. Building temporary nets in case of a large fire can restore the protective effect. Their NPV is, however, lower compared to the situation without net. By calculating the NPV of a forest considering its risk reducing effect, we provide a methodology for a realistic valuation of its protective effect. It is based on a case study, which, however, can be applied in a broader context. The presented approach can serve as basis to find optimal combinations of investment in natural hazard prevention, be this ecosystem-based or structural measures.

Sci Total Environ ; 662: 422-433, 2019 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30690376


Rockfall leads to visible changes in mountain areas and as high-magnitude event has geohazard potential and should be monitored. On forested slopes, active rockfall could be identified with high precision from visible anatomical changes in tree-rings. To discern possible rockfall events in the Tatra Mountains, dendrogeomorphologic methods were applied and correlated with meteorological conditions. Field research was carried out on Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in the Koscieliska Valley. Rockfall signals (RSs) were obtained from both qualitative (scars and traumatic resin ducts) data and quantitative (growth release and suppression) data. Multiple regression and ANOVA analysis were employed to recognize the meteorological conditions, which cause rockfall activity. Different periods of rockfall activity were observed during the years 1950-2014. The weakest activity was observed during 1950-1970 while after 1970 a continuous increase in rockfall activity was observed in our study. There was a clear peak in the number of RSs recorded per year in 1985. Cumulative precipitation and temperatures for January, March, May, June, July, August, September and October are statistically significant as the periods of the year in which rockfall is activated in the Tatra Mountains. In terms of activity, three different Levels of Rockfall Activity (LoRAs) were recognized and show significant correlation with the meteorological data. Distinguished meteorological control factors determining rockfall explains 53% of the total parameters determining rockfall activity. The complexity of the rockfall process means that a better understanding of local conditions and the possible uncertainties associated with the dendrogeomorphologic method and the quality of the meteorological data is needed.

Sci Total Environ ; 609: 132-143, 2017 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28735090


Rockfall is one of the main geomorphological processes that affects the evolution and stability of rock-walls. At high elevations, rockfall is largely climate-driven, very probably because of the warming of rock-wall permafrost. So with the ongoing global warming that drives the degradation of permafrost, the related hazards for people and infrastructure could continue to increase. The heatwave of summer 2015, which affected Western Europe from the end of June to August, had a serious impact on the stability of high-altitude rock-walls, including those in the Mont Blanc massif. A network of observers allowed us to survey the frequency and intensity of rock-wall morphodynamics in 2015, and to verify its relationship with permafrost. These observations were compared with those of the 2003 summer heatwave, identified and quantified by remote sensing. A comparison between the two years shows a fairly similar rockfall pattern in respect of total volumes and high frequencies (about 160 rockfalls >100m3) but the total volume for 2003 is higher than the 2015 one (about 300,000m3 and 170,000m3 respectively). In both cases, rockfalls were numerous but with a low magnitude and occurred in permafrost-affected areas. This suggests a sudden and remarkable deepening of the active layer during these two summers, rather than a longer-term warming of the permafrost body.

Sci Adv ; 2(9): e1600969, 2016 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27652344


Human modification of natural landscapes has influenced surface processes in many settings on Earth. Quantitative data comparing the distribution and behavior of geologic phenomena before and after human arrival are sparse but urgently required to evaluate possible anthropogenic influences on geologic hazards. We conduct field and imagery-based mapping, statistical analysis, and numerical modeling of rockfall boulders triggered by the fatal 2011 Christchurch earthquakes (n = 285) and newly identified prehistoric (Holocene and Pleistocene) boulders (n = 1049). Prehistoric and modern boulders are lithologically equivalent, derived from the same source cliff, and yield consistent power-law frequency-volume distributions. However, a significant population of modern boulders (n = 26) traveled farther downslope (>150 m) than their most-traveled prehistoric counterparts, causing extensive damage to residential dwellings at the foot of the hillslope. Replication of prehistoric boulder distributions using three-dimensional rigid-body numerical models that incorporate lidar-derived digital topography and realistic boulder trajectories and volumes requires the application of a drag coefficient, attributed to moderate to dense slope vegetation, to account for their spatial distribution. Incorporating a spatially variable native forest into the models successfully predicts prehistoric rockfall distributions. Radiocarbon dating provides evidence for 17th to early 20th century deforestation at the study site during Polynesian and European colonization and after emplacement of prehistoric rockfall. Anthropocene deforestation enabled modern rockfalls to exceed the limits of their prehistoric predecessors, highlighting a shift in the geologic expression of rockfalls due to anthropogenic activity. Reforestation of hillslopes by mature native vegetation could help reduce future rockfall hazard.

Planeta Tierra , Ecosistema , Fenómenos Geológicos , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/tendencias , Terremotos , Bosques , Humanos
Sensors (Basel) ; 16(2): 174, 2016 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26840315


Rockfall protection barriers are connected to the ground using steel cables fixed with anchors and foundations for the steel posts. It is common practice to measure the forces in the cables, while to date measurements of forces in the foundations have been inadequately resolved. An overview is presented of existing methods to measure the loads on the post foundations of rockfall protection barriers. Addressing some of the inadequacies of existing approaches, a novel sensor unit is presented that is able to capture the forces acting on post foundations in all six degrees of freedom. The sensor unit consists of four triaxial force sensors placed between two steel plates. To correctly convert the measurements into the directional forces acting on the foundation a special in-situ calibration procedure is proposed that delivers a corresponding conversion matrix.

Sci Total Environ ; 547: 345-355, 2016 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26789372


Several studies have debated the incidence of global warming on the probability of rock instability, whereas the impacts of land use and land cover (LULC) changes on rockfall propagation and associated hazards have received comparably little interest. In this study we evaluate the impacts of LULC changes on rockfall hazards on the slopes above the village of Crolles (Chartreuse massif, Grenoble conurbation, French Alps) through a three-level approach: (i) diachronic landscape analysis for four different periods of the past (i.e. 1850, 1956, 1975, and 2013), (ii) computation of 3D rockfall simulations taking explicitly account of reconstructed LULC changes, and (iii) resulting changes in rockfall hazards over time. We reveal that the disappearance of viticultural landscapes (relating to the decline of cropping areas during the interwar period) and intense afforestation of the steepest upper portion of the slope resulted in a significant increase of rockfall return period associated to a gradual decrease of mean kinetic energy at the level of the urban front of Crolles. According to the Eurobloc methodology, the degree of hazard decreased significantly despite the continuous and rapid urban sprawl on the slopes. These results underline that forests can indeed have significant protection function but also call for a more systematic inclusion of LULC changes in hazard assessments in the future.

Wilderness Environ Med ; 26(1): 68-71, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25443759


OBJECTIVE: To describe the prehospital management and safety of search and rescue (SAR) teams involved in a large-scale rockfall disaster and monitor the acute and chronic health effects on personnel with severe dolomitic dust exposure. METHODS: SAR personnel underwent on-site medical screening and lung function testing 3 months and 3 years after the event. RESULTS: The emergency dispatch center was responsible for central coordination of resources. One hundred fifty SAR members from multidisciplinary air- and ground-based teams as well as geotechnical experts were dispatched to a provisionary operation center. Acute exposure to dolomite dust with detectable silicon and magnesium concentrations was not associated with (sub)acute or chronic sequelae or a clinically significant impairment in lung function in exposed personnel. CONCLUSIONS: The risk for personnel involved in mountain SAR operations is rarely reported and not easily investigated or quantified. This case exemplifies the importance of a multiskilled team and additional considerations for prehospital management during natural hazard events. Safety plans should include compulsory protective measures and medical monitoring of personnel.

Carbonato de Calcio/toxicidad , Desastres , Polvo/análisis , Personal de Salud , Deslizamientos de Tierra , Magnesio/toxicidad , Medicina Ambiental/organización & administración , Medicina Ambiental/estadística & datos numéricos , Italia , Seguridad