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Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14154, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37489292


Human water use combined with a recent megadrought have reduced river and stream flow through the southwest United States and led to periodic drying of formerly perennial river segments. Reductions in snowmelt runoff and increased extent of drying collectively threaten short-lived, obligate aquatic species, including the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus). This species is subject to boom-and-bust population dynamics, under which large fluctuations in abundance are expected to lower estimates of effective population size and erode genetic diversity over time. Rates of diversity loss are also affected by additions of hatchery-origin fish used to supplement the wild population. We used demographic and genetic data from wild and hatchery individuals to examine the relationship of genetic diversity and effective population size to abundance over the last two decades. Genetic diversity was low during the early 2000s, but diversity and demographic metrics stabilized after the hatchery program was initiated and environmental conditions improved. Yet, from 2017 onward, allelic diversity declined (Cohen's d = 1.34) and remained low despite hatchery stocking and brief wild population recovery. Across the time series, single-sample estimates of effective population size based on linkage disequilibrium (LD Ne ) were positively associated (r = 0.53) with wild abundance and total abundance, but as the proportion of hatchery-origin spawners increased, LD Ne declined (r = -0.55). Megadrought limited wild spawner abundance and precluded refreshment of hatchery brood stocks with wild fish; hence, we predict a riverine population increasingly dominated by hatchery-origin individuals and accelerated loss of genetic diversity despite supplementation. We recommend an adaptive and accelerated management plan that integrates river flow management and hatchery operations to slow the pace of genetic diversity loss exacerbated by megadrought.

El uso humano del agua, combinado con una megasequía reciente, ha reducido el flujo de los ríos y arroyos en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y ha provocado la seca periódica de segmentos de ríos que antes eran perennes. Las reducciones en la escorrentía del deshielo y el aumento de la sequía amenazan colectivamente a especies obligatoriamente acuáticas de vida corta, incluyendo la amenazada carpa chamizal (Hybognathus amarus). Esta especie está sujeta a una dinámica poblacional de explosión y colapso, bajo la cual se espera que grandes fluctuaciones en la abundancia reduzcan las estimaciones del tamaño efectivo de la población y erosionen la diversidad genética con el tiempo. Las tasas de pérdida de la diversidad también se ven afectadas por la adición de peces procedentes de criaderos usados para suplementar la población silvestre. Utilizamos datos demográficos y genéticos de individuos silvestres y de criaderos para examinar la relación entre la diversidad genética y el tamaño efectivo de la población con la abundancia durante las últimas dos décadas. La diversidad genética fue baja a principios de los 2000, pero las métricas de diversidad y demografía estabilizaron después de que se inició el programa de criadero y mejoraron las condiciones ambientales. Sin embargo, a partir de 2017, la diversidad alélica disminuyó (d de Cohen = 1,34) y se mantuvo baja a pesar de la suplementación con individuos de criaderos y la breve recuperación de la población silvestre. A lo largo del tiempo, las estimativas de muestras individuales del tamaño efectivo de la población basados en el desequilibrio de ligamiento (LD Ne) estaban asociadas positivamente (r = 0,53) con la abundancia silvestre y la abundancia total, pero a medida que la proporción de desovadores originados en criaderos aumentó, el LD Ne disminuyó (r = -0,55). La megasequía limitó la abundancia de desovadores silvestres e impidió el reabastecimiento de las poblaciones en cautiverio con peces silvestres; por lo tanto, predecimos una población ribereña cada vez más dominada por individuos procedentes de criaderos y una pérdida acelerada de diversidad genética a pesar de la suplementación. Recomendamos un plan de gestión adaptativo y acelerado que integre la gestión del caudal del río y las operaciones de criaderos para frenar el ritmo de pérdida de diversidad genética exacerbada por la megasequía.

Cyprinidae , Variación Genética , Humanos , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Cyprinidae/genética , Ríos , Cruzamiento
J Hered ; 114(5): 470-487, 2023 08 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37347974


Sex determination systems and genetic sex differentiation across fishes are highly diverse but are unknown for most Cypriniformes, including Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus). In this study, we aimed to detect and validate sex-linked markers to infer sex determination system and to demonstrate the utility of combining several methods for sex-linked marker detection in nonmodel organisms. To identify potential sex-linked markers, Nextera-tagmented reductively amplified DNA (nextRAD) libraries were generated from 66 females, 64 males, and 60 larvae of unknown sex. These data were combined with female and male de novo genomes from Nanopore long-read sequences. We identified five potential unique male nextRAD-tags and one potential unique male contig, suggesting an XY sex determination system. We also identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the same contig with values of FST, allele frequencies, and heterozygosity conforming with expectations of an XY system. Through PCR we validated the marker containing the sex-linked SNPs and a single nextRAD-tag sex-associated marker but it was not male specific. Instead, more copies of this locus in the male genome were suggested by enhanced amplification in males. Results are consistent with an XY system with low differentiation between sex-determining regions. Further research is needed to confirm the level of differentiation between the sex chromosomes. Nonetheless, this study highlighted the power of combining reduced representation and whole-genome sequencing for identifying sex-linked markers, especially when reduced representation sequencing does not include extensive variation between sexes, either because such variation is not present or not captured.

Cipriniformes , Masculino , Animales , Femenino , Cipriniformes/genética , Cromosoma Y , Genoma , Cromosomas Sexuales/genética , Flujo Genético , Marcadores Genéticos , Procesos de Determinación del Sexo/genética
Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 5(3): 2368-2370, 2020 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33457794


Gila elegans, Hybognathus amarus, and Tiaroga cobitis (Family Cyprinidae, Order Cypriniformes) are endemic and endangered fishes in the southwestern United States. We present complete mitochondrial genomes for each species. Each mitochondrion consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal (rRNA) genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and a single control region (D-loop), and gene order was consistent with other cyprinid fishes. Total genome lengths were 16,593 base pairs (bp) for G. elegans, 16,705 bp for H. amarus, and 16,802 for T. cobitis. The GC content in G. elegans and H. amarus was 44%, but higher in T. cobitis at 48%. Phylogenetic trees were generated to confirm relationships inferred via novel mitogenomes, and best-supported trees were consistent with previous research.