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Int J Infect Dis ; : 107230, 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241956


BACKGROUND: Efforts to shorten rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) treatment have led to concerns about hepatotoxicity in shorter regimens. We evaluated hepatotoxicity in two novel regimens against the standard shorter regimen recommended by WHO. METHODS: Participants from the TB-TRUST and TB-TRUST plus trials were assigned to the WHO shorter regimen, a levofloxacin-based regimen, or a bedaquiline-based regimen. Liver function was tested bi-weekly in the first month, then monthly until treatment ended. Eligibility required receiving at least one drug dose and undergoing at least two liver function tests. RESULTS: Of 429 patients, hepatotoxicity was most prevalent in the WHO shorter group (26.7% of 169), compared to 4.7% in the levofloxacin group (172 patients), and 5.7% in the bedaquiline group (88 patients). The median peak ALT levels were 1.67 × ULN for WHO, 0.82 × ULN for levofloxacin, and 0.88 × ULN for bedaquiline groups. The incidence of drug-induced liver injury was significantly higher in the WHO group (18.3%) than in the levofloxacin (3.5%) and bedaquiline (4.6%) groups. Time to significant ALT elevation was about 2.8 months, with no differences between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Two novel regimens demonstrated lower hepatotoxicity compared to the WHO shorter regimen. Entire course management monitoring is recommended in RR-TB treatment.

Infect Drug Resist ; 17: 3253-3263, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104459


Background: Multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) with high mortality remains a public health crisis and health security threat. This study aimed to explore the predictive value of nutritional indices for all-cause mortality (ACM) in MDR/RR-TB patients. Methods: We retrospectively recruited MDR/RR-TB patients between January 2015 and December 2021, randomly assigning them to training and validation cohorts. Patients were divided into high nutritional risk groups (HNRGs) and low nutritional risk groups (LNRGs) based on the optimal cut-off value obtained from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses of the hemoglobin-albumin-lymphocyte-platelet (HALP) score, prognostic nutritional index (PNI), and controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score. In the training cohort, Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Log rank tests were used to compare overall survival (OS) between the groups. Cox risk proportion regression analyses were used to explore the risk factors of ACM in patients with MDR/RR-TB. The predictive performance of ACM was assessed using area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity and specificity of ROC analyses. Results: A total of 524 MDR/RR-TB patients, with 255 in the training cohort and 269 in the validation cohort, were included. Survival analyses in the training cohort revealed significantly lower OS in the HNRGs compared to the LNRGs. After adjusting for covariates, multivariate analysis identified low HALP score, low PNI and high CONUT score were independent risk factors for ACM in MDR/RR-TB patients. ROC analyses demonstrated good predictive performance for ACM with AUCs of 0.765, 0.783, 0.807, and 0.811 for HALP score, PNI, CONUT score, and their combination, respectively. Similar results were observed in the validation set. Conclusion: HALP score, PNI, and CONUT scores could effectively predict ACM in patients with MDR/RR-TB. Hence, routine screening for malnutrition should be given more attention in clinical practice to identify MDR/RR-TB patients at higher risk of mortality and provide them with nutritional support to reduce mortality.

medRxiv ; 2024 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040177


We conducted a retrospective cohort study among individuals with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis and diabetes to determine the association between metformin use and tuberculosis treatment outcomes. We found that individuals with metformin use had a significantly lower risk of poor tuberculosis treatment outcomes (adjusted RR=0.25, 95%CI 0.06 - 0.95) compared to those without.

IJTLD Open ; 1(5): 215-222, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39022776


INTRODUCTION: In South Africa, Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra (Ultra) is the recommended diagnostic assay for TB with line-probe assays for first- (LPAfl) and second-line drugs (LPAsl) providing additional drug susceptibility testing (DST) for samples that were rifampicin-resistant (RR-TB). To guide implementation of the recently launched Xpert® MTB/XDR (MTB/XDR) assay, a cost-outcomes analysis was conducted comparing total costs for genotypic DST (gDST) for persons diagnosed with RR-TB considering three strategies: replacing LPAfl/LPAsl (centralised level) with MTB/XDR vs. Ultra reflex testing (decentralised level). Further, DST was performed using residual specimen following RR-TB diagnosis. METHODS: The total cost of gDST was determined for three strategies, considering loss to follow-up (LTFU), unsuccessful test rates, and specimen volume. RESULTS: For 2019, 9,415 persons were diagnosed with RR-TB. A 35% LTFU rate between RR-TB diagnosis and LPAfl/LPAsl-DST was estimated. Unsuccessful test rates of 37% and 23.3% were reported for LPAfl and LPAsl, respectively. The estimated total costs were $191,472 for the conventional strategy, $122,352 for the centralised strategy, and $126,838 for the decentralised strategy. However, it was found that sufficient residual volume for reflex MTB/XDR testing is a limiting factor at the decentralised level. CONCLUSION: Centralising the implementation of XDR testing, as compared to LPAfl/LPAsl, leads to significant cost savings.

INTRODUCTION: En Afrique du Sud, Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra (Ultra) est le test de diagnostic recommandé pour la TB avec des tests par sonde de ligne pour les médicaments de première (LPAfl) et de deuxième ligne (LPAsl) fournissant des tests de sensibilité aux médicaments (DST) supplémentaires pour les échantillons résistants à la rifampicine (RR-TB). Afin d'orienter la mise en œuvre du test Xpert® MTB/XDR (MTB/XDR) récemment lancé, une analyse coûts-résultats a été réalisée en comparant les coûts totaux de la DST génotypique (gDST) pour les personnes diagnostiquées avec une RR-TB en tenant compte de trois stratégies : remplacer le LPAfl/LPAsl (niveau centralisé) par le MTB/XDR par rapport au test Ultra reflex (niveau décentralisé). De plus, l'heure d'été a été réalisée à l'aide d'un échantillon résiduel après le diagnostic de RR-TB. MÉTHODES: Le coût total de la gDST a été déterminé pour trois stratégies, en tenant compte de la perte de suivi (LTFU), des taux d'échec des tests et du volume d'échantillons. RÉSULTATS: En 2019, 9 415 personnes ont reçu un diagnostic de RR-TB. Un taux de LTFU de 35% entre le diagnostic de RR-TB et le diagnostic de LPAfl/LPAsl-DST a été estimé. Des taux d'échec de 37% et de 23,3% ont été signalés pour LPAfl et LPAsl, respectivement. Les coûts totaux estimés étaient de 191 472 dollars pour la stratégie conventionnelle, de 122 352 dollars pour la stratégie centralisée et de 126 838 dollars pour la stratégie décentralisée. Cependant, il a été constaté qu'un volume résiduel suffisant pour les tests réflexes MTB/XDR est un facteur limitant au niveau décentralisé. CONCLUSION: La centralisation de la mise en œuvre des tests XDR, par rapport à LPAfl/LPAsl, permet de réaliser d'importantes économies.

IJTLD Open ; 1(3): 103-110, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966407


In 2022, the WHO European Region accounted for 15.1% of all incident rifampicin-resistant/multidrug-resistant TB (RR/MDR-TB) cases. Most occurred in 18 high-priority countries of eastern Europe and central Asia, many of which joined an initiative led by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The aim was to introduce three, fully oral, 9-month modified shorter treatment regimens (mSTR) to treat RR/MDR-TB under operational research conditions. The three regimens were: 1) bedaquiline + linezolid + levofloxacin + clofazimine + cycloserine (BdqLzdLfxCfzCs); 2) BdqLzdLfxCfz + delamanid (Dlm) for children over 6 years of age and adults; and 3) DlmLzdLfxCfz for children under 6 years of age. The project aimed to enhance treatment success, facilitate mSTR implementation, promote quality of care and build research capacity, while also contributing to global knowledge on all-oral mSTR use. Between April 2020 and June 2022, >2,800 patients underwent mSTR treatment in the WHO European Region. This unique experience promoted further collaboration with national tuberculosis programmes, health authorities, experts and donors within and outside Europe, with a focus on implementing operational research and improving the quality of care in high TB burden countries of the region. In the hope of encouraging others to adopt this model, we have described the principles of the initiative, its strengths and weaknesses and next steps.

En 2022, la Région européenne de l'OMS a recensé 15,1% de l'ensemble des cas de TB résistante à la rifampicine/multirésistante aux médicaments (RR/MDR-TB). La majorité de ces cas ont eu lieu dans 18 pays hautement prioritaires d'Europe orientale et d'Asie centrale, parmi lesquels de nombreux ont adhéré à une initiative dirigée par le Bureau régional de l'OMS pour l'Europe. L'objectif était de mettre en place trois schémas thérapeutiques modifiés plus courts de 9 mois, entièrement oraux, (mSTR, pour l'anglais "fully oral, 9-month modified shorter treatment regimens ¼) pour le traitement de la RR/MDR-TB dans le cadre d'une recherche opérationnelle. Ces trois schémas étaient les suivants 1) bédaquiline + linézolide + lévofloxacine + clofazimine + cyclosérine (BdqLzdLfxCfzCs) ; 2) BdqLzdLfxCfz + delamanid (Dlm) pour les enfants de plus de 6 ans et les adultes ; et 3) DlmLzdLfxCfz pour les enfants de moins de 6 ans. Le projet visait à améliorer l'efficacité des traitements, à faciliter l'application des mSTR, à promouvoir la qualité des soins et à renforcer les capacités de recherche, tout en contribuant aux connaissances mondiales sur l'utilisation des mSTR par voie orale. Entre avril 2020 et juin 2022, plus de 2 800 patients ont reçu un traitement par mSTR dans la Région Européenne de l'OMS. Cette expérience unique a encouragé la continuation de la collaboration avec les programmes nationaux de lutte contre la TB, les autorités sanitaires, les experts et les donateurs tant en Europe qu'à l'étranger. L'accent est mis sur la mise en œuvre de la recherche opérationnelle et l'amélioration de la qualité des soins dans les pays de la région où la TB est fortement prévalente. Nous avons détaillé les principes de l'initiative, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, dans l'espoir d'inciter d'autres pays à suivre cet exemple, tout en exposant les étapes à venir.

IJTLD Open ; 1(4): 181-188, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38988411


SETTING: The Republic of Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries, also bears one of the highest burdens of rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB). OBJECTIVES: To trace the patients' journey through TB in terms of the relationship with poverty and assess its determinants. DESIGN: This cross-sectional study used secondary data from a survey assessing catastrophic costs in RR-TB-affected households. RESULTS: Data were obtained from 430 RR-TB patients. The percentage of poor TB-affected households rose from 65% prior to TB to 86% after TB treatment completion (P < 0.001). Social factors leading to poverty were identified for each stage: diagnostic period (history of incarceration: cOR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1-5.2); treatment period (being unemployed or unofficially employed: cOR 6.7, 95% CI 4.3-10.0); and post-treatment (being married or cohabiting: cOR 5.7, 95% CI 2.9-11.0). Participants who had ≥3 members in their households were more likely to be poor at all TB stages: diagnostic period (cOR 5.7, 95% CI 3.7-8.8), treatment period (cOR 3.8, 95% CI 2.5-5.6) and post-treatment (cOR 7.2, 95% CI 3.6-14.3). CONCLUSION: The study identified risk factors associated with poverty at each stage of TB. These findings outline that innovative social protection policies are required to protect TB patients against poverty.

CONTEXTE: La République de Moldavie est l'un des pays les plus pauvres d'Europe et l'un des plus touchés par la TB résistante à la rifampicine (RR-TB). OBJECTIFS: Nous avons cartographié le parcours des patients atteints de TB en lien avec la pauvreté et évalué les déterminants associés. MÉTHODE: Cette étude transversale a analysé des données secondaires issues d'une enquête évaluant les coûts catastrophiques supportés par les ménages touchés par la RR-TB. RÉSULTATS: Des données ont été recueillies auprès de 430 patients atteints de RR-TB. Le taux de ménages pauvres touchés par la TB est passé de 65% avant le traitement à 86% après la fin du traitement de la TB (P < 0,001). Pour chaque stade de la TB, les facteurs sociaux conduisant à la pauvreté ont été identifiés : période de diagnostic (antécédents d'emprisonnement : rapport de cotes brut (cOR) 2,3, IC à 95% 1,1­5,2) ; période de traitement (être au chômage ou employé officieux : cOR 6,7 ; IC 95% 4,3­10,0) ; et post-traitement (être marié ou cohabitant : cOR 5,7, IC 95% 2,9­11,0). Les participants dont le ménage comptait ≥3 membres étaient plus susceptibles d'être pauvres à tous les stades de la TB : période de diagnostic (cOR 5,7 ; IC à 95% 3,7­8,8), période de traitement (cOR 3,8 ; IC à 95% 2,5­5,6) et post-traitement (cOR 7,2 ; IC à 95% 3,6­14,3). CONCLUSION: L'étude a permis d'identifier des facteurs de risque liés à la pauvreté à toutes les étapes de la TB. Ces résultats soulignent l'importance de mettre en place des politiques de protection sociale novatrices pour prévenir l'appauvrissement des patients atteints de TB.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1319845, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912342


Introduction: Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The emergence and spread of drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis in both developing and developed countries has made diagnosis, treatment, and control of tuberculosis more difficult. The PCR assay, which is a fast and sensitive technique and an alternative method for detecting multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, is used to determine rifampicin (RIF) resistance. There is no single figure in Ethiopia that represents rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis and that is why this study was conducted to overcome the inconsistency of the results of the previous studies. Methods: Studies were researched from five major electronic databases. Studies which were cross-sectional in design, published, and written in English were included. The data were extracted using Microsoft Excel, and the data were managed and analyzed using Stata™ Version 17.0 statistical software. The Forest plot was used to check the presence of heterogeneity. The publication bias, meta-regression, and subgroup analysis were used to find out the source of heterogeneity. A random effect analysis model was used to pool the prevalence of RR TB from primary studies, and associated factors of RR among TB patients were identified using Meta regression. The presence of association was reported using OR with 95% CI. Results: The overall pooled prevalence of tuberculosis was 14.9% (95% CI: 13.34, 16.46), of these approximately 7.48% (95% CI: 6.30, 8.66) showed rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Among the computed variables, 2.05% living with HIV1.39 (95%CI: 1.13, 1.72) and having a history of TB treatment (95%CI: 1.34, 3.15) were identified as significant factors associated with RR TB in Ethiopia. Conclusion: Drug-resistant TB is one of the prevalent emerging infectious diseases among TB patients, which affects approximately one out of every thirteen TB patients. Having TB-HIV coinfection and a history of prior TB treatment were identified as significant factors associated with RR TB. To prevent and control RR TB, patients should complete their follow-up course; the health professionals should educate the actions taken by the patients when they experience drug toxicity and side effects; and the Minister of Health should initiate telemedicine and recruit tracers to overcome TB patients' default and have good drug adherence and retention after initiation of the treatment.

Heliyon ; 10(11): e31959, 2024 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38868072


Objective: To detect levofloxacin (LFX) and moxifloxacin (MFX) resistance among rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) isolates, and predict the resistance level based on specific mutations in gyrA and gyrB genes. Methods: A total of 686 RR-TB isolates were collected from Chinese Drug Resistance Surveillance Program from 2013 to 2020. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 12 anti-TB drugs were acquired using the broth microdilution method, followed by whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis. Results: Among the 686 RR isolates, the most prevalent resistance was to isoniazid (80.5 %) and ethambutol (28.4 %), followed by LFX (26.1 %) and MFX (21.9 %). The resistance rate of LFX (26.1%-99.4 %) was higher than that of MFX (21.9%-83.3 %) across various drug resistance patterns. Of the 180 fluoroquinolones (FQs) resistant isolates, 168 (93.3 %) had mutations in quinolone-resistant determining regions (QRDRs) with 21 mutation types, and Asp94Gly (32.7 %, 55/168) was the predominant mutation. Isolates with mutations in Asp94Asn and Asp94Gly were associated with high levels of resistance to LFX and MFX. Using broth microdilution method as gold standard, the sensitivities of WGS for LFX and MFX were 93.3 % and 98.0 %, and the specificities were 98.6 % and 95.0 %, respectively. Conclusion: The resistance rate of LFX was higher than that of MFX among various drug resistance patterns in RR-TB isolates. The gyrA Asp94Gly was the predominant mutation type underlying FQs resistance. However, no significant difference was observed between mutation patterns in gyrA gene and resistance level of FQs.

Int J Risk Saf Med ; 35(3): 287-295, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38701164


BACKGROUND: The implementation of modified, all-oral shorter regimens for treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis has started in Armenia since August 2020 under the conditions of operational research. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of shorter regimens. METHODS: We evaluated cumulative incidence rates of serious adverse events, adverse events of grade 3 and greater and events resulting in treatment modifications or suspension for 52 study participants. RESULTS: A new, different pattern of adverse events emerged compared with the previous evaluations of drug safety of treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. Arthralgia (23.1%) and peripheral neuropathy (21.2%) took leading positions among the adverse events resulting in modifications of treatment. Some adverse events of interest (prolonged QT interval, elevated liver enzymes and anemia) remained relevant for the patients receiving new combinations of anti-TB drugs. The other adverse events (impaired hearing, acute kidney injury and hypokalemia) lost their significance for safety surveillance of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis treatment. One unexpected serious adverse event (lymphoproliferative skin lesion) brought to a "failed treatment" outcome. The other serious adverse event was anemia. CONCLUSION: The shorter regimens proved to be safe and effective for treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, but proper follow-up of adverse events is necessary.

Antituberculosos , Rifampin , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Armenia , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Rifampin/efectos adversos , Rifampin/administración & dosificación , Rifampin/uso terapéutico , Antituberculosos/efectos adversos , Antituberculosos/administración & dosificación , Antituberculosos/uso terapéutico , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Administración Oral , Esquema de Medicación , Anciano
Front Public Health ; 12: 1372389, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38601494


Background: Mental health disorders in patients with multi-drug or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) receive consistent attention. Anxiety and depression can manifest and may impact disease progression in patients with MDR/RR-TB. Given the heightened stressors resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, this scenario is even more concerning. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors associated with anxiety and depression among patients with MDR/RR-TB in southern China. Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was undertaken at Guangzhou Chest Hospital in southern China, encompassing a cohort of 219 patients undergoing outpatient and inpatient treatment for MDR/RR-TB. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were assessed using the 7-Item Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). The ramifications of anxiety and depression were examined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses, with odds ratios (ORs) and age- and sex-adjusted ORs (AORs) employed to quantify their influence. All data underwent statistical analysis using SPSS 25.0, with statistical significance established at P < 0.05. Results: Two hundred and nineteen individuals with MDR/RR-TB were included in the study. The prevalence of anxiety and depression was 57.53% (n = 126) and 65.75% (n = 144), respectively, with 33.3% (n = 73) of the participants experiencing both conditions simultaneously. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that an age of 20-40 years [anxiety AOR = 3.021, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.240-7.360; depression AOR = 3.538, 95% CI: 1.219-10.268], disease stigma (anxiety AOR = 10.613, 95% CI: 2.966-37.975; depression AOR = 4.514, 95% CI: 2.051-10.108) and poor physical health (anxiety AOR = 7.636, 95% CI: 2.938-19.844; depression AOR = 6.190, 95% CI: 2.468-15.529) were significant risk factors for moderate levels of anxiety and depression. Conclusions: We found that individuals with MDR/RR-TB had an elevated risk of anxiety and depression. To decrease the likelihood of unfavorable treatment outcomes, it is imperative to carefully monitor the psychological wellbeing of patients with MDR/RR-TB and promptly address any detrimental psychiatric conditions.

Rifampin , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Rifampin/uso terapéutico , Depresión/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Pandemias , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/epidemiología , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Factores de Riesgo , Ansiedad/epidemiología , Trastornos de Ansiedad/epidemiología
J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis ; 35: 100426, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468818


Background: Treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) has been shortened to 12 months or less, with duration depending on the regimen used and treatment response. Treatment shortening has the potential to increase the risk of relapse, with a new episode of RR-TB after cure or completion. The proportion of relapses after standardized all-oral short (12 months or less) RR-TB regimens has not yet been systematically reviewed, which is the main objective of this review. Methods: This is a systematic review and meta-analysis. PubMed, Web of Science and Google scholar databases were systematically investigated to identify studies published between January 2018 and November 2023. Characteristics of studies, demographic data, baseline clinical condition, resistance profile, and definitions used for relapse, failure, and end-of-treatment outcomes are summarized in tables and graphs. Pooled proportions are estimated for relapse. Results: A total of ten studies were included in this review and meta-analysis, representing 1792 participants. Seven studies were clinical trials and two were cohorts. Five studies investigated all-oral six-month regimens composed of bedaquiline, pretomanid, and linezolid (BPaL). The remaining studies assessed other standardized all-oral short regimens, with treatment duration between 6 and 12 months. Post-treatment follow-up (PTFU) duration ranged from 6 to 30 months. The pooled proportion estimate of relapse was 2·0% (95 % CI, 1·0-3·0%) for all and BPaL-based regimens. Treatment extension due to poor treatment response was poorly documented. Conclusion: This review showed that the proportion of relapse in RR-TB patients treated with standardized short all-oral regimens was low. The low relapse proportion is similar to what was achieved for drug-susceptible Tuberculosis patients treated with first-line rifampicin-containing regimens. However, most data came from trial settings, and in some studies the post-treatment follow-up was short. Studies of large programmatic cohorts with longer post-treatment follow-up periods are needed to confirm the low relapse rate shown in the clinical trials.

MedComm (2020) ; 5(3): e487, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469547


Deep learning, transforming input data into target prediction through intricate network structures, has inspired novel exploration in automated diagnosis based on medical images. The distinct morphological characteristics of chest abnormalities between drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) and drug-sensitive tuberculosis (DS-TB) on chest computed tomography (CT) are of potential value in differential diagnosis, which is challenging in the clinic. Hence, based on 1176 chest CT volumes from the equal number of patients with tuberculosis (TB), we presented a Deep learning-based system for TB drug resistance identification and subtype classification (DeepTB), which could automatically diagnose DR-TB and classify crucial subtypes, including rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Moreover, chest lesions were manually annotated to endow the model with robust power to assist radiologists in image interpretation and the Circos revealed the relationship between chest abnormalities and specific types of DR-TB. Finally, DeepTB achieved an area under the curve (AUC) up to 0.930 for thoracic abnormality detection and 0.943 for DR-TB diagnosis. Notably, the system demonstrated instructive value in DR-TB subtype classification with AUCs ranging from 0.880 to 0.928. Meanwhile, class activation maps were generated to express a human-understandable visual concept. Together, showing a prominent performance, DeepTB would be impactful in clinical decision-making for DR-TB.

Infect Drug Resist ; 17: 1135-1145, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38525474


Purpose: To ascertain the prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) among refugees suspected of tuberculosis (TB) and related risk factors, including smear-positive and Rifampicin-resistant M.tb. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between January 2020 and May 2020 among 384 refugees in four refugee camps in Northwest Tigray, Ethiopia. Socio-demographic and clinical data were collected from refugees with a history of cough for more than two weeks prospectively. Spot-spot sputum samples were collected and transported in an ice box to the Shire Suhul Hospital Microbiology laboratory; and then examined using a Fluorescent Microscope. All smear-positive samples were further processed by GeneXpert to detect Rifampicin-resistant MTB. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 and a p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The overall prevalence of smear-positive PTB infection was 5.5% (21/384), but No TB case was resistant to Rifampicin detected by GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay. About 70% of the smear-positive pulmonary TB identified were females. Five (23.8%) of the smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases were co-infected by HIV. Sharing of drink and food materials (AOR = 4.36, 95% CI = 1.19-15.89), active TB contact (AOR 7.24, 95% CI = 1.62-32.125), BMI (AOR = 5.23, 95% CI = 1.28-21.29), opening window practice (AOR = 4.32, 95% CI = 1.02-18.30) and HIV status (AOR = 9.36, 95% CI = 1.64-53.35) were statistically significant predisposing factors. Conclusion: The prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary TB among northwest Tigray refugee camps was still high. The prevalence of TB/HIV co-infection was also high. Minimizing close contact with active TB cases, reducing malnutrition, rapid TB/HIV screening, and establishing a ventilation system can reduce the transmission of TB among refugees.

Expert Opin Drug Saf ; 23(4): 469-476, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38462751


BACKGROUND: Shorter regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) have non-inferior efficacy compared with longer regimens, but QT prolongation is a concern. T-wave morphology abnormalities may be a predictor of QT prolongation. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: STREAM Stage 1 was a randomized controlled trial in rifampicin-resistant TB, comparing short and long regimens. All participants had regular ECGs. QT/QTcF prolongation (≥500 ms or increase in ≥60 ms from baseline) was more common on the short regimen which contained high-dose moxifloxacin and clofazimine. Blinded ECGs were selected from the baseline, early (weeks 1-4), and late (weeks 12-36) time points. T-wave morphology was categorized as normal or abnormal (notched, asymmetric, flat-wave, flat peak, or broad). Differences between groups were assessed using Chi-Square tests (paired/unpaired, as appropriate). RESULTS: Two-hundred participants with available ECGs at relevant times were analyzed (QT prolongation group n = 82; non-prolongation group n = 118). At baseline, 23% (45/200) of participants displayed abnormal T-waves, increasing to 45% (90/200, p < 0.001) at the late time point. Abnormalities were more common in participants allocated the Short regimen (75/117, 64%) than the Long (14/38, 36.8%, p = 0.003); these occurred prior to QT/QTcF ≥500 ms in 53% of the participants (Long 2/5; Short 14/25). CONCLUSIONS: T-wave abnormalities may help identify patients at risk of QT prolongation on DR-TB treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered at ( identifier: NCT02409290). Current Controlled Trial number, ISRCTN78372190.

Síndrome de QT Prolongado , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos , Humanos , Arritmias Cardíacas/inducido químicamente , Electrocardiografía , Síndrome de QT Prolongado/inducido químicamente , Moxifloxacino/efectos adversos , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 578, 2024 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38389038


BACKGROUND: Understanding why patients experience loss to follow-up (LTFU) is essential for TB control. This analysis examines the impact of travel distance to RR-TB treatment on LTFU, which has yet to be analyzed within South Africa. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 1436 patients treated for RR-TB at ten South African public hospitals. We linked patients to their residential ward using data reported to NHLS and maps available from the Municipal Demarcation Board. Travel distance was calculated from each patient's ward centroid to their RR-TB treatment site using the georoute command in Stata. The relationship between LTFU and travel distance was modeled using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Among 1436 participants, 75.6% successfully completed treatment and 24.4% were LTFU. The median travel distance was 40.96 km (IQR: 17.12, 63.49). A travel distance > 60 km increased odds of LTFU by 91% (p = 0.001) when adjusting for HIV status, age, sex, education level, employment status, residential locale, treatment regimen, and treatment site. CONCLUSION: People living in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape travel long distances to receive RR-TB care, placing them at increased risk for LTFU. Policies that bring RR-TB treatment closer to patients, such as further decentralization to PHCs, are necessary to improve RR-TB outcomes.

Rifampin , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos , Humanos , Sudáfrica/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Política , Antituberculosos/uso terapéutico
New Microbes New Infect ; 55: 101192, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38046896


Background: Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), is one of the top infectious killer diseases in the world. The emergence of drug-resistant MTB strains has thrown challenges in controlling TB worldwide. This study investigated the prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the states of Nigeria and the risk factors that can increase the incidence of tuberculosis. Methods: The study is a cross-sectional epidemiological research carried out in the six senatorial districts of Ekiti and Ondo states, Nigeria, between February 2019 and January 2020. A structured questionnaire was administered to 1203 respondents for socio-demographic information, and sputum samples were collected from them for TB investigation. GeneXpert technique was used to diagnose TB from the sputum samples, followed by bacterial isolation using Löweinstein-Jensen medium and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Results: Prevalence of TB in the two states combined was 15 â€‹%; with 13.8 â€‹% for Ekiti state and 16.1 â€‹% for Ondo State. The distribution of TB in the senatorial districts was such that: Ondo South â€‹> â€‹Ekiti Central â€‹> â€‹Ekiti South â€‹> â€‹Ondo North â€‹> â€‹Ekiti North â€‹> â€‹Ondo Central. The risk factors identified for TB prevalence in two states were gender, male â€‹> â€‹female (OR â€‹= â€‹0.548, p â€‹= â€‹0.004); overcrowding (OR â€‹= â€‹0.733, p â€‹= â€‹0.026); room size (OR â€‹= â€‹0.580, p â€‹= â€‹0.002); smoking (OR â€‹= â€‹0.682, p â€‹= â€‹0.019) and dry and dusty season (OR â€‹= â€‹0.468, p â€‹= â€‹0.005). The prevalence of MDR-TB in Ekiti and Ondo States were 1.2 â€‹% and 1.3 â€‹% respectively. The identified risk factors for MDR were education (OR â€‹= â€‹0.739, p â€‹= â€‹0.017), age (OR â€‹= â€‹0.846, p â€‹= â€‹0.048), religion (OR â€‹= â€‹1.95, p â€‹= â€‹0.0003), family income (OR â€‹= â€‹1.76, p â€‹= â€‹0.008), previous TB treatment (OR â€‹= â€‹3.64, p â€‹= â€‹0.004), smoking (OR â€‹= â€‹1.33, p â€‹= â€‹0.035) and HIV status (OR â€‹= â€‹1.85, p â€‹= â€‹0.006). Rifampicin monoresistant was reported in 6.7 â€‹% of the rifampicin-resistant strains, while 93.3 â€‹% were rifampicin polyresistant strains. Two (13.3 â€‹%) of the MDR-TB strains were resistant to all the 3 first-line antimycobacterial agents. All the Rifampicin-resistant TB strains were susceptible to the aminoglycosides (Amikacin, Capreomycin and Kanamycin), also with high susceptibility to the fluoroquinilones: Moxifloxacin (100 â€‹%) and Levofloxacin (86.7 â€‹%). Sixteen (94.1 â€‹%) of the 17 Rifampicin-susceptible strains were susceptible to all the eight antibiotics tested, while one (5.9 â€‹%) was susceptible to Rifampicin and Isoniazid but resistant to the rest antibiotics. Conclusion: The study showed that there is high prevalence of TB and MDR-TB in Ekiti and Ondo States Nigeria, hence, to meet the SDG Target 3.3 of ending TB epidemic by 2030, culturing and antibiotic susceptibility testing should be carried out on every TB-positive sputum and the patients treated accordingly.

Public Health Action ; 13(4): 123-125, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38077723


Deaths related to multidrug-resistant TB among patients who had received a second-line anti-TB drugs in Ethiopia were analysed. Respectively 38/704 (5.4%) and 44/995 (4.4%) deaths were identified in two cohorts (2015 and 2022). In the 2015 cohort, severe malnutrition was less prevalent, previous treatment rates were three times higher, hypokalaemia was more frequent, and the use of the Xpert® MTB/RIF assay, respiratory failure and severe anaemia/pancytopenia were less common than in the 2022 cohort. We observed that there were variations in adverse events when different treatment regimens were used over different time periods. To ensure proper patient care, correct guidance must be consistently implemented.

Les décès liés à la TB multirésistante chez les patients ayant reçu des médicaments antituberculeux de seconde ligne en Éthiopie ont été analysés. Respectivement 38/704 (5,4%) et 44/995 (4,4%) décès ont été identifiés dans deux cohortes (2015 et 2022). Dans la cohorte 2015, la malnutrition sévère était moins fréquente, les taux de traitement antérieur étaient trois fois plus élevés, l'hypokaliémie était plus fréquente, et l'utilisation du test Xpert® MTB/RIF, l'insuffisance respiratoire et l'anémie/pancytopénie sévère étaient moins fréquentes que dans la cohorte 2022. Nous avons observé des variations dans les effets indésirables lorsque différents schémas thérapeutiques étaient utilisés sur différentes périodes. Pour garantir des soins adéquats aux patients, des consignes appropriées doivent être appliquées de manière régulière.

Trials ; 24(1): 773, 2023 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38037119


BACKGROUND: Treatment for fluoroquinolone-resistant multidrug-resistant/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (pre-XDR TB) often lasts longer than treatment for less resistant strains, yields worse efficacy results, and causes substantial toxicity. The newer anti-tuberculosis drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, and repurposed drugs clofazimine and linezolid, show great promise for combination in shorter, less-toxic, and effective regimens. To date, there has been no randomized, internally and concurrently controlled trial of a shorter, all-oral regimen comprising these newer and repurposed drugs sufficiently powered to produce results for pre-XDR TB patients. METHODS: endTB-Q is a phase III, multi-country, randomized, controlled, parallel, open-label clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a treatment strategy for patients with pre-XDR TB. Study participants are randomized 2:1 to experimental or control arms, respectively. The experimental arm contains bedaquiline, linezolid, clofazimine, and delamanid. The control comprises the contemporaneous WHO standard of care for pre-XDR TB. Experimental arm duration is determined by a composite of smear microscopy and chest radiographic imaging at baseline and re-evaluated at 6 months using sputum culture results: participants with less extensive disease receive 6 months and participants with more extensive disease receive 9 months of treatment. Randomization is stratified by country and by participant extent-of-TB-disease phenotype defined according to screening/baseline characteristics. Study participation lasts up to 104 weeks post randomization. The primary objective is to assess whether the efficacy of experimental regimens at 73 weeks is non-inferior to that of the control. A sample size of 324 participants across 2 arms affords at least 80% power to show the non-inferiority, with a one-sided alpha of 0.025 and a non-inferiority margin of 12%, against the control in both modified intention-to-treat and per-protocol populations. DISCUSSION: This internally controlled study of shortened treatment for pre-XDR TB will provide urgently needed data and evidence for clinical and policy decision-making around the treatment of pre-XDR TB with a four-drug, all-oral, shortened regimen. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.Gov NCT03896685. Registered on 1 April 2018; the record was last updated for study protocol version 4.3 on 17 March 2023.

Tuberculosis Extensivamente Resistente a Drogas , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos , Humanos , Tuberculosis Extensivamente Resistente a Drogas/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Extensivamente Resistente a Drogas/tratamiento farmacológico , Fluoroquinolonas/efectos adversos , Clofazimina/efectos adversos , Linezolid/efectos adversos , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Antituberculosos/efectos adversos , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Ensayos Clínicos Fase III como Asunto
Pathogens ; 12(12)2023 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38133270


Recommendations for treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) during pregnancy and post-partum now include Group A and B antituberculosis drugs. While pharmacokinetic data for most of these drugs among adults receiving treatment for RR-TB are limited, the data from pregnant patients and their infants are extremely scarce. Existing data suggest that fluoroquinolones, bedaquiline, clofazimine and terizidone may be used safely in pregnancy. Pharmacokinetic exposures, particularly between trimesters, are potentially sub-optimal; however, there is currently no evidence to support dose adjustment during pregnancy. Linezolid poses a potentially serious toxicity risk, particularly as exposures appear to be high in the later stages of pregnancy and post-partum following extended use, but this should be considered alongside the benefits of this extremely effective drug in the treatment of this life-threatening disease. While plenty of questions remain regarding the exposure to Group A and B antituberculosis drugs through breastmilk, existing literature suggests minimal harm to the breastfed infant. Pregnant patients and their infants should be included in therapeutic trials and pharmacokinetic studies of effective antituberculosis drugs.