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Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14149, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37424370


Oil palm is a major driver of tropical deforestation. A key intervention proposed to reduce the footprint of oil palm is intensifying production to free up spare land for nature, yet the indirect land-use implications of intensification through market forces are poorly understood. We used a spatially explicit land-rent modeling framework to characterize the supply and demand of oil palm in Indonesia under multiple yield improvement and demand elasticity scenarios and explored how shifts in market equilibria alter projections of crop expansion. Oil palm supply was sensitive to crop prices and yield improvements. Across all our scenarios, intensification raised agricultural rents and lowered the effectiveness of reductions in crop expansion. Increased yields lowered oil palm prices, but these price-drops were not sufficient to prevent further cropland expansion from increased agricultural rents under a range of price elasticities of demand. Crucially, we found that agricultural intensification might only result in land being spared when the demand relationship was highly inelastic and crop prices were very low (i.e., a 70% price reduction). Under this scenario, the extent of land spared (∼0.32 million ha) was countered by the continued establishment of new plantations (∼1.04 million ha). Oil palm intensification in Indonesia could exacerbate current pressures on its imperiled biodiversity and should be deployed with stronger spatial planning and enforcement to prevent further cropland expansion.

Cambios en el uso de suelo causados por la reacción del mercado a la intensificación de la palma aceitera en Indonesia Resumen La palma aceitera es una de las principales causas de la deforestación. Una intervención importante propuesta para reducir la huella de esta palma es la intensificación de la producción para que el suelo sobrante sea usado por la naturaleza, pero se sabe muy poco sobre las implicaciones del uso indirecto de suelo de la intensificación a través de las fuerzas del mercado. Usamos un marco de modelos de renta de suelo espacialmente explícito para caracterizar la oferta y demanda de la palma aceitera en Indonesia bajo varios escenarios de mejoras en la producción y elasticidad de demandas y exploramos cómo los cambios en el equilibrio del mercado alteran las proyecciones de la expansión agrícola. La oferta de palma aceitera fue susceptible a los precios de los cultivos y a las mejoras en la producción. La intensificación elevó la renta agrícola y redujo la efectividad de la reducción de la expansión agrícola en todos nuestros escenarios. El aumento en la producción bajó los precios de la palma, pero estas caídas no fueron suficientes para evitar la expansión agrícola a partir de las rentas agrícolas elevadas bajo un rango de elasticidad de precios de demanda. Más importante, descubrimos que la intensificación agrícola puede sólo resultar en que sobre el suelo cuando la relación de demanda casi no sea elástica y los precios de las cosechas sean muy bajos (una reducción del 70% en los precios). Bajo este escenario, la extensión de suelo sobrante (∼0.32 millones de ha) fue contrarrestado por el establecimiento continuo de nuevos sembradíos (∼1.04 millones de ha). La intensificación de la palma aceitera en Indonesia podría agravar las presiones existentes sobre su biodiversidad en peligro y debería implementarse con una mayor planeación espacial y aplicación para prevenir una expansión agrícola superior.

Arecaceae , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Indonesia , Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Arecaceae/fisiología
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 112-122, feb. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, MOSAICO - Salud integrativa | ID: biblio-1416736


Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del estrógeno potenciado en comparación con el placebo en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis (EAPP, por sus siglas en inglés). Diseño del estudio: El presente fue un estudio clínico aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas, el cual incluyó a 50 mujeres de entre 18 y 45 años de edad con diagnóstico de endometriosis infiltrante profunda con base en ultrasonido transvaginal o imágenes de resonancia magnética después de preparación intestinal, así como puntaje ≥ 5 en una escala visual analógica (VAS: rango de 0 a 10 puntos) para el dolor pélvico asociado con la endometriosis. Se administró estrógeno potenciado (12cH, 18cH y 24cH) o placebo dos veces al día por vía oral. La medida principal de resultado fue el cambio en la severidad de los puntajes parcial y global de EAPP (VAS) de la línea basal a la semana 24, determinada como la diferencia en el puntaje medio de cinco modalidades de dolor pélvico crónico (dismenorrea, dispareunia profunda, dolor pélvico no cíclico, dolor intestinal cíclico y/o dolor urinario cíclico). Las medidas secundarias de resultado fueron la diferencia media de puntaje para la calidad de vida evaluada con el Cuestionario de Salud SF-36, los síntomas de depresión en el Inventario de la Depresión de Beck (BDI) y los síntomas de ansiedad en el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI). Resultados: El puntaje global de EAPP (VAS: rango de 0 a 50 puntos) se redujo en 12.82 (p < 0.001) en el grupo tratado con estrógeno potenciado de la línea basal a la semana 24. El grupo que utilizó estrógeno potenciado también presentó una reducción en el puntaje parcial (VAS: rango de 0 a 10 puntos) en tres modalidades de EAPP: dismenorrea (3.28; p < 0.001), dolor pélvico no cíclico (2.71; p = 0.009) y dolor intestinal cíclico (3.40; p < 0.001). El grupo de placebo no mostró cambio significativo alguno en los puntajes global o parcial de EAPP. Además, el grupo de estrógeno potenciado mostró un mejoramiento significativo en tres de ocho ámbitos de SF-36 (dolor de cuerpo, vitalidad y salud mental) y síntomas de depresión (BDI). El grupo de placebo no mostró un mejoramiento significativo a este respecto. Estos resultados demuestran la superioridad del estrógeno potenciado sobre el placebo. Se asociaron pocos eventos adversos con el estrógeno potenciado. Conclusiones: El estrógeno potenciado (12cH, 18cH y 24cH) en dosis de 3 gotas dos veces al día durante 24 semanas fue significativamente más efectivo que el placebo para reducir el dolor pélvico asociado con la endometriosis. Registro del estudio clínico: Identificador:

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of potentized estrogen compared to placebo in homeopathic treatment of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain (EAPP). Study design: The present was a 24-week, randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled trial that included 50 women aged 18-45 years old with diagnosis of deeply infiltrating endometriosis based on magnetic resonance imaging or transvaginal ultrasound after bowel preparation, and score ≥ 5 on a visual analogue scale (VAS: range 0 to 10 points) for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) or placebo was administered twice daily per oral route. The primary outcome measure was change in the severity of EAPP global and partial scores (VAS) from baseline to week 24, determined as the difference in the mean score of five modalities of chronic pelvic pain (dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, non-cyclic pelvic pain, cyclic bowel pain and/or cyclic urinary pain). The secondary outcome measures were mean score difference for quality of life assessed with SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire, depression symptoms on Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and anxiety symptoms on Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results: The EAPP global score (VAS: range 0 to 50 points) decreased by 12.82 (p < 0.001) in the group treated with potentized estrogen from baseline to week 24. Group that used potentized estrogen also exhibited partial score (VAS: range 0 to 10 points) reduction in three EAPP modalities: dysmenorrhea (3.28; p < 0.001), non-cyclic pelvic pain (2.71; p = 0.009), and cyclic bowel pain (3.40; p < 0.001). Placebo group did not show any significant changes in EAPP global or partial scores. In addition, the potentized estrogen group showed significant improvement in three of eight SF-36 domains (bodily pain, vitality and mental health) and depression symptoms (BDI). Placebo group showed no significant improvement in this regard. These results demonstrate superiority of potentized estrogen over placebo. Few adverse events were associated with potentized estrogen. Conclusions: Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) at a dose of 3 drops twice daily for 24 weeks was significantly more effective than placebo for reducing endometriosis-associated pelvic pain.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Terapéutica Homeopática , Dolor Pélvico/terapia , Endometriosis/complicaciones , Estrógenos/uso terapéutico , Placebos , Método Doble Ciego
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 34-67, feb. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1416730


La homeopatía emplea el denominado 'principio de similares' como método terapéutico ­ el cual consiste en administrar medicamentos que provocan ciertos síntomas en individuos sanos para tratar síntomas similares en individuos enfermos (similia similibus curantur) - para inducir una reacción curativa secundaria del cuerpo en contra de sus propios trastornos. Esta reacción secundaria (vital, homeostática o paradójica) del cuerpo se basa en el 'efecto de rebote' de los fármacos modernos, un tipo de evento adverso que se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos prescritos según el 'principio de los contrarios' (contraria contrariis curantur). Objetivo: La presente revisión ha buscado justificar científicamente el principio de curación homeopática frente a la farmacología clínica y experimental a través de un estudio sistemático del efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos o reacción paradójica del cuerpo. Métodos: Empleando como referencia estudios y revisiones sobre el tema publicados a partir de 1998, actualizamos los datos añadiendo estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: El efecto de rebote se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos con acción contraria a los síntomas de las enfermedades, exacerbándolos a niveles superiores a aquellos previos al tratamiento. Independientemente de la enfermedad, fármaco, dosis y duración del tratamiento, el fenómeno del rebote se manifiesta en una pequeña proporción de los individuos susceptibles. Siguiendo las premisas homeopáticas, los fármacos modernos también podrían usarse según el principio de la similitud terapéutica, empleando entonces el efecto de rebote (reacción paradójica) con propósito curativo. Conclusiones: Evidenciado por cientos de estudios que constatan la similitud de conceptos y manifestaciones, el efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos justifica científicamente el principio de la cura homeopática. Aunque el fenómeno de rebote es un evento adverso estudiado por la farmacología moderna, no es conocido por los profesionales de la atención médica, lo cual priva a los médicos de un conocimiento indispensable para el manejo seguro de los fármacos.

Homeopathy employs the so-called 'principle of similars' as therapeutic method - which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur) - to induce a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the 'rebound effect' of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the 'principle of contraries' (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference studies and revisions on the subject published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with action contrary to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals. Following the homeopathic premises, modern drugs might also be used according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, thus employing the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) with curative intent. Conclusions: Evidenced by hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by health care professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for safe management of drugs.

Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático , /estadística & datos numéricos , Efecto Rebote , Efecto Rebote
Rev. chil. anest ; 51(2): 153-157, 2022. tabl
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567491


OBJECTIVES: To describe the phenomenon of rebound pain associated with peripheral nerve blocks in the setting of trauma and orthopedic surgery, to know its characteristics, pathophysiological mechanisms, risk factors, preventive and treatment measures. METHODOLOGY: Non-systematic bibliographic review of articles in English, in medical databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, Epistemonikos and Cochrane library in January 2021, restricting the search to articles published in the last five years. A total of 58 articles related to rebound pain in the context of orthopedic and trauma surgery were identified according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS: It was evidenced that there is still no consensus on its definition, although it presents repeated characteristics, such as acute and transitory pain, which occurs after the resolution of the peripheral nerve block. An incidence of up to 50% is described in the outpatient setting, but there is no data outside this setting. Its pathophysiology is complex and not yet fully understood, however, a peripheral sensitization component could determine a higher incidence of the phenomenon. Recognized risk factors correspond to trauma and orthopedic surgeries of the upper limb with dense peripheral nerve blocks and young female patients. In relation to its prevention, dexamethasone and dexmedetomidine stand out as promising adjuvants that together with a multimodal analgesia scheme can mitigate its appearance. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the impact of rebound pain, its characteristics, risk factors, preventive measures and benefits of multimodal analgesia, is part of a comprehensive clinical practice to avoid the negative consequences of increased use of health resources, as well as to reduce the consumption of opioids and their known adverse effects.

OBJETIVOS : Describir el fenómeno de dolor de rebote asociado a bloqueos de nervio periférico en el entorno de cirugía traumatoló- gica y ortopédica, conocer sus características, mecanismos fisiopatológicos, factores de riesgo, medidas preventivas y de tratamiento. METODOLOGÍA: Revisión bibliográfica no sistemática de artículos en inglés, en bases de datos médicas PubMed, GoogleScholar, Embase, Epistemonikos y Cochrane library en enero del 2021, restringiéndose la búsqueda a los artículos publicados en los últimos cinco años. Se identificaron un total de 67 artículos relacionados a dolor de rebote en contexto de cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. RESULTADOS: Se evidenció que aún no existe un consenso en su definición, no obstante presenta características reiteradas, como ser un dolor agudo y transitorio, que ocurre posterior a la resolución del bloqueo de nervio periférico. Se describe una incidencia en el ámbito ambulatorio de hasta 50%, pero sin datos fuera de este entorno. Su fisiopatología es compleja y todavía no se comprende en su totalidad, sin embargo, un componente de sensibilización periférica podría determinar una mayor incidencia del fenómeno. Factores de riesgo reconocidos corresponden a cirugías traumatológicas y ortopédicas de miembro superior con bloqueos de nervio periférico densos y pacientes jóvenes de sexo femenino. En relación a su prevención destacan dexametasona y dexmedetomidina como adyuvantes prometedores que junto a un esquema de analgesia multimodal pueden mitigar su aparición. CONCLUSIONES: Entender el impacto del dolor de rebote, sus características, factores de riesgo, medidas preventivas y beneficios de la analgesia multimodal, forma parte de una práctica clínica integral para evitar las consecuencias negativas de una mayor utilización de recursos sanitarios, como también reducir el consumo de opioides y de sus efectos adversos conocidos

Humanos , Dolor Postoperatorio/etiología , Dolor Postoperatorio/prevención & control , Anestesia de Conducción/efectos adversos , Bloqueo Nervioso/efectos adversos , Dolor Postoperatorio/fisiopatología , Nervios Periféricos , Factores de Riesgo
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 631-638, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278371


The objective of this study was to determine changes on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in healthy cats anesthetized with isoflurane, and premedicated with acepromazine alone or in combination with tramadol. Thirty cats were allocated in two groups (n=15/each) and were treated with acepromazine (AG) or acepromazine/tramadol (ATG). PD and IOP were assessed before and following 30 (PM1), and 40 minutes (PM2) of treatments. Anesthesia was induced with propofol, and IOP and DP were recorded (A10) at 10 minute intervals until the end of anesthesia (A40). IOP decreased in AG and ATG, when comparing baseline with PM1. IOP decreased only in AG, in comparisons between baseline and PM2. During anesthesia, IOP did not change within and between groups. Comparisons between baseline with those recorded at PM1 and 2 showed that PD increased in the ATG. During anesthesia, PD decreased significantly in AG and ATG. Both protocols maintained the IOP within the reference range to perform corneal or intraocular surgery in healthy cats but did not sustain pre-anesthetic pupil dilation observed in ATG.(AU)

O objetivo do presente artigo é determinar possíveis alterações na pressão intraocular (PIO) e no diâmetro pupilar (DP) em gatos saudáveis anestesiados com isoflurano e pré-medicados com acepromazina isolada ou em combinação com acepromazina/tramadol. Trinta gatos saudáveis foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=15/cada) e tratados com acepromazina (GA) ou acepromazina/tramadol (GAT). DP e PIO foram avaliadas antes (basal) e após 30 (PM1) e 40 minutos (PM2) dos tratamentos. A anestesia foi induzida com propofol, e a PIO e o DP foram registrados (A10) a cada 10 minutos até o final da anestesia com isoflurano (A40). Ao se compararem os valores obtidos no basal com PM1, a PIO diminuiu em GA e GAT; com PM2, a PIO reduziu apenas no GA. Durante a anestesia, a PIO não diferiu dentro e entre os grupos. Comparações entre os valores basais e os registrados em PM1 e em PM2 mostraram que a DP aumentou significativamente no GAT. Durante a anestesia, o DP diminuiu significativamente em GA e GAT. Ambos os protocolos mantêm a PIO dentro dos valores de referência para realizar cirurgias corneanas ou intraoculares em gatos saudáveis, mas não sustentam a dilatação pupilar pré-anestésica observada em GAT.(AU)

Animales , Gatos , Tramadol/administración & dosificación , Midriasis/veterinaria , Pupila/efectos de los fármacos , Presión Intraocular , Isoflurano/efectos adversos , Acepromazina/administración & dosificación , Tonometría Ocular/veterinaria , Anestésicos Generales/administración & dosificación
Arch. Soc. Esp. Oftalmol ; 96(4): 175-180, abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-217599


Objetivo Comparar las medidas de presión intraocular (PIO) obtenidas con el tonómetro de rebote iCare 200 (IC200) con las obtenidas mediante la versión portátil del tonómetro de aplanación Goldmann, Perkins (GAT) en pacientes con glaucoma congénito primario (GCP) y en sujetos sanos. Material y métodos Se incluyeron 42 sujetos sanos (G1) y 40 pacientes con GCP (G2). Se incluyó un ojo por paciente. Se recogieron las variables clínicas de interés: sexo, edad, grosor corneal central (GCC) y se midió la PIO mediante los tonómetros IC200 y GAT en el mismo orden, en consulta. Se estudió la concordancia entre tonómetros mediante el coeficiente de correlación intraclase y el gráfico de Bland Altman. La influencia de las variables se analizó mediante test de regresión lineal. Resultado Las medias de PIO obtenidas mediante IC200 y GAT fueron: G1=15,91 (2,57) vs. 15,06 (2,12) mmHg (diferencia de medias, DM=0,84 (0,50) mmHg; p=0,101) y en el G2=20,10 (6,37) vs.19,12 (5,62) (DM=0,98 [1,36]; p=0,474). Se observó excelente concordancia entre IC200/GAT en ambos los grupos (coeficiente de correlación intraclase=G1: 0,875 [IC 95%: 0,768-0,933; p<0,001]; G2: 0,924 [IC 95% 0,852-0,961; p<0,001]), así como la influencia del GCC en la diferencia entre tonómetros en el G1 (B=0,021; IC 95%: 0,005-0,037; p=0,008), sin significación estadística en el G2. Conclusión Se ha encontrado una excelente concordancia entre ambos tonómetros, IC200 y GAT tanto en sujetos sanos como en pacientes con GCP, con una tendencia a la sobreestimación de la PIO de IC200 sobre Perkins. No se ha demostrado la influencia del GCC en los pacientes con GCP (AU)

Objective To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained using the Icare 200™ (IC200) rebound tonometer and the hand-held version of the Goldmann Applanation Tonometer (Perkins™ tonometer, GAT) in patients with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) and in healthy subjects Material and method a total of 42 eyes of healthy subjects (G1) and 40 patients with PCG (G2) were analysed. The following clinical data were collected: gender, age, Cup/Disc ratio, central corneal thickness (CCT). IOP was determined in the examination room using the IC200 and GAT tonometers, in the same order Agreement between both tonometers was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot. A linear regression analysis was used to establish the IOP was affected by the studied variables. Results Mean IOP between both tonometers (IC200 minus GAT) was: G1=15.91 (2.57) mmHg vs. 15.06 (2.12) mmHg (mean difference, MD=0.84 (0.50) mmHg; P<.101) and G2=20.10 (6.37) vs.19.12 (5.62) (MD=0.98 (1.36); P=.474). Excellent agreement was found between IC200 and GAT in both groups (ICC=G1: 0.875 (95% CI; 0.768-0.933; P<.001); G2: 0.924 (95% CI; 0.852-0.961; P<.001), and there was a statistically significant correlation between the IOP difference measured with IC200 and GAT and CCT in G1 (B=0.021; 95% CI; 0.005–0.037; P=.008), but was not statistically significant in G2. Conclusion There was excellent agreement between the IC200 and GAT tonometers, both in healthy subjects and PCG, with a trend to overestimate IOP when measured with IC200. There was no influence by CCT on IOP measurements in patients with PGC (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Glaucoma/congénito , Glaucoma/diagnóstico , Tonometría Ocular/instrumentación , Hipertensión Ocular/diagnóstico , Presión Intraocular , Estudios de Casos y Controles
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed) ; 96(4): 175-180, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32690372


OBJECTIVE: To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained using the Icare 200™ (IC200) rebound tonometer and the hand-held version of the Goldmann Applanation Tonometer (Perkins™ tonometer, GAT) in patients with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) and in healthy subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 42 eyes of healthy subjects (G1) and 40 patients with PCG (G2) were analysed. The following clinical data were collected: gender, age, Cup/Disc ratio, central corneal thickness (CCT). IOP was determined in the examination room using the IC200 and GAT tonometers, in the same order. Agreement between both tonometers was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot. A linear regression analysis was used to establish the IOP was affected by the studied variables. RESULTS: Mean IOP between both tonometers (IC200 minus GAT) was: G1=15.91 (2.57) mmHg vs. 15.06 (2.12) mmHg (mean difference, MD=0.84 (0.50) mmHg; P<.101) and G2=20.10 (6.37) vs.19.12 (5.62) (MD=0.98 (1.36); P=.474). Excellent agreement was found between IC200 and GAT in both groups (ICC=G1: 0.875 (95% CI; 0.768-0.933; P<.001); G2: 0.924 (95% CI; 0.852-0.961; P<.001), and there was a statistically significant correlation between the IOP difference measured with IC200 and GAT and CCT in G1 (B=0.021; 95% CI; 0.005-0.037; P=.008), but was not statistically significant in G2. CONCLUSION: There was excellent agreement between the IC200 and GAT tonometers, both in healthy subjects and PCG, with a trend to overestimate IOP when measured with IC200. There was no influence by CCT on IOP measurements in patients with PGC.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(9): 707-716, Sept. 2020. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143422


The field related to the visual system of wild animals is deeply scarce. Settling anatomical and physiological parameters for these animals is still a descriptive vision for Bradypus variegatus (Schinz, 1825). Thus, our research aimed to determine patterns of normal eye for this species. For this purpose, eight eye bulbs were dissected from the carcasses obtained by natural death, and then performed an overview of ocular anatomical. Rebound tonometry (RBT) and ocular B-mode ultrasonography were also applied for eight eyes in four animals from "Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos", situated in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco (PE), to estimate the intraocular pressure and ocular ecobiometry. The ocular morphology of sloth is similar as described for other species, however, with some peculiarities. They present a third eyelid emerging in the nasal region of the inferior conjunctival sac and retina and also contain little differentiated blood vessels. Medium the intraocular pressure (IOP) was 4.25mmHg with no difference for both eyes. Ultrasonography of ocular anatomy is also similar regarding other species. Ecobiometric patterns were evaluated to determine the anterior chamber depth, lens width, vitreous chamber depth, and axial length (AL) of ocular globe and the averaged as shown 0.63±1.11mm, 3.73±0.24mm, 6.15±0.41mm, 3.70±0.27mm, and 8.48±0.22mm, respectively. There was no difference between the right and left eyes. The RBT and ocular B-mode ultrasonography are fast exams and easy for animal testing. This study contributed to the characterization of ocular anatomy as well as settling medium values of IOP and intraocular measures; however, further research on physiology and histology is necessary to better understand the visual function of the species.(AU)

O campo de estudo relacionado ao sistema visual de animais silvestres é muito escasso. Estabelecer parâmetros anatômicos e fisiológicos para estes animais ainda está restrito a uma visão descritiva, assim ocorre em Bradypus variegatus (Schinz, 1825). Diante deste fato, objetivou-se com este estudo determinar padrões de normalidade oftálmica nesta espécie. Para isto foram dissecados oito bulbos oculares de cadáveres obtidos por morte natural e realizada a descrição anatômica ocular. Além disso, foram realizadas tonometria de rebote (TonoVet®) e ultrassonografia em modo B em oito olhos de quatro animais provenientes do Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE, para avaliação da pressão intraocular e realização da ecobiometria ocular. A anatomia ocular do bicho-preguiça é semelhante à descrita para outras espécies com algumas particularidades. Apresentam uma terceira pálpebra emergindo na região nasal do saco conjuntival inferior e retina com vasos sanguíneos pouco diferenciados. A pressão intraocular média foi de 4,25mmHg não havendo diferença entre os olhos direito e esquerdo. A anatomia ocular ultrassonográfica é semelhante à encontrada para outras espécies. Os padrões ecobiométricos obtidos foram: profundidade da câmara anterior, espessura do cristalino, diâmetro do cristalino, profundidade da câmara vítrea e comprimento axial do bubo ocular com tamanhos médios de 0,63±1,11mm, 3,73±0,24mm, 6,15±0,41mm, 3,70±0,27mm e 8,48±0,22mm, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre os olhos direito e esquerdo. A tonometria de rebote e a ultrassonografia ocular em modo B são exames de rápida e fácil execução, sendo bem tolerados pelos animais. Este estudo contribuiu para a caracterização anatômica ocular e para o estabelecimento de valores médios da pressão intraocular e das medidas intraoculares, no entanto são necessárias outras pesquisas na área da fisiologia e histologia para melhor compreensão da função visual da espécie.(AU)

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Perezosos/anatomía & histología , Biometría , Ojo/anatomía & histología , Ojo/diagnóstico por imagen , Tonometría Ocular/veterinaria , Ultrasonografía/veterinaria , Presión Intraocular
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed) ; 95(7): 322-326, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32345481


BACKGROUND: The Goldmann applanation tonometer (TAG) is the gold standard for the measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP). In paediatric patients this measurement is challenging. The rebound tonometer (TRB) is an easy to use instrument. In the National Ophthalmology Unit (UNO) the tips of the TRB are re-sterilised (TRB RE). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between TRB with new and re-sterilised tips compared to TAG. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 25 healthy patients between 8 and 12 years of age, chosen at random, and seen in the UNO outpatients department during 2019. IOPs were measured with TRB using re-sterilized tips and then with a new tip, and finally with TAG. RESULTS: There was a correlation between IOP measured with TAG and IOP measured with TRB (P=.0011). No correlation was found between TAG and TRB RE, or TRB with TRB RE. CONCLUSIONS: The TRB can be used in paediatric patients, taking into account that IOP usually overestimates with respect to TAG.

Equipo Reutilizado , Tonometría Ocular/instrumentación , Niño , Estudios Transversales , Equipo Reutilizado/economía , Femenino , Humanos , Presión Intraocular , Masculino , Muestreo , Esterilización , Tonometría Ocular/economía
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 16(6): 480-484, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30846260


OBJECTIVES: Analyse clinical and bone metabolism features in a case series of patients with multiple vertebral fractures after discontinuation of denosumab (DMab). METHODS: An observational descriptive study analysing data from ten patients with multiple vertebral fractures after DMab discontinuation that were admitted to our rheumatology department between 2015 and 2018. RESULTS: There were a total of 49 spontaneous fractures after an average of 6 DMab doses and 10.9 months from discontinuation. Ninety percent had already received treatment other than DMab 7 of 10 oral bisphosphonates. After discontinuation, CTX and P1NP remained elevated and mean T-score for femoral neck and lumbar spine was lower than before treatment. The most affected vertebrae were L3, L5, D6, D7, D9 and D11. CONCLUSION: This report of ten new cases suffering multiple vertebral fractures early after discontinuation of DMab highlights the emerging concern on the subject in the scientific community and the need to clarify its pathogenic mechanism, and to support by solid evidence the new recommendations on its management.

Conservadores de la Densidad Ósea/administración & dosificación , Denosumab/administración & dosificación , Fracturas Múltiples/etiología , Fracturas de la Columna Vertebral/etiología , Privación de Tratamiento , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 69(6): 587-593, nov.-Dec. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057466


Abstract Background and objectives: To investigate, describe, and assess the phenomenon of "rebound pain" as a clinically relevant problem in anesthetic practice. Content: The phenomenon of "rebound pain" has been demonstrated and described as a very severe pain, which occurs after a peripheral nerve block resolution with the recovery of sensitivity. The incidence of rebound pain is unknown. Usually, it occurs between 12 and 24 hours after surgery and, adversely affecting sleep quality. It is not yet possible to establish a mechanism as a definitive cause or trigger factor of rebound pain. Studies suggest that rebound pain is a side effect of peripheral nerve blocks, despite their effectiveness in pain control. Currently, the extent and clinical significance of rebound pain cannot be well determined due to the lack of large prospective studies. Conclusion: Rebound pain assessment should always be considered in clinical practice, as it is not a rare side effect of peripheral nerve blocks. There are still many challenging questions to be answered about rebound pain, so large prospective studies are needed to address the issue. For prevention, the use of peripheral nerve block techniques that avoid nerve damage and adequate perioperative analgesia associated with patient education on the early administration of analgesics, even during the period of analgesia provided by peripheral nerve block, is recommended. A better understanding of the "rebound pain" phenomenon, its pathophysiology, associated risk factors, and long-term consequences may help in developing more effective preventive strategies.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: Investigar, descrever e avaliar o fenômeno da "dor rebote" como um problema clinicamente relevante na prática anestésica. Conteúdo: O fenômeno da "dor rebote" foi demonstrado e descrito como uma dor muito intensa que ocorre após a resolução do bloqueio de nervo periférico com o retorno da sensibilidade. A incidência de dor rebote é desconhecida. Normalmente ela ocorre entre 12 a 24 horas após a cirurgia e afeta negativamente a qualidade do sono. Ainda não é possível estabelecer um mecanismo como causa definitiva ou fator desencadeante da dor rebote. Estudos sugerem que a dor rebote seja um efeito colateral dos bloqueios de nervos periféricos, apesar destes terem eficácia no controle álgico. Atualmente, a extensão e a significância clínica da dor rebote não podem ser bem determinadas, devido à falta de grandes estudos prospectivos. Conclusão: A avaliação da dor rebote deve ser sempre considerada na prática clínica, pois não é um efeito colateral raro dos bloqueios de nervo periféricos. Ainda existem muitas questões desafiadoras a serem respondidas sobre a dor rebote, portanto fazem-se necessários amplos estudos prospectivos sobre a temática. Para a sua prevenção recomenda-se o uso de técnicas de bloqueio de nervo periférico que evitem a lesão do nervo e uma adequada analgesia perioperatória associada à orientação do paciente sobre a administração precoce de analgésicos mesmo na vigência da analgesia proporcionada pelo bloqueio de nervo periférico. A melhor compreensão do fenômeno "dor rebote", sua fisiopatologia, seus fatores de risco associados e suas consequências em longo prazo poderá ajudar na elaboração de estratégias preventivas mais eficazes.

Humanos , Dolor/etiología , Bloqueo Nervioso/efectos adversos , Dolor/fisiopatología , Dolor/epidemiología , Dolor Postoperatorio/prevención & control , Dimensión del Dolor/métodos , Educación del Paciente como Asunto , Factores de Riesgo , Bloqueo Nervioso/métodos
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 69(6): 587-593, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31690509


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To investigate, describe, and assess the phenomenon of "rebound pain" as a clinically relevant problem in anesthetic practice. CONTENT: The phenomenon of "rebound pain" has been demonstrated and described as a very severe pain, which occurs after a peripheral nerve block resolution with the recovery of sensitivity. The incidence of rebound pain is unknown. Usually, it occurs between 12 to 24hours after surgery and adversely affecting sleep quality. It is not yet possible to establish a mechanism as a definitive cause or trigger factor of rebound pain. Studies suggest that rebound pain is a side effect of peripheral nerve blocks, despite their effectiveness in pain control. Currently, the extent and clinical significance of rebound pain cannot be well determined due to the lack of large prospective studies. CONCLUSION: Rebound pain assessment should always be considered in clinical practice, as it is not a rare side effect of peripheral nerve blocks. There are still many challenging questions to be answered about rebound pain, so large prospective studies are needed to address the issue. For prevention, the use of peripheral nerve block techniques that avoid nerve damage and adequate perioperative analgesia associated with patient education on the early administration of analgesics, even during the period of analgesia provided by peripheral nerve block, is recommended. A better understanding of the "rebound pain" phenomenon, its pathophysiology, associated risk factors, and long-term consequences may help in developing more effective preventive strategies.

Bloqueo Nervioso/efectos adversos , Dolor/etiología , Humanos , Bloqueo Nervioso/métodos , Dolor/epidemiología , Dolor/fisiopatología , Dimensión del Dolor/métodos , Dolor Postoperatorio/prevención & control , Educación del Paciente como Asunto , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 37(3): 392-395, July-Sept. 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041337


ABSTRACT Objective: To present the outcomes of fixed doses of propranolol tablets for the treatment of hemangiomas. Case description: Two illustrative cases of hemangioma in infant patients younger than six months old are described. Treatments were started in 2010 and 2011 and were monitored until August 2017. Patients were treated with fixed doses, initially calculated based on the upper limit of 3 mg/kg/day and administrated in two daily doses rounded down to the nearest multiple of five milligrams. Dosage was not adjusted to patients' weight gain. The tablets were crushed and then diluted in a maximum amount of 3 mL of water. This procedure was necessary because propranolol was not available in oral solution in 2009, when dosages available in the Brazilian market were 10, 40 and 80 mg. Both patients presented significative improvement in the first 60 days and were in complete remission by the end of the treatment. Comments: It is possible to treat patients with Propranolol 10 mg tablets, even though the dosage is not as precise as when calculated according to patients' weight. The maintenance of a fixed dose, ignoring the patient's progressive weight gains, helps avoiding the rebound effect and decreases complications.

RESUMO Objetivo: Apresentar a experiência com a utilização de propranolol em doses fixas, em forma de comprimido, para o tratamento de hemangiomas. Descrição do caso: Dois casos ilustrativos de portadores de hemangiomas com menos de seis meses de idade são descritos. O início de tratamento ocorreu nos anos de 2010 e 2011 com seguimento até agosto de 2017. Os pacientes foram tratados com doses fixas iniciais calculadas com limite máximo de 3 mg/kg/dia, divididas em duas doses diárias, sempre com quantidades múltiplas de 5 mg. Os comprimidos de 10 mg ou a sua metade eram macerados e diluídos em 3 mL de água. As doses não foram mais alteradas. Esse uso foi decorrente da ausência da forma líquida de propranolol em 2009, quando começamos a utilizar esse tratamento, sendo então apenas disponíveis comprimidos de 10, 40 e 80 mg. Os pacientes obtiveram melhora acentuada nos primeiros 60 dias e remissão completa posteriormente. Comentários: É possível o uso de comprimidos de 10 mg, apesar de resultar numa dose não exata, como a calculada por kg/peso. A manutenção da mesma dose, mesmo com aumento progressivo de peso, pode evitar o efeito rebote e diminuir o índice de complicações.

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Propranolol/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias Cutáneas/tratamiento farmacológico , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos beta/uso terapéutico , Hemangioma/tratamiento farmacológico , Propranolol/farmacología , Neoplasias Cutáneas/patología , Aumento de Peso , Resultado del Tratamiento , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos beta/farmacología , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Hemangioma/patología
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 91(3): 189-198, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30713069


INTRODUCTION: Thymic regrowth after chemotherapy treatment has been reported in children with lymphoma, and in order to avoid misdiagnosing these cases as relapses, physicians should become familiar with rebound (reactive) thymic hyperplasia (RTH) and remain aware of its possible occurrence. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of RTH in children with lymphoma after completion of chemotherapy and to evaluate the clinical characteristics, outcomes, and the findings of computed tomography (CT) and gallium-67 (GA-67) scans in these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study by reviewing the health records of children with a lymphoma diagnosis managed at an outpatient paediatric oncology clinic in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. RESULTS: Rebound thymic hyperplasia was detected in 51.9% of the lymphoma patients (14/27). It developed a median of 2.5 months after completion of chemotherapy (range, 2.0-4.25 months). Patients with RTH had significantly shorter treatment durations, and we found no significant differences between patients with and without RTH in sex, age at diagnosis, type of lymphoma or type of treatment received. All patients with RTH were asymptomatic, and routine laboratory tests did not detect any abnormalities in them. The findings of CT and GA-67 scans were highly suggestive of RTH. None of the patients with RTH had a recurrence, and RTH resolved spontaneously within a median of 6 months (range, 4.0-11.0). CONCLUSION: RTH was detected in ∼50% of children with lymphoma after completion of chemotherapy. A clinical evaluation and laboratory tests combined with imaging by CT and GA-67 can help identify RTH and rule out other lesions elsewhere.

Antineoplásicos/efectos adversos , Linfoma/tratamiento farmacológico , Hiperplasia del Timo/diagnóstico por imagen , Antineoplásicos/administración & dosificación , Niño , Preescolar , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Radioisótopos de Galio/administración & dosificación , Humanos , Masculino , Prevalencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Arabia Saudita , Hiperplasia del Timo/epidemiología , Hiperplasia del Timo/etiología , Factores de Tiempo , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(8): 871-873, Aug. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895491


The aim of this study was to describe the modified Schirmer tear test (mSTT), intraocular pressure (IOP) by rebound tonometry and palpebral fissure length (PFL) in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five healthy adult animals from a conservation breeding center in Brazil were used in this study. Modified Schirmer tear test, rebound tonometry and PFL measurements were performed in both eyes, with birds under physical restraint. Mean mSTT was 6.2±0.1mm/min and mean IOP was 6.4±0.1mmHg, while PFL was 10.1±0.1mm. A moderate correlation was seen between mSTT and PFL for OD (ρ=0.14) and OS (ρ=0.20). The results provide ophthalmic tests reference values for A. aestiva.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o teste lacrimal de Schirmer modificado (TLSm), a pressão intraocular (PIO) pela tonometria de rebote e o comprimento da fissura palpebral (FP) do papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva). Foram avaliados 35 papagaios adultos e saudáveis, provenientes de um Criadouro Conservacionista do Brasil. Após avaliação clínica e laboratorial, as aves foram fisicamente contidas para aferição, em ambos os olhos, do TLSm, da PIO pela tonometria de rebote e do comprimento da FP utilizando-se um paquímetro digital. Valor médio do TLSm foi 6.2±0.1mm/min e da PIO foi 6.4±0.1 mmHg, enquanto a aferição da FP foi 10.1±0.1mm. Uma correlação moderada foi observada entre TLSm e a FP para olho direito (OD) (ρ=0.14) e olho esquerdo (OE) (ρ=0.20). Os resultados podem servir como valores de referência para testes oftálmicos para A. aestiva.(AU)

Animales , Tonometría Ocular/veterinaria , Pruebas de Visión/veterinaria , Amazona , Párpados/anatomía & histología , Aparato Lagrimal/patología , Animales Salvajes
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 80(1/2,supl): 27-51, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-973264


INTRODUÇÃO: O modelo homeopático de tratamento utiliza o ‘princípio dos semelhantes’ como método terapêutico, administrando medicamentos que causam determinados sintomas em indivíduos sadios para tratar sintomas semelhantes em indivíduos doentes (similia similibus curantur), com o intuito de despertar uma reação secundária e curativa do organismo contra os seus próprios distúrbios. Essa reação secundária (vital, homeostática ou paradoxal) do organismo está embasada no ‘efeito rebote’ dos fármacos modernos, evento adverso observado após a descontinuação de diversas classes de drogas que utilizam o ‘princípio dos contrários’ (contraria contrariis curantur) como método terapêutico...

INTRODUCTION: Homeopathy employs the so-called ‘principle of similars’as therapeutic method, which consists in administering medicines thatcause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptomsin sick individuals (similia similibus curantur) to arouse a secondaryand healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. Thissecondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body isbased on the ‘rebound effect’ of modern drugs, a type of adverseevent that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugsprescribed according to the ‘principle of contraries’ (contraria contrariiscurantur)....

Humanos , Homeopatía , Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático , Efecto Rebote , Principio de Similitud , Farmacología
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2): 40-88, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11970


Introdução: O modelo homeopático de tratamento utiliza o ‘princípio dos semelhantes’ como método terapêutico, administrando medicamentos que causam determinados sintomas em indivíduos sadios para tratar sintomas semelhantes em indivíduos doentes (similia similibus curantur), com o intuito de despertar uma reação secundária e curativa do organismo contra os seus próprios distúrbios. Essa reação secundária (vital, homeostática ou paradoxal) do organismo está embasada no ‘efeito rebote’ dos fármacos modernos, evento adverso observado após a descontinuação de diversas classes de drogas que utilizam o ‘princípio dos contrários’ (contraria contrariis curantur) como métodoterapêutico. Objetivo: Esta revisão visa fundamentar cientificamente o princípio de cura homeopático perante a farmacologia clínica e experimental, através do estudo sistemático do efeito rebote dos fármacos modernos ou reação paradoxal do organismo. Métodos: Empregando como fonte de referência os estudos e revisões sobre o tema que vimos publicando desde 1998, atualizamos os dados acrescentando pesquisas recentes citadasna base de dados PubMed. Resultados: O efeito rebote ocorre após a descontinuação de inúmeras classes de fármacos com ação terapêutica contrária aos sintomas das doenças, exacerbando-os a níveis superiores aos anteriores do tratamento. Independente da doença, da droga, da dose e da duração do tratamento, o fenômeno rebote se manifesta numa pequena proporção de indivíduos suscetíveis. Seguindo as premissas homeopáticas, osfármacos modernos também podem ser utilizados segundo o princípio da similitude terapêutica, empregando o efeito rebote (reação paradoxal) de forma curativa Conclusões: [...] Embora o fenômeno rebote seja um evento adversoestudado pela farmacologia moderna, ele não é conhecido pelos profissionais da saúde, privando a classe médica de um saber indispensável ao manejo seguro dos fármacos. (AU)

Introduction: Homeopathy employs the so-called ‘principle of similars’ as therapeutic method, which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur)to arouse a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the ‘rebound effect’ of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the ‘principle of contraries’ (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference the studies and revisions on the subject that we have published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies cited in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with contrary action to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones present before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals.[...] Conclusions: Evidenced in hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by healthcare professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for a safe management of drugs. (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Efecto Rebote , Principio de Similitud , Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático , Farmacología
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2): 148-163, 2017. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11975


Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do estrogênio potencializado em comparação com o placebo no tratamento homeopático da dor pélvica associada à endometriose (DPAE). Desenho do estudo: Ensaio randomizado, duplo-cego e placebocontrolado de 24 semanas de duração, que incluiu 50 mulheres com idade entre 18-45 anos de idade, diagnóstico de endometriose infiltrativa profunda com base em ressonância magnética nuclear ou ultrassonografia transvaginal após preparo intestinal e escore ≥ 5 na escala analógica visual (EAV: intervalo de 0 a 10 pontos) para DPAE. Estrogênio potencializado (12cH, 18cH e 24cH) ou placebo foi administrado 2 vezes ao dia por via oral. A medida de desfecho primário foi a mudança na severidade da DPAE com base no escore global e parcial (EAV) entre as semanas 0-24, determinado pela diferença entre a pontuação média de 5 modalidades de dor pélvica crônica (dismenorreia, dispareunia de profundidade, dor pélvica acíclica, dor intestinal cíclica e/ou dor urinária cíclica). Os desfechos secundários foram: diferença nos escores médios para qualidade de vida (SF-36), sintomas de depressão (Inventário de Depressão de Beck, IDB) e sintomas de ansiedade (Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck, IAB). [...]O grupo placebo não mostrou qualquer melhora significativa nesses desfechos secundários. Esses resultados demonstraram a superioridade do estrogênio potencializado em comparação ao placebo. Alguns efeitos adversos foram associados com o estrogênio dinamizado. Conclusões: Estrogênio potencializado (12cH, 18cH e 24cH) na dose de 3 gotas 2 vezes ao dia durante 24 semanas foi significativamente mais eficaz que o placebo na redução da dor pélvica associada à endometriose.Registro do estudo: Identificador: NCT02427386. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of potentized estrogen compared to placebo in homeopathic treatment of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain (EAPP). Study design: The present was a 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial that included 50 women aged 18-45 years old with diagnosis of deeply infiltrating endometriosis based on magnetic resonance imaging or transvaginal ultrasound after bowel preparation, and score ≥ 5 on a visual analogue scale (VAS: range 0 to 10 points) for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) or placebo was administered twice daily per oral route. The primary outcome measure was change in the severity of EAPP global and partial scores (VAS) from baseline to week 24, determined as the difference in the mean score of five modalities of chronic pelvic pain (dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, non-cyclic pelvic pain, cyclic bowel pain and/or cyclic urinary pain). The secondary outcome measures were mean score difference for quality of life assessed with SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire, depression symptoms on Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and anxiety symptoms on Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). [...] Placebo group did not show any significant changes in EAPP global or partial scores. In addition, the potentized estrogen group showed significant improvement in three of eight SF-36 domains (bodily pain, vitality and mental health) and depression symptoms (BDI). Placebo group showed no significant improvement in this regard. These results demonstrate superiority of potentized estrogen over placebo. Few adverse events were associated with potentized estrogen. Conclusions: Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) at a dose of 3 drops twice daily for 24 weeks was significantly more effective than placebo for reducing endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT02427386. (AU)fier: NCT02427386. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Homeopatía , Medicamento Homeopático , Efecto Rebote , Endometriosis , Estrógenos/uso terapéutico , Dolor Pélvico/terapia
J Optom ; 9(3): 182-8, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26499996


PURPOSE: To investigate if the accuracy of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements using rebound tonometry over disposable hydrogel (etafilcon A) contact lenses (CL) is affected by the positive power of the CLs. METHODS: The experimental group comprised 26 subjects, (8 male, 18 female). IOP measurements were undertaken on the subjects' right eyes in random order using a Rebound Tonometer (ICare). The CLs had powers of +2.00D and +6.00D. Measurements were taken over each contact lens and also before and after the CLs had been worn. RESULTS: The IOP measure obtained with both CLs was significantly lower compared to the value without CLs (t test; p<0.001) but no significant difference was found between the two powers of CLs. CONCLUSIONS: Rebound tonometry over positive hydrogel CLs leads to a certain degree of IOP underestimation. This result did not change for the two positive lenses used in the experiment, despite their large difference in power and therefore in lens thickness. Optometrists should bear this in mind when measuring IOP with the rebound tonometer over plus power contact lenses.

Lentes de Contacto Hidrofílicos , Glaucoma/diagnóstico , Presión Intraocular , Tonometría Ocular/métodos , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Hidrogeles , Presión Intraocular/fisiología , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tonometría Ocular/instrumentación , Adulto Joven
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 78(6): 359-362, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-768172


ABSTRACT Purpose: High intraocular pressure (IOP) is an important risk factor for a variety of pediatric ophthalmic conditions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, length of examination, and corneal epithelial damage induced by rebound tonometry (RBT) versus Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) in school children. Methods: Healthy children (n=57) participated in a randomized, transversal study with IOP measurement by GAT followed by RBT (study arm 1) or RBT followed by GAT (study arm 2). The number of attempts to acquire a reliable IOP measurement and the length of the examination were quantified. Corneal epithelial damage induced by tonometry was evaluated. Bland-Altman analysis was performed to establish the level of agreement between the two techniques. Results: The IOP was measured in all children with at least one of the devices. In both study arms, more children failed to be examined with GAT than with RBT (26% vs. 4%, and 16% vs. 6%, p<0.001, in study arm 1 and 2, respectively). The length of examination was shorter for RBT than for GAT (67.81 s ± 35.20 s vs. 126.70 s ± 56.60 s; p<0.0001); IOP measurements with RBT in both study arms were higher than those with GAT (15.20 ± 2.74 mmHg vs. 13.25 ± 2.47 mmHg, p=0.0247 and 16.76 ± 3.99 mmHg vs. 13.92 ± 2.08 mmHg, p=0.003, respectively). No difference was observed between RBT and GAT regarding the corneal epithelial damage caused by tonometry. Conclusion: IOP measurement is feasible in a greater number of children with RBT, and the examination was faster than that for GAT. Compared with GAT, RBT tended to overestimate the IOP. None of the methods induced marked corneal epithelial defects.

RESUMO Objetivo: A pressão intraocular (PIO) elevada é um importante fator de risco presente em diversas patologias que acometem crianças. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a viabilidade, a duração do exame e o dano epitelial corneano induzido pela tonometria de rebote (RBT) versus a tonometria de aplanação de Goldmann (GAT) em crianças em idade escolar. Métodos: Crianças sem comorbidades (n=57) participaram de um estudo randomizado e transversal com medidas da pressão intraocular com GAT seguido de RBT (sequência 1) ou RBT seguido de GAT (sequência 2). O número de tentativas para adquirir uma medição confiável da pressão intraocular e a duração de exame foi quantificado. Danos epiteliais induzidos pela tonometria foram avaliados. Análise de Bland-Altman foi realizada para estabelecer a concordância entre as duas técnicas. Resultados: A pressão intraocular foi medida em todas as crianças com pelo menos com um dos dispositivos. Em ambas as sequências do estudo, mais crianças não permitiram o exame com GAT (26% vs. 4% e 16% vs. 6%, p<0,001). A duração exame com RBT foi menor (67,81 ± 35,20 s vs. 126,70 ± 56,60 s; p<0,0001). As medições de pressão intraocular com este tonômetro em ambas as sequências do estudo foram mais elevadas do que as medidas adquiridas com GAT (15,20 ± 2,74 mmHg vs 13,25 ± 2,47 mmHg, p=0,0247 e 16,76 ± 3,99 mmHg vs. 13,92 ± 2,08 mmHg; p=0,003, respectivamente). Não foi observada diferença quanto à lesão epitelial corneana induzida pela tonometria com RBT e GAT. Conclusão: A medição da pressão intraocular foi possível em um maior número de crianças com a tonometria de rebote, além de ser um exame mais rápido do que GAT. A pressão intraocular foi superestimada com RBT em comparação com GAT. Nenhum dos métodos induziu defeito epitelial corneano significativo.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Córnea/anatomía & histología , Presión Intraocular/fisiología , Tonometría Ocular/métodos , Estudios Transversales , Lesiones de la Cornea/etiología , Paquimetría Corneal/métodos , Estudios de Factibilidad , Valores de Referencia , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Factores de Tiempo , Tonometría Ocular/efectos adversos , Tonometría Ocular/instrumentación