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Cogn Neurodyn ; 14(3): 359-374, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32399077


In this paper, we construct an inertial two-neuron system with multiple delays, which is described by three first-order delayed differential equations. The neural system presents dynamical coexistence with equilibria, periodic orbits, and even quasi-periodic behavior by employing multiple types of bifurcations. To this end, the pitchfork bifurcation of trivial equilibrium is analyzed firstly by using center manifold reduction and normal form method. The system presents different sequences of supercritical and subcritical pitchfork bifurcations. Further, the nontrivial equilibrium bifurcated from trivial equilibrium presents a secondary pitchfork bifurcation. The system exhibits stable coexistence of multiple equilibria. Using the pitchfork bifurcation curves, we divide the parameter plane into different regions, corresponding to different number of equilibria. To obtain the effect of time delays on system dynamical behaviors, we analyze equilibrium stability employing characteristic equation of the system. By the Hopf bifurcation, the system illustrates a periodic orbit near the trivial equilibrium. We give the stability regions in the delayed plane to illustrate stability switching. The neural system is illustrated to have Hopf-Hopf bifurcation points. The coexistence with two periodic orbits is presented near these bifurcation points. Finally, we present some mixed dynamical coexistence. The system has a stable coexistence with periodic orbit and equilibrium near the pitchfork-Hopf bifurcation point. Moreover, multiple frequencies of the system induce the presentation of quasi-periodic behavior. The system presents stable coexistence with two periodic orbits and one quasi-periodic behavior.

Cogn Neurodyn ; 7(6): 505-21, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24427223


Time delay is an inevitable factor in neural networks due to the finite propagation velocity and switching speed. Neural system may lose its stability even for very small delay. In this paper, a two-neural network system with the different types of delays involved in self- and neighbor- connection has been investigated. The local asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point is studied by analyzing the corresponding characteristic equation. It is found that the multiple delays can lead the system dynamic behavior to exhibit stability switches. The delay-dependent stability regions are illustrated in the delay-parameter plane, followed which the double Hopf bifurcation points can be obtained from the intersection points of the first and second Hopf bifurcation, i.e., the corresponding characteristic equation has two pairs of imaginary eigenvalues. Taking the delays as the bifurcation parameters, the classification and bifurcation sets are obtained in terms of the central manifold reduction and normal form method. The dynamical behavior of system may exhibit the quasi-periodic solutions due to the Neimark- Sacker bifurcation. Finally, numerical simulations are made to verify the theoretical results.