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Toxicon ; 200: 134-139, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34314765


Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) poisoning in cattle is characterized by a systemic granulomatous inflammatory response that resembles a type-IV hypersensitivity reaction. Hairy vetch toxicity has been described in cattle worldwide. The aim of this paper was to describe 10 outbreaks of hairy vetch poisoning in cattle studied at INTA EEA Salta and INTA EEA Balcarce, Argentina, from 2004 to 2019. Clinical signs included weakness, pyrexia, dermatitis, alopecia, and progressive weight loss, which leads to death over a clinical course of approximately two weeks. A total of 12 necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathology. The main gross changes were observed in skin, lymph nodes, liver, heart, spleen and kidneys. Other tissues, such as pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal glands, were also affected. Histological lesions consisted of multifocal to diffuse granulomatous inflammation in those organs. The toxicity of hairy vetch has been described in several countries of the world. In Argentina, the use of hairy vetch as a cover crop has become common in some regions during the past years. The data suggest that hairy vetch poisoning is an important disease in cattle. More studies are needed to contribute with further information.

Enfermedades de los Bovinos , Intoxicación por Plantas , Vicia , Animales , Argentina/epidemiología , Bovinos , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/epidemiología , Intoxicación por Plantas/epidemiología , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Estudios Retrospectivos
FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 17(2): 36-39, dic. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090366


Festuca arundinacea es una gramínea perenne de uso forrajero muy difundida mundialmente. Aquí se describe un brote de “pie de festuca” en el Noroeste Argentino que afectó a un rodeo de cría con una incidencia del 5%. Los signos clínicos fueron claudicación, edema en los miembros, gangrena en las extremidades y exungulación. La pastura donde los animales permanecían correspondía a un lote naturalizado de festuca siendo el nivel de infestación con Neotyphodium coenophialum del 71%. El cuadro de pie de festuca es muy conocido pero poco informado en Argentina. En el brote el diagnostico se confirmó por los antecedentes clínicos y epidemiológicos sumado al elevado grado de infestación del hongo en la pastura. La toxicidad de la festuca es un problema mundialmente distribuido y en Argentina ha sido más estudiado en la región centro del país. Los antecedentes de toxicidad de esta especie son escasos y aislados en el Noroeste Argentino.

Festuca arundinacea is a perennial grass which use as forage is widespread worldwide. This report describes a “fescue foot” outbreak in the Northwest of Argentina. Beef cattle herd were affected and the incidence was 5%. The clinical signs were claudication, edema in the limbs, gangrene in the extremities and exungulation. The grazing areas where the animals remained corresponded to a natural batch of fescue. Neotyphodium coenophialum infestation level was 71%. The clinical presentation of fescue root is well described but barely reported in Argentina. In the outbreak presented here diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical and epidemiological antecedents as well as the high level of infestation of the pasture. The toxicity of fescue is a worldwide distributed problem. In Argentina, the disease is well known in the central region of the country. Scarce information is available regarding the toxicity of this species for northwestern Argentina.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(11): 2065-2069, Nov. 2018. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976396


Plants of the genus Senecio sp. are known to produce hepatic lesions in different animal species, including man. To evaluate the toxicity of three species of Senecio found in regions where cattle are bred in the state of Santa Catarina, experiments were conducted on broiler chickens (Gallus domesticus). Green leaves of S. conyzaefolius, S. vernonioides and S. paulensis were collected and dried in the shade. After drying, the leaves were ground, mixed into the feed and fed to the chickens divided into 3 groups. Group 1 and Group 2 received single doses of 5g/kg and 20g/kg, respectively. Group 3 was given daily doses of 1g/kg for 20 days (values corresponding to green plant) and Group 4 (control) received free feed of the plant. For each group, five chickens were submitted to necropsy at 30 days and five to 60 days after planting, and five chickens that consumed S. vernonioides and S. conyzaefolius at the dose of 1g/kg for 20 days were necropsied at 90 days after the beginning of the experiment. Macroscopic lesions were observed in chickens that consumed S. vernonioides at a dose of 1 g/kg for 20 days in birds necropsied at 30, 60 and 90 days and were characterized mainly by liver of firm consistency, diminished in size with yellowish coloration and evident lobular pattern, ascites and hydropericardium. In microscopy the main lesions observed were megalocytosis, hepatocyte swelling, fibrosis and biliary hyperplasia and were more intense at the dosage of 1 g/kg for 20 days for S. vernonioides and less severe in the chickens that ingested S. conyzaefolius. The chickens that received S. paulensis showed no macroscopic and microscopic lesions.(AU)

As plantas do gênero Senecio sp. são conhecidas por produzirem lesões hepáticas em diferentes espécies de animais, inclusive no homem. Para avaliar a toxicidade de três espécies de Senecio encontradas em regiões onde são criados bovinos no estado de Santa Catarina, foram conduzidos experimentos em frangos de corte (Gallus domesticus). Folhas verdes de S. conyzaefolius, S. vernonioides e S. paulensis foram coletadas e secadas a sombra. Após a secagem, as folhas foram trituradas, misturadas na ração e fornecidas aos frangos divididos em 3 grupos. O Grupo 1 e o Grupo 2 receberam doses únicas de 5g/kg e 20g/kg, respectivamente. Ao Grupo 3 foram fornecidas doses diárias de 1g/kg por 20 dias (valores correspondentes a planta verde) e o Grupo 4 (Controle) recebeu ração livre da planta. Para cada grupo, cinco frangos foram submetidos à necropsia aos 30 dias e cinco aos 60 dias após o início do fornecimento da planta e cinco frangos que consumiram S. vernonioides e S. conyzaefolius na dosagem de 1g/kg por 20 dias foram necropsiados aos 90 dias após início do experimento. Lesões macroscópicas foram observadas nos frangos que consumiram S. vernonioides na dose de 1g/kg por 20 dias nas aves necropsiadas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias e se caracterizaram principalmente por fígado de consistência firme, diminuído de tamanho com coloração amarelada e padrão lobular evidente, ascite e hidropericárdio. Na microscopia as principais lesões observadas foram megalocitose, tumefação de hepatócitos, fibrose e hiperplasia biliar e foram mais intensas na dosagem de 1g/kg por 20 dias para S. vernonioides e menos graves nos frangos que ingeriram S. conyzaefolius. Os frangos que receberam S. paulensis não mostraram lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas.(AU)

Animales , Senecio/envenenamiento , Pollos , Modelos Animales
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(7): 1264-1277, July 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976456


O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as doenças neurológicas que acometeram bovinos no estado do Paraná entre os anos de 2009 e 2015. A investigação aconteceu, preferencialmente, nas propriedades rurais onde os casos ocorreram. Foram registradas as informações sobre a evolução das doenças nos bovinos afetados do rebanho, e os prováveis fatores de risco foram identificados. Todos os procedimentos de exame físico geral e neurológico foram realizados sistematicamente para a caracterização da síndrome neurológica presente. Amostras de sangue e de líquor foram colhidas para a realização de exames laboratoriais. De acordo com o tempo de evolução e com a gravidade dos sinais clínicos observados, os bovinos doentes eram mantidos vivos para acompanhamento da evolução ou da resposta ao tratamento, ou eram submetidos à eutanásia seguida de necropsia. Fragmentos do sistema nervoso e dos demais órgãos foram colhidos para exame histopatológico. O exame de imunofluorescência direta e a prova biológica em camundongos foram realizados em todos os bovinos que morreram, com a finalidade de confirmar ou descartar o diagnóstico de raiva. Métodos laboratoriais específicos das rotinas de virologia, bacteriologia e toxicologia foram empregados, como complementares, para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico diferencial. Foram investigados 236 bovinos com doença neurológica, sendo 85 casos de ocorrência individual e 151 casos distribuídos por surtos que ocorreram em 79 rebanhos. As encefalopatias (180/236; 76,2%) predominaram sobre as mielopatias (27/236; 11,4%). As doenças inflamatórias determinadas por infecções (98/236; 41,5%) e as doenças tóxicas (91/236; 38,6%) foram as principais, enquanto as causas degenerativas (10/236; 4,2%), metabólicas (9/236; 3,8%), físicas (9/236; 3,8%), neoplásicas (4/236; 1,7%), e os defeitos congênitos (1/236; 0,4%) ocorreram menos frequentemente. Os casos inconclusivos somaram 5,9% (14/236). A meningoencefalite por BoHV-5 e a raiva foram as doenças de frequência maior e podem ser consideradas as mais importantes. Dentre as causas tóxicas, as intoxicações por plantas se destacaram (63/91; 69,2%) e foram responsáveis por 26,6% de todos os casos. Destacaram-se ainda a polioencefalomalácia, a meningoencefalite trombótica por Histophilus somni e o botulismo. Essas informações contribuem para que os médicos veterinários adotem condutas mais efetivas de diagnóstico e de prevenção, e são valiosas para o sistema oficial de vigilância epidemiológica do estado.(AU)

The aim of this study was to identify the neurological diseases that affected cattle in Paraná state between the years 2009 and 2015. The investigation took place, preferably, in the farms where cases occurred. Information on the evolution of the diseases in the affected cattle of the herd was recorded, and the probable risk factors were identified. All general and neurological examination procedures were performed systematically for the characterization of the neurological syndrome in each case. Samples of blood and CSF for laboratory exams were also collected. According to the evolution features and the severity of the observed clinical signs, the diseased cattle were kept alive to follow the progress of the disease, or were submitted to euthanasia followed by necropsy. Fragments of tissues from nervous system and other organs were collected for histopathological examination. Direct immunofluorescence test and biological test were performed on all the cattle that died, in order to confirm or rule out the diagnosis of rabies. Specific virology, bacteriology and toxicology laboratory methods were used as complementary exams in order to establish differential diagnosis. A total of 236 cattle with neurological disease were investigated, 85 cases of individual occurrence and 151 cases distributed by outbreaks that occurred in 79 herds. Encephalopathies (180/236, 76.2%) predominated over mielopathies (27/236, 11.4%). Inflammatory diseases caused by infections (98/236, 41.5%) and the toxic diseases (91/236, 38.6%) were the main causes, while degenerative (10/236, 4.2%), metabolic (9/236; 3.8%), physical (9/236, 3.8%), neoplastic (4/236, 1.7%), and congenital defects (1/236, 0.4%) occurred less often. The inconclusive cases were 5.9% (14/236). BoHV-5 meningoencephalitis and rabies were diseases of higher frequency and may be considered the most important. Among the toxic causes, plant poisonings were highlighted (63/91, 69.2%) and were responsible for 26.6% of all cases. Polioencephalomalacia, thrombotic meningoencephalitis caused by Histophilus somni and botulism were also highlighted. This information helps veterinarians to adopt more effective diagnostic and preventive approaches and is valuable to the state's official epidemiological surveillance system.(AU)

Animales , Bovinos , Bovinos/anomalías , Manifestaciones Neurológicas , Plantas Tóxicas , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(2): 229-233, fev. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895571


Descreve-se a epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e lesões de uma enfermidade em ovinos e caprinos que cursa com fotossensibilização e morte. A doença espontânea ocorreu no município de Abelardo Luz, SC. De um rebanho de 350 ovinos e 278 caprinos, de corte, mantidos em pastagem de Brachiaria híbrida cv mulato I, adoeceram 27 animais, dos quais, 17 morreram e 10 recuperaram-se após terem sido removidos do local. A enfermidade caracterizou-se por lacrimejamento, hiperemia, edema das faces, das orelhas e das pálpebras seguidas de formação de crostas, corrimento nasal seroso, ulcerações na córnea e esclera e conjuntiva levemente amarelada. Seis ovinos e onze caprinos foram necropsiados na propriedade. As lesões macroscópicas observadas foram fígado de coloração castanha, vesícula biliar com conteúdo aumentado e bile grumosa, rins acastanhados com pontos vermelhos na superfície. Na avaliação microscopia foram observadas no fígado, lesões de intensidade leve a moderada caracterizadas principalmente por tumefação e ou, vacuolização de hepatócitos, megalocitose, fibrose periportal, proliferação biliar, pequenos aglomerados de macrófagos, aleatórios e infiltrado de eosinófilos, neutrófilos e macrófagos na periferia do lóbulo. Na luz de ductos biliares encontravam-se imagens negativas de cristais. Nos rins havia dilatação de túbulos variando de leve a acentuada, contração de tufo glomerular e distensão do espaço de Bowman. Quatro ovinos receberam experimentalmente Brachiaria híbrida cv mulato II ad libitum pelo período de 90 dias e não manifestaram alterações clinicas.(AU)

Described is the epidemiology, clinical signs and lesions of a disease that leads to photosensitization and death in sheep and goats. Spontaneous disease occurred in the municipality of Abelardo Luz, SC. From a flock of 350 sheep and 278 goats grazing Brachiaria hybrid cv. mulato I, 27 animals got sick, which 17 died and 10 recovered after being removed from the pasture. The disease was characterized by tearing, hyperemia, swelling of face, ears and eyelid followed by crusting, serous nasal discharge, ulcers on the cornea and sclera, and conjunctiva slightly yellowish. Six sheep and eleven goats were necropsied on the farm. The macroscopic lesions were brownish liver, distended gallbladder and lumpy bile, brownish kidneys with red dots on surface. Through microscopy was observed mild to moderate lesions in liver mainly characterized by swelling and vacuolation of hepatocytes, megalocytosis, periportal fibrosis, biliary hyperplasia; small clusters of macrophages and infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages were present in the periportal area. Crystal negative images were detected within bile ducts. Kidney tubules were dilated ranging from mild to severe with glomerular tuff contraction and distension of Bowman space. Four sheep experimentally fed Brachiaria hybrid cv. mulato II ad libitum for 90 days showed no clinical changes.(AU)

Animales , Brachiaria/toxicidad , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Rumiantes , Ovinos , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/veterinaria , Plantas Tóxicas
FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 16(2): 66-69, jul.-dic. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090350


Nierembergia linariifolia var. linariifolia ha sido sospechada históricamente como planta tóxica en algunas regiones del noroeste de Argentina. Se administró una dosis de 10 g de materia seca de planta molida/kg de peso, a tres cabras adultas mediante el empleo de sonda nasogástrica. Otros tres animales permanecieron como grupo control y recibieron heno de alfalfa. Las cabras que recibieron la planta, presentaron signos clínicos de cólico abdominal entre las 7 y 45 horas post-administración. Ninguno de los animales murió y todos se recuperaron totalmente a las 72 horas de iniciado el ensayo. Nierembergia linariifolia var. linariaefolia demostró tener efectos tóxicos a nivel gastrointestinal a la dosis administrada, aunque no se observaron daños más severos.

The species Nierembergia linariifolia var. linariifolia has been historically incriminated as toxic for animals in northwestern Argentina. A dose of 10 g of ground dry matter / kg of live weight was administered to three adult goats by the use of a nasogastric tube. Another three animals remained as "control group", and receiving alfalfa hay. The goats that received the plant presented clinical signs of abdominal colic between 7 and 45 hours post-administration. None of the animals died and all recovered fully within 72 hours of initiation of the test. Nierembergia linariifolia var. linariaefolia showed to have toxic effects at the gastrointestinal level at the dose administered, although no severe damage was observed.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(9): 926-930, Sept. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895528


Sida carpinifolia poisoning causes a chronic neurodegenerative disorder associated with lysosomal storage by indolizidine alkaloids (swainsonine). The epidemiological, clinical, pathological and lectin histochemistry findings of an outbreak of natural poisoning by S. carpinifolia in horses in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, are described. Five horses from a total of 15 that were kept on native pasture with large amounts of S. carpinifolia presented during 90 days clinical signs of progressive weight loss, incoordination, stiff gait and ramble, in addition to exacerbated reactions and locomotion difficulty after induced movement. Four horses died, and one of them was submitted for necropsy. At necropsy, no significant gross lesions were observed. Histological findings observed in the central nervous system were characterized by swollen neurons with cytoplasm containing multiple microvacuoles; these abnormalities were more severe in the thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and pons. Using lectin histochemistry, the pons and hippocampus sections stained positive for commercial lectin Con-A, sWGA and WGA. This study aimed to detail S. carpinifolia poisoning in horses to be included in the differential diagnoses of neurological diseases of horses.(AU)

A intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia é uma desordem neurodegenerativa crônica associada ao acúmulo lisossomal pelo alcaloide indolizidínico, denominado swainsonina. Descrevem-se os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e de lectina-histoquímica de um surto de intoxicação natural por S. carpinifolia em equinos no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. De um total de 15 equinos, cinco equinos mantidos em campo nativo com grande quantidade de S. carpinifolia apresentaram sinais clínicos de emagrecimento progressivo, incoordenação, andar rígido e deambulação, além de dificuldade de locomoção com reações exacerbadas após estímulos ao movimento em um período de 90 dias de evolução clínica. Quatro equinos vieram a óbito e um foi submetido ao exame de necropsia. À necropsia, não foram observadas lesões macroscópicas. Os achados histológicos observados no sistema nervoso central caracterizaram-se por aumento de tamanho dos neurônios, com citoplasma contendo microvacúolos; tais alterações foram observadas com maior intensidade em tálamo, hipocampo, cerebelo e ponte. Na lectina-histoquímica, fragmentos de ponte e hipocampo marcaram positivamente para as lectinas comerciais Con-A, sWGA e WGA. Este trabalho visa alertar a ocorrência da intoxicação por S. carpinifolia em equinos, a qual deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial dentre as doenças neurológicas de equinos.(AU)

Animales , Intoxicación por Plantas/epidemiología , Plantas Tóxicas , Enfermedades por Almacenamiento Lisosomal/veterinaria , Malvaceae/toxicidad , Caballos , Brasil , Swainsonina , Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas/veterinaria
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 49(7): 1553-1556, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28733761


Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook. f. (Rubiaceae) is a phototoxic plant. It grows in the Andean area of northwest of Argentina, and it causes significant economic losses in the livestock. This plant induces dermal lesions by photosensitization probably due to its content of photosensitizing anthraquinones. This paper describes an outbreak of poisoning in Corriedale sheepfold, which had an incidence of 49%. Ear skin biopsies and blood samples were collected of six affected animals. Liver enzymes remained within the reference limits. Histopathologically, a deep necrotizing dermatitis was identified in all samples. H. pustulata was identified in the areas of grazing. Anthraquinone concentration in leaves was 0.84% p/p, expressed as rubiadin. All findings allow us to conclude that the diagnosis is a primary photosensitization. Huge regional economic losses could be attributed to H. pustulata poisoning, although its toxicity has been little studied.

Brotes de Enfermedades/veterinaria , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/veterinaria , Rubiaceae/envenenamiento , Enfermedades de las Ovejas/epidemiología , Animales , Argentina/epidemiología , Dermatitis/epidemiología , Dermatitis/etiología , Dermatitis/veterinaria , Incidencia , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/epidemiología , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/etiología , Ovinos , Enfermedades de las Ovejas/etiología
J Zoo Wildl Med ; 47(3): 862-867, 2016 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27691940


Plant intoxications in wildlife are difficult to diagnose, are overlooked, or are sometimes even neglected. Hence, factors that induce wild animals to ingest poisonous plants have not been sufficiently documented. An outbreak of glycoprotein storage disease in sambar deer ( Cervus unicolor ), induced by ingestion of the swainsonine-containing plant, common wireweed (Sida carpinifolia), is reported. Nine out of 55 deer held by a zoo in Brazil were affected. The poisoning was characterized by emaciation and neurologic signs followed by unexpected death in some of the animals. Animals presented abnormal consciousness, posterior paresis, and musculoskeletal weakness; less evident were vestibulo-cerebellar signs. Histologically, there was vacuolation of neurons and epithelial cells of the pancreatic acines, thyroid follicules, and renal tubules. Furthermore, in the central nervous system were axonal degeneration, necrosis, and loss of neurons. Three factors may lead to the ingestion of S. carpinifolia by sambar deer: 1) A grazing field with only S. carpinifolia as a source of forage; 2) a large number of animals kept in this field; and 3) a hierarchy within a cervid group in which dominant males isolated and displaced juvenile and weaker adult males, leaving them with access to only S. carpinifolia.

Ciervos , Malvaceae/química , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Plantas Tóxicas/toxicidad , Swainsonina/toxicidad , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Intoxicación por Plantas/diagnóstico , Intoxicación por Plantas/mortalidad , Intoxicación por Plantas/patología , Conducta Social
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(2): 125-128, 02/2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-748881


No Brasil, estima-se que as intoxicações por plantas tóxicas que contém monofluoroacetato de sódio (MFA) causam a morte de aproximadamente 500.000 bovinosao ano. A inoculação ruminal de bactérias que degradam MFA tem sido proposta como uma forma de prevenir a intoxicação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em caprinos, a resistência ao MFA presente em Amorimia septentrionalis, induzida por inoculação ruminal das bactérias Pigmentiphaga kullae e Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus. Doze caprinos, que nunca tiveram contato prévio com plantas que contêm MFA, foram divididos em dois grupos, com seis animais cada. No grupo 1, 60 mL de uma mistura das duas bactérias foi inoculada, diariamente, durante 10 dias em cada caprino. No grupo 2, os caprinos não receberam as bactérias. A partir do 10º dia de inoculação, A. septentrionalis foi administrada, diariamente, na dose de 5g/kg de peso vivo, sendo interrompida em cada animal após a observação dos primeiros sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Os caprinos do grupo 1 apresentaram sinais clínicos 5,83±2,56 dias após a administração da planta o que diferiu significativamente (p=0,037) dos caprinos do grupo 2, que apresentaram sinais clínicos aos 2,67±0,52 dias. A quantidade de planta ingerida pelos caprinos inoculados (28,83±12,97g/kg) e os não inoculados (12,03±3,65g/kg) para desencadear os sinais clínicos foi, também, estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos (p=0,025). Conclui-se que a administração intraruminal de Pigmentiphaga kullae e Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus induz resistência à intoxicação por plantas que contêm MFA.

In Brazil is estimated that poisoning of livestock by sodium monofluoroacetate (MFA) containing plants causes the death of about 500.000 cattle per year. The ruminal inoculation of bacteria that degrade MFA has been proposed as a way to prevent the poisoning. This study aimed to evaluate in goats resistance to the MFA-containing plant Amorimia septentrionalis induced by ruminal inoculation of the bacteria Pigmentiphaga kullae and Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus. Twelve goats, without previous contact with MFA-containing plants, were divided into two groups of six animals each. In group 1, 60ml of a mixture of the two bacteria was inoculated every day for 10 days into each goat. In group 2, the goats did not receive the bacteria. At the 10th day of inoculation, A. septentrionalis began to be administered daily at a dose of 5g/kg body weight to both groups. The administration was interrupted in each goat after first clinical signs of poisoning were observed.. The goats of group 1 showed clinical signs 5.83±2.56 days after the administration of the plant, what differed significantly (p=0.037) from goats of group 2, that showed clinical signs 2.67±0 52 days after the beginning of ingestion. The amount of A. septentrionalis ingested by inoculated goats (28.83±12.97g/kg) to cause clinical sings was significantly greater (p=0.025) than the amount ingested by the non-inoculated (12.03±3.65) goats to cause clinical signs and was also statistically different between the groups. We concluded that the intraruminal administration of Pigmentiphaga kullae and Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus increases the resistance to poisoning by MFA-containing plants.

Animales , Fluoroacetatos/toxicidad , Plantas Tóxicas/toxicidad , Rumiantes , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Rubiaceae/toxicidad