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J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 236, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39297121


Burnout is recognized as a negative contributor to well-being within healthcare. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether participation in the Peace Education Program (PEP), a 10-week wellness course, promoted durable improvement of burnout and wellness in a large academic medical center. We deployed PEP virtually through a series of free, interactive, online wellness sessions focusing on 10 domains: peace, appreciation, inner strength, self-awareness, clarity, understanding, dignity, choice, hope, and contentment. Two weeks before and six months following the sessions, we distributed de-identified surveys based upon the validated Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10) with Likert scale scores 0-6 to assess participant wellness. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze statistical differences between post- and pre-course data. Sixty-nine faculty, trainees, and staff registered to participate, 21 participants completed the pre-course survey and 10 completed the post-course survey. The pre-course mean + standard error (SE) SOS-10 score was 43.2 ± 0.8, which improved to 51.0 ± 0.7 post-course (P < 0.001). Overall, all 10 domains demonstrated improved mean scores over time, with the five domains of "inner strength" (P = 0.008), "understanding" (P = 0.030), "peace" (P = 0.048), "choice" (P = 0.026), and "hope" (P = 0.020) demonstrating statistically significant score improvements six months after course completion. Participants completing ≥7 sessions benefited more than their counterparts and achieved statistically significant improvement in SOS-10 wellness scores (8.77 points) six months after course completion. Our findings demonstrate improved wellness in participants following peace education course completion. This free, interactive, online course may be utilized at other medical centers to improve wellness.

Investig. desar ; 31(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534755


El objetivo de este artículo es describir las percepciones de estudiantes y padres de familia relacionadas con el conflicto armado y la paz. Corresponde a un estudio cualitativo de nivel descriptivo enmarcado en el paradigma interpretativo-hermenéutico. Se emplearon los métodos análisis de discurso y teoría fundamentada, y se contó con la participación de 35 actores escolares de una institución educativa en Colombia, a quienes se les aplicó una entrevista en profundidad. Los datos fueron codificados y categorizados, y sistematizados a través del software Atlas Ti. Los resultados muestran siete categorías selectivas, 18 códigos axiales y 231 códigos abiertos, los cuales develan las distintas formas de percepción en torno a la paz y al conflicto armado de los actores escolares. Se sugieren gramáticas heterogéneas en torno a la paz y el conflicto armado con marcos interpretativos amplios y estrategias de escucha flexibles.

The objective of the article is to describe the perceptions of students and parents related to the armed conflict and peace. It corresponds to a qualitative study of descriptive level, framed in the interpretive-hermeneutical paradigm. Discourse analysis and grounded theory methods were used, and 35 school actors from an educational institution in Colombia participated, to whom an in-depth interview was applied. The data was coded, categorized, and systematized through the Atlas Ti software. The results show seven selective categories, 18 axial codes, and 231 open codes, which reveal the different forms of perception around peace and armed conflict of school actors. Heterogeneous grammars are suggested around peace and armed conflict with broad interpretive frameworks and flexible listening strategies.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536581


Introducción: El objetivo de este artículo fue identificar las variables que mejor predicen las medidas de agresión, empatía y perdón, como también las principales diferencias en contextos vulnerables, hostiles y seguros, en una muestra de niños, niñas y adolescentes pertenecientes a una población vulnerable. Método: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo transversal con una muestra no probabilística incidental de 85 participantes, se emplearon medidas psicométricas para la empatía, agresión y perdón. Los participantes fueron convocados en una fundación de atención a víctimas para realizar una entrevista y aplicar el test. Resultados: Se encontraron efectos estadísticamente significativos entre las variables del modelo verificado, donde la empatía predice la agresión en el contexto hostil, pero no en el vulnerable y seguro. A su vez, la empatía predice el perdón en los contextos vulnerables y seguros, y la agresión predice el perdón en el modelo hostil, pero no es significativo su efecto en el contexto vulnerable y seguro. Además, la empatía tiene un papel clave en la comprensión del perdón, dado que se asocia a conductas agresivas en los contextos de hostilidad, mientras que un modelo de perdón debería ser diferencial en estos contextos. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este estudio brindan evidencia empírica que sustenta la importancia de la implementación de estrategias para mejorar las habilidades relacionadas con la empatía en niños y adolescentes, desde la perspectiva de la educación para la paz y el perdón. Además, se demostró que los aspectos como el clima familiar, las vulnerabilidades de los contextos de riesgo y la misma cultura, pueden determinar el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales que favorecen el perdón, empatía y otras capacidades interpersonales.

Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify the variables that best predict measures of aggression, empathy, and forgiveness, as well as the main differences in vulnerable, hostile and safe contexts, in a sample of children and adolescents belonging to a vulnerable population. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted with a non-probabilistic incidental sample of 85 participants. Psychometric measures of empathy, aggression, and forgiveness were used. The participants were invited to a victim assistance foundation for an interview and test application. Results: Statistically significant effects were found among the variables in the verified model, where empathy predicts aggression in the hostile context, but not in the vulnerable and safe context. In turn, empathy predicts forgiveness in the vulnerable and safe contexts, and aggression predicts forgiveness in the hostile model, but its effect in the vulnerable and safe context is not significant. Furthermore, empathy plays a key role in understanding forgiveness, given that it is associated with aggressive behaviors in the hostile contexts, whereas a forgiveness model should be differential in these contexts. Conclusions: The findings of this study provide empirical evidence that supports the importance of implementing strategies to improve empathy-related skills in children and adolescents, from the perspective of peace education and forgiveness. In addition, it was shown that aspects such as family climate, vulnerabilities of risk contexts and culture itself, can determine the development of socioemotional skills that favor forgiveness, empathy, and other interpersonal skills.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32867329


Improving the quality of teaching and learning, as well as school coexistence are international priorities for the new educational challenges of the 21st century (UNESCO 37 C/4 resolution). Physical Education (PE) has become a key subject for education on school coexistence by enabling significant motor experiences to promote interpersonal relationships and transform motor conflicts (MC). The objective of this research was to develop and validate two questionnaires (CONFLICT1-AGE and CONFLICT1-RES) to study secondary school students' perception about MC in PE. Study 1 searched for evidence related to their content validity and response process validity, and Study 2 examined internal structure, reliability, and concurrent validity. As a result, a seven-item single-factor model was selected for CONFLICT1-AGE, and a five-item single-factor structure was chosen for CONFLICT1-RES. Both models exhibited an excellent fit to the data, where CONFLICT1-AGE: χ2 (df) = 18.621 (14), p = 0.180, RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.033 0(0.000-0.069), CFI = 0.994, TLI = 0.991; CONFLICT1-RES: χ2 (df) = 13.350 (5), p = 0.020, RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.075 (0.027-0.125), CFI = 0.986, TLI = 0.972. Furthermore, both questionnaires presented satisfactory internal consistency (αCONFLICT1-AGE = 0.745, αCONFLICT1-RES = 0.737). Their combination will provide a wide view of secondary school students' perception about MC.

Relaciones Interpersonales , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Encuestas y Cuestionarios/normas , Análisis Factorial , Humanos , Percepción , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
J Sch Health ; 90(1): 65-69, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31762056


BACKGROUND: Youth violence is a significant problem affecting community health. Community-academic partnerships can advance youth nonviolence education by synergizing the strengths of collaborators while working toward a common goal. We describe a collaboration between an urban public middle school, community nonprofit, and university-based graduate school of nursing in implementing and evaluating the Healthy Power program, a school-based youth nonviolence program for middle-school boys. METHODS: A participatory program evaluation approach was used to plan and implement evaluation of the Healthy Power program with a cohort of 8 students. Collaborative planning allowed for the selection of measures that reflected program objectives and were of value to community partners while also scientifically sound. A mixed-methods approach included a focus group and a pretest-posttest with quantitative items and open-ended questions. RESULTS: While the quantitative pre-posttest did not show any significant change, the open-ended questions and focus group suggested that students had advanced their understanding and application of conflict resolution skills. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the usefulness of community-academic partnerships for peace/conflict resolution education and program evaluation. Such programs may benefit from mixed methods of evaluation.

Relaciones Comunidad-Institución , Desarrollo de Programa , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Violencia/prevención & control , Adolescente , Niño , Curriculum , Humanos , Masculino , Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro , Instituciones Académicas , Universidades
New Dir Child Adolesc Dev ; 2018(159): 55-69, 2018 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29537180


Children's media have the capacity to prepare young learners to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to contribute to a more peaceful world. Research suggests international coproductions of Sesame Street and other children's media efforts are linked to positive impact on how viewers perceive themselves and their own cultures, as well as how they perceive others. Creating such media, however, relies on a commitment to a complex development process where the educational needs of children are considered alongside intra- and intergroup dynamics and political realities. This paper presents a practitioners' perspective on the essential components of children's media programs for peacebuilding and, in so doing, recommends a way forward for producing children's media in this domain.

Desarrollo Infantil , Películas Cinematográficas , Desarrollo de Programa , Televisión , Niño , Humanos
E-Cienc. inf ; 7(2)dic. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506113


sta investigación se realizó con la finalidad de explorar la aplicación de servicios de biblioterapia en una biblioteca escolar pública costarricense, posicionando al bibliotecólogo como encargado principal, apoyado por un equipo de especialistas en otras áreas como educación, psicología, entre otros. Se enmarca en la metodología de investigación-acción colaborativa, y pretende mediante la aplicación de la biblioterapia, trabajar con niños con problemas de conducta a nivel escolar, procurando mejorar en ellos la conducta, y promoviendo la cultura de paz mediante actividades lúdico-creativas cuyo principal eje es la lectura. Se realizó en una escuela costarricense, participaron seis niños, que acudieron a 19 intervenciones de biblioterapia grupales, con una duración de una hora cada intervención, durante un lapso de dos meses comprendidos entre los meses de setiembre, octubre y noviembre del año 2015. Se contó además con la asesoría dos profesionales especializadas en servicios de apoyo emocional. Es un aporte relevante para los profesionales en bibliotecología, pues les permite conocer, desde el punto de vista práctico, las fortalezas y debilidades de brindar un servicio de esta naturaleza, de manera tal que logren tomar decisiones con bases teóricas y mediante la aplicación práctica. Además, al ser una temática tan poco explorada en el ámbito nacional, permite explorar campos de acción nuevos para la profesión.

his research was conducted in order to explore the application of bibliotherapy services in a Costa Rican public school library, positioning the librarian as a leader, supported by a team of specialists in other areas such as education, psychology, among others. It is part of the research methodology collaborative action, and aims through the application of bibliotherapy, work with children with behavioral problems at school level, seeking to improve their behavior, and promoting the culture of peace through recreational and creative activities whose main shaft is reading. The research was conducted in a Costa Rican school in which six children participated in 19 library group interventions; each intervention lasted one hour within a two-month period on September, October and November in 2015. Moreover, the research was advised by two professionals that are specialists in emotional support services. It is an important contribution for professionals in librarianship, allowing them to know, from the practical point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of providing a service of this nature, so that reach decisions with theoretical basis and through practical application. In addition, being a subject so little explored at the national level, it can explore new fields of action for the profession.

J Relig Health ; 55(1): 181-191, 2016 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25758060


This study evaluated a peace education program facilitated by the 'parents circle family forum.' The program aims to expose Jewish and Palestinian-Arab adolescents to personal stories of bereavement as a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One hundred and sixty-four Jewish twelfth-grade adolescents from schools throughout Israel filled out questionnaires before the start of the educational program, and 135 Jewish adolescents filled out the same questionnaire up to a week after it ended. Questionnaires included empathy, anger, and legitimacy toward 'self' and 'others' narratives. Results indicate that, overall, there were not any significant differences before and after the educational program with regard to adolescents' attitudes toward 'self' and 'others' narratives. However, when examining differences between subgroups in Israeli society, significant differences between 'secular' and 'traditional' adolescents emerged. The attitudes of secular adolescents favored narratives of the 'others,' while the attitudes of the traditional adolescents favored the 'self' narratives. After the program, these differences diminished, meaning that the program had a different impact on each subgroup. The traditional adolescents became more favorable to the 'others' narratives, while the secular adolescents became more favorable to their own narratives. Results are discussed on the basis of the theoretical foundation of psychological impacts of intractable conflicts.

Árabes/psicología , Aflicción , Judíos/psicología , Padres/psicología , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud/métodos , Guerra , Adaptación Psicológica , Adolescente , Ira , Árabes/estadística & datos numéricos , Actitud , Familia , Femenino , Humanos , Judíos/estadística & datos numéricos , Masculino , Medio Oriente , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Violencia/psicología