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Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(4): 275-279, oct.-dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431921


Resumen: El manejo perioperatorio de los pacientes programados de cirugía electiva está cambiando, dejando atrás la experiencia o los hábitos adquiridos en la práctica. Está demostrado que una rápida recuperación postquirúrgica acorta el tiempo de hospitalización y recuperación, asimismo contribuye a la disminución de complicaciones perioperatorias y costos. Con la creación del protocolo recuperación acelerada después de cirugía (ERAS, por sus siglas en inglés: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery), se desarrolló una combinación de estrategias relacionadas al cuidado del paciente desde el momento en que se decide su intervención quirúrgica hasta el egreso hospitalario. Estas guías basadas en evidencia científica son un conjunto de estrategias multimodales cuyo fundamento se basa en la recuperación temprana de las funciones fisiológicas del paciente. En un principio fueron creadas para cirugías de colon y recto; y posteriormente extrapoladas a diferentes especialidades, siendo incluida en pacientes gineco-obstetras con el beneficio de ir más allá en la mejora de los resultados clínicos, al contar con el potencial de acelerar la recuperación de una paciente obstétrica que está en transición a la maternidad y cuidado del recién nacido. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de los principales componentes del protocolo ERAS y su aplicación en cirugía cesárea para mejorar la calidad de la atención brindada.

Abstract: The perioperative management of patients scheduled for elective surgery is changing and thus leaving behind the expertise or the habits previously acquired during practice. It has been demonstrated that the quick postsurgical recovery shortens both the time in hospital and recovery, and also contributes to the decrease of perioperative complications and costs. With the creation of the Protocol of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), there came the development of a combination of strategies related to the patient's care; from the moment the surgical intervention is decided to the discharge from hospital. These based on scientific evidence guidelines are a set of multimodal strategies whose foundations rely on the early recovery of the patient's physiological functions. At first the guidelines were created for colon and rectal surgeries, however, they have been transferred to different specialties, including obstetric and gynecological patients, with the benefit of going further in the improvement of clinical results, as it counts on the potential of accelerating the recovery of the obstetrical patient in transition to both motherhood and care to the newborn. The objective of this article is to review the main components of ERAS protocol and its application in the cesarean section surgery so as to enhanced the quality in the provision of care.

CorSalud ; 13(2)jun. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404442


RESUMEN Introducción: Los síndromes de QT largo adquiridos pueden ser provocados por el uso de fármacos, dentro de los cuales se encuentra la oxitocina. Objetivo: Identificar los cambios electrocardiográficos con el uso de la oxitocina intravenosa en la embarazada. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-prospectivo con 57 embarazadas a las que se les realizó cesárea electiva y se le administró oxitocina, inmediatamente después de la extracción fetal, en el Hospital Universitario Gineco-Obstétrico Mariana Grajales de Villa Clara, Cuba, durante el período de septiembre de 2019 a enero de 2020. Resultados: El 63,2% de las pacientes tuvo un QT corregido 470 ms; en estas últimas, un 5,3% lo tuvo entre 481-500 ms, e igual porcentaje > 500 ms. Ninguna paciente presentó síntomas sugestivos o demostración electrocardiográfica de taquicardia ventricular u otras arritmias complejas. Conclusiones: La oxitocina, administrada en el período de alumbramiento, produjo prolongación del intervalo QT por encima de los valores normales en algunas pacientes, sin que se produjeran síntomas cardiovasculares, dispersión del QT o arritmias complejas.

ABSTRACT Introducción: Acquired long QT syndromes may be due to the use of drugs, within which oxytocin is included. Objetivo: To identify electrocardiographic disturbances related to intravenous oxytocin administration in pregnant women. Método: A descriptive-prospective study was conducted with 57 pregnant women who underwent elective caesarean section and were given oxytocin, immediately after fetal extraction, at the Hospital Universitario Gineco-Obstétrico Mariana Grajales in Villa Clara, Cuba, between September 2019 and January 2020. Resultados: The 63.2% of the patients had a corrected QT interval 470 ms; in the latter, 5.3% had it between 481-500 ms, and equal percentage > 500 ms. No patient presented suggestive symptoms or electrocardiographic demonstration of ventricular tachycardia or other complex arrhythmias Conclusiones: Oxytocin, given during the placental removal period, resulted in the prolongation of the QT interval above normal values in some patients, without the appearance of cardiovascular symptoms, QT interval dispersion or complex arrhythmias.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32439230


Primary spinal glioblastoma (GBM) is a clinically rare entity with rapid progression and a dismal outcome despite aggressive treatment. In a pregnant woman, this malignancy is particularly dramatic because the potential benefits to the mother offered by standard GBM treatment must be balanced against the risks to the fetus. There is little guidance in the literature on how to manage pregnant patients with malignant neuraxial tumours and, to the authors' knowledge, no reports have been published so far regarding this specific neoplasm in such population. This case report describes the management of a pregnant patient with a previously undiagnosed and rapidly progressive intramedullary GBM submitted to an elective caesarean delivery to allow subsequent onset of oncological treatment. Dilemmas faced by anaesthetists are discussed in hope to provide guidance for future decisions and optimize outcomes.

Anestesia Obstétrica , Glioblastoma/cirugía , Complicaciones Neoplásicas del Embarazo/cirugía , Neoplasias de la Médula Espinal/cirugía , Adulto , Resultado Fatal , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo
Gac Sanit ; 31(2): 116-122, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28160963


OBJECTIVE: Birthweight by gestational age charts enable fetal growth to be evaluated in a specific population. Given that maternal profile and obstetric practice have undergone a remarkable change over the past few decades in Spain, this paper presents new Spanish reference percentile charts stratified by gender, parity and type of delivery. They have been prepared with data from the 2010-2014 period of the Spanish Birth Statistics Bulletin. METHODS: Reference charts have been prepared using the LMS method, corresponding to 1,428,769 single, live births born to Spanish mothers. Percentile values and mean birth weight are compared among newborns according to gender, parity and type of delivery. RESULTS: Newborns to primiparous mothers show significantly lower birthweight than those born to multiparous mothers (p<0.036). Caesarean section was associated with a substantially lower birthweight in preterm births (p<0.048), and with a substantially higher birthweight for full-term deliveries (p<0.030). Prevalence of small for gestational age is significantly higher in newborns born by Caesarean section, both in primiparous (p<0.08) and multiparous mothers (p<0.027) and, conversely, the prevalence of large for gestational age among full-term births is again greater both in primiparous (p<0.035) and in multiparous mothers (p<0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Results support the consideration of establishing parity and type of delivery-specific birthweight references. These new charts enable a better evaluation of the impact of the demographic, reproductive and obstetric trends currently in Spain on fetal growth.

Peso al Nacer , Gráficos de Crecimiento , Cesárea , Parto Obstétrico , Femenino , Edad Gestacional , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Paridad , España
Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 13(4): 263-267, sept. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-617687


Estudio realizado en el hospital-maternidad “Enrique C. Sotomayor” en pacientes adolescentes que se diagnosticó hipertensión arterial, año 2004. Tipo de estudio: retrospectivo descriptivo. Objetivo: conocer la incidencia y resultantes materno-neonatales que nos lleve a controlar esta patología. Metodología: análisis de historias clínicas en pacientes adolescentes e hijos de las mismas, atendidos en el hospital-maternidad, año 2004. Resultados: hubo 146 casos (10,6 de embarazadas), con predominio de preeclampsia severa; promedio de edad: 16 años; la desproporción cefalopélvica y distocias de presentación fueron los defectos más comunes; al 96 se le realizó cesárea, las presiones arteriales se normalizaron 8 horas posparto. Neonatos: fue en 85 aptos para la edad gestacional; y fallecieron el 4. Conclusiones: a pesar de la gran cantidad de casos, se ha logrado controlarlos en casi su totalidad con rápido diagnóstico y eficaz terapéutica a través de cesáreas e hidralazinaStudy carried out at the maternity hospital “Enrique G. Sotomayor” in adolescent patients who were diagnosed arterial hypertension in 2004.

Study type: retrospective and descriptive. Objective: identify the incidence and maternal-neonatal results which could help us control this pathology. Methodology: analyses of clinical history in adolescent patients and their children attended at the maternity hospital in the year 2004. Results: there were 146 cases (10.6 of pregnant women), in whom severe preeclampsia was predominant; average age: 16 years old; cephalopelvic disproportion and presentation dystocias were the most common defects (96). They had a cesarean section. Arterial pressures were normalized 8 hours after delivery. Neonates: 85 were appropriate for gestational age; and 4 passed away. Conclusions: despite the big amount of cases, almost all of them were under control through fast diagnosis and efficient therapy of cesarean section and hydralazine.

Adolescente , Femenino , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Embarazo en Adolescencia , Cesárea , Eclampsia , Hipertensión Inducida en el Embarazo , Preeclampsia