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Data Brief ; 33: 106489, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33241097


Geoarchaeological and palaeopedological studies focusing on the reconstruction of the Holocene paleoenvironments require a detailed knowledge of the spatial variability of soil properties both for the surface soils and paleosols buried under archaeological constructions. However, such studies are often carried out at unique sites where it is difficult to ensure the representativeness of the data obtained. In this paper, we report original data on 15 soil profiles which shows the range of spatial variability of soil properties (рН H2O, рН KCl, particle size distribution, depth of genetic horizons, colour codes) for both surface and buried soils at the Tokhmeyevo kurgan cemetery, located in the Middle Volga region, Chuvash Republic, Russia. The data supplement the original research [1] and also give additional detailed information on pollen and spore analysis by plant species for the humus horizons in four buried and one surface soils. All soils developed from the same lithology (mantle loam), at the same elevation, in a similar topographic position (levelled upland slope) and in proximity to each other. Both buried and surface soils, classified as Retisols [1], show slight variability in morphology and particle size distribution that varies in a similar range. However, the two soil groups (buried and surface) differ in two striking features: buried soils exhibit dark humus horizon and black humic cutans in the middle part of the soil profile; these features are absent in the surface soils. The values of рН in water and 1 M KCl suspension in the buried soils and soils of the kurgan mounds are lower than in the surface soils. The data on the spatial variation of the properties of the surface and buried soils increase the reliability of the results, making it possible to assess the extent to which the differences in soils are associated with the environmental evolution. The presented data can provide one the context for further work in paleoenvironmental studies and also be compared with other already published datasets increasing the reliability of conclusions about the trends of environmental evolution in the second half of the Holocene.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(4): 517-528, Oct-Dec 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150090


Resumen El Bosque Petrificado Piedra Chamana, cerca del pueblo de Sexi en Cajamarca, registra la vegetación de los trópicos de Sudamérica de hace 39 millones de años, la que existió en los inicios de la historia de los bosques tropicales del Nuevo Mundo y antes del levantamiento de los Andes. En este bosque, descubrimientos notables incluyen el manglar del género Avicennia, un género de árboles forestales emergentes (Cynometra), y el segundo dipterocarp conocido del Nuevo Mundo. La importancia de los fósiles se basa en sus circunstancias únicas de preservación, es así como fósiles de plantas y suelos antiguos permiten la reconstrucción detallada del bosque y el medio ambiente en que existieron, contribuyendo con el conocimiento del cambio climático. Los sitios como este bosque fósil son muy vulnerables al disturbio y pérdida de los recursos fósiles. El monitoreo muestra que las actividades humanas y la erosión están teniendo efectos serios y que son necesarias medidas urgentes para su conservación. La importancia de los fósiles para la ciencia, la belleza de esta área de los Andes, y el potencial para la educación y turismo justifican el reconocimiento del Bosque Petrificado Piedra Chamana a nivel internacional. El bosque tropical representado por los fósiles es muy diferente del bosque diverso esclerófilo de hoja ancha que se encuentra actualmente en el sitio. La pérdida del suelo y la erosión del substrato suave y poroso por alteración de la cubierta vegetal son una amenaza para la biota nativa y los fósiles. Por lo tanto, las medidas de conservación necesarias para proteger los fósiles tendrían múltiples beneficios para la ecología del área.

Abstract The Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest, near the village of Sexi in central Cajamarca, records the vegetation of the South American tropics 39 million years ago, early in the New World tropical forests history and before the rise of the present-day Andes. In this fossil forest, notable discoveries have included the mangrove genus Avicennia, a genus of emergent forest trees (Cynometra), and the second dipterocarp known from the New World. The significance of the fossils rests on the unique circumstances of preservation, the detailed reconstruction of the forest and environment that is possible based on the plant fossils and ancient soils, and the importance of this record for the study of climate change. Sites like the fossil forest are particularly vulnerable to disturbance and loss of the fossil resources. Ongoing monitoring shows that human activities and erosion are having serious effects and, conservation measures are urgently needed. The importance of the fossils for science, the beauty of this area of the Andes, and the potential of the site for education and tourism justify recognition of the fossil forest at an international level. The lowland tropical forest represented by the fossils is very different from the diverse broad-leaf sclerophyllous forest or woodland now growing in the area. Soil loss and erosion of the soft, porous volcanic substrate when the vegetation cover is disturbed poses a threat to both the native biota and the fossils. The conservation measures needed at the fossil site would have multiple benefits for the ecology of the region.

Life (Basel) ; 10(7)2020 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32708606


The emerging field of astropedology is the study of ancient soils on Earth and other planetary bodies. Examination of the complex factors that control the preservation of organic matter and other biosignatures in ancient soils is a high priority for current and future missions to Mars. Though previously defined by biological activity, an updated definition of soil as planetary surfaces altered in place by biological, chemical or physical processes was adopted in 2017 by the Soil Science Society of America in response to mounting evidence of pedogenic-like features on Mars. Ancient (4.1-3.7 billion year old [Byr]) phyllosilicate-rich surface environments on Mars show evidence of sustained subaerial weathering of sediments with liquid water at circumneutral pH, which is a soil-forming process. The accumulation of buried, fossilized soils, or paleosols, has been widely observed on Earth, and recent investigations suggest paleosol-like features may be widespread across the surface of Mars. However, the complex array of preservation and degradation factors controlling the fate of biosignatures in paleosols remains unexplored. This paper identifies the dominant factors contributing to the preservation and degradation of organic carbon in paleosols through the geological record on Earth, and offers suggestions for prioritizing locations for in situ biosignature detection and Mars Sample Return across a diverse array of potential paleosols and paleoenvironments of early Mars. A compilation of previously published data and original research spanning a diverse suite of paleosols from the Pleistocene (1 Myr) to the Archean (3.7 Byr) show that redox state is the predominant control for the organic matter content of paleosols. Most notably, the chemically reduced surface horizons (layers) of Archean (2.3 Byr) paleosols have organic matter concentrations ranging from 0.014-0.25%. However, clay mineralogy, amorphous phase abundance, diagenetic alteration and sulfur content are all significant factors that influence the preservation of organic carbon. The surface layers of paleosols that formed under chemically reducing conditions with high amounts of iron/magnesium smectites and amorphous colloids should be considered high priority locations for biosignature investigation within subaerial paleoenvironments on Mars.

Data Brief ; 30: 105555, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32368591


One of the natural archives that can save information about the environmental conditions of the past is soils buried under embankments of burial complexes. Due to isolation from external environmental factors soils retain information about the features of the natural environment at the time of its burial. In this work we present a dataset on soils buried under four mounds in the Middle Ages. The soils were buried under mounds in a short time interval - 25-50 years. For comparison, the data on the surface soil located near the barrows are also presented. Obtained dataset includes detailed morphological field description of the soils and their physico-chemical analysis, such as granulometry, elemental analysis, fractions of iron and selected chemical data. Obtained data can be used to identify the dynamics of forest-steppe landscapes in the XIth century. The Medieval Warm Period and the subsequent humidisation of the climate over a short time interval had a significant impact on natural conditions and the migration of the population of the steppes of Eurasia. A comparative analysis of the properties of soils buried under archaeological sites of different ages allows examining in details the changes in the natural environment and its components over time. Moreover, soils are capable of storing a whole range of additional features of non-pedogenic origin that can be used for a more detailed reconstruction of the natural environment. The data on spores, pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs of the soil profiles are also presented in this article.

Sci Total Environ ; 671: 19-27, 2019 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30927724


Bacterial laccases are now known to be abundant in soil and to function outside of the cell facilitating the bacterial degradation of lignin. In this study we wanted to test the hypotheses that: i) Such enzymes can be identified readily in stratified paleosols using metagenomics approaches, ii) The distribution of these genes as potential 'public good' proteins in soil is a function of the soil environment, iii) Such laccase genes can be readily retrieved and expressed in E. coli cloning systems to demonstrate that de novo assembly processes can be used to obtain similar metagenome-derived enzyme activities. To test these hypotheses, in silico gene-targeted assembly was employed to identify genes encoding novel type B two-domain bacterial laccases from alpine soil metagenomes sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq sequencer. The genes obtained from different strata were heterologously cloned, expressed and the gene products were shown to be active against two classical laccase substrates. The use of a metagenome-driven pipeline to obtain such active biocatalysts has demonstrated the potential for gene mining to be applied systematically for the discovery of such enzymes. These data ultimately further demonstrate the application of soil pedology methods to environmental enzyme discovery. As an interdisciplinary effort, we can now establish that paleosols can serve as a useful source of novel biocatalytic enzymes for various applications. We also, for the first time, link soil stratigraphy to enzyme profiling for widespread functional gene activity in paleosols.

Bacterias/química , Proteínas Bacterianas/análisis , Lacasa/análisis , Metagenoma , Microbiología del Suelo , Suelo/química , Clonación Molecular , Escherichia coli/genética , Francia , Italia
Emerg Top Life Sci ; 2(2): 149-159, 2018 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32412619


The oxygenation of the atmosphere - one of the most fundamental transformations in Earth's history - dramatically altered the chemical composition of the oceans and provides a compelling example of how life can reshape planetary surface environments. Furthermore, it is commonly proposed that surface oxygen levels played a key role in controlling the timing and tempo of the origin and early diversification of animals. Although oxygen levels were likely more dynamic than previously imagined, we make a case here that emerging records provide evidence for low atmospheric oxygen levels for the majority of Earth's history. Specifically, we review records and present a conceptual framework that suggest that background oxygen levels were below 1% of the present atmospheric level during the billon years leading up to the diversification of early animals. Evidence for low background oxygen levels through much of the Proterozoic bolsters the case that environmental conditions were a critical factor in controlling the structure of ecosystems through Earth's history.