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Methods Mol Biol ; 2848: 3-23, 2025.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240513


The challenge of treating corneal scarring through keratoplasties lies in the limited availability of donor tissue. Various studies have shown the therapeutic use of cultivated corneal stromal stem cells (CSSCs) to mitigate tissue inflammation and suppress fibrosis and scar tissue formation in preclinical corneal wound models. To develop CSSC therapy for clinical trials on patients with corneal scarring, it is necessary to generate clinical-grade CSSCs in compliant to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations. This chapter elucidates human CSSC isolation, culture, and cryopreservation under GMP-compliant conditions. It underscores quality assessment encompassing morphological traits, expression of stemness markers, anti-inflammatory activity, and keratocyte differentiation potency.

Técnicas de Cultivo de Célula , Diferenciación Celular , Sustancia Propia , Humanos , Técnicas de Cultivo de Célula/métodos , Sustancia Propia/citología , Separación Celular/métodos , Criopreservación/métodos , Células Madre/citología , Células Madre/metabolismo , Células Cultivadas , Biomarcadores , Células del Estroma/citología
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3416, 20241804.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566115


Introdução: A terminalidade é uma situação cada vez mais vivenciada nos serviços de saúde em razão da progressão da expectativa de vida da população e, consequentemente, do incremento de pacientes com doenças crônicas graves. No Brasil, os serviços de cuidados paliativos ainda se encontram centralizados nos serviços de atenção terciária. Entretanto, em diversos países, a Atenção Primária à Saúde tem sido a grande prestadora e coordenadora de cuidados paliativos dos usuários, em prol da descentralização dessa assistência e da promoção do cuidado integral. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura, a fim de identificar a relação dos médicos de família e comunidade na atuação de cuidados paliativos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: Revisão bibliográfica por meio do acesso às bases de dados: Portal da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e PubMed. Foram selecionados 16 artigos, os quais foram submetidos a análise temática e posterior discussão das principais características que colaboram para a maior atuação dos médicos de família e comunidade em cuidados paliativos. Resultados: Observou-se a importância da atuação dos médicos de família e comunidade em cuidados paliativos no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde, bem como a interligação entre as duas especialidades, os desafios existentes nesse caminho e os benefícios dessa prática. Conclusões: A oferta de cuidados paliativos pelos médicos de família e comunidade na atenção primária favorece o acesso e acompanhamento dos pacientes. Entretanto, a atuação dos profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família nessa linha de cuidado ainda é insuficiente em razão da escassa capacitação na área.

Introduction: Terminality is a situation increasingly experienced in healthcare services due to the progression of the population's life expectancy and, consequently, the increase in patients with serious chronic diseases. In Brazil, Palliative Care services are still centralized in tertiary care services. However, in many countries, Primary Health Care has been the major provider and coordinator of Palliative Care for users, in favor of decentralizing this assistance and promoting comprehensive care. Objective: To carry out a narrative literature review to identify the relationship of Family Practice Doctors in the performance of Palliative Care in Primary Health Care. Methods: Bibliographic review through access to databases: CAPES, LILACS, SciELO, and PUBMED. Sixteen articles were selected, which were submitted to thematic analysis and subsequent discussion of the main characteristics that contribute to the greater performance of Family Practice Doctors in Palliative Care. Results: The importance of Family Practice Doctors in Palliative Care within the scope of Primary Health Care was observed, as well as the interconnection between the two specialties, the challenges along this path, and the benefits of this practice. Conclusions: The offer of Palliative Care by Family Practice Physicians in Primary Care favors the access and monitoring of patients. However, the performance of the professionals in Family Health Teams in this line of care is still insufficient due to the lack of training in the area.

Introducción: La terminalidad es una situación cada vez más experimentada en los servicios de salud debido a la progresión de la esperanza de vida de la población y, en consecuencia, al aumento de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas graves. En Brasil, los servicios de Cuidados Paliativos todavía están centralizados en los servicios de atención terciaria. Sin embargo, en varios países, la Atención Primaria de Salud ha sido la principal proveedora y coordinadora de los Cuidados Paliativos para los usuarios, a favor de descentralizar esta asistencia y promover la atención integral. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura, con el fin de identificar la relación de los Médicos de Familia y Comunitarios en la actuación de los Cuidados Paliativos en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica mediante acceso a bases de datos: Portal CAPES, LILACS, SciELO y PubMed. Fueron seleccionados dieciséis artículos, que fueron sometidos al análisis temático y posterior discusión de las principales características que contribuyen para una mayor actuación de los Médicos de Familia y Comunidad en Cuidados Paliativos. Resultados: Se constató la importancia del trabajo de los Médicos de Familia y Comunitarios en Cuidados Paliativos en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria de Salud, así como la interconexión entre las dos especialidades, los desafíos que existen en este camino y los beneficios de esta práctica. Conclusiones: La oferta de Cuidados Paliativos por Médicos de Familia y Comunitario en Atención Primaria favorece el acceso y seguimiento de los pacientes. Sin embargo, la actuación de los profesionales de los Equipos de Salud de la Familia en esta línea de atención aún es insuficiente debido a la falta de formación en el área.

Cuidados Paliativos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria , Estrategias de Salud Nacionales
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561695


Introdução: Os acidentes ocupacionais com material biológico representam um problema de saúde pública. A exposição ocupacional dos profissionais da saúde configura-se como um risco de transmissão de diversos patógenos. Na literatura, há carência de estudos que analisem o perfil dos acidentes com material biológico nos médicos da atenção primária. Objetivo: Buscou-se compreender o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes com material biológico em médicos da atenção primária em Minas Gerais. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo com análise do perfil dos acidentes com material biológico em médicos da atenção primária em Minas Gerais, utilizando dados secundários. Resultados: No período analisado, foram registrados 111 acidentes com material biológico, dos quais 54% ocorreram somente em 2020 e 2021. A maioria dos casos deu-se em mulheres (59%), e os tipos mais frequentes de exposição foram mucosa (38%) e percutânea (33%). Dos médicos, 23% não possuíam esquema vacinal contra a hepatite B completo. Em média, em 36% dos acidentes os testes sorológicos foram negativos e em 61% não foram realizados ou o campo foi ignorado/deixado em branco. Em apenas 7,2% dos casos a quimioprofilaxia foi indicada, mas ressaltam-se os registros ignorados ou em branco. Mais da metade dos acidentados não emitiu a Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusões: Os acidentes com material biológico predominam em médicas e nas formas de exposição mucosa e percutânea. Investimentos em medidas de biossegurança e educação permanente são necessários para prevenir casos e estimular sua notificação.

Introduction: Occupational accidents with biological material represent a public health problem. The occupational exposure of health professionals represents a risk of transmission of various pathogens. In the literature, there is a lack of studies that analyze the profile of accidents with biological material among primary health care physicians. Objective: We aimed to understand the epidemiological profile of accidents involving biological material among primary health care physicians in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study that analyzed the profile of accidents with biological material among primary health care doctors in Minas Gerais, using secondary data. Results: In the period analyzed, 111 accidents with biological material were recorded, of which 54% occurred only in 2020 and 2021. Most cases occurred in women (59%) and the most frequent types of exposure were mucosal (38%) and percutaneous (33%). About a quarter (23%) of physicians did not have a complete immunization record for hepatitis B. On average, in 36% of accidents serological tests were negative and in 61% they were not performed or the field was ignored/left blank. In only 7.2% of cases, chemoprophylaxis was indicated, but ignored or blank records stood out. More than half of the victims did not fill out a work accident report. Conclusions: Accidents with biological material predominate in female doctors and in forms of mucosal and percutaneous exposure. Investments in biosafety measures and permanent education are necessary to prevent cases and encourage their notification.

Introducción: Los accidentes de trabajo con material biológico representan un problema de salud pública. La exposición ocupacional de los profesionales de la salud representa un riesgo de transmisión de varios patógenos. En la literatura faltan estudios que analicen el perfil de accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria. Objetivo: Buscamos comprender el perfil epidemiológico de los accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria en Minas Gerais. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con análisis del perfil de accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria en Minas Gerais, utilizando datos secundarios. Resultados: En el período analizado se registraron 111 accidentes con material biológico, de los cuales el 54% ocurrió solo en 2020 y 2021. La mayoría de los casos ocurrieron en mujeres (59%) y los tipos de exposición más frecuentes fueron mucosa (38%) y percutánea (33%). El 23% de los médicos no disponía de un calendario completo de vacunación frente a la hepatitis B. En promedio, en el 36% de los accidentes, las pruebas serológicas fueron negativas y en el 61% no se realizó o se ignoró/dejó el campo en blanco. Solo en el 7,2% de los casos se indicó quimioprofilaxis, pero destacan los registros ignorados o en blanco. Más de la mitad de las víctimas no emitieron el CAT. Conclusiones: Predominan los accidentes con material biológico en médicas y en formas de exposición mucosa y percutánea. Son necesarias inversiones en medidas de bioseguridad y educación permanente para prevenir casos e incentivar su notificación.

Humanos , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Salud Laboral , Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553826


Enquanto no Norte Global se discute uma crise na Atenção Primária à Saúde, a maioria dos países nunca chegou a constituir sistemas de saúde baseados propriamente numa atenção primária robusta. Nesse cenário, o Brasil apresenta uma tendência mais favorável, com conquistas importantes para a atenção primária e a medicina de família e comunidade nos últimos dez anos. Restam desafios a serem superados para que o Sistema Único de Saúde alcance níveis satisfatórios de acesso a seus serviços, com profissionais adequadamente formados e valorizados pela população.

While the Global North is discussing a crisis in primary health care, the majority of countries have never managed to establish health systems based on robust primary care. Brazil presents a more favorable trend, with important achievements for primary care and family practice over the last ten years. There are still challenges to be overcome so that the Unified Health System achieves satisfactory levels of access to its services, with professionals who are properly trained and valued by the public.

Mientras que en el Norte Global se habla de una crisis de la atención primaria, la mayoría de los países nunca han creado realmente sistemas sanitarios basados en una atención primaria robusta. Brasil, muestra una tendencia más favorable, con importantes logros para la atención primaria y la medicina familiar y comunitaria en los últimos diez años. Aún quedan retos por superar para que el Sistema Único de Salud alcance niveles satisfactorios de acceso a sus servicios, con profesionales debidamente formados y valorados por la población.

Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Sistemas de Salud , Salud Global , Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561704


Introdução: Este artigo explora o tema da empatia na relação médico-paciente. Objetivo: Contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das habilidades de comunicação clínica ao revisar o entendimento e a aplicação da empatia na prática clínica. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão não sistemática dos principais livros utilizados na comunicação clínica sobre o tema da empatia. O recorte metodológico compreendeu as seguintes etapas: (1) amostra intencional da literatura; (2) coleta e leitura de dados ­ i.e., extração de fragmentos dos textos; (3) análise do conteúdo, com o foco na definição, importância e instrumentalização para a aplicação prática; (4) seleção e síntese, para facilitar a compreensão e a contextualização sobre o tema; e (5) comparação e ponderação do conteúdo selecionado. Resultados: A abrangência com que a empatia foi trabalhada na literatura selecionada resultou em três níveis de densidade empática: baixa, moderada e alta. Assim, a baixa densidade empática limitou-se mais à definição e importância do tema; a densidade moderada incorporou algum exemplo de como aplicar a empatia, porém de forma fragmentada; e a alta densidade empática abordou o tema de modo mais completo, facilitando a instrumentalização na prática clínica. Há concordância na literatura analisada de que a prática da empatia reflete-se na melhoria do cuidado médico, entretanto seu exercício permanece no campo racional. Ao exemplificar a aplicação prática da empatia, os autores sugerem que o médico adote uma postura isenta de julgamentos, ao mesmo tempo que propõem um exercício imaginativo, de adivinhação dos sentimentos/emoções do paciente. Apesar de os autores de alta densidade empática compreenderem a importância das emoções e nomeá-las no processo, percebe-se a necessidade de um desdobramento e aprofundamento a partir desse ponto. Conclusões: Por se tratar de um assunto complexo, com vários matizes, a empatia é abordada de diferentes formas na literatura selecionada. Isso evidencia sua riqueza e originalidade, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta lacunas para sua aplicação na prática clínica.

Introduction: This article explores the theme of empathy in the doctor-patient relationship. Objective: To contribute to the improvement of clinical communication skills by reviewing the understanding and application of empathy in clinical practice. Methods: A non-systematic review of the main books used in clinical communication on the topic of empathy. The methodological approach consisted in the following steps: (1) An intentional sample of the literature; (2) Data collection and reading, i.e., extracting fragments from texts; (3) Content analysis, focusing on definition, importance and instrumentalization for practical application; (4) Selection and synthesis to facilitate understanding and contextualization on the topic; and (5) Comparison and ponderance of the selected content. Results: The scope within which empathy was worked on in the selected literature resulted in three levels of empathic density: low, moderate, and high. Thus, low empathic density was limited to definition and importance; moderate density incorporated some examples of how to apply empathy in a fragmented way; high empathic density addressed the topic more fully, facilitating instrumentation in clinical practice. There is agreement in the literature analyzed that the practice of empathy reflects on the improvement of medical care. However, its exercise remains in the rational field. By exemplifying the practical application of empathy, the authors suggest that the physician adopt a non-judgmental posture, while proposing an imaginative exercise of guessing the patient's feelings/emotions. Although high-density empathy authors understand the importance of emotions and name them in the process, there is a need for an unfolding and deepening from this point on. Conclusions: Empathy is a complex subject with several nuances and is approached in different ways in the selected literature. This evidences its richness and originality, at the same time that it presents gaps for the application of empathy in clinical practice.

Introducción: Este artículo explora el tema de la empatía en la relación médico-paciente. Objetivo: contribuir a la mejora de las habilidades de comunicación clínica mediante la revisión de la comprensión y aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica. Método: se trata de una revisión no sistemática de los principales libros utilizados en comunicación clínica sobre el tema de la empatía. El enfoque metodológico comprendió los siguientes pasos: (1) Una muestra intencional de la literatura; (2) Recopilación y lectura de datos, es decir, extracción de fragmentos de textos; (3) Análisis de contenido, centrándose en definición, importancia e instrumentalización para la aplicación práctica; (4) Selección y síntesis para facilitar la comprensión y contextualización sobre el tema; y (5) Comparación y ponderación del contenido seleccionado. Resultados: el alcance con el que se trabajó la empatía en la literatura seleccionada tuvo como resultado tres niveles de densidad empática: baja, moderada y alta. Así, la baja densidad empática se limitaba más a la definición y la importancia; densidad moderada, incorporó algún ejemplo de cómo aplicar la empatía, pero de manera fragmentada; alta densidad empática se acercó del tema de manera más completa, facilitando la instrumentación en la práctica clínica. Existe acuerdo en la literatura analizada en que la práctica de la empatía se refleja en la mejora de la atención médica. Sin embargo, su ejercicio queda en el campo racional. Al ejemplificar la aplicación práctica de la empatía, los autores sugieren que el médico adopte una postura no crítica, al tiempo que propone un ejercicio imaginativo de adivinar los sentimientos/emociones del paciente. Si bien los autores de alta densidad empática entienden la importancia de las emociones y las nombran en el proceso, existe la necesidad de un desdoblamiento y profundización a partir de este punto. Conclusiones: Por tratarse de un tema complejo y con varios matices, la empatía es abordada de diferentes maneras en la literatura seleccionada. Esto evidencia su riqueza y originalidad, al mismo tiempo que presenta vacíos para la aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica.

Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Educación Médica , Empatía , Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569590


está disponible en el texto completo

Introduction: High blood pressure (HBP) is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease. Despite the advances, the percentage of undiagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients is 58.4%. The evaluation of cognitive damage in HBP focuses on preventing stroke, while functional damage is ignored. This inadequate management may be multifactorial. The objective was to analyze the opinions that doctors have about the relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive damage. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study developed in the period between August 2020 and August 2023. Analysis of data obtained from a self-administered, anonymous and voluntary questionnaire. Revealing information on the professional profile, knowledge of HBP, its link with cognitive impairment (CD), diagnosis and treatment. Results: 222 professionals were included, 215 (96.8%) agree with the existence of a link between HBP and other cardiovascular risk factors in CD, and 218 (98.1%) acknowledge assisting patients at risk of suffering from CD. The CD evaluation is carried out in selected cases by 132 (59.4%) participants and 59 (26.7%) always do it. Of those who perform evaluation, 103 (54%) use the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 10 (5.2%) use the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 9 (4.7%) use the Clock Drawing Test. Regarding the decrease in blood pressure in elderly patients and the link with risk of CD: 54 (24.3%) do not recognize risk and 65 (29.2%) recognize a moderate-high risk. In reference to the implication of the treatment of cardiovascular disease and CD: 217 (97.7%) recognized a beneficial effect. Discussion: Given the recognition of the link between HBP and CD, it would be expected that CD would be investigated in the vast majority, however only 26.7% always evaluate it. There is no consensus on the method, the MMSE being the most used, with a low application of the MoCA test and/or Clock Drawing Test, the latter being the ones that evaluate executive function, mostly altered in CD linked to HBP. Although the treatment of cardiovascular disease is recognized as beneficial with respect to CD, the control of HBP in older adults is considered risky. A diagnosis is made of a situation where a disparity is evident between what one recognizes as knowing and what one claims to do. Conclusions: The role of vascular disease in functional brain damage is recognized, considering it necessary to know the cognitive status of patients, however there is a low application of screening tests that evaluate executive function. In this context, a gap between medical knowledge and practice is shown.

Introdução: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é a principal causa de morte por doenças cardiovasculares. Apesar dos avanços, o percentual de hipertensos não diagnosticados e não tratados é de 58,4%. A avaliação do dano cognitivo na hipertensão concentra-se na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral, enquanto o dano funcional é ignorado. Esse manejo inadequado pode ser multifatorial. É objetivo fue analisar a opinião dos médicos sobre a relação entre hipertensão arterial e danos cognitivos. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal desenvolvido no período entre agosto de 2020 e agosto de 2023. Análise de dados obtidos a partir de questionário autoaplicável, anônimo e voluntário. Revelar informações sobre o perfil profissional, conhecimento sobre a HA, sua ligação com o comprometimento cognitivo (DC), diagnóstico e tratamento. Resultados: Foram incluídos 222 profissionais, 215 (96,8%) concordam com a existência de ligação entre hipertensão e outros fatores de risco cardiovascular na DC e 218 (98,1%) reconhecem ajudar pacientes com risco de sofrer de D.C. A avaliação da DC é realizada em casos selecionados por 132 (59,4%) participantes e 59 (26,7%) a fazem sempre. Dos que realizam avaliação, 103 (54%) utilizam o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), 10 (5,2%) utilizam a Avaliação Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) e 9 (4,7%) utilizam o Clock Drawing Test. Em relação à diminuição da pressão arterial em pacientes idosos e a ligação com o risco de DC: 54 (24,3%) não reconhecem risco e 65 (29,2%) reconhecem risco moderado-alto. Em referência à implicação do tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares e DC: 217 (97,7%) reconheceram o efeito benéfico. Discussão: Dado o reconhecimento da ligação entre hipertensão e DC, seria de esperar que a DC fosse investigada na grande maioria, no entanto apenas 26,7% sempre a avaliam. Não há consenso sobre o método, sendo o MEEM o mais utilizado, com baixa aplicação do teste MoCA e/ou Clock Drawing Test, sendo estes últimos os que avaliam a função executiva, majoritariamente alterada nos DC vinculados à HA. Embora o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares seja reconhecido como benéfico em relação à DC, o controle da HA em idosos é considerado arriscado. É feito um diagnóstico de uma situação em que é evidente uma disparidade entre o que se reconhece como saber e o que se afirma fazer. Conclusões: O papel da doença vascular no dano cerebral funcional é reconhecido, considerando-se necessário conhecer o estado cognitivo dos pacientes, porém há baixa aplicação de testes de triagem que avaliam a função executiva. Nesse contexto, evidencia-se uma lacuna entre o conhecimento e a prática médica.

Referência ; serVI(3): e32426, dez. 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1569433


Resumo Enquadramento: A implementação da Prática Baseada na Evidência (PBE) é crucial para a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem. As ações desenvolvidas pelos líderes formais são essenciais para implementar a PBE, tornando-se determinante conhecer as suas perceções. Objetivo: Conhecer as perceções de líderes formais de enfermagem sobre a PBE. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a 17 líderes de três hospitais portugueses. Os dados foram analisados através de análise de conteúdo e do software MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2022. Salvaguardados os pressupostos éticos. Resultados: Emergiram dois temas com respetivas categorias − Conhecimento sobre PBE (Conceito de PBE, Impacto da PBE nos resultados em saúde e Autoperceção do conhecimento sobre PBE); Papel na implementação da PBE (comportamentos e caraterísticas). Conclusão: Os líderes descreveram a sua perceção sobre o Conceito de PBE e a relação do Impacto da PBE com resultados em saúde, a necessidade de conhecimento e o seu investimento formativo, bem como o seu papel neste processo. Futuros programas formativos deverão ser implementados nesta área.

Abstract Background: The implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is critical to the quality of nursing care. Formal leaders play a crucial role in developing interventions to implement EBP, so it is important to understand their perceptions. Objective: To examine formal nurse leaders' perceptions of EBP. Methodology: Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 leaders from three Portuguese hospitals. Data were analyzed using content analysis and MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2022 software. All ethical principles were observed. Results: Two themes and their categories emerged − Knowledge of EBP (Concept of EBP, Impact of EBP on health outcomes, and Self-perception of the knowledge about EBP) and Role in EBP implementation (behaviors and characteristics). Conclusion: The leaders described their perception of the concept of EBP and the association between the impact of EBP and health outcomes, the need for knowledge, and the investment in training, as well as their role in this process. Future training programs should be implemented in this area.

Resumen Marco contextual: La implantación de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia (PBE) es esencial para la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería. Las acciones emprendidas por los líderes formales son esenciales para implantar la PBE, y es fundamental conocer sus percepciones. Objetivo: Conocer las percepciones de los líderes formales de enfermería sobre la PBE. Metodología: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 17 líderes de tres hospitales portugueses. Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis de contenido y el programa MAXQDA Analytic Pro 2022. Se garantizaron los presupuestos éticos. Resultados: Surgieron dos temas con sus respectivas categorías − Conocimiento sobre la PBE (Concepto de la PBE, Impacto de la PBE en los resultados sanitarios y Autopercepción del conocimiento sobre la PBE); Papel en la aplicación de la PBE (comportamientos y características). Conclusión: Los líderes describieron su percepción del concepto de PBE y la relación del Impacto de la PBE con los resultados sanitarios, la necesidad de conocimientos y su inversión formativa, así como su papel en este proceso. Los futuros programas de formación deberían aplicarse en este ámbito.

Int J Gen Med ; 17: 3699-3709, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219673


Background: Older age and female sex are risk factors for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (OP). This study evaluated the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in China regarding OP and its prevention. This cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study enrolled patients with KOA at four grade-A tertiary hospitals in Shandong Province between 1st September and 20th November 2022. Methods: The administered questionnaire contained 55 items across four dimensions (demographic information, knowledge, attitude, and practice). Logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with an overall questionnaire score ≥70% of the maximum possible score. SPSS 26.0 was used for the analyses; P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The analysis included 434 participants (261 females). The median knowledge, attitude, and practice scores were 7 (interquartile range: 5-10) (possible range, 0-17 points), 44 (interquartile range: 42-49) (possible range, 11-55 points), and 43 (interquartile range: 38-47) (possible range, 13-65 points), respectively. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that female sex (odds ratio [OR], 2.421; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.558-3.762; P<0.001), age 56-65 years-old (OR, 4.222; 95% CI, 1.763-10.109; P=0.001 vs ≤55 years-old), age >65 years-old (OR, 4.358; 95% CI, 1.863-10.195; P=0.001 vs ≤55 years-old), middle/high/technical secondary school education (OR, 1.853; 95% CI, 1.002-3.428; P=0.049 vs primary school or below), and having KOA for 4-5 years (OR, 2.682; 95% CI, 1.412-5.094; P=0.003 vs ≤3 years) were independently associated with a high KAP score. Conclusion: There is room for improvement in the knowledge and practices of patients with osteoarthritis in China regarding OP. The findings of this study may facilitate the design and implementation of education programs to increase awareness about OP prevention among patients with KOA.

Clin Optom (Auckl) ; 16: 211-220, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219729


Purpose: To provide information on the demographics of optometrists and regulation of the optometry profession in countries who were members of the World Council of Optometry (WCO) during the period 2022-2023. Methods: A non-random, purposive sampling and a key informant strategy was employed to conduct a survey-based cross-sectional study on the professional landscape and distribution of optometrists; educational landscape; legislative aspects of the profession; and the scope of optometry practice in countries who were members of WCO during the period 2022-2023. Key informants were identified by WCO country members' leadership. Results: In the 39 countries surveyed, one optometrist serves 23,200 persons on average. Only 46.2% of the countries met the internationally suggested 1:10,000 optometrist-to-population ratio. The average male-to-female ratio was 45% males/55% females, with a division of average age as follows: under 45 years of age 46% as compared to above 45 years of age 54%. It was reported that optometry is not regulated in France, Portugal, India, Kenya and Cameron. Thirteen countries (33%) do not require a Bachelor's degree as a minimum to practice optometry. Use of diagnostic drugs is prohibited in 20% of the countries, with 25% of the countries limiting the use of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents. Conclusion: Many countries where optometry is recognized struggle to have an adequate number of optometrists; this hinders access to eye care. This is compounded by unregulated minimum levels of education for entry-level optometric practitioners. In addition, several countries limit or prohibit many optometric procedures that restrict the ability of optometrists to provide eye care and vision health services at the primary care level.

Cureus ; 16(7): e65911, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219890


Halitosis is the result of combining the Greek word "osis" (pathological alteration) with the Latin phrase "halitus" (breath). No matter what the cause, halitosis can be described as the presence of a foul odour. Effective treatment of halitosis may be facilitated by knowledge of the illnesses and factors that contribute to the condition as well as its symptoms. To properly diagnose and treat patients, healthcare professionals, general practitioners, and dentists must comprehend the cause of the ailment and the best course of treatment. A prevalent issue affecting a large proportion of the global population is halitosis. In 90% of cases, the onset of this illness is oral; however, in 10% of cases, it is systemic. The primary source of the unpleasant smell is the volatile sulphur compounds that Gram-negative bacteria create. The majority of halitosis sufferers find their disease humiliating which makes it difficult for them to go about their daily lives and social lives. A thorough examination was carried out. An evaluation of the tongue was done. The halitosis was treated in afflicted areas using the "Epic Biolase Laser". It is the most robust dental laser and has a low power output which uses a solid-state diode to produce invisible infrared radiation. This device operates aseptically and offers more convenience due to its wireless design, which is powered by a Bluetooth foot pedal. This is used to lower the number of bacteria, and then periodic maintenance is performed to keep them under control. Benefits and outcomes were accomplished. Laser therapy destroys the bacteria that produce volatile compounds and efficiently treats foul breath for a longer period of time. But with a combination of conventional techniques, the results we obtain are even better.

Health Care Sci ; 3(4): 238-248, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220432


Purpose: Strong primary health care (PHC) systems require well-established PHC education systems to enhance the skills of general practitioners (GPs). However, the literature on the experiences of international collaboration in primary care education in low- and middle-income countries remains limited. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation and perceived impact of the McGill-Tongji Blended Education Program for Teacher Leaders in General Practice (referred to as the "Tongji Program"). Methods: In 2020-2021, the McGill Department of Family Medicine (Montreal, Canada) and Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM, Shanghai, China) jointly implemented the Tongji Program in Shanghai, China to improve the teaching capacity of PHC teachers. We conducted an exploratory longitudinal case study with a mixed methods design for the evaluation. Quantitative (QUAN) data was collected through questionnaire surveys and qualitative (QUAL) data was collected through focus group discussions. Results: The evaluation showed that learners in Tongji Program were primarily female GPs (21/22,95%) with less than 4 years of experience in teaching (16/22,73%). This program was considered a successful learning experience by most participants (19/22, 86%) with higher order learning tasks such as critical thinking and problem-solving. They also agreed that this program helped them feel more prepared to teach (21/22,95%), and developed a positive attitude toward primary care (21/22,95%). The QUAL interview revealed that both the Tongji and McGill organizers noted that TUSM showed strong leadership in organization, education, and coordination. Both students and teachers agreed that by adapting training content into contextualized delivery formats and settings, the Tongji Program successfully overcame language and technology barriers. Conclusions: Committed partnerships and contextualization were key to the success of the Tongji Program. Future research should focus on how international primary care education programs affect learners' behavior in their practice settings, and explore barriers and facilitators to change.

SAGE Open Nurs ; 10: 23779608241279152, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220806


Background: Cervical Cancer (CC) is the fourth most frequent malignancy worldwide among females with significant death rates. It ranks as the 8th most frequent cancer in Saudi female. CC is preventable, with likelihood of full treatment by early detection, because of its long pre-invasive period. Lack of awareness and practice on CC prevention and screening increase the risk of disease. Objective: to examine knowledge, attitude, and practice on CC prevention among Saudi female university students. Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study with a convenience sample included 594 female university students studying at health and non-health colleges of Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University in Al-Kharj City, Saudi Arabia. All female students were asked to complete an online questionnaire on knowledge, attitude, and practice on CC prevention. Results: A total of 594 respondents to the questionnaire, 88.7% of them had unsatisfactory knowledge about CC. Out of a total of 27 points, students' knowledge mean score was 9.3 ± 6.4. Conversely the majority of students (94.4%) had positive attitude toward CC; the mean attitude score was 34.52 ± 5.04 out of 45. Regarding students practice, less than 7% of students were vaccinated against HPV and only 3.7% were screened for cancer cervix. Married females, health colleges students, and high attitude score were significant predictors for the students' knowledge about cancer cervix (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Majority of the respondents displayed lack of knowledge; however, they had a positive attitude toward CC. Very alarmingly, almost all of students had inadequate practice regarding CC prevention. So, the study recommends developing and implementing educational programs and strategies for female university students to improve their knowledge and practice related to cervix cancer. Results of this study provide evidence that can help in formulating effective awareness strategies and educational programs for women that would help in CC prevention.

Health Sci Rep ; 7(9): e70030, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221054


Background and Aims: Antibiotic misuse represent a significant global health challenge, with medical students positioned as key figures in promoting responsible antibiotic usage. This study investigates the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding antibiotic use among medical students in Bangladesh, aiming to identify areas for targeted educational and policy interventions. Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted among 501 medical students across various years of study in Bangladesh, collecting data over a 3-month period. The survey assessed antibiotic knowledge, usage practices, and attitudes towards misuse, employing descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analyses to explore associations between students' demographic characteristics and their KAP towards antibiotics. Significance was assigned at p-value < 0.05. Results: In our study involving 501 medical students from four medical colleges in Bangladesh, we achieved a 76% response rate. Among the participants, 78.24% correctly identified antibiotics' effectiveness against bacterial infections, but 45.71% were uncertain about their efficacy against viral infections. Notably, 21.20% reported self-prescribing antibiotics, predominantly sourced from physician prescriptions (54.89%). The most common reason for antibiotic use was fever (19.02%). Senior students were less likely to have good knowledge compared to junior students, and urban students demonstrated a higher likelihood of good knowledge and positive attitude towards antibiotic resistance. Conclusion: This study highlights the critical need for educational reforms and antimicrobial stewardship among medical students in Bangladesh to combat antibiotic misuse and mitigate antimicrobial resistance.

Cureus ; 16(8): e66028, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221340


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:  Addressing the issues of workplace advancement, resilience, and retention within medicine is crucial for creating a culture of equity, respect, and inclusivity especially towards women and nonbinary (WNB) providers including advanced practice providers (APPs), most notably those from marginalized groups. This also directly impacts healthcare quality, patient outcomes, and overall patient and employee satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to amplify the voices on challenges faced by WNB providers within a pediatric academic healthcare organization, to rank workplace interventions addressing advancement, resilience, and retention highlighting urgency towards addressing these issues, and, lastly, to provide suggestions on how to improve inclusivity. METHODS:  Participants were self-identified WNB providers employed by a pediatric healthcare organization and its affiliated medical university. An eligibility screener was completed by 150 qualified respondents, and 40 WNBs actually participated in study interviews. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide to rank interventions targeted at improving equity, with time allotted for interviewees to discuss their personal lives and how individual circumstances impacted their professional experiences. RESULTS:  WNB providers called for efficient workflows and reducing uncompensated job demands. Support for family responsibilities, flexible financial/compensation models, and improved job resources all were endorsed similarly. Participants ranked direct supervisor and leader support substantially lower than other interventions.  Conclusions: Career mentorship and academic support for WNB individuals are recognized interventions for advancement and retention but were not ranked as top priorities. Respondents focused on personal supports as they relate to family, job resources, and flexible compensation models. Future studies should focus on implementing realistic expectations and structures that support whole lives including professional ambitions, time with family, personal pursuits, and self-care.

Autism Dev Lang Impair ; 9: 23969415241275940, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221431


Background and aims: Current evidence shows that children with developmental language disorder (DLD) benefit from spaced retrieval during word learning activities. Word recall is quite good relative to recall with alternative word learning procedures. However, recall on an absolute basis can be improved further; many studies report that fewer than two-thirds of the words are learned, even with the assistance of spaced retrieval during the learning activities. In this article we identify details of spaced retrieval that are less well understood in an effort to promote more effective learning through retrieval practice. Main contribution: We discuss the importance of factors such as: (a) integrating immediate retrieval with spaced retrieval trials; (b) determining whether gradual increases in spacing have more than short-term benefits relative to equal spacing; (c) discovering the number of successful retrievals sufficient to ensure later recall; (d) using spaced retrieval to avoid erosion of phonetic details on later recall tests; and (e) whether the well-documented difficulties with learning word forms might be tied to a particular subgroup of children with DLD. We also speculate on some of the possible reasons why spaced retrieval is beneficial in the first place. Conclusions: Although many children with DLD make gains in word learning through procedures that incorporate spaced retrieval, there are numerous details involved in the process that can alter its success. Until we have a better understanding of the boundaries of spaced retrieval's effectiveness, we will not be taking full advantage of this promising addition to word learning procedures. Implications: Spaced retrieval activities can be an important addition to the resources that clinicians and educators have available to assist children in their word learning. With a deeper understanding of the issues discussed here, we should be able to put spaced retrieval to even greater use.

Top Stroke Rehabil ; : 1-10, 2024 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222400


BACKGROUND: Post-stroke lateropulsion is prevalent and associated with poor rehabilitation outcomes, but evidence to guide rehabilitation of affected stroke survivors is limited. Current post-stroke lateropulsion rehabilitation practice across Australia and New Zealand has not been previously described. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to describe lateropulsion rehabilitation practice in Australia and New Zealand, determine clinicians,' educators' and researchers' opinions about the need for educational resources to guide best-practice, and to identify current barriers to, and enablers of, optimal rehabilitation delivery. METHODS: This cross-sectional survey was distributed to stroke rehabilitation clinicians, educators and researchers across Australia and New Zealand using Qualtrics. Data were described using frequency distributions and Chi-squared tests. Responses to open-ended questions were summarized for reporting. RESULTS: The final analyses included 127 surveys. Most participants (93%) were physiotherapists. The importance of identifying and assessing post-stroke lateropulsion was noted by 97.6% of participants; however routine lateropulsion assessment was reported by only 60.6% of respondents. About 93.6% of participants indicated that lateropulsion should be targeted as a rehabilitation priority. Limitations in knowledge and skill among clinicians and insufficient evidence to guide rehabilitation were noted as barriers to best-practice rehabilitation delivery. Most respondents (95.2%) indicated that lateropulsion management should be included in stroke rehabilitation guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: A sample of clinicians, educators, and researchers involved in stroke rehabilitation across Australia and New Zealand have indicated that lateropulsion should be targeted as a rehabilitation priority. Knowledge and skill were identified as barriers to best-practice rehabilitation implementation, which could be improved by addressing lateropulsion in clinical practice guidelines.

Phys Ther ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223935


In the United States, physician shortages and increases in noncommunicable disease burden have resulted in a growing demand for primary care providers (PCPs). Patients with physical and functional impairments have been especially affected by these challenges. However, physical therapists are well suited to meet patient needs in primary care settings by working alongside PCPs and other primary health care team members. When included in a primary care team, physical therapists can improve patient access to care, optimize care navigation, and reduce the overall cost of care. Therefore, the purpose of the current perspective was to (1) provide an overview of established integrated primary care models in the United States that include physical therapists in the care team and (2) outline operational and practice considerations for health care administrators and professionals interested in integrating physical therapists into primary care teams. IMPACT STATEMENT: Given physician shortages and increasing burden in primary care in the United States, inclusion of a physical therapist in a primary care team can improve patient access to care, optimize care navigation, and reduce the overall cost of care for patients with physical and functional needs.

Phys Ther ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223953


OBJECTIVE: Physical therapists routinely deliver and prescribe motor practice to improve function. The ability to select optimal practice regimens is limited by a current lack of detail in the measurement of motor practice. The objective of this study was to quantify the type, amount, and timing of gross motor practice during physical therapist sessions. METHODS: A secondary video coding analysis of physical therapist sessions from the iMOVE clinical trial (NCT02340026) in young children with cerebral palsy (CP) was conducted. The 37 children who completed the treatment phase were included (mean age = 22.1 months). Children could initiate pulling to stand but were unable to walk. Videos of randomly selected therapy sessions were coded for gross motor activity (422 videos total). The 10 gross motor activity codes included lying, sitting, four point, crawling, kneeling, knee walking, standing, walking, transitions between floor postures, and transitions to/from an upright posture. Twenty percent of each video was double coded for reliability. Time per session, number of bouts, and median time per bout were calculated for each gross motor activity and for 2 aggregate measures: movement time and upright time. RESULTS: Participants spent more than half of therapy time in sitting and standing combined (60.3%). Transitions occurred more frequently than any other motor activity (49.3 total transitions per session). Movement time accounted for 16.3% of therapy time. Upright time accounted for 53.3% of therapy time. CONCLUSIONS: Critical practice time to gain motor skill is not equivalent to chronological time or time spent in therapy. Toddlers with CP spent a small amount of therapy time moving. Future work should explore the relations between motor practice and rehabilitation outcomes. IMPACT: Physical therapists are ideally suited to detail the content of motor practice and ultimately to prescribe optimal patterns of motor practice. We report the characteristics of gross motor practice during therapy in children with CP.

Disabil Rehabil ; : 1-13, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225045


PURPOSE: To explore influences on the capability, opportunity and motivation of physiotherapists integrating new evidence into routine care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mixed-methods study utilising the Theoretical Domains Framework and Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour model. Metropolitan inpatient rehabilitation physiotherapists participated by integrating the Balance Intensity Scale into routine care for 6 weeks. Evidence integration was supported by a tailored theory-informed approach. Participants completed pre- and post-evidence integration surveys and a post-evidence integration focus group. RESULTS: Pre- and post-surveys were completed by 24 and 12 participants, respectively. One focus group (n = 7) was conducted. Framework analysis identified themes in Capability (n = 4), Opportunity (n = 4) and Motivation (n = 5) domains influencing behaviour when implementing new evidence. The evidence integration process enhanced participants' Knowledge (p = 0.04), Skills (p = 0.003) and Belief in capabilities (p = 0.03) when prescribing and measuring balance exercises. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified perceived barriers and enablers to evidence integration of a new outcome measure into routine care. It highlights strategies that may support physiotherapy teams in incorporating new evidence into routine care. These strategies include education on the evidence being implemented, physical resources, change champions to facilitate social support, management endorsement, and recognition of the time and effort required for evidence integration in the short term.

When integrating new evidence into routine physiotherapy care in rehabilitation settings, the theoretical domains framework can provide a suitable framework to identify potential barriers and enablers of evidence integration at a local level, to guide the tailoring of support strategies.Rehabilitation physiotherapists can integrate the Balance Intensity Scale into balance exercise prescription as part of routine care.Targeted education provides support to change practice and implement evidence-informed care.Clinical change champions and sharing the effort to change as a team are pivotal in fostering the adoption of new evidence, such as the Balance Intensity Scale, into practice.

Scand J Prim Health Care ; : 1-10, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225788


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to explore general practice staff perspectives regarding a teaching concept based on instructional videos for conducting DR screenings. Furthermore, this study aims to investigate the competencies acquired by the staff through this teaching concept. DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative cross-sectional study conducted in general practice clinics in the North Denmark Region. METHOD: A teaching concept was developed based on instruction videos to teach general practice staff to conduct diabetic retinopathy screenings with automated grading through artificial intelligence. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 16 staff members to investigate their perspectives on the concept and acquired competencies. RESULTS: This study found no substantial resistance to the teaching concept from staff; however, participants' satisfaction with the methods employed in the instruction session, the progression of learning curves, screening competencies, and their acceptance of a known knowledge gap during screenings varied slightly among the participants. CONCLUSION: This study showed that the teaching concept can be used to teach general practice staff to conduct diabetic retinopathy screenings. Staffs' perspectives on the teaching concept and acquired competencies varied, and this study suggest few adjustments to the concept to accommodate staff's preferences and establish more consistent competencies.