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Sci. med ; 24(3): 264-268, jul-set. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-743669


Objetivos: Investigar os efeitos de diferentes frequ�ncias da estimula��o el�trica nervosa transcut�nea (TENS - transcutaneous electricalnerve stimulation), em rela��o � acomoda��o e agradabilidade nas diversas formas de aplica��o.M�todos: A amostra foi composta por 20 indiv�duos, divididos aleatoriamente em tr�s grupos, que foram submetidos � TENS, com tr�sfrequ�ncias diferentes: 7 Hz, 100 Hz e 255 Hz, com dura��o de pulso de 250 ?s, por 20 minutos, uma vez por semana no per�odo de tr�ssemanas. Os volunt�rios eram orientados a indicarem o momento da primeira acomoda��o e as acomoda��es subsequentes. No final do per�odode coleta de dados, os indiv�duos foram interrogados sobre a frequ�ncia que julgassem mais agrad�vel.Resultados: Para o limiar de acomoda��o, considerando todas as frequ�ncias analisadas, verificou-se que n�o houve diferen�a significativa(p>0,05), fato que tamb�m se repetiu para o n�mero de acomoda��es em 20 minutos (p>0,05). Com rela��o � agradabilidade, 11 indiv�duosindicaram a frequ�ncia de 7 Hz como a mais agrad�vel.Conclus�es: N�o houve diferen�a significativa no limiar de acomoda��o e no n�mero de acomoda��es entre as frequ�ncias utilizadas. Afrequ�ncia de 7 Hz foi apontada como a mais agrad�vel seguida da frequ�ncia de 100 Hz.

Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different frequencies of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)regarding to accommodation and pleasantness of the different forms of application.Methods: The sample consisted of 20 subjects randomly divided into 3 groups, in which they were submitted to 3 different frequencies ofTENS: 7 Hz, 100Hz, 255Hz, pulse duration of 250 ?s, for 20 minutes once a week over three weeks. The volunteers were instructed to indicatethe first and subsequent accommodation moments. At the end of the period of data collection, subjects were asked about which frequencythey thought most enjoyable.Results: For the threshold of adaptation, considering all frequencies analyzed, it was found that there was no significant difference (p>0.05),a fact that was also repeated for the number of adaptations in 20 minutes (p>0.05). With regard to pleasantness, 11 subjects indicated thefrequency of 7 Hz as the most enjoyable.Conclusions: There was no significant difference in threshold for adaptation and the number of adaptations between the frequencies used.The frequency of 7 Hz was identified as the most enjoyable then the frequency of 100 Hz.