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BMC Rheumatol ; 6(1): 67, 2022 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36376988


BACKGROUND: The 28-joint disease activity score (DAS28) is a widely used measure to assess disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The DAS28-P index, a derived proportion of the patient-reported components (joint tenderness and patient global assessment) within the DAS28, has been utilized as a discriminatory measure of non-inflammatory pain mechanisms in RA. This study aimed to evaluate the use of the DAS28-P index as a predictor of treatment response in early RA. METHODS: Patients with early RA enrolled in a supplemental fish oil clinical trial received a combination of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) according to a 'treat-to-target' protocol. First, consecutive measures of the DAS28-P index, derived from the DAS28-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR), at each visit over a 1-year period were estimated for each patient. Then, distinct subgroups of treatment responders based on the trajectories of the DAS28-P indices were identified using bivariate k-means cluster analysis. Data on baseline predictors as well as longitudinal outcomes of disease impact and DMARD use over a 1-year period and radiographic progression over a 3-year period were collected and analyzed using a random intercept, population-averaged generalized estimating equation model. RESULTS: 121 patients were included (74% female; mean age of 57; median of 16 weeks of active disease) and a 3-cluster model was identified-the 'Responders' group (n = 58; 48%), the 'Partial Responders' group (n = 32; 26%), and the 'Non-Responders' group (n = 31; 26%). The 'Partial Responders' group had consistently higher proportions of the DAS28-P index throughout the study period and had minimal radiographic progression over time, with the lowest joint erosion score of 0.9 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.2, 1.6], observed at the 3-year follow-up. At 52 weeks, the methotrexate dose was higher for both 'Partial Responders' and 'Non-Responders' groups (18.5 mg [95% CI 15.5, 21.5] and 18.6 mg [95% CI 15.3, 21.8] respectively), when compared with the 'Responders' group (12.8 mg [95% CI 14.7, 20.9]). CONCLUSIONS: Persistently high DAS28-P index scores are useful to distinguish poor patient global assessment and excessive treatment escalation in early RA, suggestive of underlying non-inflammatory pain contributing to higher disease activity score. Early identification of patients with discordant subjective and objective components of composite disease activity measures may allow better tailoring of treatment in RA.

Environ Pollut ; 269: 116098, 2021 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33246759


Overuse of phosphorus (P) fertilizer and the resulting soil P accumulation in vegetable production increases the risk of P runoff and leaching. However, P transformations under continuous fertilization and their effects on environmental risk are unclear. The current study examined the effects of long-term P fertilizer application on P fractions in different soil layers, and assessed the correlations between P fractions and environmental risks in intensive vegetable production in a subtropical region. A total of 32 fields were studied, including 8 uncultivated fields and 24 fields continuously used for vegetable production for 1-3, 4-9, or 10-15 years. The results showed that excessive P fertilizer input caused soil P surpluses ranging from 204.6 to 252.4 kg ha-1 yr-1. Compared to uncultivated fields, vegetable fields contained higher levels of labile P, moderately labile P, sparingly labile P, and non-labile P. The combined percentage of labile P and moderately labile P increased from 55.2% in fields cultivated for 0-3 year to 65.5% in fields cultivated for 10-15 years. The concentrations of soil P fractions were higher at 0-20 cm soil depth than at 20-40 and 40-60 cm soil depth. Soil available P was positively correlated with all soil P fractions except diluted HCl-Pi or concentrated HCl-Po. Long-term vegetable production increased CaCl2-P downward movement, which was positively correlated with levels of labile and moderately labile P. The P index indicated a high risk of P losses from the vegetable fields. The P index was on average 3.27-fold higher in the vegetable fields than in uncultivated fields, and was significantly correlated with soil available P and organic and inorganic P fertilizer input. The environmental risk caused by P in vegetable production should be reduced by reducing P fertilizer input so as to maintain soil available P within an optimal range for vegetable production.

Fósforo , Verduras , Agricultura , China , Fertilización , Fertilizantes , Fósforo/análisis , Suelo
Sci Total Environ ; 717: 137229, 2020 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32092805


The transport of phosphorus (P) from agricultural fields to watercourses is a worldwide concern. Development of tools to evaluate the environmental P risk is required to assist farmers and field technicians to recommend best management practices. The objective of this work was to develop and test a new approach to assess P loss vulnerability for agricultural conservationist systems in southern Brazil using easily obtainable soil attributes: cover crop residue (CCR), soil organic carbon (OC), visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS), soil test P (STP) and clay content. For that, the principal component analysis was applied, and simulated rainfall was conducted in ten agricultural fields with three replicates under Oxisol, with slopes from 7% to 12%. The database was separated into main and test groups. Significant principal components were correlated with runoff coefficient (RC), final infiltration rate (FIR), total sediment (TS), total P (TP), particulate P (PP), soluble P (SP) and bioavailable P (BAP). Component 1, interpreted as 'increased risk of PP transport', explained 49% of the variation with a strong dependence on CCR, OC, STP and VESS, and correlated with decreased FIR, and increased RC, TS, PP and TP. Component 2, interpreted as 'increased risk of SP transport', explained 21% of the variation with a strong dependence on OC, STP and clay content, and correlated with decreased TS, and increased SP and BAP. The P-index scores from components 1 and 2 were divided into four classes of P loss vulnerability (low, medium, high and very high) considering the first, median and third quartile. The Euclidean distances demonstrated a high similarity of the P-index scores obtained for the main and test groups. Therefore, the developed model can estimate the risk of P loss in agricultural fields with conservative management and moderate slope in conditions similar to the database.

Front Genet ; 10: 807, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31552101


Polyploidy has contributed to the divergence and domestication of plants; however, estimation of the relative roles that different types of polyploidy have played during evolution has been difficult. Unbalanced and balanced gene removal was previously related to allopolyploidies and autopolyploidies, respectively. Here, to infer the types of polyploidies and evaluate their evolutionary effects, we devised a statistic, the Polyploidy-index or P-index, to characterize the degree of divergence between subgenomes of a polyploidy, to find whether there has been a balanced or unbalanced gene removal from the homoeologous regions. Based on a P-index threshold of 0.3 that distinguishes between known or previously inferred allo- or autopolyploidies, we found that 87.5% of 24 angiosperm paleo-polyploidies were likely produced by allopolyploidizations, responsible for establishment of major tribes such as Poaceae and Fabaceae, and large groups such as monocots and eudicots. These findings suggest that >99.7% of plant genomes likely derived directly from allopolyploidies, with autopolyploidies responsible for the establishment of only a few small genera, including Glycine, Malus, and Populus, each containing tens of species. Overall, these findings show that polyploids with high divergence between subgenomes (presumably allopolyploids) established the major plant groups, possibly through secondary contact between previously isolated populations and hybrid vigor associated with their re-joining.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 41(5): 565-579, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-890646


ABSTRACT Identifying and ranking nutrient loss risk areas are important steps towards integrated catchment management. This study aimed to apply the P index model at the Posses catchment, south of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We applied the P index for the current land use at the Posses catchment and for two hypothetical scenarios: scenario 1, in which P fertilizer was applied to all land uses, except for native forests; and scenario 2, which considered the use of P fertilizer as in scenario 1, and that the Environmental Protection Areas referring to the riparian forests and springs were totally restored. Considering current land use, almost the whole catchment area (91.4%) displayed a low P loss risk. The highest P index was associated to croplands and eucalyptus plantations. Regarding scenario 1, areas under pasture fell into the low (15.1%), medium (45.5%), high (27.1%) and very high (12.3%) P index categories. Environmental Protection Areas on scenario 2 decreased the P loss risk from the scenario 1 in 37.6%. Hence, the model outputs indicate that the reforestation of buffer zones can decrease P loss risk in the case increasing use of P fertilizer. The P index model is a potential support tool to promote judicious use of fertilizers and conservation practices at the Posses catchment.

RESUMO Identificar e classificar áreas quanto ao risco de perda de nutrientes são passos importantes para o manejo integrado de bacia hidrográfica. O objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar o modelo Índice P na bacia hidrográfica das Posses, Extrema-MG. O Índice P foi empregado sobre as condições atuais de uso da terra na bacia hidrográfica das Posses e na simulação de dois cenários: cenário 1, o fertilizante P foi aplicado para todos os usos, exceto para florestas nativas e, cenário 2, além do fertilizante P ser aplicado da mesma forma que no cenário 1, considerou-se que as Áreas de Proteção Ambiental referentes as matas ciliares e nascentes fossem totalmente restituídas. Considerando o uso atual, quase toda a bacia hidrográfica (91,4%) apresentou baixo risco de perda de P. O maior Índice de P foi associado a lavouras e plantações de eucalipto. No cenário 1, as pastagem apresentaram Índice P baixo (15,1%), médio (45,5%), alto (27,1%) e muito alto (12,3%). No cenário 2, as Áreas de Proteção Ambiental promoveram uma redução de 37,6% no risco de perda de P do cenário 1. Dessa forma, os resultados do modelo indicam que o reflorestamento de matas ciliares pode reduzir o risco de perdas de P no caso do aumento do uso de fertilizantes. O Índice P é uma potencial ferramenta para promoção do uso criterioso de fertilizantes e de práticas conservacionistas na bacia hidrográfica das Posses.