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Toxicol Rep ; 9: 1357-1368, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36561957


In recent years, new nicotine delivery methods have emerged, and many users are choosing electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) over traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarette use is very popular among adolescents, with more than 3.5 million currently using these products in the US. Despite the increased prevalence of e-cigarette use, there is limited knowledge regarding the health impact of e-cigarettes on the general population. Based on published findings by others, E-cigarette is associated with lung injury outbreak, which increased health and safety concerns related to consuming this product. Different components of e-cigarettes, including food-safe liquid solvents and flavorings, can cause health issues related to pneumonia, pulmonary injury, and bronchiolitis. In addition, e-cigarettes contain alarmingly high levels of carcinogens and toxicants that may have long-lasting effects on other organ systems, including the development of neurological manifestations, lung cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and tooth decay. Despite the well- documented potential for harm, e-cigarettes do not appear to increase susceptibility to SARS-CoV- 2 infection. Furthermore, some studies have found that e-cigarette users experience improvements in lung health and minimal adverse effects. Therefore, more studies are needed to provide a definitive conclusion on the long-term safety of e-cigarettes. The purpose of this review is to inform the readers about the possible health-risks associated with the use of e-cigarettes, especially among the group of young and young-adults, from a molecular biology point of view.

JHEP Rep ; 4(12): 100592, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36439639


Background & Aims: Increased expression of IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) and subsequently increased ISGylation are key factors in the host response to viral infection. In this study, we sought to characterize the expression of ISG15, ISGylation, and associated enzymes at each stage of differentiation from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to hepatocytes. Methods: To study the regulation of ISGylation, we utilized patient samples and in vitro cell culture models including iPSCs, hepatocytes-like cells, immortalized cell lines, and primary human hepatocytes. Protein/mRNA expression were measured following treatment with poly(I:C), IFNα and HCV infection. Results: When compared to HLCs, we observed several novel aspects of the ISGylation pathway in iPSCs. These include a lower baseline expression of the ISGylation-activating enzyme, UBE1L, a lack of IFN-induced expression of the ISGylation-conjugation enzyme UBE2L6, an attenuated activation of the transcription factor STAT1 and constitutive expression of SOCS1. ISGylation was observed in iPSCs following downregulation of SOCS1, which facilitated STAT1 activation and subsequently increased expression of UBE2L6. Intriguingly, HCV permissive transformed hepatoma cell lines demonstrated higher intrinsic expression of SOCS1 and weaker ISGylation following IFN treatment. SOCS1 downregulation in HCV-infected Huh 7.5.1 cells led to increased ISGylation. Conclusions: Herein, we show that high basal levels of SOCS1 inhibit STAT1 activation and subsequently IFN-induced UBE2L6 and ISGylation in iPSCs. Furthermore, as iPSCs differentiate into hepatocytes, epigenetic mechanisms regulate ISGylation by modifying UBE1L and SOCS1 expression levels. Overall, this study demonstrates that the development of cell-intrinsic innate immunity during the differentiation of iPSCs to hepatocytes provides insight into cell type-specific regulation of host defense responses and related oncogenic processes. Impact and implications: To elucidate the mechanism underlying regulation of ISGylation, a key process in the innate immune response, we studied changes in ISGylation-associated genes at the different stages of differentiation from iPSCs to hepatocytes. We found that high basal levels of SOCS1 inhibit STAT1 activation and subsequently IFN-induced UBE2L6 and ISGylation in iPSCs. Importantly, epigenetic regulation of SOCS1 and subsequently ISGylation may be important factors in the development of cell type-specific host defense responses in hepatocytes that should be considered when studying chronic infections and oncogenic processes in the liver.

Toxicol Rep ; 8: 1156-1168, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34150525


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess a preventive capacity against free radical toxicity in various tissues. The present study aimed to demonstrate the reformative and treatment roles of adipose-derived MSCs (AD-MSCs) against severe toxicity in the hippocampal cells of the brain caused by aluminum oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3-NPs). Rats were divided into five experimental groups: an untreated control group, a control group receiving NaCl, a group receiving Al2O3-NPs (6 mg/kg) for 20 days, a group that was allowed to recover (R) for 20 days following treatment with Al2O3-NPs, and a Al2O3-NPs + AD-MSCs group, where each rat was injected with 0.8 × 106 AD-MSCs via the caudal vein. Oral administration of Al2O3-NPs increased the protein levels of P53, cleaved caspase-3, CYP2E1, and beta-amyloid (Aß); contrarily, AD-MSCs transplantation downregulated the levels of these proteins. In addition, the AD-MSCs-treated hippocampal cells were protected from Al2O3-NPs-induced toxicity, as detected by the expression levels of Sox2 and Oct4 that are essential for the maintenance of self-renewal. It was also found that AD-MSCs injection significantly altered the levels of brain total peroxide and monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A and MAO-B activities. Histologically, our results indicated that AD-MSCs alleviated the severe damage in the hippocampal cells induced by Al2O3-NPs. Moreover, the role of AD-MSCs in reducing hippocampal cell death was reinforced by the regulation of P53, cleaved caspase-3, Aß, and CYP2E1 proteins, as well as by the regulation of SOX2 and OCT4 levels and MAO-A and MAO-B activities.

Acta Pharm Sin B ; 11(5): 1148-1157, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34094825


As one of the most lethal diseases, pancreatic cancer shows a dismal overall prognosis and high resistance to most treatment modalities. Furthermore, pancreatic cancer escapes early detection during the curable period because early symptoms rarely emerge and specific markers for this disease have not been found. Although combinations of new drugs, multimodal therapies, and adjuvants prolong survival, most patients still relapse after surgery and eventually die. Consequently, the search for more effective treatments for pancreatic cancer is highly relevant and justified. As a newly re-discovered mediator of gasotransmission, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) undertakes essential functions, encompassing various signaling complexes that occupy key processes in human biology. Accumulating evidence indicates that H2S exhibits bimodal modulation of cancer development. Thus, endogenous or low levels of exogenous H2S are thought to promote cancer, whereas high doses of exogenous H2S suppress tumor proliferation. Similarly, inhibition of endogenous H2S production also suppresses tumor proliferation. Accordingly, H2S biosynthesis inhibitors and H2S supplementation (H2S donors) are two distinct strategies for the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, modulation of endogenous H2S on pancreatic cancer has not been studied so far. However, H2S donors and their derivatives have been extensively studied as potential therapeutic agents for pancreatic cancer therapy by inhibiting cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, arresting cell cycle, and suppressing invasion and migration through exploiting multiple signaling pathways. As far as we know, there is no review of the effects of H2S donors on pancreatic cancer. Based on these concerns, the therapeutic effects of some H2S donors and NO-H2S dual donors on pancreatic cancer were summarized in this paper. Exogenous H2S donors may be promising compounds for pancreatic cancer treatment.

Regen Ther ; 17: 20-33, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33778133


Tumor immunity represents a new avenue for cancer therapy. Immune checkpoint inhibitors have successfully improved outcomes in several tumor types. In addition, currently, immune cell-based therapy is also attracting significant attention. However, the clinical efficacy of these treatments requires further improvement. The mechanisms through which cancer cells escape the immune response must be identified and clarified. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play a central role in multiple aspects of malignant tumors. CSCs can initiate tumors in partially immunocompromised mice, whereas non-CSCs fail to form tumors, suggesting that tumor initiation is a definitive function of CSCs. However, the fact that non-CSCs also initiate tumors in more highly immunocompromised mice suggests that the immune evasion property may be a more fundamental feature of CSCs rather than a tumor-initiating property. In this review, we summarize studies that have elucidated how CSCs evade tumor immunity and create an immunosuppressive milieu with a focus on CSC-specific characteristics and functions. These profound mechanisms provide important clues for the development of novel tumor immunotherapies.

Toxicol Rep ; 6: 186-192, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30899675


Small non-coding RNAs control normal development and differentiation in the embryo. These regulatory molecules play a key role in the development of human diseases and are used often today for researching new treatments for different pathologies. In this study, CaCo2 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells were initially epigenetically reprogrammed and transformed into CD4+ cells with nano-sized complexes of amphiphilic poly-(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) with miRNA-152 and piRNA-30074. The transformation of cells was confirmed by morphological and genetic changes in the dynamic of reprogramming. CD4+ lymphocytes marker was detected using immunofluorescence. Amphiphilic poly-(N-vinylpyrrolidone)/small non-coding RNAs complexes were investigated for transfection efficiency and duration of transfection of CaCo2 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells using fluorescence.

FEBS Open Bio ; 5: 789-800, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26566473


Transcription factors that drive non-neoplastic myelomonocytic differentiation are well characterized but have not been systematically analyzed in the leukemic context. We investigated widely used, patient-derived myeloid leukemia cell lines with proclivity for differentiation into granulocytes by retinoic acid (RA) and/or monocytes by 1,25-dihyrdroxyvitamin D3 (D3). Using K562 (FAB M1), HL60 (FAB M2), RA-resistant HL60 sublines, NB4 (FAB M3), and U937 (FAB M5), we correlated nuclear transcription factor expression to immunophenotype, G1/G0 cell cycle arrest and functional inducible oxidative metabolism. We found that myelomonocytic transcription factors are aberrantly expressed in these cell lines. Monocytic-lineage factor EGR1 was not induced by D3 (the monocytic inducer) but instead by RA (the granulocytic inducer) in lineage bipotent myeloblastic HL60. In promyelocytic NB4 cells, EGR1 levels were increased by D3, while Gfi-1 expression (which promotes the granulocytic lineage) was upregulated during D3-induced monocytic differentiation in HL60, and by RA treatment in monocytic U937 cells. Furthermore, RARα and VDR expression were not strongly correlated to differentiation. In response to different differentiation inducers, U937 exhibited the most distinct transcription factor expression profile, while similarly mature NB4 and HL60 were better coupled. Overall, the differentiation induction agents RA and D3 elicited cell-specific responses across these common FAB M1-M5 cell lines.

Cell Biol Int Rep (2010) ; 18(1): e00011, 2011 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23124164


The amnion is a particular tissue whose cells show features of multipotent stem cells proposed for use in cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. From equine amnion collected after the foal birth we have isolated MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells), namely EAMSCs (equine amnion mesenchymal stem cells), from the mesoblastic layer. The cells were grown in α-MEM (α-modified minimum essential medium) and the effect of EGF (epidermal growth factor) supplementation was evaluated. To assess the growth kinetic of EAMSCs we have taken into account some parameters [PD (population doubling), fold increase and DT (doubling time)]. The differentiation in chondrogenic, adipogenic and osteogenic types of cells and their epitope expression by a cytofluorimetric study have been reported. EGF supplementation of the culture medium resulted in a significant increase in PD growth parameter and in the formation of bone nodules for the osteogenic differentiation. By immunohistochemistry the amnion tissue shows a positivity for the c-Kit (cluster tyrosine-protein kinase), CD105 and Oct-4 (octamer-binding transcription factor 4) antigens that confirmed the presence of MSCs with embryonic phenotype.