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Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; : e202408622, 2024 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38982982


Ethanolamine hydrates containing from one to seven water molecules were identified via rotational spectroscopy with the aid of accurate quantum chemical methods considering anharmonic vibrational corrections. Ethanolamine undergoes significant conformational changes upon hydration to form energetically favorable hydrogen bond networks. The final structures strongly resemble the pure (H2O)3-9 complexes reported before when replacing two water molecules by ethanolamine. The 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of all the ethanolamine hydrates have been determined and show a remarkable correlation with the strength of hydrogen bonds involving the amino group. After addition of the seventh water molecule, both hydrogen atoms of the amino group actively contribute to hydrogen bond formation, reinforcing the network and introducing approximately 21-27 % ionicity towards the formation of protonated amine. These findings highlight the critical role of microhydration in altering the electronic environment of ethanolamine, enhancing our understanding of amine hydration dynamics.

Food Chem ; 444: 138527, 2024 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38309080


Traditional pressing is of low efficiency (< 80 %). A highly efficient sesame oil extraction technique was discovered via micro-hydration of sesame paste (φ = ∼ 75 %) and then agitation with a yield of âˆ¼ 95 %. However, the extraction mechanism is still unknown. To uncover this, microscopic imaging was used, and it found that agitation progressively increased the droplet size of micro-hydrated paste (φ = 74.5 %) from an initial size of < 4 µm. As agitated for 20 min, almost 85 % (v/v) of oil was over 20 µm, which was linearly and positively correlated (R2 > 0.96) with oil yield. Increase in droplet size was due to droplet compression, film rupture, and droplet coalescence. The coalescence frequency based on agitation time followed an exponent curve (R2 > 0.97). This coalescence might be related to the decreased water relaxation time and increased paste viscosity. This study, for the first time, found the oil droplet coalescence in hydrated sesame paste (φ = 74.5 %) during agitation, thereby successfully extracting oil at room temperature. The findings of this work can be a starting point for research on micro-hydration extraction for oil-containing materials from a packing density of oil droplets point view.

Sesamum , Aceite de Sésamo , Fenómenos Químicos , Viscosidad
Chemphyschem ; 23(24): e202200330, 2022 12 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35984348


Herein, we have investigated the structure of phenyl formate⋅⋅⋅water (PhOF⋅⋅⋅H2 O) dimer and various non-covalent interactions present there using gas-phase laser spectroscopy and microwave spectroscopy combined with quantum chemistry calculations. Two conformers of PhOF⋅⋅⋅H2 O (C1 and T1), built on the two cis/trans conformers of the bare molecule, have been observed in the experiment. In cis-PhOF, there is an nCO → π A r * ${{{\rm \pi }}_{{\rm A}{\rm r}}^{{\rm {^\ast}}}}$ interaction between the lone-pair orbital of the carbonyl oxygen atom and the π* orbital of the phenyl ring, which persists in the monohydrated C1 conformer of PhOF⋅⋅⋅H2 O according to the NBO and NCI analyses. On the other hand, this interaction is absent in the trans-PhOF conformer as the C=O group is away from the phenyl ring. The C1 conformer is primarily stabilized by an interplay between O-H⋅⋅⋅O=C hydrogen bond and O-H⋅⋅⋅π interactions, while the stability of the T1 conformer is primarily governed by the O-H⋅⋅⋅O=C hydrogen bond. The most important finding of the present work is that the conformational preference of the PhOF monomer is retained in its monohydrated complex.

Formiatos , Microondas , Análisis Espectral , Enlace de Hidrógeno , Rayos Láser
J Comput Chem ; 42(21): 1514-1525, 2021 08 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33990989


Hydrogen dinitrate anion, HNO3 (NO3- ), is a proton-bound dimer with a very strong hydrogen bond. By employing ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) method, we studied the effects of the proton transfer and the rotation of the nitrates on the vibrational profiles of HNO3 (NO3- )(H2 O)n (n = 0-2). The AIMD results indicate that the structure of the n = 0 cluster is very flexible, even though its hydrogen bond is quite strong. Significant rotations around the hydrogen bond and frequent transfers of proton from HNO3 to NO3- are observed in AIMD simulations. Dynamic changes are therefore an important factor in understanding the broadening of vibrational features. For n = 1, the extent of structural fluctuation increases further, as H2 O could move around the anion while the HNO3 (NO3- ) core also goes through structural changes. Its vibrational spectrum can be understood as a mixture of many isomers visited during AIMD simulations. By n = 2, the structure is stabilized around one isomer, with the linker between the two nitrates being H5 O2+ , rather than H+ . Due to strong hydrogen bonds between nitrates and water molecules, this H5 O2+ takes the extraordinary structure with the H+ localized on one H2 O, rather than being shared. While this novel structure is stable during AIMD simulations, the dynamic fluctuations in hydrogen bond distances still produce significant broadening in its vibrational profile.

Chemphyschem ; 22(11): 1036-1041, 2021 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33783947


The vibrational spectroscopy of lithium dichloride anions microhydrated with one to three water molecules, [LiCl2 (H2 O)1-3 ]- , is studied in the OH stretching region (3800-2800 cm-1 ) using isomer-specific IR/IR double-resonance population labelling experiments. The spectroscopic fingerprints of individual isomers can only be unambiguously assigned after anharmonic effects are considered, but then yield molecular level insight into the onset of salt dissolution in these gas phase model systems. Based on the extent of the observed frequency shifts ΔνOH of the hydrogen-bonded OH stretching oscillators solvent-shared ion pair motifs (<3200 cm-1 ) can be distinguished from intact-core structures (>3200 cm-1 ). The characteristic fingerprint of a water molecule trapped directly in-between two ions of opposite charge provides an alternative route to evaluate the extent of ion pairing in aqueous electrolyte solutions.

J Mol Model ; 25(12): 363, 2019 Nov 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31773281


Micro-hydrated trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) has been investigated using a range-separated-hybrid functional including empirical dispersion correction. Electrophilic and nucleophilic sites on TMAO and water clusters have been identified using the molecular electrostatic potential (MESP). The nature of the chemical bonding in the different isomers of the micro-hydrated complexes has been investigated with the topological analysis of the electron density (QTAIM) method. For complexes containing one to four water molecules, the strongest intermolecular interactions consist in hydrogen bonding between the oxygen atom of the TMAO and hydrogen atoms of water molecules. From five water molecules, interactions between water molecules become the main source of stabilization of the most stable isomer. From four stationary points corresponding to the 1:1 (TMAO:H2O) complex, we determined the minimum distances between water molecules and central TMAO allowing the latter molecule to be encapsulated within a water clathrate-type cage. Optimization of TMAO encapsulated within two water cages (512 and 51262) suggests that only in the case of the 512 62 water cage the insertion of TMAO, the preservation of the hydrogen bonding between water molecules is energetically favorable. The interaction energy between one inserted TMAO and the 512 62 water cage was calculated to be around 150 kJ/mol with respect to the ground state of two partners. This result suggests that a thorough investigation of mono-hydrated complexes may be particularly relevant to identify the most suitable water cage for encapsulating a given solute.

Chemistry ; 25(68): 15525-15534, 2019 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31373410


Thymine radiation-induced fragmentation is characterised by ring opening and the loss of HNCO/NCO. These pathways have been investigated using DFT calculations in the presence of zero, one and two water molecules. In addition to the already characterised stepwise fragmentation mechanism, we propose a novel concerted pathway reported here for the first time. We show that both the stepwise and concerted mechanisms are competitive with activation energies of 2.05 eV and 2.00 eV, respectively, in the gas phase. The effect of microhydration on these mechanisms are examined based on the most stable conformations found by an exploration of the potential energy surface performed by using DFT-based ab initio molecular dynamics. Microhydration is also accompanied by an increase in the activation energies, with respect to gas phase, amounting to 0.47 eV-an increase that is associated to a stabilising effect of water in agreement with recent experimental studies. However, we also point out that this effect is greatly dependent on the specific water arrangement around thymine and could be limited to only 0.13 eV for some configurations.

J Mol Model ; 25(7): 207, 2019 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31264083


The structures and thermodynamic properties of microhydrates of caesium metaborate (CsBO2) of nuclear safety interest are reported in this work. CsBO2 + n H2O (n = 1-4) molecular complexes were identified on the potential energy surface. The structures were optimized using the ωB97XD DFT method and the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. Single-point energies were calculated at the CCSD(T)-F12a/awCVTZ and the ωB97XD/aug-cc-pVQZ levels of theory. The standard reaction enthalpies and the standard Gibbs free reaction energies were reported for all molecular complexes. The temperature dependence of ΔrG°(T) was evaluated for all studied structures over the temperature range 300-2000 K. Total hydration reactions were investigated. The results showed that the mono-hydrated form of CsBO2 exists only at temperatures lower than 720 K under standard conditions. The influence on the thermodynamic properties of the number of water molecules in the clusters was described, with successive dehydration from 720 to 480 K. In nuclear severe accident conditions, gaseous CsBO2 will remain unhydrated in the reactor coolant system.

J Mol Model ; 23(4): 131, 2017 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28337678


Cation-π interactions were systematically investigated for the adsorption of H+ and alkali metal cations M+ to pyrene by means of Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) and density functional theory (DFT). The main aims were to determine the preferred adsorption sites and how the microhydration shell influences the adsorption process. The preferred adsorption sites were characterized in terms of structural parameters and energetic stability. Stability analysis of the M+-pyrene complexes revealed that the binding strength and the barrier to transitions between neighboring sites generally decreased with increasing cation size from Li+ to Cs+. Such transitions were practically barrierless (<<1 kcal/mol) for the large Rb+ and Cs+ ions. Further, the influence of the first hydration shell on the adsorption behavior was investigated for Li+ and K+ as representatives of small and large (alkali metal) cations, respectively. While the isolated complexes possessed only one minimum, two minima-corresponding to an inner and an outer complex-were observed for microhydrated complexes. The small Li+ ion formed a stable hydration shell and preferentially interacted with water rather than pyrene. In contrast, K+ favored cation-π over cation-water interactions. It was found that the mechanism for complex formation depends on the balance between cation-π interactions, cation-water complexation, and the hydrogen bonding of water to the π-system.

J Comput Chem ; 38(5): 288-303, 2017 02 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27896831


We present a comprehensive benchmark computational study which has explored a complete path of the anomerization reaction of bare d-erythrose involving a pair of the low-energy α- and ß-furanose anomers, the former of which was observed spectroscopically (Cabezas et al., Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 10826). We find that the ring opening of the α-anomer yields the most stable open-chain tautomer which step is followed by the rotational interconversion of the open-chain rotamers and final ring closing to form the ß-anomer. Our results indicate the flatness of the reaction's potential energy surface (PES) corresponding to the rotational interconversion path and its sensitivity to the computational level. By using the explicitly correlated coupled cluster CCSD(T)-F12/cc-pVTZ-F12 energies, we determine the free energy barrier for the α-furanose ring-opening (rate-determining) step as 170.3 kJ/mol. The question of the number of water molecules (n) needed for optimal stabilization of the erythrose anomerization reaction rate-determining transition state is addressed by a systematic exploration of the PES of the ring opening in the α-anomer-(H2 O)n and various ß-anomer-(H2 O)n (n = 1-3) clusters using density functional and CCSD(T)-F12 computations. These computations suggest the lowest free energy barrier of the ring opening for doubly hydrated α-anomer, achieved by a mechanism that involves water-mediated multiple proton transfer coupled with the furanose CO bond breakage. Among the methods used, the G4 performed best against the CCSD(T)-F12 reference at estimating the ring-opening barrier heights for both the hydrated and bare erythrose conformers. Our results for the hydrated species are most relevant to an experimental study of the anomerization reaction of d-erythrose to be carried out in microsolvation environment. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

J Mol Model ; 22(11): 262, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27730379


Solvation effects are of major interest in the context of radiation damage, due to their potential applications in cancer therapy. Reliable modeling of the solvent is, however, quite challenging, and numerous studies have been devoted to isolated biomolecules and stepwise-hydrated molecules in which the amount of solvent is controlled one molecule at a time. The influence of stepwise hydration on radiation damage is investigated here using the example of proton-induced charge transfer in two biomolecular targets. Uracil has been widely investigated both experimentally and theoretically in this context, and 2-aminooxazole was recently shown to be a potentially important intermediate in prebiotic chemistry. Focusing here on doubly hydrated biomolecules, stable structures and infrared spectra were obtained by combining the results of molecular dynamics simulations with those of quantum chemistry calculations performed at the density-functional theory level with the double hybrid M06-2X functional. The charge-transfer cross-sections upon proton impact were obtained from ab initio molecular calculations and after applying a semi-classical approach to investigate the collision. Our results suggest a significant relationship between the detailed hydration structure and the efficacy of proton-induced charge transfer, highlighting the competing roles of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding.

Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Conformación de Ácido Nucleico , ARN/química , Enlace de Hidrógeno
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 54(49): 14772-6, 2015 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26489530


Ultrafast excited-state deactivation dynamics of small cytosine (Cy) and 1-methylcytosine (1mCy) microhydrates, Cy⋅(H2O)1-3 and 1mCy⋅(H2O)1,2, produced in a supersonic expansion have been studied by mass-selected femtosecond pump-probe photoionization spectroscopy at about 267 nm excitation. The seeded supersonic expansion of Ar/H2O gas mixtures allowed an extensive structural relaxation of Cy and 1mCy microhydrates to low-energy isomers. With the aid of electronic structure calculations, we assigned the observed ultrafast dynamics to the dominant microhydrate isomers of the amino-keto tautomer of Cy and 1mCy. Excited-state lifetimes of Cy⋅(H2O)1-3 measured here are 0.2-0.5 ps. Comparisons of the Cy⋅H2O and 1mCy⋅H2O transients suggest that monohydration at the amino Watson-Crick site induces a substantially stronger effect than at the sugar-edge site in accelerating excited-state deactivation of Cy.

Citosina/química , Procesos Fotoquímicos , Agua/química , Citosina/análogos & derivados , Termodinámica
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 147: 328-33, 2015 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25863032


TD-DFT and a combination of polarized continuum model (PCM) and microhydration methods helped to simulate the optical electronic absorption spectrum of ortho-aminobenzoic acid (o-Abz). The microhydration method involved the use of different numbers, from 1 to 5, of first solvation layer water molecules. We examined how implicit and explicit water affected the energies of the HOMO-LUMO transition in the o-Abz/water systems. Adding until five water molecules, the theoretical spectrum becomes closer to the experimental data. Microhydration combined with the PCM method leads to agreement between the theoretical result for five water molecules and the experimentally measured absorption bands.

Agua/química , ortoaminobenzoatos/química , Electrones , Enlace de Hidrógeno , Modelos Moleculares , Teoría Cuántica , Análisis Espectral