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Plants (Basel) ; 11(9)2022 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35567187


In tropical forests of southern Ecuador, artisanal gold mining releases heavy metals that become xenobiotic with indefinite circulation and eventual bioaccumulation. Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded mining sites represent a major ecological, technological and economic issue. In this study, we estimate the capacity of two native woody plants to accumulate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and mercury (Hg), with the goal of developing effective strategies for phytoremediation of mining sites. Individuals of Erato polymnioides and Miconia sp., as well as their rhizospheric soils, were sampled from a natural zone (NZ) of montane cloud forest, used as a control, and a polluted zone (PZ) subjected to active gold mining. Concentrations of the four heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Cd, Zn and Hg concentrations were higher in soils of PZ than NZ. Bioaccumulation (BCF) and translocation factors (TF) showed that Miconia sp. has potential for Cd and Zn phytostabilization, E. polymnioides has potential for Cd and Zn phytoextraction, and both species have potential for Hg phytoextraction. Despite the low productivity of these species, their adaptability to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the region and the possibility of using amendments to increase their biomass could compensate for the effectiveness of these species in reclaiming soils contaminated by mining.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(2): 514-523, mar./abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-965373


Vertical artificial structures can serve as artificial roosts attracting birds and increase the seed rain. The purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of different types of artificial roosts as seed dispersal nuclei in a cerrado (Neotropical savannah) area under natural regeneration. Three types of artificial roosts were installed ("X", "3X" and "wire") and the species of birds using them and plant species in the seed rain were monitored for a year. The efficiency of the roosts was measured by comparing the seed rain with natural roosts (control). We recorded 760 individuals of 24 species of birds on the artificial roosts. There were more dispersed seeds under artificial roosts than under natural roosts .We collected 607 samples of feces, 569 under artificial roosts (containing 5252 seeds) and 38 under natural roosts (containing 228 seeds). The seeds were of 21 species/morphospecies. The 3X roost was the most used by birds, but the seed rain was similar between 3X and X roosts. We also recorded more seeds under artificial roosts than under natural roosts. Cyanocorax cristatellus (Curl-crested jay), an omnivorous bird, was the most frequent bird recorded at the artificial roosts and seeds of Miconia species were dominant in the seed rain. Artificial roosts were efficient as seed dispersal nuclei and can be adopted as a method to accelerate the regeneration of degraded areas. Research that focuses on artificial roost structure and the factors that influence the seed rain is useful to define targeted and more efficient strategies to habitat restoration.

Estruturas artificiais dispostas verticalmente podem funcionar como poleiros artificiais, atrair aves e incrementar a chuva de sementes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência de diferentes tipos de poleiros artificiais como núcleos de dispersão de sementes em uma área de cerrado stricto sensu em processo de regeneração natural. Foram instalados três tipos de poleiros artificiais (X, 3X e Fio) e estes foram monitorados ao longo de um ano em relação às espécies de aves que os utilizarm e espécies de plantas presentes na chuva de sementes. A eficiência destes poleiros foi medida através da comparação da chuva de sementes com poleiros naturais (controle). Foram registrados 760 indivíduos de 24 espécies de aves nos poleiros artificiais. Foram coletadas 607 amostras de fezes, sendo 569 sob os poleiros artificiais (contendo 5252 sementes) e 38 sob os poleiros naturais (contendo 228 sementes). As sementes pertenciam a 21 espécies / morfoespécies de plantas. O poleiro 3X foi o mais utilizado pelas aves, mas a chuva de sementes foi semelhante entre os poleiros 3X e X. Havia mais sementes dispersas sob os poleiros artificiais do que sob poleiros naturais. Cyanocorax cristatellus (gralha-do-campo), uma ave onívora, foi a mais frequente utilizando os poleiros artificiais como ponto de pouso. Miconia spp. foram dominantes na chuva de sementes. Poleiros artificiais foram eficientes como núcleos de dispersão de sementes e pode ser adotado como um método para acelerar a regeneração de áreas degradadas. Pesquisas que enfoquem a estrutura dos poleiros artificiais e os fatores que podem influenciar a chuva de sementes sob estes poleiros merecem atenção especial, pois podem definir estratégias direcionadas e mais eficientes para o processo de restauração ambiental.

Semillas , Pradera , Melastomataceae , Dispersión de Semillas