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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 238-242, 20240726.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566002


O diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é uma doença que apresenta mecanismos fisiopatológicos multifatoriais e complexos, tendo como base a resistência insulínica (RI) e como consequências as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). A hipomagnesemia tem sido implicada tanto na RI como em complicações micro e macrovasculares, incluindo-se as DCV que são consideradas a causa mais importante de morbimortalidade no DM2. Neste contexto, o presente estudo visa avaliar níveis séricos de magnésio (Mg) em pacientes diabéticos e sua possível associação com complicações crônicas e comorbidades, tendo como ênfase as doenças cardiovasculares; e identificar possível valor do nível sérico a ser considerado em nossa população a fim de rever sua verdadeira aplicabilidade clínica. Trata-se de estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, envolvendo 99 pacientes com DM2 de ambos os sexos, atendidos em ambulatório público na cidade de Salvador (BA). Utilizou-se como instrumentos de pesquisa questionário de dados sociodemográficos e antropométricos; recordatório alimentar de 24 horas e análise bioquímica do magnésio sérico. Também foram registradas comorbidades e complicações crônicas dos pacientes, tais como hipertensão arterial, doença arterial coronariana, doença arterial obstrutiva periférica, arritmia cardíaca, acidente vascular cerebral, dislipidemia, neuropatia sensitiva periférica, retinopatia e nefropatia diabéticas. Os dados foram expressos por tabelas de forma descritiva e analítica. Os indivíduos foram divididos em dois grupos, magnésio baixo e normal/alto, e suas variáveis foram comparadas por meio de testes de hipóteses. Nossos achados evidenciaram nível sérico médio de magnésio de 1,97 mg% (IC 1,69 a 2,25 mg%) no total da amostra. Entre aqueles com magnésio baixo, níveis subclínicos estavam presentes em 29 sujeitos (29,3%), e níveis de hipomagnesemia em 34 indivíduos (34,3%). O nível médio do Mg no total da amostra diferiu significativamente (p<0,001) do valor normal ideal, mas não diferiu do considerado subclínico (p 0,311). No grupo com hipomagnesemia houve predomínio do sexo feminino e de pacientes com maior escolaridade. Glicemia de jejum foi mais elevada no grupo Mg baixo, e hemoglobina glicada no grupo Mg normal/alto, mas ambos sem diferença estatística. Níveis baixos de vitamina B12 foram encontrados em 12 pacientes (12,1%) e os níveis mais baixos de magnésio estavam presentes nos pacientes com deficiência de vitamina B12 (1,81±0,24 versus 2,01±0,29) com p=0,027. Antidiabéticos orais foram mais utilizados no grupo com Mg baixo. Não houve diferença entre magnésio sérico, ingestão calórica e magnésio e cálcio alimentares. Pacientes com DCV tiveram média de 2,01 mg% (IC 1,69-2,33 mg%) para o Mg. A doença cardiovascular esteve presente em 47,5% da amostra e pacientes com esta morbidade apresentaram 29,8% de prevalência de hipomagnesemia; infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) foi mais frequente no grupo com Mg normal/alto. Nossos dados apontam que hipomagnesemia em pacientes diabéticos deve ser considerada em níveis clínicos e subclínicos. Níveis baixos de Mg também estiveram associados à vitamina B12 baixa. Pacientes que apresentaram doenças cardiovasculares associadas também tiveram importante prevalência de hipomagnesemia incluindo níveis subclínicos, com exceção nos casos de IAM, em que níveis do magnésio sérico mantiveram-se no intervalo considerado normal ideal evidenciado por significativa diferença estatística (p<0,005).

Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a multifactorial disease with complex physiopathological mechanisms, in which insulin resistance (IR) and its consequences, such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), form its basis. Hypomagnesemia has been implicated in IR and micro and macrovascular complications, including CVD, which is considered the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in DM2. This study aims to evaluate serum magnesium (Mg) levels in diabetic patients and its possible association with chronic complications and comorbidities (especially cardiovascular diseases) and to find a possible serum level value to be considered in its population to review its true clinical applicability. This cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study involved 99 DM2 patients of all sexes who were served in a public outpatient clinic in Salvador-Ba. A sociodemographic and anthropometric data questionnaire, a 24-hour food recall, and serum magnesium analysis were used as research instruments. The comorbidities and chronic complications of patients, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial obstructive disease, cardiac arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident, dyslipidemia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, and nephropathy, were also recorded. The data were expressed in descriptive and analytical tables. The individuals were divided into two groups, low and normal/high magnesium, and their variables were compared using hypothesis tests. Our findings showed an average serum magnesium level of 1.97 mg% (IC 1.69 to 2.25 mg%) in the whole sample. In those with low magnesium, subclinical levels occurred in 29 subjects (29.3%)and hypomagnesemia, in 34 individuals (34.3%). The median Mg level in the total sample significantly differed (p<0.001) from the ideal normal value, but failed to do in relation to the subclinical value (p=0.311). The hypomagnesemia group showed a predominance of women and patients with higher education. Fasting glucose was higher in the low Mg group and glycated hemoglobin in the normal/high Mg group, both without statistical differences. Low levels of vitamin B12 occurred in 12 patients (12.1%) and the lowest magnesium levels, in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency (1.81±0.24 versus 2.01±0.29) (p=0.027). Oral antidiabetics were more used in the group with low Mg. Serum magnesium, caloric intake, and dietetic magnesium and calcium showed no differences. Patients with CVD had an Mg average of 2.01 mg% (IC 1.69-2.33 mg%). Cardiovascular disease occurred in 47.5% of the sample. Patients with this morbidity had a 29.8% prevalence of hypomagnesemia. Moreover, myocardial infarction occurred more often in the normal/high Mg group. Data suggest that hypomagnesemia in diabetic patients should be considered at clinical and subclinical levels. Low Mg levels were also associated with low vitamin B12. Patients who showed cardiovascular diseases also had a high prevalence of hypomagnesemia, including subclinical levels, except in cases of myocardial infarction, in which serum magnesium levels remained within the normal ideal range, as evinced by its significant statistical difference (p<0.005).

La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una enfermedad con mecanismos fisiopatológicos multifactoriales y complejos caracterizada por la resistencia a la insulina (RI) y sus consecuencias, como las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). La hipomagnesemia está asociada con la RI y las complicaciones micro y macrovasculares, incluyendo las ECV, que se consideran la principal causa de morbimortalidad por la DM2. En este contexto, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los niveles séricos de magnesio (Mg) en pacientes diabéticos y la posible asociación con complicaciones crónicas y comorbilidades, con énfasis en las enfermedades cardiovasculares; e identificar un posible valor de nivel sérico para considerar en esta población con el fin de revisar su verdadera aplicabilidad clínica. Se trata de un estudio transversal, descriptivo y analítico, en el cual participaron 99 pacientes con DM2 de ambos sexos, atendidos en un centro ambulatorio público en la ciudad de Salvador (Bahía, Brasil). Se utilizaron un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y antropométricos, un recordatorio alimentario de 24 horas y un análisis bioquímico del magnesio sérico. También se registraron las comorbilidades y complicaciones crónicas de los pacientes, como hipertensión arterial, enfermedad arterial coronaria, enfermedad arterial obstructiva periférica, arritmia cardíaca, accidente cerebrovascular, dislipidemia, neuropatía sensorial periférica, retinopatía y nefropatía diabética. Los datos se dispusieron en tablas para su análisis y descripción. Los individuos se separaron en dos grupos: bajo magnesio y normal/alto magnesio, y se compararon sus variables mediante pruebas de hipótesis. Los hallazgos evidenciaron un nivel sérico medio de magnesio de 1,97 mg% (IC 1,69 a 2,25 mg%) en el total de la muestra. Los bajos niveles subclínicos de magnesio estaban presentes en 29 sujetos (29,3%), y la hipomagnesemia en 34 individuos (34,3%). El nivel medio de Mg en el total de la muestra tuvo una diferencia significativa (p<0,001) del valor normal ideal, pero no difirió del valor subclínico (p=0,311). En el grupo con hipomagnesemia hubo predominio del sexo femenino y de pacientes con mayor nivel de estudios. La glucemia en ayunas fue más alta en el grupo de bajo Mg, y la hemoglobina glucosilada en el grupo de normal/alto Mg, pero en ninguno de los dos se encontró diferencia estadística. Los bajos niveles de vitamina B12 se encontraron en 12 pacientes (12,1%), y los niveles más bajos de magnesio estaban presentes en los pacientes con deficiencia de vitamina B12 (1,81±0,24 versus 2,01±0,29) con p=0,027. Los antidiabéticos orales se utilizaron más en el grupo con bajo Mg. No hubo diferencia entre el magnesio sérico, la ingesta calórica, el magnesio y el calcio en la dieta. Los pacientes con ECV tuvieron una media de 2,01 mg% (IC 1,69-2,33 mg%) para Mg. La enfermedad cardiovascular estuvo presente en el 47,5% de la muestra, y los pacientes con esta morbilidad tuvieron una prevalencia del 29,8% de hipomagnesemia; el infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) fue más frecuente en el grupo con normal/alto Mg. Los resultados demuestran que la hipomagnesemia en los pacientes diabéticos debe considerarse en los niveles clínicos y subclínicos. Los bajos niveles de Mg también estuvieron asociados a bajos niveles de vitamina B12. Los pacientes que presentaron enfermedades cardiovasculares asociadas también tuvieron una alta prevalencia de hipomagnesemia, incluidos los niveles subclínicos, con excepción de los casos de IAM en los que los niveles séricos de magnesio se mantuvieron dentro del intervalo considerado normal ideal, evidenciado por una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,005).

Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 51(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558632


Introducción: Sulfato de magnesio (MgSO4) y aminofilina son broncodilatadores intravenosos utilizados en el tratamiento de niños con broncoobstrucción (BO). La evidencia disponible para recomendar su uso es escasa. Objetivo: Caracterizar el perfil de uso y la respuesta terapéutica al MgSO4 y aminofilina en el tratamiento de la BO en niños hospitalizados en un centro de referencia de Uruguay. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante revisión de historias y entrevistas. Se incluyeron a todos los menores de 15 años que utilizaron estos fármacos. Se evaluó la respuesta terapéutica a la administración de ambos fármacos en forma exclusiva y concomitante y la presencia de efectos adversos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 102 niños, mediana de edad 4 años, ≤5 años 62%. Los principales diagnósticos fueron: crisis asmática 56% y neumonía viral 31%. Recibieron ambos fármacos 48%, únicamente aminofilina 28% y exclusiva de MgSO4 24%. Se observó buena respuesta terapéutica a la administración: exclusiva de MgSO4 67%, consecutiva de MgSO4 y aminofilina 45% y exclusiva de aminofilina en 34%. En 38,2% se registró al menos un efecto adverso, 64% eran menores de 5 años, riesgo aumentado en 1,5 veces. Conclusiones: Se registraron variadas indicaciones, la mayoría en niños asmáticos y en un porcentaje menor indicaciones fuera de prospecto. Menos de la mitad presentaron buena respuesta luego de la administración de MgSO4 y/o aminofilina. En un porcentaje no despreciable se registraron efectos adversos, predominaron en menores de 5 años. Son necesarios nuevos estudios para continuar caracterizando el perfil de uso y seguridad de estos fármacos.

Introduction: Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and aminophylline are intravenous bronchodilators used in the treatment of children with bronchoobstruction (BO). The evidence available to recommend their use is scarce. Objective: To characterize the use profile and therapeutic response to MgSO4 and aminophylline in the treatment of BO in children hospitalized in a reference center in Uruguay. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study through review of clinical histories and interviews. All children under 15 years of age who used these drugs were included. The therapeutic response to the administration of both drugs exclusively and concomitantly and the presence of adverse effects were evaluated. Results: 102 children were included, median age was 4 years, 62% were ≤5 years. The main diagnoses were: asthmatic crisis, 56% and viral pneumonia, 31%. 48% received both drugs, 28% only aminophylline and 24% exclusively MgSO4. Good therapeutic response was observed to the administration: MgSO4 exclusively, 67%, MgSO4 followed by aminophylline, 45% and aminophylline exclusively in 34%. At least one adverse effect was recorded in 38.2%, of these, 64% were under 5 years of age, risk increased by 1.5 times. Conclusions: Various indications were recorded, the majority in asthmatic children and a smaller percentage off-label indications. Less than half had a good response after the administration of MgSO4 and/or aminophylline. Adverse effects were recorded in a non-negligible percentage, predominating in children under 5 years of age. New studies are necessary to continue characterizing the use and safety profile of these drugs.

Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 71(5): 412-420, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38428678


The main causes of maternal mortality are comorbidities, hypertensive pregnancy syndrome, obstetric haemorrhage, and maternal sepsis. For this reason, uterotonics, magnesium sulphate, and antibiotics are essential tools in the management of obstetric patients during labour and in the peripartum period. These drugs are widely used by anaesthesiologists in all departments, and play a crucial role in treatment and patient safety. For the purpose of this narrative review, we performed a detailed search of medical databases and selected studies describing the use of these drugs in patients during pregnancy, delivery and the pospartum period. Uterotonics, above all oxytocin, play an important role in the prevention and treatment of pospartum haemorrhage, and various studies have shown that in obstetric procedures, such as scheduled and emergency caesarean section, they are effective at lower doses than those hitherto accepted. We also discuss the use of carbetocin as an effective alternative that has a therapeutic advantage in certain clinical circumstances. Magnesium sulphate is the gold standard in the prevention and treatment of eclampsia, and also plays a neuroprotective role in preterm infants. We describe the precautions to be taken during magnesium administration. Finally, we discuss the importance of understanding microbiology and the pharmacology of antibiotics in the management of obstetric infection and endometritis, and draw attention to the latest trends in antibiotic regimens in labour and caesarean section.

Antibacterianos , Sulfato de Magnesio , Oxitócicos , Humanos , Sulfato de Magnesio/uso terapéutico , Femenino , Embarazo , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Oxitócicos/uso terapéutico , Periodo Periparto , Anestesia Obstétrica/métodos , Parto Obstétrico , Endometritis/prevención & control , Endometritis/tratamiento farmacológico , Cesárea , Oxitocina/análogos & derivados
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(3): 127-136, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557864


Resumen OBJETIVO: Describir las características de la población afectada y los retrasos que contribuyeron a la mortalidad materna, secundaria a los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo efectuado con base en la vigilancia epidemiológica de casos centinela de muertes maternas tempranas de mujeres residentes en Antioquia, Colombia, durante el embarazo, el parto y los 42 días siguientes a éste ocurridas en el periodo 2012-2020. Se creó una base de datos en Microsoft Access 2007 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) y los datos se analizaron en Microsoft Excel y SPSS versión 22. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 266 muertes maternas, de las que 38 fueron secundarias a trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. La eclampsia fue causa de 15 fallecimientos; 12 por síndrome HELLP, 9 por hemorragia intracerebral y 2 por desprendimiento prematuro de placenta y coagulación intravascular diseminada. En 13 de los 38 casos no hubo una pauta adecuada del sulfato de magnesio, 19 no recibieron tratamiento antihipertensivo, que estaba indicado y 17 no tuvieron un control antihipertensivo adecuado. CONCLUSIÓN: La atención prenatal es una oportunidad decisiva para la detección, prevención y estratificación del riesgo. Todos los centros de atención obstétrica deben estar preparados para gestionar urgencias asociadas con los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. Los desenlaces mejoran con la aplicación de protocolos de emergencia estandarizados, organizados y la participación de equipos multidisciplinarios que garanticen una atención de calidad y un efecto positivo en la morbilidad y mortalidad materna susceptible de prevención.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of the affected population and the delays that contributed to maternal mortality secondary to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Descriptive and retrospective study based on the epidemiologic surveillance of sentinel cases of early maternal deaths of women residing in Antioquia, Colombia, during pregnancy, delivery and the 42 days after delivery occurring in the period 2012-2020. A database was created in Microsoft Access 2007 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA), and data were analyzed in Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 22. RESULTS: There were 266 maternal deaths, of which 38 were secondary to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Eclampsia was the cause of 15 deaths; 12 due to HELLP syndrome, 9 due to intracerebral hemorrhage, and 2 due to placental abruption and disseminated intravascular coagulation. In 13 of the 38 cases, there was no adequate magnesium sulfate regimen, 19 did not receive indicated antihypertensive treatment, and 17 did not have adequate antihypertensive control. CONCLUSION: Antenatal care is a critical opportunity for detection, prevention, and risk stratification. All obstetric care centers should be prepared to manage emergencies associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Outcomes improve with the use of standardized, organized emergency protocols and the participation of multidisciplinary teams that ensure quality care and a positive impact on preventable maternal morbidity and mortality.

Gac. méd. boliv ; 47(1)2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569188


Fundamento: el síndrome de ovario poliquístico implica oligomenorrea y/o anovulación por exceso de testosterona o LH, además de trastornos metabólicos que pueden resultar en una disminución de los niveles de vitaminas y minerales importantes, incluidos los niveles de zinc y magnesio. Objetivo del estudio: mostrar si el tratamiento con metformina para mujeres de ovario poliquístico puede cambiar los niveles de zinc y magnesio en esas mujeres. Materiales y métodos: este estudio involucra a 23 mujeres de ovario poliquístico diagnosticadas temprano que no toman metformina y 16 mujeres ováricas poliquísticas que toman metformina 850 mg dos veces al día durante al menos tres meses. FSH, LH, testosterona, estradiol, prolactina, SHBG, insulina en ayunas, glucosa en ayunas, magnesio y zinc se miden en el segundo día del ciclo. Resultados: los pacientes sin metformina mostraron aumentos significativos en la relación LH, FSH y testosterona libre en valores de p de 0,03, 0,037 y 0,009 respectivamente. El zinc mostró una correlación directa con el estradiol en pacientes que no recibieron metformina y una correlación indirecta con el índice de masa corporal en pacientes en tratamiento con metformina. Conclusión: el zinc es un elemento importante para la fertilidad femenina, ya que puede mejorar el nivel de estradiol puede deberse a su actividad antioxidante que disminuye la reacción inflamatoria en la región pélvica y mejora la función del ovario. El aumento en el nivel de zinc tiene un efecto inverso en el índice de masa corporal. Sin embargo, el tratamiento con metformina en este estudio no mostró ningún efecto sobre el nivel de magnesio y zinc en mujeres ováricas poliquísticas.

Background: polycystic ovary syndrome involves oligomenorrhea and/ or anovulation due to excess testosterone or LH, in addition to metabolic disorders that may result in decreased levels of important vitamins and minerals, including Zinc and Magnesium levels. Aim of the study: To show if metformin treatment for polycystic ovarian women can change zinc and magnesium levels in those women. Subjects and methods: this study involves 23 early-diagnosed polycystic ovarian women not on metformin and 16 polycystic ovarian women on metformin 850 mg twice daily for at least three months. FSH, LH, testosterone, estradiol, prolactin, SHBG, fasting insulin, fasting glucose, magnesium and zinc are measured on the second day of the cycle. Results: the patients without metformin showed significant increases in LH, LH: SH ratio, and free testosterone at P-values of 0.03, 0.037 and 0.009 respectively. Zinc showed a direct correlation with estradiol in patients not on metformin and an indirect correlation with body mass index in patients on metformin treatment. Conclusion: Zinc is an important element for female fertility as it may enhance estradiol level may be due to its antioxidant activity which decreases the inflammatory reaction in the pelvic region and enhance ovary function. The increase in zinc level has an inverse effect on body mass index. However, metformin treatment in this study showed no effect on the level of magnesium and zinc in polycystic ovarian women.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(2): 1337, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536652


ABSTRACT Magnesium (Mg) is essential for the metabolic reactions of the human body and is known for its biocompatibility, its mechanical and physical properties are similar to human bone, which is why it is considered to have high potential in biomedical applications such as temporary and resorbable implants. Through surface modifications, the high tendency to corrosion of Mg could be controlled, such as biodegradable membranes that prevent the passage of chloride ions present in the human organism. To prepare the membrane, solutions of chitosan modified with gelatin and/or glutaraldehyde are used and by means of the electrospray method applied to protect the Mg. To simulate body fluid conditions a Kokubo saline solution (BFK) was prepared. The study focuses on evaluating the corrosion rate of Mg with a coating made of a chitosan electrosprayed membrane, applying electrochemical measurements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and linear polarization resistance. The key additive to improve the behavior of the membranes was observed with the use of gelatin, where the membrane with the best results lowing corrosion rates is the Mg CH+GE+GL system, which it was observed with very good physical integrity in the images of morphological analyzes of the surface after 30 days of exposure.

RESUMEN El magnesio (Mg) es esencial para las reacciones metabólicas del cuerpo humano y es conocido por su biocompatibilidad, sus propiedades mecánicas y físicas son similares a las del hueso humano, por lo que se considera que tiene un alto potencial en aplicaciones biomédicas como implantes temporales y reabsorbibles. Mediante modificaciones superficiales se podría controlar la alta tendencia a la corrosión del Mg, como por ejemplo membranas biodegradables que impidan el paso de iones cloruro presentes en el organismo humano. Para preparar la membrana se utilizan soluciones de quitosano modificado con grenetina y/o glutaraldehído y mediante el método de electrorociado se aplican para proteger el Mg. Para simular las condiciones de los fluidos corporales se preparó una solución salina de Kokubo. El estudio se enfoca en evaluar la velocidad de corrosión del Mg con un recubrimiento hecho de una membrana electrorociada con quitosano, aplicando técnicas electroquímicas de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica y resistencia de polarización lineal. El aditivo clave para mejorar el comportamiento de las membranas se observó con el uso de gelatina, donde la membrana con mejores resultados bajando los índices de corrosión es el sistema Mg CH+GR+GL, el cual se observó con muy buena integridad física en las imágenes de análisis morfológicos de la superficie después de 30 días de exposición.

Rev. clín. med. fam ; 16(2): 124-127, Jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-222038


La hipomagnesemia asociada al tratamiento crónico con inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) es una entidad poco frecuente, aunque potencialmente grave. Su mecanismo continúa siendo desconocido. Cuando la magnesemia cae por debajo de 0,5 mEq/L, las manifestaciones clínicas neuromusculares y cardíacas pueden aparecer. En el momento agudo, la reposición precoz de magnesio y, en muchos casos, de otros iones como el calcio y el potasio, suele ser el tratamiento. Sin embargo, su normalización definitiva requiere, por lo general, la supresión del tratamiento con IBP.(AU)

Hypomagnesaemia associated with chronic treatment with Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) is a rare entity, although potentially severe. Its mechanism remains unknown. When the magnesaemia falls below 0.5 mEq/L, neuromuscular and cardiac clinical manifestations may appear. At the acute stage, early replacement of magnesium and, in most cases, calcium and potassium, is usually the treatment. However, its definitive normalization requires the withdrawal of PPI treatment.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Omeprazol/administración & dosificación , Inhibidores de la Bomba de Protones , Deficiencia de Magnesio , Tetania , Pacientes Internos , Examen Físico , Urgencias Médicas , Hipocalcemia
Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 88(2): 107-117, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34961695


INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: There are few studies that compare polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 and magnesium hydroxide (MH), as long-term treatment of functional constipation (FC) in children, and they do not include infants as young as 6 months of age. Our aim was to determine the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of PEG vs MH in FC, in the long term, in pediatric patients. METHODS: An open-label, parallel, controlled clinical trial was conducted on patients from 6 months to 18 years of age, diagnosed with FC, that were randomly assigned to receive PEG 3350 or MH for 12 months. Success was defined as: ≥ 3 bowel movements/week, with no fecal incontinence, fecal impaction, abdominal pain, or the need for another laxative. We compared adverse events and acceptability, measured as rejected doses of the laxative during the study, in each group and subgroup. RESULTS: Eighty-three patients with FC were included. There were no differences in success between groups (40/41 PEG vs 40/42 MH, p = 0.616). There were no differences in acceptability between groups, but a statistically significant higher number of patients rejected MH in the subgroups > 4 to 12 years and > 12 to 18 years of age (P = .037 and P = .020, respectively). There were no differences regarding adverse events between the two groups and no severe clinical or biochemical adverse events were registered. CONCLUSIONS: The two laxatives were equally effective and safe for treating FC in children from 0.5 to 18 years of age. Acceptance was better for PEG 3350 than for MH in patients above 4 years of age. MH can be considered first-line treatment for FC in children under 4 years of age.

Laxativos , Hidróxido de Magnesio , Humanos , Niño , Preescolar , Laxativos/uso terapéutico , Hidróxido de Magnesio/uso terapéutico , Resultado del Tratamiento , Polietilenglicoles/efectos adversos , Estreñimiento/tratamiento farmacológico , Electrólitos/uso terapéutico
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 97(6): 383-389, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-213166


Introducción: La relación entre sulfato de magnesio (MgSO4) y el retraso en la evacuación de meconio presenta resultados controvertidos en la literatura. Objetivos: Determinar si existe relación entre la administración de MgSO4 a la madre y la eliminación tardía de meconio (ETM) en el neonato y conocer los niveles de magnesio en sangre en estos, con respecto a la dosis acumulada de MgSO4 administrada a la madre. Población y métodos: Estudio descriptivo-analítico, en pacientes ≤ 32 semanas de edad gestacional, con diseño retrospectivo-prospectivo, llevado a cabo en dos hospitales de tercer nivel asistencial. Se definió la ETM como retraso en la evacuación meconial ≥ 48 horas y/o necesidad de estimulación rectal en ≥ 2 ocasiones para realizar deposición y/o retraso ≥ 48 horas entre la primera y segunda deposición. Resultados: Se reclutaron 283 pacientes (204 retrospectiva y 79 prospectivamente), de los cuales 152 (53,7%) presentó ETM. No se encontró relación entre la administración de MgSO4 a la madre, ni la dosis acumulada de MgSO4 en esta, ni los niveles de magnesio en sangre del neonato con la presencia de ETM. La mayor edad gestacional (OR 0,8, IC 0,69-0,93, p = 0,003) resultó factor protector independiente de la ETM y la necesidad de reanimación avanzada (OR 2,24, IC 1,04-4,86, p = 0,04) factor de riesgo. Conclusiones: Los niveles alcanzados de magnesio en sangre del neonato con las dosis de MgSO4 administradas a las madres, no se relacionan con la ETM. La menor edad gestacional y la necesidad de reanimación avanzada predicen mayor riesgo de ETM. (AU)

Introduction: The published evidence on the association between magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) and delayed passage of meconium (DPM) is contradictory. Objectives: To determine whether there is an association between the administration of MgSO4 to the mother and DPM in the neonate, and to analyse serum magnesium levels in neonates in relation to the cumulative dose of MgSO4 administered to the mother. Population and methods: Retrospective and prospective descriptive and analytical study conducted in patients delivered at or before 32 weeks of gestation in 2 tertiary care hospitals. Delayed passage of meconium was defined as failure to pass meconium within 48 hours of birth and/or need for rectal stimulation on 2 or more occasions to pass stool and/or interval of at least 48 hours between the first and second bowel movements. Results: The study included 283 patients (204 retrospectively and 79 prospectively), of who 152 (53.7%) experienced DPM. Delayed passage of meconium was not associated with antenatal MgSO4 administration, the cumulative maternal MgSO4 dose or neonatal serum magnesium levels. Older gestational age (OR, 0.8; confidence interval [CI], 0.69–0.93; P = .003) was an independent protective factor against DPM, while the need for advanced resuscitation (OR, 2.24; CI 1.04–4.86; P = .04) was a risk factor for DPM. Conclusion: The neonatal serum levels of magnesium reached with the doses of MgSO4 administered to mothers were not associated with DPM. Lower gestational age and the need for advanced resuscitation were predictors associated with an increased risk of DPM. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Sulfato de Magnesio , Meconio , Recien Nacido Prematuro , Magnesio/sangre , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios Prospectivos
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537042


Nariño es el principal productor de arveja de Colombia. En su cultivo, se fertiliza con nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, pero no se conoce el efecto de otros nutrimentos. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de diferentes niveles de calcio, magnesio y azufre sobre los componentes de rendimiento de arveja voluble, en los municipios de Gualmatán, Pupiales y Puerres, en suelos Andisoles y, en Ipiales y Potosí, en suelos Inceptisoles. En cada localidad, se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con arreglo en parcelas divididas y tres repeticiones, donde el factor A correspondió a cinco genotipos de arveja y el factor B, a cinco niveles de fertilización con calcio, magnesio y azufre. Los resultados indicaron respuesta positiva de los rendimientos a la aplicación de estos elementos. El nivel de fertilización 112,5-50-25 kg.ha-1 de Ca, Mg y S, respectivamente, presentó mayor rendimiento que el nivel establecido por la información del análisis de suelos o testigo en Gualmatán, Pupiales y Potosí, mientras que, en Puerres, hubo respuesta al nivel más alto, 135-60-30, de los mismos elementos. Los otros niveles de fertilización fueron similares al testigo. En Ipiales, la variedad Sureña presentó rendimientos similares para todos los niveles de fertilización. San Isidro presentó su mayor rendimiento, con el nivel 112,5-50-25 kg.ha-1, de calcio magnesio y azufre. Las líneas con gen afila L3 y L18 igualaron los rendimientos de las variedades comerciales Sureña, Alcalá y San Isidro, en Potosí y en Pupiales.

Nariño is the main pea producer in Colombia. The crop is fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but the effect of other nutrients is unknown. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different levels of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur on the performance components of voluble pea in the municipalities of Gualmatán, Pupiales, and Puerres on Andisols, and in Ipiales and Potosí on Inceptisols soils. A randomized complete block design was used with divided plots and three replications, where factor A corresponded to five pea genotypes and factor B to five levels of fertilization with calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. The results indicated positive response of the yields to the application of these elements. The level of fertilization 112.5-50-25 kg.ha-1 of Ca, Mg, and S respectively, presented a higher yield than the level established by information from the soil analysis or control in Gualmatán, Pupiales and Potosí, while in Puerres there was a response at the highest level 135-60-30 of the same elements. The other levels of fertilization were similar to the control. In Ipiales Sureña variety presented similar yields for all fertilization levels. San Isidro presented its highest yield with a level of 112.5-50-25 kg.ha-1 of calcium, magnesium and sulfur. The lines with the L3 and L18 genes matched the yield of the commercial varieties Sureña, Alcalá and San Isidro in Potosí and Pupiales.

An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 97(6): 383-389, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36202742


INTRODUCTION: The published evidence on the association between magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) and delayed passage of meconium (DPM) is contradictory. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there is an association between the administration of MgSO4 to the mother and DPM in the neonate, and to analyse serum magnesium levels in neonates in relation to the cumulative dose of MgSO4 administered to the mother. POPULATION AND METHODS: Retrospective and prospective descriptive and analytical study conducted in patients delivered at or before 32 weeks of gestation in 2 tertiary care hospitals. Delayed passage of meconium was defined as failure to pass meconium within 48 h of birth and/or need for rectal stimulation on 2 or more occasions to pass stool and/or interval of at least 48 h between the first and second bowel movements. RESULTS: The study included 283 patients (204 retrospectively and 79 prospectively), of who 152 (53.7%) experienced DPM. Delayed passage of meconium was not associated with antenatal MgSO4 administration, the cumulative maternal MgSO4 dose or neonatal serum magnesium levels. Older gestational age (OR, 0.8; confidence interval [CI], 0.69-0.93; P = 0.003) was an independent protective factor against DPM, while the need for advanced resuscitation (OR, 2.24; CI 1.04-4.86; P = 0.04) was a risk factor for DPM. CONCLUSION: The neonatal serum levels of magnesium reached with the doses of MgSO4 administered to mothers were not associated with DPM. Lower gestational age and the need for advanced resuscitation were predictors associated with an increased risk of DPM.

Sulfato de Magnesio , Magnesio , Recién Nacido , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Sulfato de Magnesio/efectos adversos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Edad Gestacional , Meconio
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) ; 42(3): 327-337, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36210622


Hemodialysis (HD) with bicarbonate dialysis fluid (DF) requires the presence of an acid to prevent the precipitation of calcium and magnesium carbonate. The most used acid is acetic acid, with it several complications have been described. In a previous work we described the acute changes during an HD session with a DF with citrate instead of acetate. Now we report the results in the medium term, 16 weeks. It is a prospective, multicenter, crossover and randomized study, where 56 HD patients with bicarbonate three times a week were dialysed for 16 weeks with 3 mmol/L acetate and 16 weeks with 1 mmol/L citrate. Patients older than 18 years with a previous stay on HD of more than 3 months and with a normal functioning arteriovenous fistula were included. Epidemiological data, dialysis, bioimpedance, biochemistry before and after HD, as well as hypotensive episodes, were collected monthly. After 16 weeks of citrate treatment, preHD ionic calcium and magnesium were significantly lower and PTH higher than in the acetate period. No differences were observed in the effectiveness of dialysis. Hypotensive episodes were significantly more frequent with acetate than with citrate: 311 (14.1%) vs 238 (10.8%) sessions. The lean mass index increased by 0.96 ±â€¯2.33 kg/m2 when patients switched from LD with acetate to citrate. HD with citrate modifies several parameters of bone mineral metabolism, not only acutely as previously described, but also in the long term. The substitution of acetate for citrate improves hemodynamic stability, producing less hypotension and can improve nutritional status.

Ácido Cítrico , Hipotensión , Acetatos/uso terapéutico , Bicarbonatos/uso terapéutico , Calcio , Citratos/uso terapéutico , Ácido Cítrico/uso terapéutico , Soluciones para Diálisis , Humanos , Magnesio , Estudios Prospectivos , Diálisis Renal/métodos
Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(2): 87-91, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395022


Resumen: Introducción: Se han propuesto varios métodos para controlar la inflamación y preservar el miocardio durante la circulación extracorpórea (CEC), entre ellos podemos mencionar la administración de electrolitos, tales como el magnesio (Mg2+). Objetivo: Comparar el efecto del uso de sulfato de magnesio (MgSO4) prepinzamiento aórtico (pre-PAo) vs placebo sobre los niveles séricos de lactato en el seno coronario en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica (RVM) multivaso con CEC. Material y métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico controlado en 52 pacientes sometidos a RVM multivaso con CEC, aleatorizados para recibir placebo (grupo I) o MgSO4 (grupo II) pre-PAo, y se tomaron muestras sanguíneas del seno coronario en dos tiempos diferentes: T0: pre-PAo y T1: previo al cierre de tórax, cuantificándose el lactato sérico. Para su análisis, se utilizó t de Student y χ2. Una p < 0.05 fue significativa. La información se procesó en SPSS v-22.0. Resultados: Los niveles séricos de lactato en el seno coronario postpinzamiento aórtico (pos-PAo) fueron menores en el grupo II (2.967 ± 0.86 vs 2.154 ± 1.14) mostrando diferencias significativas (p = 0.006). Conclusión: El uso de MgSO4 pre-PAo disminuye los niveles séricos de lactato en el seno coronario en pacientes sometidos a RVM multivaso con CEC.

Abstract: Introduction: Several methods have been proposed to control inflammation and to preserve the myocardium during cardiopulmonary bypass (CABG), including the administration of electrolytes such as magnesium (Mg2+). Objective: To compare the effect of using magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) or a placebo before aortic clamping (AoC) on the serum levels of lactate in the coronary sinus in patients undergoing myocardial multivessel revascularization (MRV) with CABG. Material and methods: A clinical assay was conducted with 52 patients undergoing MRV multivessel with CEC; the patients were randomized to receive a placebo (group I) or MgSO4 (group II) before AoC, and blood samples were taken from the coronary sinus to quantify serum lactate at two different times: T0: pre-AoC and T1: before closing the chest. Statistical analysis was performed on Student's t-test and χ2. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The data were processed with SPSS v-22.0. Results: Serum levels of lactate in the coronary sinus post-AoC were lower in group II (2.967 ± 0.86 vs 2.154 ± 1.14), with significant differences (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The use of MgSO4 before AoC reduces serum lactate levels in the coronary sinus in patients undergoing MRV multivessel with CABG.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 65(3): 24-32, may.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387326


Resumen La eclampsia es un síndrome relativamente raro e impredecible de la enfermedad hipertensiva inducida por el embarazo, caracterizado por un estado convulsivo tónico-clónico que puede o no cursar con hipertensión previa o daño orgánico. Complica aproximadamente 3 de cada 1,000 embarazos, con alta incidencia en pacientes de zonas rurales y bajo nivel socioeconómico, mujeres con preeclampsia, primigestas adolescentes y multíparas mayores de 35 años de edad. Presentamos el reporte de 6 casos de eclampsia que sucedieron en un hospital rural del estado de Chiapas, ubicado en el corazón de la Selva Lacandona. La mayoría fueron primigestas adolescentes en trabajo de parto, quienes rebasaban las 40 semanas de gestación. Todas fueron manejadas con medidas de soporte y neuroprotección con sulfato de magnesio, 5 de ellas fueron referidas a segundo nivel a la unidad de cuidados intensivos para recibir una atención integral, con un tiempo promedio de estancia de 2 días. Ninguna presentó un nuevo cuadro convulsivo. No se registraron resultados perinatales adversos ni muerte materna. El síndrome preeclampsia-eclampsia es un problema de alto impacto en el embarazo y un reto para los 3 niveles de atención, pero sobre todo para la atención en el medio rural y zonas indígenas de todo México, ya que, debido a costumbres arraigadas, las pacientes omiten el control prenatal, además de habitar en lugares con difícil acceso a hospitales o clínicas.

Abstract Eclampsia is a relatively rare and unpredictable syndrome of pregnancy-induced hypertensive disease, characterized by a tonic-clonic seizure state which may or may not present hypertension or end-organ damage. It complicates approximately 3 out of 1000 pregnancies, with a high incidence in patients of low socioeconomic status and rural areas, women with pre-eclampsia, primiparous teen or multiparous women over 35 years old. We present the report of 6 cases of eclampsia that occurred in a first level rural hospital of attention in the state of Chiapas, located in the heart of the Lacandon Jungle. Most of them occurred in primiparous teen patients during labor, which exceeded 40 weeks of gestation. All were promptly managed with support measures and magnesium sulfate neuroprotection, 5 of them referred to the second level of the intensive care unit for more comprehensive care, the average length of stay was 2 days. No one presented a new seizure. No adverse perinatal outcomes or maternal death were recorded. The pre-eclampsia-eclampsia syndrome is a problem with a high impact on pregnancy and a challenge for all three levels of care, but especially for care in rural areas and indigenous areas throughout Mexico, since, due to entrenched customs, patients omit prenatal control, in addition to living in places with difficult access to hospitals or clinics.

Nefrología (Madrid) ; 42(3): 327-337, Mayo-Junio, 2022. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-205771


La hemodiálisis (HD) con líquido de diálisis (LD) con bicarbonato requiere la presencia de un ácido para prevenir la precipitación del carbonato de calcio y magnesio. El más usado es el ácido acético, y con él se han descrito diversas complicaciones. En un trabajo previo describimos los cambios agudos, durante una sesión, en los pacientes en HD con un LD con citrato en lugar de acetato, y en este referimos los resultados a medio plazo: 16 semanas.Es un estudio prospectivo, multicéntrico, cruzado y aleatorizado, donde 56 pacientes en HD con bicarbonato 3 veces a la semana se dializaron 16 semanas con 3mmol/l acetato y 16 semanas con 1mmol/l de citrato. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años con una estancia en HD previa superior a 3 meses y con fístula arteriovenosa normofuncionante. Se recogieron mensualmente datos epidemiológicos, de diálisis, bioimpedancia, bioquímica pre y postHD, así como los episodios de hipotensión.Después de 16 semanas de tratamiento con citrato el calcio iónico y el magnesio preHD eran significativamente inferiores y la hormona paratiroidea (PTH) más alta que en el periodo con acetato. No se observaron diferencias en la eficacia de la diálisis. Los episodios de hipotensión fueron significativamente más frecuentes con acetato que con citrato: 311 (14,1%) vs. 238 (10,8%) sesiones. El índice de masa magra se incrementó en 0,96±2,33kg/m2 cuando los pacientes pasaron de LD con acetato a citrato.La HD con citrato modifica varios parámetros del metabolismo óseo-mineral, no solo de forma aguda como se había descrito, sino también a medio plazo. La sustitución del acetato por el citrato mejora la estabilidad hemodinámica, produciendo menos hipotensiones y puede mejorar el estado nutricional. (AU)

Hemodialysis (HD) with bicarbonate dialysis fluid (DF) requires the presence of an acid to prevent the precipitation of calcium and magnesium carbonate. The most used acid is acetic acid, with it several complications have been described. In a previous work, we described the acute changes during an HD session with a DF with citrate instead of acetate. Now, we report the results in the medium term, 16 weeks. It is a prospective, multicenter, crossover and randomized study, where 56 HD patients with bicarbonate three times a week were dialysed for 16 weeks with 3mmol/L acetate and 16 weeks with 1mmol/L citrate. Patients older than 18 years with a previous stay on HD of more than 3 months and with a normal functioning arteriovenous fistula were included. Epidemiological data, dialysis, bioimpedance, biochemistry before and after HD, as well as hypotensive episodes, were collected monthly. After 16 weeks of citrate treatment, pre-HD ionic calcium and magnesium were significantly lower and paratiroid hormone (PTH) higher than in the acetate period. No differences were observed in the effectiveness of dialysis. Hypotensive episodes were significantly more frequent with acetate than with citrate: 311 (14.1%) vs 238 (10.8%) sessions. The lean mass index increased by 0.96±2.33kg/m2 when patients switched from DF with acetate to citrate.HD with citrate modifies several parameters of bone mineral metabolism, not only acutely as previously described, but also in the long-term. The substitution of acetate for citrate improves hemodynamic stability, producing less hypotension and can improve nutritional status. (AU)

Humanos , Diálisis Renal/métodos , Diálisis Renal/tendencias , Ácido Cítrico/uso terapéutico , Magnesio/uso terapéutico , Calcio/uso terapéutico , Acetatos/uso terapéutico , Estudios Prospectivos , Procesos Estocásticos , Estudios Cruzados
Iberoam. j. med ; 4(2): 123-127, may. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-228545


Aluminum phosphide (ALP) is a highly toxic compound most commonly available as Celphos in Nepal. Suicidal ingestion is common in developing countries like Nepal as it is easily available and has a high mortality rate. Farmers to protect crops from rodents and pests use it. Here we present a case of a 24-year-old female with suicidal ingestion of one and a half-tablet of ALP presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. The patient developed metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, acute respiratory distress, and hypotension during the Intensive Care Unit stay. Supportive treatment with gastric lavage (coconut oil), intravenous magnesium sulfate, sodium-bicarbonate infusion, adequate vasopressor and close monitoring of hemodynamic parameters helped in the survival of the patient (AU)

El fosfuro de aluminio (ALP) es un compuesto altamente tóxico más comúnmente disponible como Celphos en Nepal. La ingestión suicida es común en países en desarrollo como Nepal, ya que está fácilmente disponible, teniendo una alta tasa de mortalidad. Los agricultores lo utilizan para proteger los cultivos de roedores y plagas. Aquí presentamos el caso de una mujer de 24 años con ingesta suicida de una tableta y media de ALP que presentó dolor abdominal y vómitos. La paciente desarrolló acidosis metabólica, hiperpotasemia, dificultad respiratoria aguda e hipotensión durante su estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El tratamiento de soporte con lavado gástrico (aceite de coco), sulfato de magnesio intravenoso, infusión de bicarbonato de sodio, vasopresor adecuado y monitoreo estrecho de los parámetros hemodinámicos ayudaron a la supervivencia del paciente (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Intento de Suicidio , Compuestos de Aluminio/toxicidad , Intoxicación/diagnóstico , Intoxicación/terapia , Acidosis/inducido químicamente , Acidosis/terapia
Cir Cir ; 90(2): 151-156, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35349560


OBJECTIVE: Postoperative intraabdominal adhesions are obvious cause of postoperative morbidity. In this experimental study, our aim is to compare the effects of 4% icodextrin produced for adhesion prevention, magnesium sulfate used as an anticonvulsant in obstetrics and also as a thickening lubricant in the detergent industry, and saline, which we use most frequently in abdominal irrigation, on adhesion formation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 4 groups were formed, 8 in the control group (K), 8 in the icodextrin group (I), 8 in the magnesium sulfate group (M), and 8 in the saline group (SF). Adhesions were quantitatively evaluated with the classification defined by Nair and microscopic grading defined by Zuhlke. RESULTS: The macroscopic staging degree was statistically significantly lower in Group M, I, and SF compared to Group K. Again, the degree of microscopic staging was significantly lower in Group M and I compared to Group K. CONCLUSIONS: Three different materials were used in our study. It was observed that they significantly reduced adhesions. This study once again demonstrates the limited ability of these materials to prevent adhesion, despite the wide variety of materials used, and the need for careful adherence to tissue-respectful surgical techniques.

OBJETIVO: As aderências intra-abdominais pós-operatórias (PIA) são causa óbvia de morbidade pós-operatória. Neste estudo experimental, nosso objetivo é comparar os efeitos da icodextrina 4% produzida para prevenção de aderências, sulfato de magnésio usado como anticonvulsivante em obstetrícia e também como lubrificante espessante na indústria de detergentes e soro fisiológico, que usamos mais frequentemente em abdominais irrigação, na formação de aderências. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram formados 4 grupos, 8 no grupo controle (K), 8 no grupo da icodextrina (I), 8 no grupo sulfato de magnésio (M) e 8 no grupo solução salina (SF). As aderências foram avaliadas quantitativamente com a classificação definida por Nair e graduação microscópica definida por Zuhlke. RESULTADOS: O grau de estadiamento macroscópico foi estatisticamente significativamente menor no Grupo M, I e SF em comparação com o Grupo K. Novamente, o grau de estadiamento microscópico foi significativamente menor nos Grupos M e I em comparação com o Grupo K. CONCLUSÕES: Três materiais diferentes foram usados em nosso estudo. Foi observado que eles reduziram significativamente as aderências. Este estudo demonstra mais uma vez a capacidade limitada desses materiais em prevenir a adesão, apesar da grande variedade de materiais usados, e a necessidade de uma adesão cuidadosa a técnicas cirúrgicas que respeitem o tecido.

Sulfato de Magnesio , Cloruro de Sodio , Humanos , Icodextrina , Sulfato de Magnesio/farmacología , Sulfato de Magnesio/uso terapéutico , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Adherencias Tisulares/etiología , Adherencias Tisulares/prevención & control
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 70(1): e301, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406789


Abstract Introduction: Gitelman syndrome is a rare hereditary primary renal tubular disorder, with a prevalence of approximately 1 to 10 cases per 40 000 people. It does not have specific symptoms, so its diagnosis depends on high clinical suspicion by the treating physical and a sequential approach to hypokalemia, especially in young patients. Thus, a diagnostic algorithm is proposed at the end of this report. Case presentation: A 23-year-old woman with a history of hospitalization due to hypokalemia presented to the emergency service with intermittent cramping in her lower limbs, which was exacerbated by gastrointestinal symptoms. Laboratory tests reported the following findings: metabolic alkalosis, elevated levels of potassium, magnesium, chloride and sodium in urine, and reduced levels of calcium in urine. Thus, potassium supplementation and eplerenone administration were started, obtaining the complete resolution of symptoms. At her last follow-up appointment, the patient was asymptomatic, and her serum electrolyte levels were normal. In addition, during her hospital stay and due to the high suspicion of Gitelman syndrome, a genetic study was performed, which reported a mutation of the SCL12A3 gene, confirming the diagnosis. Conclusion: The sequential approach to a patient with recurrent hypokalemia is very important to reach an accurate diagnosis among a wide range of differential diagnoses.

Resumen Introducción. El síndrome de Gitelman es un trastorno tubular renal primario hereditario poco frecuente, con una prevalencia aproximada de 1 a 10 casos por cada 40 000 personas; su sintomatologia es inespecífica, por lo que su diagnóstico depende de la alta sospecha clínica por parte del médico tratante y de un abordaje secuencial de la hipopotasemia, sobre todo en pacientes jóvenes, para lo cual se propone un algoritmo diagnóstico al final de este reporte. Presentación de caso. Mujer de 23 años con antecedente de hospitalización por hipopotasemia, quien consultó por calambres musculares intermitentes en miembros inferiores, los cuales se agudizaron debido a síntomas gastrointestinales. En los exámenes de laboratorio se reportaron los siguientes hallazgos: alcalosis metabólica, niveles elevados de potasio, magnesio, cloro y sodio en orina, y niveles reducidos de calcio en orina, por lo que se inició suplementación de potasio y manejo con eplerenona, obteniéndose resolución completa de los síntomas. En su último control, la paciente se encontraba asintomática y sus niveles séricos de electrolitos eran normales. Además, durante la hospitalización, y debido a la alta sospecha de síndrome de Gitelman, se solicitó estudio genético que reportó mutación del gen SCL12A3, confirmándose el diagnóstico. Conclusión. El abordaje secuencial de un paciente con hipopotasemia recurrente es de gran importancia para realizar un diagnóstico certero ante una amplia gama de diagnósticos diferenciales.

BrJP ; 5(1): 14-19, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364406


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Mastectomy with lymphadenectomy is a surgery associated with moderate to severe pain in the immediate postoperatory. Several safe adjuvant drugs that provide good analgesia with few adverse effects have been researched. Pregabalin and magnesium sulfate are drugs that promote analgesia with few adverse effects. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the analgesic effect of pregabalin and magnesium sulfate in the postoperatory of mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy. METHODS: Double-blinded, randomized study involving 80 patients submitted to mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy under general anesthesia. The patients were distributed into 4 groups: Control (CG, did not receive the proposed adjuvant drug); Magnesium+Placebo (MG, received magnesium sulfate during anesthesia); Pregabalin+Magnesium (P+MG, received magnesium added to pregabalin 150 mg before and 12 h after surgery); and Pregabalin+Placebo (PG, received pregabalin). All patients completed the Self-Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) to screen for possible mental disorders and had their physical status monitored at 1 h, 12 h, and 24 h after surgery, through anamnesis, pain questionnaire, opioid consumption, and presence of complications and/or adverse events such as nausea, vomiting, and sleepiness. Randomization was performed using sealed opaque envelopes without the knowledge of the anesthesiologist (researcher) and the patient. RESULTS: For each group, twenty patients were randomized, which were analyzed at the end of the study. The number of patients presenting absent/mild pain in P+MG was significantly higher than in CG, MG and PG after one hour. After 12 hours, P+MG and PG had more patients with absent/mild pain than CG and MG. At 24 hours postoperatively, all patients in all evaluated groups had no moderate/severe pain. There was no diference in the frequency of patients presenting nausea or vomiting, nor in the scores of the sleep evaluation after surgery in the four groups. CONCLUSION: The combination of magnesium sulfate and pregabalin provided satisfactory analgesia in the first hour after mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy. Nevertheless, magnesium sulfate isolated presented no analgesic beneft for the patients, and pregabalin isolated was only slightly effective at the first hour after surgery.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Mastectomia com linfadenectomia é uma cirurgia que causa dor moderada ou intensa no pós-operatório imediato. Muitos fármacos adjuvantes, seguros, que promovem boa analgesia e com poucos efeitos adversos têm sido pesquisados. A pregabalina e o sulfato de magnésio são fármacos que promovem analgesia com poucos efeitos adversos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito analgésico da pregabalina e do sulfato de magnésio no pós-operatório de mastectomia com linfadenectomia axilar. MÉTODOS: Estudo randomizado e duplo-cego envolvendo 80 pacientes submetidas à mastectomia com linfadenectomia axilar sob anestesia geral. As pacientes foram divididas em quatro grupos: Controle (GC, não receberam o fármaco adjuvante proposto); Magnésio+Placebo (GM, receberam sulfato de magnésio durante a anestesia); Pregabalina+Magnésio (GP+M, receberam magnésio adicionado a pregabalina 150 mg antes e 12 h após a cirurgia); e Pregabalina+Placebo (GP, receberam a pregabalina). Todas as pacientes responderam o Self-Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) para rastrear possível transtorno mental e foram seguidas, monitorando o estado físico 1h, 12h e 24h após a cirurgia, através de anamnese, questionário de dor, consumo de opioides e presença de complicações e/ou eventos adversos como náusea, vômito e sonolência. A randomização foi realizada por meio de envelopes opacos e selados sem o conhecimento do anestesiologista (pesquisador) e do paciente. RESULTADOS: Foram randomizadas 20 pacientes para cada grupo, as quais foram analisadas ao fim do estudo. O número de pacientes apresentando dor ausente/leve no GP+M foi significantemente maior que nos GC, GM e GP após uma hora. Após 12 horas, GP+M e GP apresentaram maior número de pacientes com dor ausente/leve que GC e GM. Em 24 horas do pós-operatório, todos os pacientes de todos os grupos avaliados não apresentaram dor moderada/severa. Não houve diferença na frequência de pacientes apresentando náusea ou vômito, nem nos escores da avaliação do sono após a cirurgia nos quatro grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A associação de sulfato de magnésio e pregabalina causa boa analgesia de mastectomia com linfadenectomia axilar na primeira hora do pós-operatório. No entanto, o uso isolado do sulfato de magnésio não trouxe benefício para analgesia nestas pacientes, assim como a pregabalina sozinha se mostrou pouco efetiva na primeira hora de avaliação.

An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 96(2): 138-144, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35131219


INTRODUCTION: Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) therapy has shown to be useful as a neurological protector in the preterm newborn below 32 weeks of gestation. The most documented adverse effect is cardiorespiratory failure, whereas its relationship with meconium obstruction is controversial. The main objective of this study was to analyse the possible association between prenatal MgSO4 therapy and meconium obstruction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An analytical retrospective study was conducted on <32 weeks preterm babies admitted to a tertiary-level hospital (January 2016-December 2017). Epidemiological, prenatal and postnatal data on the outcomes were obtained, analysed and compared in both groups (exposed to MgSO4 and not exposed). RESULTS: The study included 201 patients (146 exposed and 55 non-exposed). There were no significant differences in the mean gestational age (28.4 ±â€¯2.2 vs. 28.7 ±â€¯2.8 weeks, respectively), or in the rest of epidemiological and perinatal variables. Prenatal corticosteroid therapy was more frequent in the MgSO4 group (75.9 vs. 53.7%; p = .002), and in the non-exposed group there were more multiple pregnancies (52.7 vs. 36.6%; p = .027), and female gender (56.4 vs. 37%; p = .013). There were no statistically significant differences in the presence of meconium obstruction (75.9% in exposed vs. 67.3% in non-exposed; p = .23), although repeated rectal stimulation was more frequent in the exposed group (43.2 vs. 27.9%; p = .08). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the main cardiorespiratory variables: 1-min Apgar score (6.2 in MgSO4- exposed vs. 5.6 in non-exposed; p = .75), 5-min Apgar score (7.9 vs. 7.6; p = .31), advanced newborn resuscitation (26 vs. 31.5%; p = .44), maximum FiO2 (45.5 vs. 48; p = .58), and initial inotropic requirements (10.3 vs. 20.8%; p = .55). CONCLUSIONS: This study found no correlations between MgSO4 therapy and meconium obstruction or cardiorespiratory failure.

Obstrucción Intestinal , Sulfato de Magnesio , Femenino , Edad Gestacional , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Obstrucción Intestinal/inducido químicamente , Obstrucción Intestinal/etiología , Sulfato de Magnesio/uso terapéutico , Meconio , Embarazo , Estudios Retrospectivos