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Heliyon ; 10(15): e34994, 2024 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39144995


Freshwater ecosystems are at significant risk of contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) due to their high inherent toxicity, their persistence in the environment and their tendency to bioaccumulate in sediments and living organisms. We investigated aquatic macrophyte communities and the concentrations of As, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe in water and sediment samples to identify a pollution pattern along the Sava River and to investigate the potential impact of these PTEs on the diversity and structure of macrophyte communities. The study, which covered 945 km of the Sava River, showed a downstream increase in sediment concentrations of the analyzed elements. Both species richness and alpha diversity of macrophyte communities also generally increase downstream. Ordinary and partial Mantel tests indicate that macrophyte communities are significantly correlated with sediment chemistry, but only weakly correlated with water chemistry. In the lowland regions (downstream), beta diversity decreases successively, which can be attributed to an increasing similarity of environmental conditions at downstream sites. Species richness is relatively low at sites with low concentrations of Cr, Cd, Fe, and Cu in the sediment. However, species richness increases to a certain extent with increasing element concentrations; as element concentrations increase further, species richness decreases, probably as a result of increased toxicity. Some species that are generally more tolerant to high concentrations of PTEs are: Ceratophyllum demersum, Iris pseudacorus, Najas marina, Butomus umbellatus, Vallisneria spiralis, Potamogeton gramineus and Bolboschoenus maritimus maritimus. Potamogeton perfoliatus and the moss species Cinclidotus fontinaloides and Fontinalis antipyretica have narrow ecological amplitudes in relation to the concentrations of PTEs in the sediment.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(12)2021 Dec 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34961179


Upland rivers across Europe still exhibit undisturbed conditions and represent a treasure that we cannot afford to lose. We hypothesize that the combination of pristine and modified conditions could demonstrate biological responses along the stressor gradients. Thus, the response of aquatic macrophyte communities to anthropogenic stressors along upland rivers in Bulgaria was studied. Six stressors were selected out of 36 parameters grouped into hydromorphological, chemical variables and combined drivers (catchment land use). The stressors strongly affected species richness on the basis of biological type (bryophytes vs. vascular plants) and ecomorphological type (hydrophytes vs. helophytes). Hydrological alteration expressed by the change of the river's base flow and altered riparian habitats has led to a suppression of bryophytes and a dominance of riverbank plant communities. Seventy-five percent of mountain sites were lacking bryophytes, and the vegetation at semi-mountainous sites was dominated by vascular plants. It can be concluded that hydropeaking, organic and inorganic pollution, and discontinuous urban structures caused important modifications in the aquatic macrophyte assemblages. Macrophyte abundance and the biological and ecomorphological type of aquatic macrophytes reflect multi-stressor effects in upland rivers.