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J Magn Reson ; 360: 107631, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38335861


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques display an inherently low sensitivity due to a small equilibrium magnetisation. Nowadays this issue is easily overcome through the use of hyperpolarisation methods. This however raises the question as to what precisely do we mean by "hyperpolarisation". Recently a formal definition of hyperpolarisation has been given based on the von Neumann entropy of a system. Ideally this definition should conform with the general usage in the magnetic resonance community, where hyperpolarisation is often used synonymously with "larger" NMR signals. Within this article I show that an entropy-based hyperpolarisation criterion does not always conform with the general usage. Based on this observation I introduce an alternative hyperpolarisation criterion utilising the concept of latent polarisation, where latent polarisation is a measure of the highest possible amount of polarisation that may be extracted from a system. I show that a hyperpolarisation criterion based on latent polarisation correlates more strongly with the general usage within the magnetic resonance community. Ultimately however our results show that there are several possible notions of hyperpolarisation, and the choice depends upon the questions of interest.

J Magn Reson ; 333: 107106, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34837803


Numerical simulations of Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP) have transformed the way the DNP process is understood in rotating samples. In 2012, two methods were concomitantly developed to simulate small spin systems (< 4 spin-1/2). The development of new polarizing agents, including those containing metal centers with S > 1/2, makes it necessary to further expand the numerical tools with minimal approximations that will help rationalize the experimental observations and build approximate models. In this paper, three strategies developed in the past five years are presented: an adaptive integration scheme, a hybrid Hilbert/Liouville formalism, and a method to truncate the Liouville space basis for periodic Hamiltonian. Each of these methods enable time savings ranging from a factor of 3 to > 100. We illustrate the code performance by reporting for the first time the MAS-DNP field profiles for "AMUPol", in which the couplings to the nitrogen nuclei are explicitly considered, as well as Cross-Effect MAS-DNP field profiles with two electrons spin 5/2 interacting with a nuclear spin 1/2.

Electrones , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética
J Magn Reson ; 329: 107026, 2021 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34246883


Bis-nitroxide radicals are common polarizing agents (PA), used to enhance the sensitivity of solid-state NMR experiments via Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP). These biradicals can increase the proton spin polarization through the Cross-Effect (CE) mechanism, which requires PAs with at least two unpaired electrons. The relative orientation of the bis-nitroxide moieties is critical to ensure efficient polarization transfer. Recently, we have defined a new quantity, the distance between g-tensors, that correlates the relative orientation of the nitroxides with the ability to polarize the surrounding nuclei. Here we analyse experimentally and theoretically a series of biradicals belonging to the bTurea family, namely bcTol, AMUPol and bcTol-M. They differ by the degree of substitution on the urea bridge that connects the two nitroxides. Using quantitative simulations developed for moderate MAS frequencies, we show that these modifications mostly affect the relative orientations of the nitroxide, i.e. the length and distribution of the distance between the g-tensors, that in turn impacts both the steady state nuclear polarization/depolarization as well as the build-up times. The doubly substituted urea bridge favours a large distance between the g-tensors, which enables bcTol-M to provide ∊on/off>200 at 14.1 T/600 MHz/395 GHz with build-up times of 3.8 s using a standard homogenous solution. The methodology described herein was used to show how the conformation of the spirocyclic rings flanking the nitroxide function in the recently described c- and o-HydrOPol affects the distance between the g-tensors and thereby polarization performance.

Electrones , Óxidos de Nitrógeno , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Urea
Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 85-86: 25-33, 2017 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28472732


In NMR, the repetition of pulse sequences with a recycle time that does not allow the spin system to completely relax back to equilibrium is a well known and often used method to increase the signal to noise ratio at given total measuring time. For isolated spins I=1/2, the steady-state of a train of strictly identical pulse sequences separated by free evolution periods of same duration is described by the well known Ernst-Anderson model, and the optimum pulse angle is given by the Ernst angle. We showed recently that equivalent formula, but with super-operators in the Liouville space, can be obtained for general spins I. In this article, this formalism is generalized to pure NQR of spins I=3/2, and applied to calculate the signal resulting from single and solid-echo sequences, in the limit when the recycle time T>5T2q, where T2q is the transverse (coherence) quadrupolar relaxation time. In particular, we show that powder samples have a behaviour that is very close to NMR of spins I=1/2. For instance, the generalized Ernst angle ßM that maximizes the signal amplitude for a single pulse train is well described by the simple formula cos(1.52ßM)≈exp(-T/T1q), whatever the quadrupolar asymmetry parameter η, T1q being the longitudinal (population) quadrupolar relaxation time. Moreover, a simplified NMR-like formula that describes the overall behaviour of nutation curves is proposed, and it is shown that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) at given experimental time is exactly the same as in NMR of spins I=1/2 as a function of recycle time, when properly normalized. Some theoretical predictions for the single pulse and solid-echo sequence were compared to experiments, and validated, by performing 35Cl pure NQR experiment on chloranil (C6Cl4O2 tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone) powder.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28081936


The aim of this work is to generalize the Ernst-Anderson model developed to account of the steady-state regime of isolated spins I=1/2 subject to a train of strictly identical pulse sequences separated by free evolution periods of same duration. We generalize this model to the general case of spins I≥1 and general pulse sequence within the framework of the Liouville space. In particular, it is proved that under reasonable assumptions, a well defined steady-state regime is reached which is independent of the initial conditions. The general formal expressions obeyed by the steady-state density operator are given as a function of pulse propagators and relaxation operator for single and two-pulse sequences. In solid-state NMR where recycle time can be made, at the same time, much longer than typical coherence relaxation times and smaller than typical population relaxation times, further simplification leads to more tractable formula. As an example, the formalism is applied to I=1 spins with hard and soft single pulse sequence, or to the solid echo sequence. In particular, we were able to generalize the Ernst-Anderson formula to spins I=1. The pertinence of the theory is verified by comparing the theoretical and numerical simulations outputs to 2H single crystal experiments performed on nonadecane/urea C19D40/urea-H4 compound.

J Magn Reson ; 254: 48-55, 2015 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25828241


A method for quantitatively calculating nuclear spin diffusion constants directly from crystal structures is introduced. This approach uses the first-principles low-order correlations in Liouville space (LCL) method to simulate spin diffusion in a box, starting from atomic geometry and including both magic-angle spinning (MAS) and powder averaging. The LCL simulations are fit to the 3D diffusion equation to extract quantitative nuclear spin diffusion constants. We demonstrate this method for the case of (1)H spin diffusion in ice and L-histidine, obtaining diffusion constants that are consistent with literature values for (1)H spin diffusion in polymers and that follow the expected trends with respect to magic-angle spinning rate and the density of nuclear spins. In addition, we show that this method can be used to model (13)C spin diffusion in diamond and therefore has the potential to provide insight into applications such as the transport of polarization in non-protonated systems.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 6(19): 3827-33, 2015 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26722878


The novel approach to nonadiabatic quantum dynamics greatly increases the accuracy of the most popular semiclassical technique while maintaining its simplicity and efficiency. Unlike the standard Tully surface hopping in Hilbert space, which deals with population flow, the new strategy in Liouville space puts population and coherence on equal footing. Dual avoided crossing and energy transfer models show that the accuracy is improved in both diabatic and adiabatic representations and that Liouville space simulation converges faster with the number of trajectories than Hilbert space simulation. The constructed master equation accurately captures superexchange, tunneling, and quantum interference. These effects are essential for charge, phonon and energy transport and scattering, exciton fission and fusion, quantum optics and computing, and many other areas of physics and chemistry.