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Psychoanal Q ; 93(3): 473-496, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39037912


Rene Kaës (2007), an influential French psychoanalyst relatively unknown to English-speaking readers, extends the field of psychoanalytic investigation and practice to groups. Building on Klein, Anzeiu, Bion, and Lacan, Kaës presents a dual-axes theory in which early oedipal and sibling complexes structure unconscious dynamics of internal groups. According to Kaës, analytic group psychotherapy provides access to the phantasies, affects, and action tendencies contained within internal groups that would be otherwise inaccessible. While a few reference articles have appeared in the English literature, Kaës' bold assertions, core concepts, and praxis have not been subject to critical evaluation. I introduce Kaës' main ideas, demonstrate their influence on my group work, and by comparing two case examples, from his practice and mine, articulate our differences, some of which arise from different conceptions of and approaches to intersubjectivity. The discussion continues in the final section which briefly considers the nature of psychoanalytic learning and how we may employ the therapeutic group to reach this goal.

Teoría Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica , Humanos , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Psicoterapia de Grupo/métodos , Psicoanálisis , Procesos de Grupo
Psychoanal Rev ; 111(2): 189-210, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959075


This contribution considers a monthly seminar, Literature and Psychoanalysis, that has been taking place at Sofia University (Sofia, Bulgaria) since 2017. Three of the seminar's founders reflect on the transferences between literature and psychoanalysis, and on the ways in which literature and psychoanalysis can meaningfully converse. The exchange also touches on the fate of Freud's textual legacy in communist and post-communist Bulgaria.

Teoría Freudiana , Psicoanálisis , Humanos , Psicoanálisis/historia , Bulgaria , Historia del Siglo XX , Teoría Freudiana/historia , Comunismo/historia
Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1538366


A arte e a literatura estão presentes de maneira significativa, tanto em Freud quanto em Lacan, entretanto elas se inscrevem de diferentes formas nas duas teorias, isso pode ser melhor observado quando os autores se debruçam sobre uma mesma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Além desta, Macbeth é outro drama shakespeariano que interessará a Freud por conta da personagem de Lady Macbeth. Diante disso, o artigo analisou as interpretações de Freud acerca dessas duas tragédias shakespearianas, assim como as de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algumas particularidades acerca de relações com a arte e com a literatura. Embora impliquem em interpretações diversas, essas obras reúnem elementos importantes e por vezes com um valor de exemplo paradigmático para reflexões no campo da psicanálise

Both Freud and in Lacan make extensive, albeit different, use of art and literature in their theories. This can be better observed when they focus on the same work, such as Hamlet and, in Freud's case, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Thus, this article analysed Freud's readings of these two Shakespearean tragedies, as well as Lacan's analysis of Hamlet, investigating some particularities about their relations with art and literature. Despite differences in interpretation, these works bring together important elements valuable as a paradigmatic example of psychoanalytic reflections

Freud et Lacan font tout deux un usage intensive, mais différent, de l'art et la littérature dans leurs théories. Cela peut être mieux lorsque les auteurs se concentrent sur la même œuvre, comme Hamlet et, dans le cas de Freud, Macbeth de William Shakespeare. Cet article donc analyse la lecture de Freud de ces deux tragédies shakespeariennes, ainsi que l'analyse de Lacan sur Hamlet, en étudiant certaines particularités de leurs relations avec l'art et la littérature. Bien qu'ils impliquent des interprétations différentes, ces travaux rassemblent des éléments importants et ont parfois valeur d'exemple paradigmatique pour les réflexions psychanalytiques

El arte y la literatura están presentes de manera significativa, tanto en Freud como en Lacan, sin embargo se inscriben de diferentes formas en ambas teorías, esto se puede observar mejor cuando los autores se enfocan en una misma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Además de esto, Macbeth es otro drama de Shakespeare que a Freud le interesará por el personaje de Lady Macbeth. Por tanto, el artículo analizó las interpretaciones de Freud sobre estas dos tragedias de Shakespeare, así como las interpretaciones de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algunas particularidades sobre sus relaciones con el arte y la literatura. Aunque implican diferentes interpretaciones, estas obras reúnen elementos importantes y, en ocasiones, con el valor de un ejemplo paradigmático para las reflexiones en el campo del psicoanálisis

Arte , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Literatura
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220019, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1558729


Resumo A psicologia do ego é reconhecida como uma releitura norte-americana da psicanálise, e teve Ernst Kris - que foi próximo de Freud - como um de seus fundadores. Apesar deste autor utilizar-se de textos freudianos para firmar os fundamentos de sua teoria, sustenta-se que a psicologia do ego mais se distancia do que se aproxima da obra de Freud. Este estudo visa demonstrar de que forma isso ocorre. Para isso, situa-se brevemente quem foi Ernst Kris e quais são as críticas já existentes à psicologia do ego. Num segundo momento, analisa-se o artigo "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy", de Kris, em confronto com a teoria de Freud. Por último, expõe-se a crítica de Lacan. Destaca-se que a crítica lacaniana remete a questões referentes à ética da psicanálise e ao lugar do analista na direção do tratamento.

Abstract Ego Psychology is a North-American re-reading of psychoanalysis and had Ernst Kris - a man who was close to Freud - as one of its founders. Despite using Freudian texts to establish its foundations, Ego Psychology distances itself from Freud's psychoanalysis. This study demonstrates how this occurs by briefly discussing who Ernst Kris was and the existing criticisms of Ego Psychology. Secondly, it analyzes Ernst Kris's article "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy" against Freud's theory, to finally present Lacan's critique, which refers to issues related to the ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's role in directing treatment.

Resumen La Psicología del Yo se considera como una relectura estadounidense del psicoanálisis y tuvo a Ernst Kris -quien era cercano a Freud- como uno de sus fundadores. A pesar de que Ernst Kris utiliza textos freudianos para establecer los fundamentos de su teoría, se sostiene que la Psicología del Yo se aleja más de la obra de Freud que se acerca a ella. Este estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo ocurre esto. Para ello, se sitúa brevemente quién es Ernst Kris y cuáles son las críticas ya existentes a la Psicología del Yo. En segundo lugar, se analiza el artículo "Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy", de Ernst Kris, en confrontación con la teoría de Freud. Y, por último, se expone la crítica de Lacan. Se destaca que la crítica lacaniana remite a cuestiones relacionadas con la ética del psicoanálisis y el lugar del analista en la dirección del tratamiento.

Résumé La psychologie de l'égo est une relecture nord-américaine de la psychanalyse dont Ernst Kris, un homme proche de Freud, est l'un des fondateurs. Bien qu'elle utilise des textes freudiens pour établir ses fondements, la psychologie de l'égo s'éloigne de la pensée freudienne. Pour démontrer cet écart, cette étude aborde la figure de Ernst Kris et des critiques existantes à l'égard de la psychologie de l'égo. Ensuite, elle analyse l'article « Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy ¼ par rapport à la théorie de Freud, pour enfin présenter la critique de Lacan, qui se réfère à des questions liées à l'éthique de la psychanalyse et au rôle de l'analyste dans la direction du traitement.

Teoría Psicoanalítica , Psicoanálisis/historia , Terapia Psicoanalítica
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 843-853, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140964


This paper explores the principal reasons for the exclusion of Lacanian ideas from psychoanalytic training institutes in the United States. The history of Lacan's role in the International Psychoanalytical Association, from which essentially he was expelled, occupies a central place in this story. Significant issues arose also from his practice style and technical innovations, whose rationale remains controversial today. Another major obstacle for the reception of his work is the theoretical framework of Lacanian analysis, so different from that of other schools. Inclusion of its unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts poses practical problems for training programs. At a more fundamental level, the strong antihumanist evolution of Lacan's thought runs contrary to the increasingly relational and intersubjective orientation of American psychoanalysis. The incompatibility between the disparate languages of a scientific theory aiming at objectivity and a phenomenology of personal intentionality and meaning greatly limits the possibilities for dialogue. The tension between these perspectives cannot be resolved, but a productive exchange between them is possible if they are accepted as valid and complementary ways of speaking about human behavior.

Psicoanálisis , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Humanos , Teoría Lacaciana
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 907-931, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140963


This paper is an investigation into the prominence of hysteria in Lacan's work and the enduring significance of the diagnosis for contemporary practice. Beginning with Lacan's theory of neurosis, the importance of language, and symbolic functions, we will begin to understand why the hysterical symptom is the symptomatic structure par excellence. Lacan lauds hysteria as the neurosis in direct dialogue with a given historical moment, teaching the psychoanalyst where we are in the unfolding struggle between neurosis and civilization. He returned to the case of Dora throughout his twenty-eight years of teaching to refine his work. He even saw psychoanalysis as the progressive "hystericization" of the patient and depicted himself as an hysteric walking around on a stage, not knowing what he was saying, while attempting to teach the psychoanalysts. Lacan's reading of Dora seems to mark important shifts in his own life, from his beginning to write as a psychoanalyst, to being thrown out of the IPA, to struggling with his own school and the ensuing political eruptions in France in 1968. By tracking his elaboration of Dora we can witness the evolution of Lacan's work and how he uniquely positions the analyst in the transference.

Histeria , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Humanos , Francia
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 967-981, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140971


Lacan's seminars are a treasure trove of innovative psychoanalytic explorations. In Seminar X, Anxiety, he takes up this Freudian theme and explores a number of interrelated ideas: castration, the difference between the sexes, two different forms of acting out, and what he terms his only original theoretical contribution: the object a and its "various incidences." The object a is described here in detail, especially in relation to Lacan's argument that analysts who are women have a freer relationship to their desire and the countertransferences it spawns than do men. Lacan discussed Lucia Tower's classic paper, "Countertransference," in light of these notions. This essay is a close reading of Lacan's close reading of Tower, whose account, he says, must be approached in all its "innocence and freshness."

Contratransferencia , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Ansiedad , Trastornos de Ansiedad
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 823-841, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140966


Martin Heidegger's thought deeply influenced both Hans Loewald and Jacques Lacan, the catalyst they seemed to have been waiting for. For Loewald, Heidegger's ontological centrality of time to Being-in-the-World would bridge to Freud's centrality of transference to the analytic process, thereby operationalizing transference as a prism of time. In revealing the interwoven correlatives of present-past-future, how they bootstrap one another phenomenologically, Loewald also revealed a spiral of recursive meaning (in essence, après-coup) that draws us into the future, "the something more" of existence. In parallel, through his recognition of the power of après-coup, Lacan rescued from obscurity Freud's profound conception of Nachträglichkeit, or the spiral and causal force of unfolding meaning. Lacan was now situated to bring après-coupin conjunction with Heidegger's Being-in-the-World, with time interwoven into all aspects of existence, thereby underpinning, too, language and the Symbolic Order. By reading Freud through Heidegger and then creating their brilliant syntheses, Loewald and Lacan, through their striking sameness and differences, illuminate the nature of the unconscious, of memory and meaning, of the spiral of time, and of existence itself.

Teoría Freudiana , Psicoanálisis , Humanos , Psicoanálisis/historia
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 883-906, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140978


This paper examines the principal ideas from Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory of psychosis. According to Lacan's theory in the 1950s, the central organizing element of symbolically organized mental life, the Name-of-the-Father, is missing in psychosis. That theory changes with later conceptual developments in Lacan's work that focus on the incompleteness of symbolic functioning. This connects with how, in his works from the late 1960s and the 1970s, Lacan embraces the idea of a fundamental non-rapport and symbolic non-existence at the basis of mental life. In a second step, the paper explores what the Lacanian model of psychosis implies with regard to ethical positioning, addressing the unconscious, handling transference, and crisis and stability in psychosis. A clinical case discussion focuses on a yearlong therapeutic trajectory with a young man with Down's syndrome who suffered from psychotic experiences.

Teoría Psicoanalítica , Trastornos Psicóticos , Humanos , Trastornos Psicóticos/terapia
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(6): 1121-1122, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38127482


This is a brief introduction to Jacques Lacan's paper "Some Reflections on the Ego" which summarizes his main ideas.

Ego , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Humanos
Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 19(2): 67-74, sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523960


Her habla de una sociedad en la que las palabras de amor y pasión pretenden ser los sentimientos mismos, pero sin embargo pueden ser dichas o escritas por encargo, como simple tarea laboral. O por un programa computacional contratado a tales fines. Una lectura posible del film es que, en el proceso de interacción con usuarios, el Sistema Operativo se humaniza y, conforme desarrolla una toma de conciencia de sí, se aleja del vínculo con los humanos que lo han creado

Her speaks of a society in which the words of love and passion pretend to be the feelings themselves, but can nevertheless be said or written on request, as a simple work task. Or by a computer program hired for such purposes. A possible reading of the film is that, in the process of interaction with users, the Operating System becomes humanized and, as it develops an awareness of itself, it moves away from the link with the humans who created it

Humanos , Divorcio , Adicción a la Tecnología , Pesar , Emociones
Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiquiatr ; 43(143)ene.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-222778


En este trabajo se muestra cómo Lacan añade a la experiencia con las imágenes, que se presentan en el estadio del espejo, un tercer elemento que porta el orden simbólico. Ello supone añadir la palabra a los fenómenos ya dados, pudiendo de este modo revisarlos y corregirlos; este suceso añadido permite reconducir los aspectos más siniestros del espejo. En este sentido, el gran Otro consigue consolidar las identificaciones logradas, apaciguar la agresividad y construir el ideal del yo. A partir de estas apreciaciones lacanianas ha sido posible estudiar ciertos aspectos de la psicopatología con una luz completamente nueva, observándose cómo existen puntos específicos en los que asientan las producciones sintomáticas. Del mismo modo, la psicopatología permite confirmar aspectos relativos al estadio del espejo formulados por Lacan. Se descubre entonces que las patologías más graves aparecen cuando no se llega a formar la imago unitaria o bien cuando esta se encuentra amenazada, falla el reconocimiento especular y, sobre todo, cuando decae la mediación simbólica. Cualquiera de estas posibilidades puede resultar enloquecedora para el ser humano. (AU)

In this paper, we show how Lacan adds a third element to the experience with the images that appear in the mirror: the holder of the symbolic order. This involves adding the effects of the word to the already given phenomena, allowing thus to review and correct them. This event gets to redirect the most sinister aspects of the mirror. In this sense, the great Other consolidates achieved identifications, placates aggression and builds the ego ideal. Starting from these Lacanian findings, it has been possible to study certain aspects of psychopathology in a whole new light, showing how there are specific points on which symptoms settle. Similarly, psychopathology can confirm aspects of the mirror stage as formulated by Lacan. We then discover that the most serious diseases appear when one does not get to form the image, or this unit is threatened, specular recognition fails, or, especially, when symbolic mediation decays. Any of these possibilities might produce disorders in humans. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Psicopatología , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Agresión , Desarrollo Infantil
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(2): 237-258, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37357931


Responses to the question of teletherapy have multiplied over the past decades, yet many therapists are grappling with the challenges and opportunities of teletherapy for the first time in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many clinicians, teletherapy was, at least initially, unfamiliar and unsettling. Much of the literature construes teletherapy as a degradation of an original-incapable of providing the intimacy achieved and maintained in two-bodies-in-a-room therapy-or as a good enough simulation. Both positions risk enshrining the consulting room as offering an unmediated scene of therapy. An alternative approach to the strangeness, distance, and mediations so prominent in the transition to teletherapy takes up a qualified sense of Freud's concept of the uncanny: the "minimal uncanny" and its reformulation in Lacanian theory as extimacy, a lens through which to explore intimacy and bodily proximity in the transition to teletherapy. Through the logic of extimacy, a theoretical view emerges that approaches teletherapy not as a poor substitute for real therapy, or a good enough substitute, but as an exemplary case of the therapeutic encounter.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Humanos
Australas Psychiatry ; 31(6): 758-760, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37377406


OBJECTIVE: Lacan is often deemed an obscure theorist with little clinical application. However, in film studies his psychoanalytic theory has been highly influential. This paper is part of a series of articles published in this journal accompanying a psychiatry registrar teaching programme on film and psychodynamic concepts. It introduces the Lacanian ideas of the Symbolic, Imaginary and Real as they appear in Jane Campion's The Power of the Dog, and discusses their societal and clinical significance. CONCLUSIONS: A Lacanian reading of Power of the Dog offers insights into 'toxic masculinity'. Furthermore, it demonstrates how clinical symptoms can represent an escape from socially mediated toxicities.

Psiquiatría , Psicoanálisis , Perros , Animales , Masculino , Humanos , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Padre
aSEPHallus ; 28(36): 8-29, maio-out.2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512272


Esse artigo revisa uma série de contradições entre a disciplina da psicologia e a obra de Jacques Lacan. Psicologia descrita aqui como o domínio acadêmico e profissional da teoria e prática desenvolvida na cultura ocidental, especificamente anglo-estadunidense, de descrever e explicar os processos mentais e do comportamento. Lacan é caracterizado como uma referência para a elaboração de seu trabalho teórico e clínico, com o foco principal em seus próprios escritos. O argumento principal é que há uma incompatibilidade fundamental entre a obra de Lacan e as visões psicológicas do sujeito como indivíduo e, portanto, as tentativas de equivaler as duas tradições são mal concebidas. Isso significa que os psicólogos que buscam por respostas em Lacan devem questionar os pressupostos subjacentes sobre a teoria e a metodologia em sua disciplina se eles estão dispostos a levar a sua obra a sério. A incompatibilidade entre Lacan e a psicologia também tem importantes consequências para os psicólogos clínicos que possam querer adotar ideias da tradição lacaniana, visto que destaca os perigos que a psicologia reserva para a psicanálise caso as teorias e metodologias psicológicas sejam aceitas de bom grado. O mote de Lacan como "psicólogo barrado" é designado para enfatizar esses argumentos bem como a concepção distintiva do sujeito que implica sua obra

Cet article examine une série de contradictions entre la discipline de la psychologie et l'œuvre de Jacques Lacan. La psychologie est décrite ici comme le domaine académique et professionnel de la théorie et de la pratique développées dans la culture occidentale, plus précisément anglo-américaine, pour décrire et expliquer les processus mentaux et comportementaux. Lacan est caractérisé comme une référence pour l'élaboration de son travail théorique et clinique, en se concentrant principalement sur ses propres écrits. L'argument principal est qu'il existe une incompatibilité fondamentale entre l'œuvre de Lacan et les conceptions psychologiques du sujet en tant qu'individu, et donc que les tentatives d'équivaloir les deux traditions sont mal conçues. Cela signifie que les psychologues qui cherchent des réponses chez Lacan doivent remettre en question les présupposés sous-jacents à la théorie et à la méthodologie de leur discipline s'ils sont disposés à prendre son travail au sérieux. L'incompatibilité entre Lacan et la psychologie a également d'importantes conséquences pour les psychologues cliniciens qui pourraient souhaiter adopter des idées de la tradition lacanienne, car elle met en évidence les dangers que la psychologie représente pour la psychanalyse si les théories et méthodologies psychologiques sont acceptées de bon gré. Le slogan de Lacan en tant que "psychologue exclu" est utilisé pour souligner ces arguments ainsi que la conception distinctive du sujet qui implique son œuvre

This paper reviews a series of contradictions between the discipline of psychology and the work of Jacques Lacan. Psychology here is the academic and professional domain of theory and practice developed in Western, specifically Anglo-US American, culture to describe and explain behavioural and mental processes. Lacan is characterized with reference to the elaboration of his theoretical and clinical work, with the focus primarily on his own writings. The main argument is that there is a fundamental incompatibility between Lacan's work and psychological views of the individual subject, and therefore attempts to assimilate the two traditions are misconceived. This means that psychologists looking to Lacan for answers must question underlying assumptions about theory and methodology in their discipline if they are to take his work seriously. The incompatibility between Lacan and psychology also has important consequences for clinical psychologists who may wish to adopt ideas from the Lacanian tradition, for it highlights the dangers that psychology holds for psychoanalysis if psychological theories and methodologies are taken on good coin. Themotif of Lacan as 'barred psychologist' is designed to emphasize these arguments as well as the distinctiveaccount of the human subject that his work entails

Psicoanálisis , Psicología , Conducta , Procesos Mentales
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(1): 33-60, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37017385


Although neither Sigmund Freud nor Jacques Lacan ever neglected the place of culture and the social field for the subject, they always opposed "culturalist" ideas, even when such ideas no longer used this label. It is important to examine what both of these figures said about culturalism, but it is just as pertinent to return to other criticisms of this movement, which developed in the United States during the last century, because at present this movement has returned covertly within French psychoanalysis. First, "culturalism" is neither a specifically American problem nor one that belongs to the past. Second, some decisive criticisms of this movement remain both germane and original: they are able to throw light on a theoretical current that, at least in France, now characterizes a dominant orientation of psychoanalytic work. Third, although Lacan himself foresaw it, the misuse of some of his notions has unexpectedly served as a Trojan horse that has enabled culturalism to return.

Psicoanálisis , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Historia del Siglo XX , Psicoanálisis/historia
Mental (Barbacena, Impr.) ; 15(27): 1-21, 20230121.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516543


O trabalho realizado e que vai aqui apresentado consiste em uma apresentação do percurso empreendido por Jacques Lacan ([1955-56] 1988) no Seminário sobre As Psicoses. A proposta de chamar o nosso percurso de "diálogos" baseia-se na leitura de outros textos e notícias que reportam ao tema, ajudando-nos a melhor compreendê-lo. Não é um percurso simples e tampouco óbvio. A escrita de Lacan, ou mesmo a estrutura psicótica, abre continuamente outras portas pelas quais pode o observador perscrutar, embora não lhe seja permitido adentrar com suas ansiosas pretensões interpretativas, plenas de significantes simbólicos. Contente-se, pois, o clínico, com a função de secretário do delírio, compreendendo-o não simplesmente como uma defesa, mas como uma outra forma de se organizar diante de um outro ­ imagem de si e que rejeita habitar o complexo mundo da linguagem.

The work carried out and which will be presented here consists of a presentation of the journey undertaken by Jacques Lacan ([1955-56] 1988) at the Seminar on The Psychoses. The proposal to call our journey "dialogues" is based on reading other texts and news that report on the topic, helping us to better understand it. It is not a simple or obvious route. Lacan's writing, or even the psychotic structure, continually opens other doors through which the observer can peer, although he is not allowed to enter with his anxious interpretative pretensions, full of symbolic signifiers. Therefore, the clinician is content, with the role of secretary of the delusion, understanding it not simply as a defense, but as another way of organizing himself in front of another - an image of himself that rejects inhabiting the complex world of language.

Fenómenos Psicológicos
Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e264512, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1519988


Resumo: No presente artigo, buscamos reconstruir o diálogo entre Lacan e Koyré, ocorrido no seminário de 1954-1955, sobre o texto Mênon, de Platão. Infelizmente, não existe gravação da aula, ficamos apenas com algumas discussões que foram retomadas durante os seminários abertos. Contudo, Koyré publicou o seu Introdução à leitura de Platão, no qual um dos capítulos é dedicado especificamente ao texto. Como sustentamos nesse artigo, sua interpretação do texto platônico explica porque Lacan abordava o tema da resistência em análise, comparando os analistas de sua geração com o personagem Mênon.

Abstract: In the present article, we seek to reconstruct the dialogue between Lacan and Koyré, which took place in the 1954-1955 seminar, over Plato's Meno. Unfortunately, there is no recording of the class, we are only left with some discussions that were taken up during the open seminars. Nonetheless, in his book Discovering Plato, Koyré devoted one of the chapters precisely to this text. As we have discussed in this work, his interpretation of the platonic text explains why Lacan approached the theme of resistance in analysis, comparing the analysts of his generation to the character Meno.

Psicoanálisis , Sujetos de Investigación
Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e264394, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1519986


Resumo: Este artigo buscou investigar o mimetismo em Thayer, articulado a um recorte do conceito de olhar no seminário 11. Visto que, no campo do mimetismo, Lacan só entrou em contato com Thayer indiretamente, exploramos um ponto de encontro teórico entre os autores ainda não discutido na literatura. O ponto de encontro é a lei formulada por Thayer que impele os animais a buscarem mais do que a camuflagem, mas o desaparecimento da cena. Concluímos que o olhar, como a luz em Lacan, é o que produz esse efeito de desaparecimento radical na natureza.

Abstract: This article aims to investigate Thayer's concept of mimicry and to discuss it together with the concept of the gaze in seminar 11. Since Lacan only knew Thayer indirectly, we explored a theoretical meeting point between the two that has not yet been discussed. The meeting point is a law formulated by Thayer that describes how animals seek more than mimicry, but the disappearance of the scene. We conclude that the gaze, as a point of light in Lacan, is what produces that radical disappearance effect in Nature.

Psicoanálisis , Adaptación Biológica , Naturaleza
Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e239307, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1519979


RESUMO: O artigo visa demonstrar como o aforismo Há-um, forjado e trabalhado por Jacques Lacan notadamente nos seminários O saber do psicanalista e ...ou pior, entre 1971 e 1972, fundamenta a teoria da sexuação, promovida nessa época. Discutimos como as rupturas epistemológicas implicadas no Um desembocam na escrita da impossibilidade de proporção sexual para o ser falante. O aforismo se desdobra, portanto, em: não há relação do Um com o Ser, do Um com o Outro, do Um com o Outro sexo, isto é, não há relação sexual.

ABSTRACT: The article aims to demonstrate how the aphorism Yad'lun, forged and worked out by Jacques Lacan, notably in the seminars The psychoanalyst's knowledge and …or worse between 1971 and 1972, is the basis for the theory of sexuation promoted, at that time. We discussed how the epistemological ruptures involved in the One lead to the writing of the impossibility of sexual proportion for the speaking being. The aphorism unfolds therefore in: there is no relationship between the One and the Being, the One and the Other, the One and the Other sex, that is, there is no sexual relationship.

Psicoanálisis , Caracteres Sexuales , Sexualidad