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Bioinform Biol Insights ; 18: 11779322241272387, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246684


Objectives: This article focuses on the detection of cells in low-contrast brightfield microscopy images; in our case, it is chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells. The automatic detection of cells from brightfield time-lapse microscopic images brings new opportunities in cell morphology and migration studies; to achieve the desired results, it is advisable to use state-of-the-art image segmentation methods that not only detect the cell but also detect its boundaries with the highest possible accuracy, thus defining its shape and dimensions. Methods: We compared eight state-of-the-art neural network architectures with different backbone encoders for image data segmentation, namely U-net, U-net++, the Pyramid Attention Network, the Multi-Attention Network, LinkNet, the Feature Pyramid Network, DeepLabV3, and DeepLabV3+. The training process involved training each of these networks for 1000 epochs using the PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning libraries. For instance segmentation, the watershed algorithm and three-class image semantic segmentation were used. We also used StarDist, a deep learning-based tool for object detection with star-convex shapes. Results: The optimal combination for semantic segmentation was the U-net++ architecture with a ResNeSt-269 background with a data set intersection over a union score of 0.8902. For the cell characteristics examined (area, circularity, solidity, perimeter, radius, and shape index), the difference in mean value using different chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cell segmentation approaches appeared to be statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U test, P < .0001). Conclusion: We found that overall, the algorithms demonstrate equal agreement with ground truth, but with the comparison, it can be seen that the different approaches prefer different morphological features of the cells. Consequently, choosing the most suitable method for instance-based cell segmentation depends on the particular application, namely, the specific cellular traits being investigated.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253895


The 5th edition of the WHO classification of haematolymphoid tumours (WHO-HAEM5) introduced a new category, splenic B-cell lymphoma/leukaemia with prominent nucleoli (SBLPN). The diagnostic entity B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia (B-PLL) has been discontinued and the category of hairy cell leukaemia variant (HCLv) has been conceptually reframed. B-PLL and HCLv diagnoses were uncommon. Overlap existed between B-PLL and other indolent lymphomas like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL). HCLv lacked consistent cytomorphological, immunophenotypic and genetic features. To address these issues, the WHO-HAEM5 classification has introduced SBLPN to serve as a temporary holding ground for entities that do not neatly fit into the existing classification. Cases previously classified as CD5-negative B-PLL and HCLv fall under the SBLPN category. Some splenic marginal zone lymphoma and splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma cases with higher number of medium or large nucleolated B cells would also be classified as SBLPN under the WHO-HAEM5. This review explores the rationale for discontinuing B-PLL and HCLv diagnoses. It then examines the concept of SBLPN, offers practical guidance for diagnosis and discusses future directions in classifying splenic B-cell lymphomas.

Environ Int ; 191: 108983, 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241333


BACKGROUND: The objective of this review was to assess the quality and strength of the evidence provided by human observational studies for a causal association between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) and risk of the most investigated neoplastic diseases. METHODS: Eligibility criteria: We included cohort and case-control studies of neoplasia risks in relation to three types of exposure to RF-EMF: near-field, head-localized, exposure from wireless phone use (SR-A); far-field, whole body, environmental exposure from fixed-site transmitters (SR-B); near/far-field occupational exposures from use of hand-held transceivers or RF-emitting equipment in the workplace (SR-C). While no restrictions on tumour type were applied, in the current paper we focus on incidence-based studies of selected "critical" neoplasms of the central nervous system (brain, meninges, pituitary gland, acoustic nerve) and salivary gland tumours (SR-A); brain tumours and leukaemias (SR-B, SR-C). We focussed on investigations of specific neoplasms in relation to specific exposure sources (i.e. E-O pairs), noting that a single article may address multiple E-O pairs. INFORMATION SOURCES: Eligible studies were identified by literature searches through Medline, Embase, and EMF-Portal. Risk-of-bias (RoB) assessment: We used a tailored version of the Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) RoB tool to evaluate each study's internal validity. At the summary RoB step, studies were classified into three tiers according to their overall potential for bias (low, moderate and high). DATA SYNTHESIS: We synthesized the study results using random effects restricted maximum likelihood (REML) models (overall and subgroup meta-analyses of dichotomous and categorical exposure variables), and weighted mixed effects models (dose-response meta-analyses of lifetime exposure intensity). Evidence assessment: Confidence in evidence was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) approach. RESULTS: We included 63 aetiological articles, published between 1994 and 2022, with participants from 22 countries, reporting on 119 different E-O pairs. RF-EMF exposure from mobile phones (ever or regular use vs no or non-regular use) was not associated with an increased risk of glioma [meta-estimate of the relative risk (mRR) = 1.01, 95 % CI = 0.89-1.13), meningioma (mRR = 0.92, 95 % CI = 0.82-1.02), acoustic neuroma (mRR = 1.03, 95 % CI = 0.85-1.24), pituitary tumours (mRR = 0.81, 95 % CI = 0.61-1.06), salivary gland tumours (mRR = 0.91, 95 % CI = 0.78-1.06), or paediatric (children, adolescents and young adults) brain tumours (mRR = 1.06, 95 % CI = 0.74-1.51), with variable degree of across-study heterogeneity (I2 = 0 %-62 %). There was no observable increase in mRRs for the most investigated neoplasms (glioma, meningioma, and acoustic neuroma) with increasing time since start (TSS) use of mobile phones, cumulative call time (CCT), or cumulative number of calls (CNC). Cordless phone use was not significantly associated with risks of glioma [mRR = 1.04, 95 % CI = 0.74-1.46; I2 = 74 %) meningioma, (mRR = 0.91, 95 % CI = 0.70-1.18; I2 = 59 %), or acoustic neuroma (mRR = 1.16; 95 % CI = 0.83-1.61; I2 = 63 %). Exposure from fixed-site transmitters (broadcasting antennas or base stations) was not associated with childhood leukaemia or paediatric brain tumour risks, independently of the level of the modelled RF exposure. Glioma risk was not significantly increased following occupational RF exposure (ever vs never), and no differences were detected between increasing categories of modelled cumulative exposure levels. DISCUSSION: In the sensitivity analyses of glioma, meningioma, and acoustic neuroma risks in relation to mobile phone use (ever use, TSS, CCT, and CNC) the presented results were robust and not affected by changes in study aggregation. In a leave-one-out meta-analyses of glioma risk in relation to mobile phone use we identified one influential study. In subsequent meta-analyses performed after excluding this study, we observed a substantial reduction in the mRR and the heterogeneity between studies, for both the contrast Ever vs Never (regular) use (mRR = 0.96, 95 % CI = 0.87-1.07, I2 = 47 %), and in the analysis by increasing categories of TSS ("<5 years": mRR = 0.97, 95 % CI = 0.83-1.14, I2 = 41 %; "5-9 years ": mRR = 0.96, 95 % CI = 0.83-1.11, I2 = 34 %; "10+ years": mRR = 0.97, 95 % CI = 0.87-1.08, I2 = 10 %). There was limited variation across studies in RoB for the priority domains (selection/attrition, exposure and outcome information), with the number of studies evenly classified as at low and moderate risk of bias (49 % tier-1 and 51 % tier-2), and no studies classified as at high risk of bias (tier-3). The impact of the biases on the study results (amount and direction) proved difficult to predict, and the RoB tool was inherently unable to account for the effect of competing biases. However, the sensitivity meta-analyses stratified on bias-tier, showed that the heterogeneity observed in our main meta-analyses across studies of glioma and acoustic neuroma in the upper TSS stratum (I2 = 77 % and 76 %), was explained by the summary RoB-tier. In the tier-1 study subgroup, the mRRs (95 % CI; I2) in long-term (10+ years) users were 0.95 (0.85-1.05; 5.5 %) for glioma, and 1.00 (0.78-1.29; 35 %) for acoustic neuroma. The time-trend simulation studies, evaluated as complementary evidence in line with a triangulation approach for external validity, were consistent in showing that the increased risks observed in some case-control studies were incompatible with the actual incidence rates of glioma/brain cancer observed in several countries and over long periods. Three of these simulation studies consistently reported that RR estimates > 1.5 with a 10+ years induction period were definitely implausible, and could be used to set a "credibility benchmark". In the sensitivity meta-analyses of glioma risk in the upper category of TSS excluding five studies reporting implausible effect sizes, we observed strong reductions in both the mRR [mRR of 0.95 (95 % CI = 0.86-1.05)], and the degree of heterogeneity across studies (I2 = 3.6 %). CONCLUSIONS: Consistently with the published protocol, our final conclusions were formulated separately for each exposure-outcome combination, and primarily based on the line of evidence with the highest confidence, taking into account the ranking of RF sources by exposure level as inferred from dosimetric studies, and the external coherence with findings from time-trend simulation studies (limited to glioma in relation to mobile phone use). For near field RF-EMF exposure to the head from mobile phone use, there was moderate certainty evidence that it likely does not increase the risk of glioma, meningioma, acoustic neuroma, pituitary tumours, and salivary gland tumours in adults, or of paediatric brain tumours. For near field RF-EMF exposure to the head from cordless phone use, there was low certainty evidence that it may not increase the risk of glioma, meningioma or acoustic neuroma. For whole-body far-field RF-EMF exposure from fixed-site transmitters (broadcasting antennas or base stations), there was moderate certainty evidence that it likely does not increase childhood leukaemia risk and low certainty evidence that it may not increase the risk of paediatric brain tumours. There were no studies eligible for inclusion investigating RF-EMF exposure from fixed-site transmitters and critical tumours in adults. For occupational RF-EMF exposure, there was low certainty evidence that it may not increase the risk of brain cancer/glioma, but there were no included studies of leukemias (the second critical outcome in SR-C). The evidence rating regarding paediatric brain tumours in relation to environmental RF exposure from fixed-site transmitters should be interpreted with caution, due to the small number of studies. Similar interpretative cautions apply to the evidence rating of the relation between glioma/brain cancer and occupational RF exposure, due to differences in exposure sources and metrics across the few included studies. OTHER: This project was commissioned and partially funded by the World Health Organization (WHO). Co-financing was provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Health; the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in its capacity as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Radiation and Health; and ARPANSA as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Radiation Protection. REGISTRATION: PROSPERO CRD42021236798. Published protocol: [(Lagorio et al., 2021) DOI].

Ocul Immunol Inflamm ; : 1-6, 2024 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241170


PURPOSE: Ibrutinib is an irreversible Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor that disrupts B-cell receptor signalling. It is licensed for treatment of low-grade B-cell malignancies, including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, mantle cell lymphoma and lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. A few case reports in the literature suggest that uveitis may be a side effect of ibrutinib treatment. A strong association between ibrutinib and uveitis is yet to be established in significant numbers. METHODS: The study is a retrospective case series, reporting cases of uveitis associated with ibrutinib from two tertiary centres in the United Kingdom: Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. RESULTS: The study reports eight cases presenting over a four year period, with mean age of 66.8 years. Onset of uveitis was between 9 and 48 (median 14) months from commencing ibrutinib, categorising it as a Type D or delayed drug reaction. Cases included unilateral and bilateral; anterior, intermediate, posterior and panuveitis. There was an association with cystoid macular oedema or disc swelling. Severity varied from mild, to severe and vision threatening. Presenting visual acuity ranged from 6/9 to 6/60. In all eight cases, uveitis resolved after ibrutinib cessation. In two cases, reintroducing ibrutinib caused uveitis recurrence. CONCLUSION: Our case series provides evidence suggestive of a connection between ibrutinib and development of uveitis. Ibrutinib related uveitis appears to be more common than previously recognised. Ibrutinib cessation, if appropriate, appears to be the definitive management. Patients with ibrutinib-related uveitis benefit from multidisciplinary management involving communication between ophthalmologist and haemato-oncologist.

Pathology ; 2024 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39266421


Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is an aggressive peripheral T-cell neoplasm with a poor prognosis. T-cell immunoreceptor with immunoglobulin and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif domains (TIGIT) is an immune checkpoint receptor expressed on T and natural killer cells. Although increased TIGIT expression in the tumour microenvironment is associated with poor prognosis in various neoplasms, its relevance in ATLL remains unknown. Herein, we investigated the clinicopathological impact of TIGIT expression on ATLL using immunohistochemistry. TIGIT expression was detected in 21 of 84 patients (25%). A partial association between the clinical features and immune checkpoint molecules and the expression of TIGIT was found including sIL-2R, CD86 and GITR. TIGIT-positive patients [median survival time (MST) 8.9 months, 95% confidence interval (CI) 7.7-15.6] had inferior overall survival compared with TIGIT-negative patients (MST 18.7 months, 95% CI 12.0-36.4) (p=0.0124]. TIGIT expression maintained its prognostic value for overall survival in both univariate and multivariate analyses [hazard ratio (HR) 1.909; 95% CI 1.044-3.488; p=0.0356]. Further studies are required to clarify the clinical and biological significance of TIGIT expression in patients with ATLL.

J Cell Mol Med ; 28(17): e70085, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39267259


Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a highly heterogeneous disease, which lead to various findings in transcriptomic research. This study addresses these challenges by integrating 34 datasets, including 26 control groups, 6 prognostic datasets and 2 single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets to identify 10,000 AML-related genes (ARGs). We focused on genes with low variability and high consistency and successfully discovered 191 AML signatures (ASs). Leveraging machine learning techniques, specifically the XGBoost model and our custom framework, we classified AML subtypes with both scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq data, complementing the ELN2022 classification approach. Our research also identified promising treatments for AML through drug repurposing, with solasonine showing potential efficacy for high-risk AML patients, supported by molecular docking and transcriptomic analyses. To enhance reproducibility and customizability, we developed CSAMLdb, a user-friendly database platform. It facilitates the reuse and personalized analysis of nearly all results obtained in this research, including single-gene prognostics, multi-gene scoring, enrichment analysis, machine learning risk assessment, drug repositioning analysis and literature abstract named entity recognition. CSAMLdb is available at

Reposicionamiento de Medicamentos , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda , Transcriptoma , Humanos , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda/genética , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda/tratamiento farmacológico , Reposicionamiento de Medicamentos/métodos , Transcriptoma/genética , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica/métodos , Aprendizaje Automático , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Pronóstico , Regulación Leucémica de la Expresión Génica/efectos de los fármacos , Biología Computacional/métodos , Simulación del Acoplamiento Molecular , Bases de Datos Genéticas
Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39275865


All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) and arsenic trioxide (ATO) represent the standard of care for low-intermediate risk acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). Leucocytosis during induction with ATRA-ATO represents a common complication with an incidence of up to 60%. To identify predictive factors for this complication, we studied a cohort of 65 low-intermediate risk APL patients treated with ATRA-ATO in three highly specialized Italian centres. Overall, 39/65 (60%) patients developed leucocytosis, with a peak in leucocyte count being most frequent in the second week from diagnosis. All cases were successfully managed with hydroxyurea. Predictive factors for leucocytosis in univariate analysis were lower platelet counts (odds ratio [OR] 0.98, 0.97-1.00, p = 0.018), lower fibrinogen levels (OR 0.36, 0.17-0.66, p = 0.003), higher bone marrow blast infiltration (OR 1.03, 1.01-1.07, p = 0.021) and CD117 expression by flow (OR 1.04, 1.01-1.08, p = 0.012). Multivariate analysis confirmed lower levels of fibrinogen at diagnosis as the strongest predictive factor for the development of leucocytosis (OR 0.36, 0.15-0.72, p = 0.009). Differentiation syndrome (DS) occurred only in patients developing leucocytosis showing a strict correlation with rising leucocytes counts (16/39 vs. 0/26, p < 0.001). In addition, other treatment-related complications including QTc prolongation, cardiac events, liver, and haematological toxicities were significantly more frequent in patients experiencing leucocytosis (22/39 vs. 3/26, p < 0.001). In conclusion, APL patients undergoing ATRA-ATO therapy with lower fibrinogen levels and platelet counts at diagnosis and with a massive bone marrow blast infiltrate should be carefully monitored for the development of leucocytosis during induction. DS and other treatment-related complications seem to occur almost exclusively in patients developing leucocytosis, who should necessarily receive DS prophylaxis and more intensive monitoring and supportive therapy to prevent treatment complications.

EClinicalMedicine ; 75: 102794, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39281098


Background: Autoimmune diseases are known to be associated with an increased risk of cancer. Whether maternal immune dysregulation can have an impact on the development of haematological malignancies in offspring remains uncertain. Therefore, we explored the association between offspring risk of haematological malignancies and maternal autoimmune disease using a real-world nationwide population-based study. Methods: In this case-control study, we identified 2172 children with haematological malignancies between 2004 and 2019 from Taiwan's National Health Insurance program and compared them with population-based controls without haematologic malignancies, who were matched with each individual at a ratio of 1:4. The medical information of the autoimmune mothers were obtained from the Taiwan Maternal and Child Health Database. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratio for haematologic malignancy in offspring. Furthermore, subgroup and stratified analyses were conducted. Findings: Among the rheumatologic diseases in our study, Crohn's disease was the most common disease both in the haematological malignancy group (1.1%) and the control group (0.9%). In multivariable analysis, the odds ratio for haematological malignancy in offspring with maternal autoimmune diseases was 1.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.91-1.58). The overall risk of haematologic malignancy was not significantly higher when adjusted for specific risk factors, including neonatal age, maternal age, family income, urbanization, maternal occupation, birth weight, or maternal comorbidity, except for prematurity. When comparing different autoimmune diseases among haematological malignancies and the control group, maternal psoriatic arthritis/psoriasis had the highest adjusted overall risk for haematological malignancies (adjusted OR 2.11, CI 0.89-5), followed by ankylosing spondylitis (adjusted OR 1.45, CI 0.7-3), autoimmune thyroiditis (OR 1.26, CI 0.57-2.81), systemic lupus erythematosus (OR 1.21, CI 0.48-3.02), Crohn's disease (OR 1.19, CI 0.75-1.9), and Sjogren's syndrome (OR 1.18, CI 0.65-2.15), but no significance was reached in these analyses. Multivariable analysis of risk factors associated with haematological malignancy subtypes was done. It showed no associations between maternal autoimmune disease and childhood haematological malignancies. Interpretation: We found no significant relationship between maternal autoimmune disease and childhood haematological malignancies. The influence of maternal immune dysregulation on the next generation with respect to haematological malignancies development may be limited. Funding: There was no funding source for this study.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39289867


Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in 20%-30% of adult patients contains the Philadelphia (Ph+) chromosome. Historically, Ph+ ALL denoted a markedly inferior outcome and long-term survival in the absence of an allograft was uncommon. However, the advent of targeted therapy directed against the BCR::ABL1 fusion protein with various tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has markedly improved the prognosis, resulting in a number of treatment controversies in allograft-eligible patients. Which is the best TKI to use in induction? What is the clinical relevance of the subdivision of Ph+ ALL into multilineage vs lymphoid types? Do all patients in first morphological complete remission (CR1) after induction and consolidation with chemotherapy/TKI require an allograft? If not, what risk factors predict a poor outcome without an allograft? Can chemotherapy-free approaches, such as blinatumomab in conjunction with more potent TKIs, obviate the need for an allograft in high-risk patients? What is the best strategy to deal with persistent or emerging minimal residual disease both pre- and post-transplant? Is maintenance TKI indicated in all patients post allograft? Can salvage therapy and a subsequent allograft cure patients who relapse after not being transplanted in CR1? This manuscript reviews the latest data influencing contemporary management and discusses these controversies.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39279213


Data on haematological features of telomere biology disorders (TBD) remain scarce. We describe haematological, extra-haematological characteristics and prognosis of 127 genetically confirmed TBD patients diagnosed after the age of 15. Ninety-three index cases and 34 affected relatives were included. At diagnosis of TBD, 76.3% of index cases had haematological features, half pulmonary features and a third liver features. At diagnosis, bone marrow failure (BMF) was present in 59 (46.5%), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in 22 (17.3%) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in 2 (1.6%) while 13 (10.2%) developed or worsened bone marrow involvement during follow-up. At diagnosis, compared to MDS/AML patients, BMF patients were younger (median 23.1 years vs. 43.8, p = 0.007), and had a better outcome (4-year overall survival 76.3% vs. 31.8%, p < 0.001). While frequencies and burden of cytogenetical and somatic mutations increased significantly in myeloid malignancies, some abnormalities were also observed in patients with normal blood counts and BMF, notably somatic spliceosome variants. Solid cancers developed in 8.7% patients, mainly human papillomavirus-related cancers and hepatocellular carcinomas. TBD is a multiorgan progressive disease. While BMF is the main haematological disorder, high-risk myeloid malignancies are common, and are, together with age, the only factors associated with a worse outcome.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39279289


In patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), differentiation syndrome (DS) is a life-threatening complication caused by the differentiating effect of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and/or arsenic trioxide (ATO). Leucocytosis is frequently observed during induction therapy for APL and is intimately associated with the development of DS and its severity. The management of DS is particularly important due to the high likelihood of excellent outcomes for APL patients who successfully complete induction therapy. Commentary on: Cicconi et al. Leukocytosis during induction therapy with all-trans-retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide in acute promyelocytic leukemia predicts for differentiation syndrome and treatment-related complications. Br J Haematol 2024 (Online ahead of print). doi: 10.1111/bjh.19759.

Nat Prod Res ; : 1-5, 2024 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39282931


During the screening of novel chemotherapeutic candidates from plants against adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATL), we found that extracts of plants in the Solanaceae, Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, and Rutaceae families showed anti-proliferative activity in the MT-1 and MT-2 cell lines. We have isolated active compounds from these plants in the present research because Cupressaceae plants showed potent anti-proliferative activity in the cell lines. We attempted to isolate the active compounds from the leaves of Juniperus rigida. Using activity-guided fractionation, we isolated 22 compounds, including seven terpenoids, three aromatic compounds, two iridoids, five lignans, and five biflavonoids. The anti-proliferative activities of five diterpenoids were moderate, and those of two biflavonoids were stronger. A lignan (compound 13) showed the strongest activity. These compounds are promising candidates for the treatment of ATL.

EBioMedicine ; 108: 105316, 2024 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39293215


BACKGROUND: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a bone marrow malignancy with poor prognosis. One of several treatments for AML is midostaurin combined with intensive chemotherapy (MIC), currently approved for FLT3 mutation-positive (FLT3-MP) AML. However, many patients carrying FLT3 mutations are refractory or experience an early relapse following MIC treatment, and might benefit more from receiving a different treatment. Development of a stratification method that outperforms FLT3 mutational status in predicting MIC response would thus benefit a large number of patients. METHODS: We employed mass spectrometry phosphoproteomics to analyse 71 diagnosis samples of 47 patients with FLT3-MP AML who subsequently received MIC. We then used machine learning to identify biomarkers of response to MIC, and validated the resulting predictive model in two independent validation cohorts (n = 20). FINDINGS: We identified three distinct phosphoproteomic AML subtypes amongst long-term survivors. The subtypes showed similar duration of MIC response, but different modulation of AML-implicated pathways, and exhibited distinct, highly-predictive biomarkers of MIC response. Using these biomarkers, we built a phosphoproteomics-based predictive model of MIC response, which we called MPhos. When applied to two retrospective real-world patient test cohorts (n = 20), MPhos predicted MIC response with 83% sensitivity and 100% specificity (log-rank p < 7∗10-5, HR = 0.005 [95% CI: 0-0.31]). INTERPRETATION: In validation, MPhos outperformed the currently-used FLT3-based stratification method. Our findings have the potential to transform clinical decision-making, and highlight the important role that phosphoproteomics is destined to play in precision oncology. FUNDING: This work was funded by Innovate UK grants (application numbers: 22217 and 10054602) and by Kinomica Ltd.

Genes Chromosomes Cancer ; 63(9): e23269, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39291932


INTRODUCTION: Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a high risk form of ALL associated with dismal outcomes in the pre-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) era. Addition of a TKI to chemotherapy improves outcomes. Therefore, testing for the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome by at least two methods at the time of diagnosis is critical. Diagnostic testing may include karyotype, fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), and RT-PCR for the BCR::ABL1 transcript. The significance of low-level BCR::ABL1 transcript by RT-PCR in the absence of the Philadelphia chromosome on karyotype or by FISH is unknown. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of children diagnosed with acute leukemia at our institution from 2010 to 2020. Those positive for the BCR::ABL1 transcript by qualitative RT-PCR, and negative for t(9;22) by karyotype or FISH were analyzed for demographics, cytogenetic and molecular features at diagnosis and relapse, treatment and outcomes. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate event-free and overall survival. RESULTS: Forty-seven of 306 (15%) patients with Ph- ALL had low-level BCR::ABL1 detected by RT-PCR. Most (77%) had B-cell ALL. The e1a2 transcript was detected most frequently, in 43 (91%) patients. BCR::ABL1 was quantifiable in 12/43 (28%) patients, with a median of 0.0008% (range 0.0003-0.095%). Seven patients (15%) relapsed. No patient with low-level BCR::ABL1 at diagnosis developed Ph + ALL at relapse. There was no difference in 5-year event-free (77% versus 81%, p = 0.407) or overall survival (86% versus 91%, p = 0.3) between children with low-level BCR::ABL1 (n = 47) and those without (n = 259). CONCLUSION: BCR::ABL1 low-level positivity in children with newly diagnosed Ph- ALL is a relatively common finding and did not adversely affect outcome for patients treated using a contemporary risk-adapted approach.

Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras , Humanos , Niño , Masculino , Femenino , Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl/genética , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/genética , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/diagnóstico , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/patología , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/tratamiento farmacológico , Preescolar , Adolescente , Estudios Retrospectivos , Hibridación Fluorescente in Situ , Lactante , Cromosoma Filadelfia
Ann Hematol ; 2024 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39237813


T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukaemia (T-PLL) is an aggressive disease with a poor prognosis and only curable by allogeneic stem cell transplantation. We describe the case of a male suffering from T-PLL. Therapy was alemtuzumab followed by an allograft from an unrelated donor. T-PLL relapsed after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Discontinuation of immunosuppression had no effected and three increasing doses of donor lymphocytes were given within one month. The patient developed acute GvHD of the lover (grade III). GvHD was successfully treated by steroids and ruxolitinib and graft-versus-leukaemia effects induced a complete remission of T-PLL. 18,5 months after transplantation the patient is well and alive without GvHD under immunosuppression with ruxolitinib. Flow cytometry of peripheral blood was negative for residual leukemic cells.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262037


Autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has revolutionized the treatment of lymphoid malignancies, leading to the approval of CD19-CAR T cells for B-cell lymphomas and acute leukaemia, and more recently, B-cell maturation antigen-CAR T cells for multiple myeloma. The long-term follow-up of patients treated in the early clinical trials demonstrates the possibility for long-term remission, suggesting a cure. This is associated with a low incidence of significant long-term side effects and a rapid improvement in the quality of life for responders. In contrast, other types of immunotherapies require prolonged treatments or carry the risk of long-term side effects impairing the quality of life. Despite impressive results, some patients still experience treatment failure or ultimately relapse, underscoring the imperative to improve CAR T-cell therapies and gain a better understanding of their determinants of efficacy to maximize positive outcomes. While the next-generation of CAR T cells will undoubtingly be more potent, there are already opportunities for optimization when utilizing the currently available CAR T cells. This review article aims to summarize the current evidence from clinical, translational and fundamental research, providing clinicians with insights to enhance their understanding and use of CAR T cells.

Br J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39295195


Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is a high-risk subtype with a gene expression profile similar to Ph-positive ALL, due to activation of tyrosine kinase signalling. To understand the clinical implications of Ph-like ALL, this single-centre retrospective study evaluates outcomes in 268 adults, largely Hispanic ALL patients treated between 2013 and 2024, with a subgroup analysis of 139 haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients. ALL subtypes included 68 (25.4%) Ph-like, 89 (33.2%) Ph-positive, and 111 (41.4%) Ph-negative. Ph-like patients were the youngest age at diagnosis (p = 0.007), most likely to have refractory disease (p < 0.001), and least likely to achieve minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity after induction (p = 0.031). Relative to Ph-negative ALL, Ph-like achieved worse event-free survival (EFS) (HR = 1.66; 95% CI 1.12-2.46; p = 0.012), whereas Ph-positive had improved EFS (HR = 0.60; 95% CI 0.38-0.93; p = 0.024) and cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR) (HR = 0.59; 95% CI 0.35-0.99; p = 0.046). Within the transplant subgroup, Ph status did not impact disease-free survival (DFS), CIR, or overall survival (OS). However, patients who received blinatumomab within 1-year pre-HSCT had improved DFS (HR = 0.43; 95% CI 0.20-0.94; p = 0.034) and CIR (HR = 0.26; 95% CI 0.09-0.75; p = 0.13). In conclusion, our data suggest that Ph-like is less likely to respond to standard induction therapy and HSCT may result in similar survival outcomes to Ph-negative ALL.

Eur J Haematol ; 2024 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39295289


OBJECTIVES: Childhood cancer often presents with non-specific signs and symptoms that might mimic non-malignant disorders including musculoskeletal diseases, potentially leading to rheumatic and orthopaedic misdiagnoses. We aimed to compare clinical presentation, diagnostic interval and survival in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with and without initial musculoskeletal symptoms. METHODS: This nationwide retrospective, cohort study reviewed medical records of 144 children below 15 years diagnosed with AML in Denmark from 1996 to 2018. RESULTS: Musculoskeletal symptoms occurred in 29% (42/144) of children with AML and 8% (11/144) received an initial musculoskeletal misdiagnosis, being mainly non-specific and pain-related. The children with and without musculoskeletal symptoms did not differ markedly up to the diagnosis of AML and blood counts were affected equally in both groups. However, the children with prior musculoskeletal symptoms were more likely to have elevated levels of LDH and ferritin. Furthermore, they revealed a tendency towards a longer total interval (median 53 days vs. 32 days, p = 0.07), but the overall survival did not differ. CONCLUSION: AML should be considered as an underlying cause in children with unexplained musculoskeletal symptoms and abnormal blood counts. Concomitant elevation of LDH and ferritin should strengthen the suspicion.

BMC Res Notes ; 17(1): 245, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227850


BACKGROUND: In Nigeria, since 2002, Imatinib mesylate (glivec®) has been available freely to chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients but only at a tertiary health care centre in the southwestern part of the country. Despite this, it is not readily accessible to many patients due to the distance and other challenges including low socioeconomic status and political problems, preventing timely access to specialist care. This study evaluated the effect of the baseline characteristics on the prognostic implication and treatment outcome of CML patients in Nigeria. METHOD: This study retrospectively evaluated the baseline characteristics, clinical presentations and treatment outcomes of 889 CML patients over 18 years (2002-2020). Of these, 576 (65%) patients had complete information with up-to-date BCR::ABL1 records. These 576 patients were categorized based on their responses to Imatinib therapy into three groups viz.; Optimal response (OR) defined as BCR::ABL1 ratio of < 0.1% or major molecular remission (≥ 3-log reduction of BCR::ABL1 mRNA or BCR::ABL1 ratio of < 0.1% on the International Scale), Suboptimal response (SR) with BCR::ABL ratio of 0.1-1%, and Treatment failure (TF) when MMR has not been achieved at 12 months. The variables were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The result revealed a median age of 37 years at diagnosis with a male-to-female ratio of 1.5:1. The majority (96.8%) of the patients presented with one or more symptoms at diagnosis with a mean symptom duration of 12 ± 10.6 months. The mean Sokal and EUTOS scores were 1.3 ± 0.8 and 73.90 ± 49.09 respectively. About half of the patients presented with high-risk Sokal (49%) and EUTOS (47%) scores. Interestingly, both the Sokal (r = 0.733, p = 0.011) and EUTOS (r = 0.102, p = 0.003) scores correlated positively and significantly with the duration of symptoms at presentation. Based on response categorization, 40.3% had OR while 27.1% and 32.6% had SR and TF respectively. CONCLUSION: This study observed a low optimal response rate of 40.3% and treatment failure rate of 32.6% in our CML cohort while on first-line Imatinib therapy. This treatment response is strongly attributable to the long duration of symptoms of 12 months or more and high Sokal and EUTOS scores at presentation. We advocate prompt and improved access to specialist care with optimization of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in Nigeria.

Mesilato de Imatinib , Leucemia Mielógena Crónica BCR-ABL Positiva , Humanos , Leucemia Mielógena Crónica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamiento farmacológico , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto , Estudios Retrospectivos , Mesilato de Imatinib/uso terapéutico , Nigeria , Pronóstico , Resultado del Tratamiento , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Adolescente , Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl/genética , Proteínas de Fusión bcr-abl/antagonistas & inhibidores , Pobreza
J Hematop ; 2024 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152335


Merkel cell carcinoma is a very aggressive primary skin tumour with a high risk of local recurrences and lymphatic and distant metastases. The frequent association between this carcinoma and other skin tumour and lymphoid malignancies, its similar cellular morphology with leukocytes, and limited infiltration in bone marrow constituted a challenging diagnosis. We report an unusual case of an 82-year-old male who simultaneously presented Merkel cell carcinoma and acute myeloid lymphoma. The diagnosis was established through flow cytometry, immunohistochemical studies and next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis. Flow cytometry allowed for the differentiation of the two cell populations in bone marrow aspirate, which was crucial to the diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), after confirmed by immunohistochemistry. AML could be classified based on NGS results. Following diagnosis, the patient received palliative care and died 50 days later. immunophenotypic analysis by flow cytometry and Immunohistochemical study was crucial to establish the diagnosis of simultaneous affection of Merkel cell carcinoma and hematologic disorder.