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Exp Neurobiol ; 29(5): 344-355, 2020 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154197


Kv3 family K+ channels, by ensuring speedy repolarization of action potential, enable rapid and high frequency neuronal firing and high precision temporal coding of auditory information in various auditory synapses in the brain. Expression of different Kv3 subtypes within the auditory end organ has been reported. Yet, their precise role at the hair cell synaptic transmission has not been fully elucidated. Using immunolabeling and confocal microscopy we examined the expression pattern of different Kv3 family K+ channel subunits in the nerve fibers innervating the cochlear hair cells. Kv3.1b was found in NKA-positive type 1 afferent fibers, exhibiting high signal intensity at the cell body, the unmyelinated dendritic segment, first heminode and nodes of Ranvier. Kv3.3 signal was detected in the cell body and the unmyelinated dendritic segment of NKA-positive type 1 afferent fibers but not in peripherin-positive type 2 afferent. Kv3.4 was found in ChAT-positive LOC and MOC efferent fibers as well as peripherin-positive type 2 afferent fibers. Such segregated expression pattern implies that each Kv3 subunits participate in different auditory tasks, for example, Kv3.1b and Kv3.3 in ascending signaling while Kv3.4 in feedback upon loud noise exposure.

Front Neurosci ; 14: 571095, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33041763


We live in complex auditory environments, in which we are confronted with multiple competing sounds, including the cacophony of talkers in busy markets, classrooms, offices, etc. The purpose of this article is to synthesize observations from a series of experiments that focused on how spatial hearing might aid in disentangling interleaved sequences of sounds. The experiments were unified by a non-verbal task, "rhythmic masking release", which was applied to psychophysical studies in humans and cats and to cortical physiology in anesthetized cats. Human and feline listeners could segregate competing sequences of sounds from sources that were separated by as little as ∼10°. Similarly, single neurons in the cat primary auditory cortex tended to synchronize selectively to sound sequences from one of two competing sources, again with spatial resolution of ∼10°. The spatial resolution of spatial stream segregation varied widely depending on the binaural and monaural acoustical cues that were available in various experimental conditions. This is in contrast to a measure of basic sound-source localization, the minimum audible angle, which showed largely constant acuity across those conditions. The differential utilization of acoustical cues suggests that the central spatial mechanisms for stream segregation differ from those for sound localization. The highest-acuity spatial stream segregation was derived from interaural time and level differences. Brainstem processing of those cues is thought to rely heavily on normal function of a voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv3.3. A family was studied having a dominant negative mutation in the gene for that channel. Affected family members exhibited severe loss of sensitivity for interaural time and level differences, which almost certainly would degrade their ability to segregate competing sounds in real-world auditory scenes.

Front Cell Neurosci ; 7: 205, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24312005


The complex spike (CS) in cerebellar Purkinje Cells (PC) is not an all-or-nothing phenomena as originally proposed, but shows variability depending on the spiking behavior of the Inferior Olive and intrinsic variability in the number and shape of spikelets. The potassium channel Kv3.3b, which has been proposed to undergo developmental changes during the postnatal PC maturation, has been shown to be crucial for the repolarization of the spikelets in the CS. We address here the regulation of the intrinsic CS variability by the expression of inactivating Kv3.3 channels in PCs by combining patch-clamp recordings and single-cell PCR methods on the same neurons, using a technique that we recently optimized to correlate single cell transcription levels with membrane ion channel electrophysiology. We show that while the inactivating TEA sensitive Kv3.3 current peak intensity increases with postnatal age, the channel density does not, arguing against postnatal developmental changes of Kv3.3b expression. Real time PCR of Kv3.3b showed a high variability from cell to cell, correlated with the Kv3.3 current density, and suggesting that there are no mechanisms regulating these currents beyond the mRNA pool. We show a significant correlation between normalized quantity of Kv3.3b mRNA and both the number of CS spikelets and their rate of voltage fluctuation, linking the intrinsic CS shape directly to the Kv3.3b mRNA pool. Comparing the observed cell-to-cell variance with studies on transcriptional noise suggests that fluctuations of the Kv3.3b mRNA pool are possibly not regulated but represent merely transcriptional noise, resulting in intrinsic variability of the CS.