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Entropy (Basel) ; 21(2)2019 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266929


The purpose of this paper was to choose an appropriate information dissimilarity measure for hierarchical clustering of daily streamflow discharge data, from twelve gauging stations on the Brazos River in Texas (USA), for the period 1989-2016. For that purpose, we selected and compared the average-linkage clustering hierarchical algorithm based on the compression-based dissimilarity measure (NCD), permutation distribution dissimilarity measure (PDDM), and Kolmogorov distance (KD). The algorithm was also compared with K-means clustering based on Kolmogorov complexity (KC), the highest value of Kolmogorov complexity spectrum (KCM), and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE). Using a dissimilarity matrix based on NCD, PDDM, and KD for daily streamflow, the agglomerative average-linkage hierarchical algorithm was applied. The key findings of this study are that: (i) The KD clustering algorithm is the most suitable among others; (ii) ANOVA analysis shows that there exist highly significant differences between mean values of four clusters, confirming that the choice of the number of clusters was suitably done; and (iii) from the clustering we found that the predictability of streamflow data of the Brazos River given by the Lyapunov time (LT), corrected for randomness by Kolmogorov time (KT) in days, lies in the interval from two to five days.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(8)2018 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265658


Analysis of daily solar irradiation variability and predictability in space and time is important for energy resources planning, development, and management. The natural variability of solar irradiation is being complicated by atmospheric conditions (in particular cloudiness) and orography, which introduce additional complexity into the phenomenological records. To address this question for daily solar irradiation data recorded during the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 at 11 stations measuring solar irradiance on La Reunion French tropical Indian Ocean Island, we use a set of novel quantitative tools: Kolmogorov complexity (KC) with its derivative associated measures and Hamming distance (HAM) and their combination to assess complexity and corresponding predictability. We find that all half-day (from sunrise to sunset) solar irradiation series exhibit high complexity. However, all of them can be classified into three groups strongly influenced by trade winds that circulate in a "flow around" regime: the windward side (trade winds slow down), the leeward side (diurnal thermally-induced circulations dominate) and the coast parallel to trade winds (winds are accelerated due to Venturi effect). We introduce Kolmogorov time (KT) that quantifies the time span beyond which randomness significantly influences predictability.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(12)2018 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266670


Analysis of daily solar irradiation variability and predictability in space and time is important for energy resources planning, development, and management. The natural intermittency of solar irradiation is mainly triggered by atmospheric turbulent conditions, radiative transfer, optical properties of cloud and aerosol, moisture and atmospheric stability, orographic and thermal forcing, which introduce additional complexity into the phenomenological records. To address this question for daily solar irradiation data recorded during the period 2011-2015, at 32 stations measuring solar irradiance on La Reunion French tropical Indian Ocean Island, we use the tools of non-linear dynamics: the intermittency and chaos analysis, the largest Lyapunov exponent, Sample entropy, the Kolmogorov complexity and its derivatives (Kolmogorov complexity spectrum and its highest value), and spatial weighted Kolmogorov complexity combined with Hamming distance to assess complexity and corresponding predictability. Finally, we have clustered the Kolmogorov time (that quantifies the time span beyond which randomness significantly influences predictability) for daily cumulative solar irradiation for all stations. We show that under the record-breaking 2011-2012 La Nina event and preceding a very strong El-Nino 2015-2016 event, the predictability of daily incident solar energy over La Réunion is affected.