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Rev Econ Stud ; 91(3): 1291-1330, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39281422


We use novel, large-scale data on 17.5 million Americans to study how a policy-driven increase in economic resources affects children's long-term outcomes. Using the 2000 Census and 2001-13 American Community Survey linked to the Social Security Administration's NUMIDENT, we leverage the county-level rollout of the Food Stamps program between 1961 and 1975. We find that children with access to greater economic resources before age five have better outcomes as adults. The treatment-on-the-treated effects show a 6% of a standard deviation improvement in human capital, 3% of a standard deviation increase in economic self-sufficiency, 8% of a standard deviation increase in the quality of neighbourhood of residence, a 1.2-year increase in life expectancy, and a 0.5 percentage-point decrease in likelihood of being incarcerated. These estimates suggest that Food Stamps' transfer of resources to families is a highly cost-effective investment in young children, yielding a marginal value of public funds of approximately sixty-two.

Am Econ J Appl Econ ; 15(3): 1-34, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38013825


We leverage variation in the adoption of coeducation by U.S. women's colleges to study how exposure to a mixed-gender collegiate environment affects women's human capital investments. Our event-study analyses of newly collected historical data find a 3.0-3.5 percentage-point (30-33%) decline in the share of women majoring in STEM. While coeducation caused a large influx of male peers and modest increase in male faculty, we find no evidence that it altered the composition of the female student body or other gender-neutral inputs. Extrapolation of our main estimate suggests that coeducational environments explain 36% of the current gender gap in STEM.

J Med Econ ; 26(1): 781-792, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37300440


AIMS: Strategies focus on securing the competitiveness of medical device corporations by strengthening their organizational capabilities, which, in turn, ensure their continuous development. This study aims to investigate both management strategies and organizational culture, which may affect the performance of these companies, and analyzes the influence of education and training investment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used data from the 3rd to 6th Human Capital Corporate Panel surveys by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training as well as data from the Korea Information Service and 6,112 workers and 260 companies were analyzed. For the analysis, management strategy and organizational culture were set as independent variables, and corporation performance was set as the dependent variable. Additionally, investment in education and training was set as a control variable between the independent and dependent variables. Corporate performance was analyzed by dividing into organizational satisfaction and organizational commitment. RESULTS: Differentiation strategy and innovative culture had a positive (+) effect on organizational satisfaction, while cost leadership strategy and hierarchical culture had a negative (-) effect. On the other hand, in the case of interaction with education and training investment, cost leadership strategy and hierarchical culture had a positive (+) effect, while differentiation strategy and innovation culture had a negative (-) effect. In organizational commitment, innovation culture had a positive (+) effect, and hierarchical culture had a negative (-) effect. In the case of interaction with investment in education and training, only the hierarchical culture had a positive (+) effect. CONCLUSIONS: The innovation culture positively influenced the performance of medical device companies. Furthermore, cost leadership strategy, hierarchical culture, education and training investment improved the corporate performance of these companies. To enhance corporate performance, these companies should create an innovation culture and invest in education and training in accordance with the organizational culture.

COVID-19 has proven the excellence of Korea's medical devices, and the medical device industry is expected to continue to grow due to the increase in chronic disease and non-face-to-face treatment. However, the current medical device industry is monopolized by global companies with capital and technological prowess. To overcome this, Korean medical device companies are developing innovative medical devices centered on start-ups, but now is the time to strategically respond to them in order to compete with global companies. In general, companies establish management strategies for survival and growth by analyzing threats and opportunities based on the market environment to maintain the optimal organization according to market competition, government policies, and changes in consumer needs. Strategies are often established based on the culture of the organizations that make up the company. When it comes to strategy establishment, the medical device industry has special characteristics compared to other industries. The medical device industry is based on advanced technology and puts patient safety first, requiring continuous product upgrades. Therefore, it is an essential industry for employees to invest in education and training. The analysis shows the effectiveness of investment in education and training according to the management strategy and organizational culture of medical device companies. It was confirmed that when medical device companies create an Innovation culture, their performance improves. It also shows that when medical device companies adopt a cost leadership strategy, they need to increase their investment in education and training to improve corporate performance.

Equipos y Suministros , Cultura Organizacional
Annu Rev Econom ; 15: 349-388, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38545330


This paper compares early childhood enrichment programs that promote social mobility for disadvantaged children within and across generations. Instead of conducting a standard meta-analysis, we present a harmonized primary data analysis of programs that shape current policy. Our analysis is a template for rigorous syntheses and comparisons across programs. We analyze new long-run life-cycle data collected for iconic programs when participants are middle-aged and their children are in their twenties. The iconic programs are omnibus in nature and offer many services to children and their parents. We compare them with relatively low-cost more focused home-visiting programs. Successful interventions target both children and their caregivers. They engage caregivers and improve the home lives of children. They permanently boost cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Participants in programs that enrich home environments grow up with better skills, jobs, earnings, marital stability, and health, as well as reduced participation in crime. Long-run monetized gains are substantially greater than program costs for the iconic programs. We investigate the mechanisms promoting successful family lives for participants and report intergenerational effects on their children. A study of focused home-visiting programs that target parents enables us to isolate a crucial component of successful programs: they activate and promote parenting skills of child caregivers. The home-visiting programs we analyze produce outcomes comparable to those of the iconic omnibus programs. National implementation of the programs with long-run follow up that we analyze would substantially shrink the overall US Black-White earnings gap.

Front Artif Intell ; 5: 832736, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35620279


Recent years have seen impressive advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and this has stoked renewed concern about the impact of technological progress on the labor market, including on worker displacement. This paper looks at the possible links between AI and employment in a cross-country context. It adapts the AI occupational impact measure developed by Felten, Raj and Seamans-an indicator measuring the degree to which occupations rely on abilities in which AI has made the most progress-and extends it to 23 OECD countries. Overall, there appears to be no clear relationship between AI exposure and employment growth. However, in occupations where computer use is high, greater exposure to AI is linked to higher employment growth. The paper also finds suggestive evidence of a negative relationship between AI exposure and growth in average hours worked among occupations where computer use is low. One possible explanation is that partial automation by AI increases productivity directly as well as by shifting the task composition of occupations toward higher value-added tasks. This increase in labor productivity and output counteracts the direct displacement effect of automation through AI for workers with good digital skills, who may find it easier to use AI effectively and shift to non-automatable, higher-value added tasks within their occupations. The opposite could be true for workers with poor digital skills, who may not be able to interact efficiently with AI and thus reap all potential benefits of the technology.

Am Econ J Appl Econ ; 14(1): 42-74, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38077833


This paper examines the long-run effects of the 1980-1982 recession on education and income. Using confidential Census data, I estimate difference-in-differences regressions that exploit variation across counties in recession severity and across cohorts in age at the time of the recession. For individuals age 0-10 in 1979, a 10 percent decrease in earnings per capita in their county of birth reduces four-year college degree attainment by 15 percent and earnings in adulthood by 5 percent. Simple calculations suggest that, in aggregate, the 1980-1982 recession led to 1.3-2.8 million fewer college graduates and $66-$139 billion less earned income per year.

Labour Econ ; 772022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37035254


This paper analyzes how computerization affected the labor market outcomes of older workers between 1984 and 2017. Using the computerization supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS) we show that different occupations were computerized at different times, older workers tended to start using computers with a delay compared to younger workers, but computer use within occupations converged to the same levels across age groups eventually. That is, there was a temporary knowledge gap between younger and older workers in most occupations. We estimate how this knowledge gap affected older workers' labor market outcomes using data from the CPS and the Health and Retirement Study. Our models control for occupation and time fixed effects and in some models; we also control for full occupation-time interactions and use middle aged (age 40-49) workers as the control group. We find strong and robust negative effects of the knowledge gap on wages, and a large, temporary increase in transitions from work to non-participation, consistent with a model of creative destruction in which the computerization of jobs made older workers' skills obsolete in birth cohorts that experienced computerization relatively late in their careers. We find larger effects on females and on middle-skilled workers.

J Econ Ageing ; 212022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34840944


Since the seminal paper of Rohwedder and Willis (2010), the effect of retirement on cognition has drawn significant research interest from economists. Especially with ongoing policy discussions about public pension reforms and the increasing burden of dementia, it is indisputably an important research question with significant policy implications. Building on this growing literature, our paper makes two important contributions. First, we explicitly consider cognitive demands of jobs in studying hetereogeneity of the retirement effect. As the primary explanation for the potential adverse effect of retirement is that cognition is better maintained through mental exercise (Salthouse, 2006), by investigating the cognitive demands of the job one retires from we can directly test the hypothesized relationship. Second, we avoid biases associated with omitted variables, particularly by controlling for endowed cognitive ability. While endowed, genetic differences in cognitive ability is an important omitted variable that can explain individual differences in cognitive performance as well as selection into a particular type of job, this inherited characteristic has not been controlled for in the prior literature. Taking advantage of the polygenic risk score of cognition (Davies et al., 2015), we control for individual differences in genetic endowments in estimating the effect of retirement on cognition. We find supporting evidence for differential effects of retirement by cognitive demands of jobs after controlling for innate differences in cognition and educational attainment.

J Public Econ ; 1962021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552301


Research has shown that giving disadvantaged families financial incentives to invest in their children could decrease socioeconomic inequality by enhancing human capital formation. Yet, within the household how are such gains achieved? We use a field experiment to investigate how parents allocate time when they receive financial incentives. We find that incentives increase investment in the target child. But, parents achieve these gains by substituting away from time spent with the child's sibling(s). An unintended consequence is that intrahousehold inequality increases and aggregate gains from the program are overstated when focusing only on target children.

J Pension Econ Financ ; 20(SI3): 357-373, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34421368


Along with data about actual, desired and anticipated job characteristics, this paper uses a novel data element, the subjective conditional probability of working at age 70, to estimate the causal effects of job characteristics on retirement in the U.S. Having flexible work hours is the most consistent predictor of retirement preferences and expectations: if all current workers had flexible hours, the fraction working at age 70 would be 0.322, but it would be just 0.172 if none had this option. Job stress, physical and cognitive job demands, the option to telecommute, and commuting times were additional predictors of retirement expectations.

Res Policy ; 50(7)2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34334836


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) jobs have grown in importance in the labor market in recent decades, and they are widely seen as the jobs of the future. Using data from the U.S. Census and American Community Survey, we first investigate the role of employment in STEM occupations when it comes to recent changes in the occupational employment distribution in the U.S. labor market. Next, with data from the High School and Beyond sophomore cohort (Class of 1982) recent midlife follow-up, we investigate the importance of high school students' mathematics and science coursework, knowledge, and skills for midlife occupations. The Class of 1982 completed high school prior to technological changes altering the demand for labor. We find that individuals who took more advanced levels of high school mathematics coursework enjoyed occupations with a higher percentile rank in the average wage distribution and were more likely to hold STEM-related occupations. Findings suggest that the mathematics coursework enabled workers to adapt and navigate changing labor market demands.

J Med Econ ; 24(1): 266-278, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33538195


AIMS: The growing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) worldwide has sparked the implementation of national policies to support the growing burden among caregivers of AD/dementia patients. This study aims to quantify and compare the burden of AD/dementia caregivers and evaluate how different living arrangements might impact health outcomes among caregivers in Japan, five European countries (5EU), and the United States (US). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study based on existing data from the 2018 National Health and Wellness Survey. Health outcome measures included health-related quality of life (HRQoL), health state utilities, work productivity and activity impairment (WPAI), and measurement of depression and anxiety amongst AD/dementia caregivers and non-caregivers. Pairwise comparisons between AD/dementia caregivers in Japan, 5EU, and the US were conducted. Multivariate analysis was used to compare across groups within each region, with adjustment for potential confounding effects. RESULTS: A higher proportion of caregivers of AD/dementia patients in Japan were 65 years or older as compared to 5EU and US. On the contrary, female caregivers were significantly higher in the US than Japan and 5EU. The HRQoL and health state utilities index scores amongst AD/dementia caregivers were highest in Japan and lowest in the US. Caregivers in Japan incurred the lowest WPAI among the three regions. The proportion of AD/dementia patients reportedly living in an institution was highest in Japan as compared to the US and EU. Notably, US caregivers whose patients lived in an institution experienced significantly less caregiving burden as compared to caregivers whose patients lived in the community. CONCLUSIONS: The caregiving burden among AD/dementia caregivers was substantial across the three regions, with similarities and differences between the West and Japan. The lower caregiving burden in Japan was potentially associated with national policies supporting long-term healthcare and institutionalized nursing care facilities for AD/dementia patients.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Cuidadores , Costo de Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Japón , Calidad de Vida , Estados Unidos
J Med Econ ; 24(1): 181-192, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33467967


AIMS: As the population in Japan is rapidly aging, the prevalence of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's Disease (AD), is expected to increase, resulting in a growing need for caregivers. This study aims to quantify and compare the humanistic burden of caregivers of AD/dementia patients with caregivers of patients with other conditions in Japan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study used data from the 2018 Japan National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS). Outcome measures included the Short-Form 12-item Health Survey (SF-12) for health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL), EuroQol 5-dimension scale (EQ-5D) for health states utilities, impact of health on productivity and activity, and evaluation of depression and anxiety. Multivariate analysis was used to compare across groups, with adjustment for potential confounding effects. RESULTS: A total of 805 caregivers of AD/dementia patients, 1,099 other caregivers, and 27,137 non-caregivers were identified. Both AD/dementia caregivers and other caregivers had lower HRQoL and EQ-5D scores, higher total activity impairment, and more caregivers tended to experience anxiety than non-caregivers. There were no significant differences in the involvment in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) between AD/dementia caregivers and caregivers of other conditions. Notably, AD/dementia caregivers were more involved in making treatment decisions and finance management than other caregivers. Among AD/dementia caregivers caring for one patient, 395 patients lived in the community and 282 in an institution. AD/dementia caregivers whose patients lived in the community were more significantly involved in basic and instrumental ADL. Caregivers of patients with both AD/dementia and cancer had higher caregiving burden than caregivers of patients with either condition. CONCLUSIONS: Caregivers of AD/dementia patients in Japan reportedly experienced significant humanistic burden which is associated with patients' living arrangements and the presence of an additional chronic condition. Therefore, provision of effective care/support is essential to relieve the burden experienced by the caregivers.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Cuidadores , Actividades Cotidianas , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Japón
Am Econ Rev ; 111(12): 3963-4001, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35418710


This paper evaluates the long-run effects of Head Start using large-scale, restricted administrative data. Using the county rollout of Head Start between 1965 and 1980 and age-eligibility cutoffs for school entry, we find that Head Start generated large increases in adult human capital and economic self-sufficiency, including a 0.65-year increase in schooling, a 2.7 percent increase in high school completion, an 8.5 percent increase in college enrollment, and a 39 percent increase in college completion. These estimates imply sizable, long-term returns to investments in means-tested, public preschool programs.

J Hum Resour ; 56(4): 997-1030, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35321345


We treat health as a form of human capital and hypothesize that women with more human capital face stronger incentives to make costly investments with future payoffs, such as avoiding abusive partners and reducing drug use. To test this hypothesis, we exploit the unanticipated introduction of an HIV treatment, HAART, which dramatically improved HIV+ women's health. We find that after the introduction of HAART HIV+ women who experienced increases in expected longevity exhibited a decrease in domestic violence of 15% and in drug use of 1520%. We rule out confounding via secular trends using a control group of healthier women.

J Med Econ ; 23(12): 1570-1578, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33074747


AIMS: Patients with cancer experienced reduced health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL), increased work productivity and activity impairment (WPAI), and indirect costs. With the current emphasis on economic evaluation of health technology in Japan, it is important to understand how indirect costs correlate with HRQoL and patient characteristics. It is also crucial to assess the patient characteristics associated with the HRQoL, WPAI, and indirect costs among patients with any types of cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study used data from the 2017 Japan National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS). Respondents self-reported their HRQoL and WPAI by answering validated SF-12v2 and WPAI questionnaires, respectively. Indirect costs were derived using the human capital method. Correlation between HRQoL components and indirect costs were assessed using Spearman's rank-order correlation. Correlation between patient characteristics and HRQoL, WPAI, and indirect costs were analyzed using generalized linear models. RESULTS: A total of 1,540 patients with any types of cancer, 254 with breast cancer, and 144 with colorectal cancer were included in the analyses. There was significant negative correlation between the indirect costs and HRQoL components among patients with any types of cancer. Patients with lower comorbid burden, higher household income, employed, married, or living with partner, never smokers, and exercised tended to have higher HRQoL. Being never smokers, having lower comorbid burden, normal weight, and exercised were associated with lower WPAI measures. Additionally, patients who were older, not married, not obese, and not smoking tended to incur lower indirect costs. CONCLUSIONS: The negative correlation between HRQoL and indirect costs among patients with cancer emphasized the needs to improve health outcomes and reduce indirect costs of patients. The factors associated with cancer burden identified in this study provide insights to allow targeted intervention to improve HRQoL and lessen the WPAI and indirect cost among cancer patients in Japan.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Costo de Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Japón , Calidad de Vida
J Polit Econ ; 128(4): 1474-1522, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863431


We show that genetic endowments linked to educational attainment strongly and robustly predict wealth at retirement. The estimated relationship is not fully explained by flexibly controlling for education and labor income. We therefore investigate a host of additional mechanisms that could account for the gene-wealth gradient, including inheritances, mortality, risk preferences, portfolio decisions, beliefs about the probabilities of macroeconomic events, and planning horizons. We provide evidence that genetic endowments related to human capital accumulation are associated with wealth not only through educational attainment and labor income, but also through a facility with complex financial decision-making.

J Med Econ ; 23(9): 994-1003, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32397770


Aims: Nocturia (getting up at night to urinate, where each urination being followed by sleep or intention to sleep) is a bothersome symptom with potentially negative consequences for individual health and daytime functioning. This study assessed the burden of nocturia in the workplace by investigating associations between nocturia and subjective well-being (SWB), work engagement and productivity.Methods: Using large-scale international workplace survey data, the associations between nocturia, SWB, work engagement (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-9) and productivity (Work Productivity and Activity Impairment, WPAI) were assessed. Bivariate and multivariate regression analysis was used with adjustment for a large set of confounding factors, including sleep duration and sleep quality.Results: Across a study sample of 92,129 observations, aged 18-70, an average of 10% of the survey population reported ≥2 nocturnal voids (generally considered clinically significant nocturia), with prevalence of nocturia increasing with age. Individuals with nocturia reported a 35.7% (p < .001) higher relative sleep disturbance score and were 10.5 percentage points (pp) (p < .001) more likely to report short sleep. Adjusted for covariates, nocturia was associated with a 3.5% (p < .001) lower relative SWB score and a 2% (p < .001) lower relative UWES-9 work engagement score. Nocturia was associated with a 3.9 pp (p < .001) higher work impairment due to absenteeism and presenteeism (WPAI). Adjusting additionally for sleep disturbance and sleep duration reduced the magnitude of the estimated effects, suggesting a key role for poor sleep in explaining the relationship between nocturia and the outcomes (SWB, UWES-9, WPAI) assessed.Conclusions: A key contribution of this study is the assessment of the association between nocturia and a range of work performance outcomes in a sizeable study using validated instruments to measure work engagement and productivity. The study highlights the importance of taking sleep into account when assessing the relationship between nocturia and associated outcomes.

Eficiencia , Nocturia/epidemiología , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño/epidemiología , Compromiso Laboral , Lugar de Trabajo/estadística & datos numéricos , Absentismo , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estudios Transversales , Evaluación del Rendimiento de Empleados , Femenino , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Estado de Salud , Humanos , Masculino , Salud Mental , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores Socioeconómicos , Adulto Joven
J Med Econ ; 23(5): 429-441, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31856614


Aims: Understanding the burden of cancer in Japan is becoming increasingly important to address the socio-economic consequences of the disease. This study broadly examined the cancer burden in terms of: Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), work productivity and activity impairment (WPAI), stress-related comorbidities, and indirect costs in patients diagnosed with (i) any type of cancer, (ii) breast cancer, (iii) colorectal cancer, compared to controls without cancer.Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study used data from the 2017 Japan National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS). Patient outcomes included self-reported stress-related comorbidities, HRQoL assessed by Short Form 12-item Health Survey and EuroQoL 5-dimension scale (EQ-5D), and work productivity and indirect costs assessed by WPAI questionnaire. Multivariate analysis was performed to compare outcomes across groups. An ad-hoc analysis compared respondents currently and currently not receiving prescription medication (Rx).Results: A total of 1,540 patients with any type of cancer, 254 with breast cancer, 144 with colorectal cancer were included in the analyses and compared to 28,070 controls without cancer. After adjusting for potential confounding effects patients with any type of cancer had significantly lower mental component summary scores (45.70 vs. 46.45, p = .003), physical component summary scores (48.95 vs. 50.02, p < .001) and EQ-5D index (0.77 vs. 0.79, p < .001), and significantly increased absenteeism (5.13% vs. 2.68% p < .001) compared to controls. No significant differences were detected for indirect costs. Breast cancer patients had significantly increased odds of anxiety and migraine. Colorectal cancer patients had significantly increased odds of insomnia. Patients currently receiving Rx had significantly lower HRQoL and higher WPAI than both controls and cancer patients not receiving Rx.Conclusions: Japanese cancer patients experience a significantly decreased HRQoL, increased absenteeism and higher odds ratio for stress-related comorbidities. This has implications for future policy making and Health Technology Assessment in Japan.

Costo de Enfermedad , Estado de Salud , Salud Mental , Neoplasias/economía , Neoplasias/epidemiología , Calidad de Vida , Absentismo , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anciano , Antineoplásicos/economía , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias de la Mama/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de la Mama/economía , Neoplasias Colorrectales/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias Colorrectales/economía , Comorbilidad , Estudios Transversales , Eficiencia , Femenino , Gastos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Humanos , Japón , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Modelos Económicos , Neoplasias/tratamiento farmacológico , Rendimiento Físico Funcional , Factores Sexuales , Participación Social , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estrés Psicológico/epidemiología
J Med Econ ; 23(1): 17-27, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31578893


Aims: As the number of cancer patients increases in Japan, and people are living longer with cancer, the need for caregivers of cancer patients is expected to increase substantially. This study intended to reveal the humanistic and economic burden among caregivers of cancer patients, and to compare it with the burden among caregivers of patients with other conditions (other caregivers) and non-caregivers.Materials and methods: This cross-sectional analysis used data from the Japan National Health and Wellness Survey 2017. Outcome measures included the Short Form 12-item Health Survey for health-related quality of life (HRQoL), EuroQol 5-dimension scale (EQ-5D) for health states utilities, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire for the impact of health on productivity and activity, and indirect costs. Multivariate analysis was used to compare across groups, with adjustment for potential confounding effects.Results: A total of 251 caregivers of cancer patients, 1,543 other caregivers, and 27,300 non-caregivers were identified. Caregivers of cancer patients (average 48.0 years old) tended to be younger than non-caregivers (51.5) and other caregivers (54.4) and had the highest education level (57.8% completed university education). Fewer non-caregivers had stress-related comorbidities than caregivers. Non-caregivers had significantly higher EQ-5D index scores than caregivers (average 0.81 vs. 0.73 vs. 0.74). Caregivers of cancer patients had significantly lower mental component summary scores than non-caregivers (40.18 vs. 46.70), and the difference indicated a clinically meaningful decrease in HRQoL. Caregivers of cancer patients had significantly higher presenteeism (37.31% vs. 20.43%), total work productivity impairment (38.85% vs. 21.98%), and activity impairment (40.94% vs. 25.78%) than non-caregivers. Additionally, caregivers of cancer patients had significantly higher total indirect costs (36.34% vs. 20.03% of average annual income).Conclusions: These results have implications for future healthcare planning, suggesting the importance of healthcare systems in Japan to consider the substantial burden borne by caregivers of cancer patients.

Cuidadores/economía , Cuidadores/psicología , Neoplasias/epidemiología , Calidad de Vida , Actividades Cotidianas , Adulto , Anciano , Comorbilidad , Estudios Transversales , Eficiencia , Femenino , Estado de Salud , Humanos , Japón/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Modelos Econométricos , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estrés Psicológico/economía , Estrés Psicológico/epidemiología