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Ribeirão Preto; s.n; mar. 2023. 136 p.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1561132


A avaliação funcional permite acompanhar a evolução de indivíduos com Lesão Medular Espinhal (LME), em programa de reabilitação, com adaptação às diferentes fases e condições de vida. A Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) é um sistema de classificação universal, com aspectos biopsicossociais. Dentre os sistemas de classificações na prática de enfermagem, destaca-se a Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE®), uma terminologia com diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem. O estudo objetivou avaliar a funcionalidade dos indivíduos com LME, a partir de instrumento baseado no Core Set da CIF; analisar a correspondência terminológica dos sistemas de classificação CIF ao modelo da CIPE®; identificar os diagnósticos mais frequentes, descrever os resultados esperados e intervenções de enfermagem segundo a CIPE® e CIF. Estudo observacional, transversal e metodológico, realizado no Centro de Reabilitação do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo, de junho de 2019 a março de 2021, em duas etapas: 1) Aplicação do instrumento baseado no Core Set da CIF para a avaliação do perfil funcional dos indivíduos com Lesão Medular Aguda (LMA); 2) Análise da correspondência terminológica do Sistema de CIF ao modelo da CIPE® para a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Houve predomínio de jovens do sexo masculino, de 18 a 39 anos. Acerca da funcionalidade e extensão da deficiência segundo a CIF, as categorias mais acometidas foram: b620 Funções urinarias; b640 Funções sexuais e b810 Funções protetora da pele. Nos componentes Estruturas do corpo e Atividades e participação, houve maior gravidade na categoria s120 Medula espinhal e estruturas relacionadas e nas categorias referentes à mobilidade e atividades de vida diária d410 Mudar a posição básica do corpo; d420 Transferir a própria posição; d450 Andar; d510 Lavar-se; d5300 Regulação da micção; d5301 Regulação da defecação; d540 Vestir-se. No instrumento avaliado pelos indivíduos sobre a percepção quanto ao papel facilitador ou a barreira dos fatores ambientais, houve prevalência como facilitadoras as categorias e310 família imediata; e340 Cuidadores e assistentes pessoais e e355 Profissionais da saúde. Foi identificada como barreira a categoria e120, que avalia os produtos e as tecnologias para mobilidade e transporte pessoal em ambientes internos e externos. Ao correlacionar o tempo de reabilitação e o perfil de funcionalidade, o domínio atividades e participação apresentou correlação significativa (p<0,05), com melhor desempenho nas atividades de vida diária à medida que o tempo de reabilitação aumentava. No mapeamento cruzado identificaram-se 1.446 conceitos entre os componentes da CIF, com predomínio das categorias no componente Funções do corpo. Selecionaram-se 929 conceitos primitivos na CIPE® distribuídos por eixo, bem como 517 conceitos pré-coordenados, divididos entre diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados. A partir da aplicação do instrumento e do mapeamento cruzado entre a CIPE® e a CIF, constituiu-se um banco de dados de termos de linguagem especializada, que poderá ser utilizado na construção de um subconjunto terminológico da CIPE®, com vistas ao cuidado sistematizado ao indivíduo com LME.

Functional assessment allows monitoring the evolution of individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) in a rehabilitation program, adapting to different stages and life conditions. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a universal classification system, with biopsychosocial aspects. Among the classification systems in nursing practice, the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®), a terminology with diagnoses, results and nursing interventions, stands out. The study aimed to evaluate the functioning of individuals with ICS, using an instrument based on the ICF Core Set; analyze the terminological correspondence of the ICF classification systems to the ICNP® model; identify the most frequent diagnoses, describe the expected results and nursing interventions according to the ICNP® and ICF. Observational, cross-sectional and methodological study, carried out at the Rehabilitation Center of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, from June 2019 to March 2021, in two stages: 1) Application of the instrument based on the ICF Core Set for the assessment of the functional profile of individuals with Acute Spinal Cord Injury (ASCI); 2) Analysis of the terminological correspondence of the ICF System to the ICNP model for the Systematization of Nursing Care. There was a predominance of young males, aged between 18 and 39 years. Regarding the functioning and extent of the disability according to the ICF, the most affected categories were: b620 Urination functions; b640 Sexual functions and b810 Protective functions of the skin. In the Body Structures and Activities and Participation components, there was greater severity in the category s120 Spinal cord and related structures and in the categories referring to mobility and activities of daily living d410 Changing basic body position; d420 Transferring oneself; d450 Walking; d510 Washing oneself; d5300 Regulating urination; d5301 Regulating defecation; d540 Dressing. In the instrument evaluated by the individuals on the perception of the facilitating role or the barrier of environmental factors, the categories e310 immediate family prevailed as facilitators; e340 Personal care providers and personal assistants and e355 Health professionals. Category e120 was identified as a barrier, which evaluates Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation. When correlating the rehabilitation time and the functionality profile, the activities and participation domain showed a significant correlation (p<0.05), with better performance in activities of daily living as the rehabilitation time increased. In the cross-mapping, 1,446 concepts were identified among the components of the ICF, with a predominance of categories in the Body Functions component. 929 primitive concepts were selected in ICNP® distributed by axis, as well as 517 pre-coordinated concepts, divided between diagnoses, interventions and results. From the application of the instrument and the cross-mapping between the ICNP® and the ICF, a database of specialized language terms was created, which can be used in the construction of a terminological subset of the ICNP®, with a view to systematized care in the individual with SCI.

Humanos , Médula Espinal/patología , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 284: 431-435, 2021 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34920564


Wound infection is a serious health care complication. Standardized clinical terminologies could be leveraged to support the early identification of wound infection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the representation of wound infection assessment and diagnosis concepts (N=26) in SNOMED CT and ICNP, using a synthesized procedural framework. A total of 13/26 (50%) assessment and diagnosis concepts had exact matches in SNOMED CT and 2/7 (29%) diagnosis concepts had exact matches in ICNP. This study demonstrated that the source concepts were moderately well represented in SNOMED CT and ICNP; however, further work is necessary to increase the representation of diagnostic infection types. The use of the framework facilitated a systematic, transparent, and repeatable mapping process, with opportunity to extend.

Infección de Heridas , Humanos , Infección de Heridas/diagnóstico
Cogit. Enferm. (Online) ; 26: e75913, 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1345844


RESUMO Objetivo: identificar associação entre diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à locomoção e ao cuidado corporal com incapacidade funcional em idosos hospitalizados. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, realizado com 100 idosos em um hospital público, da Paraíba - Brasil, no ano de 2019. Utilizou-se instrumento semiestruturado e Índice de Barthel, sendo elencados diagnósticos a partir da CIPE®. A análise de dados utilizou a estatística descritiva. Resultados: a escala é composta por 17 itens distribuídos em sete domínios: Tratamento Medicamentoso, Assistência Pré-natal, Intervenção Baseada no Senso Comum, Entendimento das Recomendações com Apoio Familiar, Estilo de Vida, Intervenção Dietética e Cuidado de Si. A consistência interna dos domínios pelo alfa de Cronbach variou de 0,527 a 0,597. Conclusão: os diagnósticos identificados fornecem subsídios para planejamento e implementação de cuidados de enfermagem visando menor tempo de hospitalização, prevenindo desfechos desfavoráveis à saúde e garantindo assistência integral e individualizada para a população.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre diagnósticos de Enfermería relacionados a la locomoción y al cuidado corporal con incapacidad funcional en adultos mayores hospitalizados. Métodos: estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en el año 2019 con 100 adultos mayores en un hospital público de Paraíba - Brasil. Se utilizó un instrumento semiestructurado y el Índice de Barthel, y los diagnósticos se listaron a partir de la clasificación CIPE®. Para el análisis de los dados se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: la dependencia total se mostró asociada con Capacidad perjudicada para la higiene oral, Capacidad perjudicada para la higiene y Confinado a la cama. La dependencia grave estuvo asociada con Capacidad perjudicada para la higiene oral, Capacidad perjudicada para la higiene, Capacidad perjudicada para vestirse, Movilidad perjudicada y Confinado a la cama. Conclusión: los diagnósticos identificados proporcionan apoyos para planificar e implementar medidas de atención de Enfermería con vistas a reducir los tiempos de hospitalización, previniendo así consecuencias desfavorables para la salud y garantizando asistencia integral e individualizada para la población.

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the association of Nursing diagnoses related to locomotion and body care with functional disability in hospitalized older adults. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in 2019 with 100 older adults in a public hospital from Paraíba, Brazil. A semi-structured instrument and the Barthel Index were used, with diagnoses being listed from the ICNP©. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. Results: total dependence was associated with Impaired ability to perform oral hygiene, Impaired ability to perform hygiene, and Impaired mobility in bed. Severe dependence was associated with Impaired ability to perform oral hygiene, Impaired ability to perform hygiene, Impaired ability to dress, Impaired mobility, and Impaired mobility in bed. Conclusion: the diagnoses identified provide support for planning and implementing Nursing care aimed at shorter hospitalization times, preventing unfavorable health outcomes and ensuring comprehensive and individualized care for the population.

Ann Ig ; 32(1): 38-49, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31713575


INTRODUCTION: Self-care is a key for people with diabetes mellitus (DM) to avoid severe complications and to maintain quality of life. Person-centered and accurate nursing care plans can help nurses to deliver effective self-care promotion interventions. Few studies focused on nursing diagnoses that are specific for diabetes self-care education, and none of them used the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP). International Catalogues of ICNP nursing diagnoses are missing in this field. AIMS: To identify the ICNP nursing diagnoses that are useful to promote self-care in people with DM; to describe the prevalence of ICNP nursing diagnoses in self-care of people with DM. METHODS: A subset of 55 ICNP nursing diagnoses was developed based on the Middle Range Theory of Self-care of Chronic Illness, and most recent diabetes clinical guidelines. Then, the subset was tested through a multicenter cross-sectional design involving a consecutive sample of 170 adults with confirmed diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 DM. Data were collected by medical records, physical examinations and semi-structured interviews. RESULTS: 1343 nursing diagnoses were identified, with an average of 8 nursing diagnoses per patient. The 100% of the nursing diagnoses were described using the pre-developed subset. Overall, the five prevalent nursing diagnoses were: Body weight problem (56.4%), Non adherence to immunization regime (53.5%), Conflicting attitude toward dietary regime (41.7%), Impaired weight monitoring (39.4%), and Lack of knowledge about blood glucose diagnostic test result (32.3%). Nursing diagnoses by self-care maintenance, monitoring and management were also described. CONCLUSIONS: A huge amount of nursing diagnoses was identified suggesting the need of intensive education. Clinicians and administrators can use this subset to improve the accuracy of the documentation of diabetes care. In Public Health, the subset can be used to assess the cost-effectiveness of diabetes healthcare services. Future research is needed to assess the effectiveness of this subset in settings that are different from the one where it was developed. Finally, this subset could be a starting point to develop and International ICNP Catalogue for diabetes care.

Diabetes Mellitus/enfermería , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , Diagnóstico de Enfermería/clasificación , Autocuidado , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería , Glucemia/análisis , Peso Corporal , Estudios Transversales , Escolaridad , Femenino , Humanos , Inmunización/estadística & datos numéricos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Diagnóstico de Enfermería/estadística & datos numéricos , Cooperación del Paciente/estadística & datos numéricos
Int J Nurs Knowl ; 31(1): 19-36, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31743604


BACKGROUND: Nursing classification systems are used to report nursing practices and maintain a unified documentation language. Nursing interventions classification (NIC) and nursing outcomes classification (NOC) are among the recognized terminology systems. AIM: To examine the extent of reporting NIC/NOC in nursing research. DESIGN: A systematic review following PRISMA guidelines. DATA SOURCES: A literature search in three electronic databases was performed. RESULTS: A total of (18) articles were included. Nine studies were conducted to describe the commonly used NIC/NOC, six studies validated the effectiveness of classification systems, and two studies compared different nursing classification systems. CONCLUSION: The available evidence is limited by the quality of the studies. We recommend examining the use of NIC/NOC in nursing documentation using an experimental design.

Investigación en Enfermería , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Registros de Enfermería , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería
Int Nurs Rev ; 67(2): 239-248, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31762026


OBJECTIVES: The International Council of Nurses supports the development of International Classification for Nursing Practice® (ICNP®) catalogues to support the construction of electronic health records and evidence-based practice. Such a catalogue is needed for inpatient falls. METHODS: The ICNP®-Based Inpatient Fall-Prevention Catalogue ('The Catalogue') was developed following the six steps recommended by the International Council of Nurses: (1) identifying inpatient falls as a priority, (2) gathering relevant concepts from 10 international guidelines and comparing locally defined sets of fall-prevention terms, (3) mapping the concepts to the ICNP® terminology, (4) identifying new concepts, (5) conducting a clinical face validation with a 12-member panel and finalizing The Catalogue and (6) setting a strategy for dissemination. The high-level structure of the International Classification for Patient Safety was used as a theoretical framework. RESULTS: Eighteen nursing care elements and 141 terms were identified. A local vocabulary set had 89 terms (63.1%) that all corresponded to the identified terms. The exact and post-coordination mapping rates to the ICNP® were 75% and 40.6% for assessment/diagnosis/outcomes and interventions, respectively. The 54 new terms corresponded to 52 primitive concepts. An external review of The Catalogue showed that it had adequate understandability and validity. However, one-third of assessments/diagnoses/outcomes and one-fourth of interventions were not found in a tertiary hospital practice. CONCLUSION: A fall-prevention catalogue has been developed based on evidence and a theoretical framework and also clinically validated. IMPLICATION FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY: The Catalogue is a standardized interface terminology and content subset in any electronic health records system that can directly deliver evidence on fall prevention. It can also be used as an informatics tool to aggregate, analyse, interpret and compare nursing data worldwide.

Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Registros Electrónicos de Salud/normas , Atención de Enfermería/clasificación , Atención de Enfermería/normas , Seguridad del Paciente/normas , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad
Ann Ig ; 30(1): 21-33, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29215128


BACKGROUND: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) is designed to facilitate the expression of nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes. The development of the ICNP subsets may support nurses by providing appropriate terms for documenting nursing care. This project aimed to develop a subset of ICNP nursing diagnoses oriented by an Italian Nursing Conceptual Model (MPI) to describe nursing clinical data in medical and surgical acute hospital wards. STUDY DESIGN: A subset of ICNP nursing diagnoses was developed based on a literature review and on an expert consensus. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three Northern Italian hospitals to empirically test the subset in target settings. METHODS: In accordance with the guidelines adopted by the International Council of Nursing, the study followed the process for developing an ICNP subset. Twelve expert nurses from clinical settings and nursing education in surgical and medical care participated in a Delphi method to further validate the subset. A cross-mapping process has been implemented and the prevalence of diagnoses was described. Data were collected from healthcare documentation of admitted patients, including, retrospectively, nursing clinical data from the patients' admission date to the time of data collection. RESULTS: Documentation from 476 admitted patients was analysed: 228 were from surgical and 248 from medical wards. 24,142 nursing diagnoses were detected consulting retrospectively each documentation. A total number of 21,401 nursing diagnoses (88%) were fully mapped by the ICNP subset. CONCLUSION: Results showed a high capability of ICNP terminology to describe nursing care in acute medical and surgical areas in Italian hospitals. The identified subset of ICNP diagnoses could be a valuable way to support a computerized documentation system for hospitals using MPI and ICNP. Results could be used to start revising nursing education programs in order to introduce this nursing standardized terminology combining it with the nursing conceptual model in use.

Modelos de Enfermería , Diagnóstico de Enfermería , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Unidades Hospitalarias , Humanos , Italia , Masculino , Servicio de Cirugía en Hospital
J Clin Nurs ; 26(3-4): 379-387, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27192041


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the quality of the advanced nursing process in nursing documentation in two hospitals. BACKGROUND: Various standardised terminologies are employed by nurses worldwide, whether for teaching, research or patient care. These systems can improve the quality of nursing records, enable care continuity, consistency in written communication and enhance safety for patients and providers alike. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: A total of 138 records from two facilities (69 records from each facility) were analysed, one using the NANDA-International and Nursing Interventions Classification terminology (Centre 1) and one the International Classification for Nursing Practice (Centre 2), by means of the Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes instrument. Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes scores range from 0-58 points. Nursing records were dated 2012-2013 for Centre 1 and 2010-2011 for Centre 2. RESULTS: Centre 1 had a Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes score of 35·46 (±6·45), whereas Centre 2 had a Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes score of 31·72 (±4·62) (p < 0·001). Centre 2 had higher scores in the 'Nursing Diagnoses as Process' dimension, whereas in the 'Nursing Diagnoses as Product', 'Nursing Interventions' and 'Nursing Outcomes' dimensions, Centre 1 exhibited superior performance; acceptable reliability values were obtained for both centres, except for the 'Nursing Interventions' domain in Centre 1 and the 'Nursing Diagnoses as Process' and 'Nursing Diagnoses as Product' domains in Centre 2. CONCLUSION: The quality of nursing documentation was superior at Centre 1, although both facilities demonstrated moderate scores considering the maximum potential score of 58 points. Reliability analyses showed satisfactory results for both standardised terminologies. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nursing leaders should use a validated instrument to investigate the quality of nursing records after implementation of standardised terminologies.

Diagnóstico de Enfermería/normas , Proceso de Enfermería/normas , Registros de Enfermería/normas , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería , Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Diagnóstico de Enfermería/clasificación , Investigación en Evaluación de Enfermería , Proceso de Enfermería/clasificación , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Vocabulario Controlado
Int J Med Inform ; 94: 215-21, 2016 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27573329


BACKGROUND: In the era of evidenced based healthcare, nursing is required to demonstrate that care provided by nurses is associated with optimal patient outcomes, and a high degree of quality and safety. The use of standardized nursing terminologies and classification systems are a way that nursing documentation can be leveraged to generate evidence related to nursing practice. Several widely-reported nursing specific terminologies and classifications systems currently exist including the Clinical Care Classification System, International Classification for Nursing Practice(®), Nursing Intervention Classification, Nursing Outcome Classification, Omaha System, Perioperative Nursing Data Set and NANDA International. However, the influence of these systems on demonstrating the value of nursing and the professions' impact on quality, safety and patient outcomes in published research is relatively unknown. PURPOSE: This paper seeks to understand the use of standardized nursing terminology and classification systems in published research, using the International Classification for Nursing Practice(®) as a case study. METHODS: A systematic review of international published empirical studies on, or using, the International Classification for Nursing Practice(®) were completed using Medline and the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature. RESULTS: Since 2006, 38 studies have been published on the International Classification for Nursing Practice(®). The main objectives of the published studies have been to validate the appropriateness of the classification system for particular care areas or populations, further develop the classification system, or utilize it to support the generation of new nursing knowledge. To date, most studies have focused on the classification system itself, and a lesser number of studies have used the system to generate information about the outcomes of nursing practice. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the published literature that features the International Classification for Nursing Practice, standardized nursing terminology and classification systems appear to be well developed for various populations, settings and to harmonize with other health-related terminology systems. However, the use of the systems to generate new nursing knowledge, and to validate nursing practice is still in its infancy. There is an opportunity now to utilize the well-developed systems in their current state to further what is know about nursing practice, and how best to demonstrate improvements in patient outcomes through nursing care.

Edición , Investigación , Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería , Humanos
Int J Med Inform ; 84(9): 667-74, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26013157


OBJECTIVES: There are several hospitals in Korea that introduced the ICNP (International Classification for Nursing Practice) as the standard terminology for clinical and home care nursing. This research attempted to determine the appropriateness of ICNP in Korean, hospital based, home care nursing. METHODS: The data was collected from a home care nursing center from January 1, 2009 to September 21, 2012. The center is operated by a Korean teaching hospital equipped with an ICNP based electronic nursing record (ENR) system. Via a refining process, 40,082 simplified sentences of nursing intervention were acquired from 41,158 nursing records. Among them, 545 preferred nursing statements were extracted, then mapped, to ICNP 2011 at both axis and sentence levels. RESULTS: The mapping results were classified into three categories based on the axis of concept origin and the level of hierarchy. These categories were titled: complete, incomplete and no mapping. Out of 45 unique concepts in the action axis, 42 (93.33%) concepts were completely mapped. However, only 38 (15.08%), out of 252 unique concepts, were completely mapped in the focus axis. At the statement level, only 19.63% of statements were completely mapped. CONCLUSIONS: The ICNP is not useful as a tool for home care nursing in its present form. The granularity of ICNP has to be improved and more concepts, specific to home care nursing, need to be added in the focus and action axes. Also, a new measure needs to be introduced to prevent information loss during mapping.

Servicios de Atención de Salud a Domicilio/normas , Cuidados de Enfermería en el Hogar , Sistemas de Registros Médicos Computarizados , Planificación de Atención al Paciente/organización & administración , Hospitales de Enseñanza , Humanos , República de Corea
J Biomed Inform ; 49: 213-20, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24632297


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of overlap between the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) and the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT), with a specific focus on nursing problems, as a first step towards harmonization of content between the two terminologies. METHODS: Work within this study was divided across two ICNP subsets. The first subset (n=238) was made up of ICNP diagnosis/outcome concepts that had been included in previous experimental mapping activities with Clinical Care Classification (CCC) and NANDA-International (NANDA-I). These ICNP concepts and their equivalent concepts within CCC and NANDA-I were used within the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) framework to derive automatically candidate mappings to SNOMED-CT for validation by two reviewers. The second subset (n=565) included all other ICNP diagnosis/outcome concepts plus those concepts from the first subset where the candidate mappings were rejected. Mappings from the second subset to SNOMED-CT were manually identified independently by the same two reviewers. Differences between the reviewers were resolved through discussion. The observed agreement between the two reviewers was calculated along with the inter-rater reliability using Cohen's Kappa (κ). RESULTS: For the first semi-automated mapping, according to the two reviewers the great majority of ICNP concepts (91.6%) correctly mapped to SNOMED-CT in UMLS. There was a good level of agreement between the reviewers in this part of the exercise (κ=0.7). For the second manual mapping, nearly two-thirds of ICNP concepts (61.4%) could not be mapped to any SNOMED-CT concept. There was only a moderate level of agreement between the reviewers (κ=0.45). While most of the mappings were one-to-one mappings, there were ambiguities in both terminologies which led to difficulties. The absence of mappings was due to a large extent to differences in content coverage, although lexical variations and semantic differences also played a part. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated a degree of overlap between ICNP and SNOMED-CT; it also identified significant differences in content coverage. The results from the semi-automated mapping were encouraging, particularly for 'older' ICNP content. The results from the manual mapping were less favorable suggesting a need for further enhancement of both terminologies, content development within SNOMED-CT and further research on mechanisms for harmonization.

Proceso de Enfermería , Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
J Transcult Nurs ; 24(4): 332-9, 2013 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24014487


PURPOSE: This study aimed to describe the nursing interventions that nurses in Thailand identify as most important in promoting dignified dying. DESIGN: This study used a cross-sectional descriptive design. METHOD: A total of 247 Thai nurses completed a paper-and-pencil survey written in Thai. The survey included both demographic questions and palliative care interventions, listed with summative rating scales, from the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) catalogue Palliative Care for Dignified Dying. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. FINDINGS: The five most important nursing interventions to promote dignified dying, ranked by average importance rating, were (a) maintain dignity and privacy, (b) establish trust, (c) manage pain, (d) establish rapport, and (e) manage dyspnea. CONCLUSIONS: This research identified the palliative care nursing interventions considered most important by nurses in Thailand to promote dignified dying. IMPLICATIONS: The ICNP catalogue Palliative Care for Dignified Dying can be used for planning and managing palliative nursing care in Thailand.

Enfermería de Cuidados Paliativos al Final de la Vida , Adulto , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Relaciones Enfermero-Paciente , Manejo del Dolor/enfermería , Derecho a Morir , Tailandia , Adulto Joven
Healthc Inform Res ; 17(3): 156-61, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22084810


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to explore possibility of information sharing between the medical and nursing domains. METHODS: Narrative medical records of 281 hospitalization days of 36 gastrectomy patients were decomposed into single-meaning statements. These single-meaning statements were combined into unique statements by removing semantically redundant statements. Concepts from the statements describing patients' problem and medical procedures were mapped to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) and International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) concepts. RESULTS: A total 4,717 single-meaning statements were collected and these single-meaning statements were combined into 858 unique statements. Out of 677 unique statements describing patients' problems and medical procedures, about 85.5% statements were fully mapped to SNOMED CT. The remaining statements were partially mapped. In the mapping to the ICNP concepts, 17.4% of unique statements were fully mapped, 62.8% were partially mapped, and 19.8% were not mapped. About 32.3% of 705 concepts extracted from the statements were mapped to both SNOMED CT and ICNP concepts. CONCLUSIONS: These mapping results suggest that physicians' narrative medical records can be structured and can be used for electronic medical record system, and also it is possible for medicine and nursing to share patient care information.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-52873


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to explore possibility of information sharing between the medical and nursing domains. METHODS: Narrative medical records of 281 hospitalization days of 36 gastrectomy patients were decomposed into single-meaning statements. These single-meaning statements were combined into unique statements by removing semantically redundant statements. Concepts from the statements describing patients' problem and medical procedures were mapped to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) and International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) concepts. RESULTS: A total 4,717 single-meaning statements were collected and these single-meaning statements were combined into 858 unique statements. Out of 677 unique statements describing patients' problems and medical procedures, about 85.5% statements were fully mapped to SNOMED CT. The remaining statements were partially mapped. In the mapping to the ICNP concepts, 17.4% of unique statements were fully mapped, 62.8% were partially mapped, and 19.8% were not mapped. About 32.3% of 705 concepts extracted from the statements were mapped to both SNOMED CT and ICNP concepts. CONCLUSIONS: These mapping results suggest that physicians' narrative medical records can be structured and can be used for electronic medical record system, and also it is possible for medicine and nursing to share patient care information.

Humanos , Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Gastrectomía , Hospitalización , Difusión de la Información , Gestión de la Información , Registros Médicos , Atención al Paciente , Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine , Vocabulario Controlado
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-157015


The purpose of this study was to seek the approach structuring the descriptive nursing documents and using the terminology as controlled vocabula ry in elec tronic nursing r ecord through the analysis of contents re corded in paper-based nursing documentation forms with the International Classification for Nursing Practice(ICNP). Sixty three patients'nursing re cords, corresponding to documents of 395 days of a teaching Hospital in Seoul were used. From the chart review of the 5 nursing record forms; Nurses'note, Deliver y Floor Nur sing Record I, II, Nur sing History Record(Mate rnity), Nur sing Discha rge Plan(Maternity), na rrative da ta and formatted data wer e collecte d and analyzed separately. Na rrative data were broke down semantically into single sentences and classified according to the semantics. Formatted data were summarized by concepts from the nursing forms'items. Fourteen thousand seven hundred twenty-seven statements and sixty-three items were analyzed. In the process of decomposing the narrative data into single statements, a constant pattern of contents like the nursing process and some contextual information, such as the other health professions'behaviors or plans which were not classified in nursing phenomena or actions, were found. The 14,727 statements were represented into 237 unique statements and decomposed into 259 unique concepts. Among those 39.8%(103) were identified as local vocabulary, which represents the concrete concepts in detail in the maternity nursing field. In the analysis of 48 formatted items, 23(47.9%) concepts were local vocabulary. These study findings implied the effective method of structuring the narrative nursing documents and supported the importance of identifying the local vocabulary in terminology of ICNP based approach to improve and complement the expressiveness of clinical practice in detail enough.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-218134


The purpose of this study was to develop and test the validity of standardized Korean nomenclature of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP), developed by the International Council of Nursing (ICN). The four phases of the study were: (1) Two professors and 15 graduate students translated who were taking a nursing intervention course, translated nursing phenomena and nursing action of the ICNP into Korean; (2) 12 nurses with various clinical backgrounds reviewed the nomenclature taking into consideration of the definition, and contents for each Korean nursing terminology, and the Delphi method was used to determine the best appropriate nomenclature for each terminology; (3) 20 academic and clinical experts in nursing were given a questionnaire to rate the validity of each Korean nomenclature using a 5 point Likert scale ranging from very inappropriate to very appropriate; (4) five members of the Korean Nurses Association Research Committee reviewed the survey results and determined the most appropriate Korean nomenclature for each nursing phenomena and activity of the ICNP. Most nomenclature of the ICNP had a score of more than 4.0, but four nursing phenomena had a score between 3.5 and 4.0: Unilateral neglect(3.86), Care Giver strain (3.86), Health denial(3.86), Health Adjustment (3.86) and draining(2.63) . In nursing activity 726 items, except for twelve items, had a score of over 4.0: Drainage(2.63) Weaning(3.13), Caring(3.75), Cold Wrapping(3.63), distraction Technique(3.57), drawing(3.88), Establishing Report with(3.5), Heating Wrapping(3.5), Manipulating(3.75), Performing(3.88), Reading material(3.75) and Restricting(3.75).

Humanos , Cuidadores , Clasificación , Calefacción , Calor , Enfermería