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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33624245


The Web of Science Core Collection platform was used to withdraw the papers included in this study. The studied period comprised from inception till 2018. Trends in research, journals of publication, subject areas of research, keywords most frequently used, countries of publication, international collaboration, and trends of funding research were also analyzed. A total of 3902 articles were published, most of them (52.5%) during the five-year period 2014-2018. The area with the highest number of papers was environmental sciences (41%), followed by energy fuels (16.6%) and engineering environmental (15.7%). "Nitrous oxide emissions" was the most frequent word, followed by "Carbon dioxide emissions" and "Methane emissions". Other words that stood out were "Life cycle assessment", "Climate change" and "Environmental impacts". The United States was the country with the highest productivity (27.9%), followed by China (12.8%) and the United Kingdom (9.6%). There was a concentration of research in recent years, as more than 80% of the papers were published in the last 10 years. The journals that published the largest number of publications were devoted mainly to environmental studies (sciences and engineering), sustainable and green science and technology, energy and fuels, economics, and agriculture. Half of the works were published in Europe and the other half between North America and Asia. Two thirds of the works (67%) were financed compared to a third that were not financed. The percentage of funded works has been increasing over the last decade, which is seen as an indication of the importance of GHGE.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30899326


OBJECTIVE: There is a well-documented link between child maltreatment and poor health across the lifespan. This provides a strong case for ongoing research with youth involved in the child welfare system to reduce negative outcomes and support resilience while being inclusive of youth voices. However, detailed inquiries about maltreatment history and health consequences may cause re-experiencing of events and psychological distress for study participants. Data that accounts for different contexts, such as severity of maltreatment history and current trauma symptomatology, have been limited in considering the question of potential harms to youth who participate in research-especially longitudinal studies. METHODS: This study compared self-reported impact of research participation against maltreatment history and current post-traumatic stress symptomatology among a randomly selected group of adolescents (< 18 years old) in the child protection service (CPS) system. RESULTS: Adolescents who report more serious child maltreatment and current trauma symptom severity reported higher scores on distress questions from pre- to post-assessment participation. Critically, participants who were more negatively impacted by study involvement also reported greater benefit from study involvement. CONCLUSION: The increase in both negative and positive impact does not shift the risk/reward ratio for participation, as risks alone do not increase for this vulnerable group of CPS involved youth. These results are consistent with previous findings from studies involving non-CPS populations and underlies the importance of empirical data to address the question of change in the risk/reward ratio and what factors might play a role in any change. This information can inform inclusion/exclusion criteria for future research with these vulnerable populations, thereby reducing the risk of distress among study participants.