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Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230010


El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar similitudes entre la labor desarrollada y las competencias enfermeras que Florence Nightingale y Carmen Angoloti prestaron durante la Guerra de Crimea y la Guerra del Rif respectivamente. Se ha realizado una revisión documental incluyendo biografías, memorias y periódicos de la época. Según metodología histórica, resulta en un estudio original de interés por el método analítico-sintético. Se ha podido constatar la relevancia del papel de ambas profesionales en la evolución de la profesión enfermera y su implantación en España, así como la evolución de la imagen social y relevancia de la enfermería de una época a otra. Se aprecian semejanzas como la importancia del apoyo monárquico para desarrollar la misión sanitaria, el desorden encontrado en los hospitales, establecimiento de reglas básicas de salud pública, orientación de los cuidados para cubrir las necesidades básicas de los heridos o las labores desempeñadas de gestión y administración de recursos (AU)

The aim of this thesis is to identify similarities between the work and nursing skills of Florence Nightingale and Carmen Angoloti during the Crimean War and the Rif War. A documentary review has been carried out, including biographies, memoirs and newspapers of the time. According to the historical methodology, it is an original study of interest through the analytical-synthetic method. The relevance of the role of both professionals in the evolution of the nursing profession and its establishment in Spain has been confirmed, as well as the evolution of the social image and relevance of nursing from one period to another. Similarities can be identified, such as the importance of monarchical support in the development of the health mission, the disorder found in hospitals, the establishment of basic public health rules, the orientation of care to meet the basic needs of the wounded and the work carried out in the management and administration of resources (AU)

Humanos , Historia de la Enfermería , Guerra/historia , Federación de Rusia
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-ADZ-373


El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar similitudes entre la labor desarrollada y las competencias enfermeras que Florence Nightingale y Carmen Angoloti prestaron durante la Guerra de Crimea y la Guerra del Rif respectivamente. Se ha realizado una revisión documental incluyendo biografías, memorias y periódicos de la época. Según metodología histórica, resulta en un estudio original de interés por el método analítico-sintético. Se ha podido constatar la relevancia del papel de ambas profesionales en la evolución de la profesión enfermera y su implantación en España, así como la evolución de la imagen social y relevancia de la enfermería de una época a otra. Se aprecian semejanzas como la importancia del apoyo monárquico para desarrollar la misión sanitaria, el desorden encontrado en los hospitales, establecimiento de reglas básicas de salud pública, orientación de los cuidados para cubrir las necesidades básicas de los heridos o las labores desempeñadas de gestión y administración de recursos. (AU)

The aim of this thesis is to identify similarities between the work and nursing skills of Florence Nightingale and Carmen Angoloti during the Crimean War and the Rif War. A documentary review has been carried out, including biographies, memoirs and newspapers of the time. According to the historical methodology, it is an original study of interest through the analytical-synthetic method. The relevance of the role of both professionals in the evolution of the nursing profession and its establishment in Spain has been confirmed, as well as the evolution of the social image and relevance of nursing from one period to another. Similarities can be identified, such as the importance of monarchical support in the development of the health mission, the disorder found in hospitals, the establishment of basic public health rules, the orientation of care to meet the basic needs of the wounded and the work carried out in the management and administration of resources. (AU)

Humanos , Guerra de Crimea , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Historia , Sociedades , Salud Pública
Metas enferm ; 25(10): 14-22, dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-213281


Objetivo: describir la percepción actual que tiene la sociedad sobre la Enfermería y conocer cómo ha variado la representación de la profesión enfermera en el imaginario social con la situación de emergencia sanitaria de COVID-19. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal en población general y en profesionales sanitarios, captados a través de muestreo no probabilístico (el tamaño muestral alcanzado, n= 1.109, arrojó una precisión absoluta de 2,94%), a través de un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc. Resultados: la Enfermería fue considerada una profesión dedicada al cuidado e imprescindible dentro de la sanidad (83,7%), pero poco reconocida socialmente (53,8%), mal remunerada (48,4%) y percibida como profesión de riesgo (93,3%). A sus profesionales se les atribuía formación de grado universitario (84,8%) y su cualidad más destacable era el conocimiento (85,2%). El estereotipo mayoritario era el de una mujer (92,8%), de mediana edad (53,9%), que vestía “pijama” sanitario (85,3%). El 52,4% creía que la pandemia de COVID-19 había cambiado su percepción de la Enfermería; a sus profesionales les reconocían su relevancia, valorando su desempeño positivamente, inspirándoles sentimientos de admiración y respeto. Conclusiones: la Enfermería ha sido considerada una profesión dedicada al cuidado e imprescindible dentro de la sanidad, pero poco reconocida socialmente, mal remunerada y percibida como profesión de riesgo. La experiencia de emergencia sanitaria ha dado visibilidad a los cuidados enfermeros. La pandemia COVID-19 ha influido positivamente en la imagen social de la Enfermería, revalorizándola como profesión.(AU)

Objective: to describe the current perception of Nursing by society, and to understand how the representation of the Nursing profession in the social consciousness has changed with the healthcare emergency scenario of COVID-19. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study in the overall population and healthcare professionals, recruited through non-probabilistic sampling (the sample size achieved, n= 1.109, delivered absolute accuracy of 2,94%), through a questionnaire designed ad hoc. Results: Nursing was considered a profession devoted to care and essential within the healthcare system (83.7%), but with low social recognition (53.8%), underpaid (48.4%) and perceived as a high-risk profession (93.3%). These professionals were considered to have university degree education (84.8%), and their most outstanding quality was knowledge (85.2%). The stereotype profile was a woman (92.8%), middle-aged (53.9%), wearing sanitary “pyjamas” (85.3%). 52.4% of the sample believed that the COVID-19 pandemic had changed their perception of Nursing; the importance of these professionals was acknowledged, and their performance was valued positively, inspiring feelings of admiration and respect towards them. Conclusions: Nursing has been considered a profession devoted to care and essential within the healthcare system, but with low social recognition, underpaid, and perceived as a high-risk profession. The healthcare emergency experience has given visibility to nursing care. There has been a positive impact by the COVID-19 pandemic upon the social image of Nursing, revaluing it as a profession.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Percepción Social , Enfermería , Pandemias , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Opinión Pública , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Index enferm ; 31(3): [e13987], 2022.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-209011


Objetivo: Describir la imagen social de la enfermería durante la primera oleada de pandemia por Covid-19 a través de la prensa escrita generalista y especializada. Metodología: Estudio documental cualitativo descriptivo, análisis realizado bajo la teoría de Moscovici. Selección 95 noticias del 15 marzo a 15 de mayo. Se descartaron artículos con alusión puntual a las enfermeras o al personal sanitario general. Se incluyeron finalmente 37 noticias prensa general y 40 prensa especializada. Extracción de datos siguiendo 8 indicadores: lenguaje verbal, imágenes, grado trascendencia y difusión de la información, ámbito, personas implicadas, por qué trasciende la información, identificación de juicios por parte de los autores y elementos de construcción social. Resultados: Prensa general: 94,5% lenguaje periodístico frente 5,5% científico-divulgativo. Uso mayoritario del masculino, centradas en la actividad asistencial. Las principales categorías emergentes fueron: ámbito de trabajo/profesión (43,75%), contexto/entorno (34,71%), emociones (13,88%) y patrones de conocimiento (7,64%). Conclusiones: Las noticias publicadas en prensa generalista incorporan una visión reduccionista de la enfermera sobre su desempeño profesional, aunque le otorgan un gran valor social. Es necesario lograr el reconocimiento del rol autónomo, así como la visibilización de todos los campos de actuación. Se evidencia como un recurso necesario, a la vez que escaso, para la viabilidad del sistema de salud y los cuidados de la población.(AU)

Objective: Describe the image of nursing during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic through the generalist and specialized written press. Methods: Descriptive qualitative documentary study, analysis carried out under Moscovici's theory. 95 news items published from March 15 to May 15 were selected. Articles that made specific references to nurses or dealt with health personnel in general were discarded. In a second selection phase, 36 news from the general press and 40 from the specialized press were included for the analysis. Data were extracted taking into account 8 indicators: verbal language, images, degree of importance and dissemination of the information, scope, people involved, why the information transcends, identification of judgments by the authors and elements of social construction. Results: General press: 94.5% journalistic language compared to 5.5% scientific-informative. Majority use of masculine, focused on care activity. The main emerging categories were: field of work/profession (43.75%), context/environment (34.71%), emotions (13.88%) and knowledge patterns (7.64%). Conclusions: The news published in the general press incorporates a reductionist view of the nurse regarding their professional performance, although they give it great social value. It is necessary to achieve recognition of the autonomous role as well as the visibility of all fields of action. It is evidenced as a necessary resource, as well as scarce, for the viability of the health system and the care of the population.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pandemias , Betacoronavirus , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Coronavirus Relacionado al Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo , 50135 , Personal de Enfermería , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Mujeres , Personal de Salud , Enfermería , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Investigación Cualitativa
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-128449


Este trabajo busca ser una contribución al estudio social de la adolescencia tomando como referente de análisis al psicoanálisis de adolescentes. Se plantea que el psicoanálisis de adolescentes no es totalmente homogéneo sino que alberga perspectivas muchas veces contradictorias entre sí. Hay incluso distintas vertientes dentro de los autores estudiados: Winnicott (1972) aportando una visión sociológica del adolescente, Erikson (2009) una visión adaptacionista; Blos (1978) una visión desarrollista, Dolto (1990) una visión antropológica y Aulagnier (1991) una visión historicista. Sin embargo, este cuerpo teórico ha sido fundamental para legitimar y establecer determinadas imágenes de lo que se considera o no adolescente. Se analizan de esta manera algunos autores (Freud, Anna Freud, Blos, Erikson, Winnicott, otros) desde la perspectiva de intentar comprender las consecuencias de sus opiniones en términos de imágenes psicoanalíticas y sociales. Se privilegian diferentes dimensiones de las mismas (homeostático, anti-homeostático; mesianismo, transgresión; mundo a construir, mundo derrumbándose). Se podría incluso sugerir que lo que caracteriza estas imágenes adolescentes es lo ambiguo: sexualidad y no sexualidad, actividad y pasividad, seducción y seducido. Ambiguo en el sentido de la imposibilidad de establecer límites definidos entre dichos aspectos, prevaleciendo la continuidad entre ellos más que la ambivalencia o la polaridad nítida entre los mismos. Se concluye que las imágenes adolescentes son ambiguas, además, porque la propia construcción social del adolescente ha sido altamente compleja y diversa (Klein, 2006), relacionada con múltiples factores sociales. Pero además aparece lo ambiguo desde otra dimensión: se repudia tanto como se desea, se rechaza tanto como se necesita el poder transgresivo y revitalizante de las imágenes adolescentes.(AU)

This paper looks for to be a contribution to the social study of adolescence taking as reference the psychoanalysis of adolescents. It is argued that the psychoanalysis of adolescents is not fully homogeneous but contains perspectives often contradictory. There are even different aspects within the studied authors: Winnicott providing a sociological view of adolescents, Erikson an adaptation perspective, Blos a developmental vision, Dolto an anthropological view, and Aulagnier a historicist approach. However, this theoretical framework has been instrumental in legitimizing and establishing certain images of what is or is not adolescence. As it will be indicated is possible to find a significant swing in the literature on adolescence, from simplified models to others that account an interesting variety of nuances. Freud himself joint both perspectives: from the characterization of nachtrõglich as psychic process complexity, until the puberty as taming instinctual position on adolescence, his position is wide and open to multiple readings. Since this perspective are analyzed some authors trying to understand the consequences of their perspectives in terms of psychoanalytic and social images. However there is something that is shared by the cited authors: a great difficulty to understand the adolescents insert within a larger process, involving parents, institutions, society. The bibliography references remains as general feature, from our perspective, in the consolidation of a model of adolescent-type unmarked with social or cultural references, which is, as we shall see, also a decisive adolescent’s social image. Different dimensions of these images are privileged (homeostatic - anti-homeostatic; messianism - transgression; world building - collapse world). It could even suggest that what characterized these adolescents’ images is the ambiguity: sexuality and non sexuality, activity and passivity, seduction and seduced. Ambiguous in the sense of the impossibility of establish defined boundaries between these aspects, prevailing the continuity between them, more than the ambivalence or the clear polarity. Our hypothesis suggests an extension of such analysis, focusing not so much on the binary dualistic but rather in the ambiguous and indeterminate. As developed, the adolescent’s images reflect an immense burden of ambiguity between messianism and transgression or between the homeostatic and the anti-homeostatic. There are not clear boundaries between them but rather uncertainty and permanent oscillated passage from one to another image, which simultaneously generates a paradoxical effect: both images are possible without the need to choose one or other. Adolescence thus becomes necessary to restore the forward sense and the overcome of the difficulties of society. If the disorder becomes something necessary to restore order, this adolescent’s image that almost imperceptibly tilts between homeostatic and anti-homeostatic, between been messianism and transgression, represents the aspiration that from barbarism, the unreasonable and uncontrolled, they could be restored civilization, civility and good manners. Adolescence is not only place of loss,the wear of the irretrievable homeostatic economy, but also a vital testing ground on how to stop this transitory madness avoiding the irreversible loss of energy and danger of the world’s entry into the age of darkness, apathy or lack of control.The wear of the irretrievable homeostatic economy, but also a vital testing on how to stop this transitory madness avoiding the irreversible loss of energy and the danger of the world’s entry into an age of darkness, apathy or lack of control. The adult which each adolescent finally become thus binds to an image of the world. It is concluded that these adolescents’ images are ambiguous also because the social construction of the adolescent is highly complex and diverse, related to social multiple factors. But also appears the ambiguous from another dimension: it repudiates much as desired, is rejected as is required both the transgressive and the revitalizing power of these adolescents’ images.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-694739


Este trabajo busca ser una contribución al estudio social de la adolescencia tomando como referente de análisis al psicoanálisis de adolescentes. Se plantea que el psicoanálisis de adolescentes no es totalmente homogéneo sino que alberga perspectivas muchas veces contradictorias entre sí. Hay incluso distintas vertientes dentro de los autores estudiados: Winnicott (1972) aportando una visión sociológica del adolescente, Erikson (2009) una visión adaptacionista; Blos (1978) una visión desarrollista, Dolto (1990) una visión antropológica y Aulagnier (1991) una visión historicista. Sin embargo, este cuerpo teórico ha sido fundamental para legitimar y establecer determinadas imágenes de lo que se considera o no adolescente. Se analizan de esta manera algunos autores (Freud, Anna Freud, Blos, Erikson, Winnicott, otros) desde la perspectiva de intentar comprender las consecuencias de sus opiniones en términos de imágenes psicoanalíticas y sociales. Se privilegian diferentes dimensiones de las mismas (homeostático, anti-homeostático; mesianismo, transgresión; mundo a construir, mundo derrumbándose). Se podría incluso sugerir que lo que caracteriza estas imágenes adolescentes es lo ambiguo: sexualidad y no sexualidad, actividad y pasividad, seducción y seducido. Ambiguo en el sentido de la imposibilidad de establecer límites definidos entre dichos aspectos, prevaleciendo la continuidad entre ellos más que la ambivalencia o la polaridad nítida entre los mismos. Se concluye que las imágenes adolescentes son ambiguas, además, porque la propia construcción social del adolescente ha sido altamente compleja y diversa (Klein, 2006), relacionada con múltiples factores sociales. Pero además aparece lo ambiguo desde otra dimensión: se repudia tanto como se desea, se rechaza tanto como se necesita el poder transgresivo y revitalizante de las imágenes adolescentes.

This paper looks for to be a contribution to the social study of adolescence taking as reference the psychoanalysis of adolescents. It is argued that the psychoanalysis of adolescents is not fully homogeneous but contains perspectives often contradictory. There are even different aspects within the studied authors: Winnicott providing a sociological view of adolescents, Erikson an adaptation perspective, Blos a developmental vision, Dolto an anthropological view, and Aulagnier a historicist approach. However, this theoretical framework has been instrumental in legitimizing and establishing certain images of what is or is not adolescence. As it will be indicated is possible to find a significant swing in the literature on adolescence, from simplified models to others that account an interesting variety of nuances. Freud himself joint both perspectives: from the characterization of nachträglich as psychic process complexity, until the puberty as taming instinctual position on adolescence, his position is wide and open to multiple readings. Since this perspective are analyzed some authors trying to understand the consequences of their perspectives in terms of psychoanalytic and social images. However there is something that is shared by the cited authors: a great difficulty to understand the adolescents insert within a larger process, involving parents, institutions, society. The bibliography references remains as general feature, from our perspective, in the consolidation of a model of adolescent-type unmarked with social or cultural references, which is, as we shall see, also a decisive adolescent’s social image. Different dimensions of these images are privileged (homeostatic - anti-homeostatic; messianism - transgression; world building - collapse world). It could even suggest that what characterized these adolescents’ images is the ambiguity: sexuality and non sexuality, activity and passivity, seduction and seduced. Ambiguous in the sense of the impossibility of establish defined boundaries between these aspects, prevailing the continuity between them, more than the ambivalence or the clear polarity. Our hypothesis suggests an extension of such analysis, focusing not so much on the binary dualistic but rather in the ambiguous and indeterminate. As developed, the adolescent’s images reflect an immense burden of ambiguity between messianism and transgression or between the homeostatic and the anti-homeostatic. There are not clear boundaries between them but rather uncertainty and permanent oscillated passage from one to another image, which simultaneously generates a paradoxical effect: both images are possible without the need to choose one or other. Adolescence thus becomes necessary to restore the forward sense and the overcome of the difficulties of society. If the disorder becomes something necessary to restore order, this adolescent’s image that almost imperceptibly tilts between homeostatic and anti-homeostatic, between been messianism and transgression, represents the aspiration that from barbarism, the unreasonable and uncontrolled, they could be restored civilization, civility and good manners. Adolescence is not only place of loss,the wear of the irretrievable homeostatic economy, but also a vital testing ground on how to stop this transitory madness avoiding the irreversible loss of energy and danger of the world’s entry into the age of darkness, apathy or lack of control.The wear of the irretrievable homeostatic economy, but also a vital testing on how to stop this transitory madness avoiding the irreversible loss of energy and the danger of the world’s entry into an age of darkness, apathy or lack of control. The adult which each adolescent finally become thus binds to an image of the world. It is concluded that these adolescents’ images are ambiguous also because the social construction of the adolescent is highly complex and diverse, related to social multiple factors. But also appears the ambiguous from another dimension: it repudiates much as desired, is rejected as is required both the transgressive and the revitalizing power of these adolescents’ images.