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Circulation ; 149(6): 411-413, 2024 02 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38315763
Ene ; 18(1): 1-10, 2024.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232145


Introducción: La fundación de la Cruz Roja Española se puede remontar a la tercera Guerra Carlista, los fines, principios y el servicio de esta institución repercutieron en el desarrollo de la profesión de enfermería en la época. Objetivo: determinar la implicación de la Cruz Roja Española en la profesionalización enfermera entre 1912 y 1939. Material y método: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en los principales portales de búsqueda, así como en bibliotecas de especialización en historia de la enfermería. Resultados: la Cruz Roja Española participó en el desarrollo asistencial y formativo de la enfermería, fundando y regentando hospitales propios y hospitales de campaña para atender a los heridos surgidos de diferentes conflictos bélicos, como las propias Guerras Carlistas, la Guerra del Rif o la Guerra Civil Española. En la formación fundaron diversos Hospitales-Escuelas que impartían una formación teórico-práctica, supervisada por monjas religiosas. Conclusión: la participación de la Cruz Roja en la profesionalización enfermera radica en la colaboración, atención y asistencia de los heridos en numerosos conflictos bélicos a nivel nacional, como fueron las Guerras Carlistas, la Guerra del Rif y la Guerra Civil Española. La Cruz Roja también participó en el avance y mejora de la formación reglada hasta la época, contando con figuras como la de Dama Enfermera, Enfermeras profesionales y enfermeras especialistas. (AU)

Background: The foundation of the Spanish Red Cross can be traced back to the third Carlist War, the purposes, principles, and service of this institution had an impact on the development of the nursing profession at the time. Objective: to determine the involvement of the Spanish Red Cross in nursing professionalization between 1912 and 1939. Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out in the main search portals, as well as in specialized libraries in nursing history. Results: The Spanish Red Cross participated in the development of nursing care and training, founding and running its own hospitals and field hospitals to care for the wounded from various wars, such as the Carlist Wars themselves, the Rif War or the Spanish Civil War. In the training they founded various Hospital-Schools that provided theoretical practical training, supervised by religious nuns. Conclusion: The participation of the Red Cross in the professionalization of nursing lies in the collaboration, care, and assistance of the wounded in numerous armed conflicts at the national level, such as the Carlist Wars, the Rif War and the Spanish Civil War. The Red Cross also participated in the advancement and improvement of regulated training up to that time, with figures such as the Lady Nurse, professional nurses, and specialist nurses. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Cruz Roja/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Hospitales Militares , Enfermería Militar , Investigación en Enfermería , España
Nutr. hosp ; 40(6): 1290-1297, nov.-dic. 2023. graf, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-228516


Introducción: entre los retos epidemiológicos de la sociedad española de la primera mitad del siglo XX, destacaba el problema de la malnutrición. Aunque eran el hambre y la desnutrición las formas más prevalentes, el sobrepeso y la obesidad empezaban a emerger entre las clases acomodadas. En todos los casos y, sobre todo, en el escenario de la sobrealimentación, la cuestión no era tanto económica como de falta de conocimientos. Por esta razón, para los higienistas eran fundamentales la divulgación y la educación en alimentación y nutrición. En este ámbito, destaca la aportación del endocrinólogo catalán Jesús Noguer Moré (1903-1983). El objetivo es analizar los trabajos que dedicó a la obesidad. Material y método: análisis bibliográfico de las obras de Jesús Noguer Moré. Resultados y conclusión: consideraba la obesidad una patología de etiología multifactorial con graves consecuencias para la morbimortalidad. Intervendrían desde la genética hasta patologías previas, pasando por hábitos alimentarios y de vida inadecuados. Su abordaje terapéutico debía basarse en restricciones calóricas y actividad física. Subrayaba el papel de determinados tipos de actividades familiares o profesionales en el fomento del sobrepeso y la obesidad. En materia preventiva, resaltaba la importancia de las prácticas culinarias y gastronómicas, al mismo tiempo que hacía recaer la responsabilidad de las mismas en las amas de casa, un discurso de género que llevó a Noguer a situar a las mujeres como colectivo diana de su acción divulgadora y donde estuvo muy presente el ideal de belleza femenina vigente en el periodo de entreguerras. (AU)

Introduction: among the epidemiological challenges facing Spanish society in the first half of the 20th century, the problem of malnutrition stood out. Although hunger and malnutrition were the most prevalent forms, overweight and obesity were beginning to emerge, particularly among the wealthier classes. In all cases, and especially in the overnutrition situation, the issue was not so much economic as one of lack of knowledge. For this reason, for the hygienists, dissemination and education in food and nutrition was fundamental. In this field, the contribution of the Catalan endocrinologist Jesús Noguer Moré (1903-1983) stands out. The aim is to analyze the work he devoted to obesity. Material and methods: bibliographic analysis of the works of Jesús Noguer Moré. Results and conclusion: he considered obesity as a pathology of multifactorial etiology with serious consequences for morbidity and mortality. It would involve everything from genetics to previous pathologies, as well as inadequate dietary and lifestyle habits. Its therapeutic approach should be based on calorie restriction and physical activity. He underlined the role of certain types of family or professional activities in promoting overweight and obesity. In terms of prevention, he emphasized the importance of culinary and gastronomic practices, while at the same time placing the responsibility for these practices on housewives. A gender discourse that led Noguer to place women as the target group for his dissemination activities and where the ideal of feminine beauty in force in the inter-war period was very much present. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Desnutrición/epidemiología , Obesidad/prevención & control , Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional , España/epidemiología , Obesidad/historia , Sobrepeso , Revelación , Obesidad/tratamiento farmacológico
Acta méd. peru ; 40(3)jul. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527626


Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), an exceptional Swiss surgeon who described a technique for the safe removal of enlarged thyroid unraveled the true function of this endocrine gland but also made significant contributions to many other fields of surgery. Kocher was the first surgeon awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1909 for his work on the physiology, pathology, and surgery of the thyroid gland. He was professor and clinical director at Insel Hospital during 45 years. Kocher created the prominent Surgeon's School in Bern. He was the first president of the International Society of Surgery in 1903 and the founding president of the Swiss Society of Surgery in 1913.

Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), excepcional cirujano suizo que describió una técnica para la extirpación segura del agrandamiento del tiroides y desentrañó la verdadera función de esta glándula endocrina, pero también hizo importantes aportaciones a muchos otros campos de la cirugía. Kocher fue el primer cirujano galardonado con el premio Nobel de Fisiología y Medicina en 1909 por sus trabajos sobre la fisiología, patología y cirugía de la glándula tiroides. Fue profesor y director clínico del Hospital Insel durante 45 años. Kocher creó la destacada Escuela de Cirujanos de Berna. Fue el primer presidente de la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía en 1903 y el presidente fundador de la Sociedad Suiza de Cirugía en 1913.

Ene ; 17(3): 1-11, 2023.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231467


Introducción: La asistencia a los heridos en el campo de combate crea la necesidad de integrar de una manera razonada la medicina, la táctica militar y la enfermería, consistiendo esta última en la administración de cuidados prehospitalarios, procedimientos quirúrgicos y estabilización de los heridos. Objetivo: determinar las principales funciones de la profesión enfermera en el Ejército y la Aeronáutica Españolas entre 1855 y 1931. Material y método: se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de las principales bases de datos y motores de búsqueda científicos, así como de bibliotecas especializadas en historia de la enfermería. Los criterios de inclusión han sido: documentos que analizasen las funciones de los practicantes, enfermeros y enfermeras militares; así como su rango y escalafón. Resultados: a partir del año 1855 con la organización de la Escala Facultativa, la figura de practicante militar deja de ser una figura destinada a ser un futuro médico para incorporar funciones y responsabilidades propias. La Guerra de Marruecos implicó que la logística militar se especializase, creando aeronaves para tácticas militares con la apertura del aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos (Madrid) en 1911 y realizando la primera misión de aeroevacuación española en la misma Guerra del Rif en el año 1922. No sería hasta el año 1988 cuando la mujer se pudo incorporar al Ejército como militar profesional. Conclusión: Los aportes del ejército y aeronáutica españolas a la profesión de enfermería radican principalmente en tres grandes campos, el ámbito extrahospitalario, el ámbito de la cirugía general y vascular y el campo de la traumatología. (AU)

Background: Assistance to the wounded in the combat field creates the need to integrate medicine, military tactics and nursing in a reasoned manner, the latter consisting of the administration of prehospital care, surgical procedures and stabilization of the wounded. Objective: to determine the main functions of the nursing profession in the Spanish Army and Aeronautics between 1855 and 1931. Methods: A bibliographic review of the main scientific databases and search engines, as well as specialized libraries in the history of nursing, has been carried out. The inclusion criteria were: documents that analyzed the functions of military practitioners, nurses; as well as their rank and rank. Results: Starting in 1855 with the organization of the Facultative Scale, the figure of military practitioner ceased to be a figure destined to be a future doctor to incorporate their own functions and responsibilities. The Moroccan War implied that military logistics specialized, creating aircraft for military tactics with the opening of the Cuatro Vientos aerodrome (Madrid) in 1911 and carrying out the first Spanish air evacuation mission in the same Rif War in 1922. It would not be until 1988 when the woman was able to join the Army as a professional soldier. Conclusion: The contributions of the Spanish army and aeronautics to the nursing profession lie mainly in three large fields: the extra-hospital field, the field of general and vascular surgery, and the field of traumatology. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Enfermería Militar/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Hospitales Militares/historia , Aviación/historia , España
Cult. cuid ; 27(65): 93-104, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | IBECS | ID: ibc-218961


Objective: to analyze the construction of representations of health care in the drawings, stories and prayers inscribed in the Makuxi Tarumu leaflets. Method: This is a historical-anthropological, documentary that used elements of New Cultural History from the perspective of the Historian Roger Chartier and ethnography. The research was carried out at the Indigenous Documentation Center (IDC) in Boa Vista-RR-Brazil. The leaflet entitled Makuxi Tarumu (Makuxi Prayers), volumes I and II, of 1987 was used as the object document. Results: In the Makuxi prayers, written in the Makuxi Tarumu leaflets, the representation of care appears in all prayers in a supernatural form, where the spiritual authority makes an evocation, interfering in the natural world. The prayer and the shaman are the authorities. Conclusion: The prayers preserve remarkable features of the Makuxi culture without religious syncretism, although it was produced by the DioceseRR. (AU)

Objetivos: analizar la construcción de las representaciones del cuidado en salud en las rezas inscritas en los folletos Makuxi Tarumu. Metodología: Estudio de cuño histórico-antropológico, documental, que utilizó elementos de la Nueva Historia Cultural en la perspectiva del Historiador Roger Chartier y de la etnografía. La investigación se realizó en el Centro de Documentación Indígena (CDI) de Boa Vista-RR-Brasil. Como documento-objeto se utilizó el folleto titulado Makuxi Tarumu (Oraciones Makuxi), volúmenes I y II, de 1987. Resultados: En las oraciones Makuxi, escritas en los folletos Makuxi Tarumu, la representación del cuidado aparece en todas las oraciones de una forma sobrenatural, donde la autoridad espiritual hace una evocación, interfiriendo en el mundo natural. El rezador y el pajé son las autoridades. Conclusión: las oraciones preservan características marcadas de la cultura Makuxi sin sincretismo religioso, a pesar de haber sido producido por la Diócesis-RR (AU)

Objetivos: analisar a construção das representações do cuidado em saúde nas rezas inscritas nos folhetos Makuxi Tarumu. Metodologia: Estudo de cunho histórico-antropológico, documental, que utilizou elementos da Nova História Cultural na perspectiva do Historiador Roger Chartier e da etnografia. A pesquisa foi realizada no Centro de Documentação Indígena (CDI) de Boa VistaRR-Brasil. Como documento-objeto utilizou-se o folheto intitulado Makuxi Tarumu (Orações Makuxi), volumes I e II, de 1987. Resultados: Nas orações Makuxi, escritas nos folhetos Makuxi Tarumu, a representação do cuidado aparece em todas as orações de uma forma sobrenatural, onde a autoridade espiritual faz uma evocação, interferindo no mundo natural. O rezador e o pajé são as autoridades. Conclusão: as orações preservam características marcantes da cultura Makuxi sem sincretismo religioso, apesar de ter sido produzido pela Diocese-RR. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Antropología Cultural/historia , Catolicismo , Cosmovisión , Asistencia Sanitaria Culturalmente Competente , Asistencia Sanitaria Culturalmente Competente/etnología , Asistencia Sanitaria Culturalmente Competente/historia , Brasil/etnología
Ene ; 17(1)2023.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-226708


Introducción: Elvira López Mourín fue una enfermera profesional y militar que formó parte de la primera promoción de enfermeras profesionales de la Cruz Roja española. Se trasladó al Hospital de Melilla para atender las demandas sani tarias de la Guerra del Rif. Su participa ción en el acto del primer vuelo sanitario español la convirtió en noticia en los me dios de la época y ha permitido recupe rar su figura. Su recorrido profesional se pierde después del año 1933 cuando se incorpora como enfermera del Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército en el Hospital Militar de Urgencia de Madrid. Objetivo: determinar el curso y final profesional de la enfermera Elvira López Mourín. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en los medios electrónicos y de biblioteca disponibles. Se solicitó a los principales archivos históricos docu mentación de sus años de servicio. Se realizaron entrevistas a tres informantes y vecinos del pueblo natal de Elvira que la habían conocido. Resultados: Elvira López Mourín presta sus servicios como enfermera profesional y militar en el Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército hasta el año 1939, cuando es sometida a un Consejo de Guerra, bajo el gobierno de la dicta dura franquista, del que queda absuelta de todos los cargos. A partir del 12 de mayo de 1940 se reincorpora al Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército prestando sus servicios en el Hospital Militar de Ur gencia de Madrid hasta el 4 de septiem bre de 1958 cuando se retiró. Conclusión: el acto que rememo ra a Elvira López Mourín es su exitosa participación en la primera misión de vuelo sanitario en España. Durante su carrera profesional ejerció como enfer mera en Melilla y como parte del Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército en el Hospital Militar de Urgencia de Madrid (AU)

Background: Elvira López Mourín was a professional and military nurse who was part of the first promotion of professional nurses of the Spanish Red Cross. She moved to the Melilla Hospital to meet the health demands of the Rif War. Her participation in the act of the first Spanish sanitary flight made her news in the media of the time and has allowed her figure to be recovered. Her professional career was lost after 1933 when she joined the Army's Junior Auxi liary Corps as a nurse at the Madrid Emergency Military Hospital. Purpose: to determine the course and professional end of the nurse Elvira López Mourín. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the available electronic and library media. Documentation of his years of service was requested from the main historical archives. Interviews were conducted with three informants and re sidents of Elvira's hometown who had known her. Results: Elvira López Mourín pro vided her services as a professional and military nurse in the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army until 1939, when she was subjected to a War Council, under the government of the Franco dictators hip, from which she was acquitted of all charges. As of May 12, 1940, she rejoi ned the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army, providing her services at the Emergency Military Hospital in Madrid until September 4, 1958, when she reti red. Conclusion: the act that comme morates Elvira López Mourín is her suc cessful participation in the first medic flight mission in Spain. During her pro fessional career, she worked as a nurse in Melilla and as part of the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army at the Madrid Emergency Military Hospital. She retired at the age of 65 in 1958 and worked as a nurse during the reign of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia and the Rif War, the dic tatorship of Primo de Rivera, the go vernment of the Second Republic, the Civil War, and the government of the Franco dictatorship (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermería Militar/historia , Cruz Roja/historia , España
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(12): 1282-1285, Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439412


Abstract With the majority of eponyms being removed from disease classification systems, it is even more difficult to remember the neurologists who influenced the development of techniques and understanding of the brain over the last centuries. Determining whether Polish researchers were given similar attention to Western equivalents based on eponymic presence in medical databases is an interesting way to provide an overview of unremembered Polish neurologists. This work aims to recognize the developments of forgotten Polish neurologists, whose work, although important, was not properly appreciated over the centuries.

Resumen Con la eliminación de la mayoría de los epónimos de los sistemas de clasificación de enfermedades, es aún más difícil recordar a los neurólogos que influyeron en el desarrollo de técnicas y comprensión del cerebro durante los últimos siglos. Determinar si los investigadores polacos recibieron una atención similar a la de los equivalentes occidentales en función de la presencia de los epónimos en las bases de datos médicos es una forma interesante de proporcionar una visión general de los neurólogos polacos no recordados. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reconocer los desarrollos de los neurólogos polacos olvidados, cuyo trabajo, aunque importante, no fue debidamente apreciado a lo largo de los siglos.

J Chiropr Humanit ; 29: 44-54, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36407480


Objective: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the growth of chiropractic education globally and a chronological list of current training programs. Another purpose is to provide exemplars of enduring programs and offer suggestions for how chiropractic practitioners may celebrate education on Chiropractic Day, which is September 18. Discussion: Chiropractic education has transformed considerably over the past 125 years, and there are now 52 programs globally. We consider the 5 longest-existing chiropractic programs and propose hypotheses for what may have contributed to their durability. In addition, we offer ideas and opportunities for how chiropractic practitioners may focus on chiropractic education when celebrating the founding of the profession. Conclusion: Since its inception, chiropractic education has expanded around the world and continues to develop. Recognized accreditation agencies and testing organizations are ensuring that standards of education are established and maintained internationally. With innovation, international collaboration, and a commitment to continuous professional development, the future of chiropractic education is bright. We urge chiropractic practitioners from all over the world to celebrate these accomplishments on Chiropractic Day.

Tex Heart Inst J ; 49(2)2022 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35390164


Sixty years ago, 2 cardiac operations dramatically influenced the survival of patients with valvular heart disease. The replacement of an aortic valve by Dwight Harken and of a mitral valve by Albert Starr with mechanical caged-ball valves, both in 1960, was a true milestone in the history of cardiac surgery and the beginning of a long journey toward prosthetic valve replacement full of expectations, hopes, and dreams fulfilled. Caged-ball prostheses underwent numerous modifications in design and materials to improve reliability and prevent specific mechanical and thrombogenic complications. Clinical and pathologic experience gained during the past 6 decades has enabled the development of safe, durable, and minimally thrombogenic mechanical prostheses.

Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos , Enfermedades de las Válvulas Cardíacas , Prótesis Valvulares Cardíacas , Válvula Aórtica , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos/efectos adversos , Enfermedades de las Válvulas Cardíacas/cirugía , Humanos , Diseño de Prótesis , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
J Laryngol Otol ; 136(1): 45-48, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34794524


BACKGROUND: Since adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses was first described as an occupational disease in the woodworkers of High Wycombe, over the 50 subsequent years there has been a gradual decrease in the numbers to none over the last 12 years. Although this mirrored the decline in local industry, it seems the causative factor was first seen and then disappears over a 50-year period. METHODS: A total of 146 cases have been traced historically over this time as well as personal experience of 33 cases; these cases are reviewed and success with a new modality of treatment is discussed. CONCLUSION: This paper outlines how the disease was initially recognised, both its diagnosis and treatment development. It also describes how both the appearance and disappearance were seemingly caused by changes in manufacturing practice.

Adenocarcinoma/epidemiología , Neoplasias Nasales/epidemiología , Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Madera , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Adenocarcinoma/terapia , Inglaterra/epidemiología , Humanos , Neoplasias Nasales/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasales/terapia , Enfermedades Profesionales/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Profesionales/terapia
J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 97-116, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544149


OBJECTIVE: This is the seventh paper in a series that explores the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association (AMA) lawsuit in which the plaintiffs argued that the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and other medical specialty societies violated antitrust law by restraining chiropractors' business practices. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the lawsuit that was first filed in 1976 and concluded with the final denial of appeal in 1990. METHODS: This historical research study used a phenomenological approach to qualitative inquiry into the conflict between regular medicine and chiropractic and the events before, during, and after a legal dispute at the time of modernization of the chiropractic profession. Our methods included obtaining primary and secondary data sources. The final narrative recount was developed into 8 papers following a successive time line. This paper, the seventh of the series, considers the information of the 2 trials and the judge's decision. RESULTS: By the time the first trial began in 1980, the AMA had already changed its anti-chiropractic stance to allow medical doctors to associate with chiropractors if they wished. In the first trial, the chiropractors were not able to overcome the very stigma that organized medicine worked so hard to create over many decades, which resulted in the jury voting in favor of the AMA and other defendants. The plaintiffs, Drs Patricia Arthur, James Bryden, Michael Pedigo, and Chester Wilk, continued with their pursuit of justice. Their lawyer, Mr George McAndrews, fought for an appeal and was allowed a second trial. The second trial was a bench trial in which Judge Susan Getzendanner declared her final judgment that "the American Medical Association (AMA) and its members participated in a conspiracy against chiropractors in violation of the nation's antitrust laws." After the AMA's appeal was denied by the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 1990, the decision was declared permanent. The injunction that was ordered by the judge was published in the January 1, 1988, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. CONCLUSION: The efforts by Mr McAndrews and his legal team and the persistence of the plaintiffs and countless others in the chiropractic profession concluded in Judge Getzendanner's decision, which prevented the AMA from rebuilding barriers or developing another boycott. The chiropractic profession was ready to move into its next century.

J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 3-4, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544151


The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of Looking Back at the Lawsuit That Transformed the Chiropractic Profession, which is a series of 8 research papers that explore the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association lawsuit and how these events may have had an influence on the chiropractic profession.

J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 74-84, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544152


OBJECTIVE: This is the fifth article in a series that explores the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association (AMA) lawsuit in which the plaintiffs argued that the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and other medical specialty societies violated antitrust law by restraining chiropractors' business practices. The purpose of this article is to provide a brief review of events surrounding the eventual end of the AMA's Committee on Quackery and the exposure of evidence of the AMA's efforts to boycott the chiropractic profession. METHODS: This historical research study used a phenomenological approach to qualitative inquiry into the conflict between regular medicine and chiropractic and the events before, during, and after a legal dispute at the time of modernization of the chiropractic profession. Our methods included obtaining primary and secondary data sources. The final narrative recount was developed into 8 articles following a successive timeline. This article, the fifth of the series, explores the exposure of what the AMA had been doing, which provided evidence that was eventually used in the Wilk v AMA antitrust lawsuit. RESULTS: The prime mission of the AMA's Committee on Quackery was "first, the containment of chiropractic and, ultimately, the elimination of chiropractic." However, the committee did not complete its mission and quietly disbanded in 1974. This was the same year that the chiropractic profession finally gained licensure in all 50 of the United States; received recognition from the US Commissioner of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare; and was successfully included in Medicare. In 1975, documents reportedly obtained by the Church of Scientology covert operatives under Operation AMA Doom revealed the extent to which the AMA and its Committee on Quackery had been working to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession. The AMA actions included influencing mainstream media, decisions made by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Other actions included publishing propaganda against chiropractic and implementing an anti-chiropractic program aimed at medical students, medical societies, and the American public. CONCLUSION: After more than a decade of overt and covert actions, the AMA chose to end its Committee on Quackery. The following year, documents exposed the extent of AMA's efforts to enact its boycott of chiropractic.

J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 85-96, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544154


OBJECTIVE: This is the sixth article in a series that explores the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association (AMA) lawsuit in which the plaintiffs argued that the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and other medical specialty societies violated antitrust law by restraining chiropractors' business practices. The purpose of this article is to provide a brief review of the plaintiffs, lead lawyer, and the events immediately before the lawsuit was filed. METHODS: This historical research study used a phenomenological approach to qualitative inquiry into the conflict between regular medicine and chiropractic and the events before, during, and after a legal dispute at the time of modernization of the chiropractic profession. Our methods included obtaining primary and secondary data sources. The final narrative recount was developed into 8 articles following a successive timeline. This article, the sixth of the series, explores the plaintiffs' stories. RESULTS: Because of the AMA's boycott on chiropractic, chiropractors were not able to collaborate with medical physicians or refer patients to medical facilities, which resulted in restricted trade and potential harm to patients' well-being. The plaintiffs, Patricia Arthur, James Bryden, Michael Pedigo, and Chester Wilk, came from different regions of the United States. Each had unique experiences and were compelled to seek justice. The lead lawyer, Mr George McAndrews, was the son of a chiropractor and had witnessed the effect that the AMA's attacks on chiropractic had on his father. It took several years to gather enough resources to file the suit, which was submitted in 1976. CONCLUSION: The conflicts that the plaintiffs experienced stimulated them to pursue a lawsuit against the AMA and other organized political medicine groups.

J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 45-54, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544153


OBJECTIVE: This is the third paper in a series that explores the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association (AMA) lawsuit in which the plaintiffs argued that the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and other medical specialty societies violated antitrust law by restraining chiropractors' business practices. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief review of the history of the growth of chiropractic, its public relations campaigns, and infighting that contributed to the events surrounding the Wilk v AMA lawsuit. METHODS: This historical research study used a phenomenological approach to qualitative inquiry into the conflict between regular medicine and chiropractic and the events before, during, and after a legal dispute at the time of modernization of the chiropractic profession. Our methods included obtaining primary and secondary data sources. The final narrative recount was developed into 8 papers following a successive timeline. This paper is the third of the series that explores the growth the chiropractic profession. RESULTS: By the 1930s, the AMA was already under investigation for violation of antitrust laws and the National Chiropractic Association was suggesting that the AMA was establishing a health care monopoly. Chiropractic schools grew and the number of graduates rose quickly. Public relations campaigns and publications in the popular press attempted to educate the public about chiropractic. Factions within the profession polarized around differing views of how they thought that chiropractic should be practiced and portrayed to the public. The AMA leaders noted the infighting and used it to their advantage to subvert chiropractic. CONCLUSION: Chiropractic grew rapidly and established its presence with the American public through public relations campaigns and popular press. However, infighting would give the AMA material to further its efforts to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession.

J Chiropr Educ ; 35(S1): 55-73, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544155


OBJECTIVE: This is the fourth article in a series that explores the historical events surrounding the Wilk v American Medical Association (AMA) lawsuit, in which the plaintiffs argued that the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and other medical specialty societies violated antitrust law by restraining chiropractors' business practices. The purpose of this article is to provide a brief review of the history of the origins of AMA's increased efforts to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession and the development of the Chiropractic Committee, which would later become the AMA Committee on Quackery. METHODS: This historical research study used a phenomenological approach to qualitative inquiry into the conflict between regular medicine and chiropractic and the events before, during, and after a legal dispute at the time of modernization of the chiropractic profession. Our methods included obtaining primary and secondary data sources. The final narrative recount was developed into 8 articles following a successive timeline. This article is the fourth of the series that explores the origins of AMA's increased efforts to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession. RESULTS: In the 1950s, the number of chiropractors grew in Iowa, and chiropractors were seeking equity with other health professions through legislation. In response, the Iowa State Medical Society created a Chiropractic Committee to contain chiropractic and prompted the creation of the "Iowa Plan" to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession. The AMA leadership was enticed by the plan and hired the Iowa State Medical Society's legislative counsel, who structured the operation. The AMA adopted the Iowa Plan for nationwide implementation to eradicate chiropractic. The formation of the AMA's Committee on Chiropractic, which was later renamed the Committee on Quackery (CoQ), led overt and covert campaigns against chiropractic. Both national chiropractic associations were fully aware of many, but not all, of organized medicine's plans to restrain chiropractic. CONCLUSION: By the 1960s, organized medicine heightened its efforts to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession. The intensified campaign began in Iowa and was adopted by the AMA as a national campaign. Although the meetings of the AMA committees were not public, the war against chiropractic was distributed widely in lay publications, medical sources, and even chiropractic journals. Details about events would eventually be more fully revealed during the Wilk v AMA trials.