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Salud mil ; 43(1): e701, 20240220. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1563148


Introducción: el objeto del estudio es la población de Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Debido a la implantación del Servicio Militar obligatorio en España, el reclutamiento se efectuaba basándose en los censos de los Ayuntamientos, eligiendo a una quinta parte de los mozos sorteables. Objetivo: exponer las causas de exención por parte de los quintos para no realizar el Servicio Militar, durante el siglo XIX. Material y métodos: la investigación en el Archivo Histórico Municipal de Jerez de los Caballeros, así como en publicaciones actuales y de la época, refiriendo las patologías médicas esgrimidas según la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades de Jacques Bertillon. Resultados: los mozos utilizaban toda clase de argumentos, entre ellos patologías médicas, reales o no, para eludir el Servicio Militar, el cual era muy cuestionado en la época, y que suponía muchas veces una sentencia de muerte para el quinto, debido a los frecuentes conflictos militares en los que estuvo envuelta España durante el siglo XIX. Discusión: el sorteo se efectuaba mediante unos bombos de manera pública, pero se podía evitar la realización del Servicio Militar, mediante el pago de una cantidad, o sustituciones, lo que suponía una gran discriminación. Conclusiones: a consecuencia del descontento popular que suponía el Servicio Militar obligatorio, los mozos seleccionados esgrimían toda clase de excusas para eludir su realización, circunstancia que fue aumentado con el correr de los años, y por consecuencia también la cantidad de quintos que lo lograban.

Introduction: the object of the study is the population of Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Due to the implementation of the obligatory Military Service in Spain, the recruitment was carried out based on the census of the City Councils, choosing a fifth part of the drawable young men. Objective: to expose the causes of exemption on the part of the fifth for not performing the Military Service, during the 19th century. Material and methods: research in the Municipal Historical Archive of Jerez de los Caballeros, as well as in current and period publications, referring to the medical pathologies used according to Jacques Bertillon's International Classification of Diseases. Results: the young men used all kinds of arguments, among them medical pathologies, real or not, to avoid the Military Service, which was very questioned at the time, and which was often a death sentence for the fifth, due to the frequent military conflicts in which Spain was involved during the 19th century. Discussion: the lottery was carried out by means of a public drawing of lots, but the Military Service could be avoided by paying an amount, or substitutions, which meant a great discrimination. Conclusions: as a consequence of the popular dissatisfaction with the compulsory military service, the selected young men used all kinds of excuses to avoid performing it, a circumstance that increased over the years, and as a consequence, so did the number of young men who did so.

Introdução: o objeto de estudo é a população de Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Devido à introdução do serviço militar obrigatório na Espanha, o recrutamento foi realizado com base nos censos dos conselhos municipais, sendo selecionado um quinto dos jovens elegíveis. Objetivo: expor as causas da isenção por parte dos quintos por não prestarem o serviço militar durante o século XIX. Material e métodos: pesquisa no Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Jerez de los Caballeros, bem como em publicações atuais e da época, referentes às patologias médicas utilizadas de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Doenças de Jacques Bertillon. Resultados: os jovens usaram todos os tipos de argumentos, incluindo patologias médicas, reais ou não, para evitar o serviço militar, que era altamente questionado na época e que muitas vezes significava uma sentença de morte para o quinto, devido aos frequentes conflitos militares nos quais a Espanha estava envolvida durante o século XIX. Discussão: o sorteio era realizado por meio de um sorteio público, mas o serviço militar podia ser evitado mediante o pagamento de uma taxa ou substituições, o que significava uma grande discriminação. Conclusões: como resultado do descontentamento popular com o serviço militar obrigatório, os jovens selecionados usaram todos os tipos de desculpas para não cumpri-lo, uma circunstância que aumentou com o passar dos anos e, consequentemente, também o número de recrutas que o cumpriram.

Humanos , Masculino , Historia del Siglo XIX , Selección de Personal , Aptitud Física , Negativa a Participar , Personal Militar , España
Acta méd. peru ; 40(4): 343-349, oct.-dic. 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556706


RESUMEN Andrés Avelino Cáceres (1836-1923) fue un destacado político y militar peruano que ocupó la presidencia en dos periodos y lideró al ejército peruano durante la Guerra del Pacífico, por lo que es considerado un héroe nacional. Al inicio de su carrera militar, durante el sitio a la ciudad de Arequipa en 1858, sufrió una lesión ocular cuya cicatriz se observa en las fotografías que se le tomaron posteriormente a lo largo de su vida, lo que hizo que fuera apodado "El Tuerto" aunque al parecer su agudeza visual estuvo indemne. En este trabajo describiremos las circunstancias en las que se produjo la lesión oftálmica de Andrés Avelino Cáceres, las secuelas que pudo tener este traumatismo oftálmico y el tratamiento médico que pudo haber recibido, en base al propio relato del héroe y a las imágenes suyas que se conservan.

ABSTRACT Andrés Avelino Cáceres (1836-1923) was a prominent Peruvian politician and military man who held the presidency for two terms and led the Peruvian army during the Pacific War, for which he is considered a national hero. At the beginning of his military career, during the siege of the city of Arequipa in 1856, he suffered an eye injury whose scar can be seen in the photographs that were taken of him later throughout his life, which led to him being nicknamed "El Tuerto". We will describe the circumstances in which the ophthalmic injury of Andrés Avelino Cáceres occurred, the consequences that this ophthalmic trauma could have had and the treatment he could have received, based on the hero's own story and the images of him that are preserved.

Acta méd. peru ; 40(3)jul. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527626


Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), an exceptional Swiss surgeon who described a technique for the safe removal of enlarged thyroid unraveled the true function of this endocrine gland but also made significant contributions to many other fields of surgery. Kocher was the first surgeon awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1909 for his work on the physiology, pathology, and surgery of the thyroid gland. He was professor and clinical director at Insel Hospital during 45 years. Kocher created the prominent Surgeon's School in Bern. He was the first president of the International Society of Surgery in 1903 and the founding president of the Swiss Society of Surgery in 1913.

Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), excepcional cirujano suizo que describió una técnica para la extirpación segura del agrandamiento del tiroides y desentrañó la verdadera función de esta glándula endocrina, pero también hizo importantes aportaciones a muchos otros campos de la cirugía. Kocher fue el primer cirujano galardonado con el premio Nobel de Fisiología y Medicina en 1909 por sus trabajos sobre la fisiología, patología y cirugía de la glándula tiroides. Fue profesor y director clínico del Hospital Insel durante 45 años. Kocher creó la destacada Escuela de Cirujanos de Berna. Fue el primer presidente de la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía en 1903 y el presidente fundador de la Sociedad Suiza de Cirugía en 1913.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(12): 1282-1285, Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439412


Abstract With the majority of eponyms being removed from disease classification systems, it is even more difficult to remember the neurologists who influenced the development of techniques and understanding of the brain over the last centuries. Determining whether Polish researchers were given similar attention to Western equivalents based on eponymic presence in medical databases is an interesting way to provide an overview of unremembered Polish neurologists. This work aims to recognize the developments of forgotten Polish neurologists, whose work, although important, was not properly appreciated over the centuries.

Resumen Con la eliminación de la mayoría de los epónimos de los sistemas de clasificación de enfermedades, es aún más difícil recordar a los neurólogos que influyeron en el desarrollo de técnicas y comprensión del cerebro durante los últimos siglos. Determinar si los investigadores polacos recibieron una atención similar a la de los equivalentes occidentales en función de la presencia de los epónimos en las bases de datos médicos es una forma interesante de proporcionar una visión general de los neurólogos polacos no recordados. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reconocer los desarrollos de los neurólogos polacos olvidados, cuyo trabajo, aunque importante, no fue debidamente apreciado a lo largo de los siglos.

Anaesth Intensive Care ; 50(2_suppl): 16-22, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36168785


The introduction of anaesthesia on 16 October 1846 brought about tremendous changes in the discipline of surgery. We sought to determine whether the concept of painless surgery was accepted by practitioners and patients, and whether this led to an increase in frequency and variety of surgical operations performed. To study these changes, we analysed surgical records from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (MGH) in the months surrounding the discovery of ether anaesthesia. Surgical records from MGH between 25 February 1846 and 14 March 1847 were examined, and the variables studied included number of operations, type of operations, patient demographics, complications and analgesics used, as well as comments made by surgeons. Immediately following the introduction of anaesthesia, MGH experienced a sizeable increase in the volume of surgical operations. This included a doubling in the percentage of female patients undergoing surgery. Orthopaedic procedures and amputations both increased in frequency, as did the number of surgeons operating. Several records indicated the presence of postoperative wound infection. Operations were still performed without anaesthesia. Following the introduction of ether anaesthesia in 1846, surgical volume increased, and more women underwent surgery. This suggests early acceptance of anaesthesia by patients and the medical profession. In an era prior to the introduction of antiseptic and aseptic techniques it is not surprising that wound infections were observed in several patients. We provide a glimpse of anaesthesia and surgery during the first few months after the first public demonstration of anaesthesia at MGH.

Anestesia , Anestesiología , Femenino , Humanos , Hospitales Generales , Éter , Massachusetts
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(9): 3419-3428, set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394235


Resumo Este artigo trata da percepção da enfermagem como uma ocupação de baixo prestígio no século XIX. A história da enfermagem produzida pelos profissionais da área reforçou essa concepção. No entanto, o perfil do cargo de enfermeiro-mor, presente nas Santas Casas, indica um espectro social mais amplo para a profissão de enfermagem. As autoras defendem a hipótese de que essa avaliação negativa se baseia apenas em atividades de cuidado ao paciente que eram mais visíveis. A presença do enfermeiro-mor exemplifica os limites de uma generalização da desvalorização social da enfermagem. A conclusão é que a suposição generalizada de que a enfermagem se limitava a cuidados básicos de saúde não se sustenta.

Abstract This article focuses on the perception of nursing as a low-prestige occupation in the 19th century. The history of nursing produced by professionals in the area supported this understanding. However, the profile of the enfermeiro-mor (head nurse), a position in the Santas Casas, demonstrates that the nursing profession was present throughout a broader social spectrum. The authors support the hypothesis that the typical negative assessment is based only on the more visible patient care activities. The presence of the enfermeiro-mor exemplifies the limits of a generalization of the social undervaluation of nursing. The conclusion is that the generalized assumption that nursing was only about basic health care is not acceptable.

Rev. esp. salud pública ; 96: e202202008-e202202008, Feb. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211281


Pedro Felipe Monlau fue un destacado higie-nista español y defensor de la Teoría Miasmáticade las enfermedades. La España del siglo XIX te-nía escasa infraestructura sanitaria, por lo que suspublicaciones se convirtieron en una poderosafuente de transmisión de las ideas científicas do-minantes del higienismo europeo. Levy, Londe,Villermé, Chadwick, Farr y Smith fueron perso-najes que influenciaron en el pensamiento del hi-gienista español. El objetivo del presente trabajoes evidenciar si la doctrina higienista de FlorenceNightingale influyó en España a través de la obrade Monlau. Se realizó una revisión de fuentes do-cumentales primarias y se analizaron los resulta-dos desde la perspectiva hermenéutica. Se utilizócomo recurso principal la Hemeroteca Digital de laBiblioteca Nacional de España. Monlau referencióa Nightingale en once ocasiones. Nueve fragmentosrespondían a los Aforismos Higiénicos de Monlau.Recomendaba las ideas de Nightingale en relacióncon la ventilación, iluminación y limpieza domésti-ca, entre otros. Además, Monlau sugería la necesi-dad de elaborar estadísticas hospitalarias siguiendola propuesta de Nightingale. En este sentido, el ci-rujano Rubio y Galí fue un claro ejemplo de su apli-cabilidad en el Instituto de Terapéutica Operatoria.Monlau también reconoció la labor de Nightingaleen la Guerra de Crimea. Los resultados muestran lanecesidad de visibilizar a la mujer científica en lahistoria contemporánea, revisitando las biografíasescritas hasta el momento.(AU)

Pedro Felipe Monlau was a prominent Spanishhygienist and defender of the Miasmatic Theoryof Diseases. By the nineteenth-century, Spain hadnot enough health infrastructure. Monlau’s publi-cations became a powerful source of transmissionof the dominant scientific ideas of European hygie-nism. Levy, Londe, Villermé, Chadwick, Farr andSmith were personalities who influenced the thin-king of the Spanish hygienist. The aim of this pa-per is to show whether the Florence Nightingale’shygienist doctrine influenced Spain through thework of Monlau. A review of primary documentarysources was carried out and the results were analy-sed from the hermeneutic perspective. The DigitalNewspaper Library of the National Library of Spainwas used as the main resource. Monlau referred toNightingale eleven times. Nine fragments respon-ded to Monlau’s Hygienic Aphorisms. He recom-mended Nightingale’s ideas regarding ventilation,lighting and housekeeping, among others. In addi-tion, Monlau suggested the need for hospital statis-tics following Nightingale’s proposal. In this sense,the surgeon Rubio y Galí was a clear example of itsapplicability in the Institute of Therapeutic Surgery.Monlau also recognized the work of Nightingalein the Crimean War. The results show the need tomake women scientists visible in contemporaryhistory, revisiting the biographies written so far.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Hipótesis de la Higiene , Miasma , Hermenéutica , Higiene , Ventilación , Estadística como Asunto , España , Historia del Siglo XIX , Publicaciones Seriadas , Salud Pública
J Laryngol Otol ; 136(1): 45-48, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34794524


BACKGROUND: Since adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses was first described as an occupational disease in the woodworkers of High Wycombe, over the 50 subsequent years there has been a gradual decrease in the numbers to none over the last 12 years. Although this mirrored the decline in local industry, it seems the causative factor was first seen and then disappears over a 50-year period. METHODS: A total of 146 cases have been traced historically over this time as well as personal experience of 33 cases; these cases are reviewed and success with a new modality of treatment is discussed. CONCLUSION: This paper outlines how the disease was initially recognised, both its diagnosis and treatment development. It also describes how both the appearance and disappearance were seemingly caused by changes in manufacturing practice.

Adenocarcinoma/epidemiología , Neoplasias Nasales/epidemiología , Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Madera , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Adenocarcinoma/terapia , Inglaterra/epidemiología , Humanos , Neoplasias Nasales/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasales/terapia , Enfermedades Profesionales/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Profesionales/terapia
Acta méd. peru ; 37(4): 548-552, oct-dic 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278179


RESUMEN La participación de Hipólito Unanue en las Cortes de Cádiz no ha sido objeto de una investigación detallada que permita conocer su actuación pública y privada durante la estancia en España. El objeto del presente artículo es hacer un primer acercamiento a este episodio poco estudiado de la vida del "padre de la medicina peruana".

ABSTRACT Hipólito Unanue's participation in the Cortes of Cádiz has not been the subject of a detailed investigation that allows to know his public and private performance during his stay in Spain. The purpose of this article is to make a first approach to this under-studied episode of the life of the "father of Peruvian medicine".

Salud colect ; 15: e2160, 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101881


RESUMEN Hacia fines del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX se inició la modernización, burocratización y profesionalización del Ejército Argentino. Como resultado de ese proceso se conformaron las divisiones del Ejército, esto es, organizaciones militares autónomas entre sí, compuestas por unidades de diferentes armas, elementos de apoyo de combate y de servicios. Entre estos últimos estaba el de sanidad militar, que actuaba en las unidades operativas de los distritos militares para el reconocimiento de los ciudadanos para el Servicio Militar Obligatorio y en los hospitales militares. Este artículo tiene por objetivos: 1) caracterizar ese proceso en sus relaciones con las concepciones de la defensa, organización, funciones y despliegue territorial del Ejército; 2) analizar, en ese marco, la conformación del servicio de sanidad militar entre 1888, con la sanción de la Ley Orgánica del Cuerpo de Sanidad del Ejército y la Armada, y 1938, con los cambios en el diseño orgánico del Ejército en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

ABSTRACT At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, a process of modernization, bureaucratization and professionalization of the Argentine Army was initiated. As a result of this process, Army divisions were formed, which are autonomous military organizations composed of units of various weapons, combat support elements and services. Included among the latter was the military health service, which acted both in the operational units of the military districts in order to incorporate citizens into the Compulsory Military Service as well as in military hospitals. This article aims to: 1) characterize this process in relation to the concepts of defense, organization, functions and territorial deployment of the Army; 2) analyze, within that framework, the formation of the military health service between 1888 -when the Organic Law of the Sanitary Corp of the Army and the Navy was sanctioned - and 1938 - when the Army's organic design was changed on the eve of the Second World War.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Cambio Social/historia , Profesionalismo/historia , Salud Militar/historia , Hospitales Militares/historia , Personal Militar/historia , Argentina , Profesionalismo/tendencias , Salud Militar/tendencias , Hospitales Militares/organización & administración
Clin Anat ; 31(8): 1194-1198, 2018 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30117198


Throughout the years, scientific and personal research has led us on a historical journey to learn about the life of Beauchêne fils (Edme François Chauvot de Beauchêne), a French clinical anatomist, prosector, and surgeon responsible for introducing the disarticulated skull technique and the first citation of an intraneural cyst. This letter describes our research, travels, and conversations intended to uncover the fascinating history of Beauchêne fils and his family and our journey full of unexpected twists and turns. During a trip to Paris, we learned of a possible inspiration for the disarticulated skull technique from skulls afflicted with la teigne (Tinea corporis, ring worm) at the Musée Dupuytren. We toured the estate of his family's summer home in Paron, France, where we discovered a portrait of Beauchêne fils' father that had been misidentified in our recent publication. We also discovered the date of death and elusive burial site of Beauchêne fils in Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. We hope to bring to light the life and contributions of a nearly unknown figure who influenced not only research on intraneural ganglion cysts and the articular theory, but also the future of the field of anatomy. Clin. Anat. 31:1194-1198, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Anatomía/historia , Francia , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Cráneo/anatomía & histología
Med J Aust ; 208(9): 384-386, 2018 05 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29764348
Tex Heart Inst J ; 45(1): 23-26, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29556147


December 2017 was the 230th anniversary of Jan Evangelista Purkinje's birth, which prompted us to review the life of this remarkable man who established the world's first department of physiology in Wroclaw and whose name is immortalized in the cardiologic eponym, Purkinje fibers. This paper offers an overview of Purkinje's life, legacy, and numerous scientific discoveries.

Investigación Biomédica/historia , Cardiología/historia , Fisiología/historia , República Checa , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX
Nervenarzt ; 89(7): 828-836, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28983641


BACKGROUND: This chronology gives an overview about continuities and changes in the perception of suicidality in German-speaking school psychiatry over the past 200+ years. QUESTIONS: This study was guided by the following questions: has suicidality been perceived as regularly being connected to certain mental illnesses? Which other possible causes have been discussed by psychiatrists from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century? What approaches have major psychiatrists adopted towards suicidal patients and threatened suicide? What treatment and preventive strategies have been suggested? METHODOLOGY: First, we compiled a list of the, in our view, most influential textbooks on psychiatry of German-speaking school psychiatry from 1803 until the present. These textbooks were then skim-read for relevant passages on suicidality. The material gained was elicited, classified and analyzed in relation to the questions at hand. Futhermore, an attempt was made to arrive at contextual estimations. RESULTS: Several authors named a certain set of psychiatric illnesses that are assumed to involve or increase the risk of suicide. These illnesses include depression, schizophrenia and also physical illnesses. In nineteenth century textbooks heredity, anatomical anomalies and nationality were discussed as potential influencing factors. In contrast, more recent books discuss models of how suicidal behavior emerges and often refer to the Werther effect. With respect to therapy there is a trend towards therapeutic discussions and modern psychopharmacotherapy. DISCUSSION: Over time, there have been continuities and changes in psychiatrists' approach to suicidality not only as far as clinical aspects are concerned but also the general approach to and management of suicidal patients.

Psiquiatría , Esquizofrenia , Ideación Suicida , Suicidio , Libros de Texto como Asunto , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Psiquiatría/historia , Psiquiatría/tendencias
Tex Heart Inst J ; 44(3): 198-201, 2017 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28761400


The year 2016 was the 180th anniversary of Wilhelm Ebstein's birth and the 150th anniversary of his description of the congenital tricuspid valve malformation that came to be known as Ebstein anomaly. We present a brief history of the life and work of Dr. Wilhelm Ebstein. Despite his distinguished career, he is seemingly forgotten in his own birthplace. We include a review of the relevant historical medical literature.

Anomalía de Ebstein/historia , Válvula Tricúspide , Anomalía de Ebstein/diagnóstico por imagen , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Polonia , Válvula Tricúspide/anomalías , Válvula Tricúspide/diagnóstico por imagen
Wien Med Wochenschr ; 166(15-16): 453-461, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27324514


The aim of this study was to compare in-hospital deaths in different hospital settings between 1850 and 2000 in Vienna. We reviewed 120 autopsy records for each of the selected years from the Clinical Institute of Pathology of the Medical University Vienna and two community hospitals. In 2000 the autopsy rate was 37.5 % at the community hospitals and 52.5 % at the university hospital. The mean age of those being dissected was significantly lower compared with those not being dissected in the community hospital. Infections were the leading cause of death during the nineteenth and early twentieth century, after 1950 the rate of cardiovascular diseases and cancer increased. In the year 2000 the majority of patients with an underlying malignant disease died because of cardiovascular disease. Causes of death vary between institutions. They should be reported as accurately as possible in order to create a cogent basis for central mortality statistics.

Autopsia/historia , Causas de Muerte/tendencias , Mortalidad Hospitalaria/historia , Hospitales Comunitarios/historia , Hospitales Universitarios/historia , Austria , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos
Medisur ; 14(3): 256-261, abr.-jun. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-787192


Manuel Antonio Modesto Leal Catalá (1874-1932) fue un médico cienfueguero descendiente de canario, que nació, vivió y fue partícipe del periodo de Modernidad y progreso en Cienfuegos. Este trabajo de corte histórico, centra la atención en esbozar su labor profesional. Como descendiente de canario, perteneció a las sociedades regionales de los canarios de la localidad y se desempeñó como médico de varias instituciones obreras cienfuegueras. Fue reconocido y considerado como uno de los clínicos de mayor reputación y notable contribución a los servicios de salud durante la República. Ejemplarmente laborioso y solícito en la atención a sus pacientes, se le conoció como el médico de los humildes.

Manuel Antonio Modesto Leal Catalá (1874-1932) was a doctor of Canarian origin, who was born, lived, and took part in the period of modernity and progress in Cienfuegos. This historical paper focuses on his work. As a descendant of Canary Islanders, he belonged to the regional associations of Canarians and served as a doctor in several institutions in the city. He was recognized and considered as one of the most reputable clinicians during the Republic with an outstanding contribution to the health services of that time. Manuel, who was exemplarily laborious and solicitous in the care of his patients, was known as the doctor of the poor.