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Transl Anim Sci ; 2(4): 428-438, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704725


The objective of this in situ study was to evaluate the rumen degradability of kernels from short-season corn hybrids grown for silage in Western Canada (Lacombe, AB) and determine whether decreasing kernel particle size would enhance ruminal degradability in a similar manner for all hybrids. The study was a completely randomized design with 3 beef cows (replicates) and a 6 (hybrid) × 3 (particle size) factorial arrangement of treatments. Kernels were processed to generate three different particle sizes: large (2.3 mm), medium (1.4 mm), and small (0.7 mm). Processed samples were incubated in the rumen for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h using the in situ method and degradation kinetics of DM and starch were determined. Effective rumen degradability (ED) was estimated using a passage rate of 0.04 (ED4), 0.06 (ED6), and 0.08/h (ED8). Hybrids exhibited a range in whole plant DM content (23.7 to 25.0%), starch content (15.9 to 28.1% DM), kernel hardness (21.9 to 34.4 s/20 g) and density (3.57 to 4.18 g/mL), and prolamin content (8.24 to 11.34 g/100 g starch). Differences in digestion kinetics among hybrids were generally more pronounced for starch than DM. The hybrids differed in starch degradability (P < 0.05), with earlier maturing hybrids having lower A fraction, lower k d, and lower ED, with hybrid effects on ED being accentuated with faster passage rate. Kernel DM content (r = -0.85, -0.87), hardness (r = -0.89, -0.86), and density (r = -0.84, -0.85) were negatively correlated with ED4 and ED8 of starch, respectively, due mainly to decreased k d of fraction B. Reducing the particle size of kernels increased ED of starch due to increased A fraction and k d of the B fraction. A tendency (P = 0.09) for hybrid × processing effects for ED6 and ED8 indicated that processing had greater effects on increasing ED of starch for earlier maturing hybrids. We conclude that short-season hybrids that mature early may have lower ED of DM and starch and would benefit from prolonged ensilage time. Kernel processing during silage making is recommended for short-season corn hybrids as a means of enhancing rumen availability of starch.

Braz. j. biol ; 76(4): 975-982, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-828090


Abstract Phenology and reproductive biology of cultivated species are important for the comprehension of the requirements for fruit and seed production and the management of pollinators. This study aimed to characterise the phenology, reproductive biology and growing degree days of the grapevine ‘Isabel’ (Vitis labrusca) in northeastern Brazil during January 2011 (P1), Augst 2011 (P2), April 2012 (P3) and August 2012 (P4). We recorded the duration (days) of the phenological stages, pruning (P), woolly bud (W), budburst (B), inflorescence development (ID), flowering (F), ripening (R) and harvest (H). We analysed the floral biology, the sexual system and the breeding system. We measured the growing degree days (GDD) required to reach the subperiods P-B, B-F and F-H. The periods P1, P2, P3 and P4 lasted for 116, 125, 117 and 130 days, respectively. The number of days of harvest were similar in the same dry (P1 and P3) and rainy (P2 and P4) periods. All the periods that we recorded were shorter than those observed in other regions of Brazil, which may be attributable to the mean temperature and carbohydrate metabolism. The flowers are green, hermaphroditic, with an odour of mignonette, low pollen viability and autogamous. The base temperature of 10°C was considered the most adequate for the subperiods as has been documented for other grape varieties in Brazil. Thus, temperature was also the most adequate for the cycles, presenting a smaller standard deviation (0.119, 0.147, 0.156 and 0.153 to P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively) when compared to a base temperature of 12°C (0.122, 0.158, 0.165 and 0.160 to P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively). The higher and the lower observed GDD were 1972.17 and 1870.05, respectively, both above the values recorded in other parts of Brazil for same variety. The phonological results, including knowledge of growing degree days, are important to the planning of cultures at the study site and in other regions that have similar climatic conditions and make it possible to pre-determine the harvest.

Resumo Fenologia e biologia reprodutiva de espécies cultivadas são importantes para a compreensão dos requerimentos para a produção de frutos e sementes, bem como para o manejo de polinizadores. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar a fenologia, a biologia reprodutiva e a exigência térmica (graus-dias) da videira “Isabel” (Vitis labrusca) no nordeste do Brasil, durante janeiro/2011 (P1), Agosto/2011 (P2), Abril/2012 (P3) e Agosto/2012 (P4). Analisamos a duração (dias) dos estádios fenológicos poda (PO), gema-algodão (GA), brotamento (BR), aparecimento da inflorescência (AI), florescimento (FL), início da maturação (IM) e colheita (CO). Analisamos a biologia floral, o sistema sexual e o sistema reprodutivo. As exigências térmicas foram obtidas em termos de graus-dia (GD) necessários para atingir os subperíodos PO-BR, BR-FL e FL-CO. A duração do ciclo foi de 116, 125, 117 e 130 dias para as épocas P1, P2, P3 e P4 respectivamente, sendo o número de dias de colheita semelhantes no período seco (P1 e P3) e chuvoso (P2 e P4). Todos os períodos analisados foram mais curtos do que aqueles observados em outras regiões do Brasil, o que pode ser atribuído à temperatura média e ao metabolismo de carboidratos. As flores são verdes, hermafroditas, com odor almiscarado, baixa viabilidade polínica e autógama. A temperatura base de 10ºC foi considerada a mais adequada para os subperíodos e tem sido documentada para outras variedades de uva no Brasil; portanto, a temperatura foi também a mais adequada para os ciclos, apresentando um desvio padrão menor (0,119; 0,147; 0,156 e 0,153 para P1, P2, P3 e P4, respectivamente), comparado com uma temperatura base de 12ºC (0,122; 0,158; 0,165 e 0,160 para P1, P2, P3 e P4, respectivamente). O maior é o menor GDD observado foram 1972,17 e 1870,05, respectivamente. Os resultados fenológicos, incluindo o conhecimento dos graus dias, são importantes para o planejamento de culturas no local e em outras regiões com condições climáticas semelhantes, tornando possível pré-determinar a colheita.

Vitis/crecimiento & desarrollo , Reproducción , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Temperatura , Brasil , Flores/crecimiento & desarrollo , Frutas/crecimiento & desarrollo
Food Chem ; 129(3): 860-5, 2011 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25212310


Influence of Refractance Window™ Drying (RWD), a novel contact drying method, on carotenoids, capsaicinoids, Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE) and Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) of paprika (Cv., Jalapeno) was investigated in comparison with freeze drying (FD), oven drying (OD), and natural convective drying (NCD) methods. Eight carotenoids (capsanthin, capsorubin, capsolutein, ß-carotene, ß-cryptoxanthin, mutatoxanthin, violaxanthin and zeaxanthin) and five capsaicinoid analogues (capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, isodihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin) were identified in paprika. All these components were significantly (P<0.05) decreased by the RWD, FD and OD methods. However, due to ongoing synthesis, the NCD method resulted in higher carotenoids, except violaxanthin and mutatoxanthin, and capsaicinoids content than those of the others, even puree. Mutatoxanthin, naturally occurring pigment in red pepper, could only be detected in FD paprika. The highest RAE and SHU values, which were derived from the data of carotenoids and capsaicinoids, respectively, were also determined in NCD paprika.