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Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(1): 43-65, jan.-mar. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1376977


Harold Frederick Searles desenvolveu as suas contribuições para a psicanálise com base em sua experiência clínica com as psicoses, sobretudo em sua modalidade esquizofrênica. Ele também produziu importantes teorizações sobre o adoecimento psíquico característico dos casos-limite. O nosso objetivo é apresentar e discutir a presença da intersubjetividade no pensamento clínico de Searles. Para tanto, analisamos o artigo "A vulnerabilidade do esquizofrênico aos processos inconscientes do terapeuta" (1958/1965a). Apresentamos alguns dados da biografia do autor e o seu estilo como escritor e analista; em seguida, focamo-nos na análise do supracitado artigo. Concluímos apontando possíveis aproximações entre o pensamento clínico de Searles e algumas proposições analíticas contemporâneas.

Harold Frederick Searles developed his contributions to psychoanalysis based on his clinical experience with psychosis, especially schizophrenia. He also elaborated important theories on the typical psychic illness of borderline cases. This article presents and discusses the role of intersubjectivity in Searles' clinical thinking. To do so, the text analyzed the paper "The Schizophrenic's Vulnerability to the Therapist's Unconscious Processes" (1958/1965a). After presenting some biographical data about the author and his style as a writer and analyst, the article focuses on the analysis of the aforementioned paper. The discussion concludes by pointing out the relations between Searles' clinical thinking and some contemporary analytical proposals.

Harold Frederick Searles a développé ses contributions à la psychanalyse sur la base de son expérience clinique avec des psychoses, en particulier la schizophrénie, toute en produisant des théories importantes sur la maladie psychique caractéristique des cas limites. Cet article présente et discute la présence de l'intersubjectivité dans la pensée clinique de Searles. Dans ce but, nous analysons l'article "La vulnérabilité du schizophrène face aux processus inconscients du thérapeute" (1958/1965a), après avoir présenté quelques données biographique de l'auteur ainsi que son style en tant qu'écrivain et analyste. Nous concluons en signalant les rapprochements possibles entre la pensée clinique de Searles et certaines propositions analytiques contemporaines.

Harold Frederick Searles planteó contribuciones al psicoanálisis basándose en su experiencia clínica con la psicosis, especialmente en la modalidad esquizofrénica. También elaboró importantes teorías sobre la enfermedad psíquica característica de los casos límite. Este texto tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir la presencia de intersubjetividad en el pensamiento clínico de Searles. Para eso, se analiza el artículo "La vulnerabilidad del esquizofrénico a los procesos inconscientes del terapeuta" (1958/1965a). Se presentan algunos datos de la biografía del autor y su estilo como escritor y analista; luego se enfoca en el análisis del artículo mencionado. Se concluye con posibles aproximaciones entre el pensamiento clínico de Searles y algunas proposiciones analíticas contemporáneas.

J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 66(3): 407-441, 2018 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29975145


An erotics of knowing is posited that comprises embodied aspects of psychological and emotional closeness, and derives not from transference dynamics but from psychological and emotional intimacy-both component and consequence of the analytic process. The experience of knowing and being known is invested with erotism via its interpenetrative and interreceptive aspects; regardless of gender, to know the other is to enter a hidden interior "space" that represents that person's embodied inner world. Yet the interrogation of the intrinsic relationship between knowing and loving is stunningly absent from the psychoanalytic literature. This historical neglect is traced to a split in the discourse presaged by Freud's essay on transference love, which distinguishes between the qualified reality of the erotic transference and the de-erotized but "real" construct of the "analytic love" relationship. A more recent split relocates erotism to the maternal transference, divesting it of aggression and oedipal sexuality. These splits constitute a vigorous collective defense against engaging with the erotics of knowing: from Oedipus to Genesis, our forbidden fruit.

Teoría Freudiana , Terapia Psicoanalítica , Sexualidad/psicología , Transferencia Psicológica , Humanos , Conocimiento