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J Hum Evol ; 174: 103293, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36493598


There have been multiple published phylogenetic analyses of platyrrhine primates (New World monkeys) using both morphological and molecular data, but relatively few that have integrated both types of data into a total evidence approach. Here, we present phylogenetic analyses of recent and fossil platyrrhines, based on a total evidence data set of 418 morphological characters and 10.2 kilobases of DNA sequence data from 17 nuclear genes taken from previous studies, using undated and tip-dating approaches in a Bayesian framework. We compare the results of these analyses with molecular scaffold analyses using maximum parsimony and Bayesian approaches, and we use a formal information theoretic approach to identify unstable taxa. After a posteriori pruning of unstable taxa, the undated and tip-dating topologies appear congruent with recent molecular analyses and support largely similar relationships, with strong support for Stirtonia as a stem alouattine, Neosaimiri as a stem saimirine, Cebupithecia as a stem pitheciine, and Lagonimico as a stem callitrichid. Both analyses find three Greater Antillean subfossil platyrrhines (Xenothrix, Antillothrix, and Paralouatta) to form a clade that is related to Callicebus, congruent with a single dispersal event by the ancestor of this clade to the Greater Antilles. They also suggest that the fossil Proteropithecia may not be closely related to pitheciines, and that all known platyrrhines older than the Middle Miocene are stem taxa. Notably, the undated analysis found the Early Miocene Panamacebus (currently recognized as the oldest known cebid) to be unstable, and the tip-dating analysis placed it outside crown Platyrrhini. Our tip-dating analysis supports a late Oligocene or earliest Miocene (20.8-27.0 Ma) age for crown Platyrrhini, congruent with recent molecular clock analyses.

Evolución Biológica , Pitheciidae , Animales , Filogenia , Teorema de Bayes , Platirrinos/anatomía & histología , Fósiles
PeerJ ; 10: e13502, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35673390


A fourth species of the genus Rhonciscus (Lutjaniformes: Haemulidae) is described from various specimens collected by small-scale fishers from the insular upper slope of western Puerto Rico. The new species was molecularly recovered as sister to the Eastern Pacific R. branickii, to which it bears many morphological similarities. It is distinguished from other Rhonciscus species by the number of scale rows between the dorsal fin and the lateral line (7), larger and thus fewer scales along the lateral line (48-50), large eyes (9.4-10.4 times in SL), longer caudal peduncle (15.2-20% of SL), larger sized penultimate (14.7-19.1% in SL) and last (7.4-9.5% in SL) dorsal fin spines which translates to a less deeply notched dorsal fin, and its opalescent silver with golden specks live coloration. This grunt, only now recognized by ichthyologists, but well known by local fishers that target snappers and groupers between 200 and 500 m in depth, occurs in far deeper waters than any western Atlantic grunt.

Peces , Perciformes , Animales , Puerto Rico , Perciformes/anatomía & histología
Evol Anthropol ; 31(3): 118-137, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35060661


As the last American region settled by humans, yet the first to experience European colonization, the Caribbean islands have a complex history characterized by continuous migration, admixture, and demographic change. In the last 20 years, genetics research has transformed our understanding of Caribbean population history and revisited major debates in Caribbean anthropology, such as those surrounding the first peopling of the Antilles and the relationship between ancient Indigenous communities and present-day islanders. Genetics studies have also contributed novel perspectives for understanding pivotal events in Caribbean post-contact history such as European colonization, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Asian Indenture system. Here, I discuss the last 20 years of Caribbean genetics research and emphasize the importance of integrating genetics with interdisciplinary historic, archaeological, and anthropological approaches. Such interdisciplinary research is essential for investigating the dynamic history of the Caribbean and characterizing its impact on the biocultural diversity of present-day Caribbean peoples.

ADN Mitocondrial , Genética de Población , Antropología , Región del Caribe , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Variación Genética , Humanos , Indias Occidentales
PeerJ ; 9: e11514, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34249486


Temnothorax is a large myrmicine ant genus with a range spanning the northern hemisphere, including the northern half of the Neotropics. Many of the Neotropical species were originally placed in the now defunct genus Macromischa. Recent molecular work has revealed that distinct lineages of Neotropical Temnothorax have arrived by evolutionary convergenceat a morphological syndrome with characteristics that were used to diagnose the former genus Macromischa. One such lineage is the salvini clade, which in this study is redefined to contain 63 species, 35 of which are described as new. A key to all species of the salvini clade based on the worker caste is provided; additionally, a worker-based key to all clades of the New World is provided. The following species are redescribed: T. albispinus (Wheeler), T. androsanus (Wheeler), T. annexus (Baroni Urbani), T. augusti (Baroni Urbani), T. aztecus (Wheeler), T. ciferrii (Menozzi & Russo), T. flavidulus (Wheeler & Mann), T. fuscatus (Mann), T. goniops (Baroni Urbani), T. huehuetenangoi (Baroni Urbani), T. ixili (Baroni Urbani), T. leucacanthus (Baroni Urbani), T. nigricans (Baroni Urbani), T. ocarinae (Baroni Urbani), T. pastinifer (Emery), T. pergandei (Emery), T. politus (Smith), T. pulchellus (Emery), T. rugosus (Mackay), T. salvini (Forel), T. schwarzi (Mann), T. skwarrae (Wheeler), T. subditivus (Wheeler), T. tenuisculptus (Baroni Urbani), T. terricola (Mann), T. terrigena (Wheeler), T. torrei (Aguayo). The gynes of T. ciferrii, T. fuscatus, T. ixili, T. politus, T. rugosus, T. salvini, T. tenuisculptus and T. torrei are described. The males of T. albispinus and T. fuscatus are described. Lectotypes are designated for T. androsanus, T. annexus, T. augusti, T. aztecus, T. flavidulus, T. fuscatus, T. nigricans, T. pastinifer, T. pergandei, T. politus, T. pulchellus, T. salvini, T. skwarrae, T. subditivus, T. terricola, and T. terrigena. A neotype for Temnothorax salvini obscurior (Forel) is designated, the taxon is raised to species, and a replacement name is designated: T. longicaulis stat. nov., nom. nov. The following species are described as new: T. achii sp. nov., T. acuminatus sp. nov., T. acutispinosus sp. nov., T. agavicola sp. nov., T. altinodus sp. nov., T. arbustus sp. nov., T. aureus sp. nov., T. aztecoides sp. nov., T. bahoruco sp. nov., T. balaclava sp. nov., T. balnearius sp. nov., T. bison sp. nov., T. casanovai sp. nov., T. fortispinosus sp. nov., T. harlequina sp. nov., T. hippolytus sp. nov., T. laticrus sp. nov., T. leucacanthoides sp. nov., T. longinoi sp. nov., T. magnabulla sp. nov., T. misomoschus sp. nov., T. nebliselva sp. nov., T. obtusigaster sp. nov., T. paraztecus sp. nov., T. parralensis sp. nov., T. parvidentatus sp. nov., T. pilicornis sp. nov., T. quercicola sp. nov., T. quetzal sp. nov., T. rutabulafer sp. nov., T. terraztecus sp. nov., T. tuxtlanus sp. nov., T. wettereri sp. nov., T. wilsoni sp. nov., T. xincai sp. nov.

PhytoKeys ; 172: 17-37, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33597828


The Antillean genus Leptocereus represents an in-situ radiation among the Greater and Lesser Antilles of 19 currently recognized species. Extensive fieldwork carried out in the Dominican Republic over recent years has revealed that the species limits of Leptocereus of Hispaniola are more complex than previously thought. There are four currently recognized species that occur on the island, L. demissus, L. paniculatus, L. undulosus and L. weingartianus. We evaluate species limits in this group based on DNA sequence data and phylogenetic analysis, morphological characters and a survey of herbarium specimens from across Hispaniola. Based on our analyses, it is clear that at least five species occur on the island of Hispaniola, with the new species from Sierra de Bahoruco, L. velozianus, described here. We provide an identification key, distribution maps and photographic plates for all species on Hispaniola based on our own fieldwork and the study of herbarium specimens. The description of yet another species of Leptocereus on Hispaniola reiterates the importance of the poorly studied, but yet biodiverse, seasonally dry tropical forest in the Antilles.

Am J Bot ; 108(2): 200-215, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33598914


PREMISE: The Caribbean islands are in the top five biodiversity hotspots on the planet; however, the biogeographic history of the seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) there is poorly studied. Consolea consists of nine species of dioecious, hummingbird-pollinated tree cacti endemic to the West Indies, which form a conspicuous element of the SDTF. Several species are threatened by anthropogenic disturbance, disease, sea-level rise, and invasive species and are of conservation concern. However, no comprehensive phylogeny yet exists for the clade. METHODS: We reconstructed the phylogeny of Consolea, sampling all species using plastomic data to determine relationships, understand the evolution of key morphological characters, and test their biogeographic history. We estimated divergence times to determine the role climate change may have played in shaping the current diversity of the clade. RESULTS: Consolea appears to have evolved very recently during the latter part of the Pleistocene on Cuba/Hispaniola likely from a South American ancestor and, from there, moved into the Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Florida, and the Lesser Antilles. The tree growth form is a synapomorphy of Consolea and likely aided in the establishment and diversification of the clade. CONCLUSIONS: Pleistocene aridification associated with glaciation likely played a role in shaping the current diversity of Consolea, and insular gigantism may have been a key innovation leading to the success of these species to invade the often-dense SDTF. This in-situ Caribbean radiation provides a window into the generation of species diversity and the complexity of the SDTF community within the Antilles.

Filogenia , Animales , Bahamas , Región del Caribe , Florida , Puerto Rico , Indias Occidentales
Zootaxa ; 4894(3): zootaxa.4894.3.7, 2020 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311074


The species of Syspira Simon from Hispaniola are revised and detailed documentation is provided for all known species from this island. Four new species (Syspira alayoni sp. n., S.  armasi sp. n., S.  barbacoa sp. n., and S.  bryantae sp. n.), and the unknown male of Syspira agujas Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz Bonaldo are described. New distribution records were found for three known species (S. agujas, S. cimitarra Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz Bonaldo and S.  medialuna Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz Bonaldo). The Hispaniolan endemic species Teminius monticola (Bryant, 1948) is transferred to Syspira based on the revision of its holotype. A key for Hispaniola Syspira species is provided. These species can be separated into two distinct groups based on features of the male palpal morphology and female genitalia: the cimitarra group including S. cimitarra, S. jimmyi Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz Bonaldo, S. alayoni and S. barbacoa sp. n., and the agujas group including S. agujas, S. medialuna, S. monticola comb. n., S. armasi sp. n. and S. bryantae sp. n.

Arañas , Distribución Animal , Animales , Femenino , Masculino
Zootaxa ; 4858(2): zootaxa.4858.2.7, 2020 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056234


The occurrence of true Eneopterinae in the Antilles is recorded herein for the first time, with the description of a new genus and species herein described from eastern Cuba (Greater Antilles): Antillobinthus inexpectatus Yong Desutter-Grandcolas, n. gen. n. sp. It is described and illustrated in detail, including color photographs of habitus, morphologically diagnostic characters and habitat. The present finding revives a biogeographical debate, as no Eneopterinae was up-to-now known from the Antilles.

Gryllidae , Animales , Color , Críquet , Cuba , Ecosistema
Zootaxa ; 4749(1): zootaxa.4749.1.1, 2020 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230049


An updated and extensively revised checklist of the arthropods of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) is presented 11 years after the publication of the original in 2008. It integrates and quantifies all the terrestrial and surrounding marine arthropod species (plus those of Tardigrada and Onychophora), reported in the zoological literature for Hispaniola through the middle of 2019.        A total of 9,920 valid species (8,202 extant and 1,718 fossil) are listed, which represents an increase of 1,683 species (1,369 extant and 314 fossil) from the original list. The largest component is Insecta (6,784 extant and 1,136 fossil), including 2,206 extant species of Coleoptera, 1,042 species of Hemiptera, 929 species of Diptera, 913 species of Lepidoptera and 774 species of Hymenoptera.        Emphasis is on reviewing and updating the original list, including all newly recorded taxa and all pertinent taxonomic changes proposed since then. Important corrections have been made, and explanatory notes have been added. For example, multiple authors have confused the Lesser Antillean island of Dominica with the Dominican Republic. This error is much more common in the literature than was initially recognized. Erroneous records attributing species from one island to the other have been identified and corrected. The original spelling of the cricket species Scapsipedus bastardoi Otte Perez-Gelabert, 2009, dedicated to Dominican biologist Ruth H. Bastardo, is corrected to Scapsipedus bastardoae nom. emend.        High species endemism is typical of the biota of Caribbean islands. In this checklist, a total of 3,161 arthropod species (38.6%) are considered endemic or unique to Hispaniola. Among the speciose groups with higher levels of endemism are the Diplopoda (91.6%), Orthoptera (90.1%), Trichoptera (82.6%), Coleoptera (49.3%) and Araneae (47.5%). Also, a total of 201 arthropod species (174 insects + 27 non-insects) are identified as introduced to the island.        The accompanying bibliography complements the taxonomic information and includes over 5,000 titles.

Artrópodos , Animales
Zootaxa ; 4748(2): zootaxa.4748.2.10, 2020 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230081


Aphelonotus schuhi sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pachynomidae: Aphelonotinae) is described from Puerto Rico based on a single male collected by flight interception trap. The new species is morphologically similar to A. taino Schuh, Weirauch Grillo, 2015 and A. xenos Schuh, Weirauch Grillo, 2015, being distinguished from them by the combination of the presence of a stout subapical spine on the protibia and the characteristic shape of the parameres. An informal A. xenos species-group is proposed to accommodate these three species.

Hemípteros , Heterópteros , Distribución Animal , Animales , Holometabola , Masculino , Puerto Rico
Mycobiology ; 49(1): 24-45, 2020 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33536810


The occurrence of Austroboletus subflavidus and Fistulinella gloeocarpa is documented from the Dominican Republic. The latter species is reported for the first time outside its original locality in Martinique, extending the geographic range for this uncommon pinkish-spored bolete. A detailed morphological description is provided for each species and accompanied by color pictures of fresh basidiomes in habitat and line drawings of the main anatomical features. Both species represent independent lineages within their respective genera based on phylogenetic inference. In addition, A. subflavidus clusters in a sister lineage to the core Austroboletus clade (Austroboletus clade I) here named as Austroboletus clade II. In order to confirm the accuracy of species identification, their identity and relationships were subjected to multilocus phylogenetic analyses of three gene markers (ITS, nrLSU, RPB2) including genetic material already available in public databases. Austroboletus subflavidus is a widely distributed species in North and Central America, whereas F. gloeocarpa is apparently highly localized and seems to appear sparingly in the Dominican Republic, Martinque, and southern Florida. Comparisons with morphologically similar and molecularly inferred allied species are also presented and discussed.

Zootaxa, v. 4894, n. 3, p. 413-431, dez. 2020
Artículo en Inglés | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IBPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: bud-3439


The species of Syspira Simon from Hispaniola are revised and detailed documentation is provided for all known species from this island. Four new species (Syspira alayoni sp. n., S. armasi sp. n., S. barbacoa sp. n., and S. bryantae sp. n.), and the unknown male of Syspira agujas Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo are described. New distribution records were found for three known species (S. agujas, S. cimitarra Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo and S. medialuna Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo). The Hispaniolan endemic species Teminius monticola (Bryant, 1948) is transferred to Syspira based on the revision of its holotype. A key for Hispaniola Syspira species is provided. These species can be separated into two distinct groups based on features of the male palpal morphology and female genitalia: the cimitarra group including S. cimitarra, S. jimmyi Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, S. alayoni and S. barbacoa sp. n., and the agujas group including S. agujas, S. medialuna, S. monticola comb. n., S. armasi sp. n. and S. bryantae sp. n.

Zootaxa ; 4686(1): zootaxa.4686.1.4, 2019 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719500


Manahunca bielawskii Silhavý, 1973, the type species of the genus Manahunca Silhavý, 1973, is redescribed based on abundant material from the type locality, including new data on its morphological variability and penis morphology. A neotype for M. bielawskii is herein designated due to the unknown whereabouts of the original holotype. Manahunca silhavyi Avram, 1977, is regarded as a new junior subjective synonym of M. bielawskii. In addition, two new species of Manahunca are described, M. turquino Alegre, Gainett Giribet, n. sp. and M. matazon Alegre, Gainett Giribet, n. sp. based on additional specimens from eastern Cuba, for which we provide new data on their geographical distribution, intraspecific variability and habitat. A new diagnosis and emended geographic distribution of the known species of Manahunca are provided, with hints on the current conservation status. The sexually dimorphic glandular structures found on the metatarsus III of males are explored for taxonomic significance in ten species of Stenostygninae. The existence of male dimorphism, most evident in the robustness of the chelicerae, is reported for two of the studied Manahunca species.

Arácnidos , Animales , Cuba , Masculino
Zootaxa ; 4568(2): zootaxa.4568.2.1, 2019 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31715855


A faunistic survey of the Hispaniolan bugs of the family Coreidae is presented based on the study of over 1000 specimens deposited in several entomological collections. The new species Zicca gloriosa sp. nov. is described from the Dominican Republic. Another 12 species are new records for the island, 11 of them being new records for the Dominican Republic: Althos obscurator (Fabricius, 1803), Anasa acutangula Stål, 1870, Anasa tristis (De Geer, 1773), Eubule spartocerana Brailovsky, 1992, Leptoglossus confusus Alayo Grillo, 1977, Mamurius cubanus Barber Bruner, 1947, Merocoris distinctus Dallas, 1852, Merocoris typhaeus (Fabricius, 1798), Phthia rubropicta (Westwood, 1842), Sethenira ferruginea Stål, 1870, and Zicca rubricator rubricator (Fabricius, 1803). New records for Haiti are Anasa scorbutica (Fabricius, 1798), Catorhintha selector Stål, 1859, Chariesterus gracilicornis Stål, 1870, Rhytidophthia splendida (Valdes, 1910) and Zicca taeniola (Dallas, 1852). The literature citations presented in Perez-Gelabert (2008) of Leptoglossus cinctus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1836) and Leptoglossus stigma (Herbst, 1784) are probably based on erroneous identifications and not counted as part of the Hispaniolan fauna. The total number of species presently known from Hispaniola is raised to 28. Key to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species are included, as well as color dorsal habitus.

Heterópteros , Animales , República Dominicana , Haití
Zootaxa ; 4646(1): zootaxa.4646.1.1, 2019 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31717024


We report on the schizorhynch species collected in a survey in the eastern region of Cuba. Eighteen species were identified, of which only three are known to science: Cheliplana asica, C. terminalis, and Carcharodorhynchus flavidus. The 15 new species belong to three different genera: Cheliplana (five species), Carcharodorhynchus (four species), and Schizochilus (six species). The five new species of Cheliplana (C. gibarenha sp. n., C. santiaguera sp. n., C. spuriaseminalis sp. n., C. subproximalis sp. n. and C. verrucosa sp. n.) differ from their congeners in the detailed morphology of the proboscis hooks and the atrial organs. The proboscis hooks bear a distal small hook in C. verrucosa sp. n., a feature only shared with C. paradoxa. Two of the four new species of Carcharodorhynchus (C. smilodon sp. n. and C. papillaris sp. n. ) are very similar to C. flavidus in that the toothed belts of the proboscis are not continuous. However, they clearly differ from that species and from each other in the detailed construction of the teeth and copulatory organ. Carcharodorhynchus spiniformis sp. n. and C. nativus sp. n. can also be distinguished from the other species of Carcharodorhynchus by the detailed construction of the proboscis teeth and copulatory organ. The six new species of Schizochilus here described show a spiny cirrus around a central stylet. Two species lack the distal sclerotized cap of the copulatory bulb: S. favus sp. n. and S. bueycabonensis sp. n.. All new species of Schizochilus can be distinguished from each other and their congeners by the detailed construction of the hard parts (cirrus and stylet) of the copulatory organ.

Orchidaceae , Platelmintos , Arañas , Animales , Cuba , Raíces de Plantas
Zootaxa ; 4609(1): zootaxa.4609.1.12, 2019 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31717128


Notaepytus quisqueya sp. nov. (Erotylidae: Erotylinae: Tritomini), is described here from Dominican amber and is the second amber fossil description for the family from the West Indies (Hispaniola). An emended key and a checklist to all known species of Notaepytus are presented.

Escarabajos , Ámbar , Animales , República Dominicana , Fósiles , Indias Occidentales
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 3(2): 9-16, 20190726. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379138


Introducción: en el paisaje epidemiológico de la fascioliasis humana, dos aspectos son de fundamental importancia: a) presencia de hospederos definitivos (especialmente ganado bovino y humanos) parasitados con adultos del tremátodo y; b) presencia de hospederos intermediarios invertebrados, moluscos de la familia Lymnaeidae, en los que se desarrollan los estadios larvarios, además de plantas acuáticas de consumo humano. Material y métodos: con el objetivo de prevenir brotes de fascioliasis humana mediante la correcta identificación de aspectos de interés epidemiológico, un humedal fue seleccionado en el sector de Palo Blanco, municipio de Jarabacoa, provincia de La Vega, en el cual se realizó un estudio malacológico en octubre de 2016, en busca de especies de moluscos limneidos e hidrófitos asociados. En el laboratorio se obtuvieron los índices de infección natural y experimental a Fasciola hepatica. Resultados: se identificó el limneido Pseudosuccinea columella, en proporciones de 250 especímenes por persona/hora. El vegetal predominante fue el berro (Nasturtiun officinale), cultivado comercialmente en tres cuadrantes del humedal y en el otro cuadrante se observaron bovinos pastando. El índice de infección experimental de los moluscos fue de 94 % a la cepa simpátrica de F. hepatica de Dajabón; no se encontraron moluscos parasitados naturalmente. Conclusiones: Pseudosuccinea columella debe considerarse como un molusco de relevancia epidemiológica en la transmisión de la fascioliasis en República Dominicana, a tenor de su dispersión y elevado índice de infección experimental obtenido en el presente estudio

Introduction: in the epidemiological landscape of human fascioliasis, two aspects are of fundamental importance: a) presence of definite hosts (especially cattle and humans) parasitized with trematode adults and b) presence of invertebrate intermediate hosts, mollusks of the family Lymnaeidae, in which larval stages develop, in addition to aquatic plants for human consumption. Material and methods: in order to prevent outbreaks of human fascioliasis by correctly identifying aspects of epidemiological interest, a wetland was selected in the sector of Palo Blanco, municipality of Jarabacoa, province of La Vega, in which a malacological study was carried out in October 2016, in search of limneid mollusk species and associated hydrophytes. Natural and experimental infection rates to Fasciola hepaticawere obtained in the laboratory. Results: the lymnaeid Pseudosuccinea columella was identified, in proportions of 250 specimens collected per person/hour. The predominant vegetable was the watercress (Nasturtiun officinale), commercially cultivated in three quadrants of the wetland and in the other quadrant were observed cattle grazing. The rate of experimental infection of mollusks was 94 % to the sympatric strain of F. hepatica of Dajabón; no naturally parasitized mollusks were found. Conclusions: Pseudosuccinea columella should be considered as a mollusk of epidemiological relevance in the transmission of fascioliasis in the Dominican Republic, due to its dispersion and high rate of experimental infection obtained in the present study

Fascioliasis , Parasitosis Intestinales , República Dominicana
MycoKeys ; 49: 73-97, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31043853


Neoboletusantillanus sp. nov. appears to be the only red-pored bolete known from the Dominican Republic to date. It is reported as a novel species to science based on collections gathered in a neotropical lowland mixed broadleaved woodland. A detailed morphological description, color images of fresh basidiomes in habitat and line drawings of the main anatomical features are provided and relationships with phylogenetically and phenotypically similar taxa are discussed. Three genomic regions (nrITS, nrLSU/28S and rpb2) have been sequenced in order to reinforce the recognition of the new species and to elucidate its taxonomic affiliation within Neoboletus.

Evolution ; 73(2): 231-244, 2019 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30593664


The performance of an organism in its environment frequently depends more on its composite phenotype than on individual phenotypic traits. Thus, understanding environmental adaptation requires investigating patterns of covariation across functionally related traits. The replicated adaptive radiations of Greater Antillean Anolis lizards are characterized by ecological and morphological convergence, thus, providing an opportunity to examine the role of multiple phenotypes in microhabitat adaptation. Here, we examine integrated claw and toepad morphological evolution in relation to habitat partitioning across the adaptive radiations of Greater Antillean anoles. Based on analysis of 428 specimens from 57 species, we found that different aspects of claw morphology were associated with different perch dimensions, with claw height positively associated with perch diameter and claw curvature positively associated with perch height. Patterns of integration also varied across claw and toepad traits, likely driven by correlative selection for performance on smoother and rougher substrates. Finally, rates of evolution differed between claw and toepad traits, with claw length evolving faster than all other traits despite having no predicted functional importance. Our results highlight the multivariate nature of phenotypic adaptation and suggest that phenotypic integration across Greater Antillean anoles is driven by fine-scale correlative selection based on structural habitat specialization.

Adaptación Fisiológica/genética , Ecosistema , Pie/anatomía & histología , Lagartos/fisiología , Animales , Humanos , Lagartos/genética
Zootaxa ; 4446(1): 125-137, 2018 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313901


Two new species of Selenops, S. anacaona sp. nov. (♀) and S. caonabo sp. nov. (♀), are described from the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. These two new species increase the number of endemic Selenops on Hispaniola to 13, surpassing Cuba, which currently has 11 endemic species. Additionally, the male of S. pensilis Muma, 1953 from Hispaniola is described, as well as the male of S. petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003 from Jamaica. Full distribution records are given for the new species and the newly described males, and new records are provided for the following species: S. aequalis Franganillo, 1935, S. bocacandensis Crews, 2011, S. candidus Muma, 1953, S. micropalpus Muma, 1953, S. morro Crews, 2011, S. simius Muma, 1953, S. souliga Crews, 2011, and S. submaculosus Bryant, 1940.

Distribución Animal , Arañas , Animales , Cuba , República Dominicana , Jamaica , Masculino , Indias Occidentales