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Front Neuroanat ; 11: 67, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28878630


The auditory system contains a diverse array of interconnected anatomical structures that mediate the perception of sound. The cochlear nucleus of the hindbrain serves as the initial site of convergence for auditory stimuli, while the inferior colliculus of the midbrain serves as an integration and relay station for all ascending auditory information. We used Genetic Inducible Fate Mapping (GIFM) to determine how the timing of Wnt1 expression is related to the competency states of auditory neuron progenitors. We demonstrate that the Wnt1 lineage defines progenitor pools of auditory neurons in the developing midbrain and hindbrain. The timing of Wnt1 expression specifies unique cell types during embryogenesis and follows a mixed model encompassing a brief epoch of de novo expression followed by rapid and progressive lineage restriction to shape the inferior colliculus. In contrast, Wnt1 fate mapping of the embryonic hindbrain revealed de novo induction of Wnt1 in auditory hindbrain progenitors, which is related to the development of biochemically distinct neurons in the cochlear nucleus. Thus, we uncovered two modes of lineage allocation that explain the relationship between the timing of Wnt1 expression and the development of the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus. Finally, our analysis of Wnt1sw/sw mutant mice demonstrated a functional requirement of Wnt1 for the development of auditory midbrain and hindbrain neurons. Collectively, our study provides a deeper understanding of Wnt1 lineage allocation and function in mammalian brain development.

Front Neuroanat ; 11: 50, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785208


The cerebellum (Cb) is an exquisite structure that controls elaborate motor behaviors and is essential for sensory-motor learning. During development, the Cb is derived from rhombomere 1 (r1). Within this embryonic compartment, precursors in r1 are patterned by signaling cues originating from the isthmus organizer (IsO) and subsequently undergo complex morphogenic movements to establish their final position in the mature Cb. The transcription factor Gbx2 is expressed in the developing Cb and is intimately involved in organizing and patterning the Cb. Nevertheless, how precursors expressing Gbx2 at specific embryonic time points contribute to distinct cell types in the adult Cb is unresolved. In this study, we used Genetic Inducible Fate Mapping (GIFM) to mark Gbx2-expressing precursors with fine temporal resolution and to subsequently track this lineage through embryogenesis. We then determined the terminal neuronal fate of the Gbx2 lineage in the adult Cb. Our analysis demonstrates that the Gbx2 lineage contributes to the Cb with marking over the course of five stages: Embryonic day 7.5 (E7.5) through E11.5. The Gbx2 lineage gives rise to Purkinje cells, granule neurons, and deep cerebellar neurons across these marking stages. Notably, the contribution of the Gbx2 lineage shifts as development proceeds with each marking stage producing a distinct profile of mature neurons in the adult Cb. These findings demonstrate the relationship between the temporal expression of Gbx2 and the terminal cell fate of neurons in the Cb. Based on these results, Gbx2 is critical to Cb development, not only for its well-defined role in positioning and maintaining the IsO, but also for guiding the development of Cb precursors and determining the identity of Cb neurons.