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Entropy (Basel) ; 26(7)2024 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056975


The problem of formulating thermodynamics in a relativistic scenario remains unresolved, although many proposals exist in the literature. The challenge arises due to the intrinsic dynamic structure of spacetime as established by the general theory of relativity. With the discovery of the physical nature of information, which underpins Landauer's principle, we believe that information theory should play a role in understanding this problem. In this work, we contribute to this endeavour by considering a relativistic communication task between two partners, Alice and Bob, in a general Lorentzian spacetime. We then assume that the receiver, Bob, reversibly operates a local heat engine powered by information, and seek to determine the maximum amount of work he can extract from this device. As Bob cannot extract work for free, by applying both Landauer's principle and the second law of thermodynamics, we establish a bound on the energy Bob must spend to acquire the information in the first place. This bound is a function of the spacetime metric and the properties of the communication channel.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 16237, 2024 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39004673


This paper presents new relativistic composite polytropic models for compact stars by simultaneously solving Einstein field equations with the polytropic state equation to simulate the spherically symmetric, static matter distribution. Using a non-uniform polytropic index, we get the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation for the relativistic composite polytrope (CTOV). To analyze the star's structure, we numerically solve the CTOV equation and compute the Emden and mass functions for various relativistic parameters and polytropic indices appropriate for neutron stars. The calculation results show that, as the relativistic parameter approaches zero, we recover the well-known Lane-Emden equation from the Newtonian theory of polytropic stars; thus, testing the computational code by comparing composite Newtonian models to those in the literature yields good agreement. We compute composite relativistic models for the neutron star candidates Cen X-3, SAXJ1808.4-3658, and PSR J1614-22304. We compare the findings with various existing models in the literature. Based on the accepted models for PSR J1614-22304 and Cen X-3, the star's core radius is predicted to be between 50 and 60% percent of its total radius, while we found that the radius of the core of star SAXJ1808.4-3658 is around 30% of the total radius. Our findings show that the neutron star structure may be approximated by a composite relativistic polytrope, resulting in masses and radii that are quite consistent with observation.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2267): 20230038, 2024 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219784


The asymptotic structure of null and spatial infinities of asymptotically flat spacetimes plays an essential role in discussing gravitational radiation, gravitational memory effect, and conserved quantities in General Relativity (GR). Bondi, Metzner and Sachs (BMS) established that the asymptotic symmetry group for asymptotically simple spacetimes is the infinite-dimensional BMS group. Given that null infinity is divided into two sets: past null infinity [Formula: see text] and future null infinity [Formula: see text], one can identify two independent symmetry groups: [Formula: see text] at [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] at [Formula: see text]. Associated with these symmetries are the so-called BMS charges. A recent conjecture by Strominger suggests that the generators of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] and their associated charges are related via an antipodal reflection map near spatial infinity. To verify this matching, an analysis of the gravitational field near spatial infinity is required. This task is complicated due to the singular nature of spatial infinity for spacetimes with non-vanishing ADM mass. Different frameworks have been introduced in the literature to address this singularity, e.g. Friedrich's cylinder, Ashtekar-Hansen's hyperboloid and Ashtekar-Romano's asymptote at spatial infinity. This paper reviews the role of Friedrich's formulation of spatial infinity in the investigation of the matching of the spin-2 charges on Minkowski spacetime and in the full GR setting. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2267): 20230041, 2024 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219775


This paper describes conservation laws in general relativity (GR) dating back to the mass-energy conservation of Bondi and Sachs in the early 1960s but using 2-spinor techniques. The notion of conformal infinity is employed, and the highly original ideas of E. T. Newman are discussed in relation to twistor theory. The controversial NP constants are introduced, and their meaning is considered in a new light related to the problem of equations of motion in GR. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2267): 20230048, 2024 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219787


This is an introductory article for the proceedings associated with the Royal Society Hooke discussion meeting of the same title which took place in London in May 2023. We review the history of Penrose's conformal compactification, null infinity and a number of related fundamental developments in mathematical general relativity from the last 60 years. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2267): 20230035, 2024 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219780


This paper is about two important trends of scattering theory in general relativity: time-dependent spectral analytic scattering and conformal scattering. The former was initiated by Jonathan Dimock and Bernard Kay in the mid-1980s and is based on spectral and functional analysis. The latter was proposed by Roger Penrose in 1965 and then constructed for the first time by Gerard Friedlander in 1980 by putting together Penrose's conformal method and another analytic approach to scattering: the Lax-Phillips theory due to Peter Lax and Ralph Phillips. We shall review the history of the two approaches and explain their general principles. We shall also explore an important question: 'can the tools of one approach be used to obtain a complete construction in the other?' This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2266): 20230086, 2024 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38104623


Gravitational waveforms play a crucial role in comparing observed signals with theoretical predictions. However, obtaining accurate analytical waveforms directly from general relativity (GR) remains challenging. Existing methods involve a complex blend of post-Newtonian theory, effective-one-body formalism, numerical relativity and interpolation, introducing systematic errors. As gravitational wave astronomy advances with new detectors, these errors gain significance, particularly when testing GR in the nonlinear regime. A recent development proposes a novel approach to address this issue. By deriving precise constraints-or balance laws-directly from full nonlinear GR, this method offers a means to evaluate waveform quality, detect template weaknesses and ensure internal consistency. Before delving into the intricacies of balance laws in full nonlinear GR, we illustrate the concept using a detailed mechanical analogy. We will examine a dissipative mechanical system as an example, demonstrating how mechanical balance laws can gauge the accuracy of approximate solutions in capturing the complete physical scenario. While mechanical balance laws are straightforward, deriving balance laws in electromagnetism and GR demands a rigorous foundation rooted in mathematically precise concepts of radiation. Following the analogy with electromagnetism, we derive balance laws in GR. As a proof of concept, we employ an analytical approximate waveform model, showcasing how these balance laws serve as a litmus test for the model's validity. This article is part of the theme issue 'The particle-gravity frontier'.

J Biol Dyn ; 17(1): 2255066, 2023 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37708175


Despite the existence of a powerful theoretical foundation for the development of multiscale models of infectious disease dynamics in the form of the replication-transmission relativity theory, the majority of current modelling studies focus more on single-scale modelling. The explicit aim of this study is to change the current predominantly single-scale modelling landscape in the design of planning frameworks for the control, elimination and even eradication of infectious disease systems through the exploitation of multiscale modelling methods based on the application of the replication-transmission relativity theory. We first present a structured roadmap for the development of multiscale models of infectious disease systems. The roadmap is tested on hookworm infection. The testing of the feasibility of the roadmap established a fundamental result which can be generalized to confirm that the complexity of an infectious disease system is encapsulated with a level of organization spanning a microscale and a macroscale.

Enfermedades Transmisibles , Modelos Biológicos , Humanos , Enfermedades Transmisibles/epidemiología
Entropy (Basel) ; 25(9)2023 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37761637


We carry out a systematic study on the motion of test particles in the region inner to the naked singularity of a quasi-hyperbolically symmetric γ-metric. The geodesic equations are written and analyzed in detail. The obtained results are contrasted with the corresponding results obtained for the axially symmetric γ-metric and the hyperbolically symmetric black hole. As in this latter case, it is found that test particles experience a repulsive force within the horizon (naked singularity), which prevents them from reaching the center. However, in the present case, this behavior is affected by the parameter γ which measures the departure from the hyperbolical symmetry. These results are obtained for radially moving particles as well as for particles moving in the θ-r subspace. The possible relevance of these results in the explanation of extragalactic jets is revealed.

Nat Astron ; 7(9): 1098-1107, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37736027


Detecting gravitationally lensed supernovae is among the biggest challenges in astronomy. It involves a combination of two very rare phenomena: catching the transient signal of a stellar explosion in a distant galaxy and observing it through a nearly perfectly aligned foreground galaxy that deflects light towards the observer. Here we describe how high-cadence optical observations with the Zwicky Transient Facility, with its unparalleled large field of view, led to the detection of a multiply imaged type Ia supernova, SN Zwicky, also known as SN 2022qmx. Magnified nearly 25-fold, the system was found thanks to the standard candle nature of type Ia supernovae. High-spatial-resolution imaging with the Keck telescope resolved four images of the supernova with very small angular separation, corresponding to an Einstein radius of only θE = 0.167″ and almost identical arrival times. The small θE and faintness of the lensing galaxy are very unusual, highlighting the importance of supernovae to fully characterize the properties of galaxy-scale gravitational lenses, including the impact of galaxy substructures.

Stud Hist Philos Sci ; 101: 1-23, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37531699


The paper re-examines the principal methodological questions, arising in the debate over the cosmological standard model's postulate of Dark Matter vs. rivalling proposals that modify standard (Newtonian and general-relativistic) gravitational theory, the so-called Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and its subsequent extensions. What to make of such seemingly radical challenges of cosmological orthodoxy? In the first part of our paper, we assess MONDian theories through the lens of key ideas of major 20th century philosophers of science (Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and Laudan), thereby rectifying widespread misconceptions and misapplications of these ideas common in the pertinent MOND-related literature. None of these classical methodological frameworks, which render precise and systematise the more intuitive judgements prevalent in the scientific community, yields a favourable verdict on MOND and its successors-contrary to claims in the MOND-related literature by some of these theories' advocates; the respective theory appraisals are largely damning. Drawing on these insights, the paper's second part zooms in on the most common complaint about MONDian theories, their ad-hocness. We demonstrate how the recent coherentist model of ad-hocness captures, and fleshes out, the underlying-but too often insufficiently articulated-hunches underlying this critique. MONDian theories indeed come out as severely ad hoc: they do not cohere well with either theoretical or empirical-factual background knowledge. In fact, as our complementary comparison with the cosmological standard model's Dark Matter postulate shows, with respect to ad-hocness, MONDian theories fare worse than the cosmological standard model.

Gravitación , Juicio , Tiempo , Conocimiento
Jahresber Dtsch Math Ver ; 125(2): 73-119, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37260507


On the occasion of Sir Roger Penrose's 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, we review the singularity theorems of General Relativity, as well as their recent extension to Lorentzian metrics of low regularity. The latter is motivated by the quest to explore the nature of the singularities predicted by the classical theorems. Aiming at the more mathematically minded reader, we give a pedagogical introduction to the classical theorems with an emphasis on the analytical side of the arguments. We especially concentrate on focusing results for causal geodesics under appropriate geometric and initial conditions, in the smooth and in the low regularity case. The latter comprise the main technical advance that leads to the proofs of C1-singularity theorems via a regularisation approach that allows to deal with the distributional curvature. We close with an overview on related lines of research and a future outlook.

Gen Relativ Gravit ; 55(6): 71, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37283659


Due to the growing capacity of gravitational-wave astronomy and black-hole imaging, we will soon be able to emphatically decide if astrophysical dark objects lurking in galactic centers are black holes. Sgr A*, one of the most prolific astronomical radio sources in our galaxy, is the focal point for tests of general relativity. Current mass and spin constraints predict that the central object of the Milky Way is supermassive and slowly rotating, thus can be conservatively modeled as a Schwarzschild black hole. Nevertheless, the well-established presence of accretion disks and astrophysical environments around supermassive compact objects can significantly deform their geometry and complicate their observational scientific yield. Here, we study extreme-mass-ratio binaries comprised of a minuscule secondary object inspiraling onto a supermassive Zipoy-Voorhees compact object; the simplest exact solution of general relativity that describes a static, spheroidal deformation of Schwarzschild spacetime. We examine geodesics of prolate and oblate deformations for generic orbits and reevaluate the non-integrability of Zipoy-Voorhees spacetime through the existence of resonant islands in the orbital phase space. By including radiation loss with post-Newtonian techniques, we evolve stellar-mass secondary objects around a supermassive Zipoy-Voorhees primary and find clear imprints of non-integrability in these systems. The peculiar structure of the primary, allows for, not only typical single crossings of transient resonant islands, that are well-known for non-Kerr objects, but also inspirals that transverse through several islands, in a brief period of time, that lead to multiple glitches in the gravitational-wave frequency evolution of the binary. The detectability of glitches with future spaceborne detectors can, therefore, narrow down the parameter space of exotic solutions that, otherwise, can cast identical shadows with black holes.

Commun Phys ; 6(1): 231, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665408


The current theories of quantum physics and general relativity on their own do not allow us to study situations in which the gravitational source is quantum. Here, we propose a strategy to determine the dynamics of objects in the presence of mass configurations in superposition, and hence an indefinite spacetime metric, using quantum reference frame (QRF) transformations. Specifically, we show that, as long as the mass configurations in the different branches are related via relative-distance-preserving transformations, one can use an extension of the current framework of QRFs to change to a frame in which the mass configuration becomes definite. Assuming covariance of dynamical laws under quantum coordinate transformations, this allows to use known physics to determine the dynamics. We apply this procedure to find the motion of a probe particle and the behavior of clocks near the mass configuration, and thus find the time dilation caused by a gravitating object in superposition. Comparison with other models shows that semi-classical gravity and gravitational collapse models do not obey the covariance of dynamical laws under quantum coordinate transformations.

Stud Hist Philos Sci ; 96: 154-173, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36334437


The present paper revisits conventionalism about the geometry of classical and relativistic spacetimes. By means of critically examining a recent evaluation of conventionalism, we clarify key themes of, and rectify common misunderstandings about, conventionalism. Reichenbach's variant is demarcated from conventionalism simpliciter, associated primarily with Poincaré. We carefully outline the latter's core tenets-as a selective anti-realist response to a particular form of theory underdetermination. A subsequent double defence of geometric conventionalism is proffered: one line of defence employs (and thereby, to some extent, rehabilitates) a plausible reading of Reichenbach's idea of universal forces; another consists in independent support for conventionalism, unrelated to Reichenbach. Conventionalism, we maintain, remains a live option in contemporary philosophy of spacetime physics, worthy of serious consideration.

Filosofía , Filosofía/historia
Heliyon ; 8(11): e11668, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36411918


Classical models of the electron have been predicted to have negative rest energy density in certain regions. Using the model of the electron by Blinder we show that there are regions containing negative energy density, although the integral of the energy density over all space gives the electron rest mass. If the spin of the electron is ignored, then all regions of space have positive energy density with the Blinder model. The existence of Poincaré stress for the Blinder model is also demonstrated. The classical model for the electron discussed here admittedly does not involve quantum electrodynamics, where the infinite self energy is made finite with renormalization methods.

EPJ Quantum Technol ; 9(1): 25, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36227029


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Deep Space Quantum Link mission concept enables a unique set of science experiments by establishing robust quantum optical links across extremely long baselines. Potential mission configurations include establishing a quantum link between the Lunar Gateway moon-orbiting space station and nodes on or near the Earth. This publication summarizes the principal experimental goals of the Deep Space Quantum Link. These goals, identified through a multi-year design study conducted by the authors, include long-range teleportation, tests of gravitational coupling to quantum states, and advanced tests of quantum nonlocality.

Stud Hist Philos Sci ; 95: 1-27, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35930828


The problem of observables and their supposed lack of change has been significant in Hamiltonian quantum gravity since the 1950s. This paper considers the unrecognized variety of ideas about observables in the thought of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics co-founder Peter Bergmann, who trained many students at Syracuse and invented observables. Whereas initially Bergmann required a constrained Hamiltonian formalism to be mathematically equivalent to the Lagrangian, in 1953 Bergmann and Schiller introduced a novel postulate, motivated by facilitating quantum gravity. This postulate held that observables were invariant under transformations generated by each individual first-class constraint. While modern works rely on Bergmann's authority and sometimes speak of "Bergmann observables," he had much to say about observables, generally interesting and plausible but not all mutually consistent and much of it neglected. On occasion he required observables to be locally defined (not changeless and global); at times he wanted observables to be independent of the Hamiltonian formalism (implicitly contrary to a definition involving separate first-class constraints). But typically he took observables to have vanishing Poisson bracket with each first-class constraint and took this result to be justified by the example of electrodynamics. He expected observables to be analogous to the transverse true degrees of freedom of electromagnetism. Given these premises, there is no coherent concept of observables which he reliably endorsed, much less established. A revised definition of observables that satisfies the requirement that equivalent theories should have equivalent observables using the Rosenfeld-Anderson-Bergmann-Castellani gauge generator G, a tuned sum of first-class constraints that changes the canonical action ∫dt(pq̇-H) by a boundary term. Bootstrapping from theory formulations with no first-class constraints, one finds that the "external" coordinate gauge symmetry of GR calls for covariance (a transformation rule and hence a 4-dimensional Lie derivative for the Poisson bracket), not invariance (0 Poisson bracket), under G (not each first-class constraint separately).

Gravitación , Humanos , Masculino , Tiempo
Gen Relativ Gravit ; 54(8): 88, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35996424


In this paper I investigate the possibility to test Einstein's equations with observations of cosmological large scale structure. I first show that we have not tested the equations in observations concerning only the homogeneous and isotropic Universe. I then show with several examples how we can do better when considering the fluctuations of both, the energy momentum tensor and the metric. This is illustrated with galaxy number counts, intensity mapping and cosmic shear, three examples that are by no means exhaustive.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 380(2230): 20210405, 2022 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35785974


In this discourse, we would like to discuss some issues of concept and principle in the context of the following three aspects. One, how [Formula: see text] arises as a constant of space-time structure on the same footing as the velocity of light. These are the two constants innate to space-time without reference to any force or dynamics whatsoever, and are interwoven in the geometry of 'free' homogeneous space-time. Two, how does the vacuum energy gravitate? Could its gravitational interaction in principle be included in general relativity or a new theory of quantum space-time/gravity would be required? Finally, we would like to raise the fundamental question: How does the Universe physically expand? Since there does not lie anything outside into which it can expand, instead it has to expand on its own-maybe by creating new space-time out of nothing at each instant and at every location! Thus not only was the Universe created at some instant in the past marking the beginning in the Big Bang, it is in fact being created continuously at each epoch as it expands. We thus need quantum theory of space-time/gravity for fully understanding the working of the Universe. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 2'.