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Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 2024 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233277


In esophagogastric surgery, the appearance of an anastomotic leak is the most feared complication. Early diagnosis is important for optimal management and successful resolution. For this reason, different studies have investigated the value of the use of markers to predict possible postoperative complications. Because of this, research and the creation of predictive models that identify patients at high risk of developing complications are mandatory in order to obtain an early diagnosis. The PROFUGO study (PRedictivO Model for Early Diagnosis of anastomotic LEAK after esophagectomy and gastrectomy) is proposed as a prospective and multicenter national study that aims to develop, with the help of artificial intelligence methods, a predictive model that allows for the identification of high-risk cases. of anastomotic leakage and/or major complications by analyzing different clinical and analytical variables collected during the postoperative period of patients undergoing esophagectomy or gastrectomy.

Nutr. hosp ; 41(2): 330-337, Mar-Abr. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232648


Objetivo: valorar la efectividad de la inmunonutrición (IN) frente a las fórmulas nutricionales estándar en pacientes operados de cáncer gástrico. Material y métodos: se trata de un estudio de vida real, de tipo observacional, retrospectivo y de cohortes. Para este estudio se incluyeron 134 pacientes, todos ellos sometidos a gastrectomía en en el Hospital Montecelo, entre diciembre de 2019 y diciembre de 2022. El grupo A (N = 79 pacientes) recibió nutrición estándar y el grupo B (N = 55 pacientes) recibió fórmulas con arginina, nucleótidos, ácidos grasos omega-3 y aceite de oliva virgen extra. Este protocolo se ha realizado de forma pre y postoperatoria por un periodo medio de 10 días. Se evaluaron el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, la necesidad de nutrición parenteral (NPT), las complicaciones postoperatorias y las variables antropométricas y analíticas. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron con el programa Stata 16.1.® Resultados: en el grupo de IN respecto al grupo de nutrición estándar: la estancia hospitalaria se reduce un 34 % (p < 0,001). La cantidad de pacientes que precisan NPT se reduce un 21,1 % (p = 0,022) y su duración también se reduce un 33,2 % (p < 0,001). El riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas es menor con la IN, concretamente un 70,1 % menos (p < 0,001). En cuanto a las otras complicaciones postoperatorias, la IN disminuye el riesgo de oclusión intestinal en un 84 % (p < 0,002), la dehiscencia de suturas en un 90,9 % (p < 0,001), la transfusión sanguínea en un 99,8 % (p < 0,001), el derrame pleural en un 90,9 % (p = 0,021), la insuficiencia renal aguda en un 84,02 % (p = 0,047) y la reintervención quirúrgica en un 69,93 % (p < 0,011). En el grupo de IN se observa una menor pérdida ponderal (p = 0,048) y una menor disminución de la albúmina (p = 0,005) y el colesterol postoperatorios (p < 0,001). Conclusión: la inmunonutrición reduce las complicaciones postoperatorias, disminuye la estancia hospitalaria..(AU)

Objective: to assess the effectiveness of immunonutrition (IN) compared to standard nutritional formulas in patients undergoing gastric cancersurgery. Material and methods: this is a real-life, observational retrospective cohort study. It included 134 patients, all of whom underwent gastrectomy at Montecelo Hospital between December 2019 and December 2022. Group A (n = 79 patients) received standard nutrition, and Group B (n = 55 patients) received formulas containing arginine, nucleotides, omega-3 fatty acids, and extra virgin olive oil. This protocol was carried out both pre and postoperatively for an average period of 10 days. The study evaluated hospital stay, the need for parenteral nutrition (PN), postoperativecomplications, as well as anthropometric and laboratory variables. Statistical analyses were performed using Stata 16.1.® Results: in the IN group compared to the standard nutrition group, the hospital stay was reduced by 34 % (p < 0.001). The number of patients requiring PN decreased by 21.1 % (p = 0.022), and its duration also decreased by 33.2 % (p < 0.001). The risk of infectious complications was lower with IN, specifically 70.1 % less (p < 0.001). As for other postoperative complications, IN reduced the risk of intestinal obstruction by 84 % (p < 0.002), suture dehiscence by 90.9 % (p < 0.001), blood transfusion by 99.8 % (p < 0.001), pleural effusion by 90.9 % (p = 0.021), acute renal failure by 84.02 % (p = 0.047), and surgical re-intervention by 69.93 % (p < 0.011). In the IN group, there was less weight loss (p = 0.048) and a smaller decrease in postoperative albumin (p = 0.005) and cholesterol (p < 0.001). Conclusion: immunonutrition reduces postoperative complications, decreases hospital stay, and optimizes nutritional outcomes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Neoplasias Gástricas/complicaciones , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Gastrectomía , Estado Nutricional , Estudios Retrospectivos , Ciencias de la Nutrición , Estudios de Cohortes
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 407-420, 2024-04-24. fig, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553805


Introducción. El cáncer gástrico en Colombia es la segunda neoplasia más común en hombres y la cuarta en mujeres. En los últimos años se han descrito ampliamente los beneficios del abordaje laparoscópico en el cáncer gástrico frente a sangrado, recuperación postoperatoria y complicaciones, sin afectar los resultados oncológicos. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes llevados a gastrectomía laparoscópica en la Clínica Universitaria Colombia durante un período de diez años, entre 2013 y 2023. Se describieron los resultados perioperatorios en cuanto a estancia hospitalaria, sangrado operatorio, duración del procedimiento, complicaciones, causas de reintervención y mortalidad en los primeros 30 días. Resultados. Se incluyeron 418 pacientes, 58,9 % hombres, con una edad promedio de 60,8 años. Se documentó un tiempo quirúrgico promedio de 228,7 minutos, con un sangrado de 150 ml. La media de ganglios linfáticos resecados fue de 26,1 ± 11,4. La estancia hospitalaria en promedio fue de 4 ± 4 días, y se registraron complicaciones en 104 sujetos, con una tasa promedio de 24 %, de las cuales 29 (27,4 %) obtuvieron una clasificación Clavien-Dindo IIIB. Conclusiones. La gastrectomía por laparoscopia en un centro de alto volumen y con cirujanos experimentados en Colombia, tiene resultados perioperatorios similares a lo reportado en la literatura mundial. Aún se requiere de estudios de mayor fuerza de asociación para establecer recomendaciones sobre el uso rutinario de este abordaje en patología maligna avanzada.

Introduction. Gastric cancer in Colombia is the second most common neoplasm in men and the fourth in women. In recent years, the benefits of the laparoscopic approach in gastric cancer against bleeding, postoperative recovery com and complications have been widely described, without affecting oncological results. Methods. Retrospective observational study of patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia over a period of ten years, between 2013 and 2023. Perioperative results were described in terms of hospital stay, operative bleeding, duration of the procedure, complications, causes of reintervention, and mortality in the first 30 days. Results. 418 patients were included, 58.9% men, with an average age of 60.88 years. An average surgical time of 228.7 minutes was documented, with a blood loss of 150 ml. The mean number of lymph nodes resected was 26.1 ± 11.4. The average hospital stay was 4 ± 4 days, and complications were recorded in 104 subjects, with an average rate of 24%, of which 29 (27.4%) obtained a Clavien-Dindo IIIB classification. Conclusions. Laparoscopic gastrectomy in a high-volume center and with experienced surgeons in Colombia has perioperative results similar to those reported in the world literature. Studies with greater strength of association are still required to establish recommendations on the routine use of this approach in advanced malignant pathology.

Humanos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Laparoscopía , Gastrectomía , Neoplasias Gástricas , Mortalidad , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Mínimamente Invasivos
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 421-429, 2024-04-24. tab, fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554113


Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los desenlaces a corto plazo de la gastrectomía laparoscópica en adultos vs. adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado en una cohorte de un país occidental. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo en pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía laparoscópica por cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado, en el Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, entre noviembre de 2014 y diciembre de 2018. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, de comparación de grupos y bivariado. Resultados. De un total de 116 pacientes, 51 pacientes (44 %) tenían 65 años o más y 63 pacientes (54 %) eran hombres. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar los pacientes menores de 65 años con los de 65 años o más. La mediana del tiempo operatorio fue de 240 minutos en ambos grupos (p>0,05), la mediana de los márgenes de resección macroscópica fue 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0,05), la mediana de los ganglios linfáticos disecados fue 25 vs. 19 (p>0,05), la mediana de ganglios linfáticos positivos fue 4 vs. 3 (p>0,05), la mediana de estancia fue de 7 días en ambos grupos (p>0,05). La tasa general de complicaciones posoperatorias no difirió significativamente entre adultos (7%) y adultos mayores (11 %) (p>0,05) y no se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de complicaciones menores (Clavien-Dindo grado II; 3-5 % vs. 6-12 %; p>0,05) y graves (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5 % vs. 4-8 %; p>0,05). Conclusiones. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los resultados a corto plazo entre los pacientes adultos y adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado tratados con gastrectomía laparoscópica. Esta técnica es segura en ancianos.

Introduction. The objective of this study was to compare the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic gastrectomy in adults vs. older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer from a Western country cohort. Methods. Prospective cohort study in patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy for locally advanced gastric cancer at the Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, between November 2014 and December 2018. Descriptive, group comparison and bivariate analysis was performed. Results. Of a total of 116 patients, 51 patients (44%) were 65 years or older and 63 patients (54%) were men. No statistically significant difference was found when comparing patients under 65 years of age with those 65 years of age or older. The median operating time was 240 minutes in both groups (p>0.05), the median macroscopic resection margins were 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0.05), the median number of lymph nodes dissected was 25 vs. 19 (p>0.05), the median number of positive lymph nodes was 4 vs. 3 (p>0.05), the median stay was 7 days in both groups (p>0.05). The overall rate of postoperative complications did not differ significantly between adults (7%) and older adults (11%) (p>0.05) and no significant differences were observed in the rates of minor (Clavien-Dindo grade II; 3-5% vs. 6-12%; p>0.05) and severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5% vs. 4-8%; p>0.05). Conclusions. No statistically differences were found in short-term outcomes between adult and older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer treated with laparoscopic gastrectomy. This technique is safe in the elderly.

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas , Anciano , Gastrectomía , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Laparoscopía , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Mínimamente Invasivos
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 143-155, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231313


Introducción: La calidad de vida del adulto mayor se deteriora a un ritmo acelerado por la presencia del cáncer de estómago, debido a los cambios internos o externos sufridos durante el proceso de esta enfermedad. Determinar el estado nutricional en adultos mayores con cáncer de estómago en la mejora de la calidad de vida en los pacientes que acude al Hospital de Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilber Potón 2) Materiales y métodos: la implementada fue descriptiva, correlacional, con un diseño cualitativo, y semicuantitativo. La muestra está conformada por 70 pacientes del área de oncología del hospital entre las edades de 65 a 90 años. 3) Resultados: se encontró que el rango de edad es frecuente de 65 ± 70 años en un 41%; con respecto al sexo masculino predomina el 60%; en la etnia mestiza prevalece el 77%; en cuanto al índice de masa corporal se encuentra el 61% de bajo peso; el estadio B del cáncer de estómago según la valoración global subjetiva se presenta con mayor frecuencia; en base a la clasificación por estadios, el estadio IV es del 41,4%; el tratamiento sugerido fue de gastrectomía total en un 52,8%; cabe destacar que en la calidad de vida se identificó relación con el estado nutricional moderado en: dificultad para concentrarse 44%; depresión 64%; y pérdida de memoria 55%; dolor 56%: pérdida de apetito 64%; náuseas 64%; y diarrea 54%. 4) Conclusión: Se debe tener en cuenta que el cáncer gástrico es una neoplasia que genera una alta mortalidad y afecta la calidad de vida por lo cual se debe establecer una adecuada Dietoerapia de acuerdo con los requerimientos individuales del paciente considerando también las preferencias, la cultura y los efectos secundarios como las alteraciones organolépticas que se presentan por el tratamiento, además es importante el apoyo psicosocial del entorno.(AU)

Introduction: The quality of life of the elderly deterioratesat an accelerated rate due to the presence of stomach cancer,due to the internal or external changes suffered during theprocess of this disease. Objective: Determine the relationship between nutritionalstatus and quality of life in older adults with stomach cancerwho attend the Guayaquil hospital, Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón,Guayas, January to September 2022.Methods: descriptive, correlational, qualitative and semi-quantitative study using the Screening carried out by Detskyin 1987, which measures nutritional risk, based on aspects ofthe clinical and physical history. To analyze the informationcollected, the Microsoft Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistic Vprograms were used. 22. Kendall’s Tau C correlation test andKendall’s Tau B test (non-parametric measures) were appliedin order to establish conclusions. and validate hypotheses re-garding the relationship between VGS, stages and treatmentwith the nutritional status of patients suffering from gastricAC. The sample is taken from the population treated in theoutpatient clinic of the Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilbert PontónHospital with a sample of 70 older adults with stomach can-cer from 65 to 90 years old.Results: When evaluating the nutritional status of olderadults with cancer through the subjective global assessment,it was found that 54% had stage B or moderately malnour-ished. Approximately 30% are found in stage C with malnu-trition, and 16% in normal stage A. When relating the nutri-tional status through the subjective global assessment andthe quality of life of the elderly with stomach cancer in refer-ence to the relationship nutritional status with the subjectiveglobal assessment, patient stages and patient treatment, allare statistically significant, with a medium negative correla-tion (tau = -0.436; p value.Conclusion: It must be taken into account that gastriccancer is a neoplasm that generates high mortality and af-fects the quality of life...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Gatos , Calidad de Vida , Estado Nutricional , Neoplasias Gástricas , Factores de Riesgo , Ecuador , Ciencias de la Nutrición , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Investigación Cualitativa
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 111-116, feb. 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528817


El cáncer gástrico (CG), es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer, en hombres, y la tercera en mujeres, en Chile. No obstante ello, el CG bifocal (CGB) es una situación poco frecuente. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue reportar un caso de CGB, con linfonodos negativos en un paciente con cirrosis hepática, que fue intervenido quirúrgicamente; y revisar la evidencia existente respecto de sus características morfológicas, terapéuticas y pronósticas. Caso clínico: Hombre de 74 años diabético, hipertenso, insuficiente cardíaco y cirrótico; portador de CGB (subcardial y antro-pilórico), diagnosticado por endoscopia y con confirmación histológica de ambas lesiones; operado en Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco en septiembre de 2023. En el intraoperatorio se verificó además la coexistencia de una lesión de aspecto metastásico en el segmento III del hígado, y adhesión de la región antro-pilórica a la vesícula biliar. Se realizó gastrectomía total, linfadenectomía D2, esófago-yeyuno anastomosis término-lateral, resección segmentaria hepática (segmento III) y colecistectomía. El paciente permaneció 6 días en la UCI debido a que desarrolló insuficiencia hepática (encefalopatía leve y ascitis). Se alimentó vía enteral por sonda naso-yeyunal. Posteriormente inició alimentación oral progresiva, la que fue bien tolerada. Completó 11 días de hospitalización en servicio médico-quirúrgico, donde mejoró actividad neurológica, hasta su alta domiciliaria. Actualmente, lleva dos meses desde su operación, se encuentra en buenas condiciones generales, y el Comité Oncológico decidió no dar quimioterapia adyuvante. Se presenta un caso inusual de CG de tipo bifocal, respecto de lo cual hay escasa información disponible. Se logró realizar cirugía con intención curativa en un paciente de alto riesgo, con un resultado exitoso.

SUMMARY: Gastric cancer (GC) is the first cause of death from cancer in men, and the third one in women, in Chile. However, a bifocal GC (BGC) is uncommon. The aim of this study was to report a case of CGB, with negative-lymph nodes in a patient with liver cirrhosis, who underwent surgery; and review the existing evidence regarding its morphological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics. Clinical case: A 74-year-old male patient with a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cirrhosis underwent surgical intervention for GC located in subcardial and antro- pyloric regions. The diagnosis was established via endoscopy and confirmed histologically. Surgery was performed at the RedSalud Mayor Temuco Clinic in September 2023. During intraoperative assessment, the coexistence of a lesion with metastatic-like characteristics in segment III of the liver was also verified, along with adhesions between the antro-pyloric region and the gallbladder. Surgical approach encompassed total gastrectomy, D2 lymphadenectomy, esophago-jejunostomy, segmental hepatic resection, and cholecystectomy. Subsequently, the patient required a six-day stay in ICU due to the development of hepatic insufficiency, characterized by mild encephalopathy and ascites. Enteral nutrition was administered via a naso-jejunal tube, followed by a gradual transition to oral feeding, which was well-tolerated. The patient completed an 11-day hospitalization period in the medical-surgical ward, during which his neurological function improved significantly, resulting in his discharge. At present, 2 months post-surgery, the patient remains in satisfactory general health, and the Oncology Committee decided not to proceed with adjuvant chemotherapy. This case represents a rare instance of bifocal GC, for which there is limited available literature. Surgical intervention with curative intent was successfully carried out in a high-risk patient, yielding a positive outcome.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Neoplasias Gástricas/cirugía , Neoplasias Gástricas/patología , Neoplasias Primarias Múltiples , Gastrectomía
Nutr Hosp ; 41(2): 330-337, 2024 Apr 26.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328956


Introduction: Objective: to assess the effectiveness of immunonutrition (IN) compared to standard nutritional formulas in patients undergoing gastric cancer surgery. Material and methods: this is a real-life, observational retrospective cohort study. It included 134 patients, all of whom underwent gastrectomy at Montecelo Hospital between December 2019 and December 2022. Group A (N = 79 patients) received standard nutrition, and Group B (N = 55 patients) received formulas containing arginine, nucleotides, omega-3 fatty acids, and extra virgin olive oil. This protocol was carried out both pre and postoperatively for an average period of 10 days. The study evaluated hospital stay, the need for parenteral nutrition (PN), postoperative complications, as well as anthropometric and laboratory variables. Statistical analyses were performed using Stata 16.1.® Results: in the IN group compared to the standard nutrition group, the hospital stay was reduced by 34 % (p < 0.001). The number of patients requiring PN decreased by 21.1 % (p = 0.022), and its duration also decreased by 33.2 % (p < 0.001). The risk of infectious complications was lower with IN, specifically 70.1 % less (p < 0.001). As for other postoperative complications, IN reduced the risk of intestinal obstruction by 84 % (p < 0.002), suture dehiscence by 90.9 % (p < 0.001), blood transfusion by 99.8 % (p < 0.001), pleural effusion by 90.9 % (p = 0.021), acute renal failure by 84.02 % (p = 0.047), and surgical re-intervention by 69.93 % (p < 0.011). In the IN group, there was less weight loss (p = 0.048) and a smaller decrease in postoperative albumin (p = 0.005) and cholesterol (p < 0.001). Conclusion: immunonutrition reduces postoperative complications, decreases hospital stay, and optimizes nutritional outcomes.

Introducción: Objetivo: valorar la efectividad de la inmunonutrición (IN) frente a las fórmulas nutricionales estándar en pacientes operados de cáncer gástrico. Material y métodos: se trata de un estudio de vida real, de tipo observacional, retrospectivo y de cohortes. Para este estudio se incluyeron 134 pacientes, todos ellos sometidos a gastrectomía en en el Hospital Montecelo, entre diciembre de 2019 y diciembre de 2022. El grupo A (N = 79 pacientes) recibió nutrición estándar y el grupo B (N = 55 pacientes) recibió fórmulas con arginina, nucleótidos, ácidos grasos omega-3 y aceite de oliva virgen extra. Este protocolo se ha realizado de forma pre y postoperatoria por un periodo medio de 10 días. Se evaluaron el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, la necesidad de nutrición parenteral (NPT), las complicaciones postoperatorias y las variables antropométricas y analíticas. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron con el programa Stata 16.1.® Resultados: en el grupo de IN respecto al grupo de nutrición estándar: la estancia hospitalaria se reduce un 34 % (p < 0,001). La cantidad de pacientes que precisan NPT se reduce un 21,1 % (p = 0,022) y su duración también se reduce un 33,2 % (p < 0,001). El riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas es menor con la IN, concretamente un 70,1 % menos (p < 0,001). En cuanto a las otras complicaciones postoperatorias, la IN disminuye el riesgo de oclusión intestinal en un 84 % (p < 0,002), la dehiscencia de suturas en un 90,9 % (p < 0,001), la transfusión sanguínea en un 99,8 % (p < 0,001), el derrame pleural en un 90,9 % (p = 0,021), la insuficiencia renal aguda en un 84,02 % (p = 0,047) y la reintervención quirúrgica en un 69,93 % (p < 0,011). En el grupo de IN se observa una menor pérdida ponderal (p = 0,048) y una menor disminución de la albúmina (p = 0,005) y el colesterol postoperatorios (p < 0,001). Conclusión: la inmunonutrición reduce las complicaciones postoperatorias, disminuye la estancia hospitalaria y optimiza los resultados nutricionales.

Gastrectomía , Atención Perioperativa , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Neoplasias Gástricas , Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas/cirugía , Masculino , Femenino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/epidemiología , Gastrectomía/métodos , Atención Perioperativa/métodos , Tiempo de Internación , Estudios de Cohortes , Nutrición Parenteral/métodos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Ácidos Grasos Omega-3/administración & dosificación , Dieta de Inmunonutrición
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 102(1): 44-52, Ene. 2024. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-229703


Introducción: El objetivo principal es realizar un Registro Nacional de pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) que son sometidos a cirugía bariátrica, así como evaluar los resultados y aspectos fundamentales del manejo de este tipo de pacientes en la práctica clínica habitual. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo observacional multicéntrico nacional, en el que se incluyen pacientes diagnosticados previamente de EII, que hayan sido intervenidos de cirugía bariátrica desde enero de 2000 hasta diciembre de 2022. Resultados: Se han incluido un total de 41 pacientes: 43,9% diagnosticados previamente de colitis ulcerosa (CU), 53,7% de enfermedad de Crohn (EC), y una colitis indeterminada (2,4%). El índice de masa corporal (IMC) preoperatorio ha sido de 45,8 ± 6,1 kg/m2. Se han realizado 31 (75,6%) gastrectomías verticales, un (2,4%) bypass gástrico y nueve (22%) bypass gástrico de una anastomosis. Se han registrado 9,8% de complicaciones. A los 12 meses, el IMC medio fue de 29,5 ± 4,7 kg/m2, presentando en un porcentaje de peso total perdido (%PTP) de 33,9 ± 9,1%. Conclusiones: La cirugía bariátrica en pacientes previamente diagnosticados de EII se puede considerar eficaz en cuanto a pérdida de peso, y segura en relación con un porcentaje bajo de complicaciones.(AU)

Background: Our aim is to carry out a national registry of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who underwent bariatric surgery, as well as evaluate the results and management of this type of patients in the usual clinical practice. Methods: National multicentric observational retrospective study, including patients, previously diagnosed with IBD who underwent bariatric surgery from January 2000 to December 2022. Results: Forty-one patients have been included: 43.9% previously diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, 57.3% Crohn's disease, and an indeterminate colitis (2.4%). The preoperative BMI was 45.8 ± 6.1 kg/m2. Among the bariatric surgeries, 31 (75.6%) sleeve gastrectomy, 1 (2.4%) gastric bypass and 9 (22%) one anastomosis gastric have been carried out. During the postoperative period, 9.8% complications have been recorded. BMI was 29.5 ± 4.7 kg/m2 and percent total weight lost was 33.9 ± 9.1% at 12 months. Conclusions: Bariatric surgery in patients with inflammatory bowel disease can be considered safe and effective.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Cirugía Bariátrica , Enfermedad de Crohn , Colitis Ulcerosa , Anastomosis Quirúrgica , Derivación Gástrica , Laparoscopía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Gastrectomía , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 94-99, 20240102. fig, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526827


Introducción. La gastrectomía y disección ganglionar es el estándar de manejo para los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Factores como la identificación de ganglios por el patólogo, pueden tener un impacto negativo en la estadificación y el tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el recuento ganglionar de un espécimen quirúrgico después de una gastrectomía completa (grupo A) y de un espécimen con un fraccionamiento por grupos ganglionares (grupo B). Métodos. Estudio de una base de datos retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía D2 en el Servicio de Cirugía gastrointestinal de la Liga Contra el Cáncer seccional Risaralda, Pereira, Colombia. Se comparó el recuento ganglionar en especímenes quirúrgicos con y sin división ganglionar por regiones anatómicas previo a su envío a patología. Resultados. De los 94 pacientes intervenidos, 65 pertenecían al grupo A y 29 pacientes al grupo B. El promedio de ganglios fue de 24,4±8,6 y 32,4±14,4 respectivamente (p=0,004). El porcentaje de pacientes con más de 15 y de 25 ganglios fue menor en el grupo A que en el grupo B (27 vs 57, p=0,432 y 19 vs 24, p=0,014). El promedio de pacientes con una relación ganglionar menor 0,2 fue mayor en el grupo B (72,4 % vs 55,4 %, p=0,119). Conclusiones. Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron que una división por grupos ganglionares previo a la valoración del espécimen por el servicio de patología incrementa el recuento ganglionar y permite establecer de manera certera el pronóstico de los pacientes, teniendo un impacto positivo en su estadificación, para evitar el sobretratamiento

Introduction. A gastrectomy and lymph node dissection is the standard of management for patients with gastric cancer. Factors such as the identification of nodes by the pathologist can have a negative impact on staging and treatment. The objective of this study was to compare the lymph node count of a surgical specimen after a complete gastrectomy (group A) and of a specimen with lymph node by groups (group B). Methods. Study of a retrospective database of patients undergoing D2 gastrectomy in the Risaralda section of the Liga Contra el Cancer Gastrointestinal surgical service, Pereira, Colombia. The lymph node count was compared in surgical specimens with and without lymph node division by anatomical regions, prior to sending them to pathology. Results. Of the 94 patients who underwent surgery, 65 were from group A and 29 patients were from group B. The average number of nodes was 24.4±8.6 and 32.4±14.4, respectively (p=0.004). The percentage of patients with more than 15 and 25 nodes was lower in group A than in group B (27 vs 57, p=0.432 and 19 vs 24, p=0.014). The average number of patients with a nodal ratio less than 0.2 was higher in group B (72.4% vs 55.4%, p=0.119). Conclusions. The results of our study showed that a division by lymph node groups prior to the evaluation of the specimen by the pathology service increases the lymph node count and allows the prognosis of patients to be accurately established, having a positive impact on their staging, to avoid overtreatment.

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas , Escisión del Ganglio Linfático , Estadificación de Neoplasias , Gastrectomía , Ganglios Linfáticos , Metástasis Linfática
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 102(1): 44-52, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37952719


BACKGROUND: Our aim is to carry out a national registry of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who underwent bariatric surgery, as well as evaluate the results and management of this type of patients in the usual clinical practice. METHODS: National multicentric observational retrospective study, including patients, previously diagnosed with IBD who underwent bariatric surgery from January 2000 to December 2022. RESULTS: Forty-one patients have been included: 43,9% previously diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, 57,3% Crohn's disease, and an indeterminate colitis (2,4%). The preoperative BMI was 45.8 ± 6,1 kg/m2. Among the bariatric surgeries, 31 (75,6%) sleeve gastrectomy, 1 (2,4%) gastric bypass and 9 (22%) one anastomosis gastric have been carried out. During the postoperative period, 9.8% complications have been recorded. BMI was 29,5 ± 4,7 kg/m2 and percent total weight lost was 33,9 ± 9,1% at 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Bariatric surgery in patients with inflammatory bowel disease can be considered safe and effective.

Cirugía Bariátrica , Derivación Gástrica , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Humanos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/complicaciones , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/epidemiología , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/cirugía , Cirugía Bariátrica/métodos , Sistema de Registros
ABCD arq. bras. cir. dig ; 37: e1799, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556601


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Curative treatment for gastric cancer involves tumor resection, followed by transit reconstruction, with Roux-en-Y being the main technique employed. To permit food transit to the duodenum, which is absent in Roux-en-Y, double transit reconstruction has been used, whose theoretical advantages seem to surpass the previous technique. AIMS: To compare the clinical evolution of gastric cancer patients who underwent total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y and double tract reconstruction. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out on Web of Science, Scopus, EmbasE, SciELO, Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar databases. Data were collected until June 11, 2022. Observational studies or clinical trials evaluating patients submitted to double tract (DT) and Roux-en-Y (RY) reconstructions were included. There was no temporal or language restriction. Review articles, case reports, case series, and incomplete texts were excluded. The risk of bias was calculated using the Cochrane tool designed for randomized clinical trials. RESULTS: Four studies of good methodological quality were included, encompassing 209 participants. In the RY group, there was a greater reduction in food intake. In the DT group, the decrease in body mass index was less pronounced compared to preoperative values. CONCLUSIONS: The double tract reconstruction had better outcomes concerning body mass index and the time until starting a light diet; however, it did not present any advantages in relation to nutritional deficits, quality of life, and post-surgical complications.

RESUMO RACIONAL: O tratamento curativo do câncer gástrico envolve a ressecção do tumor, seguida de reconstrução do trânsito, sendo o Y-de-Roux a principal técnica empregada. Para permitir o trânsito alimentar para o duodeno, ausente em Y-de-Roux, tem-se utilizado a reconstrução de duplo trânsito, cujas vantagens teóricas parecem superar a técnica anterior. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a evolução clínica de pacientes com câncer gástrico submetidos à gastrectomia total com Y-de-Roux e reconstrução de duplo trânsito. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados: Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, PubMed e Cochrane. Os dados foram coletados até 11 de junho de 2022. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais ou ensaios clínicos avaliando pacientes que utilizaram reconstruções de duplo trânsito (DT) e Y-de-Roux (RY). Não houve restrição temporal ou de idioma. Foram excluídos artigos de revisão, relatos de casos, séries de casos e aqueles com texto incompleto. O risco de viés foi calculado utilizando a ferramenta Cochrane desenvolvida para ensaios clínicos randomizados. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos quatro estudos de boa qualidade metodológica, abrangendo 209 participantes. No grupo RY houve maior redução na ingestão alimentar. No grupo DT, a diminuição do índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi menos pronunciada em comparação aos valores pré-operatórios. CONCLUSÕES: A reconstrução de duplo trânsito apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao índice de massa corporal e ao tempo para início de dieta leve, porém não apresentou vantagens em relação aos déficits nutricionais, qualidade de vida e complicações pós-cirúrgicas.

ABCD arq. bras. cir. dig ; 37: e1805, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563604


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Predicting short- and long-term outcomes of oncological therapies is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies. Malnutrition and the host immune status significantly affect outcomes in major surgeries. AIMS: To assess the value of preoperative prognostic nutritional index (PNI) in predicting outcomes in gastric cancer patients. METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted on patients undergoing curative-intent surgery for gastric adenocarcinoma between 2009 and 2020. PNI was calculated as follows: PNI=(10 x albumin [g/dL])+(0.005 x lymphocytes [nº/mm3]). The optimal cutoff value was determined by the receiver operating characteristic curve (PNI cutoff=52), and patients were grouped into low and high PNI. RESULTS: Of the 529 patients included, 315 (59.5%) were classified as a low-PNI group (PNI<52) and 214 (40.5%) as a high-PNI group (PNI≥52). Older age (p=0.050), male sex (p=0.003), American Society of Anesthesiologists score (ASA) III/IV (p=0.001), lower hemoglobin level (p<0.001), lower body mass index (p=0.001), higher neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (p<0.001), D1 lymphadenectomy, advanced pT stage, pN+ and more advanced pTNM stage were related to low-PNI patient. Furthermore, 30-day (1.4 vs. 4.8%; p=0.036) and 90-day (3.3 vs. 10.5%; p=0.002) mortality rates were higher in low-PNI compared to high-PNI group. Disease-free and overall survival were worse in low-PNI patients compared to high-PNI (p<0.001 for both). ASA III/IV score, low-PNI, pT3/T4, and pN+ were independent risk factors for worse survival. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative PNI can predict short- and long-term outcomes of patients with gastric cancer after curative gastrectomy. Low PNI is an independent factor related to worse disease-free and overall survival.

RESUMO RACIONAL: Estimar os desfechos de curto e longo prazo das terapias contra o câncer é crucial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de tratamento eficazes. A desnutrição e o estado imunológico do hospedeiro afetam significativamente os desfechos em cirurgias de grande porte. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o valor do índice nutricional prognóstico pré-operatório (INP) na predição de desfechos em pacientes com câncer gástrico. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise de coorte retrospectiva de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia com intenção curativa para adenocarcinoma gástrico entre 2009 e 2020. O INP foi calculado da seguinte forma: INP=(10 x albumina [g/dL])+(0.005 x linfócitos [nº/mm3]). O valor de corte ideal foi determinado pela curva característica de operação do receptor (ponto de corte do INP=52), e os pacientes foram agrupados em INP baixo ou alto. RESULTADOS: Dos 529 pacientes incluídos, 315 (59,5%) foram classificados como grupo de baixo INP (INP<52) e 214 (40,5%) como grupo de alto INP (INP>52). Idade mais avançada (p=0,050), sexo masculino (p=0,003), escore da Sociedade Americana de Anestesiologistas (ASA) III/IV (p=0,001), menor nível de hemoglobina (p<0,001), menor índice de massa corpórea (p=0,001), maior relação neutrófilos-linfócitos (p<0,001), linfadenectomia D1, estágio pT avançado, pN+ e estágio pTNM mais avançado foram relacionados ao paciente com baixo INP. Além disso, as taxas de mortalidade em 30 dias (1,4 vs. 4,8%; p=0,036) e em 90 dias (3,3 vs. 10,5%; p=0,002) foram maiores no grupo com baixo PNI em comparação ao grupo com alto INP. A sobrevida livre de doença e a sobrevida global foram piores em pacientes com baixo INP em comparação com pacientes com alto INP (p<0,001 para ambos). Escore ASA III/IV, baixo INP, pT3/T4 e pN+ foram fatores de risco independentes para pior sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: O INP pré-operatório pode predizer desfechos de curto e longo prazo de pacientes com câncer gástrico após gastrectomia curativa. Baixo INP é um fator independente relacionado a piores sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243662, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565072


ABSTRACT Introduction: Gastric cancer is still the third cause of death worldwide due to malignant neoplasms. Its prognostic indices have not yet been well defined for surgical intervention in terms of stratifying the intensity of chronic inflammation. The Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) and O-POSSUM and P-POSSUM Indices may constitute these standardizations and were tested to assess the association between them and the prognosis after curative gastrectomy. Method: Retrospective observational study, analysing medical records of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent gastrectomy, from 2015 to 2021, in two hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. Surgical extension, pre, peri and postoperative clinical and laboratory data were observed, up to 30 days after surgery. Patients were layered by GPS and compared according to the Clavien-Dindo (CD) classification. Logistic regression was performed to test the association between the outcome and independent variables. Results: Of the 48 patients, 56.25% were female. There was difference between the groups regarding surgical extension and GPS (both with p<0.001), while O-POSSUM, P-POSSUM and age showed no difference. Factors associated with CD ≥ III-a complication in the univariate analysis were GPS (OR: 85,261; CI: 24,909- 291,831) and P-POSSUM (OR: 1,211; CI:1,044-1,404). In the multivariate analysis, the independent factors associated with CD ≥ III-a were GPS (OR:114,865; CI: 15,430-855,086), P-POSSUM (OR: 1,133; CI: 1,086-1,181) and O-POSSUM (OR: 2,238; CI: 1,790-2,797). Conclusion: In this model, GPS, P-POSSUM and O-POSSUM predicted serious surgical complications. There is a need for further studies to establish strategies to minimize the inflammatory response in the preoperative period.

RESUMO Introdução: O câncer gástrico segue como terceira causa de mortalidade mundial por neoplasias malignas. Seus índices prognósticos ainda não foram bem definidos para intervenção cirúrgica quanto à estratificação da intensidade da inflamação crônica. Os Critérios Prognósticos de Glasgow (CPG) e os índices de O-POSSUM e PPOSSUM podem constituir essas padronizações e foram testados para avaliar a associação entre eles e o prognóstico após gastrectomia curativa. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, analisando prontuários de pacientes com adenocarcinoma gástrico e submetidos à gastrectomia, no período de 2015 até 2021, em dois hospitais no Rio de Janeiro. Foram observados a extensão cirúrgica, os dados clínicos e laboratoriais pré, peri e pós-operatórios, até 30 dias após a cirurgia. Os pacientes foram estratificados pelos CPG e comparados segundo classificação de ClavienDindo (CD). Regressão logística foi realizada para testar associação entre o desfecho e variáveis independentes. Resultados: Dos 48 doentes, 56,25% eram do sexo feminino. Houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à extensão cirúrgica e CPG (ambos com p<0,001), enquanto O-POSSUM, P-POSSUM e idade não apresentaram diferença. Fatores associados com complicação CD ≥ III-a na análise univariada foram CPG (OR: 85,261; IC: 24,909-291,831) e P-POSSUM (OR: 1,211; IC: 1,044-1,404). Na análise multivariada, os fatores independentes associados ao CD ≥ III-a foram CPG (OR: 114,865; IC: 15,430-855,086), P-POSSUM (OR: 1,133; IC: 1,086-1,181) e O-POSSUM (OR: 2,238; IC: 1,790-2,797). Conclusão: Neste modelo, CPG, P-POSSUM e O-POSSUM previram complicações cirúrgicas graves. Há necessidade de estudos mais aprofundados para instituir estratégias de forma a minimizar a resposta inflamatória no período pré-operatório.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(6)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535660


La filtración de la esófagoyeyuno anastomosis (FEYA) es una de las complicaciones más graves tras una gastrectomía total, ya que se asocia a un aumento de la morbimortalidad quirúrgica. El manejo óptimo de la FEYA aún es controversial, existiendo cada vez más opciones mínimamente invasivas, especialmente endoscópicas. El objetivo de la presente revisión es comparar la evidencia científica publicada y actualizada referente al tratamiento médico, endoscópico y quirúrgico de una FEYA y sus resultados a corto y largo plazo además de proponer un algoritmo de manejo que permita orientar la práctica clínica. Finalmente se presenta la experiencia nacional en relación a los avances presentados en los últimos años en torno manejo clínico de FEYA.

Leakage of the esophagojejunostomy (LEY) is one of the most serious complications after total gastrectomy, as it is associated with increased surgical morbidity and mortality. The optimal management of LEY is still controversial, with increasing minimally invasive options, especially endoscopic ones. The aim of this review is to compare the published and updated scientific evidence regarding the medical, endoscopic and surgical treatment of LEY and its short and long-term results, in addition to propose a management algorithm that allows guiding clinical practice. Finally, the national experience is presented in relation to the advances presented in recent years regarding clinical management of LEY.

Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 101 Suppl 4: S39-S42, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37979936


Sleeve gastrectomy has become the most performed bariatric surgery technique in the world. This bariatric technique has been related to the appearance of gastroesophageal reflux and recently with de novo Barrett's esophagus. It is not clear that this leads to an increased incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma. In this review we analyze the current scientific literature to try to answer the true incidence of Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma after sleeve gastrectomy, and whether these data should make us change the indications for this technique.

Adenocarcinoma , Esófago de Barrett , Neoplasias Esofágicas , Reflujo Gastroesofágico , Humanos , Esófago de Barrett/epidemiología , Esófago de Barrett/etiología , Esófago de Barrett/patología , Neoplasias Esofágicas/epidemiología , Neoplasias Esofágicas/cirugía , Neoplasias Esofágicas/etiología , Adenocarcinoma/epidemiología , Adenocarcinoma/cirugía , Adenocarcinoma/etiología , Reflujo Gastroesofágico/etiología , Reflujo Gastroesofágico/complicaciones , Gastrectomía/efectos adversos , Gastrectomía/métodos
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 101 Suppl 4: S19-S25, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37979937


The persistence of obesity favors the failure of the Fundoplication (FP) in the treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER). However, the weight loss obtained with the performance of a Gastric Bypass (GBP) allows a good resolution of symptoms, without increasing the incidence of postoperative complications. All of this leads us to consider that while FP is the indication in patients with BMI < 30, in those patients with BMI > 35, GBP appears to be the procedure of choice. But there is still no position in the case of patients with a BMI between 30 and 35, although we must take into account that an increase in GER recurrence has been described after FP in patients with a BMI > 30. Although Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) is one of the most frequently used bariatric procedures in recent years, its association with a high rate of postoperative GER has led several authors to propose its performance associated with an anti-reflux procedure in patients with GER symptoms. Likewise, if the existence of an Hiatal Hernia is verified, it must be treated by hiatoplasty, both during the performance of a GBP and a SG. This simultaneous treatment is not associated with an increase in complications.

Cirugía Bariátrica , Reflujo Gastroesofágico , Hernia Hiatal , Obesidad Mórbida , Humanos , Hernia Hiatal/cirugía , Obesidad Mórbida/complicaciones , Obesidad Mórbida/cirugía , Reflujo Gastroesofágico/etiología , Cirugía Bariátrica/efectos adversos , Obesidad/complicaciones , Obesidad/cirugía
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 101 Suppl 4: S43-S51, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37979942


Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is the most common bariatric surgery worldwide and has shown to cause de novo or worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Esophageal motility and physiology studies are mandatory in bariatric and foregut centers. The predisposing factors in post-SG patients are disruption of His angle, resection of gastric fold and gastric fundus, increased gastric pressure, resection of the gastric antrum, cutting of the sling fibers and pyloric spasm. There are symptomatic complications due to sleeve morphology as torsion, incisura angularis stenosis, kinking and dilated fundus. In this article, we present recommendations, surgical technique and patient selection flow diagram for SG and avoid de novo or worsening GERD.

Cirugía Bariátrica , Reflujo Gastroesofágico , Obesidad Mórbida , Humanos , Obesidad Mórbida/cirugía , Obesidad Mórbida/complicaciones , Reflujo Gastroesofágico/diagnóstico , Gastrectomía/efectos adversos , Gastrectomía/métodos , Estómago , Cirugía Bariátrica/efectos adversos , Cirugía Bariátrica/métodos
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(4)ago. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515238


La gastrectomía en manga es el procedimiento bariátrico más frecuentemente efectuado en la actualidad. La complicación alejada más frecuente es el aumento de la tasa de enfermedad por reflujo gastro-esofágico. Se han descrito las razones anatómicas y fisiopatológicas de su origen. En este artículo se describen los puntos claves de la técnica quirúrgica de la manga gástrica para su prevención como también otros procedimientos que han sugerido tanto para su prevención como tratamiento.

Sleeve gastrectomy is the most frequently performed bariatric procedure today. The most common distant complication is the increased rate of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The anatomical and pathophysiological reasons for its origin have been described. This article describes the key points of the gastric sleeve surgical technique for its prevention as well as other procedures that have been suggested both for its prevention and treatment.

SciELO Preprints; jul. 2023.
Preprint en Inglés | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-6445


This Brazilian multi-society position statement on emerging bariatric and metabolic surgical procedures was issued by the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (SBCBM), the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery (CBCD), and the Brazilian College of Surgeons (CBC). This document is the result of a Brazilian Emerging Surgeries Forum aimed at evaluating the results of surgeries that are not yet listed in the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the regulatory agency that oversees and regulates medical practice in Brazil. The Forum integrated more than 400 specialists and academics with extensive knowledge about bariatric and metabolic surgery, representing the three surgical societies: SBCBM, CBC, and CBC. International speakers participated online and presented their experiences with the techniques under discussion, emphasizing the regulatory policies in their countries. The indications for surgery and the subsequent procedures were carefully reviewed, including One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB), Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal with Sleeve Gastrectomy (OADS or SADI-S), Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition (SGTB), and Sleeve Gastrectomy with Ileal Interposition (SGII). The recommendations of this document are based on an extensive literature review and discussions among bariatric surgery specialists from the three surgical societies. We concluded that patients with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2 may be candidates for metabolic surgery in the presence of comorbidities (arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes) with no response to clinical treatment of obesity or in the control of other associated diseases. Regarding the surgical procedures, we concluded that OAGB, OADS, and SGTB are associated with low morbidity rates and with satisfactory weight loss and resolution of obesity-related comorbidities such as diabetes and arterial hypertension. SGII was considered a good and viable promising surgical alternative technique. The recommendations of this statement aim to synchronize our societies with the sentiments and understandings of most of our members and also serve as a guide for future decisions regarding bariatric surgical procedures in our country and worldwide.

Esta declaração multissocietária de posicionamento sobre novos procedimentos cirúrgicos bariátricos e metabólicos emergentes foi emitida pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Bariátrica e Metabólica (SBCBM), pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva (CBCD) e pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (CBC). Este documento é resultado do Fórum Brasileiro de Cirurgias Emergentes, realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os resultados de cirurgias ainda não listadas no Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM), órgão regulador que fiscaliza e regulamenta a prática médica no Brasil. O Fórum integrou mais de 400 especialistas e acadêmicos com amplo conhecimento sobre cirurgia bariátrica e metabólica, representando as três sociedades cirúrgicas: SBCBM, CBC e CBC. Palestrantes internacionais participaram online e apresentaram suas experiências com as técnicas em discussão, enfatizando as políticas regulatórias de seus países. As indicações para cirurgia e os procedimentos subsequentes foram cuidadosamente revisados, incluindo bypass gástrico de uma anastomose (OAGB), anastomose duodeno-Ileal única com gastrectomia vertical (OADS ou SADI-S), gastrectomia vertical com bipartição de trânsito (SGTB) e gastrectomia vertical com interposição ileal (SGII). As recomendações deste documento são baseadas em extensa revisão da literatura e discussões entre especialistas em cirurgia bariátrica das três sociedades cirúrgicas. Concluímos que pacientes com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) acima de 30 kg/m2 podem ser candidatos à cirurgia metabólica na presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial e diabetes tipo 2), sem resposta ao tratamento clínico da obesidade ou no controle de outras doenças associadas. Em relação aos procedimentos cirúrgicos, concluímos que OAGB, OADS e SGTB estão associados a baixas taxas de morbidade e com perda de peso satisfatória e resolução de comorbidades relacionadas à obesidade, como diabetes e hipertensão arterial. A SGII foi considerada uma boa e viável técnica cirúrgica, sendo considerada uma alternativa promissora. As recomendações desta declaração visam sincronizar nossas sociedades com os sentimentos e entendimentos da maioria de nossos membros e também servir como um guia para futuras decisões sobre procedimentos cirúrgicos bariátricos em nosso país e no mundo.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 459-467, Mayo 8, 2023. tab, fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438423


Introducción. El cáncer gástrico es la cuarta causa de muerte por cáncer a nivel mundial, con más de un millón de casos diagnosticados cada año. La cirugía con intención curativa sigue siendo el pilar del manejo para los pacientes resecables. La identificación de pacientes con mayor riesgo de morbimortalidad es importante para el proceso de toma de decisiones, sin existir hasta el momento una herramienta ideal. La revisión y el análisis de la experiencia de un centro oncológico de referencia pueden generar información útil. Métodos. Estudio observacional de cohorte histórica, en el que se incluyeron los pacientes llevados a gastrectomía por adenocarcinoma gástrico en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, entre el 1° de enero del 2010 y el 31 de diciembre del 2017. Resultados. Se evaluaron 332 pacientes, de los cuales el 57,2 % eran hombres con edad promedio de 61 años. La mortalidad en esta serie fue del 4,5 % y la morbilidad de 34,9 %. El factor asociado con mayor riesgo de muerte fue la edad, con un HR de 1,05 (p=0,021). Se encontró un mayor riesgo en el grupo de pacientes con ASA mayor a II (p=0,009).El 17,4 % presentaron complicaciones mayores a IIIA de la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo. Conclusiones. En el presente trabajo las cifras de morbilidad y mortalidad son similares a las reportadas en la literatura. Solo la edad y la clasificación de ASA mostraron asociación con valor estadístico significativo para complicaciones postoperatorias

Introduction. Gastric cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide with more than one million cases diagnosed each year. Surgery with curative intent remains the mainstay of management for resectable patients. Identify patients at increased risk of morbidity and mortality is important for the decision making process, with no ideal tool available yet. Review and analysis of the experience of a referral cancer center may generate useful information. Methods. Historical cohort observational study. Patients undergoing gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma at the National Cancer Institute in Bogotá, Colombia, between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2017 were included. Results. We included 332 patients of which 57.2% were men with mean age of 61 years. Mortality in this series was 4.5% and morbidity was 34.9%. The factor associated with higher risk of death was age with a HR of 1.05 statistically significant value (p=0.021). A higher risk was found in the group of patients with ASA greater than II (p=0.009). The 17.4% presented complications greater than IIIA of the Clavien Dindo classification. Conclusions. In this study morbidity and mortality seem similar to those reported in the literature. Only age and ASA score showed an association with significant statistical value for postoperative complications

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas , Gastrectomía , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Pronóstico , Morbilidad , Mortalidad