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Food Chem X ; 13: 100222, 2022 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35498998


Diabetes mellitus, a group of metabolic disorders characterized by persistent hyperglycemia, affects millions of people worldwide and is on the rise. Dietary proteins, from a wide range of food sources, are rich in bioactive peptides with antidiabetic properties. Notable examples include AGFAGDDAPR, a black tea-derived peptide, VRIRLLQRFNKRS, a ß-conglycinin-derived peptide, and milk-derived peptide VPP, which have shown antidiabetic effects in diabetic rodent models through variety of pathways including improving beta-cells function, suppression of alpha-cells proliferation, inhibiting food intake, increasing portal cholecystokinin concentration, enhancing insulin signaling and glucose uptake, and ameliorating adipose tissue inflammation. Despite the immense research on glucoregulatory properties of bioactive peptides, incorporation of these bioactive peptides in functional foods or nutraceuticals is widely limited due to the existence of several challenges in the field of peptide research and commercialization. Ongoing research in this field, however, is fundamental to pave the road for this purpose.

J Ginseng Res ; 45(3): 380-389, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34025131


Metabolic syndrome (MS) refers to a clustering of at least three of the following medical conditions: high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, low high-density lipoprotein level, and high serum triglycerides. MS is related to a wide range of diseases which includes obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. There remains an ongoing need for improved treatment strategies for MS. The most important risk factors are dietary pattern, genetics, old age, lack of exercise, disrupted biology, medication usage, and excessive alcohol consumption, but pathophysiology of MS has not been completely identified. Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) refers to steamed/dried ginseng, traditionally associated with beneficial effects such as anti-inflammation, anti-fatigue, anti-obesity, anti-oxidant, and anti-cancer effects. KRG has been often used in traditional medicine to treat multiple metabolic conditions. This paper summarizes the effects of KRG in MS and related diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease based on experimental research and clinical studies.

Metabol Open ; 10: 100092, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33997754


BACKGROUND: Telfairia occidentalis (TO), a plant consumed for its nutritional and medicinal values, exhibits hypoglycaemic effect. However, the metabolic fate of the glucose following TO-induced insulin secretion and consequent hypoglycaemia is not clear. OBJECTIVE: This study determined the effect of ethyl acetate and n-hexane fractions of TO leaf extracts on some biochemical parameters in the glucose metabolic pathway to explain the possible fate of blood glucose following TO-induced hypoglycaemia. METHODS: Eighteen male Wistar rats (180-200 g) divided into control, n-hexane TO fraction- and ethyl acetate TO fraction-treated groups (n = 6/group) were used. The control animals received normal saline while the treated groups received TO at 100 mg/kg for seven days. After 24 h following the last dose, the animals were anaesthetised using ketamine; blood samples were collected and livers harvested to determine some biochemical parameters. RESULTS: Ethyl acetate TO fraction significantly increased plasma insulin, liver glucokinase activity and plasma pyruvate concentration, but significantly decreased plasma glucose and liver glycogen, without significant changes in plasma lactate, glucose-6-phosphate, liver glucose-6-phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase activities when compared with control. N-hexane TO fraction significantly reduced liver glucose-6-phosphatase activity and glycogen but significantly increased plasma pyruvate, without significant changes in plasma glucose, insulin, glucose-6-phosphate and lactate concentrations; and liver glucokinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities. CONCLUSION: The present study showed that insulin-mediated TO-induced hypoglycaemia resulted in the stimulation of glycolysis and pyruvate production via insulin-dependent and insulin-independent mechanisms.

Acta Pharm Sin B ; 10(1): 79-90, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31993308


Cancer cells reprogram their gene expression to promote growth, survival, proliferation, and invasiveness. The unique expression of certain uptake transporters in cancers and their innate function to concentrate small molecular substrates in cells make them ideal targets for selective delivering imaging and therapeutic agents into cancer cells. In this review, we focus on several solute carrier (SLC) transporters known to be involved in transporting clinically used radiopharmaceutical agents into cancer cells, including the sodium/iodine symporter (NIS), norepinephrine transporter (NET), glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), and monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). The molecular and functional characteristics of these transporters are reviewed with special emphasis on their specific expressions in cancers and interaction with imaging or theranostic agents [e.g., I-123, I-131, 123I-iobenguane (mIBG), 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) and 13C pyruvate]. Current clinical applications and research areas of these transporters in cancer diagnosis and treatment are discussed. Finally, we offer our views on emerging opportunities and challenges in targeting transporters for cancer imaging and treatment. By analyzing the few clinically successful examples, we hope much interest can be garnered in cancer research towards uptake transporters and their potential applications in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

JACC Basic Transl Sci ; 4(2): 251-268, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31061927


The adult myocardium relies on oxidative metabolism. In ischemic myocardium, such as the embryonic heart, glycolysis contributes more prominently as a fuel source. The sulfonylurea receptor 2 (SUR2) was previously implicated in the normal myocardial transition from glycolytic to oxidative metabolism that occurs during adaptation to postnatal life. This receptor was now selectively deleted in adult mouse myocardium resulting in protection from ischemia reperfusion injury. SUR2-deleted cardiomyocytes had enhanced glucose uptake, and SUR2 forms a complex with the major glucose transporter. These data identify the SUR2 receptor as a target to shift cardiac metabolism to protect against myocardial injury.

Comput Struct Biotechnol J ; 14: 223-33, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27358718


Altered cellular metabolism is a fundamental adaptation of cancer during rapid proliferation as a result of growth factor overstimulation. We review different pathways involving metabolic alterations in cancers including aerobic glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, de novo fatty acid synthesis, and serine and glycine metabolism. Although oncoproteins, c-MYC, HIF1α and p53 are the major drivers of this metabolic reprogramming, post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs (miR) also plays an important role in finely adjusting the requirement of the key metabolic enzymes underlying this metabolic reprogramming. We also combine the literature data on the miRNAs that potentially regulate 40 metabolic enzymes responsible for metabolic reprogramming in cancers, with additional miRs from computational prediction. Our analyses show that: (1) a metabolic enzyme is frequently regulated by multiple miRs, (2) confidence scores from prediction algorithms might be useful to help narrow down functional miR-mRNA interaction, which might be worth further experimental validation. By combining known and predicted interactions of oncogenic transcription factors (TFs) (c-MYC, HIF1α and p53), sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP1), 40 metabolic enzymes, and regulatory miRs we have established one of the first reference maps for miRs and oncogenic TFs that regulate metabolic reprogramming in cancers. The combined network shows that glycolytic enzymes are linked to miRs via p53, c-MYC, HIF1α, whereas the genes in serine, glycine and one carbon metabolism are regulated via the c-MYC, as well as other regulatory organization that cannot be observed by investigating individual miRs, TFs, and target genes.

Mol Metab ; 5(5): 317-320, 2016 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27110483


BACKGROUND: Like all healthy ecosystems, richness of microbiota species characterizes the GI microbiome in healthy individuals. Conversely, a loss in species diversity is a common finding in several disease states. This biome is flooded with energy in the form of undigested and partially digested foods, and in some cases drugs and dietary supplements. Each microbiotic species in the biome transforms that energy into new molecules, which may signal messages to physiological systems of the host. SCOPE OF REVIEW: Dietary choices select substrates for species, providing a competitive advantage over other GI microbiota. The more diverse the diet, the more diverse the microbiome and the more adaptable it will be to perturbations. Unfortunately, dietary diversity has been lost during the past 50 years and dietary choices that exclude food products from animals or plants will narrow the GI microbiome further. MAJOR CONCLUSION: Additional research into expanding gut microbial richness by dietary diversity is likely to expand concepts in healthy nutrition, stimulate discovery of new diagnostics, and open up novel therapeutic possibilities.

Mol Metab ; 5(1): 34-46, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26844205


OBJECTIVE: Insulin resistance causes type 2 diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia due to excessive hepatic glucose production and inadequate peripheral glucose uptake. Our objectives were to test the hypothesis that the proposed CREB/CRTC2 inhibitor salt inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) contributes to whole body glucose homeostasis in vivo by regulating hepatic transcription of gluconeogenic genes and also to identify novel SIK1 actions on glucose metabolism. METHODS: We created conditional (floxed) SIK1-knockout mice and studied glucose metabolism in animals with global, liver, adipose or skeletal muscle Sik1 deletion. We examined cAMP-dependent regulation of SIK1 and the consequences of SIK1 depletion on primary mouse hepatocytes. We probed metabolic phenotypes in tissue-specific SIK1 knockout mice fed high fat diet through hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps and biochemical analysis of insulin signaling. RESULTS: SIK1 knockout mice are viable and largely normoglycemic on chow diet. On high fat diet, global SIK1 knockout animals are strikingly protected from glucose intolerance, with both increased plasma insulin and enhanced peripheral insulin sensitivity. Surprisingly, liver SIK1 is not required for regulation of CRTC2 and gluconeogenesis, despite contributions of SIK1 to hepatocyte CRTC2 and gluconeogenesis regulation ex vivo. Sik1 mRNA accumulates in skeletal muscle of obese high fat diet-fed mice, and knockout of SIK1 in skeletal muscle, but not liver or adipose tissue, improves insulin sensitivity and muscle glucose uptake on high fat diet. CONCLUSIONS: SIK1 is dispensable for glycemic control on chow diet. SIK1 promotes insulin resistance on high fat diet by a cell-autonomous mechanism in skeletal muscle. Our study establishes SIK1 as a promising therapeutic target to improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in obese individuals without deleterious effects on hepatic glucose production.

Adipocyte ; 4(2): 81-8, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26167409


Fermentation of dietary fibers by colonic microbiota generates short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), e.g., propionic acid and butyric acid, which have been described to have "anti-obesity properties" by ameliorating fasting glycaemia, body weight and insulin tolerance in animal models. In the present study, we therefore investigate if propionic acid and butyric acid have effects on lipolysis, de novo lipogenesis and glucose uptake in primary rat adipocytes. We show that both propionic acid and butyric acid inhibit isoproterenol- and adenosine deaminase-stimulated lipolysis as well as isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis in the presence of a phosphodiesterase (PDE3) inhibitor. In addition, we show that propionic acid and butyric acid inhibit basal and insulin-stimulated de novo lipogenesis, which is associated with increased phosphorylation and thus inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase, a rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acid synthesis. Furthermore, we show that propionic acid and butyric acid increase insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. To conclude, our study shows that SCFAs have effects on fat storage and mobilization as well as glucose uptake in rat primary adipocytes. Thus, the SCFAs might contribute to healthier adipocytes and subsequently also to improved energy metabolism with for example less circulating free fatty acids, which is beneficial in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

FEBS Open Bio ; 5: 335-40, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25941630


The antipsychotic drug olanzapine is widely prescribed to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. However, it often causes unwanted side effects, including diabetes, due to disruption of insulin-dependant glucose metabolism through a mechanism yet to be elucidated. To determine if olanzapine can affect the first step in glucose metabolism - glucose transport inside cells - we investigated the effect of this drug on the transport activity of a model glucose transporter. The glucose transporter from Staphylococcus epidermidis (GlcPSe) is specific for glucose, inhibited by various human glucose transporter (GLUT) inhibitors, has high sequence and structure homology to GLUTs, and is readily amenable to transport assay, mutagenesis, and computational modeling. We found that olanzapine inhibits glucose transport of GlcPSe with an IC50 0.9 ± 0.1 mM. Computational docking of olanzapine to the GlcPSe structure revealed potential binding sites that were further examined through mutagenesis and transport assay to identify residues important for olanzapine inhibition. These investigations suggest that olanzapine binds in a polar region of the cytosolic part of the transporter, and interacts with residues R129, strictly conserved in all GLUTs, and N136, conserved in only a few GLUTs, including the insulin-responsive GLUT4. We propose that olanzapine inhibits GlcPSe by impeding the alternating opening and closing of the substrate cavity necessary for glucose transport. It accomplishes this by disrupting a key salt bridge formed by conserved residues R129 and E362, that stabilizes the outward-facing conformation of the transporter.

FEBS Open Bio ; 4: 898-904, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25383313


The di-peptide Trp-His (WH) has vasorelaxant and anti-atherosclerotic functions. We hypothesized that WH has multiple biological functions and may aid AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation and affect the glucose transport system in skeletal muscle. First, we examined whether WH or His-Trp (HW) can activate AMPKα. Treatment of L6 myotubes with WH or HW significantly increased phosphorylation of AMPKα. WH activated AMPK independently of insulin and significantly increased glucose uptake into L6 myotubes following translocation of glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) to the plasma membrane. This activation was induced by the LKB1 pathway but was independent of changes in intracellular Ca(2+) levels and the Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase pathway. L6 myotubes express only one type of oligopeptide transporter, peptide/histidine transporter 1 (PHT1, also known as SLC15a4), and WH is incorporated into cells and activates AMPKα following PHT1-mediated cell uptake. These findings indicate that (1) WH activates AMPK and insulin independently enhances glucose uptake following translocation of Glut4 to the plasma membrane, (2) activation of AMPKα by WH is mediated by the LKB1 pathway, without altering the Ca(2+)-dependent pathway, and (3) L6 myotubes express only one type of peptide transporter (PHT1; SLC15a4), which incorporates WH into cells to activate AMPKα.

Islets ; 6(3): e949195, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25322829


Mathematical modeling of the electrical activity of the pancreatic ß-cell has been extremely important for understanding the cellular mechanisms involved in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Several models have been proposed over the last 30 y, growing in complexity as experimental evidence of the cellular mechanisms involved has become available. Almost all the models have been developed based on experimental data from rodents. However, given the many important differences between species, models of human ß-cells have recently been developed. This review summarizes how modeling of ß-cells has evolved, highlighting the proposed physiological mechanisms underlying ß-cell electrical activity.

Células Secretoras de Insulina/fisiología , Modelos Biológicos , Animales , Calcio/fisiología , Simulación por Computador , Glucosa/metabolismo , Humanos , Insulina/metabolismo , Secreción de Insulina , Células Secretoras de Insulina/metabolismo , Canales de Potasio/fisiología
Free Radic Biol Med ; 62: 52-64, 2013 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23376471


Brain iron accumulation has been implicated in a host of chronic neurological diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). The elevated iron levels observed in the substantia nigra of PD subjects have been suggested to incite the generation of reactive oxygen species and intracellular α-synuclein aggregation, terminating in the oxidative neuronal destruction of this brain area. Thus, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms involved in iron dysregulation and oxidative stress-induced neurodegeneration is a crucial step in deciphering PD pathology and in developing novel iron-complexing compounds aimed at restoring brain iron homeostasis and attenuating neurodegeneration. This review discusses the involvement of dysregulation of brain iron homeostasis in PD pathology, with an emphasis on the potential effectiveness of naturally occurring compounds and novel iron-chelating/antioxidant therapeutic hybrid molecules, exerting a spectrum of neuroprotective interrelated activities: antioxidant/monoamine oxidase inhibition, activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 signaling pathway, induction of HIF-1 target iron-regulatory and antioxidative genes, and inhibition of α-synuclein accumulation and aggregation.

Quelantes del Hierro/administración & dosificación , Hierro/metabolismo , Enfermedad de Parkinson/metabolismo , Sustancia Negra/metabolismo , Radicales Libres/metabolismo , Homeostasis/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Fármacos Neuroprotectores/administración & dosificación , Enfermedad de Parkinson/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad de Parkinson/patología , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Sustancia Negra/efectos de los fármacos , Sustancia Negra/patología
Mol Metab ; 2(1): 47-53, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24024129


Portal vein glucose sensors detect variations in glycemia to induce a nervous signal that influences food intake and glucose homeostasis. Previous experiments using high infusions of glucose suggested a metabolic sensing involving glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2). Here we evaluated the afferent route for the signal and candidate molecules for detecting low glucose fluxes. Common hepatic branch vagotomy did not abolish the anorectic effect of portal glucose, indicating dorsal transmission. GLUT2-null mice reduced their food intake in response to portal glucose signal initiated by protein-enriched diet. A similar response of Trpm5-null mice and portal infusions of sweeteners also excluded sugar taste receptors. Conversely, infusions of alpha-methylglucose, but not 3-O-methylglucose, decreased food intake, while phlorizin prevented the effect of glucose. This suggested sensing through SGLT3, which was expressed in the portal area. From these results we propose a finely tuned dual mechanism for portal glucose sensing that responds to different physiological conditions.