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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79505, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556312


Objetivo: compreender o cuidado em saúde dispensado às pessoas LGBTQIAP+ por profissionais em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, a partir do referencial teórico da Política Nacional de Saúde LGBT (PNSILGBT) estabelecida pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Método: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, que entrevistou 12 profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica. Os dados coletados passaram pela Análise Lexical utilizando-se do software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados: emergiram três categorias temáticas que possibilitaram compreender que os profissionais reconhecem as violências praticadas na assistência a essa população, as barreiras no acesso e as dificuldades enfrentadas por pessoas LGBTQIAP+. Considerações finais: o desconhecimento das políticas e a não percepção das consequências dessas ações para a saúde dessa população remete muito mais ao (des)cuidado do que efetivamente ao cuidado condizente as suas reais necessidades em saúde.

Objective: to understand the health care provided to LGBTQIAP+ people by professionals in Primary Care Centers, based on the theoretical framework of the National LGBT Health Policy (PNSILGBT) established by the Unified Health System (SUS). Method: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, which interviewed 12 primary care health professionals. The data collected was subjected to Lexical Analysis using the IRAMUTEQ software. Results: Three thematic categories emerged which made it possible to understand that professionals recognize the violence practiced in assisting this population, the barriers to access and the difficulties faced by LGBTQIAP+ people. Final considerations: the lack of knowledge of the policies and the lack of perception of the consequences of these actions for the health of this population leads much more to (lack of)care than to care in line with their real health needs.

Objetivo: comprender el cuidado en salud brindado a las personas LGBTQIAP+ por profesionales en Unidades Básicas de Salud, partiendo del marco teórico de la Política Nacional de Salud LGBT (PNSILGBT) establecida por el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS). Método: estudio descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, que entrevistó a 12 profesionales de salud de la Atención Básica. Los datos recogidos fueron analizados mediante Análisis Léxico utilizando el software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados: surgieron tres categorías temáticas que permitieron comprender que los profesionales reconocen las violencias ejercidas en la asistencia a esta población, las barreras en el acceso y las dificultades enfrentadas por personas LGBTQIAP+. Consideraciones finales: el desconocimiento de las políticas y la no percepción de las consecuencias de estas acciones para la salud de esta población reflejan mucho más el (des)cuido que efectivamente el cuidado acorde a sus reales necesidades en salud.

An. psicol ; 40(2): 335-343, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232726


El presente estudio investigó si la satisfacción con la vida se predice a partir de la felicidad subjetiva, afectos positivos y negativos, alteración psicológica y emociones de gratitud y si la emoción de gratitud está mediando la relación con la felicidad subjetiva, los afectos y la satisfacción con la vida. Se hicieron correlación de Pearson, pruebas de regresión lineal múltiple y modelos de mediación en una muestra de 1537 adultos españoles, 73.6% mujeres y 26.4% hombres, edad 18-88 años (M = 42.56 años; DT = 16.29). Se halló que las emociones de gratitud median la relación entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción con la vida y entre los afectos positivos y la satisfacción con la vida. Los afectos positivos son los que más se relacionan con la satisfacción con la vida, seguidos por la felicidad subjetiva y las emociones de gratitud. Los hombres están más satisfechos con la vida cuando sienten menos afecto negativo. Además, las emociones de gratitud median la relación entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción con la vida y entre los afectos positivos y la satisfacción con la vida. La diferencia principal radica en que las emociones de gratitud son más fuertes en las mujeres que en los hombres.(AU)

This study aims to examine the predictability of satisfaction with life on the basis of subjective happiness, positive and negative affect, psy-chological disturbance and emotion of gratitude. It also seeks to assess whether the emotion of gratitude is a mediating variable withsubjective happiness, affect, and satisfaction with life. Statistical analyses of Pearson'scorrelation, multiple linear regression tests, and mediation models were conducted on asample of 1537 Spanish adults, 73.6% were females, 26.4% males, age between 18-88 yearsold (M = 42.56; SD = 16.29). The emo-tions of gratitude were found to mediate therelationship between subjec-tive happiness and satisfaction with life and between positiveaffect and satisfaction with life. Of the variables studied, positive affect is the most related tosatisfaction with life, followed by subjective happiness and emo-tions of gratitude. Maleparticipants are more satisfied with life when they feel the less negative affect. Regardingmediation models, emotions of grat-itude mediate the relationship between subjectivehappiness and satisfac-tion with life and between positive affect and satisfaction with life. Themaindifferenceis thatemotions of gratitudearestronger infemalesthan in males.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Satisfacción Personal , Felicidad , Emociones , Síntomas Afectivos , España
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2401285, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39297236


Background: An increasing number of longitudinal studies investigates long-term PTSD, related outcomes and potential gender differences herein. However, a knowledge gap exists when it comes to studies following individual civilian trauma beyond a decade post-trauma.Objective: To investigate the long-term PTSD prevalence, associated adverse psychological, functional and economic outcomes related to (suspected) serious injury of 12-15 years ago in Dutch adults, as well as potential gender differences herein.Method: N = 194 trauma-exposed adults (34% women) admitted to an emergency department following suspected serious injury completed a follow-up assessment 12-15 years (M = 14.30, SD = 1.00) post-trauma. Participants completed assessments of clinician-rated PTSD symptom severity, as well as self-report questionnaires on psychological, functional and economic outcomes.Results: Nine participants (4.8%) fulfilled the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD related to the index trauma of 12-15 years ago. Results showed that PTSD symptom severity (CAPS-5) was significantly associated with more severe symptoms of anxiety (HADS) and depression (QIDS), lower well-being (WHO-5) and (health-related) quality of life (WHOQOL; EQ-5D-5L), but not with alcohol use (AUDIT), productivity loss at work (iPCQ) and health care use (iMCQ). No significant gender differences in the long-term PTSD prevalence nor in its related psychological, functional and economic outcomes were found.Conclusions: Our findings underscore the long-term presence of PTSD and associated adverse psychological and functional outcomes in a proportion of adults who experienced (suspected) serious injury over a decade ago. PTSD is already widely recognized for its substantial impact in the aftermath of a trauma. The current study emphasizes the potential long-term consequences of individual civilian trauma, highlighting the importance of accurate screening and prevention for PTSD.

We investigated long-term PTSD and associated adverse outcomes 12­15 years post-trauma.4.8% had PTSD 12­15 years following suspected serious injury.Higher PTSD symptoms were associated with adverse psychological and functional outcomes.

Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/economía , Femenino , Masculino , Prevalencia , Adulto , Países Bajos/epidemiología , Estudios de Seguimiento , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Heridas y Lesiones/psicología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Estudios Longitudinales , Ansiedad/epidemiología , Ansiedad/psicología , Depresión/epidemiología , Depresión/psicología
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(2)ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570047


Introducción: El estigma relacionado con la identidad sexual, especialmente entre HSH, sigue siendo un desafío importante en muchas culturas, este estigma puede aparecer de varias maneras, desde una discriminación explícita hasta estereotipos más discretos, y puede afectar negativamente la salud mental y emocional de quienes lo sufren. Objetivo: Analizar el estigma de identidad sexual y apoyo social entre los hombres que tienen sexo con otros hombres en Central y Asunción, Paraguay durante el 2024. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico de tipo descriptivo y explicativo. Las categorías de análisis consideradas en este estudio fueron: a) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad en general, b) Divulgación de identidad sexual a la comunidad en general, c) Divulgación de identidad sexual a familiares y amigos y d) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad de LGBT. Resultados: Participaron del estudio, nueve HSH, donde los testimonios revelan el profundo anhelo de vivir con autenticidad y libertad. Los HSH en Paraguay desean poder ser ellos mismos sin temor a ser juzgados o rechazados, anhelan relaciones abiertas y honestas, y aspiran a una comunidad donde puedan compartir experiencias y apoyarse mutuamente Conclusión: Los HSH enfrentan obstáculos en su crecimiento y unión como comunidad. La ausencia de una comunidad fuerte y unida dificulta el apoyo mutuo y el desarrollo personal, además de la competencia y la falta de colaboración entre organizaciones e individuos crean un ambiente dividido, donde cada uno busca sus propios beneficios en lugar de trabajar juntos por el bien de todos.

Introduction: Stigma related to sexual identity, especially among MSM, remains a major challenge in many cultures, this stigma can appear in various ways, from explicit discrimination to more discreet stereotypes, and can negatively affect the mental and emotional health of those who suffer from it. Objective: Analyze the stigma of sexual identity and social support among men who have sex with other men in Central and Asunción, Paraguay during 2024. Methodology: Qualitative, Phenomenological Study of a descriptive and explanatory type. The analysis categories considered in this study were: a) Stigma and social support in the community in general, b) Disclosure of sexual identity to the community in general, c) Disclosure of sexual identity to family and friends and d) Stigma and social support in the LGBT community. Results: Nine MSM participated in the study, where the testimonies reveal the deep desire to live with authenticity and freedom. MSM in Paraguay want to be able to be themselves without fear of being judged or rejected, they long for open and honest relationships, and they aspire to a community where they can share experiences and support each other. Conclusion: MSM face obstacles in their growth and unity as a community. The absence of a strong and united community makes mutual support and personal development difficult, in addition to competition and lack of collaboration between organizations and individuals creating a divided environment, where everyone seeks their own benefits instead of working together for the good. of everyone.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570112


La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) ha sido considerada por varios organismos internacionales como la solución para combatir la desnutrición infantil, la cual es considerada como un problema de salud pública. Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación busca encontrar cuáles son los determinantes de la LME en el Ecuador, y mostrar cómo influye el nivel educativo de la madre sobre la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Para cumplir dicho objetivo se emplea un modelo probabilístico obteniendo como resultado que el nivel de instrucción de la madre, la etnia, el quintil de ingresos, el género del recién del bebé y la edad de la madre juegan un papel importante sobre la duración de la lactancia materna en el Ecuador. En el caso del nivel de instrucción se encuentra que las mujeres con una educación superior tienen menos probabilidad de dar LME, por seis meses o más, que las madres sin un nivel de educación.

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been considered by several international organizations as the solution to combat child malnutrition, which is considered a public health problem. In this context, the present research seeks to find the determinants of EBF in Ecuador, and to show how the mother's educational level influences the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. In order to fulfill this objective, a probabilistic model was used, obtaining as a result that the mother's level of education, ethnicity, income quintile, gender of the newborn and the mother's age play an important role in the duration of breastfeeding in Ecuador. In the case of educational level, it is found that women with higher education are less likely to breastfeed for six months or more than mothers with no education.

O aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) tem sido considerado por várias organizações internacionais como a solução para combater a desnutrição infantil, que é considerada um problema de saúde pública. Neste contexto, esta investigação tem como objetivo encontrar os determinantes do AME no Equador, e mostrar como o nível educacional da mãe influencia a duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Para cumprir este objetivo, é utilizado um modelo probabilístico, com o resultado de que o nível de educação da mãe, a etnia, o quintil de rendimentos, o sexo do recém-nascido e a idade da mãe desempenham um papel importante na duração do aleitamento materno no Equador. No caso do nível de educação, verifica-se que as mulheres com educação superior têm menos probabilidades de amamentar durante seis meses ou mais do que as mães sem educação.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 617-627, ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568549


La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) ha sido considerada por varios organismos internacionales como la solución para combatir la desnutrición infantil, la cual es considerada como un problema de salud pública. Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación busca encontrar cuáles son los determinantes de la LME en el Ecuador, y mostrar cómo influye el nivel educativo de la madre sobre la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Para cumplir dicho objetivo se emplea un modelo probabilístico obteniendo como resultado que el nivel de instrucción de la madre, la etnia, el quintil de ingresos, el género del recién del bebé y la edad de la madre juegan un papel importante sobre la duración de la lactancia materna en el Ecuador. En el caso del nivel de instrucción se encuentra que las mujeres con una educación superior tienen menos probabilidad de dar LME, por seis meses o más, que las madres sin un nivel de educación

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been considered by several international organizations as the solution to combat child malnutrition, which is considered a public health problem. In this context, the present research seeks to find the determinants of EBF in Ecuador, and to show how the mother's educational level influences the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. In order to fulfill this objective, a probabilistic model was used, obtaining as a result that the mother's level of education, ethnicity, income quintile, gender of the newborn and the mother's age play an important role in the duration of breastfeeding in Ecuador. In the case of educational level, it is found that women with higher education are less likely to breastfeed for six months or more than mothers with no education.

Gac Sanit ; 38: 102415, 2024 Jul 23.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39047371


OBJECTIVE: To explore menstrual knowledge, menstrual management, the use of menstrual products, the prevalence of menstrual poverty and to assess the acceptability of a menstrual equity intervention among students in the fourth grade of compulsory secondary education in Catalonia (Spain). METHOD: Post-intervention mixed-methods study (cross-sectional study and qualitative study with focus groups) with a critical and gender perspective. It was conducted between July 2022 and March 2023. Descriptive and bivariate statistical analyses stratified by gender were carried out. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Women and people who menstruate rated the intervention favourably, while some men were reluctant. The intervention promoted the use of some reusable menstrual products, although some barriers to use menstrual cups were identified. Participants reported institutional barriers to menstrual management in the school setting and 19.4% stopped attending school during menstruation in the 6 months prior to the study. Between 10.9-16.4% reported menstrual poverty in the 6 months prior to the study, and 29,0% took actions to reduce the environmental impact of menstrual products. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the need for co-designing menstrual interventions that consider gender dynamics and sexist attitudes with students, as well as targeting it to teachers. The provision of reusable menstrual products can be helpful in promoting their use, although accompaniment should be provided. In parallel, it is crucial to strengthen menstrual education, as well as to reduce menstrual poverty and school absenteeism during menstruation.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 41-61, abr.-jun.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560934


Objetivo: analisar o impacto da ausência de legislação federal e normativas na mitigação da violência obstétrica no Brasil, por meio de uma análise crítica, com ênfase na regulação legal. Metodologia: inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão narrativa de abordagem qualiquantitativa e exploratória-descritiva nas bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e da Scientific Electronic Library Online, no período entre 2018 e 2023. Os artigos foram selecionados utilizando descritores do Medical Subject Headings, como "obstetric violence" e "violence against women", combinados através do operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, foi conduzida uma pesquisa documental buscando consultar a legislação estadual vigente no Brasil e identificar possíveis lacunas. Resultados: Identificou-se uma lacuna considerável em relação à violência obstétrica e à conscientização limitada sobre os direitos à autonomia das mulheres, que são preocupações evidentes. Em relação às legislações estaduais analisadas, 14 fazem menção à "violência obstétrica" e 8 abordam a "humanização do parto". Dessas, 19 têm caráter informativo, 28 são preventivas e 2 são punitivas. Considerações Finais: A ausência de consenso na definição da violência obstétrica e a escassa capacitação dos profissionais de saúde resultam em práticas obsoletas. A elevada taxa de cesarianas desnecessárias e a carência de estudos sobre mulheres quilombolas e indígenas são preocupantes. No âmbito jurídico, a falta de compreensão por parte dos magistrados e a fragmentação das legislações estaduais representam desafios significativos. Torna-se crucial adotar uma abordagem multidisciplinar e políticas públicas claras para prevenir essa violência e assegurar uma assistência ao parto segura e centrada nas necessidades das mulheres.

Objective: To analyze the impact of the absence of federal legislation and regulations on the mitigation of obstetric violence in Brazil through a critical analysis, with emphasis on legal regulation. Methodology: Initially, a narrative review with a qualiquantitative and exploratory-descriptive approach was conducted on the databases of the Virtual Health Library and the Scientific Electronic Library Online, between 2018 and 2023. Articles were selected using Medical Subject Headings descriptors such as "obstetric violence" and "violence against women", combined with the boolean operator "AND". Subsequently, a documentary search was conducted to consult the current state legislation in Brazil and identify possible gaps. Results: A considerable gap was identified regarding obstetric violence and limited awareness of women's autonomy rights, which are evident concerns. Regarding the analyzed state laws, 14 mention "obstetric violence" and 8 address "humanization of childbirth". Of these, 19 are informative, 28 are preventive, and 2 are punitive. Final Considerations: The lack of consensus in defining obstetric violence and the scarce training of healthcare professionals result in obsolete practices. The high rate of unnecessary cesarean sections and the lack of studies on quilombola and indigenous women are concerning. In the legal sphere, the lack of understanding by judges and the fragmentation of state legislation represent significant challenges. It is crucial to adopt a multidisciplinary approach and clear public policies to prevent this violence and ensure safe and woman-centered childbirth care.

Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de la ausencia de legislación federal y normativas en la mitigación de la violencia obstétrica en Brasil mediante un análisis crítico, con énfasis en la regulación legal. Metodología: Inicialmente, se realizó una revisión narrativa con enfoque cualicuantitativo y exploratorio-descriptivo en las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y la Scientific Electronic Library Online, entre 2018 y 2023. Se seleccionaron artículos utilizando descriptores del Medical Subject Headings como "obstetric violence" y "violence against women", combinados con el operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, se realizó una búsqueda documental para consultar la legislación estatal vigente en Brasil e identificar posibles lagunas. Resultados: Se identificó una brecha considerable en relación con la violencia obstétrica y la conciencia limitada de los derechos de autonomía de las mujeres, que son preocupaciones evidentes. En cuanto a las leyes estatales analizadas, 14 mencionan "violencia obstétrica" y 8 abordan la "humanización del parto". De estas, 19 son informativas, 28 son preventivas y 2 son punitivas. Consideraciones Finales: La falta de consenso en la definición de la violencia obstétrica y la escasa formación de los profesionales de la salud resultan en prácticas obsoletas. La alta tasa de cesáreas innecesarias y la falta de estudios sobre mujeres quilombolas e indígenas son preocupantes. En el ámbito legal, la falta de comprensión por parte de los jueces y la fragmentación de la legislación estatal representan desafíos significativos. Es crucial adoptar un enfoque multidisciplinario y políticas públicas claras para prevenir esta violencia y garantizar una atención al parto segura y centrada en las necesidades de las mujeres.

Derecho Sanitario
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e10752023, Jun. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557526


Resumen El auge en el estudio del uso sexualizado de drogas entre hombres gais, bisexuales u otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), conocido como chemsex, ha generado una multiplicidad de datos que contribuyen a su problematización en tanto cuestión de salud pública a través del vínculo con el VIH y las adicciones. El estudio de estas prácticas, desde un paradigma biomédico, se ha centrado en el riesgo y ha contribuido a su reducción como fenómeno único y cuantificable. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la vivencia del riesgo en el transcurso de las prácticas, para conocer qué estrategias de manejo emplean frente a éste y de qué manera son generadas. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a cinco practicantes de chemsex en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona y, posteriormente se aplicó un análisis temático. Los hallazgos muestran cómo estos hombres detectan, asumen y enfrentan los riesgos presentes en estas prácticas, donde toman relevancia el tipo de relaciones que allí se dan y el círculo social del que disponen. Este estudio destaca también la creación de estrategias basadas en la experiencia y cómo la transmisión de estos saberes entre participantes facilita la toma de decisiones y el manejo del riesgo.

Abstract The rise in the study of sexualised drug use among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM), known as chemsex, has generated a multiplicity of data that contribute to its problematisation as a public health issue through the link with HIV and addictions. The study of these practices, from a biomedical paradigm, has focused on risk and has contributed to its reduction as a unique and quantifiable phenomenon. This study aims to explore the experience of risk in the course of the practices, to find out what management strategies they employ in the face of risk and how they are generated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five chemsex practitioners in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and, subsequently, a thematic analysis was applied. The findings show how these men detect, assume and confront the risks present in these practices, where the type of relationships that take place and the social circle available to them are relevant. This study also highlights the creation of strategies based on experience and how the transmission of this knowledge among participants facilitates decision-making and risk management.

Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 53042, Jan.-Jun. 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550250


Resumo Introdução: A violência contra idosos é um fenômeno crescente, ocasionando prejuízos à saúde, com diferentes desfechos e consequências às vítimas. A chance de idosas sofrerem-na no âmbito familiar supera a dos homens, sendo o gênero um fator de risco considerável. Objetivo: Analisar a compreensão da violência contra pessoas idosas segundo mulheres gerontes. Metodologia: Pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa desenvolvida com 22 idosas de uma comunidade no estado da Paraíba, Brasil, escolhidas por conveniência. Utilizou-se para coleta de dados entrevistas semiestruturadas, processadas pelo software Iramuteq, com posterior Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: Foram evidenciadas cinco classes: ciclo de violência; rede de apoio ao idoso vítima de violência; Vivência de situações violentas; violência financeira; e simbologia da violência na sociedade, as quais denotam compreensão da violência envolvendo os diferentes tipos. Apoiam-se nos fatores da vivência familiar, cultura e outros, consubstanciando o profissional de saúde como fundamental para o desfecho. O gênero influenciou no que concerne ao olhar lançado sobre a violência física e psicológica, bem como na relevância dada às equipes de saúde para identificação de ocorrências e prevenção de possíveis danos. Conclusão: Os diversos tipos de violência contra a pessoa idosa foram reconhecidos, incluindo fatores individuais, comunitários e sociais no ciclo violento. Além disso, associaram o envelhecimento a maior suscetibilidade para sofrer violência, independente da tipologia. Destaca-se a potencialidade do serviço de saúde na assistência à pessoa idosa vítima de violência, elucidando casos e atuando precocemente para interrupção dos ciclos perpetrados, exigindo a necessidade constante de atualização profissional para lidar com situações detectadas.

Resumen Introducción: La violencia contra las personas adultas mayores es un fenómeno creciente, que causa daños a la salud, con diferentes desenlaces y consecuencias para las víctimas. La posibilidad de que las mujeres adultas mayores la sufran en el ámbito familiar supera la de los hombres, siendo el género un factor de riesgo considerable. Objetivo: Analizar la comprensión de la violencia contra las personas mayores según las mujeres adultas mayores. Metodología: Investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo desarrollada con 22 mujeres adultas mayores de una comunidad en el estado de Paraíba, Brasil, elegidas por conveniencia. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, procesadas por el software Iramuteq, con posterior análisis de contenido. Resultados: Se evidenciaron cinco tipos de violencia: ciclo de la violencia, red de apoyo población adulta mayor víctima de violencia, experimentar situaciones violentas, violencia financiera y simbología de la violencia en la sociedad, que denotan la comprensión de la violencia de diferentes tipos. Estas ideas están respaldadas en los factores de la experiencia familiar, la cultura y otros, donde la persona profesional de la salud se identifica como fundamental para el cuidado y apoyo. El género influyó en la mirada lanzada sobre la violencia física y psicológica, así como en la relevancia dada a los equipos de salud para la identificación de sucesos y la prevención de posibles daños. Conclusión: Se han reconocido los diversos tipos de violencia contra las personas mayores, incluidos los factores individuales, comunitarios y sociales en el ciclo de violencia. Además, asociaron el envejecimiento con una mayor susceptibilidad a sufrir violencia, independientemente de la tipología. Destaca la potencialidad del servicio de salud en la asistencia a la persona mayor víctima de violencia, mediante la identificación de casos y la actuación temprana para la interrupción de los ciclos perpetrados. De manera que, se evidencia la necesidad constante de actualización profesional para hacer frente a situaciones detectadas.

Abstract Introduction: Violence against the elderly is a growing phenomenon, causing damage to health, with different outcomes and consequences to the victims. The possibility of elderly women suffering it in the family context surpasses that of men, with gender being a considerable risk factor. Objective: To analyze the understanding of violence against the elderly according to elderly women. Method: Descriptive research with a qualitative approach developed with 22 elderly women from a community in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, chosen for convenience. The data collection was based on semi-structured interviews, processed by the Iramuteq software, with subsequent Content Analysis. Results: Five classes of violence against the elderly were evidenced: cycle of violence; support network for the elderly victims of violence; experience of violent situations; financial violence; and symbolism of violence in society, which denote an understanding of violence involving the different types. They are based on the factors of family experience, culture, and others, placing the health professional as a fundamental element for care and support. Gender influenced the perspective on physical and psychological violence, as well as the relevance given to health teams for the identification of occurrences and the prevention of possible damage. Conclusion: The various types of violence against the elderly have been recognized, including individual, community, and social factors in the violent cycle. In addition, they associated aging with greater susceptibility to suffering violence, regardless of the typology. It highlights the potential of the health service in assisting the elderly victim of violence, elucidating cases, and acting early to interrupt the cycles perpetrated, requiring the constant need for professional updating to deal with detected situations.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Atención a la Salud , Abuso de Ancianos/estadística & datos numéricos , Brasil
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535338


In recent years, there have been international references to the vocal approach for the specific group of transgender individuals, although the Latin American literature is still very timid on this matter. The purpose of this article is to identify the current norms, statistics, and vocal approach towards transgender individuals in Chile and Argentina, considering the experience of two speech and language pathologists with more than twenty years of experience on voice therapy. Reflections were made on the transgender reality in these countries, the limitations in the implementation of the depathologization of the transgender group were outlined, some current and unreliable statistics were presented, some innovative actions in the public system were highlighted, and the lack of knowledge about the benefits of vocal work for transgender men and women was discussed. The identified aspects could benefit from multicenter research that strengthens speech therapy actions with this group, contributing to depathologization and positive approach.

Desde los últimos años es posible encontrar referencias internacionales sobre el abordaje vocal al grupo específico de las personas transgénero, aunque la literatura latinoamericana sigue muy tímida en este asunto. La propuesta de este artículo es identificar las normas vigentes, estadísticas y abordaje vocal hacia las personas transgénero en Chile y Argentina, considerando la experiencia de dos fonoaudiólogas con más de veinte años de experiencia en terapia vocal. Se hicieron reflexiones sobre la realidad transgénero en los países citados, se delinearon las limitaciones en la puesta en práctica de la despatologización del grupo transgénero, se expusieron algunas estadísticas -vigentes y poco confiables-, se plasmaron algunas acciones novedosas en el sistema público y el desconocimiento sobre los beneficios del trabajo vocal en hombres y mujeres transgénero. Los aspectos detectados podrían beneficiarse de investigaciones multicéntricas que fortalezcan acciones fonoaudiológicas con este grupo, contribuyendo a la despatologización y el abordaje positivo.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 168-185, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564768


Abstract Introduction: Elite sports pose potential health risks, but are vital to the well-being of society. In Cuban society, sport is an integral part of personal development and public health, fostering unity and promoting female participation for sustainable growth. Athletics is one of the most important sports in Cuban sport, and should be approached both from the point of view of sports training and sports psychology. Purpose: The aim of this study was to provide a description of conditional variables in a countermovement jump (CMJ), mood profile, self-efficacy, and the leg-hip height index among athletes from the Cuban national athletics pre-selection team, differentiated by gender. Methods: Our sample consisted of the Cuban national athletics pre-selection team. Results: Mood profile analysis using the Profile of Mood States (POMS) did not reveal significant gender differences, with a small effect size for gender. Men showed a slightly greater trend towards vigor compared to women. Significant differences in self-efficacy were observed between men and women in their confidence levels to achieve jump heights between 21 and 40 cm using the CMJ. However, no significant differences were found for jumps exceeding 40 cm, highlighting the importance of strategies to enhance athletes' psychological needs and self-efficacy. Conclusions: This study suggests that the association between tension-related anxiety and performance indicators related to jump height may play a crucial role in determining specific profiles in male and female Cuban athletes. Our comprehensive analysis contributes to understanding gender differences in performance factors. These findings provide valuable insights for future research and athlete development strategies.

Resumen Introducción: Los deportes de élite plantean riesgos potenciales para la salud, pero son vitales para el bienestar de la sociedad. En la sociedad cubana, el deporte forma parte integral del desarrollo personal y la salud pública, fomentando la unidad y promoviendo la participación femenina, para un crecimiento sostenible. El atletismo es uno de los deportes más importantes en el deporte cubano, y debe ser abordado tanto, desde el punto de vista del entrenamiento deportivo, como desde la psicología deportiva. Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue proporcionar una descripción de las variables condicionales en un salto con contramovimiento (CMJ, por sus siglas en inglés), el perfil anímico, la autoeficacia y el índice de altura pierna-cadera en atletas de la preselección nacional cubana de atletismo, diferenciados por sexo. Materiales y métodos: Nuestra muestra estuvo constituida por la preselección nacional de atletismo de Cuba. Resultados: El análisis del perfil del estado de ánimo mediante el Perfil de Estados de Ánimo (POMS) no reveló diferencias significativas entre sexos, con un tamaño del efecto pequeño para el sexo. Los hombres mostraron una tendencia ligeramente mayor hacia el vigor, en comparación con las mujeres. Se observaron diferencias significativas en la autoeficacia entre hombres y mujeres, en sus niveles de confianza para alcanzar alturas de salto de entre 21 y 40 cm utilizando el CMJ. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas para los saltos superiores a 40 cm, lo que pone de relieve la importancia de las estrategias para mejorar las necesidades psicológicas y la autoeficacia de los atletas. Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que, la asociación entre la ansiedad, relacionada con la tensión y los indicadores de rendimiento, vinculados con la altura del salto, pueden desempeñar un papel crucial en la determinación de perfiles específicos, en atletas cubanos, de ambos sexos. Nuestro análisis exhaustivo contribuye a comprender las diferencias de género en los factores de rendimiento. Estos hallazgos proporcionan valiosos conocimientos para futuras investigaciones y estrategias de desarrollo en atletas.

Resumo Introdução: Os desportos de elite apresentam riscos potenciais para a saúde, mas são vitais para o bem-estar da sociedade. Na sociedade cubana, o desporto é parte integrante do desenvolvimento pessoal e da saúde pública, fomentando a unidade e promovendo a participação feminina para um crescimento sustentável. O atletismo é uma das modalidades mais importantes do desporto cubano e deve ser abordado tanto do ponto de vista do treino desportivo como da psicologia desportiva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer uma descrição das variáveis condicionais em um salto com movimento (CMJ, sigla em inglês), perfil de humor, autoeficácia e o índice de altura da perna-quadril entre atletas da equipe de pré-seleção nacional de atletismo de Cuba, diferenciados por gênero. Métodos: Nossa amostra consistiu na equipe de pré-seleção nacional de atletismo de Cuba. Resultados: A análise do perfil de humor usando o Perfil de Estados de Humor (POMS) não revelou diferenças significativas de gênero, com um pequeno efeito de tamanho para o gênero. Os homens mostraram uma tendência ligeiramente maior para o vigor em comparação com as mulheres. Diferenças significativas na autoeficácia foram observadas entre homens e mulheres em seus níveis de confiança para alcançar alturas de salto entre 21 e 40 cm usando o CMJ. No entanto, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para saltos superiores a 40 cm, destacando a importância de estratégias para aprimorar as necessidades psicológicas e a autoeficácia dos atletas. Conclusões: Este estudo sugere que a associação entre ansiedade relacionada à tensão e indicadores de desempenho relacionados à altura do salto pode desempenhar um papel crucial na determinação de perfis específicos em atletas cubanos do sexo masculino e feminino. Nossa análise abrangente contribui para entender as diferenças de gênero nos fatores de desempenho. Esses achados fornecem insights valiosos para futuras pesquisas e estratégias de desenvolvimento de atletas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Atletismo/psicología , Rendimiento Físico Funcional , Cuba , Identidad de Género
SciELO Preprints; jun. 2024.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9193


Understanding sexual orientation, gender identity, and the importance of sexual education is crucial for both individual and collective health, integrating debates in public health and education policies. The aim of this study was to gather information from young adults about their early sexual experiences to contribute to the guidance of public health and education policies regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual education. This qualitative study, conducted at the Methodist University of São Paulo, collected data from young adults regarding their sexual experiences and gender identity through an online questionnaire, encompassing 87 participants aged between 19 and 38 years old. The results demonstrated sociodemographic diversity, highlighted the internet and social media as significant sources of information on sexuality, and underscored the need for adequate support from healthcare professionals and educators before their first sexual experience. Participants expressed support for sexual education in schools. We conclude that opinions on sexual orientation and gender identity emphasize the importance of public policies that promote inclusivity and respect for diversity

A compreensão da orientação sexual, identidade de gênero e a importância da educação sexual é fundamental para a saúde individual e coletiva, integrando debates em políticas públicas de saúde e educação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi coletar informações de jovens adultos sobre experiências de início da vida sexual, a fim de contribuir com o direcionamento de políticas públicas de saúde e educação sobre orientação sexual, identidade de gênero e educação sexual. Este estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, coletou informações de jovens adultos sobre suas experiências sexuais e identidade de gênero através de questionário online, abrangendo 87 participantes entre 19 e 38 anos de idade. Os resultados revelaram a diversidade sociodemográfica, a importância da internet e das redes sociais como fontes de informação sobre sexualidade, proporcionando a necessidade de suporte adequado para profissionais da saúde e educadores antes de sua primeira experiência sexual. Os participantes são desenvolvidos para a educação nas escolas. Concluímos que as opiniões sobre orientação sexual e identidade de gênero reforçam a importância de políticas públicas que promovam a inclusão e o respeito à diversidade.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 May 31.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38824117


Gender is an important determinant of health. Its relationship with inequality and violence allows us to consider being a woman as a risk factor for health. Girls and teenager girls are not exempt from this circumstance, which conditions their lives from before birth and can determine their health status throughout life. It can vary according to social contexts, as various factors intersect with gender, adding risk and vulnerability to being a woman. Gender-based violence is often identified as a problem for adult women; however, the experience of discriminatory gender-based violence is constructed throughout women's lives, producing serious individual and social consequences from childhood. Accepting this violence as a «private or domestic matter¼ often prevents seeing the true dimension of the problem, its consequences, and the need to address it as a global issue.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2358702, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38872459


Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is two to three times more common in women than in men. To better understand this phenomenon, we need to know why men, women, and possibly individuals with other sex/gender identities respond differently to trauma. To stimulate sex and gender sensitive research, the European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) was the first journal to adopt a gender policy. In addition, a call for papers entitled Integrating and Evaluating Sex and Gender in Psychotrauma Research was announced.Objective: This special issue synthesizes the past five years of psychotrauma research with regard to sex/gender differences.Method: Seventy-seven articles were identified from EJPT archives, including five systematic reviews. These articles examined sex differences and/or gender differences in exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress responses, or how sex and gender impacts (mental) health outcomes or treatment responses.Results: Findings from these studies outlined that: 1. sex and gender still need to be more clearly defined, also in relation to the context that codetermine trauma responses, like other 'diversity' variables; 2. in most studies, sex and gender are measured or reported as binary variables; 3. sex and gender are important variables when examining trauma exposure, responses to these events, symptoms trajectories, and mental and physical health outcomes across the life span; and 4. in PTSD treatment studies, including a meta-analysis and a systematic review, sex and gender were not significant predictors of treatment outcome.Conclusion: Future research must focus on sex and gender as important and distinct variables; they should include sex and gender in their statistical analyses plan to better clarify associations between these variables and (responses to) psychotrauma. To enhance reporting of comparable data across studies, we provide suggestions for future research, including how to assess sex and gender.

Sex and gender are increasingly introduced as important and distinct variables in the field of psychotrauma, but there is a need to move beyond the binary conceptualization.Concrete suggestions on how to assess sex and gender are provided.Sex and gender both influence the rates of specific types of traumatic events, responses to these events, longitudinal symptoms trajectories, and mental and physical health outcomes across the life span.Sex and gender may play a minor role in the effectiveness of psychological treatments for PTSD.

Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Factores Sexuales
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(2): 1-15, 20240531.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555035


Introducción: la fragilidad, entendida como un estado previo a la discapacidad, confiere mayor vulnerabi-lidad a estresores externos y contribuye a desenlaces negativos como caídas, hospitalización, discapacidad y mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar su prevalencia y evaluar los factores asociados en los pacientes del Servicio Ambulatorio de Geriatría del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (husi) en Bogotá (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal con 689 pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa de geriatría del husi entre agosto de 2016 y marzo de 2020. Mediante regresiones logísticas se iden-tificaron los factores relacionados con la fragilidad. Resultados: la prevalencia fue del 35.4 %. En el análisis bivariado, las variables asociadas con la fragilidad fueron edad mayor de 80 años (or: 2.07; ic95 %: 1.40-3.20; p = 0.001), sexo femenino (or: 1.40; ic95 %: 0.99-2.02; p = 0.03), multimorbilidad (or: 2.13; ic95 %: 1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) y malnutrición (or: 2.23; ic95 %: 1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). En el análisis multivariado, la multimor-bilidad (or: 2.46; ic95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), la velocidad de la marcha lenta (or: 5.15; ic95 %: 3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) y el perímetro de pantorrilla bajo (or: 1.60; ic95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) se vincularon con la fragilidad. Conclusión: la prevalencia de fragilidad en el servicio de geriatría del husies mayor a la de los referentes nacionales; adicionalmente, las variables analizadas coinciden con las encontradas en la literatura; todo esto respecto a la gran complejidad clínica de los pacientes. Es clave la detección de los factores que se asocian con fragilidad, a fin de intervenirlos y prevenir desenlaces adversos

Introduction: Frailty, understood as a pre-disability state, increases vulnerability to external stressors and contributes to negative outcomes such as falls, hospitalization, disability, and mortality. This study aims to identify the prevalence of frailty and assess the associated factors in patients attending the geriatric outpatient service of the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (husi). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study involving 689 patients treated at the husigeriatric outpatient clinic between August 2016 and March 2020. Logistic regressions were conducted to identify factors associated with frailty. Results: The prevalence of frailty was 35.4 %. In bivariate analysis, variables associated with frailty included age over 80 years (or: 2.07; ci95 %: 1.40-3.20; p = 0.001), female sex (or: 1.40; ci95 %:0.99-2.02; p= 0.03), multimorbidity (or: 2.13; ci95 %:1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) and malnutrition (or: 2.23; ci95 %: 1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). In multivariate analysis, multimorbidity (or: 2.46; ci95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), slow walking speed (or: 5.15; ci95 %: 3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) and low calf perimeter (or: 1.60; ci95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) were associated with frailty. Conclusion: The prevalence of frailty in our center exceeds national references; and the identified variables align with those reported in the literature; reflecting the considerable clin-ical complexity of our patients. Detecting factors associated with frailty is crucial for intervention and prevention of adverse outcomes

ntrodução: a fragilidade, entendida como um estado anterior à incapacidade, confere maior vulnerabi-lidade a estressores externos e contribui para desfechos negativos como quedas, hospitalização, incapa-cidade e mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a prevalência e avaliar os fatores associados à fragilidade em pacientes do ambulatório de geriatria do Hospital Universitário San Ignacio (husi) de Bogotá, Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal com 689 pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de geriatria do husi entre agosto de 2016 e março de 2020. Foram realizadas regressões logísticas para identificar fatores associados à fragilidade. Resultados: a prevalência de fragilidade foi de 35.4 %. Na análise bivariada, as variáveis associadas à fragilidade foram: idade acima de 80 anos (or:2.07; ic95 %:1.40-3,20; p = 0.001), gênero feminino (or:1.40; ic95 %:0.99-2.02; p = 0.03), multimorbidade (or: 2.13; ic95 %: 1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) e desnutrição (or:2.23; ic95 %:1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). Na análise multivariada, multimorbidade (or:2.46; ic95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), velocidade lenta de caminhada (or:5.15; ic95 %:3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) e baixa circunferência da panturrilha (or: 1.60; ic95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) foram associados à fragilidade. Conclusão: a prevalência de fragilidade no husi é superior à das referências nacionais; adicionalmente, as variáveis associadas coincidem com as encontradas na literatura; tudo isso em relação à grande complexidade clínica dos nossos pacientes. É fundamental detectar os fatores associados à fragilidade para intervir e prevenir resultados adversos

Humanos , Anciano Frágil , Medicina Hospitalar
Cuestiones infanc ; 25(1): 48-64, May. 10, 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562012


La posibilidad de la articulación conceptual de las preguntas que nos atraviesan, proviene y se sostiene de las prácticas que ejercemos, es desde mi propia clínica que voy a plantear algunas ideas que vengo pensando en relación a ¿cómo se despliegan actualmente, en el análisis de algunos adolescentes, la construcción de las diversidades sexuales y de género? A veces e presentan como oportunidades subjetivantes y otras como capturas identitarias que quedan en ocasiones adheridas a etiquetas diagnósticas. Hace tiempo que insisto en una designación que considero pertinente y que permite ubicarse en la clínica de nuestros tiempos: la de Adolescencias Complejas. No porque haya algunas que lo son y otras que no, sino como una puesta en valor de la noción de complejidad, imprescindible para comprender la clínica actual AU

The possibility of conceptual articulation of the questions that cross us comes from and is sustained by the practices that we exercise. From my own clinic, I am going to raise some ideas that I have been thinking about in relation to how they are currently deployed, in the analysis ofsome adolescents, the construction of sexual and gender diversities? Sometimes they present themselves as subjectivizing opportunities, and other times as identity captures that sometimes remain attached to diagnostic labels.For some time now I have insisted on a designation that I consider pertinent and that allows us to place ourselves in the clinic of our times: Complex Adolescence. Not because there are some that are and others that are not, but as an enhancement of the notion of complexity, essential to understand current clinical practice AU

La possibilité d'une articulation conceptuelle des questions qui nous traversent vient et est soutenue par les pratiques que nous exerçons depuis ma propre clinique, je vais évoquer quelques idées auxquelles j'ai réfléchi par rapport à la manière dont elles se déploient actuellement, dans l'analyse de certains adolescents, la construction des diversités sexuelles et de genre? Parfois, ils se présentent comme des opportunités de subjectivation, et d'autres fois comme des captures d'identité qui restent parfois attachées à des étiquettes diagnostiques.Depuis quelques temps j'insiste sur une appellation que je considère pertinente et qui permet de se situer dans la clinique de notre époque:l'Adolescence Complexe. Non pas parce qu'il y en a qui le sont et d'autres qui ne le sont pas, mais comme une valorisation de la notion de complexité, essentielle pour comprendre la pratique clinique actuelle AU

A possibilidade de articulação conceitual das questões que nos atravessam advém e é sustentada pelas práticas que exercemos. Da minha própria clínica, vou levantar algumas ideias que tenho pensado em relação à forma como são implementadas atualmente, na análise de alguns adolescentes, a construção dasdiversidades sexuais e de gênero? Às vezes apresentam-se como oportunidades subjetivantes e outras vezes como capturas de identidade que por vezes permanecem ligadas a rótulos diagnósticos.Há já algum tempo que insisto numa designação que considero pertinente e que nos permite situar-nos na clínica do nosso tempo: Adolescência Complexa. Não porque há uns que o são e outros que não o são, mas como um reforço da noção de complexidade, essencial para a compreensão da prática clínica atual AU

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Diversidad de Género , Identificación Psicológica , Identidad de Género
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2347106, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38722768


Background: Governmental and non-governmental organizations across medical, legal, and psychosocial sectors providing care to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and their families rapidly digitalized services during the COVID-19 pandemic. GBV prevention/response services working with women and children who are forcibly displaced and/or living in low-and-middle income countries (LMIC) were no exception to the rapid digitalization trend. Literature is lacking a critical synthesis of best practices and lessons learned since digitalization replaced major operations involved in GBV prevention/response.Objective: This research qualitatively investigated how GBV service providers, located in a range of socio-political settings, navigated the process of digitalizing GBV prevention/response during the COVID-19 crisis.Method: Semi-structured key informant interviews (KII) with GBV service providers in varied sectors were implemented virtually (2020-2021) in Brazil, Guatemala, Iraq, and Italy (regarding forcibly displaced women/girls for the latter). Participants were recruited using purposive and snowball sampling. Interview guides covered a range of topics: perceived changes in violence and service provision, experiences with virtual services, system coordination, and challenges. The KIIs were conducted in Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Italian. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and translated into English. The research team conducted thematic analysis within and between countries using a structured codebook of data driven and theory driven codes.Results: Major themes concerned the: (1) spectrum of services that were digitalized during the COVID-19 crisis; (2) gender digital divide as a barrier to equitable, safe, and effective service digitalization; (3) digital violence as an unintended consequence of increased digitalization across social/public services.Conclusion: Digitalization is a balancing act with respect to (1) the variety of remotely-delivered services that are possible and (2) the access/safety considerations related to the gender digital divide and digital violence.

Digitalization occurs when products and services are converted to digital forms; violence prevention/response services working with women and children who are forcibly displaced and/or living in low-and-middle income countries were no exception to the rapid trend of digitalization during the COVID-19 crisis.Using key informant interviews with service providers working in violence prevention and response sectors in Brazil, Guatemala, Iraq, and in Italy regarding forcibly displaced women/girls, we investigated the rapid digitalization of gender-based violence prevention/response during the COVID-19 crisis.The effectiveness, safety, and equitability of digitalized violence prevention/response services depends on how well they are balanced vis-a-vis the gender digital divide and risk of digital GBV.

Tecnología Digital , Violencia de Género , Investigación Cualitativa , Refugiados , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Países en Desarrollo , Violencia de Género/prevención & control , Configuración de Recursos Limitados , Telemedicina
Gac Sanit ; 38: 102402, 2024 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38820982


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the gender of the authors who publish articles of health economic evaluations in medicine and healthcare journals. METHOD: We evaluated a random sample of economic evaluations indexed in MEDLINE during 2019. Gender of the first, last and corresponding author was determined by review of the author's first name. Data were summarized as frequency and percentage for categorical items and median and interquartile range (IQR) for continuous items. We also calculated the index of authors per paper. RESULTS: We included 200 studies with 1365 authors (median of 6 authors per paper; IQR: 4-9). Gender identification was possible for all authors in the study sample: 802 (59%) were men and 563 (41%) were women. The number of female first, last, and corresponding authors respectively were 78 (39%), 68 (34%), and 80 (40%) for health economic evaluations. DISCUSSION: Female scientists were underrepresented as co-authors and in prominent authorship positions in health economic evaluations. This study serves as a call to action for the scientific community to actively work towards equity and inclusion.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38735434


INTRODUCTION: Gender equity in urological meetings is pivotal for fostering diversity and inclusivity in the field. This study aims to evaluate the representation of Spanish urologist and regional disparities, and to assess its alignment with the demographic composition of the urological community. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All urology meetings organized by the AEU between January 2012 and December 2022 were reviewed, including meeting information and details of the faculty. Additionally, we analysed geographic distribution of speakers across 17 different regions. Gender demographics were obtained disaggregating data by sex and year from the Organización Médica Colegial de España (OMC) and from those urologists affiliated to the AEU. RESULTS: Analysing 52 AEU congresses held from 2012 to 2022, encompassing 3,407 speakers, the study found that 95.25% of speakers were from Spain and 89.6% were male speakers. Over the years, there was a positive trend in female speaker representation, increasing by 1.1% annually, slightly lagging the 1.8% annual rise in the number of female urologists in Spain. In specific subfields like functional, transplantation, and oncology sessions, the study revealed a higher representation of women, indicating focused efforts in these areas. Geographically, Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia exhibited the highest representation. CONCLUSIONS: Although there was a positive trend towards an increased participation of female urologists in Spanish urological meetings, it fails to accurately reflect the proportional increase in the number of women entering the urology profession in recent years. This study underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to ensure diverse and balanced representation in urological forum.