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Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 212-223, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-230901


Introduction: the dietary intake of individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) may vary widely according to different cultural eating habits, lifestyle,access to multidisciplinary team, and metabolic formulas available. Thus, knowing the dietary intake of this population makes it possible to tailornutritional treatment strategies to impact their health.Objective: to analyze the evidence on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU.Methods: an integrative literature review was conducted on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU in the databases PUBMED, BIREME andScience Direct. Original articles that addressed the energy and macronutrient food intake of children, adolescents and/or adults with PKU wereincluded in the study, without time restriction, in any language. A total of 384 articles were found and 27 articles were selected and analyzed.Results: evidence about the nutritional composition of their diet showed that individuals with PKU consume between 1160-2721 kcal of energy—7.2-17.4 % (32.4-76.9 g) of energy as protein, 45.9-69.2 % of energy as carbohydrates, 16.6-39 % of energy as lipids— and between7.6 and 20 g of fiber.Conclusion: most individuals with PKU have low energy, protein and fiber intake, adequate lipid intake, and high carbohydrate intake. Metaboliccontrol of the disease is still a challenge in all countries. Nutritional strategies to improve dietary nutritional composition and phenylalanine bloodlevels in individuals with PKU remain an urgent issue.(AU)

Introducción: la ingesta dietética de los individuos con fenilcetonuria (PKU) puede variar ampliamente debido a los diferentes hábitos culturalesde alimentación, el estilo de vida, el acceso al equipo multidisciplinar y las fórmulas metabólicas disponibles. Por ello, conocer la ingesta dietéticade esta población permite adaptar las estrategias de tratamiento nutricional para incidir en su salud.Objetivo: analizar la evidencia sobre la ingesta dietética de individuos con PKU.Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integradora sobre la ingesta dietética de las personas con PKU en las bases de datos PUBMED,BIREME y Science Direct. El estudio incluyó artículos originales que abordaran la ingesta alimentaria de energía y macronutrientes de niños,adolescentes y/o adultos con PKU, sin restricción de tiempo, en cualquier idioma. Se encontraron 384 artículos y se seleccionaron y analizaron 27.Resultados: la evidencia de la composición nutricional de la dieta mostró que los individuos con PKU consumen entre 1160 y 2721 kcal deenergía —7,2-17,4 % (32,4-76,9 g) de la energía en forma de proteínas, 45,9-69,2 % de la energía en carbohidratos, 16,6-39 % de la energíaen lípidos— y entre 7,6 y 20 g de fibra.Conclusiones: la mayoría de los individuos con PKU tienen una ingesta baja de energía, proteínas y fibra, una ingesta adecuada de lípidos y unaingesta alta de hidratos de carbono. El control metabólico de la enfermedad sigue siendo un reto en todos los países. Siguen siendo urgenteslas estrategias nutricionales para mejorar la composición nutricional de la dieta y los niveles de fenilalanina en sangre de los individuos con PKU.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Ingestión de Alimentos , Grasas de la Dieta , Carbohidratos de la Dieta , Proteínas , Fenilalanina , Estado Nutricional
Nutr Hosp ; 41(1): 212-223, 2024 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37705455


Introduction: Introduction: the dietary intake of individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) may vary widely according to different cultural eating habits, lifestyle, access to multidisciplinary team, and metabolic formulas available. Thus, knowing the dietary intake of this population makes it possible to tailor nutritional treatment strategies to impact their health. Objective: to analyze the evidence on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU. Methods: an integrative literature review was conducted on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU in the databases PUBMED, BIREME and Science Direct. Original articles that addressed the energy and macronutrient food intake of children, adolescents and/or adults with PKU were included in the study, without time restriction, in any language. A total of 384 articles were found and 27 articles were selected and analyzed. Results: evidence about the nutritional composition of their diet showed that individuals with PKU consume between 1160-2721 kcal of energy -7.2-17.4 % (32.4-76.9 g) of energy as protein, 45.9-69.2 % of energy as carbohydrates, 16.6-39 % of energy as lipids- and between 7.6 and 20 g of fiber. Conclusion: most individuals with PKU have low energy, protein and fiber intake, adequate lipid intake, and high carbohydrate intake. Metabolic control of the disease is still a challenge in all countries. Nutritional strategies to improve dietary nutritional composition and phenylalanine blood levels in individuals with PKU remain an urgent issue.

Introducción: Introducción: la ingesta dietética de los individuos con fenilcetonuria (PKU) puede variar ampliamente debido a los diferentes hábitos culturales de alimentación, el estilo de vida, el acceso al equipo multidisciplinar y las fórmulas metabólicas disponibles. Por ello, conocer la ingesta dietética de esta población permite adaptar las estrategias de tratamiento nutricional para incidir en su salud. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia sobre la ingesta dietética de individuos con PKU. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integradora sobre la ingesta dietética de las personas con PKU en las bases de datos PUBMED, BIREME y Science Direct. El estudio incluyó artículos originales que abordaran la ingesta alimentaria de energía y macronutrientes de niños, adolescentes y/o adultos con PKU, sin restricción de tiempo, en cualquier idioma. Se encontraron 384 artículos y se seleccionaron y analizaron 27. Resultados: la evidencia de la composición nutricional de la dieta mostró que los individuos con PKU consumen entre 1160 y 2721 kcal de energía ­7,2-17,4 % (32,4-76,9 g) de la energía en forma de proteínas, 45,9-69,2 % de la energía en carbohidratos, 16,6-39 % de la energía en lípidos­ y entre 7,6 y 20 g de fibra. Conclusiones: la mayoría de los individuos con PKU tienen una ingesta baja de energía, proteínas y fibra, una ingesta adecuada de lípidos y una ingesta alta de hidratos de carbono. El control metabólico de la enfermedad sigue siendo un reto en todos los países. Siguen siendo urgentes las estrategias nutricionales para mejorar la composición nutricional de la dieta y los niveles de fenilalanina en sangre de los individuos con PKU.

Fenilalanina , Fenilcetonurias , Niño , Adulto , Adolescente , Humanos , Dieta , Proteínas , Ingestión de Alimentos
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 40(177)2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1396664


Introducción: la fenilcetonuria (PKU) es el error congénito del metabolismo de las proteínas más frecuente. El tratamiento dietético consiste en un plan de alimentación con una ingesta de proteínas naturales restringida, un sustituto proteico libre o de bajo contenido en fenilalanina (Phe) y el aporte de alimentos muy bajos en proteínas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue investigar si es posible aumentar la ingesta de proteína natural (PN) que se indica a los pacientes con PKU manteniendo los dosajes de Phe en sangre en rangos de seguridad. Materiales y método: se buscaron en 6 bases de datos electrónicas artículos publicados. Se identificaron un total de 154 artículos de Pub Med por intervalo de años desde 1999 a 2020. Se eligieron 15 artículos que se adaptaron a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión y respondían al objeto de estudio de esta revisión bibliográfica. Resultados: hay varios factores que pueden influenciar la estimación de la tolerancia de Phe como la severidad del fenotipo del paciente, la edad, el rango de seguridad de Phe en sangre, la prescripción de Phe y la adherencia al sustituto proteico. Si los niveles de Phe en sangre se mantienen en forma constante dentro del rango adecuado y por un período determinado, se debería considerar un incremento de la ingesta de Phe. El aumento de la ingesta de PN deberá ser realizado de manera controlada, individual y evaluando en forma constante el impacto en los dosajes de Phe en sangre. Conclusión: optimizar la ingesta de PN ofrece una mejora en la calidad de vida de pacientes con PKU, facilita la capacidad del paciente para socializar y contribuye a una mejor adherencia a la dieta(AU).

Introduction: phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most frequent inborn error of protein metabolism. The dietary treatment consists of a diet with a restricted natural protein intake, a free or low phenylalanine (Phe) protein substitute, and the intake of low protein food. The main objective of this work is to analyze if it is possible to increase the natural protein (NP) intake prescribed to PKU patients while maintaining blood Phe dosages within safe range. Materials and method: studies published were searched in 6 electronic data- basis. A total of 154 Pub Med articles were identified by range of years from 1999 to 2020. Fifteen articles which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and responded to the objective of this bibliographic review were chosen. Results: several factors may influence Phe tolerance, such as severity of the patient´s phenotype, age, blood Phe safe range, Phe prescription and adherence to protein substitute. If Phe blood levels remain constantly within safe range and for a certain period, an increase of Phe intake should be considered. Increase of NP intake must be carried out in a controlled manner, individually and constantly evaluating blood Phe levels. Conclusion: optimizing NP intake offers the PKU patient an improvement in quality of life, facilitates the patient´s ability to socialize and contributes to a better adherence to the diet(AU).

Fenilcetonurias , Fenilcetonurias/dietoterapia , Proteínas , Ingestión de Alimentos , Metabolismo
Nutr Hosp ; 36(3): 718-722, 2019 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30958685


INTRODUCTION: Introduction: casein-derived peptides can be liberated both in vivo via normal digestion of casein, as well as in vitro via enzymatic hydrolysis. These peptides were suggested to have biological activity. Objectives: the aim of this study was to describe the production and characterization of casein peptides and to explore the potential of these peptides as an option for low-phenylalanine diets. Methods: peptides were produced by tryptic hydrolysis of sodium caseinate and acid precipitation with HCl, followed by precipitation with ethanol or aggregation of CaCl2 or ZnSO4. Results: the amino acid analysis revealed a significant reduction in the amount of phenylalanine from the original protein. Conclusion: casein-derived peptides could be a future alternative of short chain peptides to low-phenylalanine formulations.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Introducción: los péptidos derivados de la caseína se pueden liberar tanto in vivo, a través de la digestión normal de la caseína, como in vitro a través de la hidrólisis enzimática. Se sugirió que estos péptidos tenían actividad biológica. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue describir la producción y caracterización de péptidos de caseína y explorar el potencial de estos péptidos como una opción para las dietas con bajo contenido de fenilalanina. Métodos: los péptidos se produjeron por hidrólisis tríptica de caseinato de sodio y precipitación ácida con HCl, seguido de precipitación con etanol o agregación de CaCl2 o ZnSO4. Resultados: el análisis de aminoácidos reveló una reducción significativa en la cantidad de fenilalanina de la proteína original. Conclusión: los péptidos derivados de la caseína podrían ser una alternativa futura de los péptidos de cadena corta a las formulaciones con bajo contenido de fenilalanina.

Caseínas/análisis , Fenilalanina , Fenilcetonurias/dietoterapia , Aminoácidos/análisis , Aminoácidos/metabolismo , Caseínas/metabolismo , Dieta , Humanos , Péptidos/análisis , Péptidos/metabolismo
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 69(1): 25-33, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1022450


La fenilcetonuria (PKU) es causada por una actividad deficiente de la enzima fenilalanina hidroxilasa. En los pacientes con esta deficiencia la fenilalanina (Phe) no puede ser convertida en tirosina, aumentando sus niveles en sangre y de otros metabolitos neurotóxicos, provocando un retraso mental irreversible. El tratamiento fundamentalmente se basa en una dieta controlada de Phe. Sin embargo, los alimentos libres o bajos en Phe son escasos. El objetivo de esta investigación es obtener hidrolizados proteicos con bajo contenido de Phe a partir del suero dulce de leche en polvo y harina de E. edulis Triana. El aislado proteico (96,01% proteína cruda) se obtuvo por solubilización y precipitación de las proteínas de la harina, mientras que las proteínas del suero (15,69% proteína cruda) fueron tratadas en su matriz original. Las proteínas del suero y el asilado fueron hidrolizadas enzimáticamente con pepsina y proteasa de Streptomyces griseus. La concentración de Phe se determinó por fluorometría y por HPLC, de lo cual la Phe de las proteínas del suero es liberada una hora antes que las del chachafruto, debido a que las proteínas del suero en parte fueron hidrolizadas en la elaboración del queso. Además, los resultados de la utilización del carbón activados como captor de Phe indican la reducción total del contenido de este aminoácido en los hidrolizados y la reducción de la concentración de otros aminoácidos(AU)

henylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a low activity of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. In patients with this deficiency, phenylalanine (Phe) cannot be converted to tyrosine, increasing blood levels and other neurotoxic metabolites, causing irreversible mental retardation. The treatment is fundamentally based on a controlled diet of Phe. However, free or low-Phe foods are scarce. The objective of this research is to obtain protein hydrolysates with low Phe content from sweet milk powder and E. edulis Triana flour. The protein isolate (96.01% crude protein) was obtained by solubilization and precipitation of the flour proteins, while the whey proteins (15.69% crude protein) were treated in their original matrix. Serum and asylated proteins were enzymatically hydrolyzed with pepsin and Streptomyces griseus protease. The concentration of Phe was determined by fluorometry and by HPLC, from which the Phe of whey proteins is released one hour earlier than those of chachafruto, due to the fact that the whey proteins were partially hydrolyzed in the elaboration of the cheese. In addition, the results of the use of charcoal activated as Phe captor indicate the total reduction of the content of this amino acid in the hydrolysates and the reduction of the concentration of other amino acids(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Fenilcetonurias/patología , Hidrolisados de Proteína/análisis , Proteína de Suero de Leche/administración & dosificación , Proteína de Suero de Leche/biosíntesis , Enfermedades Nutricionales y Metabólicas , Trastornos Nutricionales
Clin. biomed. res ; 39(1): 24-31, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026077


Introdução: Redução da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) está associada à Fenilcetonúria (PKU), mas a causa desta associação não é completamente entendida. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a ingestão de nutrientes relacionados ao metabolismo ósseo (cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, potássio), e sua associação com a DMO em pacientes com PKU. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional. Foram incluídos 15 pacientes (PKU Clássica=8; Leve=7; mediana de idade=16 anos, IQ=15-20), todos em tratamento com dieta restrita em fenilalanina (Phe) e 13 em uso de fórmula metabólica. Foi realizado recordatório alimentar de 24 horas de um dia e demais dados (histórico de fraturas, parâmetros antropométricos, DMO e níveis plasmáticos de Phe, Tyr, cálcio) foram obtidos por revisão de prontuário. Resultados: Nenhum paciente apresentou histórico de fraturas e seis realizavam suplementação de cálcio (alteração prévia da DMO=5; baixa ingestão=1). A mediana dos níveis de Phe foi 11,6 mg/dL (IQ=9,3-13,3). Em relação ao recordatório alimentar, dez indivíduos apresentaram inadequado consumo de carboidratos; 14, de lipídeos; 9, de cálcio; 11, de magnésio; 13, de fósforo; e todos de potássio. A mediana da DMO foi de 0,989 g/cm2 (IQ=0,903-1,069), sendo duas classificadas como reduzidas para idade, ambas de pacientes com PKU Leve que recebiam suplementação de cálcio. Não foi observada correlação entre níveis de Phe, DMO e demais variáveis analisadas. Conclusão: Redução da DMO não foi frequente na amostra, embora ingestão inadequada de cálcio assim o seja. Estudos adicionais são necessários para esclarecer o efeito da Phe e da ingestão dietética sobre o metabolismo ósseo na PKU. (AU)

Introduction: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) is associated with phenylketonuria (PKU), but this association is not completely understood. This research aimed to evaluate intake of nutrients related to bone metabolism (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium) and its association with BMD in patients with PKU. Methods: In this cross-sectional, observational study, 15 patients with PKU (Classical=8, Mild=7; median age=16 years, IQ=15-20 years) were included, all of them on phenylalanine (Phe) restricted diet and 13 being supplemented with a metabolic formula. A 24-hour dietary recall was performed and remaining data (history of fractures, anthropometric parameters, BMD and plasma Phe, tyrosine and calcium levels) were obtained through medical chart review. Results: No patient had any fractures and six received calcium supplements, five due to previous change in BMD and one due to inadequate nutritional intake. Median Phe level was 11.6 mg/dL (IQ=9.3-13.3). In relation to dietary recall, all individuals had inadequate intake of some nutrient (carbohydrate=10; lipids=14; calcium=9; magnesium=11; phosphorus=13; potassium=15). The median BMD was 0.989 g/cm2 (IQ=0.903-1.069). Two cases were classified as low BMD for age, both in patients with mild PKU receiving calcium supplements. Conclusion: Reduced BMD was not common in this sample, although inadequate calcium intake was frequently reported. Additional studies are needed to clarify the effect of Phe and dietary intake on bone metabolism in patients with PKU.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Fenilcetonurias/complicaciones , Fenilcetonurias/dietoterapia , Densidad Ósea , Densitometría
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 19(1): 16-17, enero 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-996422


Introducción. La fenilcetonuria (FCU) es un error innato del metabolismo debido a deficiencia hereditaria de la enzima fenilalanina hidroxilasa causando acúmulo de fenilalanina (Phe) en varios tejidos del cuerpo humano, ocasionando retraso global del desarrollo. Existen grandes variaciones en la incidencia de FCU por grupo étnico, observándose que es más frecuente en caucásicos y en nativos amerindios, mientras que una menor incidencia se observa en afroamericanos, mestizos y asiáticos. En general, la incidencia de la FCU en caucásicos es de 1 en 10.000; mientras que en afroamericanos es de 1 en 200.000. Se ha observado que se presenta con mayor frecuencia en personas cuyos antepasados provienen del norte de Europa, en comparación con personas de origen afroamericano, judío o japonés. Caso clínico. Masculino prematuro muy prematuro de 29 semanas de edad gestacional, nace con apgar 7 ­ 8 que posteriormente presenta dificultad respiratoria que se incrementa por lo que fue necesario colocar en ventilación mecánica invasiva con parámetros altos que evolucionan a VAFO; posteriormente se intenta colocar SOG la cual no se logra colocar con facilidad. Paciente con mala evolución respiratoria, acidosis metabólica persistente, no tolera la alimentación a la leche materna, presenta distensión abdominal que lleva a suspender la vía oral por varias ocasiones. A la exploración física paciente presenta hipo actividad marcada posteriormente episodios convulsivos, pupilas normales, piel blanca, dermatitis del pañal; resto normal. Se toma nuevo tamiz haciéndose diagnóstico de FCU clásica, tratándose con formula libre de Phe. Paciente incrementa peso con la alimentación libre Phe, sin embargo, las múltiples complicaciones respiratorias sobre todo llevan a un deceso por proceso séptico asociado. Conclusión. La FCU puede ser diagnosticada tempranamente por tamiz neonatal, realizado de rutina en Ecuador sin embargo los resultados aun siendo tomados como tamizaje tienen un periodo de entrega e 30 días tiempo que puede obscurecer el diagnóstico y ayuda oportuna en ciertos casos. Cabe recalcar que en varias provincias de nuestro país aún no se realiza el tamizaje neonatal, por lo que es muy importante conocer la enfermedad para diagnosticarla previo a que existan complicaciones múltiples.

Introduction. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of metabolism due to hereditary deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase causing accumulation of phenylalanine (Phe) in various tissues of the human body, causing global developmental delay. There are large variations in the incidence of FCU by ethnic group, being observed that it is more frequent in Caucasians and Native Amerindians, while a lower incidence is observed in African-Americans, mestizos and Asians. In general, the incidence of FCU in Caucasians is 1 in 10,000; while in African-Americans it is 1 in 200,000. It has been observed that it occurs more frequently in people whose ancestors come from northern Europe, compared to people of African-American, Jewish or Japanese origin. Clinical case. Very premature male of 29 weeks of gestational age, born with apgar 7 - 8 that later presents respiratory difficulty that increases so it was necessary to place in invasive mechanical ventilation with high parameters that evolve to HFOV; subsequently, an attempt is made to place SOG, which can not be easily placed. Patient with bad respiratory evolution, persistent metabolic acidosis, does not tolerate feeding to breast milk, presents abdominal distension that leads to suspend the oral route several times. On physical examination, the patient presented hypo activity, which was subsequently marked by convulsive episodes, normal pupils, white skin, diaper rash; rest normal. A new sieve is taken making a diagnosis of classic FCU, treating with Phe-free formula. Patient increases weight with free feeding Phe nevertheless the multiple respiratory complications mainly lead to a death by associated septic process. Conclusion. The FCU can be diagnosed early by neonatal screening, performed routinely in Ecuador, however, the results even being taken as a screening have a delivery period of 30 days that may obscure the diagnosis and timely help in certain cases. It should be noted that even in several provinces of our country, neonatal screening is still not done, so it is very important to know the disease to diagnose it before there are multiple complications.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Fenilcetonurias , Anomalías Congénitas , Enfermedades del Prematuro
Biosalud ; 17(1): 49-64, ene.-jun. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-888585


RESUMEN Las mutaciones del gen PAH generan deficiencia de la enzima fenilalanina hidroxilasa. Su actividad final varía desde una actividad casi nula o indetectable en la fenilcetonuria clásica hasta una actividad residual del 10 al 35% de la normal. Esta alteración corresponde al error innato del metabolismo de los aminoácidos más frecuente, afectando a 1 de cada 10.000 personas. Las diferentes cantidades de fenilalanina en sangre se traducen en un espectro amplio de manifestaciones clínicas que incluyen retraso global del desarrollo, discapacidad intelectual, convulsiones, rasgos autistas y comportamiento agresivo en los casos más graves. El diagnóstico temprano a través de los programas de tamizaje neonatal se considera prioritario pues las intervenciones oportunas evitan el daño del sistema nervioso central. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico en Colombia es tardío, las intervenciones realizadas a partir de ese momento son fútiles pues el deterioro cognitivo es irreparable, por lo tanto es imperativa la realización de pruebas diagnósticas tempranas cuando aún las intervenciones médicas pueden impactar la mejoría clínica del paciente con disminución importante de la morbilidad propia de esta patología, convirtiéndose en una necesidad la ampliación del programa de tamizaje neonatal, el cual estaría amparado bajo la ley colombiana de enfermedades huérfanas.

ABSTRACT Mutations in the PAH gene generate phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme deficiency. Its final activity varies from almost null or undetectable in classical phenylketonuria to a residual activity of 10 to 35% of normal activity. This alteration corresponds to the innate more frequent error of the metabolism of the amino acids, affecting 1 of every 10,000 people. Different amounts of phenylalanine in blood translate into a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including global developmental delay, intellectual disability, seizures, autistic traits, and aggressive behavior in the most severe cases. Early diagnosis through neonatal screening programs is considered a priority because timely interventions avoid damage to the central nervous system. Conclusions: The diagnosis in Colombia is belated, the interventions made from that moment are futile because the cognitive deterioration is irreparable. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out early diagnostic tests when medical interventions can still impact the clinical improvement of the patient with an important decrease of the morbidity characteristic of this pathology, making it necessary to expand the neonatal screening program which would be protected under the Colombian law of orphan diseases.

Invest. clín ; 58(3): 274-283, sep. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-893541


La fenilcetonuria es un error innato del metabolismo, producido por mutaciones en el gen de la fenilalanina hidroxilasa. Se describe el caso de un adolescente de 15 años con diagnóstico tardío de fenilcetonuria, quien presenta retardo mental severo, convulsiones e hipopigmentación. En este estudio se realizó el diagnóstico molecular de fenilcetonuria y se detectó la mutación p.R252W en homocigosis en el gen que codifica para la fenilalanina hidroxilasa. La presencia de esta variante nos permitió inferir la falta de respuesta a la terapia con sapropterina, medicamento que actúa como cofactor de la enzima, por la ausencia de actividad enzimática residual reportada para esta variante. Debido al retraso psicomotor del paciente, se decidió aplicar terapia lúdica y fortalecimiento muscular a través de la intervención fisioterapéutica; sin embargo, no se observó una mejoría permanente al aplicar este tratamiento, motivado por la falta de continuidad.

Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism due to mutations on the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. We described the case of a 15 years old-adolescent with late diagnosis of phenylketonuria, who presents severe mental retardation, convulsions and hypopigmentation. In this study, the molecular diagnosis of phenylketonuria was performed, detecting p.R252W mutation in homozygous state on the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. The presence of this variant allowed us to infer the lack of response to drug therapy with sapropterina which works as an enzyme cofactor, due to the absence of residual enzymatic activity reported for the p.R252W variant. Physical therapy was applied through playful therapy and muscular strengthening, because of the psychomotor retardation present in the patient. The failing in continuing with the physical therapy program stopped the patient´s improvement.

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 22(6): 518-524, ago.-sept. 2017. ilus.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1048997


Introducción: La fenilcetonuria es el error congénito del metabolismo más frecuente y es la primera enfermedad del metabolismo con un tratamiento exitoso que evita la discapacidad intelectual. Tanto en el mundo como en la Argentina la fenilcetonuria inauguró la lista de enfermedades del tamizaje neonatal. La prueba de pesquisa neonatal tiene una relación entre el costo y la eficacia altamente favorable cuando la prueba de pesquisa da un resultado correcto; en caso contrario, esta prueba dejaría de ser eficaz. La fenilcetonuria clásica está causada por la deficiencia de la enzima fenilalanina hidroxilasa, responsable de la conversión de fenilalanina a tirosina. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar pacientes con fenilcetonuria que no han sido diagnosticados por medio de la pesquisa neonatal; también, describir la presentación clínica de la enfermedad y analizar las causas de la falta de diagnóstico y de las potenciales repercusiones para los programas de pesquisa en la Argentina. Antecedentes históricos y de normativas: Se describen brevemente los antecedentes históricos de la fenilcetonuria y de la prueba de tamizaje neonatal. A partir de 1986, por medio de la Ley 23413, se establece la obligatoriedad de realizar la pesquisa neonatal de fenilcetonuria en la República Argentina. Materiales y métodos: Analizamos los pacientes con diagnóstico de fenilcetonuria que se encuentran en seguimiento en el Hospital de Pediatría S.A.M.I.C. Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan desde 2000 hasta 2015. Hallamos una serie de casos con diagnóstico de fenilcetonuria que no han sido diagnosticados por la prueba de pesquisa neonatal, y los comparamos. Estudiamos las políticas de Salud Pública que reglamentan las pruebas de pesquisa en la Argentina. Resultado y conclusiones: Se identificaron tres pacientes con fenilcetonuria clásica de diagnóstico tardío con discapacidad intelectual. Los tres casos son sujetos oriundos de Neuquén, Argentina, con la prueba de pesquisa informada como "negativa"; en los tres, la muestra fue tomada tempranamente. Para que los programas de pesquisa sean efectivos, en primer lugar deben existir políticas sanitarias unificadas para todas las provincias argentinas, con un sistema de coordinación, formación, educación, evaluación y estadística eficiente. Es fundamental conocer el impacto que causa no detectar a estos pacientes ya que esta revisión demuestra que, ante el fracaso de la prueba de pesquisa neonatal, es posible evitar el resultado de tres personas con discapacidad intelectual, dos de ellas totalmente dependientes de sus familias y del sistema sanitario.

Introduction: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent disorder caused by an inborn error in aminoacid metabolism and it is the first disease that has a successful treatment that prevents intellectual disabilities. It is the first disorder included in neonatal screening programmes in the world, as it also happens in our country. Furthermore, newborn screening is a highly favorable cost-effective test when the screening test is well done, otherwise the cost effectiveness would be unfavorable. Classical PKU is caused by phenylalanine hydroxylase that catalyses the conversion of the essential amino acid L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine. Objective: To identify patients with PKU who have not been diagnosed by means of newborn screening tests. Description of the clinical presentation of the disease. Analysis of the causes and potential implications for newborn screening programs. Historical antecedents and regulations: The historical background of PKU and of the disease neonatal screening tests are briefly described Since 1986 the National Law #23413 establishes the obligation of performing the Neonatal Screening of phenylketonuria in Argentina. Materials and methods: We analized patients with PKU admitted and followed up in the Hospital de Pediatría S.A.M.I.C. Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan from 2000 to 2015 We found a case series of patients with phenylketonuria that have not been diagnosed by means of the newborn screening test and we compared them. Analysis of Public Health Care policies and the laws that regulate the screening tests in Argentina. Results and conclusion: Three patients were identified and diagnosed with classic PKU of late diagnosis and presented mental disability. The three cases were from Neuquén province, Argentina. The neonatal screening tests had reported as "negative" and the three samples had been taken early. If the screening programs are to be effective what is needed, in the first place, it is to have uniform health care policies with national coverage with an efficient system of coordination, training, education, evaluation and statistics. It is essential to know the impact that implies not to identify these patients. In this review, we have noticed that the failure of the newborn screening tests resulted in three patients with intellectual disabilities, two of them totally dependent on their families and the health care system.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Fenilalanina Hidroxilasa , Fenilcetonurias , Salud Pública , Discapacidad Intelectual , Enfermedades Metabólicas , Enfermedades y Anomalías Neonatales Congénitas y Hereditarias
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(3): 267-273, jun. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-887323


Aunque, con tratamiento precoz, los pacientes con fenilcetonuria pueden presentar niveles de inteligencia normales, es importante optimizar el control dietético para mantener niveles de fenilalanina adecuados y poder desarrollar su potencial intelectual sin alteraciones en sus tareas diarias por déficits en las funciones ejecutivas. Se presenta una serie de 26 pacientes, diagnosticados y tratados precozmente, a quienes se realizó una evaluación psicométrica junto con determinaciones de fenilalanina a lo largo de su vida y en el momento de realización de los tests. Se observa una tendencia a la relación inversa entre el cociente intelectual y la fenilalanina concurrente, la mediana de fenilalanina y el cociente fenilalanina/tirosina, así como una tendencia a la relación negativa entre las funciones ejecutivas y los valores de fenilalanina concurrentes y durante la vida.

Although with early treatment phenylketonuria patients may have average intelligence levels, it is important to optimize the nutritional management to maintain adequate phenylalanine levels, so that patients can develop their intellectual potential free of abnormalities in their daily activities due to deficits of cognitive executive functions. This study presents a series of 26 patients, diagnosed and treated early, who underwent a psychometric evaluation together with phenylalanine determinations along their lives, and at the time of doing the tests. A trend is observed towards a reverse relationship between IQ and concurrent phenylalanine concentration, phenylalanine median and phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio. Likewise, a trend towards a negative relationship is observed between executive functions and concurrent phenylalanine values along patients' lives.

Humanos , Animales , Masculino , Niño , Adolescente , Fenilalanina/sangre , Fenilcetonurias/sangre , Fenilcetonurias/terapia , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Fenilcetonurias/psicología , Pruebas de Inteligencia
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 36(3): 390-396, jul.-set. 2016. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-828016


Introducción. La fenilcetonuria es un trastorno metabólico caracterizado por un compromiso neurológico grave y por alteraciones del comportamiento. Su diagnóstico temprano permite establecer un tratamiento efectivo que evita las secuelas y modifica el pronóstico. Objetivo. Caracterizar a una familia con fenilcetonuria en Colombia, a nivel clínico, bioquímico y molecular. Materiales y métodos. Se estudió una población de siete individuos de una familia consanguínea en la que cuatro hijos presentaban signos clínicos sugestivos de fenilcetonuria. Una vez firmado el consentimiento informado, se tomaron muestras de sangre y orina para las pruebas colorimétricas, la cromatografía de capa fina y la cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia. Se extrajo el ADN y se secuenciaron los 13 exones del gen PAH de todos los sujetos estudiados. Se diseñaron iniciadores para cada exón con el programa Primer 3; la secuenciación automática se hizo con el equipo Abiprism 3100 Avant y, el análisis de las secuencias, con el programa SeqScape v2.0. Resultados. Se describieron las características clínicas y moleculares de una familia colombiana con fenilcetonuria en la que se identificó la mutación c.398_401delATCA; se presentó una correlación fenotipo-genotipo con una interesante variabilidad clínica entre los afectados, a pesar de tener la misma mutación. Conclusiones. Es importante el reconocimiento temprano de esta enfermedad para evitar sus secuelas neurológicas y psicológicas, pues los pacientes llegan a edades avanzadas sin diagnóstico ni tratamiento adecuados.

Introduction: Phenylketonuria is a metabolic disorder characterized by severe neurological involvement and behavioral disorder, whose early diagnosis enables an effective treatment to avoid disease sequelae, thus changing the prognosis. Objective: To characterize a family with phenylketonuria in Colombia at clinical, biochemical and molecular levels. Materials and methods: The population consisted of seven individuals of a consanguineous family with four children with suggestive symptoms of phenylketonuria. After signing an informed consent, blood and urine samples were taken for colorimetric tests and high performance liquid and thin layer chromatographies. DNA extraction and sequencing of the 13 exons of the PAH gene were performed in all subjects. We designed primers for each exon with the Primer 3 software using automatic sequencing equipment Abiprism 3100 Avant. Sequences were analyzed using the SeqScape, v2.0, software. Results: We described the clinical and molecular characteristics of a Colombian family with phenylketonuria and confirmed the presence of the mutation c.398_401delATCA. We established a genotype-phenotype correlation, highlighting the interesting clinical variability found among the affected patients despite having the same mutation in all of them. Conclusions: Early recognition of this disease is very important to prevent its neurological and psychological sequelae, given that patients reach old age without diagnosis or proper management.

Fenilcetonurias , Dieta , Diagnóstico Precoz , Genética , Discapacidad Intelectual , Mutación , Fenilalanina Hidroxilasa
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 17(1): 143-149, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-742930


Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos com objetivo de avaliar o potencial de preparados de cavalinha (Equisetum sp.) na síntese de metabólitos de defesa em cotilédones de soja (Glycinemax L.) e o efeito sobre o crescimento de Rhizoctonia solani, in vitro. O delineamento experimental utilizado para os experimentos foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3x5 (formas de extração x concentrações), com quatro repetições. As formas de extração foram extrato alcoólico, infusão e maceração, nas concentrações de zero; 1; 10, 20 e 40%. No primeiro experimento foi avaliada a indução de compostos de defesa vegetal em cotilédones de soja em resposta aos derivados a base de cavalinha, sendo quantificada a atividade da enzima fenilalanina amônia-liase (FAL), via espectofotometria, a fitoalexina gliceolina, e o teor de fenóis totais. No segundo experimento, in vitro, a unidade experimental foi uma placa de Petri, sendo os preparados de cavalinha incorporados ao meio BDA (Batata-dextrose e Agar) e avaliado o crescimento micelial de R. Solani. Os preparados de extrato alcoólico, infusão e maceração de cavalinha apresentaram capacidade de indução das fitoalexinas gliceolinas em cotilédones de soja, bem como, ativaram o metabolismo de compostos fenólicos. Entre os preparados, o extrato alcoólico e a maceração, se sobressaem sobre a infusão. Os preparados de extrato alcoólico, infusão e maceração de cavalinha em todas as suas concentrações inibem o crescimento do fungo R. solani, in vitro. .

Two experiments were carried out in the Federal Technological University of Paraná - Dois Vizinhos Campus - with the aim to evaluate the potential of horsetail (Equisetum sp.) derivatives for the synthesis of defense metabolites in soybean (Glycine max L.) cotyledons and their effect on the in vitro growth of Rhizoctonia solani. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3 x 5 factorial design (extraction form x concentration), with four replications. The extraction forms were alcoholic extract, infusion and maceration and the concentrations tested were zero, 1, 10, 20 and 40%. In the first experiment, we evaluated the induction of plant defense in soybean cotyledons as a response to horsetail derivatives through spectrophotometry according to phytoalexin glyceollin, phenylalanine ammonia lyase enzyme activity (PAL) and total phenols. In the second experiment, in vitro, the experimental unit was a Petri dish, and the horsetail derivatives were incorporated into medium culture (potato dextrose agar), and we evaluated the mycelial growth of R. solani. The alcoholic extract, infusion and maceration of horsetail derivatives presented phytoalexin glyceolin induction in soybean cotyledons, in addition to activating the metabolism of phenolic compounds. Among the derivatives, the alcoholic extract and the maceration form of extraction were superior in relation to the infusion. The alcoholic extract, infusion and maceration of horsetail derivatives inhibited the in vitro growth of R. solani in all concentrations.

Rhizoctonia/clasificación , Glycine max/clasificación , Cotiledón/clasificación , Equisetum/fisiología , Metabolismo , Fenilanina Amoníaco-Liasa/síntesis química
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 90(5): 518-522, Sep-Oct/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-723168


Objective: To evaluate phenylalanine plasma profile in preterm newborns fed different human milk diets. Methods: Twenty-four very-low weight preterm newborns were distributed randomly in three groups with different feeding types: Group I: banked human milk plus 5% commercial fortifier with bovine protein, Group II: banked human milk plus evaporated fortifier derived from modified human milk, Group III: banked human milk plus lyophilized fortifier derived from modified human milk. The newborns received the group diet when full diet was attained at 15 ± 2 days. Plasma amino acid analysis was performedon the first and last day of feeding. Comparison among groups was performed by statistical tests: one way ANOVA with Tukey's post-test using SPSS software, version 20.0 (IBM Corp, NY, USA), considering a significance level of 5%. Results: Phenylalanine levels in the first and second analysis were, respectively, in Group I: 11.9 ± 1.22 and 29.72 ± 0.73; in Group II: 11.72 ± 1.04 and 13.44 ± 0.61; and in Group III: 11.3 ± 1.18 and 15.42 ± 0.83 μmol/L. Conclusion: The observed results demonstrated that human milk with fortifiers derived from human milk acted as a good substratum for preterm infant feeding both in the evaporated or the lyophilized form, without significant increases in plasma phenylalanine levels in comparison to human milk with commercial fortifier. .

Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil plasmático do aminoácido fenilalanina em recém-nascidos pré-termo alimentados com diferentes dietas de leite humano. Métodos: Foram estudados 24 recém-nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso, distribuídos em três grupos com diferentes dietas: Grupo I: leite humano de banco com 5% de aditivo comercial para leite humano com proteína de origem bovina (LHB-AC); Grupo II: leite humano de banco com aditivo de leite humano modificado evaporado (LHB-E); e Grupo III: leite humano de banco com aditivo de leite humano modificado liofilizado (LHB-L). Os recém-nascidos receberam a dieta definida para o grupo quando alcançaram dieta plena por 15 ± 2 dias. A análise do aminoácido plasmático foi feita no primeiro e último dias da dieta. A comparação entre os grupos foi realizada por meio do teste ANOVA de uma via, seguido pelo pós-teste de Tukey, utilizando-se o software SPSS (IBM Corp, NY, EUA), versão 20.0, e considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: As concentrações plasmáticas do aminoácido fenilalanina na primeira e segunda análises foram, respectivamente, no Grupo I (LHB-AC) 11,9±1,22 e 29,72±0,73; no Grupo II (LHB-E) 11,72±1,04 e 13,44±0,61; e no Grupo III 11,3±1,18 e 15,42±0,83 umol/L. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados demonstram que o leite humano com aditivos do próprio leite humano comportou-se como um bom substrato para alimentação do recém-nascido pré-termo, tanto na forma evaporada como liofilizada, sem levar a aumentos significativos na concentração plasmática de fenilalanina em comparação ao leite humano com aditivo comercial. .

Animales , Bovinos , Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Dieta/métodos , Recien Nacido Prematuro/sangre , Recién Nacido de muy Bajo Peso/sangre , Leche Humana , Fenilalanina/sangre , Liofilización , Alimentos Fortificados/análisis , Bancos de Leche Humana , Proteínas de la Leche/análisis
J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 90(5): 518-22, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24818523


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate phenylalanine plasma profile in preterm newborns fed different human milk diets. METHODS: Twenty-four very-low weight preterm newborns were distributed randomly in three groups with different feeding types: Group I: banked human milk plus 5% commercial fortifier with bovine protein, Group II: banked human milk plus evaporated fortifier derived from modified human milk, Group III: banked human milk plus lyophilized fortifier derived from modified human milk. The newborns received the group diet when full diet was attained at 15 ± 2 days. Plasma amino acid analysis was performedon the first and last day of feeding. Comparison among groups was performed by statistical tests: one way ANOVA with Tukey's post-test using SPSS software, version 20.0 (IBM Corp, NY, USA), considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Phenylalanine levels in the first and second analysis were, respectively, in Group I: 11.9 ± 1.22 and 29.72 ± 0.73; in Group II: 11.72 ± 1.04 and 13.44 ± 0.61; and in Group III: 11.3 ± 1.18 and 15.42 ± 0.83 µmol/L. CONCLUSION: The observed results demonstrated that human milk with fortifiers derived from human milk acted as a good substratum for preterm infant feeding both in the evaporated or the lyophilized form, without significant increases in plasma phenylalanine levels in comparison to human milk with commercial fortifier.

Dieta/métodos , Recien Nacido Prematuro/sangre , Recién Nacido de muy Bajo Peso/sangre , Leche Humana , Fenilalanina/sangre , Animales , Bovinos , Femenino , Alimentos Fortificados/análisis , Liofilización , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Bancos de Leche Humana , Proteínas de la Leche/análisis
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 58(1): 62-67, 02/2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-705242


Objectives: Phenylketonuria (PKU) was the first inherited metabolic disease known to cause mental retardation for which a newborn screening program (NBS) was developed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of PKU NBS and the management of cases in the northeastern Brazilian state of Sergipe (SE).Materials and methods: We reviewed the phenylalanine concentrations in filter-paper collected from the heel (PKUneo) of 43,449 newborns; blood concentrations obtained by venipuncture in the subjects with abnormal PKUneo; the children’s age at several phases of the program, the incidence of the disease from January 2007 to June 2008; and metabolic control of the patients.Results: The coverage of NBS/SE was 78.93%. The children’s age was 10 ± 7 days at PKUneo collection. Twelve children were recalled based on the PKUneo cutoff value at 28 ± 13 days. From these, the concentrations of phenylalanine collected by venipuncture were normal in five children. The incidence of hyperphenylalaninemia was 1/43,449, and of PKU was 1/8,690 (5 cases). One suspected subject died. Another death occurred in the cohort, in a confirmed PKU case. PKU treatment began within 51 ± 12 days of life. In the four patients under dietary phenylalanine restriction, metabolic control was often difficult.Conclusions: PKU NBS/SE has satisfactory coverage and adequate cutoff for recalling patients and diagnosis, but the onset of treatment is delayed, and follow-up metabolic control is frequently inadequate.

Objetivos: A fenilcetonúria (PKU) foi a primeira causa metabólica hereditária de retardamento mental para a qual foi desenvolvido um programa de triagem em recém-nascidos (NBS). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do NBS para a PKU e o manejo dos casos em Sergipe (SE), Brasil.Materiais e métodos: Revisamos as concentrações de fenilalanina no filtro de papel coletado do calcanhar (PKUneo) de 43.449 recém-nascidos, suas concentrações de sangue obtidas por punção venosa em indivíduos com PKUneo anormal, a idade das crianças em diversas fases do programa, a incidência da doença no período de janeiro de 2007 a junho de 2008 e o controle metabólico dos pacientes.Resultados: A cobertura da NBS/SE foi de 78,93%. A idade das crianças era de 10 ± 7 dias na coleta de PKUneo. Doze crianças foram reconvocadas com base no ponto de corte de PKUneo aos 28 ± 13 dias de idade. Destas, as concentrações de fenilalanina por venipunctura foram normais em cinco. A incidência da hiperfenilalaninemia foi 1/43.449 e de PKU foi 1/8.690 (5 casos), e um indivíduo suspeito foi a óbito. Outro óbito ocorreu na coorte em um caso de PKU confirmado. O tratamento para a PKU começou com 51 ± 12 dias. Nos quatro pacientes sob restrição de fenilalanina alimentar, o controle metabólico foi frequentemente difícil.Conclusões: PKU NBS/SE apresenta uma cobertura satisfatória e ponto de corte adequado para reconvocação e diagnóstico, mas o início do tratamento é atrasado e o controle no seguimento é frequentemente inadequado.

Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Tamizaje Neonatal/normas , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Fenilalanina/sangre , Fenilcetonurias/diagnóstico , Biomarcadores/sangre , Recolección de Muestras de Sangre/métodos , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Incidencia , Modelos Lineales , Fenilcetonurias/epidemiología , Valores de Referencia
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 54(2): 108-115, dic. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-705449


Los errores innatos del metabolismo se definen como trastornos genéticos que ocurren en la estructura y/o función de las moléculas proteicas. Uno de estos trastornos, es la fenilcetonuria (PKU, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual se presenta debido a la alteración en la reacción enzimática de la hidroxilación de fenilalanina (F). El tratamiento de la PKU es básicamente nutricional, por lo cual, en Venezuela, se están evaluando nuevas materias primas con bajo contenido de F, de manera que puedan ser incluidas en dietas de niños fenilcetonúricos. Estas materias primas, deben ser validadas a través de pruebas biológicas in vivo usando animales experimentales, antes de suministralos a los humanos. En el presente estudio se evaluó la harina de plátano Musa paradisíaca (como ingrediente único) como coadyudante en el manejo nutricional de ratones fenilcetonuricos inducidos experimentalmente utilizando un bloqueante de la enzima a-metilfenilalanina a una dosis de 24 µM/10 g peso vivo (PV) y el aminoácido D-fenilalanina a una dosis de 52µM/10 g p.v. Se observó que los ratones presentaron solo una elevación de los niveles de F (P≤0,05) alcanzando una hiperfenilalaninemia leve (4-10mg/dL de sangre) durante la etapa predestete. Sin embargo, al ser sometidos a una alimentación postdestete con la harina de plátano, como única fuente nutritiva, se pudo observar una diferencia en el desarrollo del animal (P≤0,05), evidenciándose un marcado deterioro y desnutrición. Se recomienda realizar estudios adicionales, que incorporen junto con la harina de plátano, un glicomacropéptido que supla los requerimientos mínimos nutricionales de los ratones en crecimiento y mantenga bajo los niveles de F.

Inborn errors of metabolism are defined as genetic disturbances that occur in the structure and/or function of protein molecules. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a good example of this type of disturbance, which is due to an alteration in the enzymatic reaction responsible for phenylalanine (Phe) hydroxylation. Treatment of this disease is basically nutritional. In Venezuela, new raw materials with a low content of Phe are being tested, so that they can be included in the diets of children suffering from PKU. Previous administration to humans, these raw materials should be validated by in vivo biological tests, using laboratory animals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the plantain (Musa paradisíaca) meal, as the only ingredient, in the nutritional management of experimentally induced PKU in laboratory mice, using a-methyphenylalanine, as the agent responsible for blocking phenylalanine hydroxylase, at a dose of 24 µM/10 of body weight (BW). To help blockade, a dose of D-phenylalanine (52 µM/10g of BW), was also administered. The results of the investigation showed that during the pre-weaning stage, mice exhibited a slight elevation in Phe levels that was statistically significant (P≤0.05), reaching a hyperphenylalalinemia level of 4-10 mg/dL of blood. In contrast, when mice were subjected to a post-weaning diet with plantain meal as the only nutritional source, a difference (P≤0.05) in their development could be observed, which evidenced marked deterioration and malnutrition. It is recommended that additional studies be performed that include a glycomacropeptid along with the plantain meal, so that minimum nutritional requirements can be supplied, keeping low levels of Phe in PKU patients.

Comun. ciênc. saúde ; 23(4): 263-270, set.-dez. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-755232


Objetivo: Investigar na literatura artigos científicos publicados a respeitodo diagnóstico e o tratamento de fenilcetonúria para indivíduosde todas as idades.Métodos: Consiste em uma revisão de artigos científicos indexados nasbases de dados SciELO, Pubmed e LiLacs. Foram selecionados trabalhospublicados no período de 1999 a 2012 nos idiomas português,espanhol e inglês.Resultados: A triagem neonatal diagnostica precocemente a doença,permitindo a intervenção dietética necessária. Mesmo com avanços nosestudos, a dieta restrita em fenilalanina continua sendo o fator principalpara tratamento padrão da doença, sendo necessária a suplementaçãocom fórmulas especiais a base de aminoácidos, mas isentas de fenilalanina.Conclusão: O diagnóstico precoce associado ao tratamento apropriadopermitem o crescimento e desenvolvimento adequados ao portadorda fenilcetonúria, além de evitar manifestações clínicas da doença. Oacompanhamento multidisciplinar e monitoramento constante dos níveisde fenilalanina sanguínea e da dieta a ser seguida são indispensáveis,devendo a família compreender a importância da terapia nutricional nodesenvolvimento do fenilcetonúrico.

Introduction: Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism, specificallyin the metabolism of amino acids and is a genetic disease withautosomal recessive trait and most common hyperphenylalaninaemias.The diagnosis and treatment of the disease should be performed as earlyis possible.Objective: Investigate articles published in the literature concerningthe diagnostic and treatment of phenylketonuria for individuals of allages.Methods: Consists of review of scientific articles indexed in SciELOdatabases, PubMed and Lilacs. It selected studies published between1999 to 2012 in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The descriptors usedwere: phenylketonuria, phenylalanine hydroxylase, neonatal screeningand aminoacid pathology.Results: Neonatal screening diagnostic the disease early, enabling dietaryintervention required. Even with advances in studies, restrictedphenylalanine diet remains the main factor for the standard treatmentof the disease, necessitating supplementation with special formulas toamino acid-based, but free of phenylalanine.Conclusion: Early diagnosis associated with the appropriate treatmentallow adequate growth and development of the phenylketonuric whilepreventing clinical manifestations of the disease. The multidisciplinaryapproach and constant monitoring of blood phenylalanine levels anddiet are essential to be followed, and the family should understand theimportance of nutritional therapy in the development of phenylketonuric.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Tamizaje Neonatal , Fenilcetonurias , Terapia Nutricional
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 18(5): 338-340, set.-out. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-658117


INTRODUÇÃO: A fenilcetonúria (PKU) é caracterizada pela deficiência da enzima fenilalanina hidroxilase, causando acúmulo de fenilalanina. O diagnóstico precoce e a subordinação à dieta pobre em fenilalanina são importantes para prevenir os efeitos prejudiciais da hiperfenilalaninemia. Não aderir estritamente à dieta provoca, entre outros efeitos, um desequilíbrio entre os aminoácidos neutros que usam o mesmo transportador da fenilalanina na barreira hematoencefálica, causando, então, a diminuição da entrada de triptofano, o precursor de serotonina no cérebro. Esse neurotransmissor tem sido implicado na regulação dos estados de humor, sendo sua alta produção ligada à fadiga central em indivíduos submetidos a exercício prolongado. O exercício físico aumenta os níveis de triptofano livre no sangue, o que facilita seu influxo no cérebro, podendo, portanto, ser útil nos estados hiperfenilalaninêmicos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o exercício aeróbico é capaz de normalizar as concentrações de triptofano no cérebro de ratos com hiperfenilalaninemia. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois ratos foram separados nos grupos sedentário (Sed) e exercício (Exe), e cada um deles subdividido em controle (SAL) e hiperfenilalaninemia (PKU). A hiperfenilalaninemia foi induzida pela administração de alfa-metilfenilalanina e fenilalanina durante três dias, enquanto os grupos SAL receberam salina. Os grupos Exe realizaram uma sessão de exercício aeróbico com duração de 60min e velocidade de 12m.min-1. RESULTADOS: A concentração de triptofano no cérebro nos grupos PKU foi significativamente menor que nos grupos SAL, tanto Sed como Exe, compatível com a condição hiperfenilalaninêmica. O exercício aumentou a concentração cerebral de triptofano comparada aos animais sedentários. O achado mais interessante foi que a concentração cerebral de triptofano no grupo ExePKU não foi diferente do SedSAL. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam um importante papel do exercício aeróbico para restaurar a concentração de triptofano no cérebro em ratos hiperfenilalaninêmicos.

INTRODUCTION: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is characterized by deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, leading to accumulation of phenylalanine. Early diagnosis and subordination to low-phenylalanine diet are important to prevent the harmful effects of hyperphenylalaninemia. In case the diet is not strictly followed, some possible effects are imbalance in the neutral amino acids that use the same carrier of phenylalanine to cross the blood-brain barrier, causing hence reduction in tryptophan entry, the precursor of serotonin in the brain. This neurotransmitter has been implicated in the regulation of mood states, and its high production is linked to central fatigue in individuals subjected to prolonged exercise. Physical exercise increases free tryptophan levels in the blood, which facilitates its influx in the brain, and therefore, may be useful in hyperphenylalaninemia states. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether aerobic exercise is able to normalize the concentrations of tryptophan in the brain of rats with hyperphenylalaninemia. METHODS: 32 rats were randomly assigned to sedentary (Sed) and exercise (Exe) groups, and then divided into control (HEA) and hyperphenylalaninemia (PKU). Hyperphenylalaninemia was induced by administration of alpha-metylphenylalanine and phenylalanine for three days, while the HEA groups received saline. Exe groups held a session of aerobic exercise lasting 60 minutes and speed of 12 m.min-1. RESULTS: The concentration of tryptophan in the brain of PKU groups was significantly lower than HEA groups (both in Sed and Exe groups), compatible with the condition of hyperphenylalaninemia. The exercise increased brain tryptophan levels comparing to sedentary animals. The most interesting finding was that the brain tryptophan levels of ExePKU group were not different from SedHEA group. CONCLUSION: The results indicate an important role of aerobic exercise to restore the concentration of tryptophan in the brain in hyperphenylalaninemic rats.