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Bioethics ; 37(6): 523-532, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35920062


The notion of moral expertise poses a variety of challenges concerning both the question of existence of such experts and their identification by laypeople. I argue for a view of ethics expertise, based on moral understanding instead of on moral knowledge, that is less robust than genuine moral expertise and that does not rely on deference to testimony. I propose identification criteria that focus mainly on the awareness and communication of implicit biases and situated ignorance. According to the account of ethics expertise presented in this paper, the expert's testimony is not an epistemic reason for the layperson's belief, but merely an epistemic influence. The epistemic reasons for the layperson's belief are largely independent from the expert. But there is still some epistemic risk involved in the proposed method of knowledge transfer, and therefore criteria for the identification of a trustworthy expert are necessary. The risk involved in knowledge transfer can be both due to willful manipulation and due to the expert's implicit biases and situated ignorance. While willful manipulation cannot really be avoided, the influence from biases and ignorance can be minimized. I argue that the best way to do this is if the expert is aware of their own biases and ignorance and communicates them. Combined with evidence of the expert's education in moral philosophy and experience with the topic in question, this gives the layperson the best chance to identify someone who can really help them consider all relevant aspects of a situation and come to a better justified decision.

Conocimiento , Principios Morales , Humanos , Filosofía , Feminismo , Sesgo
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(3): 725-735, jul.-set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405025


Resumo A entrevista aborda a trajetória de Evelyn Fox Keller, professora emérita de história e filosofia das ciências do Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Keller reflete sobre seu percurso e sobre os desafios que precisou enfrentar para expandir as fronteiras dos estudos de ciências com seu trabalho pioneiro relacionando linguagem, gênero e ciências, que tem sido muito influente em mudar a visão da história das ciências.

Abstract This interview covers the trajectory of Evelyn Fox Keller, emeritus professor of history and philosophy of science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Keller reflects on her career and the challenges she had to overcome to push back the frontiers of science with her pioneering work on language, gender, and science, which has been very influential in changing views in the history of science.

Ciencia , Feminismo , Identidad de Género , Lenguaje
Front Res Metr Anal ; 6: 600706, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34124533


The field of research policy has conducted extensive research on partnerships between industry and academics and concluded that such collaborations are generally beneficial. Such a view stands in stark contrast to the literature in the philosophy of science which almost wholly finds such collaborations corrosive to scientific inquiry. After reviewing the respective literatures, I propose explanations for these polarized views which support the claim that both disciplines have only a partial vantage point on the effects of industry-funded science. In closing, I outline how the research agendas of each discipline might remediate their respective shortcomings.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 9(2)2021 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33671484


Feminist political economy of health is a term that has emerged as a result of research that has combined and connected a feminist political economy lens with a focus on health disparities of women. This paper provides an overview of the literature from the work of feminist medical sociologists and feminist health scholars that have shaped the concept of feminist political economy of health. The analysis indicates that while women have experienced health inequities inside the healthcare system, there are also significant health disparities that are experienced outside the healthcare system due to women's social, economic, political, and cultural conditions. Given that there are dual crises with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as social movements pushing for change, further work that uses intersectional approaches is advocated.

Teach Sociol ; 49(3): 245-255, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35811837


How can sociology instructors provide high-quality education in the sociology of sexualities that captures both the increasing need for digital pedagogical tools and sociology's continued drive for theoretically rich course content? We present digital storytelling as a highly adaptable instructional tool that is appropriate for a range of undergraduate sociology courses. We outline one specific application of digital storytelling-a staged, semester-long assignment in which students create multimedia presentations to tell stories about how they were socialized into some gendered or sexual role. We also discuss three key learning outcomes from the digital storytelling project: (1) developing students' sociological imagination and intersectional thinking by connecting their own lived experience to social theory, (2) developing transferable technological skills, and (3) learning to apply sociological concepts outside of the classroom. We close our discussion with potential assignment modifications to improve accessibility.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 15(3): 1-13, set.-dez. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1135595


Este artigo é uma proposta ético-metodológica de habitar-compor o campo de pesquisa. Como pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, utilizamos a epistemologia feminista, em uma perspectiva de ciência que produz saberes localizados que incluem as marcas do campo e das pesquisadoras. Partimos da experiência de duas pesquisas de mestrado com campos diversos, em que ambas utilizaram a narrativa. Trata-se de pensar em políticas de pesquisa e políticas de escrita que possam nos auxiliar a operar um desvio entre o ponto de ancoragem identitário e a deriva dos sem-lugar, no exercício de fazer desequilibrar a harmonia de um todo e dar passagem para que se enunciem histórias de um entre o "tendo-sido" e o "ainda-não". Apostamos que, ao contar histórias únicas e histórias miúdas do cotidiano, podemos tecer novos mundos, nos quais a pluralidade torna-se mais possível, fugindo de uma forma binária de ser e conhecer.

This article is an ethical-methodological proposal of inhabiting-composing the research field. As theoretical-methodological assumptions, we use feminist epistemology, in a science perspective that produces localized knowledge that includes the marks of the field and the researchers. We started from the experience of two masters research with different fields, where both used the narrative. It is about thinking about research policies and writing policies that can help us to operate a deviation between the identity anchor point and the drift of the no-placed, in the exercise of unbalancing the harmony of a whole and giving way to tell stories between the 'having been' and the 'not yet'. We bid that by telling unique stories and small stories of everyday life, we can weave new worlds, where plurality becomes more possible, escaping a binary way of being and knowing.

Este artículo es una propuesta ético-metodológica de habitar-componer el campo de investigación. Como suposiciones teórico-metodológicas, utilizamos la epistemología feminista, en una perspectiva científica que produce conocimiento localizado que incluye las marcas del campo y de las investigadoras. Partimos de la experiencia de dos investigaciones de maestría con diferentes campos, donde ambas utilizaron la narrativa. Se trata de pensar en políticas de investigación y políticas de redacción que puedan ayudarnos a operar una desviación entre el punto de ancla de la identidad y la deriva de las personas sin hogar, en el ejercicio de desequilibrar la armonía de un todo y dar paso a contar historias de uno entre el 'haber sido' y el 'todavía no'. Apostamos que al contar historias únicas y pequeñas historias de la vida cotidiana, podemos tejer mundos nuevos, donde la pluralidad se vuelve más posible, escapando de una forma binaria de ser y conocer.

Escritura , Conocimiento , Psicología , Investigación , Pensamiento , Narración , Vivienda
Bioethics ; 33(9): 984-991, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31222808


In this paper, I argue that the role of values in theory selection is an important issue within medical education. I review the underdetermination argument, which is the idea within philosophy of science that the data serving as evidence for theories are by themselves not sufficient to support a theory to the exclusion of alternatives. There are always various explanations compatible with the data, and we ultimately appeal to certain values as our grounds for choosing one theory over another. I explore some of the ways contemporary feminist philosophers have chosen to grapple with the problem of underdetermination and proposed solutions to systematize how values might be incorporated into theory choice, drawing primarily from the work of Helen Longino and Elizabeth Anderson. I conclude by discussing how value-laden inquiry should be incorporated within medical education to promote reflection towards medicine's normative underpinnings.

Bioética , Curriculum , Educación Médica/ética , Educación Médica/organización & administración , Feminismo , Filosofía Médica , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven
Nurs Philos ; 20(1): e12232, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30450748


In this paper, we explore the concept of bearing witness in nursing practice. We examine the description of bearing witness in the nursing literature, particularly that offered by William Cody who suggests that bearing witness results in the limited moral obligation of "true presence." We then turn to Lorraine Code's work on testimony, drawing parallels between the concepts of testimony and bearing witness. Code suggests that receiving testimony results in a responsibility to respond, and that this is an ethico-political obligation. We discuss these ideas in relation to a Canadian exemplar of witnessing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's work to understand and address the historical injustices done to Indigenous peoples in Canada. Here, we focus on the Commission's definition of witnessing and highlight the experience of Shelagh Rogers who served as an honorary witness. As an outcome of our analysis, we suggest that bearing witness in nursing practice is most usefully conceptualized as both a moral and a political obligation. Implications for nursing practice are suggested, including first, the need to critically examine our own understandings of power and privilege in order to authentically bear witness and avoid being complicit in injustice, and second, the concomitant responsibility to take action to challenge injustice once we have borne witness to it.

Obligaciones Morales , Relaciones Enfermero-Paciente , Pautas de la Práctica en Enfermería/ética , Humanos , Filosofía en Enfermería
Psicol. USP ; 29(2): 226-235, maio-ago. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-955618


Resumo Trata-se de pesquisa narrativa inscrita no campo epistemológico feminista, que buscou conhecer a trajetória de vida de mulheres usuárias de crack. Foi realizada uma etnografia multissituada/multilocal, que partiu da escuta de usuárias inseridas num serviço público de saúde mental para, na sequência, seguir duas delas pelos espaços nos quais circulavam, quais sejam, abrigo, escola, equipamentos de saúde, além de suas próprias casas. Como método de coleta de dados foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista narrativa. A escuta das mulheres possibilitou a desarticulação de sentidos fixos e desafiou a inteligibilidade orientadora das práticas de cuidado às pessoas que usam drogas. Foram ressaltados os limites que a condição de usuária de um serviço de saúde mental estabelece à enunciação de um saber válido das mulheres sobre si mesmas, sendo suas narrativas produto do discurso sobre elas elaborado pelo campo da saúde, que institui e prescreve sua própria materialização como usuárias de drogas.

Résumé Ce travail est une recherche narrative inscrite dans le domaine épistémologique féministe, qui a cherché connaître les trajectoires de vie des femmes utilisatrices de crack cocaine. Une ethnographie multi-située à été conduite, en commençant par écouter les utilisatrices insérées dans un service de santé mentale publique, pour à la suíte suivre deux d'entre elles dans les espaces à travers lesquels elles circulent, à savoir l'école et les établissements de santé en plus de leur propres logements. Comme méthode de collecte des données, la technique d'entrevue narrative a été utilisée. L'écoute des femmes a permis le démantèlement des signifiants fixes et remis en cause les intelligibilités dirigeant les pratiques de soins aux personnes qui consomment des drogues. On a mis en évidence les limites que la condition d'utilisateur d'un service de santé mentale imposent sur l'énoncé d'une connaissance valable des femmes sur elles-mêmes, leurs narratifs étant un produit du discours elaboré sur elles par le système de santé, qui établit et prescrit leur matérialisation en tant qu'utilisatrices de drogues.

Resumen Se trata de una investigación narrativa inscrita en el campo epistemológico de perspectiva feminista, no cual buscó conocer las trayectorias de vida de mujeres usuarias de crack. Se realizó una etnografía multisituada / multilocal, que partió de la escucha de usuarias insertadas en un servicio público de salud mental para luego seguir dos dellas por los espacios por los cuales circulaban, cuáles son, la calle, escuela, equipamientos de salud, además de sus propias casas. Como método de recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de entrevista narrativa. La escucha de las mujeres posibilitó la desarticulación de sentidos fijos y desafió las inteligibilidades orientadoras de las prácticas de cuidado a las personas que usan drogas. Se resalta los límites que la condición de usuaria de un servicio de salud mental establece la enunciación de un saber válido de las mujeres sobre sí mismas, siendo sus narrativas producto del discurso sobre ellas elaborado por el campo de la salud, que instituye y prescribe su propia materialización como usuarias de drogas.

Abstract This is a narrative research, inserted in the feminist epistemological field, that sought to know the life trajectory of women who use crack. A multi-sited ethnographic research was carried out, which started from listening to drug-using women who took part in a public mental health service to, then, following two of them through the spaces in which they lived, namely, shelter, school, health center, in addition to their own homes. The narrative interview technique was used as data collection method. The act of listening to the women allowed us to disarticulate fixed meanings and challenge the guiding intelligibility of care practices to people who use drugs. The limitations that the condition of user of a mental health service establishes to the enunciation of a valid knowledge of the women about themselves stood out, as their narratives are a product of the discourse created about them by the health field, which institutes and prescribes their own materialization as drug users.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Mujeres , Consumidores de Drogas , Antropología Cultural/métodos , Conocimiento , Narración
Med Anthropol ; 34(5): 425-41, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25849147


American feminist health activists in the 1970s created representations of genital anatomy intended to replace the abstracted images of biomedicine's 'modest witness,' with what Michelle Murphy has called the 'immodest witness,' authority explicitly derived from personal and embodied experience. Decades later, a feminist publication in the tradition of the immodest witness called Femalia was adopted into the practice of an American surgeon specializing in trans- genital sex reassignment surgery (GSRS). Based on ethnographic and textual research, I show how oppositional claims to represent the 'natural' female body-one valued for its medical objectivity and the other for its feminist subjectivity-effectively foreclosed these as modes of authority through which the trans- patient might contribute to her surgical care. I argue that trans- patients' double epistemological exclusion contributes to a broader asymmetry in the use of patients' subjective reports in the everyday practice of GSRS and the clinical research by which it is evaluated.

Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Cirugía de Reasignación de Sexo , Transexualidad , Antropología Médica , Femenino , Humanos , Conocimiento , Masculino