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Cuad. bioét ; 34(112): 279-295, sept.- dec. 2023.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-227019


El denominado aborto “eugenésico” tiene un extraordinario matiz diferencial frente a las otras moda lidades de aborto legalmente establecidas, que se concreta en el modo en que llega a formarse la decisión de la mujer, que no es previa, sino consecuencia de una información médica recibida sobre el feto; decisión, además, en la que late una clara componente ‘discriminatoria’, puesto que el aborto se produce exclusiva mente por la discapacidad del feto. Esa singularidad exige prestar atención al contexto en que se plantean las decisiones eugenésicas, porque en ellas inciden tres elementos fundamentales que, según se planteen, pueden conducir o no al aborto: en primer lugar, la oportunidad de realizar determinadas pruebas pre natales sin existir factores de riesgo. En segundo lugar, la enorme responsabilidad de los profesionales sanitarios a la hora de informar a los padres sobre el resultado de una prueba prenatal. En tercer lugar, el punto de vista de los futuros padres, que deberían evitar una concepción eugenésica de la paternidad/ maternidad, siendo conscientes de que lo que se está desarrollando en el útero de la mujer es su hijo o hija, no un embrión genérico afectado por anomalías; y que un hijo o hija es una realidad personal, más allá de sus capacidades. El artículo aborda estas tres cuestiones, que convierten al aborto eugenésico en una práctica discriminatoria y evitable, puesto que no se trata de impedir la decisión abortiva de la mujer, sino de refrendar su decisión primaria de continuar con el embarazo a partir de una visión positiva y no eugenésica de la discapacidad (AU)

The so-called “eugenic” abortion has an extraordinary differential nuance compared to the other le gally established modalities of abortion, which is specified in the way the woman’s decision is formed, which is not prior, but a consequence of medical information received about the foetus; a decision, more over, in which there is a clear “discriminatory” component, since the abortion is produced exclusively because of the disability of the foetus. This uniqueness requires attention to the context in which eugenic decisions are made, because they involve three fundamental elements which, depending on how they are made, may or may not lead to abortion: firstly, the opportunity to carry out certain prenatal tests in the absence of risk factors. Secondly, the enormous responsibility of health professionals in informing parents about the results of a prenatal test. Thirdly, the point of view of future parents, who should avoid a eu genic conception of parenthood, being aware that what is developing in the woman’s womb is their son or daughter, not a generic embryo affected by anomalies; and that a son or daughter is a personal reality, beyond his o her capabilities. The paper addresses these three issues, which make eugenic abortion a dis criminatory and avoidable practice, since the aim is not to prevent the woman’s decision to abort, but to endorse her primary decision to continue with the pregnancy on the basis of a positive, non-eugenic view of disability (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Anomalías Congénitas/diagnóstico por imagen , Consentimiento Informado/ética , Diagnóstico Prenatal/ética , Aborto Eugénico/ética
Acta bioeth ; 29(2)oct. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519850


El artículo expone conceptos actuales biológicos, así como algunos planteamientos filosóficos acerca del inicio de la vida, que se examinarán en relación con la necesidad del aborto eugenésico. Se presenta el concepto de "exdurantismo", en el que la combinación del nuevo genoma nuclear y mitocondrial hacen único al individuo; además, se concibe al complejo genómico como "integrador somático" que dirige el desarrollo embrionario, y se muestra la problemática en el caso de las violaciones que provocan embarazos, el aborto eugenésico en enfermedades genéticas incapacitantes o la utilización de embriones posterior a la fertilización in-vitro. Se plantea que la dignidad de la persona comienza desde la concepción. Frente a la detección de una enfermedad genética, grave o letal, se debe ofrecer soporte económico y social, de diagnóstico y tratamiento; además, desde la salud pública, una mayor inversión para plantear estrategias de tamizaje, diagnóstico, manejo e investigación.

The article presents current biological concepts, as well as some philosophical approaches to the beginning of life, which will be examined in relation to the need for eugenic abortion. The concept of "exdurantism" is presented, in which the combination of the new nuclear and mitochondrial genome makes the individual unique; furthermore, the genomic complex is conceived as a "somatic integrator" that directs embryonic development, and the problematic is shown in the case of rape that causes pregnancies, eugenic abortion in incapacitating genetic diseases or the use of embryos after in-vitro fertilization. The dignity of the person begins at conception. When a serious or lethal genetic disease is detected, economic and social support, diagnosis and treatment should be offered; in addition, public health should invest more in screening, diagnosis, management and research strategies.

O artigo apresenta conceitos biológicos atuais, bem como algumas abordagens filosóficas sobre o início da vida, que serão examinados em relação à necessidade do aborto eugênico. É apresentado o conceito de "exdurantismo", no qual a combinação do novo genoma nuclear e mitocondrial torna o indivíduo único; além disso, o complexo genômico é concebido como um "integrador somático" que dirige o desenvolvimento embrionário, e é mostrada a problemática no caso de estupro que resulta em gravidez, aborto eugênico em doenças geneticamente incapacitantes ou o uso de embriões após a fertilização in vitro. Argumenta-se que a dignidade da pessoa começa na concepção. Diante da detecção de uma doença genética, grave ou letal, devem ser oferecidos apoio econômico e social, diagnóstico e tratamento, bem como maior investimento em saúde pública em estratégias de triagem, diagnóstico, gestão e pesquisa.

J Clin Nurs ; 32(13-14): 3967-3980, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36047291


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore women's emotional responses throughout the process of terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons. BACKGROUND: Making the choice to terminate a desired pregnancy for medical reasons has a negative impact on women's health, as it is a distressing process that involves making hard decisions and readjusting one's expectations of an idealised pregnancy. METHODS: A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted following the COREQ checklist. Fifteen semi-structured interviews and two focus groups were conducted with women who had terminated their pregnancies for medical reasons, previous to and during the COVID-19 lockdown. Subsequently, we analysed the content. RESULTS: One main category, emotional journey during the process of terminating the pregnancy, and six subcategories were identified: (I) representation and desire to become a mother, (II) main concerns, (III) impact of the news, (IV) decision-making, (V) emotional responses before termination for medical reasons and (VI) emotional responses after termination for medical reasons. All contributed to understanding the specificities of the different phases that make up the emotional journey of terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that there are a number of predominant emotions that professionals need to be aware of in order to help women work through them and lessen the impact of pregnancy termination on their mental health. COVID-19 had different connotations depending on the women's experiences. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Our results highlight how important the role of healthcare staff is in caring for these women and their partners, which involves recognising their emotions throughout the process. Our results also underline how useful it is to conduct qualitative studies in this context, since they constitute a set of activities and interventions that result in the administration of nursing care in itself. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: The ultimate goal of the action research study is to design a positive mental health intervention. Participants will contribute to the design and final approval of the intervention.

COVID-19 , Madres , Embarazo , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Madres/psicología , Toma de Decisiones , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Emociones , Miedo , Investigación Cualitativa
Gac Sanit ; 35(5): 465-472, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32660804


OBJECTIVE: To understand the decision-making process of a group of women to continue gestation following a prenatal Zika virus infection and the diagnosis of microcephaly of their fetuses. METHOD: Qualitative study. Two discussion groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 women residing in the Department of Huila (Colombia) who presented a prenatal Zika virus infection between 2015 and 2016, their children were born with congenital microcephaly. The data were analyzed following the Grounded Theory approach. RESULTS: Four categories emerged from the analysis of the data showing a temporal process, from before to taking the decision to continue gestation following prenatal Zika virus infection to its consequences. The process begins with the diagnosis virus infection during the first trimester of gestation, continuing with medical recommendations to interrupt gestation and women's refusal to interrupt gestation, and ending with the birth of children with congenital microcephaly. CONCLUSION: Women rejected abortion due to ethical conflicts based on religious beliefs and the value of motherhood. It is necessary to design social support policies for women and families affected by this problem in Colombia. Due to the international impact of the epidemic, governments should take appropriate measures to deal with future cases of Zika infections in other countries.

Microcefalia , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Infección por el Virus Zika , Virus Zika , Niño , Colombia/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Microcefalia/epidemiología , Embarazo , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/epidemiología , Infección por el Virus Zika/diagnóstico , Infección por el Virus Zika/epidemiología
Rev. AMRIGS ; 56(2)abr.-jun. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-997877


As implicações ético-legais acerca dos pedidos de autorização para interrupção de gravidez no caso de nascituros diagnosticados com malformações fetais incompatíveis com a vida extrauterina têm ganhado bastante respaldo na atualidade, sobretudo frente à recente decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal em relação à descriminalização de aborto envolvendo fetos anencéfalos, abrindo espaço para a discussão quanto às demais malformações. O objetivo deste trabalho é, portanto, analisar os argumentos jurídicos utilizados na decisão supracitada. Pretende-se, ainda, demonstrar as ambiguidades existentes na análise de casos concretos nos acórdãos obtidos nos Tribunal de Justiça da região sul do Brasil, em consonância com a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Como método, foi realizada uma análise comparativa da jurisprudência regional envolvendo outras malformações incompatíveis com a vida extrauterina. Devemos lembrar que todo ordenamento jurídico, conjunto de leis de um país, tem um papel instrumental de proteção do bem comum. A nosso ver, os argumentos atualmente utilizados pelo Judiciário podem abrir precedentes para novos casos não previstos ou não desejados em circunstâncias análogas

Currently, the ethical and legal implications of the requests for authorization for termination of pregnancy in the case of unborn children diagnosed with fetal malformations incompatible with extrauterine life have gained much support, especially concerning the recent decision that we had in the Supreme Court in relation to the decriminalization of abortion involving anencephalic fetuses, making room for discussion as to other malformations. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the legal arguments used in the above-mentioned decision. It is also intended to demonstrate the ambiguities in the analysis of concrete cases in the judgments obtained in the Court of Southern Brazil, in line with the decision of the Supreme Court. As a method, we performed a comparative analysis of the regional jurisprudence involving other malformations incompatible with extrauterine life. We must remember that all judicial ordering, the set of laws of a country, has the instrumental role of protecting the common good. In our view, the arguments currently used by the Judiciary can open new precedents for unpredicted or undesired cases in similar circumstances

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Anomalías Congénitas , Bioética , Aborto Eugénico