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Children (Basel) ; 10(4)2023 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37189923


BACKGROUND: We conducted research to investigate the effects of the eruption sequence of posterior teeth, arch dimensions, and incisor inclination on dental crowding. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional analytic study was performed on 100 patients (54 boys and 46 girls; mean ages: 11.69 and 11.16 years, respectively). Seq1 (canine-3-/second premolar-5-) or Seq2 (5/3) eruption sequences were recorded in maxilla, and Seq3 (canine-3-/first premolar-4-) or Seq4 (4/3) eruption sequences in mandible; tooth size, available space, tooth size-arch length discrepancy (TS-ALD), arch lengths, incisor inclination and distance, and skeletal relationship were noted. RESULTS: The most common eruption sequences in the maxilla and mandible were Seq1 (50.6%), and Seq3 (52.1%), respectively. In the maxilla, posterior tooth sizes were larger in crowded cases. In the mandible, anterior and posterior tooth sizes were larger in crowded patients. No relationship between incisor variables and the maxillo-mandibular relationship and dental crowding was found. A negative correlation between inferior TS-ALD and the mandibular plane was found. CONCLUSIONS: Seq1 and Seq 2 in the maxilla and Seq 3 and Seq 4 in the mandible were equally prevalent. An eruption sequence of 3-5 in the maxilla and 3-4 in the mandible is more likely to cause crowding.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 12(3)2022 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35328159


Teething is considered a significant event in the growth and development of the child by parents and especially by paediatric dentists and forensic scientists. They constantly need an "up-to-date mirror" of its variability for different geographic regions. The aims of the current study were to determine the timing and sequence of primary tooth emergence, and to establish a correlation between tooth eruption and general growth and external parameters in a sample of Romanian children. This study included 70 healthy children (53% girls and 47% boys), and the analysed data resulted from the questionnaires completed by parents during the whole process. General and specific data on primary teeth eruption were obtained. The differences between sexes were insignificant, except for the maxillary and mandibular canines (p = 0.047 and p = 0.018) and lower temporary second molars (p < 0.001), which were significantly increased in boys. The differences found between the two hemiarches were insignificant (p = 0.197). The mean age of eruption of the first tooth erupted was 7.07 ± 1.990 months. The unpaired t-test was used for comparison of the timings of eruption of the first primary teeth, according to the number of previous births and type of diet, and it was insignificant (p = 0.665 and p = 0.983 respectively).

Odovtos (En línea) ; 23(3)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386549


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the average age and sequence of eruption of permanent dentition in the school population of the province of Cartago, Costa Rica. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study included children between the ages of 5 and 12 from public and private schools. Clinical examination was performed, and the presence or absence of permanent teeth recorded. Statistical analysis: An estimation of means of eruption was used through binary variables, building the probabilities of the presence of a dental piece through a logistic regression. Results: 833 children were examined: 433 (51.90%) girls and 400 (48.10%) boys. The permanent teeth erupt first in the female sex; however, this difference is not statistically significant. The maxilla eruption sequence for girls was 6-1-2-4-3-5-7 on both sides; for boys, the sequence of eruption was 6-1-2-4-5-3-7 for the right side and 6-1-2-4-3-5-7 for the left side. In the jaw, the sequence in boys was 6-1- 2-3-4-5-7, and in girls, 1-6-2-3-4-5-7. Conclusions: For the first time, at the Central American Level, the pattern of permanent dentition eruption could be established. The age of permanent dental eruption does not vary according to sex in this population.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la edad promedio y la secuencia de erupción de la dentición permanente en la población escolar de la provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica. Metodología: se realizó un estudio transversal que incluyó niños con edades comprendidas entre los 5 y 12 años provenientes de escuelas públicas y privadas. Se realizó un examen clínico y se registró la presencia o ausencia de dientes permanentes. Análisis estadístico: se utilizó una estimación de las medias de erupción a través de variables binarias, construyendo las probabilidades de la presencia de una pieza dental por medio de una regresión logística. Resultados: se examinaron 833 sujetos: 433 (51,90%) niñas y 400 (48,10%) niños. Los dientes permanentes erupcionaron primero en el sexo femenino, sin embargo, esa diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa. La secuencia de erupción maxilar para las niñas fue 6-1-2-4-3-5-7 en ambos lados; para los niños la secuencia fue 6-1-2-4-5-3-7 para el lado derecho y 6-1-2-4-3-5-7 para el lado izquierdo. En la mandíbula, la secuencia en los niños fue de 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-, y en las niñas fue de 1-6-2-3-4-5-7. Conclusiones: por primera vez a nivel de Centroamérica se pudo establecer el patrón de erupción de la dentición permanente. La edad de erupción dental permanente no varía según el sexo en esta población.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Estudiantes , Dentición Permanente
J Oral Maxillofac Pathol ; 25(3): 515-516, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35281168


Chronology of tooth eruption is the most preliminary and crucial topic which is covered in the undergraduate syllabus of the dental curriculum. Eruption of permanent and primary teeth follows a particular time sequence. Both maxillary and mandibular arch has similar number of teeth, beginning from central incisors to molars. The pattern of eruption differs slightly between maxillary and mandibular arch. Remembering the years or months in a numerical manner is the usual way by which a student learns the eruption chronology. Eruption clock is a specially designed learning aid, which makes this teaching-learning process a lot easier, effective and practical.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 13(4): 368-380, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33149410


AIM: To determine the changes in the sequence and age of eruption of permanent teeth in 5-15-year-old schoolchildren, correlating their dental and chronological age. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 1,477 schoolchildren aged between 5 years and 15 years were examined for the eruption timing, body mass index (BMI), and other oral findings. Dental age was calculated for 10% of the total sample using the Willem's method from their ortho-pento graphs (OPGs) and correlated with their chronological age. RESULTS: The maxillary teeth erupted earlier than mandibular teeth. Males were found to mature earlier than females. The sequence of eruption observed was: males (maxilla) 1-6-2-4-3-5-7 and (mandible) 1-6-2-3-4-5-7; females (maxilla) 6-1-2-4-3-5-7 and (mandible) 1-6-2-3-4-5-7. The chronological age and the dental age were found to be different in the age range of 9-10 years female; 10-11 years male; and in 13-14 years both male and female. Also when the dental age was correlated with the BMI, the dental age of obese children in 5-6 years and underweight children in 10-11 years were found to be far ahead of their actual chronological age. CONCLUSION: This study opens an expected door for a large sample size to be tested in various local populations with different ethnicity and race as there can be changing trend in the eruption pattern. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Changing trends in the sequence and age of eruption of the permanent teeth definitely need to be looked into. As this change, if firmly established in future, can help pedodontist in better planning of space management, interceptive as well as full-mouth orthodontic treatment which largely depends on this sequence being true in most of the cases. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Khan AS, Nagar P, Singh P, et al. Changes in the Sequence of Eruption of Permanent Teeth; Correlation between Chronological and Dental Age and Effects of Body Mass Index of 5-15-year-old Schoolchildren. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(4):368-380.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 11(4): 330-337, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30397378


CONTEXT: Eruption of teeth is influenced by various factors. Very few studies were carried out in the past on the eruption time of teeth in the Indian population. AIM: The aim of the study is to determine the time and sequence, gender differences, pattern of symmetry in the eruption of permanent teeth in Hyderabad children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 1654 schoolchildren (806 girls and 848 boys) in the age group of 5 to 15 years from Hyderabad were examined for the status of eruption of permanent teeth. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Results were subjected to probit's regression analysis. The average age at eruption of permanent teeth, excluding third molars, was given as the mean [± standard deviation (SD)] in months for each gender. A table of percentiles of the eruption time was also determined. RESULTS: Unlike most of the earlier studies which showed that girls are ahead of boys in permanent teeth emergence, no such pattern was observed. No significant difference was found in the eruption of permanent teeth in right and left arches. Eruption of all the mandibular teeth, with the exception of right first premolar (44) in both the genders, was earlier than their maxillary counterparts. There was overall delay in the eruption of permanent teeth and significant delay in the eruption of lower canines in both genders. CONCLUSION: The significant delay in the eruption of permanent mandibular canines is relevant for orthodontic treatment planning.How to cite this article: Chaitanya P, Reddy JS, Suhasini K, Chandrika IH, Praveen D. Time and Eruption Sequence of Permanent Teeth in Hyderabad Children: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2018;11(4):330-337.

Medisan ; 21(1)ene. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-841641


Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo desde septiembre de 2013 hasta marzo de 2015, para describir la cronología y secuencia de erupción de los primeros molares permanentes en 219 niñas y niños de preescolar, con edades de 4-5 años, que cursaban estudios en las instituciones educacionales pertenecientes al área de salud de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente Mártires del Moncada de Santiago de Cuba. Para ese fin se practicó un examen clínico no invasivo en los centros estudiantiles, donde se registró la emergencia de los dientes a examinar y se siguió en el tiempo hasta su llegada al plano de oclusión. Se calcularon porcentajes, medias (a través de la prueba estadística t de Student, con 95 por ciento de confianza) y desviaciones estándares. Entre los principales hallazgos figuraron que la edad media de erupción para los primeros molares fue de 5,25 y 5,31 años, para niñas y niños, respectivamente; y la secuencia de erupción: de 46, 36, 16 y 26, pero los molares inferiores brotaron antes que los superiores, validado por un valor significativo. Se concluyó que los alumnos estudiados mostraron adelanto en relación con las tablas de Mayoral y Moyers, sobre todo las niñas y que la secuencia resultó ser la misma en ambos sexos

An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out from September, 2013 to March, 2015, to describe the chronology and sequence of the first permanent molars eruption in 219 preschool girls and boys, aged 4-5 years that studied in the educational institutions belonging to the health area of Mártires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatological Clinic in Santiago de Cuba. A clinical non invasive exam was practiced in the schools, where the eruption of teeth in these children was registered and it was followed in time until their arrival to the occlusion plane. Percentages, means (through the statistical Student´s t test, with 95 percent of confidence) and standard deviations were calculated. Among the main findings were that the mean age of eruption for first molars was 5.25 and 5.31 years, for girls and boys, respectively; and the eruption sequence was 46, 36, 16 and 26, but lower molars erupted before the upper ones, validated by a significant value. It was concluded that the students showed advance in connection with Mayoral and Moyers charts, mainly the girls and that the sequence was the same in both sexes

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Erupción Dental , Erupción Ectópica de Dientes , Dentición Permanente , Cronología , Oclusión Dental , Diente Molar , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios Longitudinales , Estudio Observacional
Gen Dent ; 62(4): e9-e11, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24983186


This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. A total of 363 panoramic radiographs of patients 7-12 years of age were evaluated; in 261 (72%) of the patients, the permanent canine erupted after the first and second premolars. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.

Diente Canino/diagnóstico por imagen , Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagen , Erupción Dental , Humanos , Radiografía Panorámica
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 48(3): 219-229, jul.-set. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-615117


Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo transversal de la dentición permanente en la provincia de Santa Clara desde el año 2005 al año 2009, con el objetivo de determinar el orden de emergencia de la dentición permanente. El universo fue de 45 724 infantes de ambos sexos entre los 4 y 14 años de edad. La muestra fue de 1 769 individuos. Se hallaron los percentiles de emergencia y a partir del percentil 50 se estableció el orden. Se compararon los dientes para cada grupo eruptivo y se estudió la simetría. Se estableció el orden de emergencia. Hubo diferencias para el orden entre los sexos, hemiarcadas y con las tablas de otros autores. Los dientes más simétricos fueron los incisivos y los primeros molares. Se concluyó que no siempre los dientes inferiores brotaron antes que sus homólogos superiores, los incisivos y primeros molares son los más simétricos en el brote. El primer diente permanente en emerger fue el incisivo central inferior o el primer molar inferior. Lo más frecuente fue que los caninos superiores e inferiores brotaran después que las primeras bicúspides(AU)

A cross-sectional, descriptive and epidemiologic study was conducted of the permanent dentition of children from Santa Clara municipality from 2005 to 2009 to determine the emergence order of permanent dentition. Universe included 45 724 infants of both sexes aged between 4 and 14. Sample included 1 769 subjects. There were emergence percentiles and from the 50 percentile the order was established. The teeth for each eruptive group were compared and symmetry was studied, establishing the emergence order. There were order differences between both sexes, hemiarcades and with the tables from other authors. The more symmetric teeth were the incisives and the first molars. We conclude that not always the lower teeth erupt before the upper ones, the incisives and first molars are the more symmetric in eruption. The first erupted permanent tooth may be the lower central incisive or the first lower molar. The more frequent situation is that the upper and lower canines erupt after the first bicuspids(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Arco Dental/fisiología , Dentición Permanente , Erupción Dental , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales