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Environ Dev Sustain ; : 1-39, 2023 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363004


In China, there exists a huge debate for a long time on whether a double dividend, reducing pollution emissions and boosting employment, can be achieved by intensifying environmental regulations. In this paper, we use two data sets on provincial environmental legislation and Chinese manufacturing firms during 1998-2013, to estimate the impact of provincial environmental legislation on the firms' employment growth with a difference-in-difference (DID) model. Results showed that (1) after the implementation of environmental legislation, the employment growth of regulated manufacturing firms decreases significantly by 3.07%, and this result is robust to alternative tests. (2) Local environmental legislation reduces employment growth mainly via the influencing mechanism of the firm's entry and exit, export, and innovation. (3) The local environmental legislation has heterogeneous impacts on employment growth in different industries and different regions, and the estimated effect is more obvious in high-pollution industries and areas with strong enforcement. (4) Environmental legislation significantly improves job destruction and reduces job creation, resulting in a - 3.86% job net increase. Due to the long-term implementation of extensive economic growth mode, China's ecological environment has been deteriorating since the 1990s, and environmental pollution has attracted more and more social attention. Until 2013, the Communist Party of China put forward 'ecological civilization', and building a beautiful new China with harmonious coexistence between man and nature has become an important development strategy. Meanwhile, starting from the implementation of the Two-Control-Zone policy in 1998, China has implemented numerous environmental policies in just ten years. These environmental policies have greatly improved the quality of China's ecological environment, but their economic effects have been controversial. Given the special historical period, this paper helps assess the impact of Chinese environmental policies on employment and provides a more objective policy evaluation and implications for improving existing laws and regulations to achieve higher social welfare. To achieve this goal of balancing the improvement of the ecological environment and high employment level, environmental policies firstly should be flexible to ensure that the environmental standards follow the firm's characteristics and regional characteristics to avoid "one size fits all". Particularly, for regions with poor economic development or having a single industrial structure, the implementation cycle of the environmental policies should be extended to ensure that they have enough time to achieve industrial restructuring and complete the environmental protection goals. Secondly, we find that environmental legislation hurts employment growth by limiting export decisions, so the government should use multiple channels to stabilize export when implementing environmental legislation. Thirdly, technological R&D and innovation play an important role in the effect of environmental legislation on firms' employment growth. Therefore, the government should provide a more flexible environment for firms' R&D and innovation with appropriate fiscal policies and technical support.

J Innov Entrep ; 12(1): 33, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37251555


This study examines the firm level drivers of employment growth in East Africa in which they are categorized as firm specific, entrepreneur specific and business environment characteristics. Using a cross-sectional World Bank Enterprise survey dataset and pooled Ordinary Least Squares estimation (OLS), the results indicate that; (1) employment growth is significantly associated with firm specific characteristics (employment growth is positively related to firm size and innovation while it is negatively associated with the age of the firm), (2) a weak business environment characterized by electricity outages, informal payments and poor court system undermines the firm's ability to contribute to employment growth while strong business environment such as access to finance is positively associated with employment growth (3) employment growth is also positively influenced by managerial experience. Policy recommendations are suggested.

Front Public Health ; 10: 969098, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36388378


This paper studies the relationship between turnover, hiring and employment growth in the long-term care (LTC) sector in England and sheds light on how challenges in both recruitment and retention affect the sector's ability to meet growing demand for care services. Using the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS), a large longitudinal dataset of LTC establishments in England, and fixed effects estimation methods we: (a) quantify the relationship between the in/outflow of care workers and the expansion/contraction of employment within establishments, (b) establish the role of staff retention policy for workforce expansion, and (c) identify the role of recruitment frictions and its impact on hiring and employment contraction. Our analysis indicates that care worker turnover and employment growth are negatively related. A one percentage point increase in employment contraction is associated with a 0.71 percentage point rise in turnover, while a one percentage point increase in employment expansion is associated with a 0.23 percentage point fall in turnover. In contrast, we find that hiring rates and employment growth are positively related. A one percentage point increase in employment expansion is associated with a 0.76 percentage point rise in hiring, while a one percentage point increase in employment contraction is associated with a 0.26 percentage point decrease in hiring. We argue that the negative turnover-employment growth relationship within expanding establishments provides evidence that better staff retention is associated with higher employment growth. Using information on establishments' annual change in vacancies, and controlling for changes in new labor demand, we also find rising year-on-year vacancies amongst establishments with declining employment. This provides evidence that recruitment frictions drive the declining rate of replacement hiring amongst contracting establishments. Across sectors, we find that the employment growth-turnover and the employment decline-hiring relationships are relatively stronger in the private and voluntary sectors compared to the public sector, suggesting that the impact of staff retention and recruitment frictions on employment is more acute in these sectors.

Empleo , Cuidados a Largo Plazo , Adulto , Humanos , Reorganización del Personal , Selección de Personal , Inglaterra
Heliyon ; 8(10): e10859, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36247119


Manufacturing industries are an asset or value added part of an economy, intimately linked with industrial and engineering design, and engaged in producing significant economic productions that can assist the national growth and development. The aim of the study was to estimate the profitability and employment growth of medium and large size industries in Ethiopia. The variables were chosen based on theoretical and experimental literature findings. In this study, an explanatory study design was implemented in carrying out this research with the prearrangement of secondary data collected from the panel data set of medium and large size manufacturing industries conducted annually by the central statistics agency over the period 2002-2011 E.C. The study employed panel data estimation methods to analyze the influence of medium and large size manufacturing industries on profitability and employment growth. Three panel data models are used: pooled ordinary least squares, fixed effect, and random effect estimation method. The Hausman test revealed the random model was the best fit for both profitability and employment growth. The diagnosticstest: normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation tests were conducted on the data. The results obtained indicate that employment growth and profitability in Ethiopia are generally driven by medium and large-size manufacturing industries. The random model result shows that ownership, firm-size, advertising intensity and import intensity have a positive influence and substantial effect on profitability. But, the government has significant effect and a negative influence on profitability. The random model shows that government, advertising intensity and firm-size have significant effect and positive influence on employment growth. Nevertheless, import has significant effect and a negative influence on employment growth. Eventually, the employment growth and profitability have a positive influence and insignificant effect and the authors suggested further research in the areas by taking into account additional variables and newly emerging industries.

Appl Spat Anal Policy ; : 1-22, 2022 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35611063


In the 2000s, the European labour market experienced a number of significant changes including the transition to a more knowledge-intensive economy as well as the introduction of various economic policies (e.g. Eurozone, subsidized jobs, and social tax cuts). In times like these, the role of knowledge, which is essentially the driving force of innovation and thus promoting technological change and economic growth, is shifting due to new labour market conditions. The present study aims to explore how processes of local knowledge bases have been altered in this transformative environment and how these have impacted on local employment growth. The investigation considers three different knowledge bases in conjunction, incl. knowledge size, knowledge creation, and knowledge application. The study is based on an econometric analysis of a panel of 94 France NUTS-3 regions covering the period 1985-2015, utilizing patent data from European Patent Office (EPO) Statistical Patent Database (PATSTAT), and regional data from European Regional Database (ERD). The result shows that the role of knowledge for employment growth has indeed changed towards more specialized inputs in applications while the importance of greater knowledge size remains still important.

Heliyon ; 7(12): e08576, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34977406


We investigate the impact of financing and legal obstacles on firm growth across different firm sizes before and after the global financial crisis (GFC). Using two enterprise surveys in Vietnam, we find firms facing higher financing obstacles have lower sales and employment growth. The smallest firms are the most adversely affected by financing obstacles. The legal obstacles impede the employment growth of SMEs more than large enterprises, which is attributable to the tendency of firms to avoid tall poppy syndrome and the scrutiny of tax officials. Furthermore, we find that the negative effects of financing obstacles on small firms' sales and employment growth reduce in the post-GFC period. We attribute it to a higher proportion of small firms being able to borrow from commercial banks after the financial crisis, partly due to the introduction of new policies supporting SMEs from the Vietnamese Government. Overall, our findings recommend to policymakers that improvement in access to finance is imperative for productivity increases and job creation for small and medium firms.