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Clin Linguist Phon ; : 1-27, 2024 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39287150


Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) experience difficulties with a range of morphosyntactic skills, particularly with tense and subject - verb agreement. Many studies have examined verb-morphology production in children with DLD. We extend this line of research by profiling verb-morphology comprehension in 67 monolingual Saudi Arabic-speaking children, comprising 33 with DLD (M = 61 months, SD = 10.70), and 34 age-matched typically developing (TD) children (M = 63 months, SD = 8.94). Children completed a novel picture selection task developed to assess their comprehension of verb tense, gender agreement, and number agreement. Children with DLD scored significantly lower than TD children on the verb morphology comprehension task. They showed greater difficulty identifying verb tense forms, particularly future tense. They also demonstrated lower accuracy in identifying subject-verb agreement in general, with specific difficulty in comprehending masculine verbs, and singular verbs. These findings were compared with production verb-morphology data from previous Arabic studies. Overall, this study highlights the challenges experienced by Arabic-speaking children with DLD in comprehending verb morphology, particularly tense and subject-verb agreement inflections. These findings can be used to tailor appropriate assessment designs and interventions for an Arabic-speaking DLD population.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230308


BACKGROUND: Approximately 50% of all young children with a developmental language disorder (DLD) also have problems with speech production. Research on speech sound development and clinical diagnostics of speech production difficulties focuses mostly on accuracy; it relates children's phonological realizations to adult models. Contrarily to these relational analyses, independent analyses indicate the sounds and structures children produce irrespective of accuracy. Such analyses are likely to provide more insight into a child's phonological strengths and limitations, and may thus provide better leads for treatment. AIMS: Ram (1) To contribute to a more comprehensive overview of the speech sound development of young Dutch children with DLD by including independent and relational analyses, (2) to develop an independent measure to assess these children's speech production capacities; and (3) to examine the relation between independent and relational speech production measures for children with DLD. METHODS & PROCEDURES: We describe the syllable structures and sounds of words elicited in two picture-naming tasks of 82 children with DLD and speech production difficulties between ages 2;7 and 6;8. The children were divided into four age groups to examine developmental patterns in a cross-sectional manner. Overviews of the children's productions on both independent and relational measures are provided. We conducted a Spearman correlation analysis to examine the relation between accuracy and independent measures. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: The overviews show these children are able to produce a greater variety of syllable structures and consonants irrespective of target positions than they can produce correctly in targets. This is especially true for children below the age of 4;5. The data indicate that children with DLD have difficulty with the production of clusters, fricatives, liquids and the velar nasal (/ŋ/). Based on existing literature and our results, we designed a Dutch version of an independent measure of word complexity, originally designed for English (word complexity measure-WCM) in which word productions receive points for specific word, syllable and sound characteristics, irrespective of accuracy. We found a strong positive correlation between accuracy scores and scores on this independent measure. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: The results indicate that the use of independent measures, including the proposed WCM, complement traditional relational measures by indicating which sounds and syllable structures a child can produce (irrespective of correctness). Therefore, the proposed measure can be used to monitor the speech sound development of children with DLD and to better identify treatment goals, in combination with existing relational measures. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on the subject Speech production skills can be assessed in different ways: (1) using analyses indicating the structures and sounds a child produces irrespective of accuracy, that is, performance analyses; and (2) using analyses indicating how the productions of a child relate to the adult targets, that is, accuracy analyses. In scientific research as well as in clinical practice the focus is most often on accuracy analyses. As a consequence, we do not know if children who do not improve in accuracy scores, improve in other phonological aspects that are not captured in these analyses, but can be captured by performance analyses. What this study adds to the existing knowledge The overviews show these children are able to produce a greater variety of syllable structures and consonants irrespective of target positions than they can produce correctly in targets. Consequently, adding performance analyses to existing accuracy analyses provides a more complete picture of a child's speech sound development. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? We propose a Dutch version of a WCM, originally designed for English, in which word productions receive points for word structures, syllable structures and sounds, irrespective of accuracy. This measure may be used by Dutch clinicians to monitor the speech sound development of children with DLD and to formulate better treatment goals, in addition to accuracy measures that are already used.

Appl Neuropsychol Child ; : 1-14, 2024 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264237


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine LITMUS Turkish Sentence Repetition Test's (LITMUS-TR) diagnostic accuracy, as well as the best scoring method and most distinguishing test items. We also sought to ascertain whether age has an impact on the sensitivity and specificity. METHOD: Two hundred and fifty children with typical language development (TD) between the ages of 4 and 7, as well as 44 children with developmental language disorder (DLD), took part in the study. Data was collected using TODIL, LITMUS-TR, and the pediatric family interview form. LITMUS-TR was graded using four different methods. RESULTS: The performance of children with DLD in each score type was lower and the number of errors higher than those with TD. All items have excellent or acceptable item difficulty and discrimination values for binary scoring and total number of errors. LITMUS-TR's most distinctive items were complex structures with dependencies, such as syntactic movement and embedding. LITMUS-TR had high diagnostic accuracy for the whole test (0.887) and each scoring method. A separate analysis of each age group showed sensitivity and specificity above 0.80. CONCLUSIONS: When employed as a supportive objective measure, LITMUS-TR was proven to be an effective diagnostic tool for DLD, with age influencing the diagnostic accuracy outcomes.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39268499


This study examined whether children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) have knowledge of binding principles (i.e., linking pronouns to their structurally licensed antecedent) during real-time sentence processing (cross-modal priming, real-time) and overt comprehension (sentence-picture matching, interpretative) and whether rate of speech impacted access to that knowledge. Fourteen children with DLD participated in two experiments, with sentences presented auditorily at either a regular or slow speech rate. Sentences were matched except to contain a pronoun, reflexive, or noun phrase (control) in the same syntactic position. Experiment (1) used a cross-modal picture priming paradigm to test real-time pronoun-antecedent linking abilities at both rates of speech. Children were instructed to make a binary decision during the uninterrupted auditory presentation of a sentence to a visually presented image (of the antecedent) at the offset of a pronoun, a reflexive, or a control noun. Response times between conditions (e.g., pronoun vs. control noun) were compared to determine whether participants showed evidence of facilitative priming (faster response times in the pronoun than control noun condition) at either speech rate. Experiment (2) used an auditory sentence-picture-matching task to test final comprehension of similar sentences containing a pronoun or reflexive. Accuracy was compared across both speech rates. For Experiment (1), children with DLD did not show evidence of real-time pronoun-antecedent priming at the regular speech rate. However, when sentences were slowed, they showed facilitative priming for the pronoun condition. For experiment (2), children with DLD performed at-chance when interpreting sentences with pronouns regardless of speech rate. While children with DLD have been shown to have difficulty processing sentences containing anaphors (such as pronouns), results suggest that this is not due to loss of intrinsic knowledge of binding principles. By slowing the rate of speech input, we showed that children with DLD do have access to that knowledge and can make the correct link during real-time processing between a pronoun and its structurally licensed antecedent (Experiment 1) but need more time to do so. However, the effect of slowed speech input does not extend to final comprehension (Experiment 2).

Autism Dev Lang Impair ; 9: 23969415241275940, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221431


Background and aims: Current evidence shows that children with developmental language disorder (DLD) benefit from spaced retrieval during word learning activities. Word recall is quite good relative to recall with alternative word learning procedures. However, recall on an absolute basis can be improved further; many studies report that fewer than two-thirds of the words are learned, even with the assistance of spaced retrieval during the learning activities. In this article we identify details of spaced retrieval that are less well understood in an effort to promote more effective learning through retrieval practice. Main contribution: We discuss the importance of factors such as: (a) integrating immediate retrieval with spaced retrieval trials; (b) determining whether gradual increases in spacing have more than short-term benefits relative to equal spacing; (c) discovering the number of successful retrievals sufficient to ensure later recall; (d) using spaced retrieval to avoid erosion of phonetic details on later recall tests; and (e) whether the well-documented difficulties with learning word forms might be tied to a particular subgroup of children with DLD. We also speculate on some of the possible reasons why spaced retrieval is beneficial in the first place. Conclusions: Although many children with DLD make gains in word learning through procedures that incorporate spaced retrieval, there are numerous details involved in the process that can alter its success. Until we have a better understanding of the boundaries of spaced retrieval's effectiveness, we will not be taking full advantage of this promising addition to word learning procedures. Implications: Spaced retrieval activities can be an important addition to the resources that clinicians and educators have available to assist children in their word learning. With a deeper understanding of the issues discussed here, we should be able to put spaced retrieval to even greater use.

Int J Speech Lang Pathol ; : 1-16, 2024 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218009


PURPOSE: Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are at heightened risk for reading difficulty. We investigated the home literacy environments of kindergarten children with DLD and typically developing (TD) peers during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: We analysed scores from standardised assessments of oral language, nonverbal intelligence, and word reading in conjunction with home literacy questionnaire data at three time points. RESULT: Frequency of engagement in home literacy activities did not differ by group during school closures or when schools reopened. Caregivers from both groups reported increased home literacy engagement during closures. Engagement returned to pre-pandemic levels when schools reopened. For the DLD group, the child's word reading ability and interest in literacy were positively associated with the home literacy environment. Family history of language and/or literacy difficulty was negatively associated with the home literacy environment. For the TD group, only the child's interest in literacy was positively associated with the home literacy environment. CONCLUSION: These findings elucidate the need for further research related to home literacy and families of children with DLD, with a focus on identifying potential strengths and vulnerabilities related to child and caregiver factors.

Children (Basel) ; 11(8)2024 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39201917


BACKGROUND: It is broadly acknowledged that children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) show verb-related limitations. While most previous studies have focused on tense, the mastery of lexical aspect-particularly telicity-has not been the primary focus of much research. Lexical aspect refers to whether an action has a defined endpoint (telic verbs) or not (atelic verbs). OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effect of telicity on verb recognition in Chilean children with DLD compared to their typically developing (TD) peers using the Event-Related Potential (ERP) technique. METHOD: The research design is a mixed factorial design with between-group factors of 2 (DLD/TD) and within-group factors of 2 (telic/atelic verbs) and 2 (coherent/incoherent sentences). The participants were 36 school-aged children (18 DLD, 18 TD) aged 7 to 7 years and 11 months. The task required subjects to listen to sentences that either matched or did not match an action in a video, with sentences including telic or atelic verbs. RESULTS: The study found notable differences between groups in how they processed verbs (N400 and post-N400 components) and direct objects (N400 and P600 components). CONCLUSIONS: Children with DLD struggled to differentiate telic and atelic verbs, potentially because they employed overgeneralization strategies consistent with the Event Structural Bootstrapping model.

Neurobiol Lang (Camb) ; 5(3): 774-794, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39175782


Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) struggle to learn their native language for no apparent reason. While research on the neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder has focused on the role of corticostriatal systems, little is known about the role of the cerebellum in DLD. Corticocerebellar circuits might be involved in the disorder as they contribute to complex sensorimotor skill learning, including the acquisition of spoken language. Here, we used diffusion-weighted imaging data from 77 typically developing and 54 children with DLD and performed probabilistic tractography to identify the cerebellum's white matter tracts: the inferior, middle, and superior cerebellar peduncles. Children with DLD showed lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in the inferior cerebellar peduncles (ICP), fiber tracts that carry motor and sensory input via the inferior olive to the cerebellum. Lower FA in DLD was driven by lower axial diffusivity. Probing this further with more sophisticated modeling of diffusion data, we found higher orientation dispersion but no difference in neurite density in the ICP of children with DLD. Reduced FA is therefore unlikely to be reflecting microstructural differences in myelination, rather the organization of axons in these pathways is disrupted. ICP microstructure was not associated with language or motor coordination performance in our sample. We also found no differences in the middle and superior peduncles, the main pathways connecting the cerebellum with the cortex. To conclude, it is not corticocerebellar but atypical olivocerebellar white matter connections that characterize DLD and suggest the involvement of the olivocerebellar system in speech and language acquisition and development.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39163312


BACKGROUND: Accessibility of data visualization has been explored for users with visual disabilities but the needs of users with language disabilities have seldom been considered. AIM: This scoping review synthesised what is known about data visualization for adults with language disabilities, specifically the acquired language disability, aphasia and Developmental Language Disorder. It sought to extract key findings and identify what practices support effective visualization for decision making for people with language disabilities. METHOD: Papers were included if they investigated visualization of data, and the consumers of the data visualization were people with aphasia or developmental language disability. Seven databases were searched: CINAHL, Academic Search, Medline, PsychINFO, Ovid, ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. Included studies were charted to extract title, author(s), year, country, paper type, scientific field, participant number(s), participant group(s), main topic, subtopic, method, task description, task category, data visualization, summary, key findings relevant to the review question, and guidelines or recommendations. Narrative synthesis was used to describe how people with language disability have interacted with data visualization from a range of literature. MAIN CONTRIBUTION: Six studies (seven publications) were included in the review. One study came from the field of health, one from a disability rights collaboration and four studies from computer science. No studies satisfying the review criteria explored data visualization for Developmental Language Disorder; however, five studies explored participants with cognitive disabilities that included impairments of language, so these were included. A range of visualization designs were found. Studies predominantly explored understanding of visualization (4/6). One study explored how to express data visually, and one explored the use of the visualization that is, for an action, choice, or decision. Cognitively accessible data visualization practices were described in four papers and synthesized. Supportive practices reported were reducing the cognitive load associated with processing a visualization and increasing personal relevance of data visualization. CONCLUSION: Accessible data visualization for adults with aphasia and Developmental Language Disorder has only minimally been explored. Practices to specifically support users with language disability are not yet apparent. As data use in making everyday decisions is widespread, future research should explore how people with language disabilities make use of data visualization. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on this subject Visual resources are used widely to support people with language disabilities in understanding of language. That is, icons, maps timelines and so forth, are used to support auditory processing. However, data visualization is used routinely by people without a language disability to support everyday decisions for example, visualization of live traffic data is used to provide users with the best route to their destination. It is unclear whether any work has explored data visualization for people with language disabilities.  What this paper adds to existing knowledge This paper brings together research on the use of data visualization by adults with either Developmental Language Disorder or aphasia, collectively people with language disabilities. It highlights a gap in the design of inclusive data visualization for language disabilities and the minimal research exploring the use of data visualization for decision making in these populations. What are the clinical implications of this work? Access to data can be empowering. It has potential to enable agency in decisions and increase social participation. The existing gap in knowledge about how to design inclusive data visualization for people with language disabilities thus poses a risk of exclusion and threats to informed decision making. Highlighting the current field of literature may drive research and clinical activity.

Int J Dev Disabil ; 70(5): 777-791, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39131763


Objective: Pragmatics can be defined as the appropriate use of language in social interactions. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) exhibit difficulties in pragmatic language (PL), but the nature and sources of these difficulties have not been fully investigated yet. The purpose of this paper is to critically review empirical literature on the PL of children with ASD as compared to that of children with DLD. Materials and methods: Thirteen studies that met established inclusion criteria were identified and reviewed. Results: Children with ASD and children with DLD demonstrated several similarities in PL. However, a lot of differences were observed and mainly children with ASD faced more profound difficulties than children with DLD, while PL may be a distinct marker between the two groups. Conclusion: The differences observed in the language profiles of ASD and DLD show that even if there is an overlap in some domains, the PL abilities of children of both clinical populations are likely to be controlled by different mechanisms and therefore these differences in PL may be considered as a distinguishable feature between the two populations.

Int J Speech Lang Pathol ; : 1-14, 2024 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39135408


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine the views of professionals working with children with developmental communication disability (e.g. associated with developmental disability, autism, developmental language disorder) on the features underlying effective augmented reality (AR) applications for language learning and education; and design, build, and evaluate a prototype AR application (InterPlay) to support language learning for children with developmental communication disability. METHOD: A three-stage design methodology was used to (a) identify opportunities for AR to support children with developmental communication disability; (b) create a prototype application to provide an identified support; and (c) evaluate the features of AR that may afford the best support, using the InterPlay prototype as a foundation for discussion. RESULT: Expert reference focus groups identified support opportunities and key design considerations, informing development of a prototype AR application, InterPlay. Evaluation identified a further four key themes: (a) designing an accessible reality, (b) integrating physical and virtual realities, (c) barriers to access and usability, and (d) contrasting new and existing technology. CONCLUSION: Findings highlighted the need for careful consideration in the design and implementation stages of AR development to ensure AR applications are accessible and beneficial for children with developmental communication disability.

Int J Speech Lang Pathol ; : 1-10, 2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39169730


PURPOSE: The study aimed to understand how bilingual children with typical language development (TLD) and those with developmental language disorder (DLD) use frequent word co-occurrences in their narratives. METHOD: We studied the change over time in the word co-occurrences used by 30 Spanish-English bilingual children with and without DLD (experimental group). An additional normative group consisted of 98 TLD Spanish-English bilingual first graders. Children narrated two Spanish and two English stories in kindergarten and first grade. Employing a Python program on the transcribed narratives, we extracted all adjacent two-word and three-word co-occurrences. From the normative group, the 90 most frequently occurring two-word and 90 most frequently occurring three-word co-occurrences were extracted. The type and tokens of word co-occurrences each child in the experimental group produced out of the 180 identified word co-occurrences were analysed. RESULT: Overall, children at first grade produced more word co-occurrences types than in kindergarten. Children with DLD used fewer types of word co-occurrences but produced them as often as than their TLD peers. Children with DLD increased their word co-occurrences from kindergarten to first grade at the same rate although at a lower frequency. Children in both groups produced similar types and tokens of word co-occurrences in both Spanish and English, except tokens of two word co-occurrences. Children produced two word co-occurrences more often in English than in their Spanish narratives. CONCLUSION: The results shed light on children with DLD's deficits in production of word co-occurrences, indirectly reflecting possible deficits in statistical pattern detection.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149955


BACKGROUND: Morphosyntactic problems are a core symptom of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). In the Netherlands, children with (presumed) DLD can receive special care in language-focused treatment groups. The focus of these groups mainly lies in improving communicative intentions, vocabulary and phonology. Morphosyntactic skills receive less attention. AIMS: The authors developed a scripted group-based intervention targeting morphosyntactic skills in young children with DLD. In this study, the effect of the intervention on the morphosyntactic skills of preschoolers with (presumed) DLD was tested and the usability for pedagogical practitioners (PPs) was evaluated. METHODS & PROCEDURES: Twenty-seven preschoolers with DLD (aged 2;10-3;10 [years;months]) participated in an A-B group study in which the development of grammatical structures was monitored with a morphosyntactic task and language sample analyses (LSA). Progression during 8 weeks usual care (UC) and 8 weeks morphosyntactic intervention was examined using Bayesian mixed effects models. In LSA, structures that were targeted were compared to control structures. The intervention consisted of a weekly script-based group session in which morphosyntactic structures were targeted, and daily activities in which these target structures were repeated. The intervention was provided by trained PPs, who were coached by a speech-language therapist. An early indication of usability and feasibility was evaluated using an online questionnaire. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: The analyses show that morphosyntactic skills improved during the intervention period, with strong evidence for growth in the production of target structures on the morphosyntactic task and target and control structures in LSA, while barely any evidence was found for growth in the use of these structures in UC. However, target structures and control structures seem to develop at the same rate. General measures of morphosyntactic ability showed improvement both during UC and the intervention phase. Evaluation among practitioners suggested that the intervention is regarded as usable and feasible. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: Growth in morphosyntactic skills of children in the intervention period was demonstrated, but this could not be proven to be related to the intervention because both target and control structures improved during the intervention. This growth might be due to maturation instead of the intervention. Nevertheless, our study demonstrates that the morphosyntactic skills of preschoolers with DLD can show considerable improvement over a period of 8 weeks. Furthermore, our study underlines the importance of using LSA measures when monitoring the morphosyntactic development of children, as they might be more sensitive to change than standardised tests. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on the subject Most children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) experience difficulties in their morphosyntactic development. In the Netherlands, preschoolers with DLD can receive special care in language-focused treatment groups. These groups mainly focus on stimulating communicative intentions, vocabulary and phonology, but less so on stimulating morphosyntactic skills. What this study adds We designed a new group-based intervention targeting the expressive morphosyntactic skills of children with DLD, examined the effect and investigated the usability and feasibility. Although there is strong evidence for growth in morphological skills, intervention effects could not be demonstrated. Evaluations among practitioners suggested that the intervention is regarded as usable and feasible. Furthermore, this study shows that children's morphosyntactic skills can improve over relatively short periods of time and language sample analyses seem to be sensitive to detect these changes. What are the clinical implications of this work? Currently, very few group-based morphosyntactic interventions exist (in the Netherlands). Since practitioners were generally positive about the intervention and its usability and feasibility, the proposed intervention might benefit the treatment of morphosyntactic problems in children with DLD.

Clin Linguist Phon ; : 1-26, 2024 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39108058


Dynamic assessment (DA) is a tool used to assess children's learning potential. Research on English-speaking children indicates that DA effectively diagnoses language disorders in monolingual and bilingual children. However, few DAs have been developed for French-speaking children. This study aimed to examine the validity of a dynamic phonological awareness task for differentiating French-speaking monolingual and bilingual children with and without developmental language disorder (DLD). Thirty-eight monolingual and bilingual children, aged 4-8 years, 23 with typical development (TD) and 15 with DLD, participated in the study. They performed a dynamic phoneme segmentation task, in which graduated cues were provided. Children were also administered a nonword repetition (NWR) task, and a modifiability scale, in which the examiner rated the child's responsivity during the task. Statistical analyses examined what factors influenced dynamic task performance, and calculated the sensitivity and specificity of the tests. Results indicated that four factors emerged as significant in a mixed-effects logistic regression model: age, diagnostic group (TD vs. DLD), modifiability, and the number of phonemes in the target word. Older children who had TD and higher modifiability scores had better segmentation skills than other children. Words with fewer phonemes were also easier to segment than words with greater numbers of phonemes. The dynamic task had good sensitivity in the identification of DLD but less good specificity. Our findings indicate that a dynamic task of phonological awareness has the potential to be used as a diagnostic tool to differentiate TD and DLD.

Front Neurosci ; 18: 1390987, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39188807


Background: The purpose of the current study was to assess the differences between children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and typically developing (TD) children in their performance of executive functions from working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility. Methods: We performed a systematical search of PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and Web of Science for case control studies (published in English between January 1, 1950, and October 11, 2023) comparing the differences in the performance of executive functions between DLD and TD children. Results: Forty eligible studies were included in the present study (N = 3,168 participants). In comparison with TD children, DLD children exhibited significantly poorer performances in all six verbal working memory tasks (backward digit recall task, SMD -1.4321, 95% CI -2.2692 to -0.5950; listening recall task, SMD -1.4469, 95% CI -1.7737 to -1.1202; counting recall task, SMD -0.9192, 95% CI -1.4089 to -0.4295; digit recall task, SMD -1.2321, 95% CI -1.4397 to -1.0244; word list recall task, SMD -1.1375, 95% CI -1.5579 to -0.7171; non-word recall task, SMD -1.5355, 95% CI -1.8122 to -1.2589). However, regarding inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility, the differences between DLD and TD children depended on specific circumstances. In subgroup analyses of all verbal working memory tasks, DLD children presented notably lower performance than TD children in both the monolingual English and monolingual non-English groups, and in both the preschooler and school-aged groups. Conclusion: This study proves that verbal working memory deficits can be seen as a marker for children with DLD and are not affected by age or language type. Systematic Review Registration:, CRD42023391070.

Autism Dev Lang Impair ; 9: 23969415241268245, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170103


Background and aims: Many children with developmental language disorder (DLD) have difficulties in executive functioning (EF) and theory of mind (ToM). These difficulties might be explained by the theory that children's conceptual understanding changes over five stages of word meaning structure, from concrete and context-dependent to abstract and precise. We present a multiple case study examining how word meaning structure relates to EF and ToM in children with DLD. Methods: Participants were five children with DLD aged 9-12 and five typically developing children matched for age, gender, and nonverbal intelligence. Word meaning structure was assessed using new dynamic test. EF was assessed using the Zoo Map Task and Behavioral Rating Inventory for EF. ToM was assessed using the ToM test, Frith-Happé Animations, and Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire. Behavioral problems were measured using the Child Behavior Checklist. Anamnestic interviews with the parents were conducted to describe the case histories. Results: For the children with DLD, lower scores in the word meaning structure task were observed compared to those observed for their matched peers, with no statistical test applied. Word meaning structure related positively to EF and ToM, but not to behavioral problems. Instances in which word meaning structure dissociates from EF and ToM are discussed in individual case descriptions. Conclusions: By linking language to conceptual development, variations in word meaning structure may explain some EF and ToM difficulties in children with DLD. Implications: The present study offers a basis for future research on the relationships among word meaning structure, EF, and ToM.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(16)2024 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39201130


Many children with developmental language disorder (DLD) have emotion recognition and regulation difficulties, but there are currently no known interventions enhancing emotional awareness in this population. This study explores the impact of parents' perspectives regarding children with DLD emotional understanding through a parent-led online emotion recognition (ER) intervention. Ten parents of children with DLD aged 6-11 participated in the study. A nonconcurrent multiple baseline design was employed, allowing for a rigorous analysis of changes in parental beliefs over time. Weekly data were collected through the Parents' Beliefs About Children's Emotions Questionnaire. Interviews were also conducted to gain deeper insights into parents' perceptions regarding the ER skills of their children. Results indicated that parents' beliefs about the need for guiding and supporting their child's ER skills increased over the intervention. Interviews also supported this, and three main themes were generated. The intervention program increased parents' awareness of (a) the importance of ER for children with DLD, (b) emotion-focused communication and engagement with their child, and (c) the integration of emotions into daily life. This study is the first known study that explores parents' beliefs about children with DLD ER skills, highlighting the importance of supporting parents through accessible interventions.

Appl Neuropsychol Child ; : 1-10, 2024 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39075728


This study aims to investigate the association between developmental language disorder (DLD) and depressive symptoms in preschool-aged children, building upon previous research that has demonstrated emotional difficulties in children with DLD. Forty-one children with DLD or children at risk for DLD (DLD group) and 41 children with typical language development (TLD) were included in this study. Language development was evaluated using the TEDIL test which is a Turkish adaptation of the Test of Early Language Development-3. Auto acoustic Emissions Testing and Immittance-Metric Assessment were used to exclude children with hearing impairment. Developmental delays were excluded by Denver Developmental Screening Test II. Mothers filled out the Sociodemographic Data Form and the Child Depressive Symptoms Assessment Scale. The results demonstrate that children in DLD group scored significantly higher on the Child Depressive Symptoms Assessment Scale, manifesting increased levels of aggression, separation anxiety, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and encountering greater social adaptation difficulties and deterioration in cognitive processes than TLD. Multivariate regression analysis suggests that increased impulsivity and hyperactivity, alongside social and cognitive challenges, are predictors of DLD. The study concludes that depressive symptoms are more prevalent in children in DLD group than in their typically developing counterparts. These findings underscore the necessity for targeted psychiatric and pedagogical interventions, as well as individualized educational programs that cater to the socio-emotional and cognitive needs of children with DLD.

Brain Lang ; 254: 105425, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38981368


Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) has been explained as either a deficit deriving from an abstract representational deficit or as emerging from difficulties in acquiring and coordinating multiple interacting cues guiding learning. These competing explanations are often difficult to decide between when tested on European languages. This paper reports an experimental study of relative clause (RC) production in Cantonese-speaking children with and without DLD, which enabled us to test multiple developmental predictions derived from one prominent theory - emergentism. Children with DLD (N = 22; aged 6;6-9;7) were compared with age-matched typically-developing peers (N = 23) and language-matched, typically-developing children (N = 21; aged 4;7-7;6) on a sentence repetition task. Results showed that children's production across multiple RC types was influenced by structural frequency, general semantic complexity, and the linear order of constituents, with the DLD group performing worse than their age-matched and language-matched peers. The results are consistent with the emergentist explanation of DLD.

Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Preescolar , Semántica , Lenguaje , Lenguaje Infantil , Pruebas del Lenguaje
Logoped Phoniatr Vocol ; : 1-9, 2024 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949090


This study aims to extend current knowledge about the possibilities and challenges encountered by Swedish speech and language pathologists (SLPs) in targeting everyday language and communication in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). To explore this matter, unstructured focus groups were conducted where 15 SLPs, working with children with DLD, shared their views on the alignment between their clinical practices and children's everyday lives. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data, which resulted in five themes: It's everyday life that matters; As an SLP, you're not a part of the child's everyday life; How do we merge the different worlds?; Resources at home vary, and The employer sets the framework for clinical practices. The SLPs stressed the importance of targeting everyday skills and needs, but they experienced themselves as being detached from the children's daily context. Collaboration with caregivers and (pre)school staff was emphasised; however, the resources and capacity of the caregivers and staff varied, and this was experienced as a challenge for providing the most appropriate care. Some children and their families were situated in a multifaceted context and needed more extensive care, and this group was described as increasing. However, the services that the SLPs were able to offer varied and were largely regulated by organisational constraints. Individualised services are crucial for ensuring a positive development for children with DLD and for empowering caregivers to be effective collaborative partners in intervention. Therefore, it is essential for SLPs to have the time and resources to ensure high-quality care.