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Cell Div ; 16(1): 4, 2021 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34493312


BACKGROUND: The budding yeast protein Chl1p is a nuclear protein required for sister-chromatid cohesion, transcriptional silencing, rDNA recombination, ageing and plays an instrumental role in chromatin remodeling. This helicase is known to preserve genome integrity and spindle length in S-phase. Here we show additional roles of Chl1p at G1/S phase of the cell cycle following DNA damage. RESULTS: G1 arrested cells when exposed to DNA damage are more sensitive and show bud emergence with faster kinetics in chl1 mutants compared to wild-type cells. Also, more damage to DNA is observed in chl1 cells. The viability falls synergistically in rad24chl1 cells. The regulation of Chl1p on budding kinetics in G1 phase falls in line with Rad9p/Chk1p and shows a synergistic effect with Rad24p/Rad53p. rad9chl1 and chk1chl1 shows similar bud emergence as the single mutants chl1, rad9 and chk1. Whereas rad24chl1 and rad53chl1 shows faster bud emergence compared to the single mutants rad24, rad53 and chl1. In presence of MMS induced damage, synergistic with Rad24p indicates Chl1p's role as a checkpoint at G1/S acting parallel to damage checkpoint pathway. The faster movement of DNA content through G1/S phase and difference in phosphorylation profile of Rad53p in wild type and chl1 cells confirms the checkpoint defect in chl1 mutant cells. Further, we have also confirmed that the checkpoint defect functions in parallel to the damage checkpoint pathway of Rad24p. CONCLUSION: Chl1p shows Rad53p independent bud emergence and Rad53p dependent checkpoint activity in presence of damage. This confirms its requirement in two different pathways to maintain the G1/S arrest when cells are exposed to damaging agents. The bud emergence kinetics and DNA segregation were similar to wild type when given the same damage in nocodazole treated chl1 cells which establishes the absence of any role of Chl1p at the G2/M phase. The novelty of this paper lies in revealing the versatile role of Chl1p in checkpoints as well as repair towards regulating G1/S transition. Chl1p thus regulates the G1/S phase by affecting the G1 replication checkpoint pathway and shows an additive effect with Rad24p for Rad53p activation when damaging agents perturb the DNA. Apart from checkpoint activation, it also regulates the budding kinetics as a repair gene.

Oncol Rev ; 15(1): 519, 2021 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34322202


BACH1 encodes for a protein that belongs to RecQ DEAH helicase family and interacts with the BRCT repeats of BRCA1. The N-terminus of BACH1 functions in DNA metabolism as DNA-dependent ATPase and helicase. The C-terminus consists of BRCT domain, which interacts with BRCA1 and this interaction is one of the major regulator of BACH1 function. BACH1 plays important roles both in phosphorylated as well as dephosphorylated state and functions in coordination with multiple signaling molecules. The active helicase property of BACH1 is maintained by its dephosphorylated state. Imbalance between these two states enhances the development and progression of the diseased condition. Currently BACH1 is known as a tumor suppressor gene based on the presence of its clinically relevant mutations in different cancers. Through this review we have justified it to be named as an oncogene. In this review, we have explained the mechanism of how BACH1 in collaboration with BRCA1 or independently regulates various pathways like cell cycle progression, DNA replication during both normal and stressed situation, recombination and repair of damaged DNA, chromatin remodeling and epigenetic modifications. Mutation and overexpression of BACH1 are significantly found in different cancer types. This review enlists the molecular players which interact with BACH1 to regulate DNA metabolic functions, thereby revealing its potential for cancer therapeutics. We have identified the most mutated functional domain of BACH1, the hot spot for tumorigenesis, justifying it as a target molecule in different cancer types for therapeutics. BACH1 has high potentials of transforming a normal cell into a tumor cell if compromised under certain circumstances. Thus, through this review, we justify BACH1 as an oncogene along with the existing role of being a tumor suppressant.