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Front Med (Lausanne) ; 8: 681635, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34368188


Background: Chagas disease (CD), caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is considered a public health problem in Latin America. In Colombia, it affects more than 437,000 inhabitants, mainly in Casanare, an endemic region with eco-epidemiological characteristics that favor its transmission. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the cases of acute CD in Casanare, eastern Colombia, in the period 2012-2020. Methods: In the present study, 103 medical records of confirmed cases of acute CD were reviewed. The departmental/national incidence and fatality were compared by year; the climatological data of mean temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation per year were reviewed and plotted at IDEAM (Colombian Meteorology Institute) concerning the number of cases of acute CD per month, and it was compared with the frequency of triatomines collected in infested houses by community surveillance. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed, comparing symptoms and signs according to transmission routes, complications, and age groups. Results: The incidence was 3.16 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and the fatality rate was 20% in the study period. The most frequent symptoms included: fever 98.1%, myalgia 62.1%, arthralgia 60.2%, and headache 49.5%. There were significant differences in the frequency of myalgia, abdominal pain, and periorbital edema in oral transmission. The main complications were pericardial effusion, myocarditis, and heart failure in the group over 18 years of age. In Casanare, TcI Discrete Typing Unit (DTU) has mainly been identified in humans, triatomines, and reservoirs such as opossums and dogs and TcBat in bats. An increase in the number of acute CD cases was evidenced in March, a period when precipitation increases due to the beginning of the rainy season. Conclusions: The results corroborate the symptomatic heterogeneity of the acute phase of CD, which delays treatment, triggering possible clinical complications. In endemic regions, clinical suspicion, diagnostic capacity, detection, and surveillance programs should be strengthened, including intersectoral public health policies for their prevention and control.

Agora USB ; 20(2): 20-36, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152752


Resumen La normatividad colombiana plantea que las nuevas sociedades que desarrollen todo el proceso productivo en los municipios denominados Zonas más Afectadas por el Con flicto Armado (Zomac) tendrán beneficios tributarios durante 10 años, consistentes en tarifa progresiva del impuesto de renta a partir del 2017, que varía según el tamaño de la empresa que se obliga a cumplir con requisitos mínimos de inversión y generación de empleo o al pago parcial del impuesto de renta mediante la inversión directa en ejecu ción de proyectos de trascendencia social en las Zomac al obtener ingresos brutos igua les o superiores a treinta y tres mil seiscientos diez (33.610) unidades de valor tributario (UVT). Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo con enfoque mixto (cuantitativo-cuali tativo) para la caracterización de los empresarios, determinar el conocimiento y nivel de acogimiento a la normatividad, aplicándose un cuestionario a los empresarios y una entrevista semiestructurada a personal de los entes municipales y gubernamentales sobre el conocimiento y divulgación sobre lo reglamentado por la ley para las Zomac, permitiendo esclarecer la realidad en la aplicación normativa que plantea incentivos tri butarios para cerrar las brechas de desigualdad socioeconómica en las Zomac.

Abstract Colombian regulations state that new companies that develop the entire production process in municipalities called Zones Most Affected by Armed Conflict (ZOMAC) will have tax benefits for 10 years. They will consist of progressive rate of income tax from 2017, which varies depending on the size of the company that is required to meet mi nimum investment and employment generation requirements or partial payment of income tax through direct investment in execution projects of social significance in the ZOMAC, by obtaining gross income equal to or greater than thirty-three thousand six hundred and ten (33,610) Tax Value Unit. A descriptive type study was carried out with a mixed (quantitative-qualitative) approach to the characterization of entrepreneurs, determine knowledge and level of adherence to regulations, applying a questionnaire to entrepreneurs and a semi-structured interview with staff of municipal and govern ment authorities on knowledge and disclosure of what is regulated by law for ZOMACs, allowing to clarify the reality in the normative application that raises tax incentives to close gaps in socio-economic inequality in the ZOMAC.

Zookeys ; 961: 129-156, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32904011


A new species of Pristimantis (Craugastoridae, subgenus Pristimantis) is described from a relict and unexplored cloud forest in the western slope from Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes. The specific name was chosen by consensus expert scientists and local people. Pristimantis chamezensis sp. nov. is easily distinguished from congeneric species by having a gray iris with black reticulations in life, subconical tubercles on the upper eyelid, the chin edged with irregular, dark-brown blotches, and conical heel tubercles. The phylogenetic analyses suggest that the origin and radiation of its clade may have occurred in the highlands. With the description of P. chamezensis sp. nov., we identify 14 species distributed throughout the eastern slope of the Andes that are associated with the Orinoco Basin.

Zookeys ; (733): 65-97, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29416408


The Cusiana River sub-basin has been identified as a priority conservation area in the Orinoco region in Colombia due to its high species diversity. This study presents an updated checklist and identification key for fishes of the Cusiana River sub-basin. The checklist was assembled through direct examination of specimens deposited in the main Colombian ichthyological collections. A total of 2020 lots from 167 different localities from the Cusiana River sub-basin were examined and ranged from 153 to 2970 m in elevation. The highest number of records were from the piedmont region (1091, 54.0 %), followed by the Llanos (878, 43.5 %) and Andean (51, 2.5 %). 241 species distributed in 9 orders, 40 families, and 158 genera were found. The fish species richness observed (241), represents 77.7 % of the 314 estimated species (95 % CI=276.1-394.8). The use of databases to develop lists of fish species is not entirely reliable; therefore taxonomic verification of specimens in collections is essential. The results will facilitate comparisons with other sub-basins of the Orinoquia, which are not categorized as areas of importance for conservation in Colombia.

ResumenLa sub-cuenca del rio Cusiana ha sido designada como una de las áreas prioritarias para la conservación en la región del Orinoco en Colombia debido a su alta diversidad de especies. Este estudio presenta una lista actualizada y una clave de identificación para los peces del área. Para ello se revisaron los especímenes depositados en las principales colecciones ictiológicas colombianas. Se examinaron un total de 2020 lotes de 167 localidades diferentes de la sub-cuenca del río Cusiana, que oscilaron entre 153 y 2970 m en altitud. El mayor número de registros corresponde a la región del piedemonte (1091, 54.0%), seguida por los Llanos (878, 43.5%) y Andina (51, 2.5%). Encontramos 241 especies distribuidas en 9 órdenes, 40 familias y 158 géneros. La riqueza de especies de peces observada (241), representan el 77.7% de las 314 especies estimadas (IC 95% = 276.1-394.8). El uso de bases de datos para elaborar listas de especies de peces no es del todo fiable, por lo tanto, es esencial la verificación taxonómica de los especímenes en las colecciones. Estos resultados permitirán evaluar otras sub-cuencas de la Orinoquia, las cuales no están categorizadas como áreas de importancia para la conservación en Colombia.

NOVA publ. cient ; 10(18): 195-200, jul.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-729484


El propósito de esta investigación fue establecer el perfil de morbilidad infecciosa en la población indígena ubicada en el departamento de Casanare durante los años 2010 a marzo de 2012. Se utilizaron datos registrados por las instituciones encargadas de su atención y los recolectados por la Secretaria de Salud de Yopal, clasificándolos por resguardo: Cano Mochuelo, Chaparral Barro Negro y Orocue. Los resultados mostraron que las enfermedades de tipo infeccioso prevalentes en las comunidades indígenas estudiadas son: diarrea con 702 casos, infección de vías respiratorias 570 casos y parasitismo intestinal 187 casos.

The purpose of this research was to establish the infectious disease profile of the indigenous population located in the Casanare department during the years 2010, 2011 and March 2012. We used data collected for the institutions in charge of the indigenous health care and gathered for the Yopal Department of health (Casanare, Colombia) classified by indigenous reservation: Cano Mochuelo, Chaparral Barro Negro and Orocue. The results showed that prevalent infectious diseases in the indigenous community are diarrhea, respiratory tract infection and intestinal parasitism with 702, 570 and 187 cases respectively.

Humanos , Control de Infecciones , Morbilidad , Disentería , Salud de Poblaciones Indígenas