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Braz. J. Oncol ; 20: e-20240447, 20240502.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554105


Colorectal cancer is the third most common neoplasm and the second most lethal worldwide. The most common histological type is adenocarcinoma, characterized by its glandular pattern. Medullary colon carcinoma is a rare histological variant of colorectal cancer, characterized by a predominantly solid architecture, poorly di?erentiated or undifferentiated morphology, often associated with an anomalous immunophenotype and microsatellite instability. The present study reports a case in an academic service of general surgery of a 74-year-old patient who presented with a tumor of the ascending colon, histologically with an exuberant lymphocytic in?ltrate, suggestive of large cell lymphoma, but which was revealed by subsequent immunohistochemistry to be medullary carcinoma of the colon with microsatellite instability.

O câncer colorretal é a terceira neoplasia mais comum e a segunda mais letal no mundo. O adenocarcinoma é o tipo histológico mais comum, caracterizado pelo seu padrão glandular. O carcinoma medular do cólon é uma variante histológica rara do câncer colorretal, caracterizada por uma arquitetura predominantemente sólida, morfologia pouco diferenciada ou indiferenciada, frequentemente associada a um imunofenótipo anômalo e instabilidade de microssatélites. O presente estudo relata um caso em um serviço acadêmico de cirurgia geral de um paciente de 74 anos que apresentou tumor de cólon ascendente, histologicamente com infiltrado linfocitário exuberante, sugestivo de linfoma de grandes células, mas que foi revelado através de exame subsequente imunohistoquímico como carcinoma medular do cólon com instabilidade de microssatélites.

Masculino , Anciano , Carcinoma Medular , Colon Ascendente , Oncología Quirúrgica , Neoplasias del Colon
Mastology (Impr.) ; 28(1): 17-23, jan.-mar.2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-915895


Objective: The aim of this study is to depict the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients treated for invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) at Hospital das Clínicas of Universidade Federal do Paraná (HC-UFPR) over the course of ten years and to evaluate the variation of ILC dimensions on imaging exams by comparing them to real-size lesions identified in surgical specimens. Methods: Patients undergoing breast surgical procedures at HC-UFPR from 2005 to 2014 were selected. Out of these, 36 were diagnosed with ILC and had their medical files sought after clinical, epidemiological, therapeutic and prognosis characteristics. The variance of tumor sizes in imaging methods and anatomopathological descriptions were also studied. Results: Patients' mean age at diagnosis was 59.6 years. Most of them were classified as clinical stages II (40%) and III (26.7%) by the time they were diagnosed. The majority of tumors were HER2 negative (77.2%) and estrogen-receptor positive (90%). The surgical treatment was radical in 74.2% of the cases. 31.4% of the patients underwent both mammography and ultrasonography screening and 45.7% underwent only one of them. None of the patients were submitted to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Conclusion: Data found about patients with invasive lobular carcinoma at HC-UFPR is in accordance with the medical literature, including incidence rates and tumor characteristics. The variance of tumor sizes in imaging exams and surgical specimen was not statistically significant

Objetivo: O estudo busca caracterizar o perfil clínico epidemiológico referente às pacientes tratadas por carcinoma lobular invasor de mama (CLI) no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná (HC-UFPR) em um período de dez anos e avaliar as variações das dimensões dos CLI nos exames de imagem quando comparadas ao real tamanho das lesões identificadas nas peças de anatomia patológica. Métodos: Foram selecionadas pacientes submetidas a procedimentos cirúrgicos de mama no HC-UFPR entre os anos de 2005 e 2014, dentre as quais 36 apresentaram diagnóstico de CLI. Seus prontuários foram analisados para avaliação de características clínicas, epidemiológicas, terapêuticas e prognósticas. Também foi avaliada a discrepância dos valores de tamanho do tumor em métodos de imagem em relação ao descrito nos laudos anatomopatológicos. Resultados: A s p acientes c om d iagnóstico d e C LI tinham média de idade no diagnóstico de 59,6 anos. O diagnóstico foi feito, em sua maioria, nos estádios clínicos II (40%) e III (26,7%). Houve maior negatividade (77,2%) para HER2 e positividade (90%) para receptor de estrógeno. O tratamento cirúrgico foi radical em 74,2% das pacientes. Em exames de imagem, 31,4% das pacientes realizaram mamografia e ultrassonografia em conjunto, 45,7% fizeram apenas um dos exames e nenhuma realizou ressonância magnética. Conclusão: Observou-se que a casuística de patologias mamárias do HC-UFPR está de acordo com a literatura em relação à incidência e às características próprias dos CLI. A análise da discrepância dos tamanhos dos tumores em exames de imagem em relação às peças cirúrgicas não obteve resultados significativos estatisticamente

Medisur ; 13(4): 541-545, jul.-ago. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-760379


El carcinoma medular de la mama ha sido reconocido como una variedad de carcinoma ductal con un pronóstico relativamente favorable a pesar de su alto grado nuclear y su elevado índice mitótico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 87 años con antecedentes de haber sido operada de carcinoma medular de la mama derecha hace 41 años y la cual se mantiene libre de enfermedad metastásica actualmente; por lo cual se considera de interés para el personal médico dedicado al tratamiento de esta enfermedad, pues es la paciente operada de cáncer de mama de mayor supervivencia en la provincia de Cienfuegos.

Medullary breast carcinoma has been regarded as a type of ductal carcinoma with a relatively favorable prognosis despite its high nuclear grade and mitotic index. The case of 87 year-old patient operated on for medullary carcinoma of the right breast 41 years ago is presented. Currently, she remains free of metastatic disease. This case is interesting for the medical personnel dedicated to the treatment of this disease since she is the patient operated on for breast cancer with the longest survival in the province of Cienfuegos.

Autops Case Rep ; 4(1): 53-57, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28652993


Breast malignancies, apart from skin cancer, are the leading cause of cancer from cancer among the female population. Unlike the high prevalence of primary mammary malignancies, metastases to the breast are uncommon, and account for only 0.2-2.7% of all malignancies affecting this organ. We report the case of a 35-year-old woman who sought medical care because of a breast lump. A mammogram suggested a breast tumor, which was biopsied. The histopathological workup resulted in the diagnosis of a metastasis from a medullary thyroid cancer. The authors review the most useful clinical, radiological, histological, and immunohistochemical features concerning extramammary malignancy to the breast.

Rev. bras. cir. cabeça pescoço ; 38(2): 129-135, abr.-jun. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-515434


En esta revisión de literatura, proponemos aclarar conceptos almomento de tomar decisiones en la consulta por carcinomamedular de tiroides (CMT). Lo hemos dividido en 4 etapas:diagnóstica, terapéutica, seguimiento, recurrencias òpersistencias. El CMT es un tumor originado en las células “C”parafoliculares, capaz de secretar calcitonina y con característicasclínico-terapéuticas que lo diferencian de los tumoresdiferenciados y lo acercan a los anaplásicos (no responden a laTSH y no captan yodo131). Representa el 5 al 10% de los cancerestiroideos y es responsable del 14% de las muertes debido a cáncertiroideo. Se dividen en esporádico (80%) y familiar (20%), estosúltimos pueden ser MEN2a (70%) y MEN2b (28%) y no MEN (2%),todos de transmisión autosómica dominante. Por ahora la cirugíasigue siendo el único tratamiento que permite la curaciónbioquímica y clínica de la enfermedad. Tanto la quimioterapia comola radioterapia carecen de resultados beneficiosos para losenfermos.

In this literature review, we intended to clarify on concepts to makedecisions in the consultation for thyroid medullary carcinoma(CMT). We divided it in 4 stages: diagnostic, treatment, follow-up,relapsing or persistence. The CMT is a tumor originated in the "C"parafollicular cells, which is able to secrete calcitonin (CT) and withclinical-therapeutic characteristics that differentiate it of the welldifferentiated tumors and make them similar to the anaplastic type,as they do not respond to the TSH and nor capture Iodine131. It5epresents 5 to 10% of thyroid cancers and it is responsible for 14%of the deaths due to thyroid cancer. They are divided in sporadic(80%), and familiar (20%), these last ones being MEN2a (70%) andMEN2b (28%) and non-MEN (2%), all having dominant autosomictransmission. Up to now, surgery continues being the onlytreatment that allows the biochemical and clinic cure of the illness.Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy lack beneficial results.