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Chronobiol Int ; 40(8): 1084-1096, 2023 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37667495


The Cape mole-rat (Georychus capensis) is a solitary, strictly subterranean rodent that is responsive to light and entrains to photic cues despite having a reduced visual system. Circadian entrainment is maintained throughout life, but age can alter the amplitude of the response and re-entrainment time. Mole-rats are long-lived for their size which raises questions regarding the robustness of their circadian rhythms and how impacts their locomotor activity rhythms. The locomotor activity rhythms of juvenile and adult Cape mole-rats were investigated. They were exposed to pre-experimental and post-experimental control cycles under fluorescent lights, six 12 h light:12 h dark cycles of decreasing intensities and a constant dark cycle (DD). All animals exhibited more activity during the dark phases of all light regimes. Juveniles were more active than adults and displayed more variable activity during both the light and dark phases. Adults exhibited relatively stable levels of activity under all experimental conditions, whereas juvenile activity decreased as the light intensity was reduced. The amplitude of Cape mole-rat rhythms was consistently low, but similar across light regimes and between adults and juveniles. Cape mole-rats have functional circadian systems, are primarily nocturnal and respond differentially to light intensity depending on their age. Light intensity does not affect the locomotor activity responses of Cape mole-rats in a predictable manner, and could indicate more complex interactions with light wavelengths. The circadian systems of juveniles appear to be more sensitive than those of adults, although the mechanism of the light response remains unclear.

Ritmo Circadiano , Ratas Topo , Animales , Señales (Psicología) , Luz , Locomoción
Behav Processes ; 185: 104346, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33545320


Behavioural lateralization, the differential use one side of the body, and/or the bilateral use of sensory organs or limbs, is common in many vertebrates. One way in which behavioural lateralization can be detected in animals is through turning biases, which is an inherent preference to either turn left or right. Mole-rats are a unique group of mammals that demonstrate a wide range of social organizations ranging from solitary to eusociality. Behavioural asymmetry has not previously been investigated in mole-rats. In this study, captive and wild solitary Cape-mole rats (Georychus capensis) were investigated for individual (relative laterality (LR)) and population-level (absolute laterality (LA)) laterality. Mole-rats in the captive group were in the laboratory for at least one year, whereas the wild group were captured and experimented on within 2 weeks of capture. Animals were placed in a Y-maze facing away from the centre of the maze, and the turn towards the centre of the maze was evaluated to determine individual turning biases. Lateralized individual turning biases were more apparent in wild (7/9), compared to captive (3/10) individuals. Both captive and wild populations demonstrated a left bias, which was higher in wild animals, but not significantly so. Cape mole-rats are extremely xenophobic and aggressive, and this aggressive behaviour may underlie the turning biases in these animals, as aggression is primarily a right hemisphere dominant process. The reduced lateralization observed in captive animals may be due to a reduced need for these behaviours as a result of different environments in captivity.

Lateralidad Funcional , Ratas Topo , Animales
Front Neuroanat ; 8: 39, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24904308


African mole-rats (family Bathyergidae) are small to medium sized, long-lived, and strictly subterranean rodents that became valuable animal models as a result of their longevity and diversity in social organization. The formation and integration of new hippocampal neurons in adult mammals (adult hippocampal neurogenesis, AHN) correlates negatively with age and positively with habitat complexity. Here we present quantitative data on AHN in wild-derived mole-rats of 1 year and older, and briefly describe its anatomical context including markers of neuronal function (calbindin and parvalbumin). Solitary Cape mole-rats (Georychus capensis), social highveld mole-rats (Cryptomys hottentotus pretoriae), and eusocial naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) were assessed. Compared to other rodents, the hippocampal formation in mole-rats is small, but shows a distinct cytoarchitecture in the dentate gyrus and CA1. Distributions of the calcium-binding proteins differ from those seen in rodents; e.g., calbindin in CA3 of naked mole-rats distributes similar to the pattern seen in early primate development, and calbindin staining extends into the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of Cape mole-rats. Proliferating cells and young neurons are found in low numbers in the hippocampus of all three mole-rat species. Resident granule cell numbers are low as well. Proliferating cells expressed as a percentage of resident granule cells are in the range of other rodents, while the percentage of young neurons is lower than that observed in surface dwelling rodents. Between mole-rat species, we observed no difference in the percentage of proliferating cells. The percentages of young neurons are high in social highveld and naked mole-rats, and low in solitary Cape mole-rats. The findings support that proliferation is regulated independently of average life expectancy and habitat. Instead, neuronal differentiation reflects species-specific demands, which appear lower in subterranean rodents.