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Polit Policy ; 49(3): 534-565, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34230819


The COVID-19 public health pandemic has seen governments spend trillions of dollars to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus as well as to soften the economic blow from the shutting down of national economies. Subsequent budget shortfalls raise the question of how governments will pay for the direct and indirect costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we study the public's willingness to contribute through paying a new tax, with a focus on Canada. We find that both generalized social and political trust are associated with a greater willingness to support a COVID-related tax and that generalized social trust, in particular, attenuates the negative effect of an experimentally manipulated, specified level of tax burden on policy support. These findings entail important implications for the public opinion and tax policies literature, as well as for policy makers. RELATED ARTICLES: Gainous, Jason, Stephen C. Craig, and Michael D. Martinez. 2008. "Social Welfare Attitudes and Ambivalence about the Role of Government." Politics & Policy 36 (6): 972-1004. Shock, David R. 2013. "The Significance of Opposition Entrepreneurs on Local Sales Tax Referendum Outcomes." Politics & Policy 41 (4): 588-614. Wagle, Udaya R. 2013. "The Heterogeneity Politics of the Welfare State: Changing Population Heterogeneity and Welfare State Policies in High-Income OECD Countries, 1980-2005." Politics & Policy 41 (6): 947-984.

VOLUNTAD DE LOS CIUDADANOS PARA APOYAR NUEVOS IMPUESTOS PARA LAS MEDIDAS COVID­19 Y EL PAPEL DE LA CONFIANZA: La pandemia de salud pública COVID­19 hizo que los gobiernos gastaran billones de dólares para limitar la propagación del virus COVID­19, así como para suavizar el golpe económico del cierre de las economías nacionales. Los posteriores déficits presupuestarios plantean la cuestión de cómo pagarán los gobiernos los costos directos e indirectos asociados con la pandemia de COVID­19. En este documento, estudiamos la disposición del público a contribuir mediante el pago de un nuevo impuesto. Encontramos que tanto la confianza social como política generalizada se asocian con una mayor disposición a apoyar un impuesto relacionado con COVID y que la confianza social generalizada en particular atenúa el efecto negativo de un nivel especificado de carga tributaria manipulado experimentalmente sobre el apoyo a las políticas. Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones importantes para la opinión pública y la literatura sobre políticas fiscales, y también para los responsables de la formulación de políticas.

Atl Econ J ; 49(2): 173-186, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34054172


This paper shows that so-called modern monetary theory (MMT) lacks a sound economic foundation for its far-reaching policy recommendations. This paper's main contribution to the literature concerns the theoretical foundation of MMT. A simple macroeconomic model shows that MMT is indistinguishable from the Keynesian cross model, as well as a neoclassical macroeconomic model, even when taking account of money in the sense of MMT. This result is in stark contrast to the claims of MMT proponents. Accordingly, it is asserted that MMT is a fundamentally new theory of money and monetary economics. However, MMT is admittedly based on the functional finance concept of the 1940s and money is modelled as an accounting identity. In addition, the fundamental connection between government expenditures for goods and services and the steady state equilibrium value of the national income, the so-called fiscal stance, is a well-known result that is not only consistent with MMT. The interpretation of the fiscal stance, in combination with the accounting identity for money, is a major issue because an equilibrium condition should have a certain causal direction of effects. Based on this reading of the equilibrium condition, policy recommendations encompass the fiscal dominance of monetary policy via monetization of public debt, a job guarantee by the state, along with a so-called Green New Deal. According to the results of this paper, these policy recommendations cannot be justified with MMT. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11293-021-09713-6.

Health Policy ; 124(9): 991-997, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32712012


Decision-makers may have to decommission services as a response to budget deficits. The aim of this study was to investigate a case of decommissioning with regard to the public's awareness and opinions. The analysis of a survey in a Swedish region that begun the implementation of an extensive decommissioning programme in 2015 shows that the majority of respondents were well or very well informed about the programme (68 %). A large proportion of the respondents thought the decision-makers to a low or very low degree had adopted appropriate measures to solve the economic problems (43 %), but together more respondents were either indifferent (39.5 %) or positive (17.5 %). Regarding the level of satisfaction with the region's healthcare system, compared to prior to the decommissioning period, 30 % were less satisfied while together more were either indifferent (48 %) or had become more satisfied (22 %). The large share of indifferent responses opens up for various interpretations or framings of the programme outcomes. Trust in the regions' healthcare system nevertheless increased during the same period. Furthermore, self-assessed health as well as age and utilization seem to be associated with healthcare system satisfaction during decommissioning. This illustrates heterogeneity in the public's responses to decommissioning, which calls for further investigation.

Presupuestos , Atención a la Salud , Instituciones de Salud , Humanos , Suecia , Confianza