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Front Transplant ; 3: 1406626, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993746


Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) offers a unique option to restore form and function after limb loss or facial trauma that cannot be satisfactorily accomplished through traditional prosthetics or reconstructions. Establishing a successful Upper Extremity Transplantation (UET) program requires strong leadership and a structured surgical team, and extensive interdisciplinary collaboration. We conducted a qualitative study among 12 health care professionals and patients. Informed consent was obtained per protocol, and semi-structured interviews were conducted online and recorded. Participants reported their perceptions of factors that either favored or hindered a successful outcome, including functional status before and after surgery, preparation for transplant, shared decision-making, rehabilitation, and psychosocial support. Thematic analysis revealed that it is essential to establish a team comprising various disciplines well before performing VCA procedures. Defining a common goal and choosing a defined leader is a key factor in procedural success and requires open collaboration beyond what is typical. Primary described categories are interdisciplinary collaboration and skills of the VCA team, building and leading a VCA team, pre-transplant procedures, post-transplant course, and factors to consider when establishing a program. The basic roles of team science play an outsized role in establishing a VCA program. Transplantation medicine involves various overlapping scientific and medical categories requiring health professionals to consciously work together to establish complex vertical and horizontal communication webs between teams to obtain positive outcomes. In addition to medical considerations, patient-specific factors such as transparent communication, therapy plan establishment, plan adherence, and continual follow-up are significant factors to overall success.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(8)2024 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38667587


INTRODUCTION: As large language models receive greater attention in medical research, the investigation of ethical considerations is warranted. This review aims to explore surgery literature to identify ethical concerns surrounding these artificial intelligence models and evaluate how autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice are represented within these ethical discussions to provide insights in order to guide further research and practice. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Five electronic databases were searched in October 2023. Eligible studies included surgery-related articles that focused on large language models and contained adequate ethical discussion. Study details, including specialty and ethical concerns, were collected. RESULTS: The literature search yielded 1179 articles, with 53 meeting the inclusion criteria. Plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, and neurosurgery were the most represented surgical specialties. Autonomy was the most explicitly cited ethical principle. The most frequently discussed ethical concern was accuracy (n = 45, 84.9%), followed by bias, patient confidentiality, and responsibility. CONCLUSION: The ethical implications of using large language models in surgery are complex and evolving. The integration of these models into surgery necessitates continuous ethical discourse to ensure responsible and ethical use, balancing technological advancement with human dignity and safety.

Glob Bioeth ; 34(1): 1-3, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37867570


Establishing effective pharmaceutical governance is a challenge for government agencies, private enterprises, and professionals working on the ground, demanding complex ethical decisions from the actors involved, especially in a lower-middle-income country like Ghana. This letter aims to share the author's perspectives and additional considerations on the analyses of the reports in the paper "It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience": pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana by Hampshire et al. The letter's authors discuss the need to advance universal health coverage in Ghana, the everyday ethics, and the disparities between the collective and individual moral consciousness of the participants, as well as other aspects of governance in the pharmaceutical sector.

Stud Health Technol Inform ; 302: 656-660, 2023 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37203772


The ethical implications and regulatory requirements of AI applications and decision support systems are generally the subjects of interdisciplinary research. Case studies are a suitable means to prepare AI applications and clinical decision support systems for research. This paper proposes an approach that describes a procedure model and a categorization of the contents of cases for socio-technical systems. The developed methodology was applied to three cases and serve the researchers in the DESIREE research project as a basis for qualitative research and for ethical, social, and regulatory analyses.

Rev. bioét. derecho ; (57): 243-261, Mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-216069


Objetivo: analizar la forma en que los sentimientos y la recuperación de la memoria colectiva, posibilitan la disminución de la fragilidad social y política de los integrantes de la Misión Médica, haciendo factible nuevas maneras de participación, mediante el desarrollo de capacidades deliberativas desde la perspectiva bioética. Metodología: estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, que toma en cuenta la subjetividad e intersubjetividad de los participantes. Con fuentes de información heterogénea: grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructuradas y cartillas de campo, se constituyó un marco de factores relevantes, que permitieron procesar la información, mediante relaciones y categorizaciones conceptuales,para su posterior triangulación. Resultados: los sentimientos con mayor impacto ético en Misión Médica: incertidumbre, inseguridad ante el trabajo, ansiedad por los hechos de violencia, tristeza, temor, miedo e impotencia; producen efectos emocionales relacionados con el principio de maleficencia. La resiliencia, ha impedido realizar ejercicios de memoria colectiva, a causa del negacionismo y temor a recordar los hechos más significativos, esto les ha impedido el acceso a los mecanismos de Justicia Restaurativa. La ausencia de capacidades para afrontar la situación compromete la autonomía individual, la salud laboral y genera carencias legales no resueltas. Conclusiones: los sentimientos colectivos en el ámbito público del personal sanitario prevalecen sobre los sentimientos individuales basados en vivencias, que afectan la capacidad de deliberación, esto implica promover ejercicios de memoria colectiva, sobre los hechos del conflicto, mediante el desarrollo de capacidades que fortalezcan la legitima defensade su autonomía y el desarrollo de un ejercicio profesional beneficiente, ante situaciones limítrofes de confrontación.(AU)

Objectiu: analitzar la manera com els sentiments i la recuperació de la memòria col·lectiva, possibiliten la disminució de la fragilitat social i política dels integrants de la Missió Mèdica, fent factible noves maneres de participació, mitjançant el desenvolupament de capacitats deliberatives des de la perspectiva bioètica. Metodologia: estudi exploratori amb enfocament qualitatiu, que té en compte la subjectivitat i la intersubjectivitat dels participants. Amb fonts d'informació heterogènia: grups focals, entrevistes semiestructurades i cartilles de camp, es va constituir un marc de factors rellevants, que van permetre processar la informació, mitjançant relacions i categoritzacions conceptuals, per triangular-les posteriorment. Resultats: els sentiments amb més impacte ètic a Missió Mèdica: incertesa, inseguretat davant la feina, ansietat pels fets de violència, tristesa, temor, por i impotència; produeixen efectes emocionals relacionats amb el principi de maleficència. La resiliència, ha impedit fer exercicis de memòria col·lectiva, a causa del negacionisme i temor de recordar els fets més significatius, això els ha impedit l'accés als mecanismes de Justícia Restaurativa. L'absència de capacitats per fer fronta la situació compromet l'autonomia individual, la salut laboral i genera mancances legals no resoltes. Conclusions: els sentiments col·lectius en l'àmbit públic del personal sanitari prevalen sobre els sentiments individuals basats en vivències, que afecten la capacitat de deliberació, això implica promoure exercicis de memòria col·lectiva, sobre els fets del conflicte, mitjançant el desenvolupament de capacitats que enforteixin la legítima defensa de la seva autonomia i el desenvolupament d'un exercici professional beneficient, davant de situacions limítrofes de confrontació.(AU)

Objective: to analyze the way in which feelings and the recovery of collective memory make it possible to reduce the social and political fragility of the members of the Medical Mission, making new ways of participation feasible, through the development ofdeliberative capacities from a bioethical perspective. Methodology: exploratory study with qualitative approach, which considers the subjectivity and intersubjectivity of the participants. With heterogeneous sources of information: focus groups, semi-structured interviews and field primers, a framework of relevant factors was constituted, which allowed processing the information, through conceptual relationships and categorizations, for its subsequent triangulation. Results: the feelings with the greatest ethical impact in Mission Medical: uncertainty, insecurity at work, anxiety due to acts of violence, sadness, fear, fear, and impotence; produce emotional effects related to the principle of maleficence. Resilience has prevented them from carrying out collective memory exercises, due to denial and fear of remembering the most significant events, which has prevented them from accessing Restorative Justice mechanisms. The absence of capacities to face the situation compromises individual autonomy, occupational health and generates unresolved legal shortcomings. Conclusions: collective feelings in the public sphere of health personnel prevail over individual feelings based on experiences, which affect the capacity for deliberation, this implies promoting exercises of historical memory on the facts of the conflict, through the development of capacities that strengthen the legitimate defense of their autonomy and the development of a beneficial professional exercise, in the face of borderline situations of confrontation.(AU)

Humanos , Conflictos Armados , Emociones , Fragilidad , Misiones Médicas , Resiliencia Psicológica , Justicia Social , Derechos Humanos , Personal de Salud , Colombia , Investigación Cualitativa , Discusiones Bioéticas
J Am Med Inform Assoc ; 30(8): 1456-1462, 2023 07 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36944091


Identifying patients' social needs is a first critical step to address social determinants of health (SDoH)-the conditions in which people live, learn, work, and play that affect health. Addressing SDoH can improve health outcomes, population health, and health equity. Emerging SDoH reporting requirements call for health systems to implement efficient ways to identify and act on patients' social needs. Automatic extraction of SDoH from clinical notes within the electronic health record through natural language processing offers a promising approach. However, such automated SDoH systems could have unintended consequences for patients, related to stigma, privacy, confidentiality, and mistrust. Using Floridi et al's "AI4People" framework, we describe ethical considerations for system design and implementation that call attention to patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and explicability. Based on our engagement of clinical and community champions in health equity work at University of Washington Medicine, we offer recommendations for integrating patient voices and needs into automated SDoH systems.

Equidad en Salud , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Humanos , Confidencialidad
J Med Ethics Hist Med ; 16: 18, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433813


To deliver effective medical services and establish trust and psychological security in patients, care providers must prioritize ethical principles. Developing a comprehensive clinical education program for learners, along with specific ethical guidelines, and implementing managerial and executive interventions necessitates a thorough understanding of the ethical challenges within this field. This qualitative study aimed to elucidate the ethical issues faced by otolaryngologists. Sixteen otolaryngologists participated in the study, selected through purposive sampling. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, and the analysis, conducted through conventional content analysis, revealed eight main categories and 38 subcategories encapsulating the identified ethical issues. The primary categories encompassed ethical issues faced by otolaryngologists concerning patients and companions, education, communication with the treatment team, physicians' rights, medical tourism, medical advertising, cultural considerations, and managerial challenges. resources and treatment approaches in alignment with Iranian cultural norms, address conflicts between treatment and education, and implement sound management plans to uphold rights of the treatment team. Additionally, the study suggests the necessity of ethical advertising programs and the strategic promotion of therapeutic tourism.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(2): 355-365, abr.-jun. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387735


Resumo Este artigo busca promover uma reflexão sobre a perspectiva da bioética de proteção e explicitar suas ferramentas, por meio de levantamento bibliográfico ancorado nos marcos teóricos de seus principais idealizadores e da técnica de leitura informativa, que pretende identificar a temática e as principais ideias envolvidas. Para tanto, apresenta-se, inicialmente, a proteção como princípio bioético mediante um aprofundamento na origem, na definição e na análise dos termos "vulnerabilidade", "suscetibilidade" e "vulneração". Na sequência, busca-se apresentar as abordagens bioéticas voltadas ao "princípio de proteção". Por fim, argumenta-se que a bioética de proteção funciona como paradigma para apreensão, análise e resolução de conflitos morais em saúde pública, revelando-se uma abordagem fundamental nesse campo, haja vista seu desafio de lidar com a tensão entre os âmbitos individual e coletivo.

Abstract This article seeks to reflect on the perspective of bioethics of protection and explain its tools, by using a bibliographic survey based on the theorical marks of its main idealizers and the informative reading technique, which seeks to identify the thematic and the main ideas involved. To that end, we first present protection as a bioethical principle by going deeper into the origin, to the definition and the analysis of the terms "vulnerability", "susceptibility" and "injury". Then, we seek to present the bioethical approaches regarding the "principle of protection". Finally, we argue that bioethics of protection works as a paradigm for the apprehension, analysis, and resolution of moral conflicts in public health, revealing itself a fundamental approach in this field, considering its challenge is facing the tension between the individual and the collective spheres.

Resumen Este artículo pretende fomentar la reflexión sobre la perspectiva de la bioética de protección y explicar sus herramientas a partir de una recopilación bibliográfica realizada en los marcos teóricos de sus principales creadores y la técnica de lectura informativa, con el objetivo de identificar la temática y las ideas principales involucradas. Para ello, primero se presenta la protección como un principio bioético a través de un estudio en profundidad del origen, definición y análisis de los términos "vulnerabilidad", "susceptibilidad" y "vulneración". Después, se exponen los enfoques bioéticos relativos al "principio de protección". Y, por último, se argumenta que la bioética de protección funciona como paradigma para aprehender, analizar y resolver los conflictos morales en salud pública, demostrando ser un abordaje fundamental en este campo teniendo en cuenta su desafío de lidiar con la tensión entre lo individual y lo colectivo.

Bioética , Discusiones Bioéticas , Atención a la Salud , Vulnerabilidad Social
Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 75: 103380, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35242326


End-of-life care is an increasingly relevant topic due to advances in biomedical research and the establishment of new disciplines in evidence-based medicine and bioethics. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are two terms widely discussed in medicine, which cause displeasure on many occasions and cause relief on others. The evolution of these terms and the events associated with their study have allowed the evaluation of cases that have established useful definitions for the legal regulation of palliative care and public policies in the different health systems. However, there are still many aspects to be elucidated and defined. Based on the above, this review aimed to compile relevant historical aspects on the evolution of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which will allow understanding the use and research of these terms.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(1): 36-44, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376498


Resumo Considerando que comunicar a morte de paciente a familiares é tarefa difícil para profissionais de saúde, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar na literatura recomendações para reduzir os malefícios dessa situação. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo realizado por meio de revisão bibliográfica nas bases de dados do Portal Capes com a utilização dos termos "morte" e "comunicação". Os resultados, obtidos em 18 artigos selecionados, foram divididos em três categorias: formação profissional, preparo familiar e prática profissional. Quanto à formação profissional, indicou-se, sobretudo, treinamento por role playing precedido de fundamentação teórica; para o preparo dos familiares, recomendou-se promover diálogo enquanto o paciente vive; em relação à prática profissional, aconselhou-se compartilhar informações entre colegas e adotar medidas para controle emocional. Constatou-se que práticas simuladas, troca de informações entre profissionais, controle emocional dos profissionais e diálogo com e entre familiares contribuem para reduzir o malefício da comunicação de morte.

Abstract Considering that informing family members of a patient's death is an arduous task for health professionals, the objective of this research was to identify in the literature recommendations to reduce the distress caused by this situation. This is a qualitative study carried out by means of a literature review on the Capes Portal database using the terms "death" and "communication." The results, obtained from 18 selected articles, were divided into three categories: professional training, family preparation, and professional practice. Regarding professional training, it was indicated, above all, training by role playing preceded by theoretical foundations; for family members' preparation, the recommendation was to engage in dialogue while the patient is alive; in relation to professional practice, the advice given was information sharing between colleagues and adoption of measures for emotional control. It was found that simulated practices, information sharing between professionals, emotional control of professionals and dialogue with and between family members contribute to reducing the distress when communicating death.

Resumen Teniendo en cuenta que comunicar la muerte de un paciente a familiares es tarea difícil para los profesionales de la salud, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar en la literatura recomendaciones para reducir los daños de esa situación. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo realizado por medio de revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos del portal Capes con la utilización de los Términos "muerte" y "comunicación". Los resultados, obtenidos a partir de 18 artículos seleccionados, fueron divididos en tres categorías: formación profesional, preparación familiar y práctica profesional. En cuanto a la formación profesional, se indicó, sobre todo, entrenamiento por role playing precedido de fundamentación teórica; para la preparación de los familiares, se recomendó promover el diálogo mientras el paciente vive; en relación con la práctica profesional, se aconsejó compartir informaciones entre compañeros y adoptar medidas de control emocional. Se comprobó que prácticas simuladas, intercambio de informaciones entre profesionales, control emocional de los profesionales y diálogo con y entre familiares contribuyen a reducir el daño de la comunicación de muerte.

Pacientes , Práctica Profesional , Bioética , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Familia , Personal de Salud , Muerte , Capacitación Profesional , Muerte Parental
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(3): 391-396, mar. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409814


BACKGROUND: Clinical Ethics Committees are deliberative groups whose main functions are to assess cases with ethical-clinical conflicts, to generate institutional protocols for preventive purposes, and to train health teams. Aim: To analyze the activity of a clinical ethics committee of a general hospital in the period 2007-2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all session records, annual reports, case resolution and documents generated by the Clinical Ethics Committee of Carlos van Buren Hospital in Valparaíso, Chile, between 2007 and 2020, was carried out. Results: On average, 12 cases are analyzed per year. Sixty percent correspond to requests from pediatric units and in 78% of these cases there was at least one neurological disease. In 62% of cases, the main ethical dilemma was adequacy of therapeutic effort, followed by dilemmas related to the exercise of autonomy in 18.2%. In education, two courses are identified aimed to doctors, residents, and other members of the health team. Regarding normative functions, several documents were generated at the request of the Hospital management or in different clinical situations. During COVID-19 pandemia, the active role of the committee was linked to the three main functions, namely evaluating cases, participating in morbidity and mortality meetings for preventive purposes, and issuing guidelines and recommendations for action. The active participation of Pediatric Neurology residents in the Committee, for educational and administrative purposes, stands out. CONCLUSIONS: The three main functions described for the ethics committees were exerted by this Committee during the evaluated period. The impact of our recommendations remain to be objectively evaluated.

Humanos , Niño , Comités de Ética Clínica , COVID-19 , Estudios Retrospectivos , Comités de Ética , Hospitales Generales
Pers. bioet ; 25(2): e2529, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386797


Resumen El sistema CRISPR-Cas9 es una tecnología de edición genética que, además de ampliar las posibilidades en investigación científica, despierta reflexiones asociadas a la dignidad humana, el control biológico, la terapia y la mejora genética. Se revisaron las discusiones bioéticas asociadas a los desafíos y las repercusiones que suscita su aplicación. Como resultado, los cuestionamientos bioéticos tienden a problematizar la aplicación en organismos no humanos, en la investigación básica y en la línea somática y germinal humana. Para concluir, falta incrementar los niveles de seguridad y efectividad para que los beneficios superen los riesgos y, de esta forma, sea posible disminuir las preocupaciones bioéticas y aumentar la credibilidad en el uso de la técnica.

Abstract The CRISPR-Cas9 system is a genetic editing technology that, in addition to expanding the possibilities for scientific research, promotes reflections associated with human dignity, biological control, therapy, and genetic improvement. Bioethical discussions on the challenges and repercussions of the CRISPR-Cas9 system are reviewed. As a result, bioethical questions tend to problematize the application to non-human organisms, primary research, and the human somatic and germline. In brief, it is necessary to increase the levels of safety and effectiveness so that the benefits outweigh the risks, while reducing bioethical concerns and increasing the credibility of the technique.

Resumo O sistema CRISPR-Cas9 é uma tecnologia de edição de genes que, além de ampliar as possibilidades em pesquisa científica, desperta reflexões associadas com a dignidade humana, o controle biológico, a terapia e o aperfeiçoamento genético. Foram revisadas as discussões bioéticas relacionadas aos desafios e às repercussões que sua aplicação suscita. Como resultado, os questionamentos bioéticos tendem a problematizar a aplicação em organismos não humanos, na pesquisa básica e na linhagem somática e germinativa humana. Para concluir, falta aumentar os níveis de segurança e efetividade para que os benefícios sejam maiores do que os riscos, e assim, seja possível diminuir as preocupações bioéticas e aumentar a credibilidade no uso da técnica.

Seguridad , Efectividad , Medición de Riesgo , Discusiones Bioéticas , Repeticiones Palindrómicas Cortas Agrupadas y Regularmente Espaciadas , Edición Génica
Syst Biol Reprod Med ; 67(1): 3-23, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33719829


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a worldwide health emergency that has impacted 188 countries at last count. The rapid community transmission and relatively high mortality rates with COVID-19 in modern times are relatively unique features of this flu pandemic and have resulted in an unparalleled global health crisis. SARS-CoV-2, being a respiratory virus, mainly affects the lungs, but is capable of infecting other vital organs, such as brain, heart and kidney. Emerging evidence suggests that the virus also targets male and female reproductive organs that express its main receptor ACE2, although it is as yet unclear if this has any implications for human fertility. Furthermore, professional bodies have recommended discontinuing fertility services during the pandemic such that reproductive services have also been affected. Although increased safety measures have helped to mitigate the propagation of COVID-19 in a number of countries, it seems that there is no predictable timeline to containment of the virus, a goal likely to remain elusive until an effective vaccine becomes available  and widely distributed across the globe. In parallel, research on reproduction has been postponed for obvious reasons, while diagnostic tests that detect the virus or antibodies against it are of vital importance to support public health policies, such as social distancing and our obligation to wear masks in public spaces. This review aims to provide an overview of critical research and ethics issues that have been continuously emerging in the field of reproductive medicine as the COVID-19 pandemic tragically unfolds.Abbreviations: ACE2: angiotensin- converting enzyme 2; ART: Assisted reproductive technology; ASRM: American Society for Reproductive Medicine; CCR9: C-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 9; CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019; Ct: Cycle threshold; CXCR6: C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 6; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ESHRE: European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology; ET: Embryo transfer; FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone; FFPE: formalin fixed paraffin embedded; FYCO1: FYVE And Coiled-Coil Domain Autophagy Adaptor 1; IFFS: International Federation of Fertility Societies; IUI: Intrauterine insemination; IVF: In vitro fertilization; LH: Luteinizing Hormone; LZTFL1: Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor Like 1; MAR: medically assisted reproduction services; MERS: Middle East Respiratory syndrome; NGS: Next Generation Sequencing; ORF: Open Reading Frame; PPE: personal protective equipment; RE: RNA Element; REDa: RNA Element Discovery algorithm; RT-PCR: Reverse=trascriptase transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome; SARS-CoV-2: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; SLC6A20: Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 20; SMS: Single Molecule Sequencing; T: Testosterone; TMPRSS2: transmembrane serine protease 2; WHO: World Health Organization; XCR1: X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor.

COVID-19 , Fertilidad , Interacciones Huésped-Patógeno , Reproducción , SARS-CoV-2/fisiología , Animales , Investigación Biomédica , Prueba de COVID-19 , Genitales/virología , Humanos , Medicina Reproductiva/ética , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas , Espermatogénesis
Texto & contexto enferm ; 30: e20200535, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1290307


ABSTRACT Objective: the aim of this article is to discuss the implications of the connection between safety and bioethical issues for evidence-based care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: reflective analysis with the guiding question: "How can professional and patient safety be linked to bioethical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic?" Results: the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged countries around the world, mainly due to the collapse of the health system that could threaten the safety of patients and healthcare providers. Connecting worker safety to patient safety is imperative for safe care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aspects related to professional qualification and the provision and proper use of personal protective equipment permeate an environment of economic and political crisis that accentuates tensions and can interfere in decision-making, greatly affecting the results of the care provided. This article presents reflections and recommendations to support healthcare providers in making decisions that involve bioethical issues during the care process in times of scarce resources generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

RESUMEN Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es discutir las implicaciones de la conexión entre la seguridad y las cuestiones bioéticas para el cuidado basado en evidencias, durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Método: análisis reflexivo con la pregunta orientadora: "¿Cómo la seguridad del profesional y del paciente puede vincularse a cuestiones bioéticas, durante la pandemia del COVID-19?" Resultados: la pandemia del COVID-19 desafió a los países, alrededor del mundo, principalmente debido al colapso del sistema de salud, lo que podría amenazar la seguridad de pacientes y profesionales de la salud. Conectar la seguridad del profesional a la seguridad del paciente es un imperativo para una atención segura durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Aspectos relacionados a la calificación profesional, al suministro y al uso adecuado de los Equipamientos de Protección Individual, permean un ambiente de crisis económica y política que agudiza tensiones y puede interferir en la toma de decisiones, afectando especialmente los resultados de la asistencia prestada. Este artículo presenta reflexiones y recomendaciones para apoyar a los profesionales de la salud en la toma de decisiones, en que participan cuestiones bioéticas durante el proceso de cuidar en tiempos de recursos escasos generados por la pandemia del COVID-19.

RESUMO Objetivo: o objetivo deste artigo é discutir as implicações da conexão entre a segurança e as questões bioéticas para o cuidado baseado em evidências durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método: análise reflexiva com a questão norteadora: "como a segurança do profissional e do paciente pode vincular-se às questões bioéticas durante a pandemia da COVID-19?" Resultados: a pandemia da COVID-19 desafiou países ao redor do mundo, principalmente devido ao colapso do sistema de saúde que poderia ameaçar a segurança de pacientes e profissionais de saúde. Conectar a segurança do profissional à segurança do paciente é um imperativo para um atendimento seguro durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Aspectos relacionados à qualificação profissional e ao fornecimento e uso adequado dos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual permeiam um ambiente de crise econômica e política que acentua tensões e pode interferir na tomada de decisões, afetando sobremaneira os resultados da assistência prestada. Este artigo apresenta reflexões e recomendações para apoiar os profissionais de saúde na tomada de decisões que envolvam questões bioéticas durante o processo de cuidar em tempos de recursos escassos gerados pela pandemia da COVID-19.

Humanos , Adulto , Salud Laboral , Administración de la Seguridad , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Discusiones Bioéticas , Pandemias , Seguridad del Paciente
Pers. bioet ; 24(2): 177-187, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340332


Resumen La limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico (LET) es toda acción que implique suspender o no iniciar tratamientos o medidas terapéuticas en pacientes que no se beneficiarán clínicamente. En Latinoamérica, las investigaciones realizadas dejan en evidencia la falta de familiarización y discordancia que hay alrededor del tema y sus prácticas. El presente estudio buscó objetivizar el conocimiento en LET del personal de salud de una institución de Medellín, a partir de una encuesta autoaplicada que permitió el desarrollo de un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico. Dentro de los resultados se encontró que el 56,5 % de los encuestados refirió conocer el concepto, y el 90 % manifestó aplicarlo. Sin embargo, había discordancias dentro de los conceptos clave de la definición y el ejercicio.

Abstract Limitation of therapeutic effort (LTE) is any action that involves suspending or not initiating medical treatment or therapeutic measures in patients who will not receive any clinical benefit. In Latin America, some research has proven a lack of familiarization and disagreement with the subject and its practices. The present study tried to objectify the knowledge of LTE of healthcare personnel at an institute in Medellín using a self-administered survey that allowed conducting a cross-sectional descriptive study with non-probabilistic sampling. Within the results, 56.5 % of respondents understood the concept of LTE, and 90 % applied it actively. However, there were discrepancies regarding the core concepts of the definition and practice.

Resumo A limitação de esforço terapêutico (LET) é toda ação que implique suspender ou não iniciar tratamentos ou medidas terapêuticas em pacientes que não se beneficiarão clinicamente. Na América Latina, as pesquisas realizadas evidenciam a falta de familiarização e a discordância que há ao redor do tema e suas práticas. O presente estudo procurou objetivar o conhecimento em LET da equipe de saúde de uma instituição de Medellín, utilizando um questionário auto aplicado que permitiu o desenvolvimento de um estudo descritivo de tipo transversal, com amostragem não probabilística. Dentro dos resultados constatou-se que 56,5 % dos pesquisados disseram conhecer o conceito, e 90 % manifestaram aplicá-lo. No entanto, havia discordâncias dentro dos conceitos chave da definição e da prática.

Autonomía Personal , Discusiones Bioéticas , Ética Médica , Oncología Médica
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(6): e4562, nov.-dic. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156273


RESUMEN Introducción: la aparición de crisis globales, generan nuevas encrucijadas éticas en la atención en salud. La escasez de recursos suscita interrogantes como la asignación de la última cama. Esta situación conlleva profundos conflictos éticos en su resolución. Objetivo: argumentar la existencia de una falacia dentro del concepto del dilema de la última cama. Desarrollo: los principios bioéticos básicos deben prevalecer en todo momento, aun frente a situaciones de crisis que requieren soluciones rápidas y eficaces. El rol de selección de pacientes es crucial, pero es también el momento en el que los grandes dilemas éticos encuentran su mayor expresión. Un sistema de reserva basado en la categorización en la que todos los pacientes, acorde a su condición clínica, sean consideren elegibles, parece ser la opción más acertada. El dilema de la última cama, es una falacia, porque tal como está formulado carece de solución admisible bajo el prisma de la ética, pues con una visión centrada en la persona no debería existir tal dicotomoía. Conclusiones: si se elude un sistema utilitarista que obliga al médico a elegir, y se pone en práctica un modelo personalista, el dilema puede desaparecer.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the appearance of global crises generates new ethical crossroads in health care. The scarcity of resources raises questions, such as the allocation of the last bed. This situation involves deep ethical conflicts in its resolution. Objective: to argue the existence of a fallacy, within the concept of the dilemma of the last bed. Development: basic bioethical principles must prevail at all times, even in crisis situations, which require quick and effective solutions. The role of patient selection is crucial, but it is also the moment in which the great ethical dilemmas find their greatest expression. A reservation system based on categorization, in which all patients according to their clinical condition are considered eligible, seems to be the most appropriate option. The dilemma of the last bed is a fallacy, because as it is formulated, it lacks an admissible solution under the prism of ethics, under a person-centered vision, there should be no such dilemma. Conclusions: if a utilitarian system is avoided, which forces the doctor to choose, putting into practice a personalistic model, the dilemma as such must not exist.

MedEdPORTAL ; 16: 11022, 2020 11 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33241117


Introduction: Health care professionals who identify as members of underrepresented and racial minority groups may experience bias from patients and patient families. These occurrences disrupt the educational and therapeutic environments, distress the targeted individuals and allies, and create potential legal liability. Yet there are few educational opportunities for individuals to brainstorm and implement strategies for responding professionally during such instances. Methods: Presented first as a grand rounds, then an invited workshop, and finally an invited series, this educational activity was developed in a stepwise manner over the course of a year. Each format was sequentially modified based on feedback from participants-more than 200 physicians and other health care professionals-using evaluation forms that were voluntary and anonymous. The educational activity used an adaptation of forum theater, in which participants role-played an instance of oppression with a goal of altering the ultimate outcome. This approach provided participants with the opportunity to develop and rehearse responses to workplace bias in a way that preserved the provider-patient relationship. Results: Feedback for these educational sessions was overwhelmingly positive. Participants noted the importance of acknowledging and addressing bias in the workplace and encouraged facilitators to expand the sessions in length, frequency, and scope. Discussion: Forum theater is a methodology that can be employed in health care to teach appropriate and authentic responses to expressed patient bias while maintaining the therapeutic relationship. The positive reception from participants in our preliminary sessions established a strong foundation for future improvements to this work.

Personal de Salud , Rondas de Enseñanza , Sesgo , Personal de Salud/educación , Humanos
Turk J Biol ; 44(2): 110-120, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32256147


Genome editing technologies have led to fundamental changes in genetic science. Among them, CRISPR-Cas9 technology particularly stands out due to its advantages such as easy handling, high accuracy, and low cost. It has made a quick introduction in fields related to humans, animals, and the environment, while raising difficult questions, applications, concerns, and bioethical issues to be discussed. Most concerns stem from the use of CRISPR-Cas9 to genetically alter human germline cells and embryos (called germline genome editing). Germline genome editing leads to serial bioethical issues, such as the occurrence of undesirable changes in the genome, from whom and how informed consent is obtained, and the breeding of the human species (eugenics). However, the bioethical issues that CRISPR-Cas9 technology could cause in the environment, agriculture and livestock should also not be forgotten. In order for CRISPR-Cas9 to be used safely in all areas and to solve potential issues, worldwide legislation should be prepared, taking into account the opinions of both life and social scientists, policy makers, and all other stakeholders of the sectors, and CRISPR-Cas9 applications should be implemented according to such legislations. However, these controls should not restrict scientific freedom. Here, various applications of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, especially in medicine and agriculture, are described and ethical issues related to genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology are discussed. The social and bioethical concerns in relation to human beings, other organisms, and the environment are addressed.

Wiad Lek ; 73(1): 188-190, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32124832


In Ukraine, about 3 million people work in hazardous and dangerous conditions. The study of hereditary specificity in development of occupational diseases is being actively conducted through molecular genetic analysis of single-nucleotide gene polymorphisms. While studying single-nucleotide gene polymorphisms of occupational diseases, many complicated bioethical questions arise regarding the confidentiality of personal data, the choice between the profession chosen and the risk to one's own health. Complicated bioethical issues that arise when studying single-nucleotide gene polymorphisms of occupational diseases need to be actively discussed, not only by physicians, occupational pathologists, employers, scientists, but also by politicians and lawyers, taking into account ethical and social norms and implications.

Discusiones Bioéticas , Enfermedades Profesionales , Humanos , Nucleótidos , Polimorfismo Genético , Ucrania
J Relig Health ; 59(1): 399-415, 2020 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31768823


The descriptive study was conducted to investigate the knowledge, opinions, behaviors of senior nursing students regarding euthanasia and factors in Islam influencing these. Almost all students (97.7%) knew about euthanasia. Their knowledge, opinions and behaviors were affected by their beliefs about death, religious beliefs and the idea of being subject to euthanasia themselves. Religion influenced whether they wanted euthanasia to be legalized or would carry it out secretly. Students who would be willing for their relatives to undergo euthanasia would not want to participate in this. Knowledge about the concept of euthanasia should be increased and the subject further investigated in many dimensions.

Actitud del Personal de Salud/etnología , Eutanasia , Islamismo , Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología , Adulto , Actitud , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Turquía