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Gastroenterol Hepatol ; : 502237, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39168280


Science barely exists until it is published. It is only then that the information surpasses the limits of the author and can be shared by the scientific community. Although scientific articles must follow a rigidly defined structure, there is still room to tell a fascinating story, one that clearly conveys the science and is, at the same time, enjoyable for the reader. To do this, we must use the attributes that characterize good scientific style, with simple, clear, precise, direct, rigorous, and consistent language. Authorship implies authenticity and authority, and considering a researcher as an author entails rights and responsibilities. Scientific writing is not easy, it requires patience and practice; learning to write well is a lifelong task. With the philosophy that most of the qualities required to proficiently write a scientific article depend on attitude, and can be learned and improved upon, in this manuscript we will share with the reader a series of recommendations (based on our own experiences, both positive and negative), which we consider important for writing and successfully publishing. We will focus on the so-called «original¼ articles (as opposed to review articles, although many of the recommendations presented are applicable to both). Our main purpose is to encourage researchers to take the necessary step and face the challenge of becoming authors of their own scientific articles and successfully publishing their research.

Gac Sanit ; 38: 102402, 2024 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38820982


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the gender of the authors who publish articles of health economic evaluations in medicine and healthcare journals. METHOD: We evaluated a random sample of economic evaluations indexed in MEDLINE during 2019. Gender of the first, last and corresponding author was determined by review of the author's first name. Data were summarized as frequency and percentage for categorical items and median and interquartile range (IQR) for continuous items. We also calculated the index of authors per paper. RESULTS: We included 200 studies with 1365 authors (median of 6 authors per paper; IQR: 4-9). Gender identification was possible for all authors in the study sample: 802 (59%) were men and 563 (41%) were women. The number of female first, last, and corresponding authors respectively were 78 (39%), 68 (34%), and 80 (40%) for health economic evaluations. DISCUSSION: Female scientists were underrepresented as co-authors and in prominent authorship positions in health economic evaluations. This study serves as a call to action for the scientific community to actively work towards equity and inclusion.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550998


Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudiantes interesados en estudios bibliométricos, lo que se traduce en la publicación de los mismos en revistas científicas de pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica bibliométrica publicada en revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas de 2021 a 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y bibliométrico sobre los artículos de bibliometría publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, entre enero de 2021 y agosto de 2023. El universo se conformó por 594 artículos y la muestra por 23. El procesamiento estadístico implicó la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. Se calcularon los índices de Price, de colaboración y de productividad. Resultados: La revista con mayor número de artículos sobre bibliometría publicados fue Universidad Médica Pinareña, con 6,84 %; el 53,57 % de los autores pertenecieron al sexo masculino, y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río fue el centro de procedencia de nueve autores, para un 17,65 %. Las investigaciones con cinco autores fueron las de mayor prevalencia, y el grado de productividad respecto al tema fue bajo, para un 67,86 %. Conclusiones: Existe una baja frecuencia de publicación de artículos bibliométricos en las revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, concentrándose en Universidad Médica Pinareña y 16 de Abril, mientras se muestra un elevado índice de publicaciones por autores masculinos. La autoría múltiple fue la que predominó.

Introduction: More and more students are interested in bibliometric studies which translate into their publication in undergraduate scientific journals. Objective: To characterize the bibliometric scientific production published in Cuban student health sciences journals from 2021 to 2023. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric research was carried out on bibliometric articles published in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, between January 2021 and August 2023. The universe was made up of 594 articles and the sample of 23. Statistical processing involved absolute and percentage frequency. Price, collaboration and productivity indices were calculated. Results: The journal with the highest number of articles on bibliometric published was Universidad Médica Pinareña with 6.84%; 53.57% of the authors belonged to the male sex and the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio was the center of origin of nine authors, for 17.65%. Research with five authors was the most prevalent and the degree of productivity regarding the topic was low, at 67.86%. Conclusions: There is a low frequency of publications of bibliometric articles in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, concentrating on the Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril, while showing a high rate of publications by male authors. Multiple authorship predominated.

Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 92-114, 28 dic. 2023. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553324


La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) constituye una problemática sanitaria de alto impacto biomédico y psicosocial; afecta la calidad de vida (CV) de pacientes y cuidadores formales e informales. Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de caracterizar las publicaciones científicas sobre CV en pacientes con ERC. Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico, de tipo descriptivo (frecuencias, medias y porcientos). La muestra estuvo constituida por 79 artículos de revistas de SciELO, entre 2002-2022. Criterios de búsqueda: "calidad de vida", "enfermedad renal crónica", "insuficiencia renal crónica" y "hemodiálisis" (operadores booleanos: AND y OR). Se extrajo la siguiente información: publicaciones (revista, país que publica, fecha y citas), autoría (productividad, país e institución, género, coautorías), método (metodología, instrumento, muestra). Los datos se procesaron en EXCEL (Microsoft-Office 16). Se obtuvo que el 92,4% de los artículos se publican en revistas de Brasil, España y Cuba; la revista "Enfermería Nefrológica y Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia" es la que presenta mayor número de publicaciones. El año con menos publicaciones fue 2004 y el más productivo fue 2011. Se contabilizan 355 autores con 402 autorías, el autor más productivo tiene cinco autorías. De ellos, el 74% es del género femenino. Los autores de Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y España publican el 86,08% de los artículos. El 93,67% de las investigaciones son cuantitativas; los instrumentos más usados son: Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (36,7%) y Short Form Health Survey SF-36 (21,51%). Se concluye que la mayoría de los artículos pertenecen a autores, revistas e instituciones de Brasil, España, Cuba y Colombia. Se cumplieron las leyes de Bradford y Lotka; no se cumplió la ley de Price.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitutes a health problem with high biomedical and psychosocial impact; affects the quality of life (QoL) of patients and formal and informal caregivers. This study had the objective of characterizing the scientific publications on QoL in patients with CKD. A descriptive bibliometric study was carried out (frequencies, means and percentages); The sample was conformed by 79 articles from SciELO journals, between 2002-2022. Search criteria: "quality of life", "chronic kidney disease", "chronic kidney failure" and "hemodialysis" (Boolean operators: AND and OR). The data extracted from the publications were: publications (journal, publishing country, date and citations), authorship (productivity, country and institution, gender, co-authorships), method (methodology, instrument, sample). The data were processed in EXCEL (Microsoft-Office 16). It was found that 92.4% of the articles are published in magazines from Brazil, Spain and Cuba; the journal"Enfermería Nefrológica and Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia" presented the highest number of publications. The year with the fewest publications was 2004 and the most productive was 2011. There are 355 authors with 402 authorships, the most productive author has five authorships. Of them, 74% are female. Authors from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba and Spain publish 86.08% of the articles. 93.67% of the research is quantitative. The most used instruments are: Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (36.7%) and Short Form Health Survey SF-36 (21.51%). It is concluded that most of the articles belong to authors, magazines and institutions from Brazil, Spain, Cuba and Colombia. The laws of Bradford and Lotka were fulfilled; Price's law was not fulfilled.

Colomb. med ; 54(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534290


This statement revises our earlier "WAME Recommendations on ChatGPT and Chatbots in Relation to Scholarly Publications" (January 20, 2023). The revision reflects the proliferation of chatbots and their expanding use in scholarly publishing over the last few months, as well as emerging concerns regarding lack of authenticity of content when using chatbots. These recommendations are intended to inform editors and help them develop policies for the use of chatbots in papers published in their journals. They aim to help authors and reviewers understand how best to attribute the use of chatbots in their work and to address the need for all journal editors to have access to manuscript screening tools. In this rapidly evolving field, we will continue to modify these recommendations as the software and its applications develop.

Esta declaración revisa las anteriores "Recomendaciones de WAME sobre ChatGPT y Chatbots en Relation to Scholarly Publications" (20 de enero de 2023). La revisión refleja la proliferación de chatbots y su creciente uso en las publicaciones académicas en los últimos meses, así como la preocupación por la falta de autenticidad de los contenidos cuando se utilizan chatbots. Estas recomendaciones pretenden informar a los editores y ayudarles a desarrollar políticas para el uso de chatbots en los artículos sometidos en sus revistas. Su objetivo es ayudar a autores y revisores a entender cuál es la mejor manera de atribuir el uso de chatbots en su trabajo y a la necesidad de que todos los editores de revistas tengan acceso a herramientas de selección de manuscritos. En este campo en rápida evolución, seguiremos modificando estas recomendaciones a medida que se desarrollen el software y sus aplicaciones.

Neurocirugía (Soc. Luso-Esp. Neurocir.) ; 34(4): 194-202, jul.- ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-223511


Introducción La evaluación de la producción científica bibliográfica es un tema complejo que fundamentalmente se basa en el factor de impacto (FI) de la revista en la que se publica y en el índice h, que cuantifica las citas que recibe el autor. Para estimar la producción bibliográfica y el grado e impacto de la coautoría en los artículos científicos publicados por neurocirujanos españoles, se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed de todos los artículos publicados por una muestra de neurocirujanos. Material y métodos Estudio observacional y transversal de ámbito regional. Se identificó una muestra de 183 autores neurocirujanos de las Comunidades de Madrid y de Castilla y León. La información bibliométrica se obtuvo durante el mes de marzo de 2022 de la base de datos PubMed de acceso libre en internet. Para cada autor se registraron el tipo de revista, el número total de artículos publicados, el orden de autoría, el FI total de sus publicaciones, el porcentaje de trabajos firmados como primer o segundo autor (cociente de autoría personal [CAP]) y el porcentaje del FI achacable a dichos trabajos (cociente de impacto personal [CIP]). Resultados Los 183 autores publicaron un total de 3.592 artículos en 412 revistas diferentes, de las cuales solo el 9,9% eran revistas puramente neuroquirúrgicas. Únicamente 17 autores publicaron algún trabajo en solitario (9,3%) (AU)

Introduction Assessment of scientific bibliographic production is a complex issue, mainly based on the impact factor (IF) of the journals and the h index, that quantifies the number of cites an author receives. In order to estimate the bibliographic production and the influence of co-authorship among Spanish neurosurgeons, we performed a PubMed search aimed to identify all papers published by a sample of neurosurgeons. Material and methods Cross-sectional observational and regional study. We identified a sample of 183 neurosurgeons from Madrid and Castilla y León Autonomous Communities. The bibliometric information was gathered in March 2022 via PubMed free access website. For each author we registered the type of journal, total number of articles, order of appearance in the authors’ list, total IF, the proportion of articles signed as first or second author (personal authorship quotient [PAQ]) and the percentage of IF attributable to those articles (personal impact quotient [PIQ]). Results A total of 3592 articles from 183 authors were published in 412 different journals, of which only 9.9% were pure neurosurgical journals. Only 17 neurosurgeons (9.3%) had published at least one article as unique author. The average number of articles per neurosurgeon was 20 (median 9) of which 57.7% were published in neurosurgical journals, and 22.2% in Neurocirugía (official publication of the SENEC) (AU)

Humanos , Neurocirugia , Autoria , Estudios Transversales , Bibliometría
MedUNAB ; 26(1): 9-11, 20230731.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525482


A key global health objective is to promote the advancement of scientific production in disciplines with low publication volume, as opposed to specialties addressing pathologies that represent the greatest global disease burden (1). Dermatology is one such discipline, which has experienced substantial growth in research on immunopathogenic, pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects (2-4). The extent to which Latin American authors and institutions have been involved in publishing scientific articles in the dermatology journals with highest impact worldwide remains unknown.

Un objetivo clave de salud mundial es promover el avance de la producción científica en disciplinas con bajo volumen de publicación, a diferencia de especialidades que abordan las patologías que representan la mayor carga de enfermedad a nivel mundial (1). La Dermatología es una de esas disciplinas que ha experimentado un crecimiento sustancial en investigación en aspectos inmunopatogénicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos (2-4). El alcance en el cual los autores e instituciones latinoamericanas han participado en la publicación de artículos científicos en revistas de dermatología con mayor impacto mundial permanece incierto.

Um objetivo fundamental da saúde global é promover o avanço da produção científica em disciplinas com baixo volume de publicações, em oposição às especialidades que abordam patologias que representam a maior carga de doenças em todo o mundo (1). A Dermatologia é uma das disciplinas que tem experimentado um crescimento substancial nas pesquisas em aspectos imunopatogênicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos (2-4). A extensão da participação de autores e instituições latino-americanas na publicação de artigos científicos em revistas de dermatologia de maior impacto global permanece incerta.

Dermatología , Hispánicos o Latinos , Bibliometría , Autoría en la Publicación Científica , Comunicación Académica
Rev. Rol enferm ; 46(5): 298-302, may. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-220389


La evaluación de la actividad de los investigadores, de sus publicaciones y de las revistas donde se publican dichos trabajos, es un proceso continuo y necesario para poder valorar la calidad y el impacto de los mismos. Estas revistas están indexadas en diferentes bases de datos, siendo la Web Of Science una de las más importantes, junto con Scopus, debido a la cantidad de información que tiene recogida y a los rigurosos criterios que deben cumplir las revistas para ser incluidas en ella. Una nueva herramienta de esta base de datos es el Emerging Sources Citation Index, que contiene revistas que o bien están en proceso de evaluación, o bien son revistas que presentan una calidad científica acreditada en su disciplina, pero que nunca llegarán a integrarse en la Web of Science ya que su área de conocimiento es limitada y previsiblemente nunca llegaran a tener un factor de impacto suficientemente alto. El estar incluido en este recurso, como lo está ROL Revista de Enfermería, tiene un gran valor para las revistas y para los autores que publican sus trabajos en ellas ya que supone un mérito valorado en la mayoría de los procesos de evaluación de los investigadores, como por ejemplo en la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA). (AU)

The evaluation of the activity of researchers, their publications and the journals where these works are published, is a continuous and necessary process to assess their quality and impact. These journals are indexed in different databases, being Web Of Science one of the most important, together with Scopus, due to the amount of information it has collected and the rigorous criteria that journals must meet to be included in it. A new tool of this database is the Emerging Sources Citation Index, which contains journals that are either in the process of evaluation, or are journals that have a proven scientific quality in their discipline, but that will never be included in the Web of Science because their area of knowledge is limited and they will probably never have a sufficiently high impact factor. Being included in this resource, as ROL Revista de Enfermería is, has a great value for the journals and for the authors who publish their work in them, since it is a merit valued in most of the evaluation processes of researchers, such as the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). (AU)

Humanos , Factor de Impacto de la Revista , Investigación en Enfermería , Investigación Biomédica , España , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Autoría en la Publicación Científica
Neurocirugia (Astur : Engl Ed) ; 34(4): 194-202, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36456463


INTRODUCTION: Assessment of scientific bibliographic production is a complex issue, mainly based on the impact factor (IF) of the journals and the h index, that quantifies the number of cites an author receives. In order to estimate the bibliographic production and the influence of co-authorship among Spanish neurosurgeons, we performed a PubMed search aimed to identify all papers published by a sample of neurosurgeons. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational and regional study. We identified a sample of 183 neurosurgeons from Madrid and Castilla y León Autonomous Communities. The bibliometric information was gathered in March 2022 via PubMed free access website. For each author we registered the type of journal, total number of articles, order of appearance in the authors' list, total IF, the proportion of articles signed as first or second author (Personal Authorship Quotient [PAQ]) and the percentage of IF attributable to those articles (Personal Impact Quotient [PIQ]). RESULTS: A total of 3,592 articles from 183 authors were published in 412 different journals, of which only 9.9% were pure neurosurgical journals. Only 17 neurosurgeons (9,3%) had published at least one article as unique author. The average number of articles per neurosurgeon was 20 (median 9) of which 57.7% were published in neurosurgical journals, and 22,2% in Neurocirugía (official publication of the SENEC). The average PAQ was 0.367 (median 0.364) and the average PIQ was 0.317 (median 0.251). Both proportions tended to decrease as the number of publications increased. CONCLUSIONS: On average, Spanish neurosurgeons publish half of their articles in neurosurgical journals, appear as first or second author in one third of the cases, and the IF attributable to these papers comprise 25% of the total IF. The PAQ and PIQ provide bibliometric information that minimizes the enlarging effect on curriculum of massive co-authorship and allow comparisons among authors and different scientific fields.

Neurocirugia , Humanos , Autoria , Estudios Transversales , Procedimientos Neuroquirúrgicos , Bibliometría
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31: e3443, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1430052


Resumen Introducción Los beneficios de la autoría múltiple son indudables, pero en ocasiones el número de autores es desproporcionadamente mayor que el contenido intelectual. Objetivo Conocer la autoría media en el ámbito terapia ocupacional y valorar sus posibles determinantes. Método Se incluyeron 19 revistas de la disciplina. Seleccionamos artículos de investigación y revisiones sistemáticas. Resultados Encontramos una media de 3,5 autores, con un aumento de 0,9 (R2=0,86) de 2011 a 2020. El número de autorías múltiples es mayor que de autorías individuales. Los tres posibles determinantes del aumento de la autoría parecen ser: (a) la visibilidad (las revistas open access/charge aumentan el número de autorías en 40,2%); (b) el factor de impacto (las revistas JCR [Journal Citation Report] aumentan en 15,7% frente a los otros); y (c) los cuartiles (las revistas ESCI [Emerging Sources Citation Index] aparecen en el panorama de las publicaciones y las SSCI/SCI [Social Science Citation Index/ Science Citation Index]experimentan su mayor subida de 10.5% en los Q1 [Primero Cuartil]). Conclusión Este estudio aporta por primera vez una información completa y contrastada, donde se muestra la autoría media de los artículos de terapia ocupacional y los determinantes que influyen.

Resumo Introdução Os benefícios da autoria múltipla são indiscutíveis, mas às vezes o número de autores é desproporcionalmente maior que o conteúdo intelectual. Objetivo Conhecer a média de autoria no campo da terapia ocupacional e avaliar seus possíveis determinantes. Método Foram incluídos 19 periódicos da área. Selecionamos artigos de pesquisa e revisões sistemáticas. Resultados Encontramos uma média de 3,5 autores com aumento de 0,9 (R2=0,86) de 2011 a 2020. O número de autorias múltiplas é maior que o de autorias individuais. Os três possíveis determinantes do aumento da autoria parecem ser a: (a) visibilidade (os periódicos de acesso aberto/cobrança aumentam o número de autorias em 40,2%); (b) o fator de impacto (os periódicos JCR [Journal Citation Report] aumentam 15,7% em relação ao demais) e (c) os quartis, //periódicos ESCI [Emerging Sources Citation Index] aparecem no cenário editorial e SSCI/SCI [Social Science Citation Index/ Science Citation Index]experimentam seu maior aumento de 10,5% no primeiro quartil [Q1]). Conclusão Este estudo fornece pela primeira vez informações confiáveis ​​e contrastadas, mostrando a autoria média de artigos de terapia ocupacional e os determinantes que a influenciam.

Abstract Introduction The benefits of multiple authorship are undoubted, but sometimes the number of authors is disproportionately greater than the intellectual content. Objective To know the average authorship in the occupational therapy field and assess its possible determinants. Method 19 journals of the discipline were included. We select research articles and systematic reviews. Results We found an average of 3.5 authors, with an increase of 0.9 (R2=0.86) from 2011 to 2020. The number of multiple authorships is greater than individual authorships. The three possible determinants of the increase in authorship seem to be: (a) visibility (open access/charge journals increase the number of authorships by 40.2%); (b) the impact factor (JCR [Journal Citation Report] journals increase by 15.7% compared to others) and (c) quartiles (ESCI Emerging Sources Citation Index] journals appear in the publishing landscape and SSCI/SCI [Social Science Citation Index/ Science Citation Index]experience their biggest rise of 10.5% in Q1 [First Quartile]). Conclusion This study provides complete and contrasted information for the first time, showing the average authorship of occupational therapy articles and the determinants that influence it.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220107, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441043


ABSTRACT This systematic scoping review aimed to map and characterize the scientific production of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions that align with the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The literature search was conducted using six electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus, and Web of Science), with no restrictions on the year of publication nor language. Through the search strategy, 10,061 records were identified, of which 502 documents and 654 researchers were selected by Food and Nutrition Security specialists along three axes: 1) Policy governance; 2) Access to food; 3) Availability of food. Institutional researchers from Mozambique (66.9%), Guinea-Bissau (15.9%), and Angola (11.4%) presented the most publications and international collaborations. Researchers from Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Equatorial Guinea institutions added only 5.8% of the total production. A greater number of publications (61%) was related to axis two of the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The most studied themes were sustainable development, child malnutrition, and agricultural production for the first, second, and third axis, respectively. In general, scientific publications have shown limitations in their approaches due to the challenge imposed by the complexity of the food system. However, there has been a quantitative evolution in publications in the last decade, with a greater participation of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions.

RESUMO Esta revisão sistemática de escopo teve como objetivo mapear e caracterizar a produção científica de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa que se alinham com a Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. A busca das literaturas foi realizada em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (PubMed, EMBASE, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus e Web of Science), sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação e ao idioma. Por meio da estratégia de busca, foram identificados 10.061 registros, dos quais 502 documentos e 654 pesquisadores foram selecionados por especialistas em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em três eixos: 1) Governança de políticas; 2) Acesso à alimentação; 3) Disponibilidade de alimentos. Pesquisadores de intuições de Moçambique (66,9%), Guiné-Bissau (15,9%) e Angola (11,4%) foram os que apresentaram o maior número de publicações e colaborações internacionais. No entanto, os pesquisadores das instituições de Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné Equatorial somaram apenas 5,8% da produção total. Foi observado maior número de publicações (61%) relacionadas com o eixo dois da Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. As temáticas mais estudadas foram desenvolvimento sustentável, desnutrição infantil e produção agrícola para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro eixo, respectivamente. De forma geral, as publicações científicas mostraram limitações em suas abordagens frente ao desafio imposto pela complexidade do sistema alimentar. Todavia, foi houve uma evolução quantitativa nas publicações na última década; além disso, maior participação de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa pode ser vislumbrada.

Investigadores , Autoría en la Publicación Científica , Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa , Trastornos de la Nutrición del Niño , Producción de Cultivos , Desarrollo Sostenible , Abastecimiento de Alimentos
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-7, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1427807


Objective: Scientific publication in a journal by a member of the editorial committee of the same journal is known as authorial endogamy. To determine the presence of authorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals. Material and Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Eight dental journals from Brazil, Cuba and Chile indexed to Scopus in the period of 2018 - 2021 were analyzed. An evaluation was made of the manuscripts that include a member of the editorial committee as author. The results were expressed in percentages and frequency measurements and for the bivariate analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher's exact test were used (p<0.05). Results: A total of 2026 articles, from which 14.52% (n=256), of authorial endogamy were found. The endogamy articles were mostly original articles 98.05% (n=252), experimental design 39.70% (n=102), advisory council 49.36% (n=153), co-authorship position 58.97% (n=184), with presence of 1 endogamic author per article 82.94% (n=214), the number of days from submission to acceptance were statistically lower in endogamic articles (p=0.003). Conclusion: The presence of editorial endogamy in some dental journals in Latin America was low, this finding is more frequent in original articles, mostly from the advisory board and as co-author. Additionally; it was found that endogamic articles took less days in editorial process. (AU)

Objetivo: A publicação científica em uma revista por um membro do comitê editorial da mesma revista é conhecido como endogamia autoral. Determinar a presença de endogamia autoral em algumas revistas odontológicas na América Latina. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo observacional e descritivo. Oito revistas odontológicas do Brasil, Cuba e Chile, indexadas na Scopus no período entre 2018 - 2021 foram analisadas. Foi realizada uma avaliação dos artigos que incluíam autores membros do comitê editorial. Os resultados foram expressos em porcentagem e medidas de frequência, e para a análise de bivariância foram utilizados o teste de Mann-Whitney U e teste exato de Fisher (p<0,05). Resultados: Foi um total de 2026 artigos, entre os quais 14,52% (n=256) foram detectados endogamia autoral. Os artigos endogâmicos foram, em sua maioria, artigos originais 98,05% (n=252), desenho experimental 39,70% (n=102), conselho consultivo 49,36% (n=153), em posição de co-autoria 58,97% (n=184), com a presença de 1 autor endogâmico por autor 82,94% (n=214), e o número de dias desde a submissão até o aceite foram estatisticamente menores em artigos endogâmicos (p=0,003). Conclusão: A presença de endogamia editorial em algumas revistas odontológicas na América Latina foi baixa, sendo este achado mais frequente em artigos originais, predominantemente em conselho consultivo e como co-autor. Adicionalmente, foi observado que artigos endogâmicos levaram menos dias no processo editorial (AU)

Políticas Editoriales , Ética en la Publicación Científica , Endogamia , América Latina
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444049


The use of Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT), an artificial intelligence tool, for writing scientific articles has been reason for discussion by the academic community ever since its launch in late 2022. This artificial intelligence technology is becoming capable of generating fluent language, and distinguishing between text produced by ChatGPT and that written by people is becoming increasingly difficult. Here, we will present some topics to be discussed: (1) ensuring human verification; (2) establishing accountability rules; (3) avoiding the automatization of scientific production; (4) favoring truly open-source large language models (LLMs); (5) embracing the benefits of artificial intelligence; and (6) broadening the debate. With the emergence of these technologies, it is crucial to regulate, with continuous updates, the development and responsible use of LLMs with integrity, transparency, and honesty in research, along with scientists from various areas of knowledge, technology companies, large research funding bodies, science academies and universities, editors, non-governmental organizations, and law experts

O uso do Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT), ferramenta de inteligência artificial, na redação de artigos científicos, tem sido motivo de discussão pela comunidade acadêmica desde seu lançamento, no fim de 2022. Essa tecnologia de inteligência artificial está ganhando a capacidade de gerar linguagem fluente, sendo cada vez mais difícil distingui-la dos textos escritos por pessoas. Serão apresentados alguns aspectos para serem debatidos: (1) assegurar a verificação humana; (2) desenvolver regras de responsabilidade; (3) evitar a automatização da produção científica; (4) dar preferência a grandes modelos de linguagem verdadeiramente (LLMs) abertos; (5) abraçar os benefícios da IA; e (6) ampliar o debate. Com o surgimento dessas tecnologias, faz-se necessário regulamentar, com atualização contínua, o desenvolvimento e o uso responsável dos LLMs com integridade, transparência e honestidade na pesquisa, com participação de cientistas de diversas disciplinas, empresas de tecnologia, grandes financiadores de pesquisas, academias de ciências e universidades, editores, organizações não governamentais (ONGs) e especialistas jurídicos

Humanos , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto/tendencias , Investigación/tendencias , Inteligencia Artificial/tendencias , Ética en la Publicación Científica , Autoría en la Publicación Científica
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1449930


Introducción: Las revistas científicas estudiantiles en Cuba potencian la investigación científica en el pregrado, su incremento ha planteado la necesidad de utilizar la bibliometría para analizar la producción sobre un área en específico. Objetivo: Describir algunas métricas de los artículos sobre temas relacionados con el programa de la especialidad de anestesiología y reanimación en revistas científicas estudiantiles cubanas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico de diseño observacional, descriptivo en artículos publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles cubanas en el período comprendido de enero de 2018 a diciembre de 2022, en sus números regulares. Se analizaron 11 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Resultados: De los 11 artículos analizados, un 45,45 % fueron publicados en el año 2022, la mayoría en la revista Universidad Médica Pinareña. Predominó la autoría múltiple (63,64 %), la redacción en idioma español (100 %) y la tipología de artículo original (81,82 %). El sexo masculino se destacó en el primer autor (81,82 %) y la procedencia de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (63,64 %). El promedio del índice de Price fue 0,72; la revista Universidad Médica Pinareña reportó el mayor valor. El mayor número de citas en un artículo fue 4. Conclusiones: El estudio muestra que las publicaciones de investigaciones sobre temas relacionados con el programa de la especialidad de Anestesiología y Reanimación en revistas científicas estudiantiles, y otras variables bibliométricas, son favorables.

Introduction: Student scientific journals in Cuba foster undergraduate scientific research; their increase has raised the need to use bibliometrics to analyze the production on a specific area. Objective: To describe some metrics of articles on topics related to the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation specialty program Cuban student scientific journals. Methods: A bibliometric study of observational and descriptive design was carried out on articles published in Cuban student scientific journals in the period from January 2018 to December 2022, in their regular issues. Eleven articles that met the selection criteria were analyzed. Results: Eleven articles were analyzed, 45.45 % of which were published in the year 2022, while most of them were published in Universidad Médica Pinareña journal. Multiple authorship predominated (63.64 %), together with writing in Spanish (100 %) and the original article typology (81.82 %). The first author was mostly male (81.82 %) and the most represented origin was Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (63.64 %). The average Price index was 0.72; Universidad Médica Pinareña journal reported the highest value. The highest number of citations in an article was 4. Conclusions: The publication of topics related to the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation specialty program in Cuban student scientific journals is increasing. The typology preferred by authors is the original article, while there is a tendency towards multiple authorship.

SciELO Preprints; dez. 2022.
Preprint en Español | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-5164


Background: Women authorship in scientific publication is still limited, especially in hierarchical positions. Objective: To analyze the participation of women as authors in Latin American pediatric publications and its variation over 35 years. Methods: All articles from Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria, Jornal de Pediatria, and Revista Chilena de Pediatria from the analyzed years (1985, 1995, 2005, 2015, 2020) were identified, calculating the proportion of women as authors, and as first and last author. For each variable, changes in the studied period were evaluated  (X2 for trend). Results: We evaluated 1860 articles (6039 authors). After a significant increase during the analyzed period , in 2020, 59.1% of the co-authors, 59.7% of the first and 44.4% of the last authors were women. Conclusion: The proportion of women authors in Latin American pediatric journals has increased in 35 years, reaching 59.1%. However, their participation in prestigious areas is still limited.

Introducción: La participación de la mujer en publicación científica es limitada, especialmente en posiciones jerárquicas. Objetivo: Estimar la participación de la mujer en publicaciones pediátricas latinoamericanas y su variación en 35 años. Métodos: Se identificaron todos los artículos de Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría, Jornal de Pediatria y Revista Chilena de Pediatría de los años analizados (1985,1995, 2005, 2015, 2020), calculando la proporción de mujeres autoras, y como primer y último autor. Para cada variable, se evaluaron las modificaciones en el período estudiado (X2 para tendencia). Resultados: Evaluamos 1860 artículos (6039 autores). Luego de un incremento significativo en el período evaluado, en 2020, 59,1 % de los autores, 59,7 % de los primeros autores, y 44,4 % de los últimos eran mujeres. Conclusión: La proporción de mujeres autoras en revistas pediátricas latinoamericanas se incrementó en 35 años, alcanzando 59,1 %, pero su participación en lugares de prestigio es aún limitada.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 119(6): 968-969, dez. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420120
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 119(6): 960-967, dez. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420135


Resumo Fundamento: Apesar da importância das mulheres na pesquisa clínica, não existe uma avaliação da fração de mulheres em posições de autoria nos periódicos de cardiologia da SBC. Objetivos: Avaliar a fração de mulheres autoras na International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences (IJCS) e nos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (ABC Cardiol) nas últimas décadas. Métodos: Realizamos busca dos artigos originais dos ABC Cardiol, entre 2000 e 2019, e da IJCS, entre 2010 e 2019. Foi feito levantamento do número de primeiras e últimas autoras e do total de artigos originais de 2010 a 2019. Calculamos as proporções totais de autorias femininas e comparamos o primeiro quinquênio com o segundo. Para avaliar a evolução temporal das duas décadas, analisamos apenas dados dos ABC Cardiol. Utilizamos o teste Qui-quadrado para analisar as diferenças dentro de cada revista e entre ambas. O software IBM® SPSS® foi utilizado nas análises. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: De 2010 a 2019, foram publicados 1157 artigos originais nos ABC Cardiol e 398 na IJCS. Observamos que as mulheres têm maior predominância como primeiras autoras na IJCS em relação aos ABC Cardiol, mas os homens predominam como últimos autores em ambos. De 2010 a 2019, não houve modificação significativa na proporção de autorias femininas. Ao longo das décadas analisadas para os ABC Cardiol, houve projeção de crescimento linear de autorias femininas, sendo que a inclinação da reta é maior na projeção da primeira autoria que na autoria sênior. Conclusões: Há disparidade de gênero com menor representatividade feminina nas autorias dos artigos dos periódicos cardiológicos brasileiros analisados: Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia e International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. Acreditamos que a partir destes resultados mais esforços devam ser implementados em busca de equidade de gênero na produção científica cardiológica veiculada por estes periódicos.

Abstract Background: Despite the importance of women in clinical research, no assessment has been made of the fraction of women in a leadership positions in the Cardiology journals of the SBC. Objectives: To assess the fraction of female authors in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences (IJCS) and the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (ABC Cardiol) over the last decades. Methods: We searched the original articles of the ABC Cardiol, from 2000 to 2019, and of the IJCS, from 2010 to 2019. We surveyed the number of first and senior female authors and the total number of original articles from 2010 to 2019. We calculated the total proportion of female authorship and compared the first quinquennium with the second. Only data from the ABC Cardiol were analyzed to assess the temporal evolution of the two decades. We used the chi-square test to assess the differences within each journal and between them. The IBM® SPSS® software was used in the analyses. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Results: From 2010 to 2019, 1,157 original articles were published in the ABC Cardiol and 398 in the IJCS. We observed that women are more prevalent as first authors in the IJCS compared to the ABC Cardiol, but men prevail as senior authors in both journals. From 2010 to 2019, there was no significant change in the proportion of female authorship. Throughout the decades analyzed for the ABC Cardiol, there was a projection of linear growth of female authorship, with the slope of the line being greater in the first authorship than in senior authorship. Conclusions: There is gender disparity, with lower female representativeness in authorship in the articles from the Brazilian Cardiology journals analyzed: Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia and International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. We believe that based on these results, more efforts should be implemented in the search for gender equity in the cardiology scientific production published by these journals.

Psicopedagogia ; 39(120): 388-403, set.-dez. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1448987


O presente estudo surgiu da observação, em nossa prática profissional, de que o adulto, para lidar com questões de aprendizagem, por diferentes motivos, pode se beneficiar de atendimento psicopedagógico. Para tanto, o levantamento de fontes, de leitura e análise bibliográfica possibilitou investigarmos as necessidades da fase madura, revisando paradigmas, suas características e peculiaridades. Ao longo do trabalho, ressaltamos o resgate e/ou fortalecimento da autonomia e autoria como personagens de grande valor, sempre tendo como alvo a qualidade de vida. O estudo nos leva, ainda, a pensar no seguinte questionamento proposto por vários autores: temos mais um estágio cognitivo além dos propostos por Piaget? Propomos também a intenção de pensar acerca das diferentes possibilidades do atendimento psicopedagógico, ampliando nosso olhar e nossa escuta.

The present study arose from the observation, in our professional practice, that the adult, to deal with learning issues, for different reasons, can benefit from psychopedagogical care. Therefore, the survey of sources of reading and bibliographic analysis made it possible to investigate the needs of the mature phase, reviewing paradigms, their characteristics and peculiarities. Throughout the work, we emphasize the rescue and/or strengthening of autonomy and authorship as characters of great value, always having as a target the quality of life. The study also leads us to think about the following question proposed by several authors: do we have one more cognitive stage in addition to those proposed by Piaget? We also propose the intention of thinking about the different possibilities of psychopedagogical care, expanding our look and our listening.

Emergencias (Sant Vicenç dels Horts) ; 34(4): 282-286, Ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-205967


Objetivos. Analizar la desigualdad de género en la producción científica de la revista EMERGENCIAS en la última década. Método. Estudio longitudinal retrospectivo que revisó los números publicados entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2020. Se analizaron el número de autores, género, tipo y año de publicación y autoría preferencial (primera autoría, autoría de correspondencia o última autoría). La participación de la mujer se calculó en base a valores porcentuales y se analizó la tendencia existente a lo largo de los años. Resultados. Se recogieron 1.240 artículos con un número total de 5.213 firmantes, 1.889 de ellos (36,2%) mujeres. En 384 (31%) artículos, una mujer asumió la primera autoría, en 352 (28,4%) fue autora para correspondencia y en 358 (28,9%) la última autora. A lo largo de la década, se identificó una tendencia creciente en los que una mujer fue primera autora en los artículos originales o metanálisis (p = 0,047). En los editoriales, revisiones, cartas científicas o comunicaciones breves, cartas al editor y otros no existió una tendencia creciente significativa en las autorías preferenciales. Conclusión. La participación de autoras en la producción científica de la revista EMERGENCIAS ha aumentado en la última década. No obstante, comparado con la de hombres, sigue existiendo una menor participación. (AU)

Objective. To analyze gender disparity in scientific productivity reflected by the authorship of articles in the journal Emergencias over the past decade. Methods. Retrospective longitudinal study. We included articles in all issues published between January 2011 and December 2020, analyzing the number of authors, their gender, article type, year of publication, and preferential authorship credit (first author, corresponding author, and last author positioning). The percentages of women named in each position were calculated, and the trend over time was analyzed. Results. A total of 1240 articles signed by 5213 authors were collected; a woman was named in 1889 of the cases (36.2%). A woman was the first author of 384 articles (31%), the corresponding author of 352 (28.4%), and the last author of 358 (28.9%). The number of female authors of original research articles or meta-analyses tended to increase over time (P = .047), but no statistically significant gender trends were observed in the authorship of editorials, narrative reviews, scientific letters or short communications, letters to the editor, or any other publication category. Conclusions. The publication of articles by women in Emergencias has increased over the past decade. However, women continue to author fewer articles than men. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Publicaciones de Divulgación Científica , Factores Sexuales , Autoría en la Publicación Científica , Urgencias Médicas , Estudios Longitudinales , Estudios Retrospectivos , Sexismo
Emergencias ; 34(4): 282-286, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35833767


OBJECTIVES: To analyze gender disparity in scientific productivity reflected by the authorship of articles in the journal Emergencias over the past decade. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective longitudinal study. We included articles in all issues published between January 2011 and December 2020, analyzing the number of authors, their gender, article type, year of publication, and preferential authorship credit (first author, corresponding author, and last author positioning). The percentages of women named in each position were calculated, and the trend over time was analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 1240 articles signed by 5213 authors were collected; a woman was named in 1889 of the cases (36.2%). A woman was the first author of 384 articles (31%), the corresponding author of 352 (28.4%), and the last author of 358 (28.9%). The number of female authors of original research articles or meta-analyses tended to increase over time (P = .047), but no statistically significant gender trends were observed in the authorship of editorials, narrative reviews, scientific letters or short communications, letters to the editor, or any other publication category. CONCLUSION: The publication of articles by women in Emergencias has increased over the past decade. However, women continue to author fewer articles than men.

OBJETIVO: Analizar la desigualdad de género en la producción científica de la revista EMERGENCIAS en la última década. METODO: Estudio longitudinal retrospectivo que revisó los números publicados entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2020. Se analizaron el número de autores, género, tipo y año de publicación y autoría preferencial (primera autoría, autoría de correspondencia o última autoría). La participación de la mujer se calculó en base a valores porcentuales y se analizó la tendencia existente a lo largo de los años. RESULTADOS: Se recogieron 1.240 artículos con un número total de 5.213 firmantes, 1.889 de ellos (36,2%) mujeres. En 384 (31%) artículos, una mujer asumió la primera autoría, en 352 (28,4%) fue autora para correspondencia y en 358 (28,9%) la última autora. A lo largo de la década, se identificó una tendencia creciente en los que una mujer fue primera autora en los artículos originales o metanálisis (p = 0,047). En los editoriales, revisiones, cartas científicas o comunicaciones breves, cartas al editor y otros no existió una tendencia creciente significativa en las autorías preferenciales. CONCLUSIONES: La participación de autoras en la producción científica de la revista EMERGENCIAS ha aumentado en la última década. No obstante, comparado con la de hombres, sigue existiendo una menor participación.

Autoria , Edición , Eficiencia , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos