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Tempo psicanál ; 55(1): 230-248, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1450574


Ogden (2010a) apresenta-nos uma teoria da clínica em que o sonhar é tomado como função de elaboração inconsciente, sendo a incapacidade do sujeito de "sonhar sua experiência emocional" um indicador de sofrimento psíquico. Tendo essa ideia como referência, assim como a teorização de Bion sobre a função alfa e o pensamento-sonho, falaremos no presente trabalho sobre o comprometimento da capacidade de sonhar e seus ecos para o psiquismo do sujeito. Com a apresentação de um caso clínico traremos ainda uma discussão sobre o mecanismo da identificação projetiva e seu valor de comunicação em análise.

Ogden (2010a) presents us with a theory of the clinic in which dreaming is taken as a function of unconscious elaboration, being the subject's inability to "dream his emotional experience" an indicator of psychological suffering. Taking this idea as a reference, as well as Bion's theorization about the alpha function and dream thoughts, in this work we will approach the compromise of the ability to dream and its echoes to the subject's psyche. We will present a clinical case and we will also discuss the mechanism of projective identification and its value of communication in analytical treatment.

Ogden (2010a) nous présente une théorie de la clinique dans laquelle le rêve est pris en fonction de l'élaboration inconsciente, et l'incapacité du sujet à «rêver son expérience émotionnelle¼ étant un indicateur de la souffrance psychique. Prenant cette idée comme référence, ainsi que la théorisation de Bion sur la fonction alpha et la pensée du rêve, nous parlerons dans le présent travail de l'incapacité de rêver et de ses échos à la psyché du sujet. Avec la présentation d'un cas clinique, nous aborderons également le mécanisme d'identification projective et sa valeur de communication en cours d'analyse.

J Anal Psychol ; 67(4): 919-938, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36165322


From my experience of working with her as the editor of many of her papers, this paper seeks to elucidate the late Alessandra Cavalli's clinical and theoretical approach to analytic work through a study of the editorial process her papers went through on their way to publication. This highlights a consistent theoretical synthesis integrating Klein, Fordham, Bion, Matte-Blanco and Ferrari in an archetypal structure that was firmly rooted in Jung. This synthesis, closely interwoven into Alessandra's clinical work but never fully articulated, was primarily concerned with the impact of trauma on the developing self and how this could be ameliorated through the analytic process, especially through the transformation of raw primitive affect into representational form via the containment provided by an emotionally attuned other.

A partir de mon travail avec elle en tant qu'éditeur d'un certain nombre de ses articles, cet article cherche à mettre en lumière l'approche théorique et clinique aboutie d'Alessandra Cavalli à travers l'étudedu processus éditorial de ses articles jusqu'à leur publication. Ceci permet de souligner une synthèse cohérente qui intègre Klein, Fordham, Bion, Matte-Blanco et Ferrari dans une structure archétypale fermement ancrée chez Jung. Cette synthèse, finement entremêlée avec son travail clinique mais jamais complètement explicite, est principalement soucieuse de l'impact du traumatisme sur le développement du soi et comment cela pourrait être amélioré par le processus analytique, particulièrement par la transformation d'affects primitifs sensibles en forme représentationnelle grâce au contenant fourni par la relation à un autre bien accordé émotionnellement.

El presente trabajo busvca elucidar el abordaje teórico y clínico en el trabajo analítico de los últimos tiempos de Alessandra Cavalli, a través del estudio del proceso editorial de los mismos en vías a su publicación, a partir de mi experiencia de trabajar con ella como editor de la mayor parte de sus escritos. Se destaca una consistente síntesis teórica intengrando Klein, Fordham, Bion. Matte-Blanco y Ferrari en una estrauctura arquetipal firmemente enraizada en Jung. Esta síntesis, entrelazada en su trabajo clínico pero nunca totalmente articulada, se refirió al impacto del trauma en el desarrollo del self y como este podría ser mejorado a través del proceso analítico, especialmente a través de la transformación de la emoción arcaica en forma representacional vía la contención ofrecida por un otro emocionalmente-entonado.

Int J Psychoanal ; 102(4): 794-807, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34357847


The concept of Trauma in psychoanalysis has suffered from overuse and inconsistent use. A review of Freud's writings beginning with the Project indicates that from the perspective of the impact upon psychic processes, Freud held a more consistent view of the concept that, if recognized, can help avoid the often fruitless etiological debates of internal vs. external cause, intrinsic (drive) vs. extrinsic (reality) factors, etc. What is more helpful from a clinical perspective, is to view the various challenges that a given set of potentially trauma-inducing circumstances might pose for an individual, consider each individual's highly subjective mode of experiencing and responding to those challenges and take into account the supports offered in any instance by the specific familial, social or cultural surround. Each set of experiences that will be qualified as 'trauma' that any of us undergoes will to some extent be understood and integrated into our particular subjectivities according to our unique, subjective organizations of self, understandings of and position in the world.

Psicoanálisis , Teoría Freudiana , Humanos
Psicol. pesq ; 14(2): 179-195, maio-ago. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1125443


Este artigo aborda como o intelecto interage com as experiências emocionais. Constata-se existir cada vez mais indivíduos, de diferentes faixas etárias, que priorizam a busca de informações instantâneas sem investir no desenvolvimento do pensar/conhecer, bem como indivíduos que se desenvolvem intelectualmente, porém não conseguem lidar de modo compatível com as experiências emocionais. Propomos, no presente trabalho, uma reflexão sobre os aspectos defensivos que permeiam o desenvolvimento emocional/intelectual segundo Bion e Winnicott.

This article discusses how the intellect interacts with emotional experiences. Evidence shows that there are more and more individuals from different age groups who prioritize the search for instant information without investing in the development of thinking / knowing, as well as individuals who develop intellectually, but cannot cope with the emotional experiences. In this paper, we propose a reflection on the defensive aspects that permeate the emotional / intellectual development according to Bion and Winnicott.

Este artículo analiza cómo el intelecto interactúa con las experiencias emocionales. Existen evidencias de que hay cada vez más personas de diferentes grupos de edad que priorizan la búsqueda de informaciones instantáneas sin invertir en el desarrollo del pensamiento / conocimiento, así como personas que se desarrollan intelectualmente, pero no pueden hacer frente a las experiencias emocionales. En este artículo, proponemos una reflexión sobre los aspectos defensivos que impregnan el desarrollo emocional / intelectual según Bion y Winnicott.

J. psicanal ; 53(98): 81-93, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1154738


No artigo, a autora trata a reciprocidade como a reverberação entre analista e analisando, com foco no trabalho psicanalítico com adolescentes. Entende que é na adolescência que as confusões se ativam mais intensamente. A necessidade de destituir a autoridade dos pais externos confunde-se com a queda dos pais internos, o que deflagra a necessidade de identificação introjetiva -processo que, por sua vez, aparece no apego a figuras sociais, grupos musicais, esportivos e culturais. As ideias aqui desenvolvidas partem do conceito de reciprocidade estética (Meltzer, 1992; 1995), culminando em ampliações sobre os processos de identificação e introjeção, que se desenrolam exatamente nessa troca recíproca.

In this article, the author treats reciprocity as the reverberation between analyst and patient, focusing on psychoanalytic work with adolescents. She understands that it is in adolescence that confusions are most intensely activated. The need to remove the authority of external parents is confused with the fall of internal parents, which triggers the need for introjective identification - a process that, in turn, appears in the attachment to social figures, such as musicians, sportspeople and cultural groups. The ideas developed here are based on the concept of aesthetic reciprocity (Meltzer, 1992; 1995), culminating in expansions on the processes of identification and introjection, which take place exactly in this reciprocal exchange.

En el presente artículo, la autora trata la reciprocidad como la reverberación entre analista y analizando, centrándose en el trabajo psicoanalítico con adolescentes. Ella entiende que es en la adolescencia que las confusiones se activan más intensamente. La necesidad de eliminar la autoridad de los padres externos se confunde con la caída de los padres internos, lo que desencadena la necesidad de una identificación introyectiva, un proceso que, a su vez, aparece en el apego a figuras sociales, grupos musicales, deportivos y culturales. Las ideas desarrolladas aquí parten del concepto de reciprocidad estética (Meltzer, 1992; 1995), que culmina en expansiones en los procesos de identificación e introyección, que tienen lugar exactamente en este intercambio recíproco.

Dans cet article, l'auteur traite la réciprocité comme la réverbération entre l'analyste et l'analysant, en se concentrant sur le travail psychanalytique avec les adolescents. Elle comprend que c'est à l'adolescence que les confusions sont le plus intensément activées. La nécessité de retirer l'autorité des parents externes est confondue avec la chute des parents internes, ce qui déclenche la nécessité d'une identification introjective - un processus qui, à son tour, apparaît comme attaché aux figures sociales, aux groupes musicaux, sportifs et culturels. Les idées développées ici partent du concept de réciprocité esthétique (Meltzer, 1992; 1995), aboutissant à des développements sur les processus d'identification et d'introjection, qui se déroulent exactement dans cet échange réciproque.

Psicoanálisis , Adolescente , Estética , Pacientes
Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 21(3): 55-68, dez. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1223496


A obesidade é uma patologia crônica, caracterizada pelo acúmulo progressivo de gordura corporal, com impactos significativos na saúde física e mental dos sujeitos. Ela se apresenta como um desafio para os psicoterapeutas tento em vista sua crescente prevalência nas mais diversas fases do desenvolvimento humano. Para tanto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para o entendimento da relação entre a função-alfa descrita por W. Bion e o desenvolvimento da obesidade. Dessa maneira, buscou-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa com o intuito de analisar o desdobramento desse tema nas pesquisas atuais. Para elaboração deste estudo foi utilizado o seguinte protocolo: definição do tema, do problema e objetivos de pesquisa, estabelecimento de critérios de inclusão e exclusão, estratégias de busca, avaliação dos textos na íntegra e interpretação dos resultados. Concluiu-se que, há um número escasso de pesquisas com essa temática, entretanto, pode-se concluir que a relação entre a função-alfa e o desenvolvimento da obesidade possui uma dinâmica estreita, já que o déficit na função-alfa não permitirá a transformação dos elementos-beta em elementos-alfa, conferindo concretude à experiência emocional do sujeito. Dessa maneira, para o paciente obeso, o alimento cede lugar à simbolização das vivências, ficando com a função de minimizar elementos impensáveis e incontroláveis.(AU)

Obesity is a chronic condition characterized by the progressive accumulation of body fat, with significant impacts on the physical and mental health of the subjects. It presents itself as a challenge for psychotherapists because of its increasing prevalence in various stages of human development. However, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between the alpha function described by W. Bion and the development of obesity. Thus, we sought to conduct a narrative bibliographic review in order to analyze the unfolding of this theme in current research. The following protocol was used to elaborate this study: definition of the theme, problem and research objectives, establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria, search strategies, full text evaluation and interpretation of results. It is concluded that there is a scarce number of researches on this subject, however, it can be concluded that the relationship between alpha-function and the development of obesity has a narrow dynamic, since the alpha-function deficit will not allow transformation of beta-elements into alpha-elements, giving concreteness to the emotional experience of the subject. Thus, for the obese patient, food gives way to the symbolization of experiences, leaving the function of minimizing unthinkable and uncontrollable elements.(AU)

La obesidad es una condición crónica caracterizada por la acumulación progresiva de grasa corporal, con impactos significativos en la salud física y mental de los sujetos. Se presenta como un desafío para los psicoterapeutas debido a su creciente prevalencia en diversas etapas del desarrollo humano. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir a la comprensión de la relación entre la función alfa descrita por W. Bion y el desarrollo de la obesidad. Por lo tanto, buscamos realizar una revisión bibliográfica narrativa para analizar el desarrollo de este tema en la investigación actual. El siguiente protocolo se utilizó para elaborar este estudio: definición del tema, problema y objetivos de investigación, establecimiento de criterios de inclusión y exclusión, estrategias de búsqueda, evaluación de texto completo e interpretación de resultados. Se concluye que existe uno escaso número de investigación es sobre este tema, sin embargo, se puede concluir que la relación entre la función alfa y el desarrollo de la obesidad tiene una dinámica estrecha, ya que el déficit de la función alfa no permitirá transformación de elementos beta en elementos alfa, dando concreción a la experiencia emocional del sujeto. Así, para el paciente obeso, la comida da paso a la simbolización de experiencias, dejando la función de minimizar elementos impensables e incontrolables.(AU)

Psicoanálisis , Obesidad
Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 22(1): 25-37, abr.2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1223787


O estudo das teorias de Wilfred R. Bion é desafiador tanto para os iniciantes na psicanálise como para os mais experientes que estão em contato com sua obra há décadas. Ele demanda tolerância à não compreensão imediatista dos conceitos apresentados e paciência aos paradoxos propostos. Em sua obra, apresenta definições de extrema importância para o pensamento clínico e metateórico psicanalítico que justifica a necessidade visceral de aprofundamento em seus escritos. O presente trabalho pretende revisar os conceitos de função alfa, elementos alfa, elementos beta, barreira de contato, tela beta, reversão da perspectiva e de objetos bizarros expostos pelo autor em seu livro: Aprendendo com a Experiência. Para isso, o autor lança mão de três gráficos com o intuito de elucidar, de forma imagética, os conceitos citados em seu primeiro contato mais aprofundado com a Teoria das Funções.(AU)

The study of Wilfred R. Bion's theories is challenging for both beginners in psychoanalysis and the more experienced who have been in contact with his work for decades. It demands tolerance to non-understanding of the presented concepts and patience to the proposed paradoxes. In his work, he presents definitions of extreme importance for psychoanalytic clinical and metatheory thinking that justifies the need for deepening in his writings. The present work intends to review the concepts of alpha function, alpha elements, beta elements, contact barrier, beta screen, perspective reversal and bizarre objects exposed by the author in his book: Learning from Experience. For this, the author uses three graphs to elucidate, in an imaginary way, the concepts mentioned in his first more in-depth contact with the theory of functions.(AU)

El estudio de las teorías de Wilfred R. Bion es desafiador tanto para los principiantes en el psicoanálisis y para los más experimentados que están en contacto con su obra desde hace décadas. Él demanda tolerancia a la no comprensión inmediatista de los conceptos presentados y paciencia a las paradojas propuestas. En su obra, presenta definiciones de extrema importancia para el pensamiento clínico y metateórico psicoanalítico que justifica la necesidad visceral de profundización en sus escritos. El presente trabajo pretende revisar los conceptos de función alfa, elementos alfa, elementos beta, barrera de contacto, pantalla beta, reversión de la perspectiva y de objetos bizarros expuestos por el autor en su libro: Aprendiendo con la Experiencia. Para ello, el autor lanza mano de tres gráficos con la intención de elucidar, de forma imagética, los conceptos citados en su primer contacto más profundo con la Teoría de las Funciones.(AU)

Psicoanálisis , Teoría Psicoanalítica
J. psicanal ; 52(97): 83-98, jul.-dez. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1114946


Propomos neste trabalho avaliar o que ocorre aos indivíduos em relação ao aprender no ambiente escolar/acadêmico e profissional, que não conseguem se dispor às demandas do pensar/conhecer. Observamos os possíveis fatores emocionais que impedem/interferem nesse processo e que trazem repercussões relacionais significativas na vida do indivíduo. Os conceitos fundamentados neste estudo são, principalmente, os relativos aos aspectos primitivos do desenvolvimento e também os presentes em uma teoria sobre o pensar (Bion, 1962/1994b). Por meio deles, procuramos demonstrar de que forma o trabalho psicanalítico pode favorecer ao indivíduo a obtenção de um desenvolvimento mais saudável.

We propose in this paper to evaluate what happens to individuals in relation to learning in the school/academic and professional environment, who are unable to meet the demands of thinking/knowing. We observe the possible emotional factors that hinder/interfere in this process and that bring significant relational repercussions in the individual's life. The concepts grounded in this study are mainly those relating to the primitive aspects of development and also those present in a theory of thinking (Bion, 1962/1994b). Through them, we seek to demonstrate how psychoanalytic work can favor the individual to achieve a healthier development.

En este documento, proponemos evaluar lo que les sucede a las personas en relación con el aprendizaje en el entorno escolar/académico y profesional, que no pueden satisfacer las demandas de pensar/saber. Observamos los posibles factores emocionales que dificultan/interfieren en este proceso y que traen importantes repercusiones relacionales en la vida del individuo. Los conceptos basados en este estudio son principalmente los relacionados con los aspectos primitivos del desarrollo y también los presentes en una teoría del pensamiento (Bion, 1962/1994b). A través de ellos, buscamos demostrar cómo el trabajo psicoanalítico puede favorecer al individuo para lograr un desarrollo más saludable.

Nous proposons dans cet article d'évaluer ce qui arrive aux individus en relation avec l'apprentissage dans l'environnement scolaire/académique et professionnel, qui sont incapables de répondre aux exigences de la pensée/connaissance. Nous observons les facteurs émotionnels possibles qui entravent/interfèrent dans ce processus et apportent des répercussions relationnelles importantes dans la vie de l'individu. Les concepts fondés dans cette étude sont principalement ceux relatifs aux aspects primitifs du développement et également à ceux présents dans une théorie de la pensée (Bion, 1962/1994b). À travers eux, nous cherchons à démontrer comment le travail psychanalytique peut favoriser l'individu pour parvenir à un développement plus sain.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 53(3): 133-149, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1288841


Neste artigo, a autora trata de sua experiência clínica com Moscarda, paciente nomeado com base na obra de Luigi Pirandello. Esse nome é utilizado por aludir à intensidade do contato do analista com pacientes que apresentam fortes traços psicóticos. No caso abordado, a aproximação com o estranho no paciente, na analista e na dupla foi um estímulo à reflexão sobre os desafios do analista em sua mente, para desenvolver sua função alfa e mantê-la operante, e sobre a importância do trabalho de working toward, a fim de alcançar a mente primitiva do paciente e acessar e desenvolver a função alfa dele a partir da experiência emocional do analista.

In this article the author talks about her clinical experience with Moscarda, a patient named based on Luigi Pirandello's work. This name is used as it refers to the intense contact between the analyst and the patients who show strong psychotic traces. In the case discussed, the closeness to the strange from the patient, to the analyst and both, was brought for critical thinking on the challenges the analyst has in her mind, in order to develop its alpha function and keep it working, as well as on the relevance of the working toward, in order to reach the patient's primitive mind and access and develop his alpha function from the analyst's emotional experience.

En este artículo, la autora aborda su experiencia clínica con Moscarda, paciente nombrado con base en la obra de Luigi Pirandello. Este nombre se utiliza para hacer alusión a la intensidad del contacto del analista con pacientes que presentan fuertes rasgos psicóticos. En el caso abordado, la aproximación con lo extraño en el paciente, en la analista y el dúo fue un estímulo a la reflexión sobre los desafíos del analista en su mente, para desarrollar su función alfa y mantenerla operativa, y sobre la importancia del trabajo de working toward, con el objetivo de alcanzar la mente primitiva del paciente y acceder y desarrollar su función alfa a partir de la experiencia emocional del analista.

Dans cet article l'auteur aborde son expérience clinique avec Moscarda, un patient dont le nom a son origine dans l'oeuvre de Luigi Pirandello. Il est employé pour faire allusion à l'intensité du contact de l'analyste avec les patients qui présentent d'importants traits psychotiques. Dans le cas évoqué, la proximité à l'étrange, qui concerne soit le patient, soit l'analyste soit les deux, a été un stimulus à la réflexion sur les défis de l'analyste dans son esprit, pour développer sa fonction alpha et la maintenir en activité et, encore, sur l'importance du travail de working toward, afin d'atteindre l'esprit primitif du patient et d'accéder et développer la fonction alpha de ce dernier, qui se fonde sur l'expérience émotionnelle de l'analyste.

Front Psychol ; 9: 1674, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30319479


With the publication of Wilfred Bion's text 'Learning from Experience,' psychoanalysis was afforded a new schema for understanding the processes and implications involved in an infant's contact with their caregivers. As a result, our conception of some of the most fundamental phenomena of psychic life was significantly enriched. By proposing his theory of alpha-functioning, Bion mapped out how meaningful connexions to the internal and external worlds become established in the mind. In contrast, and through working clinically with psychotic patients, Bion revealed how these ties can catastrophically come undone. It is with these ideas, as well as their links to a corresponding set of neuroscientific constructs relating to the Markov blanket and principally developed by Karl Friston, that this paper is concerned. Through an investigation of the psychic functioning originally dubbed 'dream-work-alpha,' the paper's first section focuses on how Bion conceived of the creation of a 'contact-barrier' that allows for the differentiation of consciousness from an unconscious mind. Casting the ramifications of this organisation in sharp relief, the psychotic disorganisation of the contact-barrier is then explored. The discussion subsequently broadens to incorporate contemporary theories from free energy neuroscience that bear significant and illuminating relations to the psychoanalytic ideas espoused by Bion over half a century ago. Finally, through posing a series of three questions with accompanying discussions, a superimposition of these theoretical schemas is attempted. These suggestions directly address, (1) whether there is an intimate connexion between the interoceptive contact-barrier and the exteroceptive Markov blanket, (2) whether a disobjectalising of the contact-barrier may be reflected as a tear in the functional fabric of the Markov blanket, and (3) what the clinical implications are of working at the level of the projected surface. Ultimately, the aim of the paper is to expose relevant points of contact within and between the varying conceptual frameworks; frameworks that ultimately derive from disciplines that are both concerned with examining the underlying mechanisms of the mind-brain.

J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 66(2): 193-220, 2018 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29708415


The psychotic part of the personality is seen as a multidimensional mental realm that is fully comprehensible only through intuition and tolerance of approximations, transience, and the notion of infinity. It is suggested that a major differentiating factor between the psychotic and nonpsychotic parts of the personality is the capacity to tolerate the infinite complexity of the human mind. With the use of mathematical concepts, Bion tries to describe the state of mind required of the analyst who endeavors to tread on psychotic territories of the personality. Bion is in effect trying to describe the intensity, violence, and fortitude of the transformation of the emotional experience generated by the psychotic as opposed to the nonpsychotic part of personality. Viewed from this vertex, transference is the path by which the unrepressed and unrepresentable unconscious can evolve and express itself. It is the function by which the individual can live through for the first time aspects of his mental life that have never been experienced. This is illustrated with a number of clinical vignettes highlighting different aspects of our capacity to get in touch with this nonsensuous realm of the psychoanalytic encounter.

Sueños/psicología , Personalidad , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Trastornos Psicóticos/psicología , Inconsciente en Psicología , Humanos
J. psicanal ; 50(93): 111-126, dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-894129


A autora inicia com a retomada do texto fundante da psicanálise, "A interpretação dos sonhos", comentando algo da história de sua escrita e apresentando um resumo das ideias principais de Freud sobre o processo onírico. Busca em alguns autores as ideias próprias sobre sonhos, sonhar e trabalho clínico com sonhos, tentando reconhecer uma invariância com as proposições freudianas, bem como extensões e desenvolvimentos. O texto é permeado por vinhetas clínicas, que visam ilustrar algo do que está sendo apresentado.

The author starts her paper by revisiting the fundamental text of Psychoanalysis, "The interpretation of dreams". She comments on the history of its writing and she summarizes Freud's main ideas about the oneiric process. She searches for other authors' own ideas about dreams, dreaming, and the work with dreams in the clinical practice. The author's purpose is to recognize an invariance when she compares these ideas and Freudian propositions as well as extensions and developments. She uses clinical vignettes in order to illustrate some of the ideas presented herein.

La autora comienza retomando el texto fundamental del psicoanálisis "La interpretación de los sueños". Hace algunos comentarios sobre la historia de este texto y presenta un resumen de las ideas principales de Freud sobre el proceso onírico. Busca, en otros autores, sus propias ideas sobre sueños, el soñar y el trabajo clínico con sueños, tratando de reconocer una invariancia con relación a las proposiciones freudianas, como también extensiones y desarrollos. En este texto, la autora presenta varias viñetas clínicas, que ilustran el tema que está siendo presentando.

L'auteur commence par la reprise du texte fondateur de la psychanalyse, "L'interprétation des rêves", en faisant des commentaires sur l'histoire de son écriture et en présentant un résumé des principales idées de Freud sur le processus onirique. Il cherche les idées concernant l'acte de rêver, les rêves et le travail clinique des rêves chez certains auteurs, en essayant de reconnaître une invariance des propositions freudiennes, ainsi que leurs extensions et leurs développements. Le texte est parsemé de vignettes cliniques qui visent à illustrer un peu de ce qui est présenté.

J. psicanal ; 50(93): 149-157, dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-894132


A autora, inspirada na ideia de que psicanálise é feita em pequenas doses, aborda questões relativas a ser, a sonhos e a verdades partindo da experiência de uma única sessão analítica. A reviravolta vivida nessa sessão instrumentaliza a cesura que faz emergir o desconhecido, o fora do script. O artigo levanta a hipótese de que sonhos são formas estéticas que verdades encontram para se apresentar na sessão analítica.

Inspired by the idea that psychoanalysis is carried out in small doses, the author addresses issues related to being, dreams and truths based upon the experience of a single analytical session. The session turnaround enables the caesura that allows the emergence of the unknown, the out-of-the-script, and the dreams. The paper's hypothesis is that dreams are the aesthetic form used by truths to present themselves in the analytical session.

La autora, inspirada en la idea de que psicoanálisis se lleva a cabo en pequeñas dosis, aborda cuestiones relacionadas a ser, a sueños y a verdades, partiendo de la experiencia de una única sesión analítica. La virada vivida en esa sesión viabiliza la cesura que hace surgir lo desconocido, el fuera-de-script. El artículo plantea la hipótesis de que sueños son formas estéticas que verdades descubren para presentarse en la sesión analítica.

Inspirée par l'idée que la psychanalyse est faite de petites doses, l'auteur relève des questions relatives à être, aux rêves et aux vérités, en s'appuyant sur l'expérience d'une seule séance d'analyse. Le revirement vécu dans cette séance permet à la césure faire ressortir l'inconnu, le hors du script. L'article soulève l'hypothèse que les rêves sont des formes esthétiques trouvés par les vérités, pour pouvoir se présenter dans la séance analytique.

Psychoanal Q ; 86(2): 451-462, 2017 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28628967


The Bi-Personal Field: Experiences in Child Psychoanalysis. By Antonino Ferro. New York: Routledge, 1992 (1999). 232 pp. The Intimate Room: Theory and Technique of the Analytic Field. By Giuseppe Civitarese. New York: Routledge, 2008 (2010). 240 pp. The Necessary Dream: New Theories and Techniques of Interpretation in Psychoanalysis. By Giuseppe Civitarese; translated by Ian Harvey. London: Karnac, 2013 (2014). 246 pp. The Analytic Field and Its Transformations. By Antonino Ferro and Giuseppe Civitarese. London: Karnac, 2015. 224 pp.

Int J Psychoanal ; 98(5): 1333-1357, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28083959


This paper attempts to elaborate a fundamental brain mechanism involved in the creation and maintenance of symbolic fields of thought. It will integrate theories of psychic spaces as explored by Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion with the neuroscientific examinations of those with bilateral hippocampal injury to show how evidence from both disciplines sheds important light on this aspect of mind. Possibly originating as a way of maintaining an oriented, first person psychic map, this capacity allows individuals a dynamic narrative access to a realm of layered elements and their connections. If the proposed hypothesis is correct, the hippocampus facilitates the integration of this symbolic field of mind, where narrative forms of thinking, creativity, memory, and dreaming are intertwined. Without the hippocampus, there is an inability to engage many typical forms of thought itself. Also, noting the ways these individuals are not impaired supports theories about other faculties of mind, providing insight into their possible roles within human thought. The evidence of different systems working in conjunction with the symbolic field provides tantalizing clues about these fundamental mechanisms of brain and mind that are normally seamlessly integrated, and hints at future areas of clinical and laboratory research, both within neuroscience and psychoanalysis.

Amnesia/fisiopatología , Sueños/fisiología , Hipocampo/fisiología , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Sueño/fisiología , Pensamiento/fisiología , Hipocampo/fisiopatología , Humanos
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 64(4): 729-49, 2016 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27474086


Analysts who conduct trauma-focused treatments have much to learn from Wilfred Bion's contributions to the understanding and treatment of PTSD. Concepts such as catastrophe and catastrophic change can illuminate the subjective experience of PTSD patients, the beta screen concept sheds light on dissociative phenomena, and, as shown in a clinical vignette, the analyst can use his alpha function to transform the patient's fragmented raw material into alpha elements. A second clinical vignette shows how during a cognitive intervention the analyst can impart this alpha function to the patient and use his reverie to help the patient assimilate previously intolerable fragments into a coherent narrative. Finally, the idea of knowing mental pain (Bion's K) is discussed in relation to the processing of traumatic memories.

Teoría Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Pensamiento , Humanos
Psychoanal Q ; 84(4): 841-65, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26443947


This paper explores some implications of Bleger's (1967, 2013) concept of the analytic situation, which he views as comprising the analytic setting and the analytic process. The author discusses Bleger's idea of the analytic setting as the depositary for projected painful aspects in either the analyst or patient or both-affects that are then rendered as nonprocess. In contrast, the contents of the analytic process are subject to an incessant process of transformation (Green 2005). The author goes on to enumerate various components of the analytic setting: the nonhuman, object relational, and the analyst's "person" (including mental functioning). An extended clinical vignette is offered as an illustration.

Sueños/psicología , Relaciones Profesional-Paciente , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Transferencia Psicológica , Adulto , Humanos
Int J Psychoanal ; 95(2): 245-70, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24588474


A clinical vignette is used as the starting point for an exploration of Bion's notion of a contact-barrier, which "separates mental phenomena into two groups one of which performs the functions of consciousness and the other the functions of unconsciousness" (Bion, 1962a, p. 22), and its relation to Freud's drive theory. Bion's concept is compared to Freud's (1950[1895]) description of the 'contact-barrier' in the Project for a scientific psychology. Through this comparison, light is shed on various aspects of Bion's metapsychology, especially on the notion of 'beta-elements', described by Bion in quantitative/energetic terms as 'accretions of stimuli'. The processing of beta-elements through the function of the contact-barrier is understood as an elaboration of Freud's notion of the 'binding' of the drives, with the difference that beta-elements encompass 'unprocessed' external stimuli as well as impulses arising from within. The 'beta-element' and the 'drives' are both understood as concepts that delimit what is knowable in the psyche. Further clinical material is presented to illustrate the author's argument that Bion's contact-barrier and related concepts (alpha function, containment) should be understood with reference to the economic/energetic aspect of Freud's metapsychology.

Impulso (Psicología) , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Niño , Humanos , Masculino , Inconsciente en Psicología
Rev. psicanal ; 21(1): 29-56, abr. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-716766


Bion foi o primeiro a expressar insatisfação pela grade. No entanto, atribui-lhe um papel central em alguns dos seus escritos mais importantes. De fato, a grade não se mostra útil aos fins para os quais foi criada (registrar a sessão, aumentar a capacidade de observação do analista etc.), mas para compreender e ampliar o pensamento de Bion. Com intuitiva presteza, a grade permite visualizar a estreita dialética entre os vários conceitos da sua teoria da mente. Em particular a coluna 2, oportunamente reinterpretada por Grotstein como a coluna do sonho, ajuda a captar o significado que Bion atribui à pulsão de verdade.

Bion was the first to express dissatisfaction with the grid. Still, he attributed it a central role in some of his most important writings. In fact, the grid does not prove useful for the purposes for which it was created (to document the session, to enhance the observational ability of the analyst, etc.), but to understand and expand upon Bion’s thinking. With intuitive adroitness, the grid depicts the dialectic relationship between the various concepts of Bion’s theory of the mind. Especially column 2, timely reinterpreted by Grotstein as the dream column, helps grasp the significance that Bion assigned to the truth drive.

Bion ha sido el primero en expresar insatisfacción hacia la tabla. Sin embargo le asignó un rol central en algunos de sus escritos más importantes. De hecho, la tabla no se demuestra útil para los fines que se pensaba antes (es decir, registrar as sesiones, incrementar la capacidad de observación del analista, etc.), sino para comprender mejor y ampliar el pensamiento de Bion. Con intuitiva inmediatez, la tabla evidencia la escucha dialéctica que existe entre los varios conceptos de su teoría de la mente. En particular, la columna 2, convenientemente rebautizada por Grotstein como la columna del sueño, ayuda a coger el significado que Bion asigna a la pulsión de la verdad.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Observación , Teoría de la Mente , Decepción , Formación de Concepto/clasificación
Rev. psicanal ; 21(1): 29-56, abr. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-65060


Bion foi o primeiro a expressar insatisfação pela grade. No entanto, atribui-lhe um papel central em alguns dos seus escritos mais importantes. De fato, a grade não se mostra útil aos fins para os quais foi criada (registrar a sessão, aumentar a capacidade de observação do analista etc.), mas para compreender e ampliar o pensamento de Bion. Com intuitiva presteza, a grade permite visualizar a estreita dialética entre os vários conceitos da sua teoria da mente. Em particular a coluna 2, oportunamente reinterpretada por Grotstein como a coluna do sonho, ajuda a captar o significado que Bion atribui à pulsão de verdade. (AU)

Bion was the first to express dissatisfaction with the grid. Still, he attributed it a central role in some of his most important writings. In fact, the grid does not prove useful for the purposes for which it was created (to document the session, to enhance the observational ability of the analyst, etc.), but to understand and expand upon Bion’s thinking. With intuitive adroitness, the grid depicts the dialectic relationship between the various concepts of Bion’s theory of the mind. Especially column 2, timely reinterpreted by Grotstein as the dream column, helps grasp the significance that Bion assigned to the truth drive. (AU)

Bion ha sido el primero en expresar insatisfacción hacia la tabla. Sin embargo le asignó un rol central en algunos de sus escritos más importantes. De hecho, la tabla no se demuestra útil para los fines que se pensaba antes (es decir, registrar as sesiones, incrementar la capacidad de observación del analista, etc.), sino para comprender mejor y ampliar el pensamiento de Bion. Con intuitiva inmediatez, la tabla evidencia la escucha dialéctica que existe entre los varios conceptos de su teoría de la mente. En particular, la columna 2, convenientemente rebautizada por Grotstein como la columna del sueño, ayuda a coger el significado que Bion asigna a la pulsión de la verdad. (AU)

Teoría de la Mente , Observación , Psicoanálisis